Final Compensation - For All (12.12.13 UPDATED)



  • condo2009
    condo2009 Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    "Regarding the level of abuse, from the data in front of us, it was not quite as widespread as many believe. It was mostly a few dozen or so who abused the code from means other than lag/timeouts"

    You are SOOOOOOOO full of ****
  • opkossy
    opkossy Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited November 2013
    Well Mods, I really hope you take into consideration all of the players. I have been a loyal gamer to you all for year and years and years and I really hope you dont let us down, do your best, and if you all come up with a good solution I'll return... <3
    Um.... thanks... I think?

    You do know mods are normal players too who just get the extra hassle of cleaning up the forums, right?
    Right now, the mods are dipping a bunny in chocolate sauce and about to put it on an open fire. b:chuckle

    We are? I thought we were in skype call taking turns keeping the forums from turning into a giant mess, taking an asprin for our shift on the forum, and banging our heads against the wall because the asprin wasn't enough.
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • wyldheart
    wyldheart Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    what do the peeps who NEVER got a chance to get reward get? Vaseline in the inbox? Kiss on the cheek? I do like to be kissed before I get screwed! and now that you are doing away with the DQ system rewards and the school teacher when at the end of Nov. I have less than a week to go before I can acquire mount (kiss that buh-bye after over a year of logging) the game now run by the federal gov't now because you ARE rewarding bad behavior .....and ANYONE who blatantly abused this is a straight up PARASITE! hope you get a big kiss from KARMA!
  • Sjuggs - Lost City
    Sjuggs - Lost City Posts: 617 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    You are one!

    I'm a full +7 on R8R & NVg16 who only managed to +10 her fists... got 3 orbs as planned but it's a joke compared to many others that got 15-70 and more -.-
  • ForTheDQ - Archosaur
    ForTheDQ - Archosaur Posts: 266 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    OPKossy wrote: »
    Um.... thanks... I think?

    You do know mods are normal players too who just get the extra hassle of cleaning up the forums, right?

    We are? I thought we were in skype call taking turns keeping the forums from turning into a giant mess, taking an asprin for our shift on the forum, and banging our heads against the wall because the asprin wasn't enough.

    SHHHHH. You're not supposed to give out personal details! b:chuckle
    I'm a full +7 on R8R & NVg16 who only managed to +10 her fists... got 3 orbs as planned but it's a joke compared to many others that got 30-70 and more -.-

    I take my comment back.

    I ONLY got the initial 3 orbs, and ONLY on my main acct. I've deemed those to be saved for the day when I eventually become R9RR. They will sit there in my bank until that day.

    Right now, I'm +2 R8R and G16 on my main, with that Epic Warsoul Weapon.
    ForTheDQ - An honest name as to why I created this toon, For Holding DQ items.... now that DQ is dieing, I think I'll raise it using the supposidly superior quest system.... but thanks to the rollback, I'm not sure I can.... the Level you see was prior to the rollback.
  • Icingdeath - Dreamweaver
    Icingdeath - Dreamweaver Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Punish the ones that got 20-30 packs and lets get on with it. Many people got invalid code message so tried multiple times I don't think they should get punished. Something for the ones that didn't get a chance to get anything would be nice too. Thanks PWI.b:victory
  • Jabella - Heavens Tear
    Jabella - Heavens Tear Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    **** gonna go lose if you dont lol!!! Fix it!
  • ForTheDQ - Archosaur
    ForTheDQ - Archosaur Posts: 266 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    **** gonna go lose if you dont lol!!! Fix it!

    Yeah.... not gonna happen.
    ForTheDQ - An honest name as to why I created this toon, For Holding DQ items.... now that DQ is dieing, I think I'll raise it using the supposidly superior quest system.... but thanks to the rollback, I'm not sure I can.... the Level you see was prior to the rollback.
  • WnbTank - Archosaur
    WnbTank - Archosaur Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Did we get off the hook yet?
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • Fabuleux - Lost City
    Fabuleux - Lost City Posts: 920 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Did we get off the hook yet?

