Best strategy ARCHER vs ASSASIN?
This is asking how to fight a Sin as an Archer, not the other way around. b:sweat0
when ganked use occult ice,then condor when 79 ofcourse stunrun a bit then take aim thundershock and lightning strike they should be dead then otherwise your doing something wrong or your fighting a 20 lvls higher sin than you lol0
Jaufree - Sanctuary wrote: »From what ive seen sins only target arcane and LA not HA, Pretty sad my opinion. Makes it even more sad when they go back in stealth after reaviling themselfs and thinking "Oh sht he's kickin my ****." I lol even more when they do that in duels.
What i normaly do though is use my chi buffs (Wings of grace/Wing shell) then Stun, Thunder shock and lightninging strike. If they anit dead by then get creative.
lol i love fightin HA its mch more of a challenge then arcane and LA the only class i have a problem with is Bms the tic me more then any other class barbs ehh ive killed barbs my lvl and a lil higher easy they miss me constatly and even with bloodbath they still missProud Member of Narla0 -
Borsuc - Raging Tide wrote: »Let me ask you something, do you ever kite?
cause if you do, then you are doing the "oh sht he's kickin my ****" as well b:cute
just saying...
no. sins hide bc they are chickens!!!! kinda like archers slacking off on homework but at least we still do it. unlike sins who knows theyre already gonna get an F- and tosses the homework in the garbage.
*okay im just talking **** bc i dont have stealth QQ*archer is awesome.
Best way to kill a sin as an archer? One shot them.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thank you Forsakenx for the picture. b:thanks0 -
Wings of Grace is your best friend. Try to get it in there somewhere while timing your Domain.0
Criminal - Raging Tide wrote: »Tho i heard one of the sins stuns requires almost 2 sparks... and if thats true then sins cant cut through a HA's charm without triple sparking cuz stun lock is so slow. Correct me if im wrong plz.
sins can cast triple spark on cooldown because they have hax chi gain skills. 766.6 chi can be gained by a sin, per minute, on average, with 4 skills. casting those 4 skills (tackle, rising dragon harmony and shadow escape) takes 15 seconds total. if we take into account the 12 seconds of imunity from 4 sparks, you would still have 33 seconds to do whatever you please. (as long as you gain 35 chi (net)) with a sin's 1,25 attacks per second, with the 25% speed increase from demon spark, 1,25 + (1,25 x .25) = 156,25 hits per second, thus, 51.56 hits, rounded down to 51 (since chi from the last .56 would be gained in the next minute) 5 chi per hit (right?) makes 255 chi from normal hits.
a sin would have no problem triple sparking, and against a ha, a decent sin would. also, sins can still pull any amount of tricks, including insame element dmg shards, apoc element dmg, extreme poison, tangling mire and teir own dmg increase debuff, to make themselves more likely to kill a heavy.
Also, @ Brigit, the expell/ lawbreaker thing wouldnt work, simply because your lawbreaker needs str for sucess rate. you also need 99 vit to cast both lawbreaker and expell. lawbreaker has a 40% sucess rate at lvl 10(think), + 1% for ever 2 str.even with a 100 LP genie, considering discipline has only 3 str and infliction has only 3 vit, the highest str you could reach would be 50. 65% sucess rate. an alternative would be 25 vit, 80 dex and a soulcleanse orb to remove silence. (this can be done with a fairly modest genie) giving you an additional 2 seconds of imunity, as well as removing the inconvenience of the genie's casting delay.0 -
AlbireoTwo - Lost City wrote: »Best way to kill a sin as an archer? One shot them.
lol, people need to actally fight aginst a sin...Our GMs, which art invisible,
Hallowed be thy Alma,
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in godless valley,
As it is in fb29.
Give us this day our daily quest.
And forgive us our banning,
As we forgive those who ban us.
And lead us not into random pk,
But deliver us from Hell
For yours is the Perfect World, the power and the glory,
Untill the server crashes
Amen.b:thanks0 -
AlbireoTwo - Lost City wrote: »Best way to kill a sin as an archer? One shot them.
Shadow Teleport
Range 35.0 Meters
Mana 125
Channel Instant
Cooldown 180 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Transcendant
Instantly move to the target's location.
Stuns the target for 3 seconds.
Costs 1 Spark0 -
^ pretty much. Have fun one-shotting us.b:bye(it is possible, but not as easy as ppl make it out to be)0
Asterelle - Sanctuary wrote: »Ridiculous.
Sins wear the same armor as archers and have the same evasion. On top of that they have a constant 25% chance that any skill does 1 damage. On top of that they are immune to being one-shot and will always come back with 20% more hp. And on top of that sins can go into stealth whenever they want. None of that even costs a single spark, hell the shadow escape gains you chi.
