Ahaha oh hun, wow, and you took the time to upload all those screenshots too. :3 so cute! Grats on surviving Pole ;) Also, yes, a wizard can most definitely tank 69 easily enough at 8x lvl. Of course this is all dependent on the one cleric being good enough; it's really just them doing the important work after all lol.
I cannot understand the negative response to this thread; you can argue semantics all you want over what PWE considers 'international' but the fact remains that they clearly do recognize Europeans as an active part of their player-base. If Europeans can help pay for the game, and PWE made has deliberate accommodations to…
I didn't realize this was still being updated, but thanks for still doing it BeingHope! :D Impulse's leader has changed to MeXyCaN so if you could update that for us that'd be great.
I was expecting some long, romantic letter to Fluffy professing ~love~ and ~sexytimez~, this is just a let down Tivas.
Let's see how this goes! :D 1. I r not Asian [+1] 2. Amanda (Amaliee) both end in vowels! [+1] 3. No underscores! [+1] 4. I r in Impulse! [+1] 5. My hair is brown! My eyes are brown! [-1] 6. I totally and 100% agree! [+1] 7. I will be pm'ing Ducky for that info! [+1] 8. I prefer to do it everyday, or more! [+1] 9. I r…
Val, you're still around! :D
This thread is hilarious. It's remarkable how people can form massive Wall-O-Texts and not have a single thing of merit to say. b:chuckle <3 you Archosaur! :D
Congrats on using one sentence to sound like an a$$hole to perfect strangers everywhere. That doesn't take a lot of skill, but it sure does take a special kind of person. If I were like that, I'd probably quit.
Never cared too much for Ulysses, I know its a classic but I found it stale after the first few reads. Maybe it was just a bit too over hyped or not enough of a challenge considering its age. ;) I'll be re-reading House on the Embankment instead.
Boy did the second event's ones go down much faster, I didn't even have the chance to get to LC's before it was killed. GJ to everyone, though! Nice to see events that have the entire server working together (even if it ends up being for personal reward lol).
Did not get a chance to say 'thank you' to LGoddess for making these reports again, so thanks L! :)
Well that settles it, Etherblade must be destroyed completely. Grab your torches and pitchforks everyone and lets have at it!
Careful now, your ignorance is showing...whoever you are. b:chuckle
Okay that made me LOL b:chuckle
GHealz, go to bed hun.
I think the thing with Templar this week was just that they were able to hold on to two out of three lands and were able to hold together an intelligent move in a difficult situation, which frankly impressed me as I thought they were quite depleted at this point. Now as to what will happen this week, I fully agree with you…
QQ B-B-But I already responded to your post originally. Now you've gone 'n' hurt mah feelings. D: b:chuckle The name of the game is bustin' chops, then bust I shall! >:D Mwuhahahaha. Also thanks for the barb's hp info previously, still gj worthy overall! I would post a cat macro, but I am le lazy. And you cannot post one…
I don't really care about the rest of the spat that this post somehow turned into but I simply had to respond to this statement. Did you honestly think that meme started in PWI at all, let alone specifically on HL and somehow involving people you knew? OMG did you invent cat macros too? "No idea how that came into saying"…
I think I was most amused by the herc that turned around and was punching the wall there for a while (which they seem to love to do) and the fact that BB went up juuust too late as the "corpse" hit the ground. But good job guys, would love to know how much HP the barb had. b:victory
@Stilled: "Narnia" is a friendly nickname for Narla that's been around since the first few days of its creation. I believe it was given to them by their own members and I recall recruitment messages with the nickname used. So, er, no need for anyone else to "smarten up". As for the rest, I'm kind of getting annoyed at how…
This post was filled with more unintelligent responses by non-trolls than I could imagine. The amount of people talking right out their asses about a class they'd clearly never played or even paid much attention to makes me want to beat rudimentary educational skills into them with a stick. You need an answer? Psychics and…
The skill descriptions we have available to us are translated versions and have varied based on who has done the translating. Therefore I won't decide for sure until I can see an official copy. As it stands at this point, however, I say sage as it seems the best in the long run and appears to be the most party friendly.
I Lol'd at first over there being two videos, thinking how was that possible considering the match ended in 11 minutes, but then I saw what you did thar! :3 Nice video quality though and lots of sparkley goodness. Thanks for the upload! :)
You sound mad there hun. b:chuckle But honestly what strategy? We didn't even have time to execute any real strategy, once we started attacking you it was a roll-over. Still, regardless of the short run, I had fun! And you never gave up or stopped attacking us even while we were hacking away at your crystal. So good fight…
Didn't you know, all you have to do to get a character transferred is bribe a GM with candy, submit 50,000 tickets, donate 100 if your irl money to a worthy charity and spin around three times while clapping your hands outside during a thunderstorm. What did you honestly re-roll and start a character up from scratch on a…
:O That is mighty, mighty crafty of you Narla! I'm sure this hamster ridden, buffed and TT armed monster army of yours is all part of your diabolical plan for TW domination. But you'll have to contend with Impulse's equally diabolical scheme that has nothing whatsoever to do with seducing all the PWI Elders to carry out…
I haven't read through all these posts, so this has probably already been said, but for me the DQ drop in NPC price doesn't really matter, it's not been a source of income for me since a long time ago, but what I really worry about are new players. The new players who don't cash shop and who are just playing through the…
The thing I was trying to get across, but I think I may have been unclear of, is that even in that situation you would still be able to exploit an account. It would still provide someone with that opportunity. So I do not think that should be allowed as it would mean no longer being able to guarantee the security of your…
No, Michael did not understand the full scope of why the Safety Lock was in place. On this comment some of the other ways your account can be exploited are listed, including the fact that you could leave your computer unattended and have someone access it.…
I almost wanted to select 'no' just so I could be the one 'no' vote, but the awesomeness of pandas overwhelmed me and I could not bring my self to do it. b:chuckle