NEW Suggestion Thread

Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
Hello All,
This thread will replace the Other Suggestion Thread ( in a few Days / Hours.)
As many of you know me from the GA thread I will be starting to keep track of suggestions and give an active list of ideas (that seam reasonable) for the GMs to look over.
Please before posting check out these threads Suggestion Rules & Frequently Made Suggestions.
As well as passing ideas on, I will try where possible to give you updates on any ideas that are being processed.
If you have any questions that I may be able to answer you can PM me!
NOTE: Any Suggestion that Gets Logged goes onto a Database which the GMs / Mods Can View and give feedback! Im really Sorry if I take some time to reply to your Suggestion may be I need to think it over a bit. If you feel I have missed your suggestion Please PM me from below with a link.
UPDATE! I will no longer be tracking posts in this thread. Their are a few reasons for this mainly its hard to track all ideas as they are discussed by other players. PLEASE if you wish to post a suggestion Start a new thread HERE. This will allow it to be discussed by everyone and allow me to track New and Ongoing Suggestion. Please feel free to use this thread to talk about Suggestions Still.
So with out any more delay I will pass over to you... GO GO GO!
This thread will replace the Other Suggestion Thread ( in a few Days / Hours.)
As many of you know me from the GA thread I will be starting to keep track of suggestions and give an active list of ideas (that seam reasonable) for the GMs to look over.
Please before posting check out these threads Suggestion Rules & Frequently Made Suggestions.
As well as passing ideas on, I will try where possible to give you updates on any ideas that are being processed.
If you have any questions that I may be able to answer you can PM me!
NOTE: Any Suggestion that Gets Logged goes onto a Database which the GMs / Mods Can View and give feedback! Im really Sorry if I take some time to reply to your Suggestion may be I need to think it over a bit. If you feel I have missed your suggestion Please PM me from below with a link.
UPDATE! I will no longer be tracking posts in this thread. Their are a few reasons for this mainly its hard to track all ideas as they are discussed by other players. PLEASE if you wish to post a suggestion Start a new thread HERE. This will allow it to be discussed by everyone and allow me to track New and Ongoing Suggestion. Please feel free to use this thread to talk about Suggestions Still.
So with out any more delay I will pass over to you... GO GO GO!
Post edited by heerohex#3018 on
Most Suggested Ideas,
GA Program. - Game Advisor Program
Cross Server NW / TW / PK (Battles) - You asked for it and SOON!!!
Veno Instance Decision.
Please Dont Look here!
Now Completed / Ingame Suggestions From Players.
Better HP/MP Charms. - Now ingame. - Update 11/03/2015
More Storage Space. - Update 11/03/2015Post edited by heerohex#3018 on0 -
I was thinking they should do some thing about the tideborn true form...they need to be upgraded so they can be used on land and actually be of some use. i think i posted a comment about it before but i don't remember where i posted it.0
Thanks for starting this back up--it's good to know that someone is listening. I've seen a lot of good suggestions, but for now I'll just mention three ones:
1. Gear switch macros. Gotta be at least 5 different posts I've seen on it; seems like an awesome suggestion anyway.
2. With rebirth and all, having a lvl 60 r9rr getting the NW noobie buff of 60 attack/def levels and a ton of HP is just broken. Perhaps giving them a minimal buff, or having their buff be related to previous level/gear level would make the playing field a bit more fair.
3. Cross-server events. I would love the option to have an instance or something available where were can queue up to fight people from the same or other servers in 1v1, 3v3, and 6v6 matches. If PWI could make a system like that, I and other PvPers like myself would be exceedingly happy. (if they allowed spectators and betting, I might faint from joy b:chuckle)
Other than that, any cross-server events would likely be a ton of fun. Instances for racing, snowball fights, treasure hunts, fashion contests, building castles, or anything would really be amazing.
You have my thanks for attention paid to these suggestions.0 -
I still want chi to be displayed in squad list. It would be so much easier being able to see every person's chi for so many reasons.
