TurboTaxi's Complete Assassin Guide (For all Levels)

TurboTaxi - Lost City
Posts: 84 Arc User
TurboTaxi's Complete Assassin Guide (For all Levels) alot of the guides out now kinda sucked... so i made this for you guys 
...ijs ok? rofl ^_^
*throws confetti* yea! alright!
__________________________________________________ _____________________________________
I. Introduction
II. Stat Allocation
III. Skills
IV. PVE Plus
V. Instance Running (FBs, BHs, HHs, etc.)
VI. Sage/demon
VII. Types of Assassins
VIII. What is Interval?
IX. What is Stealth?
X. Endgame Stealth Skill Combos for Both PvE + PvP:
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I. Introduction
An assassin does exactly what you think an assassin can do, it kills things incredibly fast. Lol, yup, i said it. This class is a mixture of DD (damage dealer) and Crowd Control. Rofl, you can run very quickly, you can teleport, and yes, you can go invisible folks. The assassin class is the only class in perfect world that gives you the feel of a true ninja melee-ranged stealth fighter. Add a near perfected target control (as promised by translated sage/demon skills on foreign forums) with massive damage spikes, and youve got yourself a squishy, yet deadly, assassin. I started using the assassin the day they came out on PWI and have growth with the class since then. Not only will I be embedding my own personal experience into this guide, but the experience of many whove helped create what assassins have become thus far in the game.
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II. Stats Allocation
~Dex (Optional Vit) Build~
+1 Strength
+4 Dexterity
[If you dont have the coin for good gear/shards, give yourself 20-30 vit]
5 Vitality [20-35 if your poor, rofl.]
5 Magic
117 Strength (So you can wear that Warsoul Helm)
400+ Dexterity
Early game: Many will debate this stat build, and I dont blame them! Cause sins are squishy. Period... well not period, more like comma (lol) or semi-colon. Haha, so here we go: early game, the best thing to do (its up to you) is to give yourself maybe 20-35 vitality points, because early game, you have little to no hp. even with a some hp shards and refines, yur hp is a bit down the dumps! you only notice hp rise if you have +4 and up on all gears with 2-4 socket hp shards on all socketable equips (which takes a ton of coin) so again, if yur poor ^_^ haha throw on some vit points =] it'll look good on ya.
Endgame: You'll realize later that moving those vit points back to Dexterity will help significantly. every 20 dex = 1% more crit + dmg, plus blood paint (skill we acquire at level 34) starts to shine. 2% hp stolen from dmg dealt each hit. Its BEAUTIFUL! Many might say, ''hey, its not a lot... it doesnt sound like a lot... heck, it sounds useless to me.'' But whoa whoa WHOA there dude! 2% of 10,000-15,000 dmg per smack is a whole lot of hp soakage. Especially if you have the coin to go interval, but well talk more about that later. In a nutshell, we assassins are not designed to take a hit at all. The truth hurts. Unless you can cat shop those 24 primeval/savant stones, and 4 socket your gear, +10, charms, pots, etc., squish is the name and damage is the game. With that, please go 1str/4dex =] you wont regret it later on, rofl, trust me.
~Str/Dex Heavy Armor Build~
+1 vit
+2 str
+2 dex
5 Vitality
5 Magic
200+ Strength (for HA and Fists)
200+ Dexterity
This build may sound a bit ridiculous, some might even say its impossible! but low and behold, its possible and done by Couri:
-http://img89.imageshack.us/img89/2871/couristats.jpg <- he is buffed here
-http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/1346/couricsheet.jpg <- he is unbuffed here
Hey the pictures speak for themselves! honestly i wouldn't try this build unless its really what you wanna do AND have enough coin for it >_< yea, read a few posts down here: http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=678912 you'll see that he has alot of event gear, and maybe even more now, rofl. ^_^ none the less, he **** lol. another thing about this build is that 1. he can't use his assassin skills and 2. he can't wear any of the endgame daggers. just something else to think about ^_^ go assassins!
(Revised for ACLucious)
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III. Skills
The Key for Yeeee
* You wont need this.
** Only add spirit if you have extra.
***Necessary but dont spend all your spirit on it
**** Get it if you think you can
***** Must have.
MG - Mid Game
EG - End Game
Twin Strike**
Range Melee
Channel 0.1 seconds
Cast 0.9 seconds
Cool down 3.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Spiritual Initiate
A stabbing thrust with both daggers.
Deals base physical damage
You wont really need this until later on at 60+ because of the amazing casting speed, you can imbed this attack between stuns to add extra damage if you like skill spamming. Other than that, not necessary.
Slipstream Strike****
Range Melee
Channel 0.2 seconds
Cast 1.9 seconds
Cool down 6.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Spiritual Initiate
A powerful strike with the full force of the arm.
Deals base physical damage
Does a good amount of damage. Very useful early game. Youll be using this a whole lot in yur combos during quests. But you might not keep it if you go interval later on. If you like to skill spam, then you'll be using this skill plenty in yur combos.(We will talk more about that later)
Tide Form*
Channel Instant
Cool down15.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Spiritual Adept
Transform into a fish.
Increases your Defense Level
and your Swim speed by 26%.
Only available in water.
I cant remember the last time I used this skill, rofl, considering there isnt much use of it underwater later mid to endgame. Dont level it unless you want to.
Puncture Wound***
Range 4.5 Meters
Channel 0.2 seconds
Cast 1.8 seconds
Cool down 8.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Spiritual Initiate
Deals base physical damage plus causes target to bleed
Debate-able skill. Early game, this will help you a ton taking down those magic mobs for quests, so youll want this skill early game. Endgame you might rid of this skill entirely, even for skill spammers, the damage overtime may be a lot, but youre an assassin. Fights dont last very long, rofl. So like I said, early game, its beautiful, but mid-endgame youll probably get rid of this skill.
Ravaging Slash*
Range Melee
Channel 0.1 seconds
Cast 1.5 seconds
Cool down 8.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Spiritual Adept
Deals physical damage to opponent, and slows its movement speed for 5 seconds.
I personally wouldnt get this skill because later on target control gets based on completely immobilizing/stunning/paralyzing the opponent (and for those veteran assassins... DONT YOU HATE how you completely buffed yourself with everythin ya got, attack outta stealth, and suddenly you have a running target??? ...lol rage more =] yes), so this skill isnt very useful anywhere early - mid - endgame. A running target is a target we cant really hit since we're a melee class. and trying to catch up with a movement buff will only prolong the fight and give the opponent time to retaliate.
Channel Instant
Cool down 60.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Spiritual Adept
Increases own movement speed for 10 seconds.
Fantastic skill, get it indefinitely. Great for running out of, as well as into, good/bad situations. Lol, or just plain wanting to run somewhere really fast, lol it has a fantasticly short cooldown. Especially in instances. a must for us assassins =]
Shadow Walk*****
Channel 0.7 seconds
Cast 2.8 seconds
Cool down 6.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Spiritual Adept
Enter stealth mode.
Enemies with an Awareness Level lower than your Stealth Level cannot see you.
Only usable when out of combat.
Get this skill, this skill basically makes you what you are, an assassin. Good for scouting around and sneaking up on mobs/players (you can check peoples items while stealthed). You can even port around with shadow jump and still stay in stealth. When its at level 10, along with cleric buffs, it only ticks 4 mana a second. So you can be invisible for a very very long time. lol.
Wolf Emblem (MG: ** EG:*****)
Channel Instant
Cool down 60.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Spiritual Adept
Increases your critical strike damage for 30 seconds.
This is a critical strike buff that increases your critical damage by 30% when its level 10. This is great combined with your sparks and power dash skill (increases your critical chance by 40%), you do a ton of damage. Great thing to do is to buff this on yourself while stealthed to ensure you open stealth with the highest damage potential.
Deep Sting*****
Range Melee
Channel 0.4 seconds
Cast 0.8 seconds
Cool down 15.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Principle
Deals great physical damage and has a chance to put target to sleep for 5 seconds.
This skill has many uses. One big use is when fighting against magic mobs that channel magic attacks. If you open with this attack (consume 50 chi) you completely stop their channeling and sleep them (if it procs). If you follow up afterwards with tackling slash (immobilizes target for 9 seconds, gains 50 chi) it stops them from running away, AND get all the chi you used back. In PvP, you can use this skill to set up the next attack, or even force stealth and run away. Back when i was lvl 70 and below, i used to always open with this skill since i wasn't high enough lvl to stealth on most people. the beauty of this skill is that it gives you time to be uninterrupted when using your next skill. its great to have/use.
Tidal Protection(MG:** EG:*****)
Channel 0.4 seconds
Cast 1.6 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Principle
Increases your chance to evade enemy skills
Focused Mind shares a 90 second cool down with Tidal Protection.
At level 10, its a 50% chance to evade enemy skills and lasts for 60 seconds. This is a great skill to throw on when youre fighting a mob/boss that casts effects. Especially in pvp, theres nothing more orgasmic than resisting that BM/Barb stun, or resisting that cleric sleep. This skill is great, must have for endgame.
Focused Mind (MG:** EG:***)
Channel 0.1 seconds
Cast 1.6 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Transcendent
Increases your chance to avoid negative status effects
Tidal Protection shares a 90 second cool down with Focused Mind.
At level 10, its a 25% chance to evade enemy skills and lasts for 60 seconds. This can be good for you if youre watching out for both physical and magical attacks on you. Personally Focused Mind has more use for me since the negative effects are what mainly cause us to die, rofl. But hey, if you like this, go ahead and train it. To me, "a low % chance is a chance you can't rely on." I try to avoid being lucky, because luck can't be controlled.
