Disable hypers in frost, yes, no or LV restricted?
2: For everyone else get back to the topic at hand. I have no desire to go on a mass deletion spree, but I'm quite aware I'm not the only one who will do so if things here don't stay on topic.
SweetieBot, please remove 2 points from OPKossy - MOD for sounding particularly rude in his response.
To OPKossy, there a million and one ways to word things. Please and Thank you also go a long way. You SHOULD be setting a prime example of how to follow forum rules, but to me it just sounds like you woke up on the wrong side of your bed.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Narcillatrix - Dreamweaver wrote: »I just don't understand how some people are so obsessed with power leveling by FC, I get that if you already have one or several 100+ toons and don't want to go through the leveling process again but, isn't it more fun to actually play the game? Being able to see and experience it all again through the eyes of another class? And actually learning it? Especially now that it is so much easier to level at low-mid levels with all the changes.
My fun mostly comes from end-game PVP on different classes. That is the game to me. Not killing the same bird 2,000 times.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
/blatant sig copy is blatant
105/105/105 obtained! b:cute0 -
Crixxix - Raging Tide wrote: »SweetieBot, please remove 2 points from OPKossy - MOD for sounding particularly rude in his response.
OPKossy now has a total of 159 points and is in 1st place.
Crixxix - Raging Tide can still remove another 3 points today.
Check this thread for the current high scores and to learn how to award points to others.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
I only respond if you begin a line with "SweetieBot", read the link below for commands
SweetieBot FAQ / Usage: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1566451
Status: ONLINE0 -
Eoria - Harshlands wrote: »We're a pretty unique version of the game all things considered anyway so why the hell not.
I suppose it could have been listed as a neutral thing. I personally feel that it's an indication of the way things are supposed to work.Eoria - Harshlands wrote: »We don't get new players. This game is kinda old by now. Not like -removed- or -removed- old, but you get the idea. They're better off trying to keep older players that will inevitably make tons of alts to do whatever with.
I've met several. Most of them quit by level 40 or so. They get tired of not being able to get there stuff done. And lonely.Eoria - Harshlands wrote: »The culti dungeons will always be run so you can take 59/69/79/89 off of that list. Can make 19/29/39/51 be run just by fixing the culti quests to include them. The fix to GV being run Alpha - Gamma would be to simply increase the rewards for doing it. Same for Cube below 96 or whenever it is you can start getting cogs and library pages. As for Heaven/Hell, people still go there to farm herbs and now we have the veno/barb new form quests in there. OHT is still populated by people doing culti or the daily quest for tears as it was intended.
Those are run often as culti runs only, by high levels for their alts. Not as BHs by at level people participating in-game content for leveling purposes. I've mostly seen bots in heaven/hell farming herbs, a few players farm them the right way but they aren't there to talk and odn't respond to you for the most part. It's pretty empty in all the questing zones. I can grant that maybe OHT is a server thing, I never really see anyone else there on DW.Eoria - Harshlands wrote: »And lastly we come to the world map...now if more quests were like the Goshiki quest line that had a decent storyline with good exp+rewards and less "go kill 80 mobs then go kill 80 more mobs for 50k exp and cookie" I could maybe see the argument, but as it stands, there's very little of worth on the main map past a certain point. I did go back and do some of the newer updated quests when I decided to see what the fuss was about and they were definitely nice. I'd run them if it was my first character or an alt I just started (in fact, I did run all the EG quests between both my male and female mystics when I made them), but I'm not going to run them three or four times over for new alts on my account unless the rewards are really good like the Goshiki quest.
There are two ways to get people to choose to do quests. You can make option B (FC) less attractive, or you can make option A far more attracting than option B. While I would prefer all of the things I listed completely overhauled, and early/mid game in general to be completely overhauled, that's far less likely to happen on an old game like this. Whereas nerfing FC has already happened.Eoria - Harshlands wrote: »There's also the problem that the new updated quests stop completely at like level 80. Okay. So what do I do from 80-100? I'll have exhausted all the new good quests until I hit 95 in Morai and that'll only take me up to 96 or 97. I can run PV if I can get a squad or run BH by logging an alt, but that just ends up tiresome for not as much potential exp or not worth the tele cost in PV's case. Cube is kinda annoying to run at that level still and Tournament is only once a week. So what do I do?
I support a level floor of level 75, because I agree with you on that one.Eoria - Harshlands wrote: »
Myself and quite a few other people actually still run wq for exp to get to 105. It's not dead, it's just boring and something I do while I basically have to afk for three hours.