    Nope. Not until at least Monday.
  • Khallie - Sanctuary
    Khallie - Sanctuary Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Hello Perfect World citizens!

    Here is what I was able to get:

    - We will not be rolling back the servers.

    - A highly focused and targeted Archosaur-specific compensation effort will be enacted.

    - We will be punishing legitimate abusers of the compensation code who received far more than is possible from redemption page lag. We will be doing so in a detailed, focused manner which will make progress on punishments slower but more precise. So do not worry if you are one who got more orbs unintentionally. We do not want to penalize those who did not intend abuse of the system.

    Regarding the level of abuse, from the data in front of us, it was not quite as widespread as many believe. It was mostly a few dozen or so who abused the code from means other than lag/timeouts. The perception of it being widespread is due to the unintentional in-game message spam distorting the situation, and nonfactual boasts in the forums or worldchat.

    This is the reason why there will not be a rollback.

    You know what, I don't believe you. This is a repeat of those chests, some people got 1 others got 100's. Nothing was done about that either. Screwed the mirages up big time.

    So are you gonna perma ban them or just a rap across the knuckles and go sit in the corner like a bad toon. Will you remove all the extra orbs and stuff they received and the money they got from the sale of all the unwanted items they got. Will you remove all the +12 they did on their armor? What about the rest of us who didnt even get a chance to get 1 pack because the system crashed. facebook said it was a happy holiday gift but now its compensation for Archosaur rollback!

    Am I angry? You betcha. Just another reason NOT to play PWI
  • Slivaf - Dreamweaver
    Slivaf - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I realize this post will very likely get lost in the sea of anger. (reasonable anger I might add)

    Still this post is towards pwi.

    I implore you all at pwi inc to NOT let this become like the goon glitch fiasco because if you do (I am not trying to threaten you here, and you likely know this already) but still if you do... there WILL be hell to pay. As I said then those who abused the glitch are all just at as much fault as pwi was... then and even now. Granted that your all's lack of punishment that has been quite.... laughable to say the least/even gave way to some of the willingness to abuse things that you all have put out... it is still their lack of scruples that allowed them to abuse the glitch even after you all telling us not to abuse it, and report those you see doing it. (this last line was meant more towards what happened with the goon glitch)

    Now I am not going to threaten you with "I'll leave if you don't do anything about it" and again I do agree with you all that it isnt as bad as it looks as not many people got to abuse it, ergo I feel it is easier for you all to stick to your guns this time around so to speak... but if you all do not... well as I said before their will be hell to pay. As that old saying goes "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me" so yea if you do not do as you promised and make sure the abuse is handled in a rather decent way, you all may very well have pandemonium on your hands to deal with, and it very likely wont be you all dealing with it, it will likely be the hard working forums mods who have gotten quite a extraordinary amount of grief for defending you all/just trying to keep the forums in order as MUCH as possible. To be completely honest with you I fear that even the forum mods will take a step back and just let the chaos reign over the forums, even worse than now. (I am not saying they aren't doing their job... it's actually quite to the contrary... they are definitely doing the best that they can)... but still if you do go back on your all's word to dish out punishment, there will be pandemonium on these here forums... of the likes we have never seen before.

    EDIT: Let me put it another way.

    We all very rarely get a second chance in life, to 'fix' a mistake that we made in the past, I feel this is your all's second chance, so please do not "****" it up as much as you all did with the goon glitch. :$


    Also if you all are indeed reading this, please if you can indeed get the code fixed, and keep people from abusing it, please do reactivate it for those who were unable to get the 'goodies' from this whole debacle. (I am sure this is actually your all's plan, but still if you all aren't planning on it, please do reconsider.)

    *goes back to waiting patiently to see if my giving pwi the Benefit of the doubt was justified or not* but again if it wasn't ill be joining in on the hateful angry posts about your all's lack of punishing/doing the right thing.
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • Chouun - Harshlands
    Chouun - Harshlands Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I can't believe it...... GMs found a solution and made a decission, i think the way they wanna go is just fair (and yes, I say that even if I'm also one of those who redeemed the code more as one time), but peeps still complaining and QQ... Why not just leave if you dislike it? The decission is already made, you can't do anything against this! It's so senseless to disciusse more here!