Knife throw****
Range 21.5 Meters
Channel 0.1 seconds
Cast 1.0 seconds
Cool down 15.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Principle
Throw your dagger at the target.
Deals base physical damage and has a chance to interrupt channeling.
This skill is a great all around skill for assassins. Its a great skill for pulling mobs, especially those flying ones. At level 10, its range changes to 35 meters and thats far as hell! In pvp it even can interrupt channeling at a 70% chance when level 10. It can even serve as that last hit for running near dead opponents. Get it to level 10 when you can.
Sharp Observer****
Passive Effect
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Harmony
Increases your Awareness Level
Theres nothing better and more awesome than stopping another sin in his/her tracks, especially in a pvp server. Trust me, I know. (For you veterans) There was this one time a level 91 sin was terrorizing 4 of my guildies killing them while jumping in and out of stealth + bad mouthing them in common chat. I show up stealth of course, spark + buffs + stun him, tele stun his holy path (owned), smack smack dead. He never came back, rofl, he wouldnt even reply to my whispers. This skill is mainly for pvp reasons, so ONLY TRAIN THIS IF YOU HAVE EXTRA SPIRIT, FOLKS.
Cat-like tread*****
Passive Effect
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Harmony
Increases your Stealth level
This skill is another skill that makes you an assassin indefinitely. When level 10, it increases your stealth level by 20. In other/simpler words: 20 levels + level of your shadowwalk/shadowescape + your level = the level of other plays and below that CAN NOT see you.
Im level 74.
Level 10 catlike thread = levels 94 and below CAN NOT see me.
Plus, level 10 shadowwalk/shadowescape = levels 104 and below CAN NOT see me.
Rib Strike*****
Range Melee
Channel 0.3 seconds
Cast 1.9 seconds
Cool down 8.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Harmony
Stab up under the enemys ribs.
Deals base physical damage and reduces the targets attack speed for 30 seconds.
One of your strongest attack skills next to headhunt. The attack speed reduction helps a ton in PvE, especially during tanking times. Reducing attack speed on a boss by 50% (when its level 10) helps on the tanks repair costs as well as survivability for the tank by a great amount.
Shadow Escape*****
Channel 0.7 seconds
Cast 2.8 seconds
Cool down 90.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Harmony
Force yourself into stealth. Dispel all negative status.
Enemies with an Awareness Level lower than your Stealth Level cannot see you.
A successful cast will increase one Spark.
This is an absolute MUST GET skill =] its another skill that makes you an assassin. It forces you into stealth even when youre in combat. That alone is going to save your **** plenty a time whether youre in pve or pvp. Consider it your 2nd life, lol. And did I mention it gives you a spark every time you use it? Rofl.
Bloodpaint (MG:*** EG:****)
Channel 1.8 seconds
Cast 2.4 seconds
Cool down 15.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Harmony
Make all friendly units within 10 Meters can absorb HP equals to
2% of damage it dealt each physical melee attack.
Only available for Blademaster, Barbarian, and Assassin.
Early game: get it to level 1, you wont do enough damage for it to benefit you much til around level 60+, much less, leveling it up only increases its duration, and not its effect.
For you interval assassins out there, consider this your potion. MUST HAVE because it basically heals you like one. The faster you attack, the more it will heal you over time. As for skill spamming sins, it doesnt heal you for much; because you rely on your target control and skill dmg more than its heal effect.
Interval sin: max it.
Skill spamming sin: get it to level 1 or higher to buff your party. (we love your buffs too BMs and Barbs!)
Tackling Slash*****
Range 4.5 Meters
Channel 0.1 seconds
Cast 1.5 seconds
Cool down 15.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Harmony
Deals a physical damage, mmobilizes target and increases own Chi by 50.
Great against running mobs/opponents, awesome skill. Lasts so long that running mobs just stop running all together. In frost, its a great skill against those harpies. i use it all the time against them. Not to mention it gives you half a spark just for using it. Great opener skill. Youll be using this skill a whole lot early - mid - end. Must have.
ACLucious - ''when fighting a melee mob, use this and step inside the mob. If done correctly, for 9 whole seconds, the mob won't beable to attack you since its too busy trying to reposition itself.''
Shadow Jump****
Channel Instant
Cool down 28.5 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Harmony
Instantly move to the target's location.
Costs 20 Chi
Great skill for pve, even allows you to port through doors. When level 10, it allows you to port 30 meters away. You can port into your own squad members and pretty much anything you can target, during any situation in combat or out, even while stealthed (doesn't pop you out of stealth). Very good skill to have. For pvp, its great for positioning yourself during stealth, as well as porting at someone during flight since flying to them will take considerably longer. Great to have if you have the spirit for it. (Edited for Trawne)
Rubber Banding: theres only certain spots in certain instances where you rubber band back, dunno why they do this, but just keep it in mind when trying to port to another mob in instances. It can potentially cause you to die, since you're stuck helpless with the server attempting to port you.
Shadow Teleport (MG:** EG:****)
Channel Instant
Cooldown 180 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Transcendant
Instantly move to the target's location.
Stuns the target for 3 seconds.
This skill is a great emergency skill to use anywhere. its great in both pve and pvp! You can use it to stop mob channeling, port through doors into mobs, as well as many many different stunning senarios in pvp (get creative and incorporate it into your combos! ^_^ haha). The only thing i'd want to warn about this skill is the incredibly long cool down time of a whopping 180 seconds! so just keep that in mind when using this skill: that it uses 1 spark then takes 180 seconds to cool down.
Maze Steps***
Channel Instant
Cooldown 90.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Discord
Increases own movement speed
Immune to Stun and Immobilize. Lasts for 10 seconds.
This skill is great even at lvl 1, because it already gives you 82% increased movement speed. although it uses 1 spark, its still a good secondary escape/moving skill. In pvp it works wonders against those stuns/immobilizes/paralyzes. also works great against those bishops in FCC.
Inner Harmony*****
Channel Instant
Cooldown 60.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Transcendent
Instantly gain Chi.
This skill is a must must muuuust have. It gives you, at lvl 10, 2 sparks instantly! and it works on the fly too. you can cast it while attacking something, running, flying, whatever since it doesnt have channeling time. it allows you to get creative with your spark + 2 spark skills. Get this soon as you can.
Deaden Nerves**
Channel 1.5 seconds
Cast 2.6 seconds
Cooldown 288 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Discord
Avoid one attack that would kill you within the next two minutes.
Recovers 20% HP upon avoiding death.
Works wonders in pvp or during situations where you think you might die. instead of dying (running out of hp at 0), you actually recover 20% hp and live. it gives you that extra time to either run, shadow escape, or let yur charm tick. i usually use this while stealthed and about to kill a kos. one thing for sure is to keep it at lvl 1 til you have spirit/coin to spare, since leveling it any higher will only reduce its cool down.
Chill of the Depths*(Demon)/*****(Sage) Look at the Sage/Demon guide
Channel 0.7 seconds
Cast 1.3 seconds
Cooldown 15.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Discord
Reduces your attack speed by 55%.
Increases your Attack Level
Reduces your Attack Speed
at lvl 10, it gives you a whopping 30 extra attack levels and lasts for a whopping 10 minutes. If you plan on being a skill spammer/AoEr/Sage, this is definately a skill you're going to wat to max out. If you plan to be an Interval Sin, i wouldn't get this because it reduces your attack speed. at lvl 10, it reduces by 100%... rofl.
Rising Dragon Strike****
Range 4.5 Meters
Channel 0.2 seconds
Cast 1.8 seconds
Cooldown 30.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Coalescence
Deals a damage equals to your basic physical attack
Increases own Chi by 150.
Great skill to have since it gives you a spark and a half. combo it with skills and you'll be using many of yur hard hitting skills often. Use it on those town mobs when you log in. Use it on instance npcs (Ctrl + click the skill). Get it when you can.
interval sins: helps you a ton when PERMA-Sparking.
Throat Cut****
Range Melee
Channel 1.1 seconds
Cast 1.3 seconds
Cooldown 8.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Discord
Deals a damage equals to your basic attack
Has a chance to interrupt enemy channeling.
Silence target for 4.0 seconds.
I honestly believe that this skill has been underrated by many due to its long casting/channeling time. But imo its a fantastic skill to mix up with. expecially in pvp. comboed with Tackling Slash and you basically have a stun. not to mention its silence lasts for a whopping 4 seconds, rofl. not to mention its fabulously high damage. get it if you want to.
Earthen Rift*****
Range Melee
Channel 0.7 seconds
Cast 1.8 seconds
Cooldown 8.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Coalescence
Detonate the ground under the enemy. Deals base physical damage plus weapon damage to all enemy units within 8 meters.
This skill is realy really good because it doesn't do a fixed amount of damage, but PERCENT instead. so even if you max it out the skill's damage continues to progress with your character's overall damage as you lvl up, get more dex, or get new weapons. combo this with subsea + tangling mire/frenzy/extremepoison and you might just be snared at for stealing zhen aggro ^_^ rofl.
Head Hunt*****
Channel 0.5 seconds
Cast 1.5 seconds
Cooldown 30.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Transcendant
Deals a damage equals to your basic attack, plus gear damage, plus extra damage added
Stun enemy, rofl.