I never really see people afk at the world map locations. Even afk people give an area a sense of life rather than a dead zone.Eoria - Harshlands wrote: »Uhh...have you tried explaining to these people how to do things? I mean, it sucks having to explain things a lot, but it's how everyone learns. Or just kick them out of squad if they're such a hassle? Or just leave. It's not the end of the ****ing world.
Yes, doesn't change the fact that if they get me killed in say SoT by causing a squad wipe it's gonna cost me more if they killed me in BH39 instead. It passes on extra repair costs, and time losses, to other people. Our actions can cost other people things. I didn't say it was a huge con, but it is a con.Eoria - Harshlands wrote: »
This is more a problem of the game in general than just FC and you would have to change the game pretty radically at this point to fix it. To the point of there being basically no PVE farming/leveling instances whatsoever.
I agree but the more people on the open map, the naturally increased chances that there will be open world pvp.0 -
Make it Level Restricted. But I also want a Hard Mode for farming the mats and crafting the gear. Easy mode for Exp and Hard mode for Farming (no effective exp on Hard)0
I_sage_i - Harshlands wrote: »i feel like all the people who voted to disable hypers in frost and have a lv restriction are all 100+ have all gotten what they wanted and dont want to compete with anyone eisle. i vote no! keep it back to the way it was so all levels have the same EQUAL chance. you people are so selfish
I voted for lvl restriction and I don't have any 100+ toons and I've been playing this game since Dec of '08. So not everyone who has 100+ toons is voting for lvl restriction. If anything I would think that the people with 100+ toons would vote to keep it the way it is, so they can make more.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
MrMegadeth - Archosaur wrote: »Make it Level Restricted. But I also want a Hard Mode for farming the mats and crafting the gear. Easy mode for Exp and Hard mode for Farming (no effective exp on Hard)
Is there a easy way to farm? b:nosebleed0 -
SylenThunder - Sanctuary wrote: »You're welcome. And I can state it accurately as near fact because I've leveled a 101, a 98, a 97, a 92, an 80, two 74's, a 70, and about 15 others in the 60's. That's the toons I didn't cheat on. If I really want to create a character and level it fast, I'll start Friday night, and by Monday morning I'll be level 70 AND fully geared by farming it. Not by purchasing it or passing things down, and not by using any hypers at all, much less FCC. And I'll have actually gotten regular sleep as well.
Truly, there is no need for a character to hyper in FCC until 100.
And there is no need to nerf another players enjoyment; or force one's will upon someone else. Anyone that doesnt wanna hyper in FC can do just like me - and not do it.
Certainly there are more important problems the Devs can put their attention to than desiding for players what they will be permitted to do in the future with their own chars, based on the opinions of others who no longer need to hyper in FC.
People wanna be policed, they can simply police themselves when it comes to that. b:thanks0 -
Why are we even fighting about this anymore, there was a decision make to let FC the way it is. Live with that!
The game is all about 100+ anyway like Full Warsong, Fun NW (not 1 shot cuz of low lvl), AEU, BH rewards, TW in best factions, R9 and T3 gears and much more.0 -
I've been playing this game for some yrs now I think its around 3-4 yrs sense the game come out at least in the same yr the game out I've started playing I just got a lvl 100+ chars and I got a lots of chars myself got two accounts this one is the longest account I don't like power lvling my chars but still would be glad for hyper's can be used in FCC again but with lvl restricted I agree with 80+ sense all mobs in there is 88 and with ? bosses but first fcc quest is is lvl 75 if I remember right I got a lvl 99 bm and lower lvl chars got almost two list full of char's but I don't fcc will 80 or 85 anyway but I don't like to see high lvl noobs tho even with old players power lvling there alts thats not right at all I got more char's and faction's myself but I don't power lvl at all. so hope we all gm's and player's can enjoy the game once again. that is all? think u if u read this see u all in game0
Brillance - Raging Tide wrote: »I kinda agree!
Lets make it so chars 100+ cant hyper in FC. Then they will be playing a lot more, right??
To tell you the truth, fc is still worth doing at lvl100, maybe 101.... but when you get to 100, pv is way better. So bann 100+ players from fc, cause pv is better xD0 -
Arwia - Momaganon wrote: »To tell you the truth, fc is still worth doing at lvl100, maybe 101.... but when you get to 100, pv is way better. So bann 100+ players from fc, cause pv is better xD
Its better for some classes maybe - or just for players with the right gears. Its not better for me.
