LG's TW View (14-16 - 05/10)

LGoddess - Archosaur
Posts: 69 Arc User
LG's TW View Week (14,15,16 - 05/10)
Honestly AC? >: Not many TWs this week but it's leading up to something bigger.
Fatalis and Impulse bid onEnemy. Yo Frenemie, Did you guys show up for Impulse?. If so, nice eballs guys (y).
Fatalis did a B lane push and the Enemy defended HQ. Enemy made one push back to Fatalis proved to be too much for them... for now? Ty guys for the 16(?) minutes, I enjoyed it.
Picturez, ignore the fact my genie is currently useless.
Enemy vs. Fatalis #1
Enemy vs. Fatalis #2
Speaking of Fatalis... Narla pehlease. You guys are so bidding on them next week. & I don't think Impulse will bid on Fatalis; we'll see. I can fraps next time.

Everyone was bidding on GLG & Esclate wins the race and becomes the new Red. gg.
TERMINATR may be ELIMINATED by a smaller faction next week. Grats on your new piece though.
BandOBros and TERMINATR & Leverage got themseleves a slice. Leverage seems to be growing nicely. I don't know much about BoB/Termintrz and more stuck factions.
DarkS0L/Templar ... enjoy sitting w/ your land and collecting your munnies because you guys obv can't take on your neighbors and you can't do II, III tier cities.
So what are your "fail" faction names? Impad, Narnia, Failtalis (thanks Stilled luls). I'll think of something for Templag, Enemad and Darkmole.
Before Map-After Map
Post edited by LGoddess - Archosaur on
Always interesting to read the TW reports from other servers, but Fuzzy thinks you should include a before and after map along with it.....
b:victory[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Thanks Fuzzy, I forgot to post it (:[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
yay TW report good job and stuffs[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
For enemy, the turnout at tw with fatalis was the worst we have ever had. There was less than 30 of us and there are usually much more. A nd how many fatalis showed? The final results may have differed if more were capable to come. However, it was quite a laugh and most of us had fun0
Tibetai - Archosaur wrote: »For enemy, the turnout at tw with fatalis was the worst we have ever had. There was less than 30 of us and there are usually much more. A nd how many fatalis showed? The final results may have differed if more were capable to come. However, it was quite a laugh and most of us had fun
No we had more than 30. I ss'ed 49 online before we went in, but I know for fact that not all were 'there' there so I would estimate about 40-45? Either way, not a spectacular turnout which seems to be our problem atm.
And no, we didn't turn show up for Impulse.
BTW, LG, since when are you in Fatalis? GG I must have missed the switch. b:avoid[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Previous Enemy Executor
Current SentineI Member
"I'm sorry, but if you cant aggro control, then you better have the gear/charm to back yourself up. And falling short of that, you simply deserve to die. It's PWI darwinism tbh." - DaKillanator - Raging Tide0 -
Luls - after a quick WC for a new faction. I had a friend already there and decided to join as well with some others.
I agree with Tibetai, I expected more of you guys but timezones and life can intervene. I believe there was about 5x-6x of Fatalis some were online and others hadn't signed up for TW. When I was in SS you guys had a hell of a lot more than 30 people; we were later told you guys had 8x members online at that time.
I lyk how... you guys kept wc clean, again gf. +1rep.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
LGoddess - Archosaur wrote: »Luls - after a quick WC for a new faction. I had a friend already there and decided to join as well with some others.
I agree with Tibetai, I expected more of you guys but timezones and life can intervene. I believe there was about 5x-6x of Fatalis some were online and others hadn't signed up for TW. When I was in SS you guys had a hell of a lot more than 30 people; we were later told you guys had 8x members online at that time.
I lyk how... you guys kept wc clean, again gf. +1rep.