Remember how i said that there was no other class in PWI that gives you that true feel of a ninja melee-ranged stealth fighter? Well this is the skill attack that does the trick. open with this attack out of stealth and your opponent will be smashed with its super high damage. in addition, your target is stunned for 5 seconds, ROFL. Combo this with your 3spark + inner harmony + wolf emblem -> head hunt.... wow thats one hell of an opening attack! Yea, get this. lol.
Power Dash*****
Range 4.5 Meters
Mana 240.8
Channel 0.4 seconds
Cast 0.8 seconds
Cooldown 30.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Transcendant
Deals a damage equals to your basic physical attack plus an extra amount of physical damage.
Increases your Critical ChanceLasts for 8 seconds.
This skill is absolutely fantastic. it doesnt matter if youre an interval sin or skill spammer. at lvl 10, for a whopping 8 seconds, this gives you 40% EXTRA CRITICAL CHANCE. yup, i said it. combine this with your damage buffs and AoE skills or your increase attack speed skills and you'll be hitting like a stampeding musculized football player with steel plated pads and helmet. Absolulte MUST at Endgame.
Interval Sins Side Note: Many people dont know this, but this attack is one of our only skills that auto attacks after you cast it, which is perfect for us interval sins. combo it with any of these: 3spark, tangling mire, extreme poison, frenzy, any skills, etc. (get creative guys! ^_^)
Subsea Strike*****
Range 4.5 Meters
Mana 240.8
Channel 0.3 seconds
Cast 1.3 seconds
Cooldown 30.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Transcendent
Instantly strikes all nearby targets.
Deals base physical damage.
to all targets within 8 meters.
Increases all damage taken by the target for 8 seconds.
This skill works with the Heaven's Flame skill.
This skill will cancel the Extreme Poison skill.
This is your mini version of the blademasters dragons skill, except it only gives a 30% increase damage debuff on all mobs. Its a really good skill to use in parties. squads will love you for it. get creative and combine it with your 3 spark, power dash, and genie skill: bramble rage. you'll kill many people. ROFL just have fun with it ok? ^_^ bwahahaha
Dagger Devotion*****
Passive Effect
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Harmony
Increases damage dealt by daggers
Level this up every time you can. Must have. Period.
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IV. PvE Plus:
Killing mobs out there can get a bit tricky for the assassin, considering how squishy we are. So unfortunately, each mob will take some tactics to control their damage on you, and maybe even silence having to it all together. We really cant take more than a few hits, so concentration is key when fighting mobs. If you can, invest in a Gold HP Charm. At early levels, we have such low HP so that charm will be with you for a very long time. Take advantage of the Tideborn quests also, since the end quest rewards you with a Platinum HP Charm, rofl.
In Squads: Youll be the squad's insurance. Meaning, youll be watching out for those extra mobs the casters/archers in the back that might be taking aggro. Sometimes the barb won't beable to hold all aggro especially when your squad dd is doing a ton of single target damage. Control that Crowd yoooooo.
Physical Mobs: Start off with Rib Strike then DD skills unless you want to stop his atks entirely then mix it up with Throat Cut, Head Hunt, Tele stun, Deep sting. Genie skill: Occult ice (optional)
ACLucious - ''When fighting a melee mob, use Tackling Slash and position yourself right in the middle of them. if you do this, rofl, for 9 whole seconds, the mob wont beable to hit you with his melee attacks because its too busy trying to position itself next to you! lol.''
Magic Mobs: Stop their initial channeling with Deep sting then hold them in place with Tackling Slash, then you can DD skills and stop more of their channeling with another Deep Sting, Knife Throw, Throat Cut then DD skills until theyre dead. Genie skill: Occult ice (optional)
Archer Mobs: Start off with Deep Sting, position yourself, then Tackling Slash to keep them in place. DD Skills until theyre dead.
Bosses: Rib Strike to slow their melee damage on the tank, and do it every 30 seconds. You can also use Subsea Strike to increase the overall damage the party does.
(Revised for ACLucious)
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V. Instance Running (FBs, BHs, HHs, etc.)
Whether youre an Interval Sin or Skill spammer, your rolls change drastically change. Take advantage of my PvE Plus guide above this one since the guide directly applies to this.
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VI. Sage/Demon
Before you go on, you have to decide which side youre going to choose since the side you choose will decide what skills youll be using the most, as well as the gear youll be buying/farming.
Sage/demon skills:
1. http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=651502
2. http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=697322
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VII. Types of Assassins
The reason why I pointed this out is because there are 2 different types of assassins:
Interval sin: They rely on very fast regular hits + buffs. (All interval comes from gear + demon spark, so if you want to go this way, youll be spending a pretty penny. You can get wind shield or relentless courage on your genie for more speed on the side. Unfortunately they dont stack with demon spark though.)
Why: Can kill single targets very quickly (High DPS). Can tank with blood paint up. Demon skills portray longer stuns/immobilizes/paralyzes.
Skill Spammer: well, the name says it all. (Not as expensive build as interval, so you can get by with the regular gear setup)
Why: Sage skills focus on higher spike damage (High DPH). Can spike crit AoE damage with clever skill combos. Gains sparks very fast with sage skills.
(Optional Build) NUKE sin
1. all gear with diamond of tigers: 24 attack levels (if they come out with +2 diamonds.... rofl, 48)
2. genie skill "frenzy": 20 attack levels
3. Chill of the Depths: 35 atk levels
~@~Total: 79 attack levels (potentially 103 attack levels, ffs lol)
sage dagger mastery: 60% -> 90% increased damage
Killer aoe combo:
1. 3 spark (chi left: 99)
2. wolf emblem (104)
3. inner harmony (304)
4. power dash (104)
5. spark pot (304)
6. subsea strike (104)
(Thanks Trawne)
Why: OK.. so alot of people might bash on this build due to it's lack of VIT... which is very important at end game, BUT as a NUKE sin you'll be flying around invisible anyway and popping out like an ATOMIC MISSLE from ****** NASA, ROFL... buuuuuut please try and take a look at the importance of the ATK LEVELS. that is 79% of your OVERALL damage is going to go STRAIGHT THROUGH..... i repeat, STRAIGHT THROUGH all of their defenses. even barbs with 16,000-20,000 phys def are going to take a whole lot of damage, ESPECIALLY if it crits... which it probrably will considering your 75-80% chance to crit with powerdash. =D OK so combine all this with the killer aoe (above) or skill spamming target controllage combos and man... both 1v1 AND aoe damage, straight through the dawm armor. lol yea, holy fruit cakes... ^_^ hope you sage sins get a kick outta that one.
Con: The low endgame vitality will work against you a whole lot in TW and multiPVP, but hey, consider yourself an undetected stealth NUKE rofl and only come out stealth when you wanna hurt a ton of people. =]
It still works out!Hey, dont feel like one way is the only way. You can always mix match it up! Half interval and half skill spammer! Or if you want, you can even try to do both... If you have the money, rofl.
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VIII. What is Interval?
Heres a guide: http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=279561
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IX. What is Stealth?
Thanks to the hard work compiled by Trawne, I present you:
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X. Endgame Stealth Skill Combos for Both PvE + PvP:
Interval sins Single Target Death:
1. Stealth + Spark + Inner Harmony + Wolf Emblem + Power Dash + start regular hits + tangling mire
2. Stealth + Spark + Inner Harmony + Wolf Emblem + Head Hunt + start regular hits + tangling mire + Tele Stun + regular hits + Occult Ice + regular hits + Deep Sting
Mix it up with tackling slash + maze steps (if you can make up for the spark loss; Genie skill: Cloud Eruption) rofl, buy a license and go PRO Mixed Martial Arts, LOL jk.
You can incorporate Genie Skill: Cloud Eruption to give you missing sparks if needed
Skill Spammer AoE Critical Damage Death:
1. Stealth + Spark + Inner Harmony + Wolf Emblem + Power Dash + Bramble Rage
2. Stealth + Spark + Inner Harmony + Wolf Emblem + Sub Sea + Bramble Rage

...ijs ok? rofl ^_^
*throws confetti* yea! alright!
__________________________________________________ _____________________________________
I. Introduction
II. Stat Allocation
III. Skills
IV. PVE Plus
V. Instance Running (FBs, BHs, HHs, etc.)
VI. Sage/demon
VII. Types of Assassins
VIII. What is Interval?
IX. What is Stealth?
X. Endgame Stealth Skill Combos for Both PvE + PvP:
_________________________________________________ _____________________________________
I. Introduction
An assassin does exactly what you think an assassin can do, it kills things incredibly fast. Lol, yup, i said it. This class is a mixture of DD (damage dealer) and Crowd Control. Rofl, you can run very quickly, you can teleport, and yes, you can go invisible folks. The assassin class is the only class in perfect world that gives you the feel of a true ninja melee-ranged stealth fighter. Add a near perfected target control (as promised by translated sage/demon skills on foreign forums) with massive damage spikes, and youve got yourself a squishy, yet deadly, assassin. I started using the assassin the day they came out on PWI and have growth with the class since then. Not only will I be embedding my own personal experience into this guide, but the experience of many whove helped create what assassins have become thus far in the game.
__________________________________________________ _____________________________________
II. Stats Allocation
~Dex (Optional Vit) Build~
+1 Strength
+4 Dexterity
[If you dont have the coin for good gear/shards, give yourself 20-30 vit]
5 Vitality [20-35 if your poor, rofl.]
5 Magic
117 Strength (So you can wear that Warsoul Helm)
400+ Dexterity
Early game: Many will debate this stat build, and I dont blame them! Cause sins are squishy. Period... well not period, more like comma (lol) or semi-colon. Haha, so here we go: early game, the best thing to do (its up to you) is to give yourself maybe 20-35 vitality points, because early game, you have little to no hp. even with a some hp shards and refines, yur hp is a bit down the dumps! you only notice hp rise if you have +4 and up on all gears with 2-4 socket hp shards on all socketable equips (which takes a ton of coin) so again, if yur poor ^_^ haha throw on some vit points =] it'll look good on ya.