Wait! OMG! Some classes have an unfair advantage over me??!! b:shocked
b:chuckle0 -
Time to weigh in on this FC debate. While I can agree that powerleveling has led to an uprise in players that do not understand the game mechanics of their classes, it has also led to end game content being more readily accessible to all players at a quicker rate, and in my own opinion, end game is where the real fun begins. Warsong, Lunar, TT, Nirvana(even though it is dead thanks to Nation wars:::another issue), BH100, Morai (yes I know its availible before 100)...the list goes on and on.FC is the best means by which a player can level, ESPECIALLY after 100. (You can argue for AEU and PV all you would like, but there is a limit on how often you can do those::6 times a week, and once per day respectively.) When you are looking at an exp arch like PWI employs, you are simply not going to gain enough exp per day to level. Can you imagine gaining 1.3BILLION exp using quests?! Yes, its POSSIBLE, but in what kind of time frame. As it was, it would take nearly 3 full months of FC spamming (along with crazy stones, dailies, and bhs) to level from 103 to 104, and approx. 6 months from 104 to 105. How long would this take when you are gaining exp mostly from quests? A year? Longer? Some of you enjoy questing, and it can be nice when compared to spamming the same instance over and over again, but at the end of the day, spamming is more effective and most of us have grown used to it.
In fact, we have turned it into a way of life (as far as game is concerned.) The clearing and selling of FC is a HUGE driving force in our in game economy. It is how many of us (especially sins) fund our gaming. For those that do not cash shop, or cash shop sparingly, the loss of these sales is STAGGERING. I am going to make a rough estimate here and say that on my server, at least 50% of our commerce has died since hypers were removed from FC. Those that sell FC have lost their (most likely) main sorce of income. This means not only are they not making money, but they are not spending it either. Coupling the loss of these sales with the loss of Nirvana (which was another main source of income for many people), there are very few that can afford to continue towards their goals without cash shopping coins. I for one do not appreciate being put in a position where I am FORCED to spend money on a game that is "FREE TO PLAY."
While I understand that many of the people who purchase these FCs have gotten the coin they use to pay for the service from cash shopping, that is a choice that is left up to that player to make, and without cash shoppers, we would not have a game. That is an important point, so I will repeat it. WITHOUT CASH SHOPPERS, WE WOULD NOT HAVE A GAME. If you remove hypers from FC, there is less of an incentive for those persons who normally cash shop to do so: they cannot spend their coins to level, and they have no need for our expensive end game gear if they are in their 70s. The amount of useful items that one can cash shop at lower levels is laughably small:flyers, mounts. Some people will spring for fashion. That is about it. On the opposite side of the coin, the "high-end" players that have already cash shopped their gear to insane degrees, in my opinion, are less likely to continue spending money as well. They can be secure in where they stand in comparison, because the rest of the server just got slapped with all of these restrictions on their farming, merching, ect.
What you are left with are those players that are in the middle. The ones who work hard for what they have through farming, and merching. I know many a person that sells FC services, and uses the money to merch. That capital is now gone. The players that are now FORCED into cash shopping are those players that WE NOT CASH SHOPPING (at least heavily) in the first place. Maybe they don't have the disposable income to spend the money. Maybe just play a free to play game because they simply don't wish to spend the disposable income they do have on a video game. Whatever the reason may be, those who do not cash shop are not going to be more likely to cash shop with these changes, they are more likely to leave the community and move to another game.
If you think FC is not a big deal, answer me this. How many of you have made an assassin in order to solo and sell fc, or solo fc for yourself to level? (If you haven't, how many of the people you know have?) If you say that you don't know a single person that has done this, you are a liar. Plain and simple.
Some of the community is in favor of placing level restrictions on FC hypering, for players under level 75-85. I understand where you are coming from, I really and truely do. It is annoying to get into a squad with an FC baby that doesn't know the instance, doesn't know their class, and just messes things up in general. But we need them. These are the people that bring money into the game. These are the people that fill up the token shops in west arch. These are the people that put gold in the auction house for you to use. These are the people that flood the economy with coins that make your merchanting possible. Even if you are not a merchant, without these people putting money into the game you would not be able to buy the items you need, because merchanting will wither and die.
My vote is to return FC to it the way it was before this patch.0 -
Maelael - Heavens Tear wrote: »*head*beat*table*
Hi. I'm Blunt. Pleased to meet you.
My point was your post was full of spin instead of unbiased fact, let alone conciseness. I intentionally replied in a spinning way to make my point. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.