I couldn't pick myself out in either of your screenshots Q__Q
*edit* btw, you had mail O.o weren't you dying of curiosity? I would be.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Previous Enemy Executor
Current SentineI Member
"I'm sorry, but if you cant aggro control, then you better have the gear/charm to back yourself up. And falling short of that, you simply deserve to die. It's PWI darwinism tbh." - DaKillanator - Raging Tide0 -
I didn't see you either... i was like "Damn, free arcane kill unseen".
I got the mail while in TW so yes I was curious because I always hope mail means money from AH <:[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
We had 49 people online during the TW. So your informer saying we had 8x was wrong. Only after the TW did we break 50 people being online. So, as such, it would have been a waste to show up for the Impulse TW as well as Fatalis, and Fatalis was bound to be the less difficult defense of the two. However, our entire weekend was a fail on how many showed up for TW, as we only had 5x for our attack on Plume, and it didn't help most of them weren't even mage classes. Still we had fun in both and both have proven to be a learning experience for all of us. I look forward to possible future TW's with all of you at Fatalis. Thanks for the fun! b:thanks[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Didn't get the rest of it, but apparently I am the "destroyer of sin haters" as well.0 -
ACLucius - Archosaur wrote: »We had 49 people online during the TW. So your informer saying we had 8x was wrong.
You misunderstood me. I said I was informed the SoulSlayr vs. Enemy had around 8x give or take members online. So I had been expecting more of you but it just wasn't one of those days for you guys.
SS is short for SoulSlayr.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
LGoddess - Archosaur wrote: »(:
You misunderstood me. I said I was informed the SoulSlayr vs. Enemy had around 8x give or take members online. So I had been expecting more of you but it just wasn't one of those days for you guys.
SS is short for SoulSlayr.
Idk if we ever had 8x online for a TW. For SoulSlayr we probably had 6x, maybe 7x. I really... I wasn't paying attention.LGoddess - Archosaur wrote: »I didn't see you either... i was like "Damn, free arcane kill unseen".
I got the mail while in TW so yes I was curious because I always hope mail means money from AH <:
Previous Enemy Executor
Current SentineI Member
"I'm sorry, but if you cant aggro control, then you better have the gear/charm to back yourself up. And falling short of that, you simply deserve to die. It's PWI darwinism tbh." - DaKillanator - Raging Tide0 -
SoulSlayr TW with Enemy: 75 online, probably only about 10 of those couldnt go and flippin asked for their bosses DURING our TW... I /roflstomped when Mechanism Kicked them from guild. No one even noticed, that TW was so fun. I am very disappointed for the turn out for the Fatalis TW. 20 more peeps and we could have held off. I LOVED one-shotting the Sins that would appear on me. Their damage is wicked though. My Tide charm is down to 16k now. hahahahaPWI: Where not only are you judged for what you say, but how you say it. Keep up the grammar. Respect.
"In my day, we didn't have BH/Goshiki quest/Tokens to buy Oracles and we had to level the hard way, by grinding. Uphill. In the snow. With carpal tunnel. AND WE LIKED IT!" -ACLuciusb:mischievous0 -
Stilled - Archosaur wrote: »probably only about 10 of those couldnt go and flippin asked for their bosses DURING our TW... I /roflstomped when Mechanism Kicked them from guild.
Kinda sad if you would rather kick your own guild members than help them. It takes just as few seconds to type something to say you will help after TW as it does to kick em from your faction...
Thats some pretty weak leadership..
me just saying...
b:bye[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Riverwell - Archosaur wrote: »No we had more than 30. I ss'ed 49 online before we went in, but I know for fact that not all were 'there' there so I would estimate about 40-45? Either way, not a spectacular turnout which seems to be our problem atm.
And no, we didn't turn show up for Impulse.
BTW, LG, since when are you in Fatalis? GG I must have missed the switch. b:avoid
Oh, sorry >.< I must have misunderstood. I myself was unable to make tw as i have some problems irl going onSo the day after tw i asked how it was and someone told me only 30 or less participated in the tw. I was shocked by this and knew that there couldn't have possibly been that amount
Someone must have got carried away with the exaggeration
0 -
^^ Tibetai, bugged avatar? b:puzzled[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Previous Enemy Executor
Current SentineI Member
"I'm sorry, but if you cant aggro control, then you better have the gear/charm to back yourself up. And falling short of that, you simply deserve to die. It's PWI darwinism tbh." - DaKillanator - Raging Tide0 -
thread hijacked by enemiez.
