The Glorious Lv 90

Posts: 201 Arc User
edited May 2010 in General Discussion
ok imma ah say...back in my days of PWI when there was ONLT crazy stones, World quest and Grinding being lv90 ment that u were a high lv and when u dinged 90 that was a big deal now...THANKS to these...these...these imbeciles of GMS and DEvs EVERY1 can ding 90 in like 1 month or 3 weeks
now honestly pwi wats IS ur tru aim?? scare every1 away so no1 plays and u can focus and ur new games??
the 1 bh was fine then u had the half baked crack head of an idea for not 1 a day but 3...
THEN came hypers which allow u to lv SO makes no sense yes i knw its UR choice to use em but still their there...
my freinds are all leaving game cuz the difficulty lv is...0 u ding lv 90 and farm and farm pk is dead EVEN on pvp servers cuz ppl are in bh all day
so wat is so gorious of that lv90 now?? every tom jick jane and harry is lv 90 now
so thanks for completely **** up this game and i take my leave of PWI with this postb:bye
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Tempest FTWb:bye
Post edited by GHealz - Archosaur on


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  • Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    1/2 of me is thinking QQ moar it's your fault that you're lvl 90 already.

    The other 1/2 is sad to see you leave. You've helped me before and were really nice. :) GL with wherever you're going.
    Previous Enemy Executor
    Current SentineI Member
    "I'm sorry, but if you cant aggro control, then you better have the gear/charm to back yourself up. And falling short of that, you simply deserve to die. It's PWI darwinism tbh." - DaKillanator - Raging Tide
  • Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Contrary to what some ppl on these forums really think, BH is way more popular and wanted than hated.

    Just see that rage that was when bh was gone for a day... lol

    Anyway I don't get what "old days" have with challenge. If you were only able to level using grinding, then for me a level 90 would only mean "holy **** look at that guy how much time he spent pressing a few buttons over and over like a machine"

    That is NOT challenging or something hard, at least not by my definition. ijs
    First 103 on Raging Tide 30 Oct 2010
  • Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    GHealz, go to bed hun.
  • Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    What? >': I don't pay to win.

    I still grind and it's not like all of us ACers do FC/Hyper/Rebirth/w.e all the time. Although yeah.. now - (compared to "back in the day" of no BH) it takes me a day and a half to level. I see a lot of 9x quitting or taking breaks now because they no longer feel challeneged or motivated to play PWI.

    Goodbye and I hope you find something else that satisfies your grinding needs.
  • Posts: 2,050 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    ok imma ah say...back in my days of PWI when there was ONLT crazy stones, World quest and Grinding being lv90 ment that u were a high lv and when u dinged 90 that was a big deal now...THANKS to these...these...these imbeciles of GMS and DEvs EVERY1 can ding 90 in like 1 month or 3 weeks
    now honestly pwi wats IS ur tru aim?? scare every1 away so no1 plays and u can focus and ur new games??
    the 1 bh was fine then u had the half baked crack head of an idea for not 1 a day but 3...
    THEN came hypers which allow u to lv SO makes no sense yes i knw its UR choice to use em but still their there...
    my freinds are all leaving game cuz the difficulty lv is...0 u ding lv 90 and farm and farm pk is dead EVEN on pvp servers cuz ppl are in bh all day
    so wat is so gorious of that lv90 now?? every tom jick jane and harry is lv 90 now
    so thanks for completely **** up this game and i take my leave of PWI with this postb:bye

    I kind of agree with you but the offences you are using do not allow me to support you.b:bye
  • Posts: 1,545 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    idk how the hell you lvled so fast to 90 man. and your complaining about it? (or maybe u cash shopped o.o)
    hell i started this character long before u and im only 7x, QQ b:cry
    its not easy to lvl. its hard b:surrender

    now playing megaten and...Forsaken World ;)
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    i havez bad englich so my point is valid and it be reflecting on my intelligents.
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    You are like... driving a Hummer while complaining about oil waste and emissions...

    "Damn those people for making these kinds of car". Sure, it's a problem that's not entirely in your control since other people can buy the car and pollute the air, but you are not exactly setting a good example.