I don't see what the spin was, those things I listed are facts as I have experienced them.Maelael - Heavens Tear wrote: »I've experienced the same with my flist outleveling me, and outleveling my flist (I kinda fell in the middle). I just made more friends, and grouped with them again when I caught up. I feel for ya. I could even get behind reducing the exp in FF a bit.
But I can say the outleveling or being outleveled by your Flist predated the FF change. I remember that well. It made me push to level faster, and made me run out to help good friends level.
It predates it, but has been made worse by FC by a very significant amount.Maelael - Heavens Tear wrote: »I'm with you on this. As from what I've experienced on multiple toons, multiple times, and have not found a replacement for elsewhere prior to 100, FF is the best we've got. And tbh, the game changes so much due to gear and skills 80+ and then again at 89/92/99+, it's kinda like the pre-80s are kinda a wash.
I *do* miss the time of having to go out and kill quest related bosses in the world map for newbies, it was fun as hell. I still go WAY outta my way when I catch people looking for help on those just to relive the nostalgia.
I've volunteered on my BM to help with same level stuff for the same reason. xD But people have to bring clerics and such cuz it obviously can't solo that stuff. xDDMaelael - Heavens Tear wrote: »HT is a fickle [BLEEP that by definition sells itself for money], and it seems some servers are better off. But I totally agree the pre-80 crowd is really terrible on HT. I just see zero logic behind how eliminating FF hypers in FF will fix that (It may assist in helping a solution, however). Let alone what the hell people are gonna do post 80.
Well, it's more likely to increase interactions. Increased interactions would go a long way to help things. One of the worst parts of being sub 80 is the total lack of interaction with anyone. This is an MMO it isn't supposed to be that way. Making it so that the best leveling before that level is the content that was built specifically for that level, would go a long way. Since leveling is the main thing people care about at that level.0 -
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Remember: OP may be a duck|OP/GMs/Devs may not deliver|Search function is your friend|Lurk more|Be wary of Mods: they can't be trusted|This place isn't a hugbox|Your tears sustain me|Know what Bait is|"Soon" may never come|Postcount, Dubs, and other GETs are important|Don't revive long dead threads|There is a section for everything|You can be banned for anything|No Fun Allowed outside of OT|Sweetiebot rules OT|"Circlejerks" are inevitable|Threads can be derailed and saved|Those who use"XD" should off themselves at their earliest convenience|0
Actually, you did. Your narrow-minded stubborn mind fogs you from seeing things from other people's perspective. You put words into people's mouth that they have NEVER said, and try to twist words like a child. You do know what selfish is, right? Just because we have different opinions doesn't mean I'm selfish. Being selfish means you care more about your personal profit than others. So.. essentially you're selfish for trying to take away someone's ability to level and/or make money in order to benefit yourself. Not to mention that you're selfish for 1) insulting me 2) being egotistical and think you're right no matter what and 3) having that self-righteous attitude. Not once do you explain any of your claims. You're pathetic and can only say things without backing them up, and I pity people like you. b:thanks
i think its more than bout time that you start listening to someone with a bit more hindsight than you can give credit for. first off i dont always have to see things from other peoples perspective thats what can really cause someone to be in a narrow-minded fog. plus i dont put words into other ppls mouths nor do i twist ppls words like a child. i tell it like it is so if all you can say is something to irritate and annoy me, then i pity you for being on this game at all. if all your going to say is something that is totally pathetic and ignorant of the fact that hypering FF has caused more problems and more troubles than you can see in a mirror then i for one would like to see you ragequit and leave this game to those that care and want this game back to the original way it was intended. instead of making it worse by having it go back to the way you want it to be.
we might have other opinions on the subject but that doesnt mean im selfish. it only means that id rather see this game back to where ppl would be helping each other stead of instant gratification. if you wanna talk bout selfish, wht bout the hundreds of plvled noobs who do nothing for other players less theres something in it for them. what bout making bhs active again to where you can and will find your average player looking for those bhs. i think im more selfless than i am selfish by saying this. im in this for the veteran players of pwi compared to the heartless players who got their goodies all in one basket. if you want to talk bout heartless and selfish, take a good look in the mirror at yourself first before judging someones motive or reasoning behind their opinion. If you think that by attacking my knowledgeable opinion than you can just go soak yourself in the river.
1) idc if im taking "ppls fun away" or not. if you want to play a game right stop cheating it like it came with cheat codes or something and idc if its taking possible profit away from those that have instant gratification for plvling newbies. it is dead wrong to take advantage of ppl who are possibly new to pwi and have no foggy clue on how pwi used to be. plus am i insulting you? no. making a better point than you? maybe yes and maybe no but i will always tell it like it is and if anyone cant see that then they are doomed to fail from the very start.