I also want the Lycaeum to offer more feral soul stars because the way the system is you need too many stars to build your pets the way you want and it takes forever to get them, especially when the instance doesn't work properly.
★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★0 -
Archer buffs/debuffs are very currently buggy:
1) When you rebuff the self-buff "Blazing Arrow" the timer is not refreshed. Cleric's magic shell had a similar problem which was fixed but the archer buff never was.
2) When you reapply the metal resistance debuff from "Thunderous Shock" the timer is not refreshed. Other resistance debuffs including physical resistance debuff refresh.
3) The evasion from the 30 minute long term skill "Wings of Protection" is overridden by the 10s long "Blessing of the Condor". A 10 second skill should not override a core defense skill. There was a similar problem with the temporary bonus from "Dew of Star Protection" overriding cleric buffs but that was fixed.
4) The 15 minute speed buff from the squad buff "Wings of Protection" is overridden by short speed buffs like the 8 second buff from "Holy Path". Again other long term speed buffs like the veno skill "Summer Sprint" do not have this problem.
5) The effect from the weapon proc "Spirit Blackhole" does not work with the vast majority of archer skills. Specifically any skill that applies its own debuff like "Stun Arrow" has a 0% chance of procing the "Spirit Blackhole" effect. This is despite the skill description saying that it has a chance of applying on any hit. Seekers used to have a similar problem with "God of Frenzy" not working with certain metal skills but now "God of Frenzy" works with every Seeker skill. On other classes "God of Frenzy" works with every skill. On caster classes "Purify Spell" has a chance to work with every skill from incoming damage.
Of the R9 weapon effects only "Spirit Blackhole" has a conflict with skills which greatly limits the class's viability as a skill-using class. This gives archers the reputation for having very bad skills.
1) Wings of Protection needs its own unique icon for Evasion and Speed. It shouldn't share icons with any effect that last a few seconds. It is now the most commonly overridden skill in the game by far. Every other example like veno bramble being overridden by alpha male or blood paint being overridden by blood frenzy are rarely encountered by comparison.
2) Recasting blazing arrow should refresh its timer.
3) Reapplying the thunder shock debuff should refresh its timer.
4) Spirit Blackhole needs to have a chance of working with every archer ranged attack.[sigpic][/sigpic]
PWI Calculators - -
Bramble guard being overwritten by alpha male and bramble hood got fixed a while ago.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic -
Post 3
I have a feeling that the Tideborn race was meant to be a water race so you could quest in the water more. Im sure some of the Tide form skills are missing from the game where never put in for what ever reason. thus the True form is not much usable. I would have to check this out.
Post 4
1. Interesting ill post.
2. I think we should see how this plays out?
3. At the moment cross Server is not possible. Im Sure the GMs know how much we want this. I will Post this so its kept in mind.
I will try to get an update on this if i can.
Post 5
I had to think about how use full this could be as well. Im sure a good request.
Post 6
Are these more Bugs? I would consider putting these into Quality Corner.
Ill Try "Where possible" to keep up to date like this. Hope that's Ok with everyone.0 -
Asterelle - Sanctuary wrote: »Archer buffs/debuffs are very currently buggy:
2) When you reapply the metal resistance debuff from "Thunderous Shock" the timer is not refreshed. Other resistance debuffs including physical resistance debuff refresh.
3) Reapplying the thunder shock debuff should refresh its timer.=
The same problem exists with the Wizard skill Undine Strike, as well as the sage versions of Divine Pyrogram and Glacial Snare. (I actually like it at times though, since it means i dont need to worry about the 20% debuff from Divine Pyrogram overwriting the 60% debuff from Undine Strike)xSonOfCircex-105/103/102 Sage Wiz
DrakeEmpress-101/102/103 Sage Cleric
Gaygasm-101/101/101 Sage Stormbringer
Because I can't stand playing melee classes0 -
How about they add in an armor/weapon upgrading system where you can upgrade your armor's/weapon's stats depending on the level at which you are? cause some people might like to keep a certain armor/weapon all the way through the game without buying any new armor.
