new sin - need help

Ayako_x - Heavens Tear
Posts: 9 Arc User
I'm a low lvl assassin right now, but I was just curious about how they pvp. I've heard their good and seen lots of guides about how to kill other people, but what about defending ourselves?
Is the only way to hide? But would people call you a coward? I've seen on forums that people have said that....but it's our skill to make up for our low hp....
But anyways, if someone 'surprises' us before we get a chance, would it be too late to hide and get them back? Or what if we're low on mp during the fight, would we just be screwed then? lol.
Also, what do you think about a sin/psychic team? My sister and I play together and we're really not into pvp but I'm just curious for if we ever decide to. (opinion question, but in general, which class do you think is the most successful in pvp? Or one that shouldn't be underestimated & watch out for..)
I've been looking at our skills, and I know we're able to teleport right up to our target and sneak attack them or w/e but do we have one to tele away from them also? Or would our get away tactic also be to hide and just get out of there asap?
About Parties... Is it hard for us to get a party or do people want us? I'm sure not as much as a cleric or tank obviously, but don't have to beg for one to get in do we? >_<
In pve.. well.. we have one of the best bleed (I think) but what use is that if a mage/psychic can kill it so fast it doesn't really get to do it's job... I guess what I'm asking is, we don't have the highest dps right? So do we have something else that makes up for that?
Sorry for all the questions, but there's only so many hours I can spend searching forums for answers that are helpful but not specific enough.
Please no sarcastic comments... I need help b:surrender thanks.
Edit: One more question...I don't understand how "weapon switching" works. I read that some assassins use a bow and switch to daggers once they get up close? Or use fists? But you can't use your skills?
Is the only way to hide? But would people call you a coward? I've seen on forums that people have said that....but it's our skill to make up for our low hp....
But anyways, if someone 'surprises' us before we get a chance, would it be too late to hide and get them back? Or what if we're low on mp during the fight, would we just be screwed then? lol.
Also, what do you think about a sin/psychic team? My sister and I play together and we're really not into pvp but I'm just curious for if we ever decide to. (opinion question, but in general, which class do you think is the most successful in pvp? Or one that shouldn't be underestimated & watch out for..)
I've been looking at our skills, and I know we're able to teleport right up to our target and sneak attack them or w/e but do we have one to tele away from them also? Or would our get away tactic also be to hide and just get out of there asap?
About Parties... Is it hard for us to get a party or do people want us? I'm sure not as much as a cleric or tank obviously, but don't have to beg for one to get in do we? >_<
In pve.. well.. we have one of the best bleed (I think) but what use is that if a mage/psychic can kill it so fast it doesn't really get to do it's job... I guess what I'm asking is, we don't have the highest dps right? So do we have something else that makes up for that?
Sorry for all the questions, but there's only so many hours I can spend searching forums for answers that are helpful but not specific enough.
Please no sarcastic comments... I need help b:surrender thanks.
Edit: One more question...I don't understand how "weapon switching" works. I read that some assassins use a bow and switch to daggers once they get up close? Or use fists? But you can't use your skills?
Post edited by Ayako_x - Heavens Tear on
I'm a low lvl assassin right now, but I was just curious about how they pvp. I've heard their good and seen lots of guides about how to kill other people, but what about defending ourselves?
Well as far as Defending goes, you have: Deaden Nerves(prevents 1-shottings for one time), Bloodpaint(insane Hp recovery as you attack, leeching), Tidal Protection(25% chance to reduce magical and physical dmg to 1).
Evasion is pretty broken so sharding with Citrines for HP is the best choice later
Is the only way to hide? But would people call you a coward? I've seen on forums that people have said that....but it's our skill to make up for our low hp....
Exactly, its our skill and nessecary for our survival, those who cannot deal with it are ust QQers that get owned by sins. There are many who can deal with that
But anyways, if someone 'surprises' us before we get a chance, would it be too late to hide and get them back? Or what if we're low on mp during the fight, would we just be screwed then? lol.
You can sleep or stun(not requiring much mana) the opponent and gain distance or time for stealthing(in case of low mana). Then there are Genies(not requiring mana at all). Allmost every class is screwed without mana, but if you still wanna fight, go for sparking and normal attack.
As for general surprising: The one who gets the first hit has usually the advantage (thats why we sins have it easier duo stealth) So unless you have good Genie Skills you are pretty much screwed if the player is good, then again there are always those who fail at pking
Also, what do you think about a sin/psychic team? My sister and I play together and we're really not into pvp but I'm just curious for if we ever decide to. (opinion question, but in general, which class do you think is the most successful in pvp? Or one that shouldn't be underestimated & watch out for..)