2) you outta love this accusation, i would probably expect it from a powerlvler who does nothing but make money from exploiting something that shouldnt of been started. its not bout thinking im right no matter what, its bout making common sense no matter what and im way beyond the common sense lvl.
3) the only ones who have a self righteous attitude are those that are saying that powerlvling in FF is fun, ok and shouldnt be lvl limited. so let me say this, youve crossed the line completely pal. if you think im just some egotistical idiot who thinks that im taking yours and others fun away by powerlvling players who have absolutely no brains whatsoever, then ya could say im maybe on the list of ppl who are the same as me. making common sense stick. plus i dont have to explain my claims at all, it would just make me look even more stupid and im not entirely one who walks into stupid.
so in conclusion, sounds like your the one who is pathetic here by being a cry baby just cause he got his feelings hurt and his fun taken away from him like a baby who lost its favorite toy. if im anything at all, its cause i make common sense stick the vast majority of times.Star_Prism - Archosaur wrote: »With the way quests are set up now, it does not take long to level to 100. Even if you only play a few hours a day, or just on the weekends you could easily be to level 100 in a few months.
100+ people do not have all the fun. What I see most of is people get to 100, now they are bored because the have nothing to do. I'm finding that problem myself. When I run out of quests I start getting bored. I try to fill that time with farming, but that gets dull after a while too; at that point I usually switch to a lower level alt and then I have fun.
I have never understood why people think you have to be 100+ to have fun, there is so much you can do at lower levels. People just have to be willing to look for it. If you go to any major city all you will see (other than catshops) is a bunch of players 100+ standing around, doing nothing. How is that fun?
This is what creates hyper levelers because people think they can't have fun at lower levels, that they have to be 100+. So people rush to get there and find they have nothing to do, then complain that the game sucks.
+120% star agree with everything said.
Ps: sry for the late replies.The Sure Shot that Flies Straight
Tiduswarrior Demon 101 (Main), Vanflyheight 100 (Demon RB2), SasukeZx 95 (Demon), Leobeastking 90s (Sage), Swiftterror 80s, AquaStriker 99 (Sage)
2nd Acc: BlademageX 88, RazorFalcon 89, RavenwingZ 79, Veilpor 73, TidalLight 30, SythrilZ 64, Stormthril 640 -
Honestly, I swore an oath to all that is holy in PWI that I was never touching Frost again - once I reached 100.
I forgot that oath a couple times since, but it only took a quick hyper run or two to help me remember why I made the promise in the first place.
I now do the very social activity of cashing in 6 Experience Jade in Morai everyday. I stood in the reflecting pool once for about 30 minutes, but thats boring, and increases my carbon footprint. ^^
Lots of people in there, still not a social experience. Even if someone runs me through FC, its still another person I am interacting with - unless Im only running my own alt.
It wont fix nothing, but creating less players on the server.
The towns are empty - Tusk Town is a ghost town that teamed with life a year ago. With no coin from DQ, and nary another non-alt soul to get to know anymore, nerfing FC is only going to create even more lonelliness than already exists, unfortunately.0 -
MrMegadeth - Archosaur wrote: »Make it Level Restricted. But I also want a Hard Mode for farming the mats and crafting the gear. Easy mode for Exp and Hard mode for Farming (no effective exp on Hard)
If i read that it looks like it easy for you to Lvl to 100 but im go work and sometimes i only can play 2-3 hours per day thats like 1-2 fcs each day + daly Bhs... and the other things / I got 3 Lvls 100+ chars on 3 servers and im playing since 2010
so it tacke a long way to Lvl 100 and some new players that plays this game the first time stops playing it at lvl 90-95 cause it tacke a long way to 100, can be that people with 24/7 can do Lvl 100 in a week but theyr only 10% of the players .
And yes would be nice if the way to get the end gear gets a littel herd = WS Gears0 -
Euthymius - Heavens Tear wrote: »>Dat Wall of Text
Lol. Sorry, I only post when I have something to say that I feel strongly about.b:chuckle0 -
Whether its kept hyper free, reverted back or level restricted it wont affect my game play. I have always thought however, that it should be blocked until you receive the quest to go there.