    I request a mod close this thread, cuz it makes no sense here anymore and just get's on everybodie's nerves! ty b:pleased
  • ForTheDQ - Archosaur
    ForTheDQ - Archosaur Posts: 266 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Everyone sing with me! Here's the lyrics:

    Excalibur, Excalibur
    From United Kingdom
    I'm looking for him
    I'm going to California

    Excalibur, Excalibur
    From United Kingdom
    I'm looking for her
    I'm going to California


    (repeat until you remove PWI from your computer)
    ForTheDQ - An honest name as to why I created this toon, For Holding DQ items.... now that DQ is dieing, I think I'll raise it using the supposidly superior quest system.... but thanks to the rollback, I'm not sure I can.... the Level you see was prior to the rollback.
  • Gyurakzoltan - Archosaur
    Gyurakzoltan - Archosaur Posts: 683 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    b:laugh this tread is not fun anymore...b:sad

  • opkossy
    opkossy Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited November 2013

    *bookmarks post*
    *makes sure to get this linked when I'm able to get in touch with a GM*
    *prays that said GM's bosses will listen if this post gets presented*
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • ForTheDQ - Archosaur
    ForTheDQ - Archosaur Posts: 266 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    b:laugh this tread is not fun anymore...b:sad

    I thought you quit at the rollback.
    ForTheDQ - An honest name as to why I created this toon, For Holding DQ items.... now that DQ is dieing, I think I'll raise it using the supposidly superior quest system.... but thanks to the rollback, I'm not sure I can.... the Level you see was prior to the rollback.
  • Viktorian - Archosaur
    Viktorian - Archosaur Posts: 746 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    -waits patiently for the original codes-

    hmmmm.... tbch yall could just send me the demon/sage event cards. i doubt i could care less about the orbs. but the charms and tiggy smileys are a necessityf:coolf:coolf:cool
    Servers: Archosaur(PvE US West) and Harshlands (PvP US East)
    Chars: Viktorian(100 2Rb Celestial Demon BM) PurpleHealz (100 Celestial Sage Cleric) DagsAway (95 Assassin)
  • Fabuleux - Lost City
    Fabuleux - Lost City Posts: 920 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I can't believe it...... GMs found a solution and made a decission, i think the way they wanna go is just fair (and yes, I say that even if I'm also one of those who redeemed the code more as one time), but peeps still complaining and QQ... Why not just leave if you dislike it? The decission is already made, you can't do anything against this! It's so senseless to disciusse more here!

    I request a mod close this thread, cuz it makes no sense here anymore and just get's on everybodie's nerves! ty b:pleased

    They have made a decision, not found a solution. Which is probably why this thread is still alive. The fairness aspect is arguable though and by their track record, it's very likely they're not actually going to "punish" the people who abused it.

    What most are worried about is the impending imbalance to the game. Before we know it the standard to getting into most squads will be +10. Turn the corner and it's +12. NW and TW this weekend are going to be a fun experience. As I walk around Archosaur on my server, I count 75 players that are full +10. Many names I recognise from what can only be described as REDCHATMAGEDDON2013! yeah, I named it. It was bad enough to be named..... oh come on. Don't give me that face. You chuckled a little. Come on now, you know you did!
  • n3v3rb0r3d
    n3v3rb0r3d Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Hello Perfect World citizens!

    We've finalized our compensation efforts for the past month of various issues that have affected many of you this holiday season.

    -Redeem the following code to any character on any server for a collection of goodies including bound dragon orbs! The code is redeemable once per account.


    Code ends on Sunday, November 24th @ 11:59 PM PST

    We thank all of you who have stayed with us during these turbulent times, and please continue being awesome!

    -PW Team

    We've disabled the code while we investigate the situation of code abuse.

    Here is what I was able to get:

    - We will not be rolling back the servers.

