Andres - Raging Tide Arc User


  • o.o how did you... nvm.. <3 Hallie <3 and miss her a lot! Tell her to quit her job and get back nao, I might just quit mine too >.> and I'm not even trying to level in this game, at least for a while, just trolling forums or doing BH when I'm at work and CS... it's been proven lethal to alt tab at job after 1 flesh ream…
  • Thanks Illyana, so Cala won twice this weekend? No wonder why Ajay has been oddly quiet. I agree the boasting after each TW victory is pretty useless. But you can only expect that at this point after some of your guildies have been taunting Calamity with their wins lately. It's just part of the game as PG inferred by…
  • This is just bad sportsmanship. See Trascended videos are good because it doesnt matter win or lose (and he mostly lost) it's all about how hard he hits and how well he could position himself and his AoE b:shocked Anyone care to tell the story about this weekend TWs (without bashing please =P) and outcome? thanks! b:bye
  • What he said b:laugh
  • The slash comes after server opening in the form of more revamped packs! I predict archo-packs for tonight b:shocked This made me lol.
  • But the thing is without experience you cannot really get "experienced". Yes, I agree, hyper stones have brought players with little to none knowledge of their class or awareness of the game. But you're missing the point of Hyper stones to begin with. 1-They cost money, which implies a person is willing to "invest" in his…
  • I'll tell you something new: The Tideborn quest lvl 100 mob that flies = new kun kun, I hate them >.< Edit: Also, forum takes for ever to update your avatar wth Q.Q
  • No, you get to be Austin Powers, so I can be Fat ****. NOW GET IN MA BELLY!
  • You know now that you mention it, that kinda destroyed the purpose of why I chose sage, when I picked it for archer I thought my skills would make a difference when in TW. Truth is, unlike a wizard, spark + autoattack is pretty much it to a TW-archer if he doesn't have the time or money for real endgame gear... Sage wizard…
  • Yeah, this was very low... but please lets not fall again in a blaming game, unless you can prove who it was, lets refrain from pointing fingers on yet another thread. Congrats Equinox on the TW win though, I am very sure this flaming and hateful thread wont outshine your great win.
  • Congrats guys, I like it how the demons quest depends on a sage to tank it hehe. What did it drop? and did it came up with a server announcement? more importantly, I know Harpy has like 0 defeses, but how long it took?... Work blocks youtube =[
  • Hey I enjoyed reading the Prince! and IDK, not that forums savvy, thought the name without your character avatar was your account name always, guess I was wrong =[ How was your weekend guys?
  • False. As Illyana pointed out, I haven't been playing in DW since december. But if proving PvP superiority over me on the PvE server makes you feel better, that's ok, you sir are too pro, I fear you in real life as I can't sleep, think or work well thinking you're lurking in the dark shadows of Archosaur to bash me with…
  • because I just switch avatars and I need a new post count =[
  • How can you has a tail when I cut it before going on vacations? b:bye
  • how do you even remember that user logon b:shocked
  • Now the new mystery is how can you write with a candle stick b:sad Come to think about it, BB does look a lot like Col. Mustard Proof: or... maybe Professor Plum?
  • You guys have efficiently confused me =[ it doesnt take much, grats!
  • Whoever wrote that mail clearly has no idea about BB. - The punctuation and(or) lack of in that game mail, even for limited characters would make any brit kill himself. BaldwinBoy included. - In almost 6 months I was in Calamity, I've never seen BaldwinBoy use an acronym. Seriously, that guy will type down What The Hell…
  • I agree with Jay and I was not surprised at all with the outcome of the TW this weekend, It's impossible to gather over 120 people in ANY faction to show up to 2 great TWs, let alone a third one in Vanquish. Illyana has a point, as Vanquish will be getting stronger and posing a greater danger on Calamity future, should…