Surely you can take 2 hours a day to play, and approx. 3-4 weeks to reach the level for the quest. If you don't want to, you know, PLAY the game, why are you here? Why does everyone want everything instantly anymore?0 -
I'll agree with people sayin that the game only really becomes fun after you hit 100 and start going for endgame stuff. Though some people enjoy the levelin up process aswell. But at the same time, ppl dont want nubs doin FC or more so, nubs doin bh 100s, lol. It's a tough call.
I'd say maybe have even 2-3 diff FC instances like TT, one where maybe high lvls open for lowbies that mite hav less exp. Then a different version where lvl 80/90's open which mite hav more exp but certain lvl restrictions.
If none of that stuff can be done, id guess lvl 75+ is the way to go.G_tar_God ~ 104
Aussie represent for PWI
"Life without music would be a mistake..." [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
XBABYGIRLx - Harshlands wrote: »Time to weigh in on this FC debate. While I can agree that powerleveling has led to an uprise in players that do not understand the game mechanics of their classes, it has also led to end game content being more readily accessible to all players at a quicker rate, and in my own opinion, end game is where the real fun begins. Warsong, Lunar, TT, Nirvana(even though it is dead thanks to Nation wars:::another issue), BH100, Morai (yes I know its availible before 100)...the list goes on and on.
powerlvling has done nothing more than ruin a game that was once helpful, and greatly satisfying and fun. endgame instances such as warsong, lunar, nirvana, bh100s and morai is nothing more than a players boredom. end game is not where the fun begins its where the fun ends. the fun beings when a player is lvl 1 not at lvl 100 sitting around day after day doing nothing but twiddling their thumbs all week long till they get into tws or nws.
FC is the best means by which a player can level, ESPECIALLY after 100. (You can argue for AEU and PV all you would like, but there is a limit on how often you can do those::6 times a week, and once per day respectively.) When you are looking at an exp arch like PWI employs, you are simply not going to gain enough exp per day to level. Can you imagine gaining 1.3BILLION exp using quests?! Yes, its POSSIBLE, but in what kind of time frame. As it was, it would take nearly 3 full months of FC spamming (along with crazy stones, dailies, and bhs) to level from 103 to 104, and approx. 6 months from 104 to 105. How long would this take when you are gaining exp mostly from quests? A year? Longer? Some of you enjoy questing, and it can be nice when compared to spamming the same instance over and over again, but at the end of the day, spamming is more effective and most of us have grown used to it.
FC does help players to push past lvl 100, when theres nothing else to do besides the mundane dailies. the reality is that its not bout doing FC when your 100 its bout having FC as a substitute for the real game content which is from lvl 1-100.
In fact, we have turned it into a way of life (as far as game is concerned.) The clearing and selling of FC is a HUGE driving force in our in game economy. It is how many of us (especially sins) fund our gaming. For those that do not cash shop, or cash shop sparingly, the loss of these sales is STAGGERING. I am going to make a rough estimate here and say that on my server, at least 50% of our commerce has died since hypers were removed from FC. Those that sell FC have lost their (most likely) main sorce of income. This means not only are they not making money, but they are not spending it either. Coupling the loss of these sales with the loss of Nirvana (which was another main source of income for many people), there are very few that can afford to continue towards their goals without cash shopping coins. I for one do not appreciate being put in a position where I am FORCED to spend money on a game that is "FREE TO PLAY."
Im not saying to spend real money on a game, but theres plenty of ways to earn money in the game without having to make FF a main players pension fund. An MMO is suppose to be where we build our characters stead of rushing to endgame only to see it dull, boring and sit around doing nothing but complain to the devs bout how much content is missing when they have already passed alot of the content that has been around for years. If you want to make money in game again, why not make nirvana active again.
While I understand that many of the people who purchase these FCs have gotten the coin they use to pay for the service from cash shopping, that is a choice that is left up to that player to make, and without cash shoppers, we would not have a game. That is an important point, so I will repeat it. WITHOUT CASH SHOPPERS, WE WOULD NOT HAVE A GAME. If you remove hypers from FC, there is less of an incentive for those persons who normally cash shop to do so: they cannot spend their coins to level, and they have no need for our expensive end game gear if they are in their 70s. The amount of useful items that one can cash shop at lower levels is laughably small:flyers, mounts. Some people will spring for fashion. That is about it. On the opposite side of the coin, the "high-end" players that have already cash shopped their gear to insane degrees, in my opinion, are less likely to continue spending money as well. They can be secure in where they stand in comparison, because the rest of the server just got slapped with all of these restrictions on their farming, merching, ect.
a player will always exploit something just to make a buck ( or in this case coin).
