Things you don't want to hear your squadmates say



  • witniss
    witniss Posts: 517 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    "where is your gear?" i am red named duh... =.=

    It's funny because you aren't sage
  • Ninn - Raging Tide
    Ninn - Raging Tide Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited September 2012

    *What does purify do and why are you asking for it? (94 cleric asking)

    OMG u made me remember about something it happened to me xD hahaha
    i was on my cleric in a FC run at Bubble boss ... when the boss first casted bubble on psy i imediately purified and heal then keep healing the tank, then the psy said "WOW!! ur purifying! first run i make that the cleric actualy purifys instead of DD on this boss"

    Me ---> T_____T u gotta be fking kidding me .....

    (happened on Lothranis server ....)
  • witniss
    witniss Posts: 517 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    "where is your gear?" i am red named duh... =.=

    It's also funny because sage>demon
  • BlackCalla - Lothranis
    BlackCalla - Lothranis Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    What's IH?

    What's roar?

    BRB, dinner. <---only one I typically kick for.

    What's HF?

    All questions I have received before, BTW.

    I must say that each server has it's own terms for things... I recently switched from LC to Lothranis and i probably asked questions like that even tho i ve been playing for 5 years lol. The fact that half the server speaks French and everything has a different name in French didn't help.

    HF = dragons
    FC = FCC = frost
    TT = HH
    NV = vana = nirvana

    For the French/English i made my own dictionary lol. Did you know in FC/FCC/frost Bishops are Harpies too? And vovo = vortex and fufu = spark and popo = pots?

    Anyways a story:

    I always hated when doing BH Warsong metal/snake the cleric refused to BB when the Blade runner mobs are still alive, even tho i hit all mobs with my psys AOE to ensure the cleric wouldn't get sealed. And i tried to explain a million times that they won't get sealed cause i have the agro of the runners. How many times i have died because of that... I could survive pretty long without heals but not that long ...

    I liked doing that bh with my psy without luring mob without mob, but just by AOEing the whole group, it went so much faster... except when the cleric refused to cooperate. I preferred duoclienting that BH with cleric and psy, cause atleast BB would be up and would stay up (and i usually hate to duoclient).

    Speaking of multiclienting: i hate ppl doing it usually. Sometimes it doesn't hurt and can even be helpful, but often it is just very annoying. I play mystic now and to often i've had to switch to full heal mode cause the cleric was just on follow cause was being duocliented. I specifically hated it in FC/frost cause rest of the squad got less XP (had it happen a few times) and recently in AEU, oh and in Caster Nirvana and they ask for a 6-way split when they didn't do anything with the extra char they brought (in some cases i don't mind splitting 6-way).
  • hikari1988
    hikari1988 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    - Sharptooth don't lower the xp, you a nab I have 3 another lv100 toon -> 95 archer
    - I hit less in tiger form, so I tank in human form ( with axe ) -> lv97 barb
    - "I can't pull" said by 2 sin, 1 seeker, 1 bm, 1 psy in squad so I've pulled big room to nabs with cleric -> 90+ FC
    - I wana go but I don't wana tank nirvy... sure sure it's reasonable... *kicked* -> 12k hp sin with r9 +12 4aps
    - Why u used EF in BB? -> Hmm whats wrong with it? -> BH Warsong lv100 seeker
    - Oh there is no cleric? nah I don't have charm now and dont wana lose xp sorry... -> TT1-1 last boss by a 23k hp barb
    - I'm not healing don't wana get agroed -> cleric 102 Nirvy
    - BH3-3 squad ran into the first room kill mobs then run to center room and all goes to left except 1 which turn right but goes upstairs -> push Q and do a click
    - Oh BB? haven't learned yet -> BH79
    - Those mobs are bugged ( around brig+linus ) they run to us but i used EF -> Yep and you ran into BB while boss still next to the mobs. ( actually this "bug" is widespread )
    - Why you started the heads???? -> I didn't do anything! -> You picked the quest! -> Yes but I didn't started the heads! ->>>> lv94 bm in op gear
    - Use rib strike on the boss please -> Oh that skill is lv1 ->>> 4 aps sin in nirvana.
    - I'll do the chests I know them -> Hit the wrong one at first apper, then pick the wrong seal and use it on the boss :3
    - Guys guide me in nivry this gona be my first run -> 5 aps sin ( with 2nd recraft dagger, legs and helm )

    Suddenly only this many come into my mind but like 90% of them happened after power lvling come in to screen.
  • Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear
    Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,864 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    OMG u made me remember about something it happened to me xD hahaha
    i was on my cleric in a FC run at Bubble boss ... when the boss first casted bubble on psy i imediately purified and heal then keep healing the tank, then the psy said "WOW!! ur purifying! first run i make that the cleric actualy purifys instead of DD on this boss"

    Me ---> T_____T u gotta be fking kidding me .....

