Jungle Ruins/Temple of Dragon/CoA at 5 AM?!!
Of corse there is always one who cant join even if it would be 4 times a day.
On the other hand makeing it 2 times a day but only attendable 1 time a day just would be a nice addition and enable more players to attend, not all thats impossible and no one requested that here.^^
Also i didnt read the "OMG ITS SO UNFAIR" part, must have overseen the QQ then since there is so much hate here. :P
The second time doesnt hurt anybody so why not? I dont see why one should rant about something like that, except maybe trolling? b:chuckle0 -
I wish an admin came here and shared his opinion about the idea with us.0
Go play EurotrashPW.0
don't waste a breath, changed the game title to Perfect World America
Definition of International:
1.between or among nations; involving two or more nations
2.having members or activities in several nations
Definition of Global:
1.pertaining to the whole world; worldwide; universal
so figure out the difference ourself[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Some of those events get you gear u cant get otherwise (CoA) and it FCKN SUCKS for european players to not do those.
even tw times suck but as that is on weekend we can deal with it...but no european,working human sits there at 4am to do event...even though they would LOVE to do it..Born as a Sin,
living a life full of death.
The crimson liquid colored the snow,
the eyes full of agony, you don't wanna know. ~Azula, Assasin, Infamy
Arcrueid...reroll...NAO!b:angry0 -
Thats crazy!
Do you know how much work must be done to bring up events another time? You have to add a timespan in the tasks.data, this change will take ~5 minutes, i think you can't force the devs to such a painful job...
b:laugh[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Airyll - Dreamweaver wrote: »International : available in two or more countries.Airyll - Dreamweaver wrote: »a game aimed at and based in North America[SIGPIC]T.T[/SIGPIC]
(best i could do T_T)
b:cryYou were the best CM everb:cry
August 12 - I'm officially 15 b:pleased0 -
If you would do a little searching you would find information directly from the GMs on this issue.
Perfect World Entertainment is offering games that are optimized for NORTH AMERICAN audiences. Other countries are allowed to play but the game is only optimized for service in NORTH AMERICAN time zones.
International=2 or more countries
North America=>2 countries
Sorry that things are not in your time zone but you agreed to this when you started playing here. There is a EU server for perfect world that you could play on if you want EU optimized times. You chose which server to play on so you can either deal with how things are ran or move on to a EU based game.0 -
DrDrakken - Lost City wrote: »b:surrender
You do realize that North America isnt a country right? It consists of United States, Canada, and Mexico. Even if we factor out Mexico since PWI is an English game, thats still United States & Canada. Let me count;
(1) United States
(2) Canada
OH! Thats at least two countries! Wow PWI is a game aimed at and based in at least 2 countries, thats International!
Maybe DrDrakken needs to learn the difference between a continent & a country before trying to point out contradicting statements which dont actually contradict each other.0 -
well since the GMs here seem to be either to stupid to do a simple task, or if this is the devs job, then there to stupid to do a simple task,
take the nien event, for me it starts at 9pm and 2am, now 9pm is a great time for me, i havnt a prob, 2am...well sometimes if i can be bothered i stay awake to do it, not that i shud, but meh idc, but for others its bad cos its even later then 2am,
simple solution, dont have a stupid 5 hour break till the next one then wait 16 hour wait again, the smart thing wud be to have a 12 hour interval between each one, so regardless of the time, any1 can get 1 event in at a reasonable time
example, 12am-12pm, nothing to complain about,
4pm-4am, u get 1 event in the middle of the day, 6pm-6am, again, 1 event in the day,
for the forest ruins what moron also thought to do it on a tuesday? same with the new event on monday, why monday? why not friday, saturday or sunday...jesus who employed these idiots and where did they get there license to dev games.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"Kantorek: we hope to see the economy in PWI come back "down to earth" if you will."
*One week later*
"Frankieraye: Lucky Corals and Platinum Charms are going to be in the Boutique indefinitely."
*few months later, PWI puts rank8/9 into the CS insanely cheap, raising gold 1mill+*0 -
License to develop games? Is that like a license to kill? b:shocked0
For all the morons who QQd on their freaking internationality:
Guys were u born during World War II near an exploding granade or what? What causes such insane hate by u huh? I just want a simple change that will make other people enjoy the game and make you QQers still play! (we also paid the ******n money to cash shop right? so stop complaining).