Personally i believe every class has the potentioal to be deadly in pvp, you jstu need to find out how. What you should watch out for is pretty much every class, especially venos(HA venos) with nix. Easiest class to deal with as an assasin is the Archer. We are pretty much teh Anti-Archers.
I've been looking at our skills, and I know we're able to teleport right up to our target and sneak attack them or w/e but do we have one to tele away from them also? Or would our get away tactic also be to hide and just get out of there asap?
To tele away you have to pick a target away from the opponent, no other way. Stealthing is not always good duo casting time. Tele would sometimes be better. But stealth is our main escape skill^^
About Parties... Is it hard for us to get a party or do people want us? I'm sure not as much as a cleric or tank obviously, but don't have to beg for one to get in do we? >_<
Depends on the server i guess. I on heavens tear hadn't problems with that. We are great DDs and we don't have to hold back since we can reset aggro. There will always be people who hate tideborns and won't invite you. You have to deal with that^^
In pve.. well.. we have one of the best bleed (I think) but what use is that if a mage/psychic can kill it so fast it doesn't really get to do it's job... I guess what I'm asking is, we don't have the highest dps right? So do we have something else that makes up for that?
Actually we have the highest DPS(Damage per Second). Of course i am only comparing the avarage build not the fist bm 5dps. Our crit are higher duo wolf emplem, for 8 seconds we have the highest critrate ingame. Our attack speed is 1.25. We are pretty good at that. As for DPH(Damage per Hit). There you can use chill of the Deep. Best choice for skill spammer(we have nto the highest DPH but not too shabby either). Bleed is good cause we sins are squishy and at lower lvls we die a lot if it weren't for our sleep and bleed. Basically you bleed the mob adn sleep it. Saves you time and since bleed is powerfull it kills fast(or reduces Hp fast)
Sorry for all the questions, but there's only so many hours I can spend searching forums for answers that are helpful but not specific enough.
Please no sarcastic comments... I need help thanks.
Edit: One more question...I don't understand how "weapon switching" works. I read that some assassins use a bow and switch to daggers once they get up close? Or use fists? But you can't use your skills?
Yes you can Hotkey the different Weapons. F.e Bows. So you switch to the bow and attack from range, When the Target comes close you switch via Hotkeys to daggers and that way you can use skills. Fists are mainly used because they have the highest dps.
Most of my answers were short and maybe nto that good, so you guys just correct me. I am not the type for explanations^^0 -
Thanks a lot, you were very helpful!
I have a couple more questions if it's okay...
1. What the hell is QQ'ing?? I understand what it means...and what people are refering to when they say it but what does it stand for?????
2. You said fist are high dps, and that's without skills? So it would still be better than if we were using skilsl with daggers?
3. What does it mean to spark or triple spark? They're cash items? And what is aps? or WTS?
noob questions...>_<0 -
Ayako_x - Heavens Tear wrote: »Thanks a lot, you were very helpful!
I have a couple more questions if it's okay...
1. What the hell is QQ'ing?? I understand what it means...and what people are refering to when they say it but what does it stand for?????
2. You said fist are high dps, and that's without skills? So it would still be better than if we were using skilsl with daggers?
3. What does it mean to spark or triple spark? They're cash items? And what is aps? or WTS?
noob questions...>_<
Apparantly QQing is crying because it looks like eyeballs with tears coming out.
Spark is a skill you obtain around level 30, Once you get to level 59 you obtain double spark and at level 89 or so you obtain triple spark.0 -
HarukaDaiski - Raging Tide wrote: »Apparantly QQing is crying because it looks like eyeballs with tears coming out.
Spark is a skill you obtain around level 30, Once you get to level 59 you obtain double spark and at level 89 or so you obtain triple spark.
Ohhh lmao, I'm used to seeing it like Q_Q and nice, I'm glad it's not cash, lol0 -
I have a couple more questions if it's okay...
1. What the hell is QQ'ing?? I understand what it means...and what people are refering to when they say it but what does it stand for?????
alraedy answered
2. You said fist are high dps, and that's without skills? So it would still be better than if we were using skilsl with daggers?
Well it depends on your money in real life. Usually you use Fists with demon Spark(tripple spark obtained at lvl 89), wich increases your attack rate. You have to get some interval gears(increasing your attack rate aswell) so you can reach 5 dps(5 attacks per second). This allows you to permanently using your spark and your dmg output will be insane. If you don't want to spent crazy money to obtain that you better use daggers^^. (Btw for a sin 5 dps makes him practically a god^^. Duo to his leeching abilitie he would get about(and even more) 1000 Hp per second.)
