European DCs

KomaHoks - Harshlands
KomaHoks - Harshlands Posts: 10 Arc User
edited June 2011 in Support Desk
Hi, i'm having this issue about disconnects and i want to get some info on it. I'll try to explain the whole situation as clear as possible.

1. About a month ago i started getting disconnects every ~2 - 3 hours. At first i thought it's my own problem so i reinstalled OS, Game, restarted router 1*10^999999 times, at last i reinstalled firmware of my router - none of that helped. My own problem - declined.

2. I started noticing me and my friend are getting lags/DCs at the same time (we have the same internet connection provider but he lives like 200kms away from me). So i contacted engineers of this company, which, by the way, i'm working in myself. Checked all possible logs of DCs on my connection and friends connection. There is no relation between them. Internet provider problem - declined.

3. DCs stopped about a week ago, however since last update on 2011.05.25 i started getting them again and again ~ every 2 - 3 hours.

4. After DCs reappeared i started searching for more people who are getting DCs. So i found few. We are all getting DCs at the exactly same time. Some of those people are from totally different countries, with different PCs and totally different internet providers.

5. Main problem - some people are getting DCed at the exactly same time and this seems to be PWI problem.

Specifications of DCs:

If you're running 2 accounts they might both DC or only 1 of them DCs, another stays online (happens totally randomly).

The moment the DC happens - your charracter can still move, but can't use skills, write in chat etc (happens with all of DCs so nothing fancy here). However right before getting "Disconnected" message i get all the chat writtings, people running arround me, damage or what ever i missed in action at the given time (freezing to DC). All this happens very fast.

So i think i made this problem kinda clear and i wish i could get info on when will this problem be solved/how to solve it myself. (Not accepting "move to USA" solution xD)

Thx, Koma.
Post edited by KomaHoks - Harshlands on


  • KomaHoks - Harshlands
    KomaHoks - Harshlands Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    So as i see i'm gettin no clean answear... Thinking about these previous posts - most popular answear was "some intercontinental router is failing" which is a huge nonsense. Just think about all the other possible crashes: security systems, downloads, not speaking about stock markets and anything that would fail because of these crashes and make all kinds of instability! So is there any other explanation that i could get? Or is just another incompetence of those who are responsible? Don't count me as offensive one, but we have a problem here and i want to get at least an answear QQ...
  • Azura - Lost City
    Azura - Lost City Posts: 2,281 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    I am from Mexico and I had this kind of dc's some weeks ago very often during at least one week. It stopped on its own.
  • darthpanda16
    darthpanda16 Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Game traffic is different from other types of data traffic and can be rerouted, blocked, or throttled as ISPs and other networks feel like.

    Please restart your PC and networking gear and try again.

    You can send in a ticket to tech support and we will ask you for traceroutes from your PC to our game servers. Please tell us what you have tried and what kind of problems you have had.

    We will then do our best to help you figure out what th problem might be! b:victory
    Do you need help learning about patching the game, installing it, changing antivirus/firewall settings, changing network settings, learn how to use a computer, keeping your PC maintained and more?
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  • KomaHoks - Harshlands
    KomaHoks - Harshlands Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Game traffic is different from other types of data traffic and can be rerouted, blocked, or throttled as ISPs and other networks feel like.

    Please restart your PC and networking gear and try again.

    You can send in a ticket to tech support and we will ask you for traceroutes from your PC to our game servers. Please tell us what you have tried and what kind of problems you have had.

    We will then do our best to help you figure out what th problem might be! b:victory

    OMGLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! did you read my post at all? you tell me to restart PC and networking gear when i clearly stated i reinstalled OS, firmware of router the game itself and many more

    Didn't you see that this problem was continuing for MORE THAN A MONTH? which means that i restarted PC and router for more than 84164164614 times?

    And how should i write a ticket when my friend wrote one A MONTH AGO and didn't get an answear yet?

    Well that's pretty much what i've expected lol
  • KomaHoks - Harshlands
    KomaHoks - Harshlands Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    More info: since what info i gathered most people getting DCs are from mid-eastern europe. Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Germany. Imma try posting the ticket and see what it comes to.

    EDIT: Got 4 DCs in last 20 mins. After i world chated about this problem - some dude told me he got preciselly 4 DCs in last 20 mins too. Few got 3 DCs. Coincidence? Doesn't seem to be :) Umh should we all reboot our PCs and network hardware at the same time too? Or contact our ISPs? LoL! We're not related in any possible way except close region and PWI. And region thing is still questionable since somebody from Mexico were getting DCs lately too :)
  • JennyAngel - Dreamweaver
    JennyAngel - Dreamweaver Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Im European, german to be exactly and I never get DCs unless the server is down.

    A friend of mine however, german too get DCs ~ all 30 minutes + -
    ~ Cleric 090
    ~ Sin 100
  • Asurai - Raging Tide
    Asurai - Raging Tide Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Seeing you are getting no clear answers on this, and I and lots of my in game friends are having this issue too, I feel like I have to post here too.

    I live in Belgium, and most of the friends I'm talking about live in Germany.
    We all dc simultaneously. Yes simultaneously. We do NOT have the same ISP, yet live relatively close if you measure in a global scale. Dc'ing every 20 min (in the worst case) or every other hour (the "best" care) makes playing, banking, catshopping, etc impossible.

