Disable hypers in frost, yes, no or LV restricted?



  • Posts: 422 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    +1 to lvl restriction

    I hope this will revitalize lower lvl BH as well since now people will do BH to lvl their toon.

    Also, please put coins to BH reward as well.

    I hope this will end the endless whisper to my BM from people who want me to solo fcc to heads, I can solo it fine on my BM, I just don't want to do that.
    Heaven Tear

    Liveena 102/102/102 Demon Cleric
    Milfeena 103/102 Demon BM
    Silpheena 104/103/102 Sage R9S3 Seeker
    Cieleena 101/101/101 Sage Stormbringer
  • Posts: 206 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Why ruin things for us who farm ff by running plvls? Just dont squad with the noobs if you dont want to deal with them. Just more free kills for us in pk. Why complain?
  • Posts: 1,087 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    err first and foremost they dont make money off of hypers in the boutique anyhow why spend 80 silver for 2 hypers when you could sell that 1 gold for 2 mil and buy about 20 hypers from someone else? so your point that they lose profit is moot there is no profit from hypers their profit mainly comes from packs/orbs/charms and so on.

    I didn't touch frost till 80+ on my toons and even then it was for farming gear theres still many viable ways to lvl up without hypering big rooms 10x a day the fact of the matter is the power lvling in the game has eliminated the vast majority of the game itself most players that are new dont end up staying and theres very few new players as it is not everyone wants to rush to end game to just pvp in nw and tw. I would actually look forward to making another toon and lvling it if there were actually people outside on the world map to play and lvl with at the moment though there isn't and hasn't been for a long time and its rare if you can even find it.

    No, but when people open packs and exchange tokens for hypers, they make money. When people cashshop gold to trade for coins to buy hypers, they make money.

    I don't disagree that there are other viable ways. However, I have not heard of any way that is just as fast as hyper fcing pre-level 100. In my opinion there is very little to do pre-NW and TW.

    I believe if people didn't care to do NW and TW, then why do they hyper in the first place? There is no point leveling to 100 if you're not going for the gears, the skills and the events. I know people who really do not care for PvP, and as a result, they do not hyper. This leads me to conclude that those who do hyper do intend on making PvP their priority, and given the amount of people that do hyper, it would infer that a good amount of people who join this game do care about NW and TW.
    Grinding mobs will help you learn your toon better than letting someone else kill everything for you while you sit there contemplating your navel. The coin and item drops will help you level skills and get your gear. It's also infinitely cheaper. 1.5mil per frost vs. free grinding that makes you money.

    And honestly? I'm generally afk for 12 hours a day anyway. There's this thing called sleep that I've vaguely heard of. And I get up and eat breakfast and take care of stuff around the house. Also people work, so they can reflect while they're gone. As I said, you still have to do regular BH runs to get enough shards to reflect on a regular basis. This will be good for teaching people squad dynamics, and how to effectively play their toons.

    You can get 7 shards a day I think. 3 from BH, 2 from roll call, one from world quest, one from cube of fate.

    100+ take off a bh shard and add a morai shard.

    What you said is true, but mostly from a PvE standpoint. I will agree with you that grinding may be better for Mid-game PvE activities. However, I still stand by my opinion that mid-game is really weakly suported. The main focus of the game is PvP, whether world, Nation wars, or TW. Grinding mobs would hardly help anyone better at PvP than watching people kill mobs for you. Most of what you learned in PvE is rarely applied when it comes to PvP. I also stand by my statement that with high APS DDs and cashshopped gears, most classes do not really need to learn their characters end game. PvE is not challenging.
    Zsw -104 Sage Assassin
    TehZsw - 100 Demon Archer

    All Luck No Skillz PvPer: youtube.com/user/zsw007
  • Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Why ruin things for us who farm ff by running plvls? Just dont squad with the noobs if you dont want to deal with them. Just more free kills for us in pk. Why complain?

    b:laugh so, ur only way to farm coins is on fc? ur gear must be like r8+tt99+1st to third cast vana dags, so, u r a free kill on pk for the most of pkers
  • Posts: 668 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Level Restricted starting 85+ according to (Walk of Shame anyways)

    Really compared to back in the days low levels got MANY ways to get alot of XP, I mean hell check it, Ppl STLL Got Hypers.

    Quests =Questmaster xp rerwards
    Bounty Hunter
    Zhen grinding
    World Quest
    Crazy Stones
    PV (Can hyper this being kinda better then FC)
    Cube of fate
    (If married) MQ
    Hell Morai gives a ton of XP

    Okay so most ppls alt's want get 100 so soon, or ur friend that was soon to be 100 tomorrow has to wait a few days maybe.


    alot more activity around the map, town and quest spots wont be dead. If ppl remember how it was in morai when it first started...should be looking like that all over the place.