So basically, the blacksmith or tailor has a new window called the 'Upgrading Table' or 'Upgrading System' where you place in the armor you want to upgrade.
- depending on the level at which your at, you need maybe the Celestone of Human or Earth or even Heaven along with other materials to level up the armor/weapon to your suited level.
(baring in mind, it costs a variant amount of money to upgrade, depending on the level you are, like level 2 to level 8 may cost 1,575,000 coins or something with level 8 materials.)
- after you've upgraded, the armor/weapon should have stats that are suited for your level/ranking, like a level 2 chest plate with Phys. Def. +5 to level 5 standard with the Phs. Def. +64, for example. (baring in mind guys, you don't have to upgrade if you don't wish to, it's usually for those who like to make their character look good with the armor they like, even after they've passed the level of stats of the armor/weapon - basically, it's for people who want to keep the same armor/weapon throughout the whole game play and also it's an option that can be chosen.)
if this is too complicated to make, then how about it when you upgrade the armor or even downgrade it, you get the armor at the level you wish to acquire, but it gives you that version of level of armor. what I mean is that each armor piece has level 1 or 2 to level 12 versions of each piece, and the level at which you are at, it gives you that version of armor at the right level. Maybe the same with weapon. if not then the weapon has its stats changed, related to either Strength, Vitality, Magic or Dexterity, to keep things simple.0 -
Post 10
Ive had a think about this and i dont think it would work. My reason is its not that expensive to upgrade gears untill LV 70 when you can get TT. You can get a lot of free gears from Packs / Chest / Instances etc now as well. Also the game gets a lot of upgrades so this may even be put in in a future expansion. You can PM me if you feel im wrong to explain more.
However just remember this is not official word on your idea. Im just trying to give feedback where i can.0 -
As a long time player (patient one), I have waited for expansion after expansion to see if something would ever change on how these skill may be obtained. As you can gather from my posting and beginning sentence they have not. As I am certainly sure many have complained and offered there varying opinions on this matter, I have finally decided to put my frustrations into writing. Many want these books to just appear within there inventory. However as a patient and practical person that is obviously never going to happen. I do believe, however, that simply asking for equality amongst all races is NOT too much to ask for. Could we psychics just get a way for these books to drop more frequently, and from more bosses, than the ones that are no longer being as done as regularly as they never were in the past (my attempt at a bit of humour through sarcasm). Additionally, perhaps have a way to make them at least as the other classes have of making there demon/sage skill books. Please, please take a look at this disparity that psychics ( and I assume assassins) face with trying to get these skills. I have personally been trying for months/years to get them both in trying to buy and hoping they'd drop to me with no look. Please rectify this.0 -
Post 12
Yes - I have been told about this problem with the TB Skills books. Logged for you. Is this just TB or EG as well? Pm me plz so i can update this if need be.0 -
all the new drops in instances are nice and all but they should be tradeable. im lvl 59 sin running around in lvl 20 gears and wep becouse im hella unlucky and bh bosses just doesn't drop anything usable for me and even if would i still would have to fight over that item with my squad. I even paid someone 500k to take me to 10 fushma runs(he gets nuema and i get drops) and only semi useful thing i got was bow! also with all the dungeons being down now morai server most of the time noone in my guild is able to get decent gear upgrades!0
In response to your response, I have asked some seeker friends about there skills and one very good source has told me "no". He is able to get ALL of his skills in one way or another without issue . So it seems as though tideborn are at a disadvantage when it comes to getting skills. Very disappointing! I recently have encountered a demon aqua impact in Auction house asking for 100 million. First I've seen in months. However, Most psychics go sage and I have still yet to EVER encounter any sage of either skill.0
Post 14
Im gonna feedback first that may be its a good idea to Ask for the drop if you need it, Most Squad members will be happy if you ask at start of instance. I was not gonna log this but after thinking about it, I dont think it would be a bad idea. Tho some Molds could get expensive.