Endgame: You'll realize later that moving those vit points back to Dexterity will help significantly. every 20 dex = 1% more crit + dmg, plus blood paint (skill we acquire at level 34) starts to shine. 2% hp stolen from dmg dealt each hit. Its BEAUTIFUL! Many might say, ''hey, its not a lot... it doesnt sound like a lot... heck, it sounds useless to me.'' But whoa whoa WHOA there dude! 2% of 10,000-15,000 dmg per smack is a whole lot of hp soakage. Especially if you have the coin to go interval, but well talk more about that later. In a nutshell, we assassins are not designed to take a hit at all. The truth hurts. Unless you can cat shop those 24 primeval/savant stones, and 4 socket your gear, +10, charms, pots, etc., squish is the name and damage is the game. With that, please go 1str/4dex =] you wont regret it later on, rofl, trust me.
~Str/Dex Heavy Armor Build~
+1 vit
+2 str
+2 dex
5 Vitality
5 Magic
200+ Strength (for HA and Fists)
200+ Dexterity
This build may sound a bit ridiculous, some might even say its impossible! but low and behold, its possible and done by Couri:
-http://img89.imageshack.us/img89/2871/couristats.jpg <- he is buffed here
-http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/1346/couricsheet.jpg <- he is unbuffed here
Hey the pictures speak for themselves! honestly i wouldn't try this build unless its really what you wanna do AND have enough coin for it >_< yea, read a few posts down here: http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=678912 you'll see that he has alot of event gear, and maybe even more now, rofl. ^_^ none the less, he **** lol. another thing about this build is that 1. he can't use his assassin skills and 2. he can't wear any of the endgame daggers. just something else to think about ^_^ go assassins!
(Revised for ACLucious)
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III. Skills
The Key for Yeeee
* You wont need this.
** Only add spirit if you have extra.
***Necessary but dont spend all your spirit on it
**** Get it if you think you can
***** Must have.
MG - Mid Game
EG - End Game
Twin Strike**
Range Melee
Channel 0.1 seconds
Cast 0.9 seconds
Cool down 3.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Spiritual Initiate
A stabbing thrust with both daggers.
Deals base physical damage
You wont really need this until later on at 60+ because of the amazing casting speed, you can imbed this attack between stuns to add extra damage if you like skill spamming. Other than that, not necessary.
Slipstream Strike****
Range Melee
Channel 0.2 seconds
Cast 1.9 seconds
Cool down 6.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Spiritual Initiate
A powerful strike with the full force of the arm.
Deals base physical damage
Does a good amount of damage. Very useful early game. Youll be using this a whole lot in yur combos during quests. But you might not keep it if you go interval later on. If you like to skill spam, then you'll be using this skill plenty in yur combos.(We will talk more about that later)
Tide Form*
Channel Instant
Cool down15.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Spiritual Adept
Transform into a fish.
Increases your Defense Level
and your Swim speed by 26%.
Only available in water.
I cant remember the last time I used this skill, rofl, considering there isnt much use of it underwater later mid to endgame. Dont level it unless you want to.
Puncture Wound***
Range 4.5 Meters
Channel 0.2 seconds
Cast 1.8 seconds
Cool down 8.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Spiritual Initiate
Deals base physical damage plus causes target to bleed
Debate-able skill. Early game, this will help you a ton taking down those magic mobs for quests, so youll want this skill early game. Endgame you might rid of this skill entirely, even for skill spammers, the damage overtime may be a lot, but youre an assassin. Fights dont last very long, rofl. So like I said, early game, its beautiful, but mid-endgame youll probably get rid of this skill.
Ravaging Slash*
Range Melee
Channel 0.1 seconds
Cast 1.5 seconds
Cool down 8.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Spiritual Adept
Deals physical damage to opponent, and slows its movement speed for 5 seconds.
I personally wouldnt get this skill because later on target control gets based on completely immobilizing/stunning/paralyzing the opponent (and for those veteran assassins... DONT YOU HATE how you completely buffed yourself with everythin ya got, attack outta stealth, and suddenly you have a running target??? ...lol rage more =] yes), so this skill isnt very useful anywhere early - mid - endgame. A running target is a target we cant really hit since we're a melee class. and trying to catch up with a movement buff will only prolong the fight and give the opponent time to retaliate.
Channel Instant
Cool down 60.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Spiritual Adept
Increases own movement speed for 10 seconds.
Fantastic skill, get it indefinitely. Great for running out of, as well as into, good/bad situations. Lol, or just plain wanting to run somewhere really fast, lol it has a fantasticly short cooldown. Especially in instances. a must for us assassins =]
Shadow Walk*****
Channel 0.7 seconds
Cast 2.8 seconds
Cool down 6.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Spiritual Adept
Enter stealth mode.
Enemies with an Awareness Level lower than your Stealth Level cannot see you.
Only usable when out of combat.
Get this skill, this skill basically makes you what you are, an assassin. Good for scouting around and sneaking up on mobs/players (you can check peoples items while stealthed). You can even port around with shadow jump and still stay in stealth. When its at level 10, along with cleric buffs, it only ticks 4 mana a second. So you can be invisible for a very very long time. lol.
Wolf Emblem (MG: ** EG:*****)
Channel Instant
Cool down 60.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Spiritual Adept
Increases your critical strike damage for 30 seconds.
This is a critical strike buff that increases your critical damage by 30% when its level 10. This is great combined with your sparks and power dash skill (increases your critical chance by 40%), you do a ton of damage. Great thing to do is to buff this on yourself while stealthed to ensure you open stealth with the highest damage potential.
Deep Sting*****
Range Melee
Channel 0.4 seconds
Cast 0.8 seconds
Cool down 15.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Principle
Deals great physical damage and has a chance to put target to sleep for 5 seconds.
This skill has many uses. One big use is when fighting against magic mobs that channel magic attacks. If you open with this attack (consume 50 chi) you completely stop their channeling and sleep them (if it procs). If you follow up afterwards with tackling slash (immobilizes target for 9 seconds, gains 50 chi) it stops them from running away, AND get all the chi you used back. In PvP, you can use this skill to set up the next attack, or even force stealth and run away. Back when i was lvl 70 and below, i used to always open with this skill since i wasn't high enough lvl to stealth on most people. the beauty of this skill is that it gives you time to be uninterrupted when using your next skill. its great to have/use.
Tidal Protection(MG:** EG:*****)
Channel 0.4 seconds
Cast 1.6 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Principle
Increases your chance to evade enemy skills
Focused Mind shares a 90 second cool down with Tidal Protection.
At level 10, its a 50% chance to evade enemy skills and lasts for 60 seconds. This is a great skill to throw on when youre fighting a mob/boss that casts effects. Especially in pvp, theres nothing more orgasmic than resisting that BM/Barb stun, or resisting that cleric sleep. This skill is great, must have for endgame.
Focused Mind (MG:** EG:***)
Channel 0.1 seconds
Cast 1.6 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Transcendent
Increases your chance to avoid negative status effects
Tidal Protection shares a 90 second cool down with Focused Mind.
At level 10, its a 25% chance to evade enemy skills and lasts for 60 seconds. This can be good for you if youre watching out for both physical and magical attacks on you. Personally Focused Mind has more use for me since the negative effects are what mainly cause us to die, rofl. But hey, if you like this, go ahead and train it. To me, "a low % chance is a chance you can't rely on." I try to avoid being lucky, because luck can't be controlled.
Knife throw****
Range 21.5 Meters
Channel 0.1 seconds
Cast 1.0 seconds
Cool down 15.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Principle
Throw your dagger at the target.
Deals base physical damage and has a chance to interrupt channeling.
This skill is a great all around skill for assassins. Its a great skill for pulling mobs, especially those flying ones. At level 10, its range changes to 35 meters and thats far as hell! In pvp it even can interrupt channeling at a 70% chance when level 10. It can even serve as that last hit for running near dead opponents. Get it to level 10 when you can.
Sharp Observer****
Passive Effect
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Harmony
Increases your Awareness Level
Theres nothing better and more awesome than stopping another sin in his/her tracks, especially in a pvp server. Trust me, I know. (For you veterans) There was this one time a level 91 sin was terrorizing 4 of my guildies killing them while jumping in and out of stealth + bad mouthing them in common chat. I show up stealth of course, spark + buffs + stun him, tele stun his holy path (owned), smack smack dead. He never came back, rofl, he wouldnt even reply to my whispers. This skill is mainly for pvp reasons, so ONLY TRAIN THIS IF YOU HAVE EXTRA SPIRIT, FOLKS.
Cat-like tread*****
Passive Effect
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Harmony
Increases your Stealth level
This skill is another skill that makes you an assassin indefinitely. When level 10, it increases your stealth level by 20. In other/simpler words: 20 levels + level of your shadowwalk/shadowescape + your level = the level of other plays and below that CAN NOT see you.
Im level 74.
Level 10 catlike thread = levels 94 and below CAN NOT see me.
Plus, level 10 shadowwalk/shadowescape = levels 104 and below CAN NOT see me.