    Hypocritical QQ is hypocritical.
  • Posts: 569 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    ok imma ah say...back in my days of PWI when there was ONLT crazy stones, World quest and Grinding being lv90 ment that u were a high lv and when u dinged 90 that was a big deal now...THANKS to these...these...these imbeciles of GMS and DEvs EVERY1 can ding 90 in like 1 month or 3 weeks
    now honestly pwi wats IS ur tru aim?? scare every1 away so no1 plays and u can focus and ur new games??
    the 1 bh was fine then u had the half baked crack head of an idea for not 1 a day but 3...
    THEN came hypers which allow u to lv SO makes no sense yes i knw its UR choice to use em but still their there...
    my freinds are all leaving game cuz the difficulty lv is...0 u ding lv 90 and farm and farm pk is dead EVEN on pvp servers cuz ppl are in bh all day
    so wat is so gorious of that lv90 now?? every tom jick jane and harry is lv 90 now
    so thanks for completely **** up this game and i take my leave of PWI with this postb:bye

    And you're from Archosaur, already 90. Oh, the irony b:laugh
  • Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    EVERY1 can ding 90 in like 1 month or 3 weeks

    101 is non-factor and you talk about 90? b:bye

    Metal raging Perfect Worlds since 2007
  • Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    You were one of the only ones to laugh at the jokes I told over world chat. Bye and good luck with whatever you plan on doing.
  • Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I agree with G., PWI has made it super easy to lvl without cashopping muchb:victory. One can make a lvl 1 and go to 90 in a 24 hour period (actual game play time). All you need is 4 hyper x12's, some lvl 75 mp pots, and coins for repairs.

    Many have witnessed me do it and now others are following my footsteps...ya I took lvling to the next level but it's PWI's fault for giving me the resources to do it. Oh well. b:surrender
    !!!!MeXy FeVeR!!!!
  • Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I don't know about the OP, but I was actually excited to ding 90. Took me forever (two 3 month breaks made it take even longer), but damn, I was still happy. If you make it about having fun and enjoying your own accomplishments, it's still fun to see that 90 ding. It's when you start measuring your level/gear against other people and making that your measure of how much fun you're having that trouble starts. Maybe I'm just weird, but if you didn't want to hit 90 so fast, shouldn't have oracled/hypered your way there.
  • Posts: 186 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    And you're from Archosaur, already 90. Oh, the irony b:laugh

    My exact thoughts.

    We have two ears and one tongue so that we would listen more and talk less. - Diogenes

    It is not necessary to understand things in order to argue about them. - Pierre Beaumarchais

    You cannot reason someone out of a position they did not reason themselves into. - Unknown
  • Posts: 683 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    level 90 is the new level 1
    Q - How to win on Perfect World?
    A - Throw money at it.
  • Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    The truth is nothing is glorious in this game anymore-lvls,accomplishments,"rare"mounts.The only thing for which Im still playin are the ppl -got some really funny folks to talk funny stuff with.Im not in rush to lvl,just doin my own stuff and maybe thats what still also keeps me away from the idea for quiting b:bye
    Xpence-lvl94cleric(retired thx to crappy ups...sigh.. could be a nice game..)[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    but it's PWI's fault for giving me the resources to do it.

    lol Thats like being 40 stone THEN blaming McD's because they sold you burgers.

    PWI put aids to help you level if people choose to abuse them and rush, then its no ones fault but their own.

    Rush to 90 and you're bored ... Tough ****

    Think for yourself and play the game for yourself ... Stop being braindead sheep just following the crowd.
  • Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    ok imma ah say...back in my days of PWI when there was ONLT crazy stones, World quest and Grinding being lv90 ment that u were a high lv and when u dinged 90 that was a big deal now...THANKS to these...these...these imbeciles of GMS and DEvs EVERY1 can ding 90 in like 1 month or 3 weeks
    now honestly pwi wats IS ur tru aim?? scare every1 away so no1 plays and u can focus and ur new games??
    the 1 bh was fine then u had the half baked crack head of an idea for not 1 a day but 3...
    THEN came hypers which allow u to lv SO makes no sense yes i knw its UR choice to use em but still their there...
    my freinds are all leaving game cuz the difficulty lv is...0 u ding lv 90 and farm and farm pk is dead EVEN on pvp servers cuz ppl are in bh all day
    so wat is so gorious of that lv90 now?? every tom jick jane and harry is lv 90 now
    so thanks for completely **** up this game and i take my leave of PWI with this postb:bye