Post 15
Noted. Thanks for Reply!
Larger Inventory, bank and account stash
I have Logged this. I feel over time they will bring in new mats so this is a good call for the future. I would say a side pack for your char would be a Nice add on. But with Lv Requirement.0 -
My suggestions is about Friends list.
Current situation:
1) Maximum of 100 friends allowed on the list. Majority of people's friends list is full and they constantly need to delete a friend to be able to add a new one. (Kinda low in my opinion when we know we can blacklist 200 players, but only have 100 friends)
2) There's no way to know how many friends is in our list unless we count them one by one.
3) No notification when the list is full so sometime we add friends, but it doesn't add them and doesn't say any message saying it didn't work.
1) Increase the maximum of friends on the list.
2) Have something saying how many are online and the total. Example: 23/97, meaning 23 friends online and 97 friends total.
3) When the list is full make it impossible to add new friends with a message saying the list is full.0 -
MissCherie - Harshlands wrote: »My suggestions is about Friends list.
Current situation:
1) Maximum of 100 friends allowed on the list. Majority of people's friends list is full and they constantly need to delete a friend to be able to add a new one. (Kinda low in my opinion when we know we can blacklist 200 players, but only have 100 friends)
2) There's no way to know how many friends is in our list unless we count them one by one.
3) No notification when the list is full so sometime we add friends, but it doesn't add them and doesn't say any message saying it didn't work.
1) Increase the maximum of friends on the list.
2) Have something saying how many are online and the total. Example: 23/97, meaning 23 friends online and 97 friends total.
3) When the list is full make it impossible to add new friends with a message saying the list is full.
Cherie is awesome and bakes cupcakes for everyone on HL, so she needs you to do this posthaste. She's been making alts to store new friends since 4 years ago.0 -
post 17
I like the point of a count of Friends and it telling you when your FL is Full. So ill Log that. With Regards to the FL expansion PWE and the Devs know we would like something done and its also in the Most asked for list. Have a look below may be these tips will be able to help you out a little. Best i can do for now.
One other thing apparently they are upgrading the FL and GL with some Extra Details. So that should be interesting keep your eyes out for that.
Friends List/Blacklist Expansion!
This has been suggested many times before, but as of yet has not been implemented. Until they do hopefully expand it, here are some suggestions for managing your friends list/blacklist.
A. Don't add guildies
At first glance this may seem like a mean suggestion, but you can always tell when a faction mate is online pressing the "G" hotkey and sorting the faction list by status. This will tell you if that person is online or not. From there you can also whisper them, and add them to squads.
B. Only add people you actually know, or plan to run with often.
At first you may be tempted to add everyone in a particularly competent BH team, but unless you plan on running with these people again and are willing to foster a relationship with them it's best to leave room on your friends list you do plan on communicating or running with more often. For example, a nirvana perma squad with people you can trust to not steal drops.
C. If you are friends with someone on your alt, and are mostly going to run with them on your alt don't add them to your main character or other alts.
Its easy enough to simply whisper them and let them know you are planning to switch to your main, and then whisper them on there. This also helps makes thing easier if you end up having a falling out with the person because you don't have to remember every single character they play should you need to blacklist them later.
D. Do not add people who are world chatting to your permanent blacklist
Instead go into your UI and edit your settings for your trade channel, which is the least commonly used channel. Make sure you select faction, squad, and common chat as viewable in there (or whatever setup you feel you want to see always) and then use that channel as your default catch-all channel for viewing all communications. This way you do not have to view world chat but all of your channels are still viewable in one place. When you DO need to use world chat, simply temporarily block the biggest spammers in world chat until you are finished. Or you can choose to ignore them to get a better idea of how often your message is being pushed out of the chat channel. This saves your list for people who genuinely belong in there (i.e. people who rip off drops in squads, or who are harassing you)0 -
Would be awesome to have channelling displayed on character screen like aps is.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
> A demon is driven by desire, pure desire, that cannot be stopped by reason or logic. - Mo Zun
> Believing in demons doesn't mean believing in evil. Demons are not necessarily an evil thing. - Chin Wuming0 -
Had another idea last night while looking for a squad in the middle of a raging wc drama.
