Hmm ok. My previous sin was pure dex....liked it....thought maybe a lil bit of vit at the beginning would be nice....but nah...i did make it without it quite well. thx for the reply btw^^
PWE feels so Pro and then again feels bad for all the other games, so they advertise them , to let them get at least a bit attention^^
Would agree with you Michael but this time she just offers her service for free. Why not bump it since not many ppl will see it. Tho it is in the wrong section
congratz morty on finally getting a gf. Even if its just igname...aslong as u are happy we have to respekt that^^
Actually it works quite well for me. Dunno what you doin wrong there
I actually like this one. As for the pure dex....doesn't bother me since i did it anyway^^
@ Sint. Actually you aren't as informed as you think. Yes sins so far are OP , mainly because of sparkin and still remaining in stealth. Many QQed about that. But please don't make assumptions of ur kind. Sins are quite hard to play, lower lvl suxs even more than wizzis. They need great deal of control to use the skills.…
Lol if you want decent answers stop asking darn stupid questions....don't bother with monkeys, they will laugh at you for such a question. Hell if there was such thing as a best pvp class every pvper would play it. As you can see they don't. Use ur damn brain(if you have one) and play the class you feel comfortable with.…
actually we all know ur just an idiot who seeks attention. Lvling is easy but that doesn't mean you get to 90 in a blink of an eye. Getting exited just because you found your "guide"(which btw is far from completed and so outdated) in google....well thats pathetic. Get some infos on how search engines work. Get some…
This time your "making a point" has nothing to do with his statement. You just used a fact that you ALMOST 2-shot a wizzi which by itself is quite hillarious.
Not experienced with that but i think i terms of grinding the Bm would be on top. In terms of lvling...well with the current system its easy to lvl up anything. Daylies are overflowing the game.
lol, i won't insult you but here s the kicker....There is no private server with Tideborns a matter of fact there are not even private servers with genies in it.
Lingzi your talking as if you use normal attacks after chill of the Deep. Lol its made for skill spamming(and its good for nto taking aggro with normal attack) and skill spamming does not depend on attack speed. And most of our Attack Skills have short cooldowns...As for the Skills with good boni like % crit rate or…
Another QQ. Stealth is needed for sins. get used to that. As for triple spark, yes it is OP but as far as i heard it will get nerfed....the spark itself and the fact that you can spark stealthed....will get u out fo stealth.
I won't post all the armor and wep needed to attain the 5dps with demon spark but it will be a pain to get those pieces. That will take a lot of time if you aren't spending rl money. And yes you can be a good assassin with daggers. I personally believe it is the better choice than fists. more Dmg output. As for chi. You…
guess money wasn't enough for we need to learn chinese to play^^
WTS means want to sell and WTB means want to buy. For future questions you may have LFS- looking for squad HH/TT- Holy hall, Twilight temple(instance to get decent gear^^)
Most of my answers were short and maybe nto that good, so you guys just correct me. I am not the type for explanations^^
^ pretty much. Have fun one-shotting us.b:bye(it is possible, but not as easy as ppl make it out to be)
Wow......just even oracles need guides.....what has PW turn into *sign* Well on the bright side....not everyone is so stupid.
His site looks better^^
lol made my day nice one^^
I completly agree with everyone here. Bhs became the main source(at lower lvl...and maybe even at later lvl) for lvling. But not everyone has so mcuh time or money to constantly port back and forth. I really hope they will make sth to get it doen faster. like an NPC in the dungeons or instant completion of the…
I for once don't use CoD. Its too Mp Heavy and i am not a skill spammer....till now i thought of getting -interval gear(to save for that i mean) but since Demon Spar is getting screwed i am concidering goin for sage and lvling my CoD up aswell. Dmg output will be great and bout the Mp Cost....Well have to live with that^^
Two actually + genie + (Sleep+Silence= "stun"). Its doable but i don't think we are better stunlockers than BMs.
First of all, Airyll, Thank you for providing great entertainment. I couldn't stop laughing And to the Idiots, urbandetox and Must. Just shut up will ya? Your idiocy already got me embaressing for even reading your posts. Must, How on earth did youg et to 100? Don't tell me you rarely use oracles and hyper. Honestly i…
don't want to desturb your happy moments but i honestly can'T understand what the big deal about seeing a GM is. They are jsut human, like us....except, they are workign like that.
go play Battle of Immortals, you'll see him there(forum)
Well the general topic is fail...just QQing...and bout the pvp are you really thinking just because you have no safe button after lvl 30 you are the god of pvp? The only thing you are good at is getting ganked and...yes getting ganked. Or well, gank lowbies(at ur lvl it is possible). Thats it, and i wouldn't be…
First of all its engame pvp we are talking about. At your lvl you didn't even get the vital skills And Barbs are naturalyl our counterparts(Bms aswell) at Midlvls. So just lvl up get to 80+ and you will see a difference