Let me put this together:
Europeans are paying money to Americans (by purchasing ZEN from them) just to be QQed, hated, humiliated and freaking ignored by them? Thats the point? If it is for americans only then why is it announced and advertised on EUROPEAN INTERNET SITES?! I tell u what haters - PWI wants Expansion because your money and interest is NOT ENOUGH for them. And stop freaking QQ about it because thats the damn FACT.
All that europeans need for the thousands of dollars they sent to America is just a possibility to take part in the events that you even rarely want to do for yourself, wanting to get the freaking EXP from BHS, FCC and Hyper EXP, reaching lvl 100 and being same noobs as you were before. Let us play too and appreciate that not only you pay to make this game live! >.<
Europe trusted PWI, not wanting another fake european PW version. Majority of euro people plays PWI not eurofakePW. Then stop it and dont show your dirty butt to them because another time there will be game where europeans will do the same to Americans and you surely won't be satisfied by that. So finish this nazist discussion and focus on the problem itself and not on humiliating others who just want to enjoy the game just like you do.0 -
I cannot understand the negative response to this thread; you can argue semantics all you want over what PWE considers 'international' but the fact remains that they clearly do recognize Europeans as an active part of their player-base.
If Europeans can help pay for the game, and PWE made has deliberate accommodations to allow multiple, Europe-specific ways of doing that, they can request being included in event scheduling.
Having two event times seems like the perfect solution, it certainly won't make things better for everyone, but it will for a far larger PWI population.
And FYI, if you do deign to consider the 'international' brand to be limited to the three North American countries only (which, quite frankly, I think is idiotic), there are six timezones that cut across our continent. Adding a second event time 12 hours apart from the other would surely benefit some North Americans as well.0 -
I don't understand what the huge problem is. Adding new times would be a great thing for everyone, no? Not everyone in North America lives on the same schedule. And as for the Europeans - if they are accepted as part of the player-base, PWE should consider them when scheduling events. As for everyone who's saying it won't change because the devs are more concerned with making money than keeping their players happy...what exactly have they got to lose by implementing a simple schedule change? If anything, I think this would profit them.
I voted yes.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"Appreciation is a wonderful thing. It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well." - Voltaire0 -
Adding a new time would be great. Another chance to participate with other of my alts. =o_O=[insert sig here]0
Zaratha - Harshlands wrote: »I don't understand what the huge problem is. Adding new times would be a great thing for everyone, no? Not everyone in North America lives on the same schedule. And as for the Europeans - if they are accepted as part of the player-base, PWE should consider them when scheduling events. As for everyone who's saying it won't change because the devs are more concerned with making money than keeping their players happy...what exactly have they got to lose by implementing a simple schedule change? If anything, I think this would profit them.
I voted yes.
I see no harm in scheduling the events 2-3 times per day. Events are 1/4 of the reason I play still (the other 3/4 is to hear QQ while I pvp b:chuckle), but, though I live in North America, I can't always make the scheduled times. It really would benefit everyone, imho.The only sin to go from 1 to 102 completely nude b:cool0 -
Int = internationa? not, int = intelligent b:laugh
An intelligent people know how to make funny game for every people into every server.
USA-Europe have 6 hours time difference and whith this can make an intelligent choice: copy the Nean Beast Event!!!
Nean Beast Event start at 22.00 (16.00 into USA) and at 3 am (20.00 into USA) here into middle Europe.
European People play without problem the 22.00 event and Usa people play or 2 event or the 20.00 Event with the afternoon free to go at work or College.
What the problem to make this? only the racist american that dont want european people into rare event, becouse this event give rare item (= economic reward > that european people).
Now int is int-ernational or int-elligent?
PS: Can also make
EU: 15.00 - 3.00 am = USA: 9.00 am - 20.00 pm
EU: 14.00 - 3.00 am = USA: 8.00 am - 20.00 pm
b:bye0 -
All I have to say is that the servers are set for east and west coast of the AMERICAS. I have nothing against Europeans or Asians or anyone, but I just wanted to say that. b:surrenderTsutai - 91 Demon Cleric
xYuna - 62 Veno0 -
Heriod - Sanctuary wrote: »I am writing this to get european players the voice here.