    (happened on Lothranis server ....)

    Yep... had the same when I still did FF like a year ago.
  • Vanflyheight - Heavens Tear
    Vanflyheight - Heavens Tear Posts: 420 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    idk whats going on with ppl these days but it sure doesnt beat the old fash runs that alot of us went through when this game first started. so far ive been through least 3-4 bh69 with some chaotic results.

    1. i was on my cleric makin a 69 and invited a sin and another cleric, the sin wanted me to link my weapon which i did (thinkin i shouldnt of done to begin with) then he/she asked the other cleric the same thing which she did. since me and the other cleric were the same lvl. the sin then has the nerve to say that i'll be DDing and the cleric do the healing. i mean get some brains would ya stupid. durin the bh run the second cleric did her job at pyro but just flat out stood there after nob had been lured. so i took it upon myself to do wht a clerics job is, paying attention and do the healing. same thing happened when pole was lured just stood there practically like a dummy then she finally got into it by helpin out as a DD. this is only the beginning of the long and disasterous results of ppl plvling.

    2. this is when i was on my wizzie durin another bh69. had a lvl 70 or 80 some cleric and a barb that was lvl 86. he had good equipment minus one piece, his weapon was totally junk. it was a lvl 67 duel axes tht was probably bought from the blacksmith (all white and no special stat adds on it) everything went well till we reached nob and pole. pole or nob had been lured then within bout a 3rd of pole's hp and the barb gettin debuffed, he dies and goes after the sin. even the sin was a fail cause she was totally showing off killin everything in sight like a lvl 100 would be doin. anyways pole goes after the sin and she takes pole around the pool so we could get the ball rollin again. barb gets it and dies again after being debuffed. i was also tellin the barb that he should get some better axes for more dmg. next the sin dies and the barb takes pole around yet again. (this was a long bh run that shouldnt of had any trouble) so the barb is blamin the cleric for not purifyin when the clerics purify was only at lvl 4 (talk bout a fail barb for not surviving when things go bad) plus he didnt use flesh ream at all to keep agro on himself. after it was all done i had a talk with him and the sin. the barb was sayin things like the sin is the new tank in town. (to me he should just go back to barb school to restudy the basics) i even told him tht he was a fail barb and he just kept on sayin thx for the compliments. Is this empty headed fool for real? i mean come on. so i just had it out with him and was gettin annoyed by his stupidity so i just let it be. So let me narrow this down here. A) sin was showing off by killin everything in sight and showin tht she was so pro (total Fail). B) cleric havin purify at lvl 4 but said after the run was over tht he start to lvl it. C) barb havin lvl 67 duel axes that anyone could buy from the blacksmith npc and saying tht the sin is the new tank around and that he shouldnt keep agro. just cause he says tht a sin took agro off a barb at a high lvl instance. (another fail excuse for not doin his job)

    3. Never think twice that a tiger will lose its stripes within two yrs. (or in this case learn from their stupidity) had the same barb again in a 69 squad this time on my seeker. at pyro the barb went into human form after the lvl 80 some sin took agro off him and just went into DD mode. (big time fail) even during pole and nob i sometimes took agro off the barb and got debuffed. same happened to the sin when he took agro. so the barb gets the idea that the sin should use chill stead of a bow. (both work ofc but yet again another fail excuse) and i even took after from him again how many barbs will we all find that are a big huge fail that should be kicked out of squad for their stupidity and lack of skill. Is this what its comin down to guys and girls? (my weapon on seeker was the tt70 warriorblade with two flawless garnets while the barb had his white duel axes) ofc someone who doesnt have a good weapon to keep agro, will have the agro stolen from em time after time. after this time around, im not goin to invite him to squad and if he gets invited with me again im goin to personally do this K I C K.
    The Sure Shot that Flies Straight