Rib Strike*****
Range Melee
Channel 0.3 seconds
Cast 1.9 seconds
Cool down 8.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Harmony
Stab up under the enemys ribs.
Deals base physical damage and reduces the targets attack speed for 30 seconds.
One of your strongest attack skills next to headhunt. The attack speed reduction helps a ton in PvE, especially during tanking times. Reducing attack speed on a boss by 50% (when its level 10) helps on the tanks repair costs as well as survivability for the tank by a great amount.
Shadow Escape*****
Channel 0.7 seconds
Cast 2.8 seconds
Cool down 90.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Harmony
Force yourself into stealth. Dispel all negative status.
Enemies with an Awareness Level lower than your Stealth Level cannot see you.
A successful cast will increase one Spark.
This is an absolute MUST GET skill =] its another skill that makes you an assassin. It forces you into stealth even when youre in combat. That alone is going to save your **** plenty a time whether youre in pve or pvp. Consider it your 2nd life, lol. And did I mention it gives you a spark every time you use it? Rofl.
Bloodpaint (MG:*** EG:****)
Channel 1.8 seconds
Cast 2.4 seconds
Cool down 15.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Harmony
Make all friendly units within 10 Meters can absorb HP equals to
2% of damage it dealt each physical melee attack.
Only available for Blademaster, Barbarian, and Assassin.
Early game: get it to level 1, you wont do enough damage for it to benefit you much til around level 60+, much less, leveling it up only increases its duration, and not its effect.
For you interval assassins out there, consider this your potion. MUST HAVE because it basically heals you like one. The faster you attack, the more it will heal you over time. As for skill spamming sins, it doesnt heal you for much; because you rely on your target control and skill dmg more than its heal effect.
Interval sin: max it.
Skill spamming sin: get it to level 1 or higher to buff your party. (we love your buffs too BMs and Barbs!)
Tackling Slash*****
Range 4.5 Meters
Channel 0.1 seconds
Cast 1.5 seconds
Cool down 15.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Harmony
Deals a physical damage, mmobilizes target and increases own Chi by 50.
Great against running mobs/opponents, awesome skill. Lasts so long that running mobs just stop running all together. In frost, its a great skill against those harpies. i use it all the time against them. Not to mention it gives you half a spark just for using it. Great opener skill. Youll be using this skill a whole lot early - mid - end. Must have.
ACLucious - ''when fighting a melee mob, use this and step inside the mob. If done correctly, for 9 whole seconds, the mob won't beable to attack you since its too busy trying to reposition itself.''
Shadow Jump****
Channel Instant
Cool down 28.5 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Harmony
Instantly move to the target's location.
Costs 20 Chi
Great skill for pve, even allows you to port through doors. When level 10, it allows you to port 30 meters away. You can port into your own squad members and pretty much anything you can target, during any situation in combat or out, even while stealthed (doesn't pop you out of stealth). Very good skill to have. For pvp, its great for positioning yourself during stealth, as well as porting at someone during flight since flying to them will take considerably longer. Great to have if you have the spirit for it. (Edited for Trawne)
Rubber Banding: theres only certain spots in certain instances where you rubber band back, dunno why they do this, but just keep it in mind when trying to port to another mob in instances. It can potentially cause you to die, since you're stuck helpless with the server attempting to port you.
Shadow Teleport (MG:** EG:****)
Channel Instant
Cooldown 180 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Transcendant
Instantly move to the target's location.
Stuns the target for 3 seconds.
This skill is a great emergency skill to use anywhere. its great in both pve and pvp! You can use it to stop mob channeling, port through doors into mobs, as well as many many different stunning senarios in pvp (get creative and incorporate it into your combos! ^_^ haha). The only thing i'd want to warn about this skill is the incredibly long cool down time of a whopping 180 seconds! so just keep that in mind when using this skill: that it uses 1 spark then takes 180 seconds to cool down.
Maze Steps***
Channel Instant
Cooldown 90.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Discord
Increases own movement speed
Immune to Stun and Immobilize. Lasts for 10 seconds.
This skill is great even at lvl 1, because it already gives you 82% increased movement speed. although it uses 1 spark, its still a good secondary escape/moving skill. In pvp it works wonders against those stuns/immobilizes/paralyzes. also works great against those bishops in FCC.
Inner Harmony*****
Channel Instant
Cooldown 60.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Transcendent
Instantly gain Chi.
This skill is a must must muuuust have. It gives you, at lvl 10, 2 sparks instantly! and it works on the fly too. you can cast it while attacking something, running, flying, whatever since it doesnt have channeling time. it allows you to get creative with your spark + 2 spark skills. Get this soon as you can.
Deaden Nerves**
Channel 1.5 seconds
Cast 2.6 seconds
Cooldown 288 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Discord
Avoid one attack that would kill you within the next two minutes.
Recovers 20% HP upon avoiding death.
Works wonders in pvp or during situations where you think you might die. instead of dying (running out of hp at 0), you actually recover 20% hp and live. it gives you that extra time to either run, shadow escape, or let yur charm tick. i usually use this while stealthed and about to kill a kos. one thing for sure is to keep it at lvl 1 til you have spirit/coin to spare, since leveling it any higher will only reduce its cool down.
Chill of the Depths*(Demon)/*****(Sage) Look at the Sage/Demon guide
Channel 0.7 seconds
Cast 1.3 seconds
Cooldown 15.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Discord
Reduces your attack speed by 55%.
Increases your Attack Level
Reduces your Attack Speed
at lvl 10, it gives you a whopping 30 extra attack levels and lasts for a whopping 10 minutes. If you plan on being a skill spammer/AoEr/Sage, this is definately a skill you're going to wat to max out. If you plan to be an Interval Sin, i wouldn't get this because it reduces your attack speed. at lvl 10, it reduces by 100%... rofl.
Rising Dragon Strike****
Range 4.5 Meters
Channel 0.2 seconds
Cast 1.8 seconds
Cooldown 30.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Coalescence
Deals a damage equals to your basic physical attack
Increases own Chi by 150.
Great skill to have since it gives you a spark and a half. combo it with skills and you'll be using many of yur hard hitting skills often. Use it on those town mobs when you log in. Use it on instance npcs (Ctrl + click the skill). Get it when you can.
interval sins: helps you a ton when PERMA-Sparking.
Throat Cut****
Range Melee
Channel 1.1 seconds
Cast 1.3 seconds
Cooldown 8.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Discord
Deals a damage equals to your basic attack
Has a chance to interrupt enemy channeling.
Silence target for 4.0 seconds.
I honestly believe that this skill has been underrated by many due to its long casting/channeling time. But imo its a fantastic skill to mix up with. expecially in pvp. comboed with Tackling Slash and you basically have a stun. not to mention its silence lasts for a whopping 4 seconds, rofl. not to mention its fabulously high damage. get it if you want to.
Earthen Rift*****
Range Melee
Channel 0.7 seconds
Cast 1.8 seconds
Cooldown 8.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Coalescence
Detonate the ground under the enemy. Deals base physical damage plus weapon damage to all enemy units within 8 meters.
This skill is realy really good because it doesn't do a fixed amount of damage, but PERCENT instead. so even if you max it out the skill's damage continues to progress with your character's overall damage as you lvl up, get more dex, or get new weapons. combo this with subsea + tangling mire/frenzy/extremepoison and you might just be snared at for stealing zhen aggro ^_^ rofl.
Head Hunt*****
Channel 0.5 seconds
Cast 1.5 seconds
Cooldown 30.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Transcendant
Deals a damage equals to your basic attack, plus gear damage, plus extra damage added
Stun enemy, rofl.
Remember how i said that there was no other class in PWI that gives you that true feel of a ninja melee-ranged stealth fighter? Well this is the skill attack that does the trick. open with this attack out of stealth and your opponent will be smashed with its super high damage. in addition, your target is stunned for 5 seconds, ROFL. Combo this with your 3spark + inner harmony + wolf emblem -> head hunt.... wow thats one hell of an opening attack! Yea, get this. lol.
Power Dash*****
Range 4.5 Meters
Mana 240.8
Channel 0.4 seconds
Cast 0.8 seconds
Cooldown 30.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Transcendant
Deals a damage equals to your basic physical attack plus an extra amount of physical damage.
Increases your Critical ChanceLasts for 8 seconds.
This skill is absolutely fantastic. it doesnt matter if youre an interval sin or skill spammer. at lvl 10, for a whopping 8 seconds, this gives you 40% EXTRA CRITICAL CHANCE. yup, i said it. combine this with your damage buffs and AoE skills or your increase attack speed skills and you'll be hitting like a stampeding musculized football player with steel plated pads and helmet. Absolulte MUST at Endgame.
Interval Sins Side Note: Many people dont know this, but this attack is one of our only skills that auto attacks after you cast it, which is perfect for us interval sins. combo it with any of these: 3spark, tangling mire, extreme poison, frenzy, any skills, etc. (get creative guys! ^_^)
Subsea Strike*****
Range 4.5 Meters
Mana 240.8
Channel 0.3 seconds
Cast 1.3 seconds
Cooldown 30.0 seconds
Weapon Daggers
Requisite Cultivation Transcendent
Instantly strikes all nearby targets.
Deals base physical damage.
to all targets within 8 meters.
Increases all damage taken by the target for 8 seconds.
This skill works with the Heaven's Flame skill.
This skill will cancel the Extreme Poison skill.