What you are left with are those players that are in the middle. The ones who work hard for what they have through farming, and merching. I know many a person that sells FC services, and uses the money to merch. That capital is now gone. The players that are now FORCED into cash shopping are those players that WE NOT CASH SHOPPING (at least heavily) in the first place. Maybe they don't have the disposable income to spend the money. Maybe just play a free to play game because they simply don't wish to spend the disposable income they do have on a video game. Whatever the reason may be, those who do not cash shop are not going to be more likely to cash shop with these changes, they are more likely to leave the community and move to another game.
If you think FC is not a big deal, answer me this. How many of you have made an assassin in order to solo and sell fc, or solo fc for yourself to level? (If you haven't, how many of the people you know have?) If you say that you don't know a single person that has done this, you are a liar. Plain and simple.
you can easily find who the FC sellers and soloers are just by looking at world chat on a daily basis. theres also some that dont announce it in world chat and rather keep it in with faction.
Some of the community is in favor of placing level restrictions on FC hypering, for players under level 75-85. I understand where you are coming from, I really and truely do. It is annoying to get into a squad with an FC baby that doesn't know the instance, doesn't know their class, and just messes things up in general. But we need them. These are the people that bring money into the game. These are the people that fill up the token shops in west arch. These are the people that put gold in the auction house for you to use. These are the people that flood the economy with coins that make your merchanting possible. Even if you are not a merchant, without these people putting money into the game you would not be able to buy the items you need, because merchanting will wither and die.
we need the FC hyper babies like i need strep throat or rabies. they arent supplying the game at all with their merchanting or anything. to them all they want is instant gratification to keep doing what they been doing cause they dont know anything else outside of only 1 instance.
My vote is to return FC to it the way it was before this patch.
replies in light green. hope that splitting it up some will make it more readable.The Sure Shot that Flies Straight
Tiduswarrior Demon 101 (Main), Vanflyheight 100 (Demon RB2), SasukeZx 95 (Demon), Leobeastking 90s (Sage), Swiftterror 80s, AquaStriker 99 (Sage)
2nd Acc: BlademageX 88, RazorFalcon 89, RavenwingZ 79, Veilpor 73, TidalLight 30, SythrilZ 64, Stormthril 640 -
Brillance - Raging Tide wrote: »And there is no need to nerf another players enjoyment; or force one's will upon someone else. Anyone that doesnt wanna hyper in FC can do just like me - and not do it.
Certainly there are more important problems the Devs can put their attention to than desiding for players what they will be permitted to do in the future with their own chars, based on the opinions of others who no longer need to hyper in FC.
People wanna be policed, they can simply police themselves when it comes to that. b:thanks
The Dev's put plenty of attention into adding content to the lower level characters because we asked for it. Unfortunately, 90% of the low level players never see it because they level too fast.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
First of all, the 1200 people who currently voted are not representative of all of Perfect World. That's just absurd to make a change off such a small pool. People should actually think out the the effects thoroughly instead of acting quickly.. that leads to more ruin and chaos. Just because a majority of the people think a certain way doesn't mean they are right and should automatically get their way. Human judgement is obscured at times, and I believe this is the case here.
We were fine without people throwing their alts into frost at level 1 Before the Genesis expansion, we'll do just fine without it afterwards. Have you actually gone out to all the old questing zones? Looked around at all the former hotspots? Nearly all of them are dead, or didn't you see because you were too busy clearing and selling FC rooms, contributing to the downfall of general activity outside of the SZ's around PWI? b:irritated[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
(Need better/up-to-date sig)
Remember my name. For it's the one you will fear in your waking nightmares...0 -
Levantica - Raging Tide wrote: »How about remove the T3 weapons from Warsong because I already have full T3 and i dont need. Is same thing as lvl 100+ players vote for FC.....If they dont need anymore they sure vote for yes. I vote to remove T3 weapons and i vote to in Warsong stop people from making mobless run and bosses be imun to dmg if they dont kill all pavilion. How about that, fair enough? Just because you people dont need FC anymore after lvling 40 characters, dont mean that other dont need either.
I vote for NO WAY or LVL 85+ the best choice.
This says it all. I vote no to any level restriction.0 -
SylenThunder - Sanctuary wrote: »See the problem is, that because of FCC hypering being allowed, and even sold to the lower levels, the lower areas are desolate for any new player we may get and makes it so the game dies even faster thanks to this. If you want to revive the game, you need to bring balance back to the player base. This can be easily achieved through restricting hypers in FCC.
The Dev's put plenty of attention into adding content to the lower level characters because we asked for it. Unfortunately, 90% of the low level players never see it because they level too fast.