    I as well reboot my computer a few times a day, same as restarting my internet connection and resetting my router. I've tried this wireless, but also wired. Always I thought wired would decrease the number of dc's. What a fool I was, it doesn't change a thing. I run a decent computer, so no, before you point something like this out, it's not that.

    Something in Europe is wrong. It's not ISP related. That is clear by reading the previous posts (yes I did read them) and my own personal experiences.
    The issue is at PW's side, not ours.

    Fix this. And fast please. It's making the game experience just unbearable for us.
    GM 2 - Asu 0
  • relativity
    relativity Posts: 238 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Got this problem since two weeks now b:cry DC every 40-60 minutes. Ping goes up and down like crazy. Wth?! b:sad It was okay for so many years, but now... b:sad
    Bids he then the spruces to singer him an anthems!
    And the Woodsie Lord binders them fleshes to stone!
  • First_sin - Harshlands
    First_sin - Harshlands Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    last 2 week i get DC each 20-40minb:angry i live in lithuania and my frends from there have same problemsb:angry
  • KomaHoks - Harshlands
    KomaHoks - Harshlands Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Thanks to all repliers for support. Those who answear - please make a note on which country do u live and what ISP are you using. We need as much info on this as possible.


    Update on GM ticket thingie: posted whole situation as clear as possible, got an answear from GMs asking me to post: dxdiag log (PC info), hijackthis log (system info) and tracerouting log which, in my oppinion, might only help if i catch a DC, which is pretty much impossible since it might happen in the period of 2 hours. Getting more info on how to make this tracerouting extended for a longer period so there is a chance they might see some data loss. Giving an answear to GMs right after i get this DC caught. Wish me luck ;)

  • Asurai - Raging Tide
    Asurai - Raging Tide Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Oh, alright I'll add some more info then. Do read my first post as well tech support guys and girls.

    As I stated in my post on the first page, I live in Belgium. My ISP is Belgacom and is a DSL connection (via a router) and wireless. Though I'm wiring it since a week and a half which has no effect on reducing dc's.

    I'm up to 12 dc's in the past 11 hours. Which is the lowest since these two weeks. I should be happy for that. Erm, nah, I'm not. Not at all even.

    Seeing they asked you to send a dxdiag, means they are still trying to shove the issue coming from your side of the line. I'm still conviced us Europeans have nothing to do with this issue. PW, the ball is in your court. Fix please! <3

    Edit: You'd ask "Which OS"? probably too. >.> So Windows 7 x64. With who I mean the people who'll do anything to shove the problem cause(s) in our shoes. I'm still not buying it.
    GM 2 - Asu 0
  • jobe555
    jobe555 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    well i'm getting alot of dcs too in the past hour me and my brother got dc about 50 times
    i'm happy if i can playe for 5 min without dcing but last night i had a giant lag now i ahve smooth but getting dc every min my internet is at 100% but normally i can still chat and stuff
    but not now

    i'm from belgium and i use telenet so it's not belgacom or anything plz help me b:surrender
  • jobe555
    jobe555 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    my brother got the same problem with other games like wow and pw so don't think it's rlly pw that's the problem it could be bc of our net is at 100% but still :s
  • KomaHoks - Harshlands
    KomaHoks - Harshlands Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Some good news from my side. Still didn't catch a DC/lag, however DCs were changed by Ping and enormous lag every 30 mins - 2 hours. This is actually better than DCs since i can at least leave catshop for a night. How about u guys?
  • Asurai - Raging Tide
    Asurai - Raging Tide Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Well I have to say that today I didn't dc a single time as well. A few clients crashes without error report, but that's nothing different than usual.

    PWE fixed the dc's? Or are we just on a lucky day?
    GM 2 - Asu 0
  • KomaHoks - Harshlands
    KomaHoks - Harshlands Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    And here we go again... got 3 DCs today. Might be some other problem however it happened in like 2 hours :) sooo... nothing fixed so far lol
  • Asurai - Raging Tide
    Asurai - Raging Tide Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    It was fine for a few days. (when I made my previous post) But since today I'm experiencing an uprising in dc's again. Still not 15+ or so today, but too many to be considered acceptable.

    Eh, why are we getting 0 feedback on this PW?

    Like really, ignore much? >.>
    GM 2 - Asu 0
  • KomaHoks - Harshlands
    KomaHoks - Harshlands Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Cause people are ignorant and lazy to go and post/read/whine on forums or anywhere else. However if i write a Tele after each of these DCs asking if anybody DC'ed i'm always getting a few whispers back... So there are lots of people having this trouble.

    Anyway. i've got an idea, Asurai, so if u wanna hear it out add me on Core friends and i'll let u know what kind of wheels are spinnin in my head ;)
  • Mor_Toran - Sanctuary
    Mor_Toran - Sanctuary Posts: 457 Arc User
    edited June 2011
    Has anyone done a tracert to find where the lag is that's causing the DC's?

    Because 95% of the time it's a router between you and PWI, especially if you're overseas.
    4.5% of the time it's something on your computer/network.
    0.5% is probably server-side, and they have been good at announcing it when that is the case.

    I know when I have problems with heavy lag or disconnects, I can trace it to a regional hub in Colorado or in Texas that isn't load-balancing properly. Recently there's been a hub in New York causing issues as well. None of these have anything to do with PWI, nor can you or PWE do anything to change/fix it.
    "No matter how subtle the wizard, a knife between the shoulder blades will seriously cramp his style." - Steven Brust, Yendi

    Yeah, I'm that good. b:chuckle