This is your mini version of the blademasters dragons skill, except it only gives a 30% increase damage debuff on all mobs. Its a really good skill to use in parties. squads will love you for it. get creative and combine it with your 3 spark, power dash, and genie skill: bramble rage. you'll kill many people. ROFL just have fun with it ok? ^_^ bwahahaha
Dagger Devotion*****
Passive Effect
Requisite Cultivation Aware of Harmony
Increases damage dealt by daggers
Level this up every time you can. Must have. Period.
__________________________________________________ _____________________________________
IV. PvE Plus:
Killing mobs out there can get a bit tricky for the assassin, considering how squishy we are. So unfortunately, each mob will take some tactics to control their damage on you, and maybe even silence having to it all together. We really cant take more than a few hits, so concentration is key when fighting mobs. If you can, invest in a Gold HP Charm. At early levels, we have such low HP so that charm will be with you for a very long time. Take advantage of the Tideborn quests also, since the end quest rewards you with a Platinum HP Charm, rofl.
In Squads: Youll be the squad's insurance. Meaning, youll be watching out for those extra mobs the casters/archers in the back that might be taking aggro. Sometimes the barb won't beable to hold all aggro especially when your squad dd is doing a ton of single target damage. Control that Crowd yoooooo.
Physical Mobs: Start off with Rib Strike then DD skills unless you want to stop his atks entirely then mix it up with Throat Cut, Head Hunt, Tele stun, Deep sting. Genie skill: Occult ice (optional)
ACLucious - ''When fighting a melee mob, use Tackling Slash and position yourself right in the middle of them. if you do this, rofl, for 9 whole seconds, the mob wont beable to hit you with his melee attacks because its too busy trying to position itself next to you! lol.''
Magic Mobs: Stop their initial channeling with Deep sting then hold them in place with Tackling Slash, then you can DD skills and stop more of their channeling with another Deep Sting, Knife Throw, Throat Cut then DD skills until theyre dead. Genie skill: Occult ice (optional)
Archer Mobs: Start off with Deep Sting, position yourself, then Tackling Slash to keep them in place. DD Skills until theyre dead.
Bosses: Rib Strike to slow their melee damage on the tank, and do it every 30 seconds. You can also use Subsea Strike to increase the overall damage the party does.
(Revised for ACLucious)
__________________________________________________ _____________________________________
V. Instance Running (FBs, BHs, HHs, etc.)
Whether youre an Interval Sin or Skill spammer, your rolls change drastically change. Take advantage of my PvE Plus guide above this one since the guide directly applies to this.
_______________________________________________ _____________________________________
VI. Sage/Demon
Before you go on, you have to decide which side youre going to choose since the side you choose will decide what skills youll be using the most, as well as the gear youll be buying/farming.
Sage/demon skills:
1. http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=651502
2. http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=697322
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VII. Types of Assassins
The reason why I pointed this out is because there are 2 different types of assassins:
Interval sin: They rely on very fast regular hits + buffs. (All interval comes from gear + demon spark, so if you want to go this way, youll be spending a pretty penny. You can get wind shield or relentless courage on your genie for more speed on the side. Unfortunately they dont stack with demon spark though.)
Why: Can kill single targets very quickly (High DPS). Can tank with blood paint up. Demon skills portray longer stuns/immobilizes/paralyzes.
Skill Spammer: well, the name says it all. (Not as expensive build as interval, so you can get by with the regular gear setup)
Why: Sage skills focus on higher spike damage (High DPH). Can spike crit AoE damage with clever skill combos. Gains sparks very fast with sage skills.
(Optional Build) NUKE sin
1. all gear with diamond of tigers: 24 attack levels (if they come out with +2 diamonds.... rofl, 48)
2. genie skill "frenzy": 20 attack levels
3. Chill of the Depths: 35 atk levels
~@~Total: 79 attack levels (potentially 103 attack levels, ffs lol)
sage dagger mastery: 60% -> 90% increased damage
Killer aoe combo:
1. 3 spark (chi left: 99)
2. wolf emblem (104)
3. inner harmony (304)
4. power dash (104)
5. spark pot (304)
6. subsea strike (104)
(Thanks Trawne)
Why: OK.. so alot of people might bash on this build due to it's lack of VIT... which is very important at end game, BUT as a NUKE sin you'll be flying around invisible anyway and popping out like an ATOMIC MISSLE from ****** NASA, ROFL... buuuuuut please try and take a look at the importance of the ATK LEVELS. that is 79% of your OVERALL damage is going to go STRAIGHT THROUGH..... i repeat, STRAIGHT THROUGH all of their defenses. even barbs with 16,000-20,000 phys def are going to take a whole lot of damage, ESPECIALLY if it crits... which it probrably will considering your 75-80% chance to crit with powerdash. =D OK so combine all this with the killer aoe (above) or skill spamming target controllage combos and man... both 1v1 AND aoe damage, straight through the dawm armor. lol yea, holy fruit cakes... ^_^ hope you sage sins get a kick outta that one.
Con: The low endgame vitality will work against you a whole lot in TW and multiPVP, but hey, consider yourself an undetected stealth NUKE rofl and only come out stealth when you wanna hurt a ton of people. =]
It still works out!Hey, dont feel like one way is the only way. You can always mix match it up! Half interval and half skill spammer! Or if you want, you can even try to do both... If you have the money, rofl.
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VIII. What is Interval?
Heres a guide: http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=279561
________________________________________________ _____________________________________
IX. What is Stealth?
Thanks to the hard work compiled by Trawne, I present you:
__________________________________________________ _____________________________________
X. Endgame Stealth Skill Combos for Both PvE + PvP:
Interval sins Single Target Death:
1. Stealth + Spark + Inner Harmony + Wolf Emblem + Power Dash + start regular hits + tangling mire
2. Stealth + Spark + Inner Harmony + Wolf Emblem + Head Hunt + start regular hits + tangling mire + Tele Stun + regular hits + Occult Ice + regular hits + Deep Sting
Mix it up with tackling slash + maze steps (if you can make up for the spark loss; Genie skill: Cloud Eruption) rofl, buy a license and go PRO Mixed Martial Arts, LOL jk.
You can incorporate Genie Skill: Cloud Eruption to give you missing sparks if needed
Skill Spammer AoE Critical Damage Death:
1. Stealth + Spark + Inner Harmony + Wolf Emblem + Power Dash + Bramble Rage
2. Stealth + Spark + Inner Harmony + Wolf Emblem + Sub Sea + Bramble Rage
"Stay cool, be respectful, know your limits, and accept it when you've lost....
...then maybe i'll stick around a bit longer. b:victory" -Anonymous
93 Barb (BattleBurger)
100 Assassin (TurboTaxi)
...then maybe i'll stick around a bit longer. b:victory" -Anonymous
93 Barb (BattleBurger)
100 Assassin (TurboTaxi)
Post edited by TurboTaxi - Lost City on
Hope it doesnt fail like the other guides on the forums.
*cough* 1-30 guides*cough*0 -
First, remember it is a guide. You started this off badly by saying to go full Dex and that was the end of the discussion. You may not agree with the other builds, but you should still provide them. It is the players decision to choose his/her build, so give them the info on it all and be objective about it.
Second, a lot of the skills you have rated as 5* I have to disagree with, to an extent. Stealth skills, the passive stealth/detection skills, Wolf Emblem, and Focused Mind should not be leveled until a player actually starts active PvP. Having to rebuff during PvE with the exception of boss fights makes them (Focused Mind and Wolf Emblem) more a waste of MP. The stealth skills and passives are unnecessary until you actually start PvP on an active and regular basis. If someone is on a PvE server, both are a waste if they never play to PvP, as a simple Shadow Jump gets them close enough. The only skill I completely disagree with is Deep Sting. It is effective at level one, and therefore should be treated as a 2* skill, in my opinion.
Also, you are missing Shadow Teleport, Headhunt, Powerdash, Earthen Rift and Rising Dragon Strike in your skills section.
For the physical mobs, you may want to also add that using Tackling Slash and then moving inside their range circle (right under them) makes them unable to attack as long as the freeze effect is there. The only time this doesn't work is when the mob can use any type of range/magical attack.
You may want to also add that Powerdash should always be combined with Wolf Emblem, and that Tangling Mire and a double spark will ensure maximum damage on all bosses, some of which can make your mouth water because of the crit damage. b:dirty
I also find using Deep Sting on range mobs to be a waste of time. Using Tackling Slash is effective to get the job done on them, and Deep Sting is just a waste unless you are trying for damage, in which case, Slipstream or Headhunt would be more effective.
Also, section V needs a lot of detail. People will find that a lot changes for the Assassin in parties and especially in the instances. We no longer are a DD, and instead become a mix of DD and crowd control. We have the save the squishies who pull aggro, lure any runaway mobs from the party, pull the boss away should the tank die to prevent a party wipe (seeing as we have 2 speed skills, 3 with Holy Path). We have a lot we have to do, and too many Assassins don't realize just what their skills are meant for in a party.
However, in spite of all my opinions, yours is the one of the best guides on this forum, beaten only by ArkToNE's. Just keep working on it, you are going in the right path.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Didn't get the rest of it, but apparently I am the "destroyer of sin haters" as well.0 -
I actually like this one. As for the pure dex....doesn't bother me since i did it anyway^^0
I have to agree with ACLucius.
Some major flaws in it.
What I'd like to add is, that you mixed Focused Mind and Tidal Protection, it's vice versa than what you wrote^^.
(And I prefer Focused Mind, although it's only a 25% chance, but EVERY damage you take has this 25% chance to be reduced to 1, both physical and magical.)