Some search function to highlight certain words on chat. For exemple, if a sin is looking for FC they could type "sin" and "FC" on this tool and wait until something on chat pops up.
This would simplify squad search and maybe items as well.
Maybe this could be implemented as an extra channel (along with squad, guild, whisper etc).[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
> A demon is driven by desire, pure desire, that cannot be stopped by reason or logic. - Mo Zun
> Believing in demons doesn't mean believing in evil. Demons are not necessarily an evil thing. - Chin Wuming0 -
Post 22
You know with all the Hype from people asking for a Matching System and no one uses it?
You need to sign up to this first by Clicking on the Event Calender
> Clicking On Instance.
>> Clicking on the Instance you wish to do.
>>> Clicking on the "Fast Squad Form" Button.
Since people have got what they asked for here but it has not really kicked off im gonna hold off with any more suggestions with regards to squad forming. However I will keep this in my notes for reference in future.0 -
Desdi - Sanctuary wrote: »I still want chi to be displayed in squad list. It would be so much easier being able to see every person's chi for so many reasons.
I also want the Lycaeum to offer more feral soul stars because the way the system is you need too many stars to build your pets the way you want and it takes forever to get them, especially when the instance doesn't work properly.
1. +1 to chi idea. Love it!
2. I haven't tried the Lycaeum yet but I have seen this issue mentioned in the veno forums... It sounds like the Lycaeum has a few issues. Please fix for your veno friends!
3. I'm a kitty veno. Can someone implement a kitty form for me please? I know this isn't the first time a matching form has been asked for, for venos and barbs but no harm in asking again! After all, barbs have a panda option at 100 now.
4. Facelift for older areas of the map - the newer areas look better, and i think some minor work on the older areas would go a long way.
5. +1 to tb skillbook drop issue.
6. Rank weapon - it would be nice to choose your weapon type after all that money/time spent wouldn't it?
7. Bring back the Core Achievement Rewards system please!
That's all I can think of for now.0 -
1 - I would like an ongoing quest counter to show how many 'unique' quests you're up to, so you don't need to keep finding the perfect questmaster to see if he's active.
2 - give more feral soul stars in the Lycaem
3 - make non-legendary evolved pets tradeable
4 - increase the banker "collect materials' quests for bank storage - or come up with a new system for increase bank/inventory slots that balance out the cs'ers v the grinders. Like I cant afford the amount of gold it takes now for increasing slots so I'm at a disadvantage over the cs'ers and merchants.
5 - regulate the gold price or just the token price - been saying it for 4 years and its still a relevant issue. Either that or make certain items available from an NPC for a reasonable monetary price - wines for example or those new teleport stones - they rock.
6 - add something craftable for the highest rank crafters that's useful that you cant buy - I spent many millions and many hours getting my crafting up to the highest level and now feel it was a total waste of time - crafting bank/inventory slot stones would be a good one.
EDIT - 7 - oh and of course, as has been asked about a million times, for every quest above level 80 add a "0" to the end of every xp and spirit reward - at this point in time as has been the case for years no one does the higher quests because they simply aren't worth the effort in terms of rewards.
That's it for now, thanks for listening and I'm a returning player - enjoying the game a lot more now than when I left a year ago.
EDIT - 8 - revamp the Lycaem of Cultivation - it sucks. what's the point of having your players go into an area, wait afk for 5mins and leave - kinda pointless design if you ask me. Just give us the option to take 18fss's from the pet manager and not go into the Lycaem at all if nothing else - then those that have the ability to get more could choose to go in and get them if they wanted.0 -
PWI should make the Night Owl Explorer a permanent flyer. It's just so beautiful.0
Sorry I have not forgotten will reply later! ( Updated )
Post 24
1. Already Logged!
2. Gonna need to look over this my self and speak to Venos. If this is a buggy im gonna say report it using the Quality Corner!