If they were online and waiting for boss help they could have joined TW while they waited since the majority was inside the instance. Worth a kick? Why not. IJS[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
LGoddess - Archosaur wrote: »If they were online and waiting for boss help they could have joined TW while they waited since the majority was inside the instance. Worth a kick? Why not. IJS
Fuzzy gets the impression they were saying those people "couldn't" join TW.. implying they had not met the 100hr mark yet.
...but thats beside the point entirely. Kicking someone from your guild because they asked for help is simply shameful. Guilds are (in this panda's opinion) first and foremost there for the exact purpose of helping each other. If you can factor TW into that and still make it work, mores the better. However, there is a time and a place for using the kick but it should be the last resort for a leader, not the first simply because they are annoyed. Speaks the the true character of the faction leader, and reflects poorly on the faction as a whole.
...again, me just saying...
b:bye[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
I guess here we can say it depends on the situation. If they hadn't yet met the 100hr mark then yes, Imo that is down right unfair.
If they were capable of making to TW then they should have/could have gone. I don't see it as being kicked for asking for help but for asking while knowing others were busy prepping/inside TW. If you want help, you can help your faction members as well. Unless you're in FC/whatever in which case you're not going to just leave.
Using up faction chat while in TW for reasons other than making calls pisses me off.
Again, this depends on the situation and faction rules; Whether or not TW is mandatory or already stated some where that you could be kicked for no-show & IJS as well. We both have different opinions here and I will agree to disagree with you/anyone else who comments on this.
weee. LG in da house.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Fuzzy_Wuzzy - Raging Tide wrote: »Fuzzy gets the impression they were saying those people "couldn't" join TW.. implying they had not met the 100hr mark yet.
...but thats beside the point entirely. Kicking someone from your guild because they asked for help is simply shameful. Guilds are (in this panda's opinion) first and foremost there for the exact purpose of helping each other. If you can factor TW into that and still make it work, mores the better. However, there is a time and a place for using the kick but it should be the last resort for a leader, not the first simply because they are annoyed. Speaks the the true character of the faction leader, and reflects poorly on the faction as a whole.
...again, me just saying...
u tell em Fuzzy..Attacking at the speed of Suck since 20090 -
If ppl in my faction were screaming for bosses during a TW when they could be helping otherwise...that would spell major repercussions...lets just say if you sit and watch your faction collapse/fall in TW because of lack of attendance, then you arent doing your part, so removal is definitely a choice b:bye[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Meatbunz - Archosaur wrote: »If ppl in my faction were screaming for bosses during a TW when they could be helping otherwise...that would spell major repercussions...lets just say if you sit and watch your faction collapse/fall in TW because of lack of attendance, then you arent doing your part, so removal is definitely a choice b:bye
The idea that anything would spell "major repercussions" just sounds false to Fuzzy. There are only 2 people in the faction with the ability to kick (leader/director) and as me see it their the ones who need to have the most patience and understanding when it comes to dealing with 200 personalities in 1 group.
Standing by and watching the ship sink is one thing, but being trigger happy with the kick button is another. If your faction is so focused on TW that simply asking something in faction chat at the same time outside of what is happening at that specific moment is a removable offence you might as well start counting down the days until your faction is no longer on the map.
Fuzzy sees far too many faction leaders removing people from their guild for no good reason. If you think you can have long term presence on the TW map and at the same time click the kick button at the 1st opportunity you are delusional.
The job of the faction leader isn't to placate everyone all the time, yet nor is it to be so single minded as to kick people for the smallest infraction when it doesn't run in line with whatever their focus might be at any given moment....