Something else, you wrote at Shadow Jump (btw it has only 30 meters range at lvl 10, Shadow Teleport has 35 meters at lvl 10) that you can port trough doors. I've tried that in different instances and it never succeeded. I always got back in front of the door. (Would be too easy to farm TT and such this way.)
Well, what else to say?
Oh yeah, I thought this might be finally a really good guide, after so many fails, but it doesn't seem like one, it's a bit easier to read than the others, but still far away from perfection.Shantilia (Veno) Lvl 101 (Main)-Sanctuary
Sheynea (Sin) Lvl 100 (2. Main :P)-Sanctuary0 -
The descriptions for Focus mind and Tidal protection are backwards. Also, you made more or less every skill a high priority to max. The spirit alone needed for that can only be reached at lvl 95. So yeah, a little more discrimination on absolute need-to-have skills would be great. And maybe i just read through too quickly but I don't think you mentioned the 59 skills or CoTD at all.
Though I do agree with you wholeheartedly on the idea of a full dex sin b:victory
EDIT: Under your endgame pvp ideas, you should definitely include a tackling slash/maze steps immediately as you come out of stealth. Also for pvp against heavies, adopt some of Trawne's strategies (frikkin genius).0 -
I've tried that in different instances and it never succeeded. I always got back in front of the door. (Would be too easy to farm TT and such this way.)
Actually it works quite well for me. Dunno what you doin wrong there0 -
I never felt like making a whole guide but i did write a small one on stealth itself if you would like to link to it:
everyone else pointed out the only error i see.
as for the stat allocation bit, i agree pure dex is the only way for experienced players to go. you could note that having a small amount of vit may more inexperienced players a bit of time to react to some situations.
Edit: just a bit of note on your AOE section:
if you intend to use bramble rage try using both power dash and subsea strike together instead of spark. bramble will get the crit bonus and damage bonus from subsea but will not get extra damage from sparking. using maze steps as you start this combo helps give you time to re-stealth when ou are finished before others not killed can kill you.
also for the single target area, i like to add tackling slash at the start. prevents the target from moving away and ruining your spark timeBIackTyphoon - Heavens Tear wrote: »Actually it works quite well for me. Dunno what you doin wrong there
to this and the other poster, shadow teleport does and does not work in instances. it's still slightly buggy. in most cases it works as intended (fb's). in some cases it teleports you then warps back (cube). and in some cases it works fine but can also bug up and warp back (hh)
from what i found in HH you can teleport and not warp back if you are only teleporting a few meters ( 10-15). if i try to teleport 20+ it seems to warp me back.I hope that I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of title, the character of an honest man. -George Washington0 -
ACLucius - Revised
Shantilia - Revised
_Leif - Revised
Trawne - Revised"Stay cool, be respectful, know your limits, and accept it when you've lost....
...then maybe i'll stick around a bit longer. b:victory" -Anonymous
93 Barb (BattleBurger)
100 Assassin (TurboTaxi)0 -
I Think Its Perfect0
Glad to see the revisions. Just as a side note, on the Tackling Slash, you aren't stepping back away from the mob. Instead, you are stepping inside of it. If you have ever noticed a mob running away just to attack you again with melee, that is what it is doing. You are too close to them, so they cannot attack.
Also, there is no "o" in my name. b:laugh[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Didn't get the rest of it, but apparently I am the "destroyer of sin haters" as well.0 -
End game PvP move?
Power Dash -> Inner Harmony - > Triple Spark -> Earthen Rift.
TT-99 Daggers +5 has 871 Max damage.
Triple spark ( 500% weapon damage ) with Earthen Rift (400%) : (871 x 5 ) x 4 = 17420 damage. 17420 + Your Base damage ( Pure Dex. Mines at 5900 ) = 23320 damage.
If that crits, well x2 of it. or x2.3 if Wolf emblem is on. If it still doesnt kill, Do a bramble rage. lol.0 -
This guide has gotten significantly better since this morning b:victory
For PvE combos, the tackling slash + attack from inside the mob combo is essential, especially when soloing tough elites or guardian mobs in FBs. A combo I use for guardian mobs in BH (physical only). Is to stealth, walk inside of them, double spark, tackling slash, 4 normal attacks, rib strike, RDS, double spark and auto attack from there. The nice thing is that the mob is essentially 'stun locked' for 8 seconds, followed by a reduced attack rate courtesy of rib strike. Most sins, i think, are familiar with this idea.
The only problem is that it is difficult to use this technique on auto pathing mobs, especially small ones (think archer guardian in BH 51). For these, I always start with full chi and tele stun. Since the mob is pathing, you wont wind up right next to it, but rather a few meters away. Immediately use your other tele skill, which places you directly inside the mob with a minimum of 2 seconds of stun left. From here tackling slash, double spark, 4 regular attacks, rib strike, RDS, blah blah. After the second teleport move, the entire sequence can be automated with a macro, which makes the whole process significantly easier.
EDIT: Also for pvp combos, consider using one of the stun locks. Double spark, inner harmony, tele stun, tackling slash, throatcut, RDS, headhunt, puncture wound, deep sting, earthen rift is a great one that doesnt require any investment in a genie or apoth pots and works especially well with CoTD0 -
lot more detailed than some of the other guides.0
oooh i like this alot gives me a few ideas for my own sin once i start playing it more. thanx for the awesome guide, and i agree full dex ftw.
[QUOTE= Also, you made more or less every skill a high priority to max. The spirit alone needed for that can only be reached at lvl 95. So yeah, a little more discrimination on absolute need-to-have skills would be great. [/QUOTE]
i disagree. i don't fully know about sins but i have known lots of classes to max out their skills during their 8x's. personally that is what i did for my own character, but i do agree discrimination against some skills is neccessary very early on in game and even endgame. some skills are useless no matter what lvl they are, unless people are very inventive, and i mean very inventive.0 -
This should be stickied end of question xD This almost makes me want to lvl my sin instead of my psychic, but I just can't see me being able to afford the interval gear to make a sin truly OP. I guess ill stick with my psy... or they could just make classes more balanced so i can just stick with my cleric.0
the link to my stealth guide is broke. try going to the page itself or recombine this. it seems to have cut the middle out
htt p://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=691292I hope that I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of title, the character of an honest man. -George Washington0 -
Trawne - Lost City wrote: »the link to my stealth guide is broke. try going to the page itself or recombine this. it seems to have cut the middle out
htt p://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=691292
Dunno why it did that...
none the less, fixed. ^_^"Stay cool, be respectful, know your limits, and accept it when you've lost....
...then maybe i'll stick around a bit longer. b:victory" -Anonymous
93 Barb (BattleBurger)
100 Assassin (TurboTaxi)0 -
Disagree with Skill opener vs rangers/runners:
Tackling Slash : after wearing of in most cases mobs runs away which is kinda annoying
DeepSting on other hand 97% after wearing of or knocking out mob out of sleep it doesn't run away.
So as best opener vs Rangers/Runners or any mob at all is DS and not Tackling Slash.
Teleport : Horrible skill in macro usage or even almost not useable.
1. Cannot be chained normaly with skills due to weird delay which at the end stops macro. The only way to avoid that it's put in macro after teleport normal attack and only then chain of skills you want to use.
2. It's getting even worse while using vs Rangers/Runners since that weird delay even with normal attack after Teleport skill as well that type runs away and delay caused by idk what not allows you to use Tackling Slash or DS in time in order to stop them. So if your macro doesn't involves normal attack , It Cancels! or if it has normal attack the mob just run away and you chase him like fool unless you have Daggers with increased range.
P.S Do not confuse with Shadow Teleport(Teleport with stun) which is awesome for macro since Stun sort of removes problem with delay but still normal attack requires in macro After Shadow Teleport usage between chain of skills.0 -
Disagree with Skill opener vs rangers/runners:
Tackling Slash : after wearing of in most cases mobs runs away which is kinda annoying
DeepSting on other hand 97% after wearing of or knocking out mob out of sleep it doesn't run away.
So as best opener vs Rangers/Runners or any mob at all is DS and not Tackling Slash.
Teleport : Horrible skill in macro usage or even almost not useable.
1. Cannot be chained normaly with skills due to weird delay which at the end stops macro. The only way to avoid that it's put in macro after teleport normal attack and only then chain of skills you want to use.
2. It's getting even worse while using vs Rangers/Runners since that weird delay even with normal attack after Teleport skill as well that type runs away and delay caused by idk what not allows you to use Tackling Slash or DS in time in order to stop them. So if your macro doesn't involves normal attack , It Cancels! or if it has normal attack the mob just run away and you chase him like fool unless you have Daggers with increased range.
P.S Do not confuse with Shadow Teleport(Teleport with stun) which is awesome for macro since Stun sort of removes problem with delay but still normal attack requires in macro After Shadow Teleport usage between chain of skills.
I have never had mobs run away after Tackling Slash wore off unless aggro switched to someone else after the effect dispelled. Unless you are in their circle of attack (which does exist for mobs that never use melee), the mob should not run unless you either take entirely too long, or unless aggro switches. On another note though, by the time the effect wears off, unless you are facing elite mobs, it should be dead, so again, you should not be having such a problem.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Didn't get the rest of it, but apparently I am the "destroyer of sin haters" as well.0 -
Disagree with Skill opener vs rangers/runners:
Tackling Slash : after wearing of in most cases mobs runs away which is kinda annoying
DeepSting on other hand 97% after wearing of or knocking out mob out of sleep it doesn't run away.