    Tiduswarrior Demon 101 (Main), Vanflyheight 100 (Demon RB2), SasukeZx 95 (Demon), Leobeastking 90s (Sage), Swiftterror 80s, AquaStriker 99 (Sage)

    2nd Acc: BlademageX 88, RazorFalcon 89, RavenwingZ 79, Veilpor 73, TidalLight 30, SythrilZ 64, Stormthril 64
  • tehpeach
    tehpeach Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I was in Full FC run which had my veno a cleric a sin 2 barbs and a seeker. We get to heads room and seeker dc'd. The 2 barbs (lvl 9x) say "Wow now what do we do seeker gone ...who's gonna tank??" WTF!! Plvling pieces if i ever saw them. b:surrender

    And you have to love it when the people selling heads rooms to Plvl'ers run back into their own creations and say "WTF is wrong with you go learn your class" Ahhh sweet justice. b:chuckle
  • Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands
    Xx_BeLLa_xX - Harshlands Posts: 7,231 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    tehpeach wrote: »
    I was in Full FC run which had my veno a cleric a sin 2 barbs and a seeker. We get to heads room and seeker dc'd. The 2 barbs (lvl 9x) say "Wow now what do we do seeker gone ...who's gonna tank??" WTF!! Plvling pieces if i ever saw them. b:surrender

    And you have to love it when the people selling heads rooms to Plvl'ers run back into their own creations and say "WTF is wrong with you go learn your class" Ahhh sweet justice. b:chuckle

    Wow people was doing Fc before mystic and seeker, we was even doing without sin...

    b:dirty "I **** rainbows and love everyone"-Longknife b:cute
  • Shandaar - Dreamweaver
    Shandaar - Dreamweaver Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    1. "Sorry, didn't see..." Seconds after me talking in all caps to give a CLEAR warning that if they aggro, they'll die, and there's no healer. Especially when I'm soloing FB/BH for fac mates and we decide to grab randoms.

    2. "Purify?" The only cleric in a BH69 squad.

    3. "AFK" at big room. No. Just don't, I WILL kick.

    4. Couple that with "I wasn't supposed to activate this?"

    5. "We need a sin" and "We need a healer"... in some random BH51 I was dualclienting with my 60-ish mystic and my 90-ish BM.

    6. "GOTTA GO, SUPPER TIME." During a BH your fac mate has been specifically asking in fac chat for the past 20 minutes, and only then you're able to run it.
  • TheScorpio - Raging Tide
    TheScorpio - Raging Tide Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    - a Barb That Says " I Need Chi " During Last room and Everyone Hyper is ON .. b:laugh
    - And When I Asked a Barb to Flesh Ream On Bosses to Get Aggro, He Said " Does Flesh Ream Get Aggro" .. ah **** Kill ME X.X

  • WidowDee - Heavens Tear
    WidowDee - Heavens Tear Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited September 2012

    Anyways a story:

    I always hated when doing BH Warsong metal/snake the cleric refused to BB when the Blade runner mobs are still alive, even tho i hit all mobs with my psys AOE to ensure the cleric wouldn't get sealed. And i tried to explain a million times that they won't get sealed cause i have the agro of the runners. How many times i have died because of that... I could survive pretty long without heals but not that long ...

    I liked doing that bh with my psy without luring mob without mob, but just by AOEing the whole group, it went so much faster... except when the cleric refused to cooperate. I preferred duoclienting that BH with cleric and psy, cause atleast BB would be up and would stay up (and i usually hate to duoclient).

    I beg to differ with you on this. Those runners have a random stun that will knock down BB if you just happen to miss 1 of them. Then you would be yelling at the cleric because she dropped BB and was using squad heal to build enough spark to reset it - once it comes out of cool down. Anyway, what's the rush? and how many squad wipes do you have when you don't pay attention to the full squad and rush in, agroing all of those AOEing mobs that 1 hit a lvl 85 who doesn't have your apparently uber gear?