3. Venos have 3 forms at the moment, For now since most other classes only have one form, im gonna hold on to this in my notes.
4. Hopefully this is something they will look at doing. I will log this.
5. Already Logged!
6. Im again not gonna log this. All rank gears use the set that matches the Class better. We can now get Warsoul rather easy. I would suggest you look over that For now.
7. I cant do this due to the work being done on ARC. I would hold on and see where they go with this platform.
Post 25
1. Yes this is a neat idea - Logged.
2. I need to find out more info on this. as above if you feel this is bugged then i would log this in the Quality Corner.
3. I think this was done for a reason. So at this point I cant log this.
4. Their are issues with this even with the Full Safe/Bag/Cupboard Expansion - This has already been logged.
5. Unable to Log as this is something that the GMs have no control over this is down to the players.
6. Agreed Logged for this one. It seams that those skills have gone to waste a little bit.
7. Hum with reawakening the quests are not that bad. I know the EXP in some areas is not the best but again the Devs and GMs are aware of this already so I wont log this one.
8. Waiting quest are part of the game your see them all around PW its 5 mins on a one off so im gonna skip. Or my Log will need a log its self.
Post 26
HUM... again im not gonna log this as Items get updated all the time and i feel things get added like this for a reason. I do however reason that we should be able to get Flyer Upgrades now. Who knows maybe a future update.
If you feel I should log something and you can put a strong argument for it then please Repost with that or PM me. I'm open to ideas and reasoning. Just keep in mind not all ideas are used and im only here to take ideas not make them happen!0 -
You can currently have horns with a choice from the color palette, so could this be done for fashion, maybe an item in the boutique that allows you to choose any color you want rather than set ones.0
Personly ..i think that they need to fix alot of the graphic bugs with fashion cloths. mostly around female fashion. like the where any time you are looking threw somthing at your character your cloths vanish and you character is nude ( not default im not wearing fashion cloths nude). for example.. summon nix angle your camra to view your character threw it as its wings flaps your cloths vanish. jump into water move your camra around..your cloths vanish.. this might not seem a big deal to most.. but i cant help but feel this is an issue that needs to be resolved. or when other characters are zooming in and out while wearing specific pieces of gear your leg fashions disapear. so it looks like your running around in a top with no pants for the world to see. wich i only recently discoverd while both my acounts happened to be in dream weaver. ... needless to say.. im pretty disgusted. the cloths dont disapear while you toon that is wearing them zooms in and out.. they disapear when other zoom in and out so you could be running around in the nude and not even know it. i guess my suggestion would be to upgrade in graphics so that these thing don't happen.0
matty2354888 wrote: »You can currently have horns with a choice from the color palette, so could this be done for fashion, maybe an item in the boutique that allows you to choose any color you want rather than set ones.
i think a better idea would be to update the seamstress with a preveiw by this i mean with color's that are named so we actuly know which hot color's we have as option's. so we can know what outfits will look like and we know what color's we actuly want to aquire. asking for free colors would take away from the boutique which i doubt would get considered. at least with a preview option it could increase sell's and there for benefit both pwi and the players.
or maybe even an option to dye cloth's straight up with the use of gold being a fair trade off to buying tons of color packs that you might not even get the colors that you want. having the cost to dye the cloths the same as buying the color packs wouldn't take away/hurt sells.0 -
Post 28 (Related Post Post 30)
With out destroying the Pigment Market this is not possible. I will say Post 30 has an idea how this could work tho. Im gonna hold of logging this one for the above reason.
Post 29
These are known issues. Have you checked to see if this has been logged in the Quality Corner? If not it may not be a bad idea to do so as they are more bugs.0
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