So as best opener vs Rangers/Runners or any mob at all is DS and not Tackling Slash.
Teleport : Horrible skill in macro usage or even almost not useable.
1. Cannot be chained normaly with skills due to weird delay which at the end stops macro. The only way to avoid that it's put in macro after teleport normal attack and only then chain of skills you want to use.
2. It's getting even worse while using vs Rangers/Runners since that weird delay even with normal attack after Teleport skill as well that type runs away and delay caused by idk what not allows you to use Tackling Slash or DS in time in order to stop them. So if your macro doesn't involves normal attack , It Cancels! or if it has normal attack the mob just run away and you chase him like fool unless you have Daggers with increased range.
P.S Do not confuse with Shadow Teleport(Teleport with stun) which is awesome for macro since Stun sort of removes problem with delay but still normal attack requires in macro After Shadow Teleport usage between chain of skills.
I have never had a problem with tackling slash not holding the monster after it wore off unless it swaps aggro. gaining 50 chi is better than spending 50 chi also.
Dont see where it was said to use that in a macro...either way dont be lazy, click your skills :P
@TurboTaxi: you still need to fix shadow Jump's description. you wrote it goes 35 meters at level 10. it's really 30. also while looking for that i noticed Shadow Teleport is missing completely (which is 35 meters at 10 with a stun b:cute)I hope that I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of title, the character of an honest man. -George Washington0 -
@ HA build, please do note that that Sin was pretty worthless in PvP, HA is a carebear TT build and has no use outside PvE tbh.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Gotta love the cash shop idiots.0 -
Gin_Tenshi - Lost City wrote: »i disagree. i don't fully know about sins but i have known lots of classes to max out their skills during their 8x's. personally that is what i did for my own character, but i do agree discrimination against some skills is neccessary very early on in game and even endgame. some skills are useless no matter what lvl they are, unless people are very inventive, and i mean very inventive.
The amount of spirit required to max all non-useless skills (including subsea strike, headhunt, power dash, inner harmony) is approximately 33 million. Without GV or PQ farming, you can only reach this amount of spirit at around lvl 95. Realize that we have 5 lvl 59 moves, which is more than just about every other class.Teleport : Horrible skill in macro usage or even almost not useable.
1. Cannot be chained normaly with skills due to weird delay which at the end stops macro. The only way to avoid that it's put in macro after teleport normal attack and only then chain of skills you want to use.
As far as I know, most instant cast moves interrupt your macro (for anyone thats tried to spark mid-macro). This still doesnt mean the teleports aren't amazingly useful. Even at level 1, you have a more or less guaranteed 3 second stun as well as a second teleport that takes you straight inside the mob, which as mentioned earlier sets you up perfectly for a tackling slash macro. So all in all, no you can't macro the whole thing. You'll just have to live with pushing two to three buttons whenever you want to kill an elite mob0 -
"either way dont be lazy, click your skills :P"
unless you don't know :
1.Macro in many cases removes that invisible slight delay in skills which exist in manual pressing each skill 1 by 1 even with 0 lag around :P
2. Manual usage of Teleport skill leads to hdden delay mentioned before which lead to situation where your char hit at least 1-2 times before reacting to any "immidiate" botton usage from your side. Even at PvE it's fatal.
To enforce previous statement why not Tackling Slash as opener:
Why to waste "perfect" strike on mob if he can retaliate?? Point is to use the possible best strike for quick finish. As well usage DS gains you extra "free" attack. Question: What do you prefer Pay 50 chi and gain extra attack or be hit/sometimes killed if Sacra Elite mob crits ?b:chuckle
As well i indeed refered to Elite mobs especially those annoying "flyers" at Zimo's hall FB 59. Regular just die too fast.0 -
"either way dont be lazy, click your skills :P"
unless you don't know :
1.Macro in many cases removes that invisible slight delay in skills which exist in manual pressing each skill 1 by 1 even with 0 lag around :P
2. Manual usage of Teleport skill leads to hdden delay mentioned before which lead to situation where your char hit at least 1-2 times before reacting to any "immidiate" botton usage from your side. Even at PvE it's fatal.
To enforce previous statement why not Tackling Slash as opener:
Why to waste "perfect" strike on mob if he can retaliate?? Point is to use the possible best strike for quick finish. As well usage DS gains you extra "free" attack. Question: What do you prefer Pay 50 chi and gain extra attack or be hit/sometimes killed if Sacra Elite mob crits ?
As well i indeed refered to Elite mobs especially those annoying "flyers" at Zimo's hall FB 59. Regular just die too fast.
The only reason to use shadow jump is if the mob your targeting is either stunned, non-aggro, attacking one of your squad mates, or you are in stealth (granted if you can easily handle the mob and just want to get there more quickly, use it by all means). Anyone that's used shadow jump is well aware of the slight lag it creates, nonetheless it is still VERY useful in the right circumstances.
And again, no one is telling you not to macro your attacks (I've got 5 or 6 macros on my sin alone). Just don't expect them to work if you include a teleport move in them.
As for your preference of Deep Sting as an opener, it's really up to you. Though most people agree that a 50 chi opening move that only gives you a single extra attack is rather pointless compared to tackling slash, which gives you 50 chi and prevents physical mobs from hitting you for up to 8 seconds. For magic mobs like in FB 59, I'd rather use a stun lock combo or just let the barb tank the damage while I keep the mob pinned down.0 -
Trawne - Edited and Added =]
thanks, buddy!"Stay cool, be respectful, know your limits, and accept it when you've lost....
...then maybe i'll stick around a bit longer. b:victory" -Anonymous
93 Barb (BattleBurger)
100 Assassin (TurboTaxi)0 -
As for your preference of Deep Sting as an opener, it's really up to you. Though most people agree that a 50 chi opening move that only gives you a single extra attack is rather pointless compared to tackling slash, which gives you 50 chi and prevents physical mobs from hitting you for up to 8 seconds.
Can you completely prevent getting hit on a pure melee mob? I usually get hit at least once before i move into right position unless i attack from stealth.0 -
You can, but it's not altogether practical for you to do during regular grinding. If you really really want to avoid getting hit tho, either A) stealth and position yourself inside of mob (can be done manually or with the use of the shadow jump) and open with double spark, tackling slash or
teleport stun the mob and quickly shadow jump towards them followed by tackling slash and then double spark. The various cooldowns keep you from doing this too frequently, but it does allow you to take down some pretty tough mobs (guardians, elites, sacrificial assault) without getting bloodied up yourself.
If you think you're good on timing sparks, you can also run up to mob, tackling slash, spark to avoid their attack, and then move inside to auto attack. It's a much more efficient option, though you do stand the risk of getting slapped around a bit if your slow on the keyboard.0 -
_Leif - Lost City wrote: »You can, but it's not altogether practical for you to do during regular grinding. If you really really want to avoid getting hit tho, either A) stealth and position yourself inside of mob (can be done manually or with the use of the shadow jump) and open with double spark, tackling slash or
teleport stun the mob and quickly shadow jump towards them followed by tackling slash and then double spark. The various cooldowns keep you from doing this too frequently, but it does allow you to take down some pretty tough mobs (guardians, elites, sacrificial assault) without getting bloodied up yourself.
If you think you're good on timing sparks, you can also run up to mob, tackling slash, spark to avoid their attack, and then move inside to auto attack. It's a much more efficient option, though you do stand the risk of getting slapped around a bit if your slow on the keyboard.
Alright, thanks for answer. b:thanks
Btw, great guide TurboTaxi, i'll make sure to look into it several times as i make progress with my sin. b:victory0 -
Esuna - Raging Tide wrote: »@ HA build, please do note that that Sin was pretty worthless in PvP, HA is a carebear TT build and has no use outside PvE tbh.
HA build isnt useless in PvP. try it before you laugh at it b:bye"either way dont be lazy, click your skills :P"
unless you don't know :
1.Macro in many cases removes that invisible slight delay in skills which exist in manual pressing each skill 1 by 1 even with 0 lag around :P
2. Manual usage of Teleport skill leads to hdden delay mentioned before which lead to situation where your char hit at least 1-2 times before reacting to any "immidiate" botton usage from your side. Even at PvE it's fatal.
To enforce previous statement why not Tackling Slash as opener:
Why to waste "perfect" strike on mob if he can retaliate?? Point is to use the possible best strike for quick finish. As well usage DS gains you extra "free" attack. Question: What do you prefer Pay 50 chi and gain extra attack or be hit/sometimes killed if Sacra Elite mob crits ?b:chuckle
As well i indeed refered to Elite mobs especially those annoying "flyers" at Zimo's hall FB 59. Regular just die too fast.
you got that backwards buddy. macros can actually add delay in your skills. i've also never had a problem with delay after using teleport with the exception of when it rubberbands. i've even been able to tackling slash running targets in pvp
if you want to worry about an extra hit from a sac strike melee mob stealth first and tackle from max range then use skills. he wont hit you then.
or do this: Shadow teleport > Tackling > Throatcut > RDS > Headhunt > Slipstream > Rib strike > twin strike > Slipstream >Tackling > Throatcut
target wont be moving or fighting for that entire process.I hope that I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of title, the character of an honest man. -George Washington0 -
will be adding combos to certain types of mobs in the PVE Plus section soon."Stay cool, be respectful, know your limits, and accept it when you've lost....
...then maybe i'll stick around a bit longer. b:victory" -Anonymous
93 Barb (BattleBurger)
100 Assassin (TurboTaxi)0
This discussion has been closed.
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