    It's just easier for you to blame the cleric. b:angry

    But consider this . . . Clerics ARE the only class that can kill you without moving a finger b:chuckle
  • Jaabg - Sanctuary
    Jaabg - Sanctuary Posts: 2,256 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I beg to differ with you on this. Those runners have a random stun that will knock down BB if you just happen to miss 1 of them. Then you would be yelling at the cleric because she dropped BB and was using squad heal to build enough spark to reset it - once it comes out of cool down. Anyway, what's the rush? and how many squad wipes do you have when you don't pay attention to the full squad and rush in, agroing all of those AOEing mobs that 1 hit a lvl 85 who doesn't have your apparently uber gear?

    I understand the qualms the psy has, but on the other hand i wonder. It's a 6 person team, there are 5 more humans around you, with brains. Why does everyone have to "solo" everything? Why not let others share the work?

    BlackCalla: When i do warsong, full or otherwise, veno, psy, wizzy, barb, seeker, bm, who ever pulls, i go out and aoe the mobs and run back in bb as a bm. Sure i take hits, i end up tanking some mobs because i am constantly aoe'ing. Yes i will die, because 6k hp will not take me far in warsong. I don't mind it, if it helps everyone else live, i am happy to die at the mobs. The boss is a different story b:chuckle. Often times i die when boss is 100k or less hp. I often tell the squad to kill it. I know i do warsong 3~9 times a week. I am bound to get the bh done at some point.

    Sadly people think they are the only one who can do it, and they have the responsibility to do it. If you find yourself in such a situation, join a better faction, make different friends, because the current set of people is not working for you.

    It just seems to me that sometimes people are very rigid in their playstyles, they want everything in a very specific manner, that works if you run with the same people. I know different barbs in full delta, prefer the cleric's bb in different spots for different reasons. Sadly people don't take the time to enjoy the game and other players. It's a rush to do things.
  • LouGruen_Ed - Heavens Tear
    LouGruen_Ed - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    While in the mid of killing:
    Buff... buff....buff...omg bufff me...
    DG(or HF in other server term) DG...DG...DG...

    When we just about to start bh:
    Can I have MP and HP pot?
    Wait chi...
    OMG i forgot my gear on my ____

    What about if your in my squad and hearing this b:surrender
  • Bashmaster - Raging Tide
    Bashmaster - Raging Tide Posts: 353 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    "Sae, what's your APS" I make it apparant I am a non-aps BM with the fact that I like to be different, but they assume I do have aps...

    "Why don't you have APS? It's way better" Nope, just different. I can drop harder AoE damage...I'm a beast in delta

    "Where are your claws?" If I WAS APS, I'd use fists.

    "I need a real BM that uses fists" BM...BladeMaster...Blade...Riiiiight

    "No matter how many chi pots and what genie you have, you can't HF every 30 seconds like APS can' Derp...So I let out an HF every 30 seconds. Boom.

    "We need 2 sins for this FC" Said a sin in an FC90+ on my barb. The cleric agreed, as did the BM.

    "If you used fists on that seeker she'd be dead." Right...Fists on an HA class when I have a +10 GoF axe...Makes sense to use fists, right? (This was a squad I was in while some people were watching me PK...)

    "Saethos is pro" No, I'm just a different BM with an odd build and a non-APSer <_<

    "You can pull FC?" They say to the 13k hp axe BM...Nope, no I can't

    Psh Saethos so fail >_>... jk :D, i'm actually making a 2nd bm thats pure axe atm >:3
  • _Nerox_ - Dreamweaver
    _Nerox_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 753 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    :> I miss the old days
    I Miss the old days of PWIb:surrender
  • SH/DO// - Dreamweaver24
    SH/DO// - Dreamweaver24 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    ooh the list of things i dont want to hear that i have could go on for pages and pages ill just put the biggest and most annoying

    sin at 100+ ill tank my hook and thorns are +7
    sin of all levels i dont need defence my daggers are awesome
    any squad lf 5aps +10 or better sin when rest of squad is tt80 gear
    lf experienced people for(insert instance here) seems everyone forgot we all had to learn sometime and most things dont take long to explain
    i know it been said a few times but we cant do fc without seeker and sin very much annoys me
    and the classic ill get a high level friend to do this bh for us when everyone in squad is decent geared and easily capable to do the bh on own
  • XShui - Harshlands
    XShui - Harshlands Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Wow people was doing Fc before mystic and seeker, we was even doing without sin...

