Final Compensation - For All (12.12.13 UPDATED)
the Arch server was given codes for rewards in the beginning and they SOLD it or used it on other servers.. and now you guys want to give them codes again? FEREALS?
so to sum it all up... arch gets 2x compensation rewards and abusers get 10x compensation rewards for a 1 month holiday from the game and everyone else is supposed to do what?0 -
Still thinkt this was a lousy solution.. it ruined my gameplay for an entire day yesterday, becouse most of us where afraid of a roll back.
A few dozen players right.... f:brick
My friend is happy with his 24+ orbs and 800 event gold and most of us got ****.f:gross
Really great solution dev team of pwi, i hope the dev who made the freaking code got fired and booted out of the pwi office f:spew0 -
defenderofdreams wrote: »hello Perfect World Citizens!
We've Finalized Our Compensation Efforts For The Past Month Of Various Issues That Have Affected Many Of You This Holiday Season.
-redeem The Following Code To any Character On Any Server For A Collection Of Goodies including Bound Dragon Orbs! The Code Is Redeemable Once Per Account.
code ends On Sunday, November 24th @ 11:59 Pm Pst
We Thank All Of You Who Have Stayed With Us During These Turbulent Times, And Please Continue Being Awesome!
-pw Team
We've Disabled The Code While We Investigate The Situation Of Code Abuse.
Here Is What I Was Able To Get:
- We Will Not Be Rolling Back The Servers.
- A Highly Focused And Targeted Archosaur-specific Compensation Effort Will Be Enacted.
- We Will Be punishing Legitimate Abusers Of The Compensation Code Who Received far More Than Is Possible From Redemption Page Lag. We Will Be Doing So In A Detailed, Focused Manner Which Will Make Progress On Punishments Slower But More Precise. So Do Not Worry If You Are One Who Got More Orbs Unintentionally. We Do Not Want To Penalize Those Who Did Not Intend Abuse Of The System.
Regarding The Level Of Abuse, From The Data In Front Of Us, It Was Not Quite As Widespread As Many Believe. It Was Mostly A Few Dozen Or So Who Abused The Code From Means Other Than Lag/timeouts. The Perception Of It Being Widespread Is Due To The Unintentional In-game Message Spam Distorting The Situation, And Nonfactual Boasts In The Forums Or Worldchat.
This Is The Reason Why There Will Not Be A Rollback.0 -
While Playing Ode to Joy and Rossini
"My Mom Sends Me All These Packages To My In-Game Post For Making My Gear Moar OP Than Yours." *Tongue Waggling*
Hey Bebe, Just Screenshot and Report This!!!11!!1
I don't want to make light of it, but I can't help but see the comedy of errors from this entire Archo rollback business. I wish I could do cartoons, because we could come up with some good stuff I bet. Oh Wait I Just Fraps'd Up Some Cartoons Courtesy of PWI.
"OK let's get all these servers restarted, we're almost done, all that's left is Archosaur on the west coast."
"Gee boss, I always wanted to restart a server"
"OK mr. newbie gm, you can restart the last one."
"Oops, boss something's not right . . . seems something destabilized there."
"OMG we better get it cleaned up before folks get a chance to exploit all that stuff, what shall we do?"
"Gee boss, I always wanted to rollback a server."
"OMG why didn't I think of that! And you Woo Woo Woo"
"Oops, looks like a buncha folks lost a buncha their hard work and stuff, what shall we do now?"
"Uhmmmm I know, let's compensate them with some token reward, what do you think we should give them that will make up for it?"
"Gee boss, I always wanted to give them a code for everything but the kitchen sink."
"Oh wow, that's the ticket, let's assign a code and give out all the rewards on the same code."
"Oops boss, something destabilized again, there's all this red spam and stuff everywhere, what shall we do now . . . . . . . "
I'm just gonna hide and watch and see what they come up with now, TROLOLOL. Before long, they will just quash it all and say let's give every server +200x xp, drops, coinage . . . .I did not feel the treachery or inconstancy of a friend, nor the injuries of a secret or open enemy. I had no occasion of bribing, flattering, or pimping, to procure the favour of any great man, or of his minion; I wanted no fence against fraud or oppression: here was neither physician to destroy my body, nor lawyer to ruin my fortune; no informer to watch my words and actions, or forge accusations against me for hire: here were no gibers, censurers, backbiters, pickpockets, highwaymen, housebreakers, attorneys, bawds, buffoons, gamesters, politicians, wits, splenetics, tedious talkers, controvertists, ravishers, murderers, robbers, virtuosos; no leaders, or followers, of party and faction; no encouragers to vice, by seducement or examples; no dungeon, axes, gibbets, whipping-posts, or pillories; no cheating shopkeepers or mechanics; no pride, vanity, or affectation; no fops, bullies, drunkards, strolling prostitutes, or poxes; no ranting, lewd, expensive wives; no stupid, proud pedants; no importunate, overbearing, quarrelsome, noisy, roaring, empty, conceited, swearing companions; no scoundrels raised from the dust upon the merit of their vices, or nobility thrown into it on account of their virtues; no lords, fiddlers, judges, or dancing-masters.
From Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift0 -
Pls enable the code again or send rewards to those who havent been able to get anything...0
LittleAngeI - Harshlands wrote: »Pls enable the code again or send rewards to those who havent been able to get anything...
Agreed. Just send it via mail or something to those accounts who have not redeemed the code. Should be quite easy to determine.0 -
maybe this was there ploy so that the game would die and they wouldnt have to worry about it nemore lol0
I need the orbs for my alt b:cry[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Life is always what you make of it...0 -
Are you a little upset with PWI's decision about the Ocean Orbs??? Whether or not you were fortunate enough to receive the compensation(s) packets, in general, must agree there is a huge disservice by denying every player an opportunity to receive said compensation. The subject does read “Final Compensation - For All” not “Final Compensation - For Some”
Dad said the squeaky wheel get the grease. That being said I would request the player community comes together and slam the hell out of the support ticket system with requests. Let’s have that system, and the support email box squeaking until New Year's.
Here is your friendly PWI support ticket page:
Even if they don't do a damn thing which is what I suspect, I think it’s only fair us, the player community, to share with PWI Support Staff the same "Too Damn Bad Deal With It" attitude demonstrated on this topic.
Enjoy the crapload of tickets that each and every one will need to responded to.0 -
Seems we need compensation for PWI "Final Compensation - For All (11.22.13 Updated)"b:surrender
I dont think anyone care how u'll punish cheaters. The reality is the law abiding pwi citizens now discriminated. Coz it's like as spend time & money on buyin' air.
So, IMHO u really need at least roll-back all servers.
tyvm.Nec sutor ultra crepidam0 -
F_M_Joshua - Archosaur wrote: »YOU want a roll back. Don't include everyone as if we had the same opinion as you.
Learn to read. Obviously by ''WE'' he meant that all of us who WANT rollback.0 -
whats with those who didnt use the code yet, wont we get the chance to get it too? b:surrender0
Shanabee - Harshlands wrote: »whats with those who didnt use the code yet, wont we get the chance to get it too? b:surrender
Very unfair !
I have sent a ticket but considering they are all most probably away for the weekend ...
The rest of us should not be punished for what the abusers did. b:surrenderOnly thing worst then a troll is a brainless troll ...0 -
Also i would Like the GM/Mod Team to put up the names of the abusers they have punished and what punishments so we actualy know some of them are punished i would really like to send a letter to the CEO/Regional Manager of PW Entertainment and bring all this to his notice because i know many a time the higher ups dont bother asking the employees unless the revenue falls below the limit
Against the TOS/Forum Rules to discuss punishments with anyone who isn't the user themselves. No, this is not just a PWE thing. Most, if not all, companies have this rule.0 -
Those of you who did not redeem anything, either because you were asleep, school, working, whatever or those who couldn't because the page quit life, how about we let them do one thing at a time.
Let them deal with the bigger thing here, THEN let them send you a new code, yeah? They, and most of the community, would want this mess cleaned up before they start another one.0 -
go to heelb:angry0
After 2 days they didnt change nothing, i didnt get any orb, instead US-gamers talking to (t)rollback, how they will ban those "innocent cheaters" and stuff we shloud talk how to get those ones who didnt get it. I have spent about 100$ on this game, even i bought intel 4570 for this game, i make a few youtube videos. But if i dont get a orb im thinking to quit and move to another free game. Cya b:bye0
* how first one feel after get orbs *
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* how other feel now *
.. ∧_∧
( ゚д゚ ) ∧_∧
/ \ ( ゚д゚ )
__| | | |_ / ヽ、
||\  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ / .| | |
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. | |ヽ、二⌒) / .| | |
. .| ヽ\∧_∧ (⌒\|__./ ./
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. .| ヽ \\ (⌒\|__./ ./
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*signature made by Xiaimine b:victory0 -
Refusing to roll-back the servers have created the ultimate imbalance in the game. Just talking about the honest people.
Wave 1 - Emails - Archosaur server - some get it, some don't
Wave 2 - Release public code - All servers - some get it, some don't
New coming wave 3? - Focused on Archosaur - some will get it, some won't
So, you have one group of people from Archosaur who will probably get 3x compensation, some will get 2x compensation and some 1x compensation and some maybe none at all.
So you have one group of people from other servers who will only get that 1x compensation(?), nothing more.
Since wave 3 is only focused on Archosaur, all those from other servers won't get any, so if you have gotten from wave 2, enjoy it.
Btw, I belong to the first group of people who will probably get all 3x compensation, but I am still in favour of roll-back because it is good for the community of the whole. There is no point in playing a game when you are the only one left to play it.0 -
DefenderofDreams wrote: »Hello Perfect World citizens!
We've finalized our compensation efforts for the past month of various issues that have affected many of you this holiday season.
-Redeem the following code to any character on any server for a collection of goodies including bound dragon orbs! The code is redeemable once per account.
Code ends on Sunday, November 24th @ 11:59 PM PST
We thank all of you who have stayed with us during these turbulent times, and please continue being awesome!