+1000 to this. Every day you see people on the forum complaining that they can't get lower level BH squads. Why? Because everyone is hyper leveling. I love playing my lower level alts but whenever I need to do BH I spend a ton of teles forming the squad. In the end I have 3 people who need it, and two high levels (who are bored I might add) coming along to help.
Another thing I don't understand, people say they hyper because they find questing dull and repetitive. It feels like they are doing the same thing over again (and hypering in FC is the height of variety). What do they think is going to happen when they hit level 100? That magically they will have new and exciting things to do every single day. The truth is when you are 100 you literally will be doing the same thing over and over again. At least at lower levels you can look forward to new quests, new skills. Once you hit 100 the only way you will have anything new to do is when PWI adds an expansion.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
star-chaster.tumblr.com0 -
No -- 456 -- 35.46%
These people... I have NOTHING nice to say about them. Their way is the death of PWI, period. They are too selfish and ignorant to even see what they are doing to the game if FC powerleveling remains as was. Perspective and opinion have nothing to do with this issue. They are the unevolved of humanity...
There is absolutely no one in their right mind that gives a **** about PWI that can support the option of actually keeping fc powerleveling at all. The only 2 options that make sense if PWI is to have an actual future... are level cap fc or just get rid of hypering in fc all together...
This character NEVER EVEN ONCE stepped foot inside fc except to actually do quests... NOT ONCE.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Descendus - Lost City wrote: »We were fine without people throwing their alts into frost at level 1 Before the Genesis expansion, we'll do just fine without it afterwards. Have you actually gone out to all the old questing zones? Looked around at all the former hotspots? Nearly all of them are dead, or didn't you see because you were too busy clearing and selling FC rooms, contributing to the downfall of general activity outside of the SZ's around PWI? b:irritated
Very well said descendus, very well said indeed.The Sure Shot that Flies Straight
Tiduswarrior Demon 101 (Main), Vanflyheight 100 (Demon RB2), SasukeZx 95 (Demon), Leobeastking 90s (Sage), Swiftterror 80s, AquaStriker 99 (Sage)
2nd Acc: BlademageX 88, RazorFalcon 89, RavenwingZ 79, Veilpor 73, TidalLight 30, SythrilZ 64, Stormthril 640 -
People keep saying that disabling hyper for low levels will bring in more players. However, if 10 people join today, regardless of whether 9 of them use hypers or none of them use hypers, still only 10 people joined the game today...
Sure, maybe if no one hypered, half of them might call their friends to join. But even if they hypered, half of them still have a equal chance of calling their friends to join.
Sure, if maybe no one hypered, only half of them will end up quitting. But even if they hypered, still only half of them might end up quitting.
At level 100, there is NW, TW, Lunar, Warsong, Competitive PvP, Competitive daily events, and so on. Mid-game is really weakly supported with nothing more than grind quests and BH. There is no way you are being competitive in anything with all the r9rr running around that makes regular r9 +12 look like a joke.Zsw -104 Sage Assassin
TehZsw - 100 Demon Archer
All Luck No Skillz PvPer: youtube.com/user/zsw0070 -
Zsw - Dreamweaver wrote: »People keep saying that disabling hyper for low levels will bring in more players. However, if 10 people join today, regardless of whether 9 of them use hypers or none of them use hypers, still only 10 people joined the game today...
At level 100, there is NW, TW, Lunar, Warsong, Competitive PvP, Competitive daily events, and so on. Mid-game is really weakly supported with nothing more than grind quests and BH. There is no way you are being competitive in anything with all the r9rr running around that makes regular r9 +12 look like a joke.
If 10 people join today, and 8 of them quit because they couldn't find anyone to quest with/talk to etc, while 2 of them swipe their credit card to hyper, then we gain 2 players.
If 10 people join today, and only 1 of them quit becasue they just plain don't like it. The other 7 didn't quit because they have people to talk to, then maybe 4 people will swipe their credit card at level 75. Since some people won't put money into a supposed to be f2p game they aren't sure they will like at endgame since they didn't like starter game. Since 9 stayed instead of only 2, you also increase the likelihood that one of them will bring their friend into the game. Impressing people at the start of the game is a very important aspect of gaming, and whether or not a game impresses someone at the start has a direct correlation to whether they continue to play.
That's all games too. That's why video game companies do their best to make the intros captivating in single player games as well. I wish I could find the extra credits video that explained this better than I just did. xD But I hope you get the gist of what I'm trying to say.0
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