    yea the game is ridiculas, totaly pathetic compared to other mmos atm, ive played alot of mmos with cash shop available...but not to the point of this kind of lvling speed if u access it,

    i can remember back on harshlands when it started, the rush to level and keep the grind up with the pk competition always waiting for u cos every1 was in the open world, not instances which made it fun, hell i can still remember down at lake of woe, there was so much pk there i was always on my toes, watching my map for any greens to see who the heck was just passing by, now its just *oh, some1 else is actualy around?*

    well PWI has messed the game up, there is 2 other PW versions i wud play on, but one is half dead with **** patches, and the other just lags crazily with daft ping.
    idk how the hell you lvled so fast to 90 man. and your complaining about it? (or maybe u cash shopped o.o)
    hell i started this character long before u and im only 7x, QQ b:cry
    its not easy to lvl. its hard b:surrender

    idk how u level so slow lol, i was on RT with my veno there, quit at lvl 82 and came to here, and i never touched a hyper or fc, im also this level on this server and ive only ever done 5 full fc runs with hyper on, so i wud still be in 7x without, just do ur dailys everyday without fail and ull see how easy it is lol.
  • Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    ok imma ah say...back in my days of PWI when there was ONLT crazy stones, World quest and Grinding being lv90 ment that u were a high lv and when u dinged 90 that was a big deal now...THANKS to these...these...these imbeciles of GMS and DEvs EVERY1 can ding 90 in like 1 month or 3 weeks
    now honestly pwi wats IS ur tru aim?? scare every1 away so no1 plays and u can focus and ur new games??
    the 1 bh was fine then u had the half baked crack head of an idea for not 1 a day but 3...
    THEN came hypers which allow u to lv SO makes no sense yes i knw its UR choice to use em but still their there...
    my freinds are all leaving game cuz the difficulty lv is...0 u ding lv 90 and farm and farm pk is dead EVEN on pvp servers cuz ppl are in bh all day
    so wat is so gorious of that lv90 now?? every tom jick jane and harry is lv 90 now
    so thanks for completely **** up this game and i take my leave of PWI with this postb:bye

    eRRRR DONT HYPER THEN???? b:byeb:byeb:byeb
  • Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    EVERY1 can ding 90 in like 1 month or 3 weeks
    my freinds are all leaving game cuz the difficulty lv is...0 u ding lv 90 and farm and farm pk is dead EVEN on pvp servers cuz ppl are in bh all day
    so wat is so gorious of that lv90 now?? every tom jick jane and harry is lv 90 now
    eRRRR DONT HYPER THEN???? b:byeb:byeb:byeb

    i would like to say grats on ur pro reading skills in not seeing the point of the thread.
  • Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    yea the game is ridiculas, totaly pathetic compared to other mmos atm, ive played alot of mmos with cash shop available...but not to the point of this kind of lvling speed if u access it,

    i can remember back on harshlands when it started, the rush to level and keep the grind up with the pk competition always waiting for u cos every1 was in the open world, not instances which made it fun, hell i can still remember down at lake of woe, there was so much pk there i was always on my toes, watching my map for any greens to see who the heck was just passing by, now its just *oh, some1 else is actualy around?*

    well PWI has messed the game up, there is 2 other PW versions i wud play on, but one is half dead with **** patches, and the other just lags crazily with daft ping.

    idk how u level so slow lol, i was on RT with my veno there, quit at lvl 82 and came to here, and i never touched a hyper or fc, im also this level on this server and ive only ever done 5 full fc runs with hyper on, so i wud still be in 7x without, just do ur dailys everyday without fail and ull see how easy it is lol.

    U are doing it wrong too i only hyper once and im higher than u b:victory
  • Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    U are doing it wrong too i only hyper once and im higher than u b:victory

    no im not doing it wrong, i even stated that just do ur dailys every day and u can see how easy it is, thats all i do, dailys, and yea ive done about 4-5 fcs, thats 2 lvls worth or so, i dont bother grinding or questing, my current quests log that i havnt picked up is just insanely full.
  • Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    i would like to say grats on ur pro reading skills in not seeing the point of the thread.

    The point is if he wants to be happy on geting 90 if he wants to feel like a victory like i felt on my main well dont hyper then... DUH.