3. What does it mean to spark or triple spark? They're cash items? And what is aps? or WTS?
Sparks increase your weapon dmg. not sure bout teh numbers now but i think its 100% at lvl 30 and 200% at lvl 60 and well 500% at lvl 89. They are free and quite useful. They only use up sparks to cast, which is no problem for a sin since they are chi machines. Very fast chi gain.
WTS means want to sell and WTB means want to buy. For future questions you may have
LFS- looking for squad
HH/TT- Holy hall, Twilight temple(instance to get decent gear^^)0 -
150%lv 30
300% lv 59 12s +10% hp b:victory
lv 89 hmm 600%? still waiting to get it0 -
With fists, the part that will cost money is the interval gears? Upgrading them or something? I don't really plan on spending more money on this game, I already bought wings/clothes etc, but can I still be a good assassin with just daggers?
And how do we get more chi? I always re-gain it fast, but it's only at 99/100 and easy to fill. I swear I saw something mentioning 200-300 chi.0 -
Sins are the ULTIMATE end-game class; we pretty much suck @ PvP till mid-lvl, and almost useless in squads, and have a hard time soloing quests w/o using ALOT of pots/food/rems.
We were designed to be master 1-on-1 PvPers @ lvl 75ish+Demon_Troll: "takes on the appearance of an innocent archer but turns into a mindless idiot once you hear him speak"
~Spazz~0 -
Typhyse - Sanctuary wrote: »Sins are the ULTIMATE end-game class; we pretty much suck @ PvP till mid-lvl, and almost useless in squads, and have a hard time soloing quests w/o using ALOT of pots/food/rems.
We were designed to be master 1-on-1 PvPers @ lvl 75ish+
Really???? That makes me feel a lot better, lol
I'm just lvl 29 (thank god!) and I'm glad to finally get here cuz the levels before it were tough...I just have to finish the spiritual cultivation and get those new skills!!
and well, just in general, what is it that we get in end game that makes up for all those hard levels? Just stronger skills?0 -
With fists, the part that will cost money is the interval gears? Upgrading them or something? I don't really plan on spending more money on this game, I already bought wings/clothes etc, but can I still be a good assassin with just daggers?
And how do we get more chi? I always re-gain it fast, but it's only at 99/100 and easy to fill. I swear I saw something mentioning 200-300 chi.
I won't post all the armor and wep needed to attain the 5dps with demon spark but it will be a pain to get those pieces. That will take a lot of time if you aren't spending rl money. And yes you can be a good assassin with daggers. I personally believe it is the better choice than fists. more Dmg output.
As for chi. You will get skills that give you about 200 chi or 150 chi or 50 chi. that makes grinding a lot easier especially after 60 because you can spark almost every 10 sec.Sins are the ULTIMATE end-game class; we pretty much suck @ PvP till mid-lvl, and almost useless in squads, and have a hard time soloing quests w/o using ALOT of pots/food/rems.
We were designed to be master 1-on-1 PvPers @ lvl 75ish+
Actually not that hard. The only time you such is till lvl 40. After that its easy. I rarely use pots. Your bloodpaint covers most of the dmg. the rest is done with sparking(10% hp return) And we aren't useless in squads. In fact we already got clear on that. Sins are quite usefull as DDs and Squishy-saviors. Enough sleep, stun, paralyse. etc. And our 2 Aoes are a nice addition to the bms.and well, just in general, what is it that we get in end game that makes up for all those hard levels? Just stronger skills?
Well in the end. Yes. you get nice Skills. La armor is not the best choice in this game since evasion suxs and we get low def. Sins have skills to cover that. 2 Min one-shot prevention. 25% chance to reduce dmg to 1(even mag. that usually cannot miss). 50% chance to avoid negative status(as far as i know stuns are included, never used that..useless for me)
bloodpaint gives you at later lvls 100 and more Hp back per attack. you have a Hp regeneration unmatched my any other class.(pre lvl 89, after that its quite more)
Again ur stuns, sleep, teleportation, stealth. With good gear you won't need squads for your Bhs at lvl 90(Maybe even earlier). Stealth works wonders...I am still a lowby but quite powerfull....only the aggro stealing sux(btw sins can reset aggro by stealthing so you won't have to hold back in instances.)0 -
Thanks Typhoon, and everyone. Very helpful ^_^0
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