Have fun.
Thing is, you are mislead by the "International" in "Perfect World International". I really have no idea why they named it like that, maybe because they don't have an IP block so everyone CAN play. Doesn't mean they care. It is really just a "Perfect World US".
Lucky for me, I don't care about these "events" anyway. Couldn't handle them even if I wanted to as well --- and it's unlikely they'll ever do something that I find interesting, simply because since they added the Public Quests they've used this **** contribution system on everything they label as "event".Slow progress, game is getting way too grindy :-( Quests I still hope to be able to do some day: FB39, General Feng0 -
i see no harm in doing this but im kind of led to believe tht they care more about the american population becus well the servers are over here but i wouldnt mind another chance to do some events im not against the idea so ill just vote yes but i dont think it will happen so dont get your hopes upb:victoryCollector of pet eggs, armor, weapons, fashion, and mountsb:chuckle0
Hey OP, move to China and play this version of the game, I'm sure you'll get nice event times there.0
I don't know where u guys live in Europe but here the nien event was at 1 and 6 am. I Made some or the 1am events. A 12h span would be nice, just fit 1 time for the american players. Im sure the time for euro players iwll be better then too. But well all american player go like: omg i had to wake up at 9am for tw at that timeslot which happens once a year. I'm a euro player and need to wake up at 4am, if war takes 2 hours, i can go to sleep at 7am. I am in tw faction, but waking up for those stupid events is a bit to much for me.
For the rest QQ, time is good for americans, devs dont care about euro players, neither do american players0 -
Hellraisor - Heavens Tear wrote: »I don't know where u guys live in Europe but here the nien event was at 1 and 6 am. I Made some or the 1am events. A 12h span would be nice, just fit 1 time for the american players. Im sure the time for euro players iwll be better then too. But well all american player go like: omg i had to wake up at 9am for tw at that timeslot which happens once a year. I'm a euro player and need to wake up at 4am, if war takes 2 hours, i can go to sleep at 7am. I am in tw faction, but waking up for those stupid events is a bit to much for me.
For the rest QQ, time is good for americans, devs dont care about euro players, neither do american players
Hey Hellraisor. It's not the point of TW, I said already. Because TW times would need to be completely changed and if it would suit Europe, it won't suit America. I know that and I can't QQ or anything about it because america leads in this matter (server location and all the stuff u mentioned).
All I wanted is to make 2 times of entering Jungle Ruins/City of Abominations/Temple of The Dragon. Americans wouldn't be affected in any way by it, cause entering to the instance could be limited to one per day per account only. It already works by Nien Event and Race event so it doesn't harm anybody. Yet it wiill make European players enjoy the events that devs put their time and effort to prepare. It will make the game more user friendly, it is pretty easy and quick to do (just put an additional launching time in the timespan), and will surely end all qq about PWI not being user-friendly and stuff. PWI didn't block euro users because it also is a vast pllayer-base on all servers. This, I think, also supports my idea. The Poll speaks for itself: thrice as much people voted for yes than for no.0 -
Heriod - Sanctuary wrote: »Europeans are paying money to Americans (by purchasing ZEN from them) just to be QQed, hated, humiliated and freaking ignored by them? Thats the point? If it is for americans only then why is it announced and advertised on EUROPEAN INTERNET SITES?! I tell u what haters - PWI wants Expansion because your money and interest is NOT ENOUGH for them. And stop freaking QQ about it because thats the damn FACT.
Thats why PWI allowed to play non Americans players. Without they purchasing gold/zen the PWI will have huge monetary losts like happened at PW-MY where the players **** the whole game with boots, wallhacks, cheats, multiclienting, ect.... avoiding purchase gold/zen making the company lost a nice profit.
If the Europeans PW versions was enought good to play like PWI/MY Europeans will not been playing PWI.
PW-MY removed Forest Ruins event for hackers, Raise down DQ prices for hackers, changed TW system for hackers.......Fact!! And we are watching all those changes here, never forget that the Americans GM's are under Malaysia company orders and they just update the content allowed from PW-MY and filled some huge PWI complains. We can appreciate glitchs never fixed. Is a license issue....