    I in all honestly would prefer NO Hypers in FC period but at same time ppls points have merit its should be level restricted cause the main complaint is level 100 + FC noobies that just **** ppl the hell off. and level 85-100 was a pain before hypers. Also level restricting FC also helps lower levels make some coins cause them low level molds and 3 *star gear will start having some worth to them again cause ppl will be useing them a lil more longer then a night or two.

    Quests are useless and you just pointed out a lot of different quests. Doesnt it cost a lot to get to a point where i can do MQ?

    Level restricting FC till ur level 80 or 85 would be ideal. Nobody will level the other ways if they are at this level. I know i wouldnt be grinding mobs from like level70 till 95. And definitely not MQ unless they are already marrier or planing to do that anyway.

    Would love to see a staff member stating how logical and possible making a level restriction on this would be in the first place.
    Only thing worst then a troll is a brainless troll ...
  • Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    To be honest, this change has happened way to late. If you were to have done this change(on accident or not) before the goon glitch, sure It'd be fine. Right now this game I doubt has a lot of new players coming in and joining our community. This game is more than likely a bunch of people who already have 100+ characters making new toons for them to do dailies and NW/TW/PvP/AEU/blablabla on. I know speaking just for myself, I have an 102, 101, 3 characters in the 80's and about 4 in there 70s, I spent my time getting my characters leveled the hard way through zhen squads before BH's were a thing. I don't want to waste time leveling a new character through quest. ;p

    Edit: Should throw this in there... I am not opposed to the instance being 85+ ^^
    Ahira is a spyb:cryb:cryb:cry
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    101? Says your 100 in avatar......

    lol yeah i noticed that as well, i did make it to 101 only last week though.. so idk :)
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I voted no, but well, lvl restricted is good as well..
  • Posts: 1,261 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    b:laugh so, ur only way to farm coins is on fc? ur gear must be like r8+tt99+1st to third cast vana dags, so, u r a free kill on pk for the most of pkers

    Look at his daggers in his siggy, they're R9. Look before you say bro.
    Tide_Surfer: "I feel SPESHALL *says like a lil kid*"
    Veneir: "Seashell? :3"
    Tide_Surfer: "Yes Veny, yes. A speshall seashell."
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Level restricted 85+
  • Posts: 685 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Level restricted!! 75+
    Don't forget the lvl 75 has actual quests for fcc, so it would be unreasonable to exclude anyone in that level range from being able to complete that chain.
  • Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Totally gunning for Level restriction either 70-80+ or 85+, either is okay with me because that's when you start getting quests there. Before that, you all can go back to leveling the old way...you know back to the days of World Quest, Cube of Fate, Crazy Stone, Zhen Parties, Grinding, Bounty Hunters, and now even Phoenix Valley. Don't be lazy and level your characters half-arsed, actually level your chars and learn how to play them.
  • Posts: 668 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Level restricted!! 75+
    Don't forget the lvl 75 has actual quests for fcc, so it would be unreasonable to exclude anyone in that level range from being able to complete that chain.

    Oh correct ...

    Well i guess 75 then ye.b:victory
    Only thing worst then a troll is a brainless troll ...
  • Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Why ruin things for us who farm ff by running plvls? Just dont squad with the noobs if you dont want to deal with them. Just more free kills for us in pk. Why complain?
    And this is why it's better add a level restriction to Frost.
    Because now, too many people don't know how to make money besides running powerleveling services.
    But with a level restriction on Frost, players are forced to play the game, so they will eventually open their eyes and see many more opportunities to make money.

    A perfect example of someone who powerleveled.
    Doesn't know the game. Thinks he or she can only make money by providing powerlevel serviceNever learned other methods.