...again, just one panda's opinion.
b:thanks[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Maybe things were circumstantial? Not sure. I dont think anyone is given the right to judge how others lead their factions, different strokes for different folks.
Moving onward to TW discussion, I definately cant wait to see whats going to happen. Ive heard a crapton of rumors lately about everyone, so lets see what surfaces as truth and speculation.PWI Gamer since Closed Beta (Under RisenPhoenix/Nahktuul - Sanctuary/Archosaur)0 -
mmm yes theres ample rumors flying round this week about TW on archasour, almost makes arch look like a soap drama. suppose its all down to were the finger of god points this week b:chuckle[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Resistance is futile!
♠ Ascii - HL (Deleted b:sad) ♦ Fealty - HL ♣ Proclivity - AR ♥ Evenixus - HT0 -
btw miss ya bro...and somehow i find myself director of one of the leading factions again...me and whisper have the worst feeling of Deja Vu LOL
and yesh should be an interesting week ahead0 -
Nahktuul - Archosaur wrote: »Maybe things were circumstantial? Not sure. I dont think anyone is given the right to judge how others lead their factions, different strokes for different folks.
Moving onward to TW discussion, I definately cant wait to see whats going to happen. Ive heard a crapton of rumors lately about everyone, so lets see what surfaces as truth and speculation.
judging by the map and experience... here's where things become interesting... soon there will be the "this faction that faction drop out", "omg gank the powerhouse" and "hate bandwaggoners" story...
the fun has just begun... good luck to everyone b:laugh[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
b:dirty0 -
_Kazamir_ - Archosaur wrote: »YOU TELL EM FUZZY!!!
btw miss ya bro...and somehow i find myself director of one of the leading factions again...me and whisper have the worst feeling of Deja Vu LOL
and yesh should be an interesting week ahead
I think I just got the inside joke.
Im so dense *sighs*PWI Gamer since Closed Beta (Under RisenPhoenix/Nahktuul - Sanctuary/Archosaur)0 -
yes....yes you are...and to think i let you lead us >.>
and OMG its RainZ too? i just cant get away from you nabs huh? ^^0 -
Bwahaha time to start my vacation, Kaz, have fun dealing with the chronicles of Narnia groupies b:victory[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Did not get a chance to say 'thank you' to LGoddess for making these reports again, so thanks L!0
Fuzzy_Wuzzy - Raging Tide wrote: »Kinda sad if you would rather kick your own guild members than help them. It takes just as few seconds to type something to say you will help after TW as it does to kick em from your faction...
Thats some pretty weak leadership..
me just saying...
/facepalm Okay sooo, we prep for like 3 hours for TW. Counting down for those who just come online. This genius was afk in Village of the Brutes, Enemy's old meeting place for TW. He says when he's back, "How do i get in?" We all say: "Talk to the Teleporter, Enter Instance, click teh flashing land." For about 1/2 an hour we dont hear from him, and SoulSlayr is holding up at Gate B pretty damn decently. Sam takes out towers on Gate A, Mecha and I are taking out towers at Gate B. Since the Leader and Director of Enemy are at Gate B, SoulSlayr focuses on that Gate and Sam takes out Gate A towers. Gate B breaks through a few minutes later but two Gates down, SS has no chance. The Genius comes up and in all caps, "I NED SUM BOSS GUYZ." Everyone in faction is pming me and Mecha to kick the doosh that is spamming our guild chat. SoulSlayr is holding up too well with everyone pming us and everyone is distracted--I die. RAGE!!!!! /Kick nub. Enemy wins, everyone cheers, no one knows where the nub went nor do they ask. Mecha hates when his wife dies. ^^PWI: Where not only are you judged for what you say, but how you say it. Keep up the grammar. Respect.
"In my day, we didn't have BH/Goshiki quest/Tokens to buy Oracles and we had to level the hard way, by grinding. Uphill. In the snow. With carpal tunnel. AND WE LIKED IT!" -ACLuciusb:mischievous0
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