-PW Team
We've disabled the code while we investigate the situation of code abuse.
Here is what I was able to get:
- We will not be rolling back the servers.
- A highly focused and targeted Archosaur-specific compensation effort will be enacted.
- We will be punishing legitimate abusers of the compensation code who received far more than is possible from redemption page lag. We will be doing so in a detailed, focused manner which will make progress on punishments slower but more precise. So do not worry if you are one who got more orbs unintentionally. We do not want to penalize those who did not intend abuse of the system.
Regarding the level of abuse, from the data in front of us, it was not quite as widespread as many believe. It was mostly a few dozen or so who abused the code from means other than lag/timeouts. The perception of it being widespread is due to the unintentional in-game message spam distorting the situation, and nonfactual boasts in the forums or worldchat.
This is the reason why there will not be a rollback.
Thank you for a logical solution. But why did PWI make a system-wide compensation for a local (Archo-only) problem to begin with?0 -
Fabuleux - Lost City wrote: »Those of you who did not redeem anything, either because you were asleep, school, working, whatever or those who couldn't because the page quit life, how about we let them do one thing at a time.
Let them deal with the bigger thing here, THEN let them send you a new code, yeah? They, and most of the community, would want this mess cleaned up before they start another one.
Let them work on what ?
The compensation from here on out will be only Archosaur centered !!!
They dont care about the rest of us who had lives, slept, ate, worked and etc.
If they wanted to they could have resolved all of this already >_> if only they didnt work 9-5 and had weekends off roflOnly thing worst then a troll is a brainless troll ...0 -
Daftajr - Lost City wrote: »After 2 days they didnt change nothing, i didnt get any orb, instead US-gamers talking to (t)rollback, how they will ban those "innocent cheaters" and stuff we shloud talk how to get those ones who didnt get it. I have spent about 100$ on this game, even i bought intel 4570 for this game, i make a few youtube videos. But if i dont get a orb im thinking to quit and move to another free game. Cya b:byeFabuleux - Lost City wrote: »Those of you who did not redeem anything, either because you were asleep, school, working, whatever or those who couldn't because the page quit life, how about we let them do one thing at a time.
Let them deal with the bigger thing here, THEN let them send you a new code, yeah? They, and most of the community, would want this mess cleaned up before they start another one.Bonzoid - Momaganon wrote: »Thank you for a logical solution. But why did PWI make a system-wide compensation for a local (Archo-only) problem to begin with?
The code was compensation for everyone for all the issues that ALL of the servers have been happening throughout November. Archo got a rollback. Archo got 5x and what not. Everyone got this code because of all the major issues across all servers, as well as it technically being the Thanksgiving thing......although some took "being thankful" for a bit of a joyride. The turkey's gone, boys. There's nothing left0 -
Bonzoid - Momaganon wrote: »Thank you for a logical solution. But why did PWI make a system-wide compensation for a local (Archo-only) problem to begin with?
thats the 1million dollar question...0 -
Abonimus - Raging Tide wrote: »Let them work on what ?
The compensation from here on out will be only Archosaur centered !!!
They dont care about the rest of us who had lives, slept, ate, worked and etc.
If they wanted to they could have resolved all of this already >_> if only they didnt work 9-5 and had weekends off rofl
Archosaur will get a completely different compensation. Let them deal with the code abuse first, then worry about sending you all new codes in emails. If people start selling codes again and the abusers buy them, it's going to get worse.
Would you want to be expected to work 7 days a week with no days off? Well, would you?0 -
the code doesnt work.... other people kill me in NW(i feel like i cant do anything in a fight cause of people have +10 gears around me), and i get nothing, sad day for me in pwi.../showpost.php?p=10036192&postcount=914
Its far from perfect.. its all demolished.0 -
thats the 1million dollar question...
It wasnt a Archosaur problem only ... All of the other servers had a bunch load of junk problems as well.
Archo was the only server to get a 4 day rollback tho and tbh you got x5 out of it from what ive read.
So ye the code was ment to be FOR ALL since ALL of the servers had problems.Only thing worst then a troll is a brainless troll ...0 -
Credence - Sanctuary wrote: »the code doesnt work.... other people kill me in NW(i feel like i cant do anything in a fight cause of people have +10 gears around me), and i get nothing, sad day for me in pwi...
I did alright o.o. My axes are +5, my armour is plus +2, NV3.
haven't even used my orbs......I just wanted fashion and smilies.0 -
well seems pwi making thyre own problems hope this is not intentional , for so many thing happening in this game during past weeks , and then they rollback archosaur wonder why cant they rollback now n then just give the compensation again. hope u listen to many pwi or u lost many players for sure0
rollback server Morai and send each one-time code. Many people who invested money want to leave the game, because they were going to their +10- +11 for the big money, and someone got a free +10-+11 per night.B: сердиться0
So people like this will get 1 week ban?
Is that it PWI ?
If that's true please gift as many orbs as that guy recivied and ban me for 1 week or 2, I don't mind really
rollback server Morai0
This discussion has been closed.
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