Asurai - Raging Tide Arc User


  • It's not that we underestimated anyone, but as you said, we didn't have much time to execute our plan. So thumbs up to you three. As for our gears, we had two full R9 actually, not just the one. Not that it matters much, just clearing that part up. And hey, no hard feeling from our end. I don't see why there should be. We…
  • b:laugh
  • To be honest, I'd like to see them do this. It's one of those things I can't wrap my head around why such a thing has never been fixed before. Maybe because it's not broken, according to them. Anyway, my personal explanation has always been the same one. The devs in China still work on crappy 4:3 CRT monitors, rather than…
  • 25. I can still live with that age. Not looking forward to 5 years from now though.
  • It was fine for a few days. (when I made my previous post) But since today I'm experiencing an uprising in dc's again. Still not 15+ or so today, but too many to be considered acceptable. Eh, why are we getting 0 feedback on this PW? Like really, ignore much? >.>
  • Someone make a multi-angle video out of this. b:chuckle
  • Well I have to say that today I didn't dc a single time as well. A few clients crashes without error report, but that's nothing different than usual. PWE fixed the dc's? Or are we just on a lucky day?
  • No ideas, but the same happens to me too. As well around 1 out of 10 times I switch between characters. Relogging fixes it, but I agree it's really annoying. Specially when you are mailing items, or trying to trade something, your safety lock timer gets reset.
  • Oh, alright I'll add some more info then. Do read my first post as well tech support guys and girls. As I stated in my post on the first page, I live in Belgium. My ISP is Belgacom and is a DSL connection (via a router) and wireless. Though I'm wiring it since a week and a half which has no effect on reducing dc's. I'm up…
  • Reboot your computer, verify your game files, reinstall the game, submit a ticket. Those are a few of the replies you'll get.
  • Seeing you are getting no clear answers on this, and I and lots of my in game friends are having this issue too, I feel like I have to post here too. I live in Belgium, and most of the friends I'm talking about live in Germany. We all dc simultaneously. Yes simultaneously. We do NOT have the same ISP, yet live relatively…
  • You know, I'd so play that. Probably even more than that pack simulator. But seriously, Duke needs to shut up. Permanently. So yes, an option to mute Duke would be the most awesome solution ever. It gives each their own preference. Want to spam people endlessly trying to buy the items they "won"? By all means, don't…
  • Do I want to do that? O.o
  • An update of the thread would be nice really. >:D