Even if the game is American or not I assume that many Americans cant even join the events becuase they have a live, except if you are not employed or havent anything more to do at your live than play this game the whole day.
Its not to hard implemented it twice at day like the Nien Best/Race event or each 12hours once server maintenance is completed like happens with the rare pets.
Otherwise I saw somewhere posted by Kantorek that the Celestial event is at 21:00pm GMT each Monday, this is around 05:00 - 07:00am at European zone time where they get nerfed!
I cant understand the rage here because not only Europeans play here, I meet too many players from non Europeans contries and I can bet that the Americans players has in-game Europeans/others friends that like to talk and play everyday.
I bet for twice times for events![SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Arshies - Sanctuary0 -
Yea I like the idea!
If this is a PW-MT problem where they dont allow PWI add events twice they can try to obtain the approval, we want be able to join the events aswell.
And we are PWI costumers aswell![SIGPIC]C:\Users\Fatima\Pictures\neivindicatequickfix.png[/SIGPIC]0 -
Arshies - Sanctuary wrote: »Thats why PWI allowed to play non Americans players. Without they purchasing gold/zen the PWI will have huge monetary losts like happened at PW-MY where the players **** the whole game with boots, wallhacks, cheats, multiclienting, ect.... avoiding purchase gold/zen making the company lost a nice profit.
If the Europeans PW versions was enought good to play like PWI/MY Europeans will not been playing PWI.
PW-MY removed Forest Ruins event for hackers, Raise down DQ prices for hackers, changed TW system for hackers.......Fact!! And we are watching all those changes here, never forget that the Americans GM's are under Malaysia company orders and they just update the content allowed from PW-MY and filled some huge PWI complains. We can appreciate glitchs never fixed. Is a license issue....
Um, it's PW-CH, not PW-MY.
And the reason PWI gets most of the changes done in PW-CH is because the people working on it are the same. Any change that we get that is not there means extra work for the Chinese team.If you disregard what I say because of who I am or because of the contents of what I said, you are a fool.
Everyone wants to be different, but when you're different you wish you were normal.0 -
Olba - Sanctuary wrote: »Um, it's PW-CH, not PW-MY.
And the reason PWI gets most of the changes done in PW-CH is because the people working on it are the same. Any change that we get that is not there means extra work for the Chinese team.
That's the reason why I don't understand why we don't have Archosaur Arena open and they have. Doesn't make any sense really.100% F2P player. Started PW: March 2007, Quit PW: March 2011.
pwcalc.com/e7016929e7b204ae "Pure axe" 8k HP multipath BM, last one of my kind.0 -
Been almost an entire week since Ive seen this, been getting worried no one would make it again -_-."I'm in the Dark, I'm alone around you. I've been here before, nobody here to get me through. Oh, I'm losing my faith in every way, That points to you, I'm in the dark."The Birthday Massacre
0 -
Did you know that, as a european player playing on west coast server, you are kicking YOURSELF out of all possible events?
The west coast servers opperate under a different time zone than the east coast servers (3hours difference I believe). SOoooo, for all you european players who rage at the 5am time for events, here's a little hint.
Rerol to a server closer to home. East coast server already means 2am for most events.
Stop wining. You picked the freaking west coast server yourself, so you screwed youself out of all possible events.
PS, there is infact a european version of PWI. I know it sucks, I know it's rubbish, but there are still european servers of the game. Stop pretending they don't exist.
(coming from a dutch player who has no problem with TW)9 out of 10 voices in my head say I'm not crazy... the 10th is singing the music of tetris0 -
PWI are so intent on not letting other timezones have fun that they even put events right after each other near 20.00 (e.g DT and Jungle Ruins both on tuesday, both around 20.00-21.00)
The brilliance of it all....
Now, we have:
Jungle Ruins- 20.00
CoA- 20.00
PK Tournament- 20.00
Tiger Event- 20.00
Bidding Hall- 20.00
Main TW times- 20.00
DT- 21.00
Events at other times? None.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Originally posted by LShattered - HeavensTear
Ohhh...I am dumb b:shutup0
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