    - A highly focused and targeted Archosaur-specific compensation effort will be enacted.

    - We will be punishing legitimate abusers of the compensation code who received far more than is possible from redemption page lag. We will be doing so in a detailed, focused manner which will make progress on punishments slower but more precise. So do not worry if you are one who got more orbs unintentionally. We do not want to penalize those who did not intend abuse of the system.

    Regarding the level of abuse, from the data in front of us, it was not quite as widespread as many believe. It was mostly a few dozen or so who abused the code from means other than lag/timeouts. The perception of it being widespread is due to the unintentional in-game message spam distorting the situation, and nonfactual boasts in the forums or worldchat.

    This is the reason why there will not be a rollback.
    expired already == today november 22
  • captainr
    captainr Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I can't believe it...... GMs found a solution and made a decission, i think the way they wanna go is just fair (and yes, I say that even if I'm also one of those who redeemed the code more as one time), but peeps still complaining and QQ... Why not just leave if you dislike it? The decission is already made, you can't do anything against this! It's so senseless to disciusse more here!

    I request a mod close this thread, cuz it makes no sense here anymore and just get's on everybodie's nerves! ty b:pleased

    not every one is willing to be pushed aside by the actions of ppl like u
    the lack of grammar only show the unintelligent, that the poster them-self is unintelligent. :) You are able to spell very well, good for you b:pleased
  • Fabuleux - Lost City
    Fabuleux - Lost City Posts: 920 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    n3v3rb0r3d wrote: »
    expired already == today november 22

    We've disabled the code while we investigate the situation of code abuse.
  • Lix - Momaganon
    Lix - Momaganon Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    OPKossy wrote: »
    Um.... thanks... I think?

    You do know mods are normal players too who just get the extra hassle of cleaning up the forums, right?

    We are? I thought we were in skype call taking turns keeping the forums from turning into a giant mess, taking an asprin for our shift on the forum, and banging our heads against the wall because the asprin wasn't enough.

    One word: Whisky.

    Deep breaths, cupcake. <3
  • Aroral - Sanctuary
    Aroral - Sanctuary Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Is that poll that is on this thread legit from PWI? If it is, it says that it is open until 12/2...wouldnt that make it so much worse to wait that long if you did decide to rollback?

    Nevermind it was a player.
  • n3v3rb0r3d
    n3v3rb0r3d Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    We've disabled the code while we investigate the situation of code abuse.

    so when the code turn back to normal?
  • WnbTank - Archosaur
    WnbTank - Archosaur Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Trolling aside, biggest mistake PWE can do is listen to the whiny kids who only know how to whine. While punishing abuse is needed, starting to permaban people is ridiculous. The lack of punishment is the reason why people abuse things as otherwise they are left behind. Going from lack of punishments to permabans isnt reasonable, increase them step by step and you`ll see the willingness to abuse glitches decline in playerbase. All in all PWE can look at the mirror over guilt tripping players, your lack of management caused this.

    Ps. Wants info on archo compensation V5.10 or smth.
    Trolling Sid since So Hot :o
  • Fabuleux - Lost City
    Fabuleux - Lost City Posts: 920 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    n3v3rb0r3d wrote: »
    so when the code turn back to normal?

    haven't the foggiest. We haven't been notified.
  • Fabuleux - Lost City
    Fabuleux - Lost City Posts: 920 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Is that poll that is on this thread legit from PWI? If it is, it says that it is open until 12/2...wouldnt that make it so much worse to wait that long if you did decide to rollback?
    No. A mod merged the "Rollback. Yes or no?" thread with this yeah.
  • opkossy
    opkossy Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited November 2013
    Is that poll that is on this thread legit from PWI? If it is, it says that it is open until 12/2...wouldnt that make it so much worse to wait that long if you did decide to rollback?

    There was an oopsie. It's being.. taken care of. b:surrender
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • n3v3rb0r3d
    n3v3rb0r3d Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    haven't the foggiest. We haven't been notified.

    f:horror ==" so when they fix it they will add more days?
This discussion has been closed.