How is an archer's shell that costs 45 chi and pops in one hit better than that? You don't know what you are talking about.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Borsuc - Raging Tide wrote: »Let's ignore stealth for the moment. Since that's pretty obvious why what you said is impossible but anyway.
Shadow Teleport
Range 35.0 Meters
Mana 125
Channel Instant
Cooldown 180 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Transcendant
Instantly move to the target's location.
Stuns the target for 3 seconds.
Costs 1 Spark[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thank you Forsakenx for the picture. b:thanks0 -
oliedaking wrote: »What do you belive to be the best strategy for archers to use against assasins?
I fly up. Everyone is weaker in the air. So he/she can't destroy you fast. And use absolute domain once the stun goes off. Fly down and use aim low, then normal attack.Please donate money into my mailbox
I'm poor as heck.0 -
Moranine - Lost City wrote: »Your on a PvE Server, you have no room to talk.
I should apologize for forgetting you since you apparently know me.
I was considering responding with a technical discussion of gameplay but decided instead I would rather point out you don't know how to correctly spell "you're".[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Refining Simulator - (don't use IE)
Genie Calculator - - (don't use IE)
Socket Calculator - -
Asterelle - Sanctuary wrote: »I should apologize for forgetting you since you apparently know me.
I was considering responding with a technical discussion of gameplay but decided instead I would rather point out you don't know how to correctly spell "you're".[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Moranine - Lost City wrote: »Oh how sorry of me to have realized I am not in school so I don't really care? It's the internet, get real.
Your entire counter-argument relies on an irrelevant fact. It's not as if classes get different skills on PvP and PvE servers. Assassins have far, far better defensive abilities than archers do, and what server you're on isn't going to change that.
In other words, she's mocking you and you don't even realize it.
@Sint: True. Hadn't actually worked the numbers. I don't think it's possible to build a genie to Expel twice rapidly either b:surrender0 -
Moranine - Lost City wrote: »Your on a PvE Server, you have no room to talk.
Sins wear the same armor as archers and have the same evasion. On top of that we have a constant 25% chance that any skill does 1 damage. On top of that we are immune to being one-shot and will always come back with 20% more hp. And on top of that we can go into stealth whenever we want. None of that even costs a single spark, hell the shadow escape gains me chi.0 -
Lolliipop - Harshlands wrote: »This isn't trolling or flaming, or QQing, but fact: bear in mind that over 50% of assassins are skill-less CSers.
I'm serious, most assassins that is see in 7x/8x pvp are just hide, hit, hide, hit.
I agree... All other classes like archer... Probably best example since he is LA too... attk and usually stay there and fight to kill the rest... Assassins are in some geurilla type stuff.. attack those who dnt know its coming... and leave before doing anything else... im guessing they leave cuz they haven't trained themselves to fight without stealth... personally i like to make my fights at a disadvantage for me... considering that is what most people will do in a pvp fight.. make the other person at a disadvantage before fighting.. it gives me a higher chance of winning in those types of fights.. and a passive advantage in fights that I am not disadvantaged or suprise attacked.0 -
Borsuc - Raging Tide wrote: »Let's ignore stealth for the moment. Since that's pretty obvious why what you said is impossible but anyway.
Shadow Teleport
Range 35.0 Meters
Mana 125
Channel Instant
Cooldown 180 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Transcendant
Instantly move to the target's location.
Stuns the target for 3 seconds.
Costs 1 Spark
True... often what i see is... IF you are able to get a wings of grace off and thus make the battle a bit more even... after they use both teleports to try n get u, if ur not dead... they just force stealth and try again later. they mostly don't chase.... I only really see the +speed skills they have being used in PVE... but in PVP i really just see teleport or stealth away... and try again next time... I just always say "Fail..." whenever they do that...0 -
archers are doomed
they have no sutra town portali like potato0 -
oliedaking wrote: »What do you belive to be the best strategy for archers to use against assasins?
Absolute Domain - Wings Of Grace - 20 sec Immune pot - Holy Path to safe b:chuckle
If you stay and fight they will pop back in stealth anyway as soon as they take real damage or Deaden Nerves breaks, which is understandable since they're squishy as hell. Demon Quick shoot can - if lucky - interrupt Shadow Escape and they die, but dont count in it.
Kinda have to accept the fact that assassin is as class designed for 1v1 fights and have class specific skills that gives them the advantage versus archers (and most other classes to).0 -
Borsuc - Raging Tide wrote: »As for "use absolute domain", why do people think that sins don't have genies? Why do people mention genies to be used? It's not like sins can't get AD, Holy path, or whatever other always mentioned skills. Or Expel. Seriously.
Again you're clueless. Why would someone use AD on a sin? Well for one, to stop the damage, and secondly, to resist and break a sin's stunlock. Both are actually pretty important if you plan on surviving an attack from a sin and want a chance to actually kill them.