    I hope this will all change soon. Perfect World International can be a much better and bigger game.
    Just like it used to be.
  • Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    pwi's policy :
    step 1:make fc cave
    step 2: glitch in fc cave where u get 105 in 1-2 weeks
    step 3: can't stop glitch instead u nurf t\dragon's exp making everyone suffer from it nd don;t punish glitchers so that now some sins or others r 105 but u have 2 farm half a year to get 103-105
    step 4: kill fc cave to make ir impossible for ppl to get 105 (or even harder especially for sins)
    even if u wanna work hard
    step 5: make ppl ask u to do cs for 1m exp-cube another mil aeu nd gbq
    good new all these give u 0.4% daily at 103 yay so 250days nd u lvl up!!! or u beg ppl 2 take u pv ofc !!!
    result:1-destroying new players that have to struggle hard to compete with the 95% of 101+ on this game
    2-making ppl quit game
    3- game becomes even more lame with a new wave of ppl who quit
    pool says that only 10% of the community wants this change permanent anyways ik that if they don't do a change they will c a 3 years old pwi player ranked 3rd on sins of harshlands quitting ;)
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I agree Lvl restriction do to the fact that in order to even take the quest you need to be 85, so make it 85+.
  • Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Voted no, but I wouldn't mind a level restriction either; I personally don't favour the prospect of leveling another three clerics (Another to 100+, one at 8x, one at 9x) through quests alone. I had always seen Frost as an excellent training ground for PvE, with one of my first exposures to large pulls; I mean, who really pulls BH? There are slows, sleeps, silences and the exp is extra incentive to go through it. I also don't like the idea of yet another ignored instance; I'm a slow leveler, and missed out on the chance of trying out NV, was very disappointed >:
    My squishiness is (Usually) unrivaled.
    Finally decided to give Olii her own banner.b:chuckle
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    lvl restricted 75+
    allow hypers for 75+ :o
  • Posts: 338 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Today was a good day, for the first time in a while I was able to form (Most of it anyway) a Squad in the center of arch using local chat for BH51. And by 'a while' I mean FREAKING AAAAAAGES! It's not even funny.

    Restrict FC to 80+ and get this game on the road to a form of recovery...
    (Need better/up-to-date sig)

    Remember my name. For it's the one you will fear in your waking nightmares...
  • Posts: 1,766 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I personally don't favour the prospect of leveling another three clerics (Another to 100+, one at 8x, one at 9x) through quests alone.

    You can always hyper grind mobs on the open map. Spiders are great.
  • Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Level restricted!! 75+
    Don't forget the lvl 75 has actual quests for fcc, so it would be unreasonable to exclude anyone in that level range from being able to complete that chain.

    Was just gonna say this same thing. Either change the level of the quests, or allow access to those questers, with attendant benefits (i.e., entrance and hypering).
  • Posts: 756 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    You can always hyper grind mobs on the open map. Spiders are great.

    +1., that forces you to actually learn the skills you have instead of BB in the middle of big room to 100.
  • Posts: 395 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    lvl restricted to 75+ :D allowing hypers ofc b:dirty
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I say if u want to keep FC do the restricted level to 85+, or at least do a restriction for hypers that way they can only activate there hypers at level 85+ and not below.

    Yes there is alot of ways to get to level 85 besides doing FC, the only downfall to that is just going to take a bit longer by doing Quests, Bh's, reflections etc...

    My answer is leave FC alone but put a restricted level to 85+
  • Posts: 3,162 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    First time logging in today to see this, and I must say, this is truly glorious~
    If there must be a change, let the instance be restricted to 75+.
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  • Posts: 1,020 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I think it's best to just allow hyper in fcc. There aren't really that many new players any way. Most new chars that are being created are alts, and eliminating it will just discourage people to level alts and lower the replay value of the game even more. Right, it's easy to level to 85, but no one has yet to give the approximate number of hours and days for someone to reach lvl 85+ without hyper fcc, so the statement of it being easy is not a valid point to discontinue hypering in fcc. If people wanted to make another alt, they definitely don't want to spend more than 2 weeks of questing just to get to lvl 100 playing only an hour or so a night. I actually started an alt over the weekend, and grew tired of it upon reaching level 30 without fcc or hyper on quests alone. Just not worth the time, coins, or fun.
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Getting on 75 now with last update on quests and new quests from jolly old jones wont be hard, if it`s and alt you can always use you main to help your alt on bhs and also quests. PV is something that should be remembered also.
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    apf1984 wrote: »
    I disagree with the idea of not being able to activate hyper's in frost, Yes this is a known bug that was not intended. To keep this as a permanent addition would be to loose a lot of players. At the most it should be level restricted to say 85+ at most. I quested and bh'd my sin to 85+ and a seeker to 72 before i started power leveling. Some of us have earned our rights to power level our own alts if we want to. And have put our hard earned money in to our chars to be able to solo frost to do that. Please don't take this away from us!

    I kinda agree even if it does get restricted OR make it kinda like NV was and u have to have a squad of 6 and a certain item while being at least a certain level to even get in and do it.
  • Posts: 756 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I kinda agree even if it does get restricted OR make it kinda like NV was and u have to have a squad of 6 and a certain item while being at least a certain level to even get in and do it.

    This is a really good one too! But they tried that for TM and it had a loophole. If it can be made to fail if a level over (x-x) goes in squad and bosses despawn, would work perfectly.
  • edited March 2013
    Personally, I think that hypers in FCC should be limited to 100+ as we don't get any real exp/spirit reward for BH's

    Entrance to FCC should be absolutely limited to level 75 and up.

    Both of those are very easy and reasonable changes.
This discussion has been closed.