    But when someones QQ about a thing thats hes using i think its better for him to go.. arch has Arch has enough QQ ppl already
  • Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    The point is if he wants to be happy on geting 90 if he wants to feel like a victory like i felt on my main well dont hyper then... DUH.

    But whne someones QQ about a thing thats hes using i think its better for him to go.. arch has Arch has enough QQ ppl already

    k ill state his point my self instead of quoting him, the fact that theres so many CSers in this game, its damn crazy, and to stay with the pack, in terms of lvling, pk, and standing a good chance of being effective in TW, ur gonna have to CS, which ofcourse involves aload of hypers to go FC with,

    so ofcourse all the CSers think the same "must hyper and fc so i dont fall behind!", that now level 90 is just *another* lvl and it just begins to kill the fun out of the game, even if ur not the CSer, it still bums us non CSers out with the fact that there such a stupidly high level already.

    also i must of quit RT like erm, only 2 months ago? and i see ppl there with nearly full lvl 100 nirvana atleast +5, now back before all this stupid hyper/new dailys and other **** came out, i cud quit for a couple months, come back, and maby see people around lvl 90, some with TT 90 and that was like "WOW", eitherway, this game has lost its touch.
  • Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    ok imma ah say...back in my days of PWI when there was ONLT crazy stones, World quest and Grinding being lv90 ment that u were a high lv and when u dinged 90 that was a big deal now...THANKS to these...these...these imbeciles of GMS and DEvs EVERY1 can ding 90 in like 1 month or 3 weeks
    now honestly pwi wats IS ur tru aim?? scare every1 away so no1 plays and u can focus and ur new games??
    the 1 bh was fine then u had the half baked crack head of an idea for not 1 a day but 3...
    THEN came hypers which allow u to lv SO makes no sense yes i knw its UR choice to use em but still their there...
    my freinds are all leaving game cuz the difficulty lv is...0 u ding lv 90 and farm and farm pk is dead EVEN on pvp servers cuz ppl are in bh all day
    so wat is so gorious of that lv90 now?? every tom jick jane and harry is lv 90 now
    so thanks for completely **** up this game and i take my leave of PWI with this postb:bye

    yes i agree with this person 100% this game is now hand feeding people lvls..lvl 90 is nothing no more as an achievement..lvl 100 also and yes its sad real sad.
  • Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Fall behind? keep up?PK? last time i checked this was a pve server so its only our choice to hyper or not cause there will alwayts be pts for bhs fbs frosts TT no matter wt your lvl is and believe me slower or faster we all gonna stop at lvl 101
  • Posts: 1,097 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Maybe it's just me and the server that I'm on but...

    Most of the people I play with don't care as much about what level your toon is, just that you know how to play it. TBH, if your level matters to you that much you're not someone I want in my squad.

    People come and people go, doesn't matter about the level they reach. Some people get bored with seeing the same mobs day in and day out. It happens.

  • Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Maybe it's just me and the server that I'm on but...

    Most of the people I play with don't care as much about what level your toon is, just that you know how to play it. TBH, if your level matters to you that much you're not someone I want in my squad.

    People come and people go, doesn't matter about the level they reach. Some people get bored with seeing the same mobs day in and day out. It happens.


    +1 to this
  • Posts: 953 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    believe me, slower or faster we all gonna stop at lvl 101

    Amen to that mah brotha..
    Semi Retired Psychic of Radiance faction//Entering full retirement upon the release of ĠuildẂars2 or an otherwise drastic change in PWI management.
    "Exploiting a glitch is a violation of the ToS under User Conduct:
    (l) Using or exploiting any bugs, errors, or design flaws to obtain unauthorized access to the Service or to gain an unfair advantage over other players"-frankieraye ............guess he changed his mind.
  • Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I really cant understand all this QQ about BH, hypers, how easy it is to lvl and that you dont need to quest, no challenge left. If you want a challenge make one for your self do expect PW to give it to you.
    I recently started a new alt which i intend to get to lvl80 with full TT80 gear without doing a single daily quest or buying any cash shop items.
    Yes i know this will take along time and everyone who made a char the same day will hit lvl80 weeks before me by why on earth would i care about that.
    Just play the game to have fun because you enjoy doing it once you reach lvl100 what is there to do anyway and remember the pleasure is in the journey not the destination


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