Does it matter or do I care if a sin has genie skills? No. They pop out of stealth, they have the advantage, you need to break the stunlock at any cost. AD is a quick and easy way of doing that. Idiot. b:bye
On-topic: Archers usually die to sins. There isn't much you can do to avoid that.I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.0 -
fly up. Wait... Bam you stunned. then use absoulute domain. immobalize him. fly down. pew pewAP classes are a real butt pounding...0
I've yet to find a sucessful tactic to always use against sins >>
If i'm charmed(which thanks to sins i never pk uncharmed) i use AD as soon as they pop up and try my best to outlast their initial stunlock. During which i spam like hell on WoG till it casts, then once it does i,m free to pewpew them. Either i crit and they die in one(or two)shots or they stealth once they remember they cant take a hit and book it.
This tactic relies heavily on survivng their initial assault though. If they happen to spark before hand or get a crit at the opportune time it's GG -.-On indefinite hiatus0 -
Moog - Lost City wrote: »No.
1) Evasion sucks **** endgame.
2)It's more like 45 seconds and sometimes sin's will be using tidal protection, when theres a lot of potential debuff classes
3)2 minute cooldown on deaden nerves and sins are easy to 1 shot anyway.
4) There is a long cooldown on force stealth, and their other stealth cannot be used in combat
You are right in that non of that cost a spark, but a lot of sin attacks use sparks as well. If a sin doesn't spark to attack you the damage is pretty much ****. And I was talking about the archer shell as well as the 1 spark anti-stun and 25% damage reduction move archers have.
The point is that archers have same chance to evade end game as assassins... secondly... Idk if they nerfed this or not... but Tidal Protection... maxed at 86 gives 50% evasion for 60 seconds with a 90 second cooldown... Wether its 50 or 25% that is constant and way above archer... Lets not mention archers dmg at close range... that eliminates many skills... and sins are just as easy to one shot as archers... exact same defense unless ones armor is better. Deadened nerves makes that impossible while it isn't that way with archers... Now lets say both archer and sin are using their shields... a wiz comes... and uses ulti.... If ur shield dont' make it so u only have one dmg... u revive with 20% hp or ur charm ticks... then you instant teleport stun and lock the hell out of it til it either dies or u go invis... Archer? they run like hell, surrender, or try to get a wings of grace off... if that will protect them from the power of a wiz lol. Lastly... SKills that don't require spark... for sins that are powerful... Rib strike + 50% dmg speed reduction, Earthen Rift, Rising Dragon strike... 100% accuracy and increases chi by 150., tackling slash which increases chi by 50 and makes it so ur target can't run... for a logner time than archers... Whose costs spark. Now lets add this together with the archers 50% dmg decrease at close range... dangerously lowers the amount of skills available... inf you add in a genie skill that makes u immune to metal dmg? Its GG... with 2 skills that might do 1 dmg... Also, assassins cud easly use some fo the spark they gained from the variety of spark gaining skills to use Maze steps which will make em faster for any runners...and immune to slowing effects... including sleep stun and paralyze... Its funny how the class that was kind of made to be able to stay far away and attk has almost no skills to keep them to do that. Besides elven alacrity... which everybody else has too... Just renamed as Holy Path.... Besides the fact that Elven Alacrity costs 1 spark and has a 3 minute cooldown. only bonus to it is that it gives immunity to movement imparing effects... which is better to be used as wings of grace due to the fact that it works longer.0 -
Xprestigex - Harshlands wrote: »lol, people need to actally fight aginst a sin...
Thats a lil hard considering they always go stealth then run and hideb:surrenderb:chuckle
Also I love your signature.... I shall get on my knees everyday in front of the computer and say that before I start playingb:thanks[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] -
Xprestigex - Harshlands wrote: »lol, people need to actally fight aginst a sin...
if u really want to kill a sin very easily but it's not too cheap, get AD and iron guards / tranq orbs demon spark (use tranq orb after demon spark does not stack) and go fists on them, and whola! u killed a sin
(if u think this is a stupid tatic, just rember as a archer your squishy)
so if the sin demon sparks ur gona be sleeping beauty. gl and hope my tatic helped
0 -
Sarakara - Dreamweaver wrote: »if u really want to kill a sin very easily but it's not too cheap, get AD and iron guards / tranq orbs demon spark (use tranq orb after demon spark does not stack) and go fists on them, and whola! u killed a sin
(if u think this is a stupid tatic, just rember as a archer your squishy)
so if the sin demon sparks ur gona be sleeping beauty. gl and hope my tatic helped
shadow escape
your best bet is AD>WoG>lighting combo till they stealth>awareness apoc>3 spark
and pray they are 1 lvl lower or do not have sage/demon stealth or have no AD/ToP on geni
TBH the best bet for a non sin vs a competent sin is holy path to SZb:surrenderGifs are hard to make work here0 -
what u jooiking lol barb is not afraid of sins lol all they do well is hide anywaysb:thanks0
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