Agilaz - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • It'll get much better by lvl50 for some reason. (better stats/skills/armor/weapon...?!) At least that's what I experienced. But as someone already said, you will get hit, but the idea is that archers keep the hits minimal. Compared to other classes, we really don't get hit that often even if the mobs are chewing on our…
  • Flight mastery adds +0.2 m/s per skill lvl. So lvl 5 should indeed be +1.0 m/s. I'm not sure if you notice a big difference in short distances. But when you fly over the whole map it makes a difference. At least I always feel that my Veno (with that lvl30 +0.5 quest aerogear) is a lot slower than my Archer was at that…
  • The 5.2 m/s is your run speed, not your flight speed. Flight speed doesn't show up in your character's stat window. If the wings seem to be the same speed to you, it could also be that you're lagging. Either because of the connection to the server or your PC's hardware. You go slower if the game is laggy. You definitely…
  • Sorry, I'm not quite 60 yet but I'd still like to contribute my experiences. It really depends on your playstyle and how much you play. Also on the class and if it's your first character or not. It took me about 4 months to get my Archer to 59 (and ~20%) and I made use of Crazy Stone a lot. xD I didn't use esos, charms or…
  • lol yea, sorry about that. I thought it would be more convenient to see the actual flight speed instead of just the wing bonus in this case. I should've phrased my sentences a bit differently to make it more clear that I was talking about the total flight speed, not the wing bonus. b:surrender So yea.. White Wings: +0 to…
  • I used Frost Arrow because of the slow effect on mobs and the long casting time of Take Aim. ...until I learned Deadly Shot, now I use this. b:pleased Take Aim still is a good opener. I think it's personal preference on what you're using. Use what you find more useful or what works best for you.
  • The normal white wings can be upgraded to max speed of 7 m/s with the skill flight mastery at lvl 54, but they drain your mp if you don't have a mp recovery+ accessory. The Eagle wings only fly at 5.5 m/s. (you can accelerate to a speed of 7.5 m/s but that's expensive because it costs Chi stones) So it depends on how fast…
  • Good thing they're not on Dreamweaver, I would be scared to death if I would meet them in-game. b:shockedb:laugh
  • As far as I know and understood the explanations of other sites it increases your attack/def lvl as if your character were one lvl higher. For example when you are lvl 50 and a mob is lvl 50 you do normal dmg based on some calculations. With attack lvl+1 you do damage like you would be lvl 51, which means more damage to…
  • My PWI folder is 2.87gb.
  • It's not possible to solo the entire game. Else it wouldn't be called a MMORPG. Call to duty quests (also called FB by the players) aren't meant to be solo'd, the quest description states explicitly that you should gather a group of friends for that quest. What you can do now is to either skip that quest, keep it until…
  • I'm pretty certain the squadbar already blinked red before the patch when squadmembers were in combat. I had the same issue with the squadbar yesterday. Someone already posted a screenshot, the red frame is too wide and goes over the squad member's name bar. If that change was intentional ( never know XD) it's a…
  • So you consider ~10 mounts of the same kind on one server not rare anymore?! (for today that is xD) The mount will still be rare. It will never be as common or easily obtainable as one you are or were able to buy directly from the shop. Also you don't know how many people bought which amount of eggs in an attempt to get…
  • Barbs suck because they have so many HP and a high defense!! They barely take any damage from physical attacks, they're op... b:laughb:laughb:laugh Isn't it the purpose of different classes to have different abilities and fields where they're good in?! Also each class has to be good at something different so that we can…
  • Your chance to get the Lion mount won't increase if you buy a lot of eggs. You could buy 10k eggs and still get no Lion. :P
  • Yes it works. Just stop the automatic patch/exit the updater and then launch the patch file you downloaded. Yes, that's the correct choice.
  • b:laugh Magic users can be interrupted while casting. I guess that's a countermeasure to make up for the no missing. Imagine how darned I am when my Knockback skills miss. >.> xD
  • You're a cleric and put stat points into MAG which increases your MP recovery rate. So it usually cancels out the MP consumption of the wings. In combat what Olba said applies but you should only notice it at lower lvls because you don't have much MAG and a high mp recovery rate yet. (you have to buy your skills from the…
  • +1 xD What she said. If evasion would actually work like "evasion" nobody would say the buff is useless. But when I have like 1500 evasion and still get hit over 90% of the time it's pretty annoying. D: With that much evasion (compared to other non-dex classes the same lvl) I feel like archers should get hit much less…
  • I hate all mobs who stack poison or burn or similar nasty things. Especially when they group aggro and each of them does nothing except casting the spell over and over again. D: And I hate it when mobs plop up right at the place where I'm standing and go aggro on me while I'm still busy with another mob. >_>
  • I'm really looking forward to the higher lvl crits! b:dirty I'm not really trying to get exceptional high criticals but I'm always happy when I get a new record. The best shot so far (I'm lvl 54) was 7.8k on a regular mob around my lvl. Got it with Deadly Shot, Woven Fang Arrows and General Summer's Longbow. (without any…
  • Yea I noticed that too. :/ Also beware of the guys selling shards for Crazy Stone in front of Hou Jen. I usually check these shops out of curiosity and a common practice I noticed lately is to sell 4 types of rough element shards for let's say 1999 coins and the 5th one for 19999 coins. I doubt anyone would be so blind to…
  • Today I saw a catshop selling it for 1m in west archo. It's been some hours ago already but maybe it's still there. I can't play now, else I would check again. (still pretty expensive for just a lvl 42 weapon if you ask me^^')
  • ^ IAWTC If you find a good 2* weapon you could also use that one until lvl 46 and then switch to the supply stash weapon at lvl 50. I've seen some SS for 1.2m in catshops a few days ago. The last I've seen in the AH was about the same price and I haven't seen one any cheaper so far. :/
  • You can do 2 quests to extend your safe by 16 slots. (talk to the banker and then choose "find the materials") After that you could buy gold for in-game coins (if have some to spare that is ^^; ) at the auctioneer and get some extension stones from the boutique. Sometimes other players might also be selling the extension…
  • Because the additional effects are pretty good. xD;; I check the AH as often as possible for good replacements but I haven't found any so far ...or they were just far too expensive. b:cry I won't pay for example around 50k+ for some boots which have just a little better pdef and mdef but crappy or no bonuses. Maybe there's…
  • I usually only use them on bosses or elite mobs which take longer to kill because they do some extra damage while I shoot the mobs with the regular attacks. XD Other than that I never use these skills. (I didn't lvl them though) But really, don't lvl it. You'll soon barely have enough coins and spirit to lvl the more…
  • wow, I'm envious of all that high lvl equipment! b:dirty Here's my crappy equipment xD; - The bow also has Attack Lvl +1, but I couldn't find a way to add that. I'm str+1 and dex+4 but I added 1 point into vit very early in the game, I'll probably change that later on. The defense and attack values are off by 2 to 3 points…
  • Took this pic when I went to 1k Streams for some sightseeing.
  • Usually I would say keep the pdef and HP one but in this case the additional dex of the other one gives you a higher crit rate. Ofc you'll get that dex back at the next lvl.. but it's still a long way there. You can also compare how much damage reduction these 50 more pdef do. If the difference is only like 1 or 2% I would…