    + 32942389423482349238434 that!!!!

    The new seeker fc hype is annoying!
  • Empu - Sanctuary
    Empu - Sanctuary Posts: 1,154 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    My top 5 :
    1) aps?
    2) can someone give me some mp/hp food?
    3) my resurect buff takes to much mp, I only cast on ...
    4) buff me
    5) I'll do my morai, then brt.
  • MystikalSly - Archosaur
    MystikalSly - Archosaur Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    ***From a 89 Seeker in Fc (mind you there was NO cleric/Mystic in party)

    "can anyone rez?" when told no.. "Im pretty sure the veno can..."

    ***102 barb at second boss in fc when asked why his hp was dropping (boss came unglitched)

    "I think its one of my skills"

    ***In ANY party

    "we need seeker" - no seekers are not needed.. handy but not needed.

    ***In TT on that 3 minute boss right after we start it lvl 100 cleric-
    "which skill is bb?"

    So to sum it up... Learn your class. if your gonna plvl at least take the time to learn your skills between sessions or at least BEFORE you join a party of ppl who are gonna rely on you to do your job.
  • Kantero - Harshlands
    Kantero - Harshlands Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    Ok my main is a seeker and all and even I get annoyed with the Fc can't be done without a seeker ****.

    Oh anyways Here you go with my list.

    Link your weapon * Links +7 dragonslayers for GV 4 wave for oht and gets laughed at*

    VORTEX VORTEX Nab!! * At a mob that cancels you out or stuns you.*

    We need aps players * In general aps sins and BMs are the bane of my existence.*

    * From a cleric * Oops out of mana!

    * From a BM * I didn't level golden bell.....

    * From TT 3-2 and 3-3 squads* Sorry your gear isn't good enough *Kicks me for wearing Full TT 90 HA +4*

    Ok I'm out cya! * From only healer in a full lunar run I put out 3 mil to start because I decide to go solar flash instead of TT because no one will take me on the TT runs I need.*
    Go play another game you silly nab! * From +12 r9 2nd recast sin who offs me while I'm doing grind quests.*

    Why don't you have sage *Insert skill* yet? * From anyone who has seen harshlands sage seeker book prices*

    Sorry seekers are overrated we don't need you. * Says the 5 aps sin or BM*

    And now one my friends fear hearing from me when I'm tanking. Umm guys might wanna run! * While i'm holding all aggro and dying because the group decided to pull way too damn much to me and not give me any sort of support.*

    Ahh feels good to vent haha... I could think of more oh wait here's one.

    You are a spear and sword BM? ........ Nab! * boots my BM from squad for not being axe and fist.*

    OH! * From any class that has aoe's at Oceana Master in FC* I didn't know I wasn't supposed to kill the little guy saying hit me! * After having it explained to them beforehand.*
  • Enthana - Heavens Tear
    Enthana - Heavens Tear Posts: 226 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    "My HF is only lvl 7 i need coins badly"
    This was said by a lvl 101 bm in 4man nirvy (10+ 5aps sqaud) during the last boss...

    "What, why are u a demon cleric?!?!? You suck, real clerics are sage"

    Or when you powerlvl in ff, your only waiting for that last slow person to enter ff and when he/she arrives she put 450coins in the trade instead of 450k...

    And this 1 time in my old faction this veno asked for free ff runs from me couse she claimed she lvld soo slow. I tried nicely explain to her Im not gonna ff her and told her its both more fun and better to learn your class to lvl the "old school slow way" and that it wont take that long time for her to lvl up if she do her dailys. "But some people have a life so i think u should help us low lvls and dont be selfish".... now that answere made me soo wanna powerlvl her...

    b:faint b:faint b:faint b:faint
  • BerserkBeast - Sanctuary
    BerserkBeast - Sanctuary Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    "LF Tank for BH Metal"
    *random Psychic links R9 Weapon*

    I was asking for someone who can tank not DD what the heck why people link their weapon regardless of the role being asked?
    The only way to beat a troll troll him back b:angry
  • Danoria_ - Lost City
    Danoria_ - Lost City Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    [speaks in Portuguese/Spanish/etc] somethingsomethingsomething [character name] somethingsomethingsomething BB somethingsomethingsomething [some other skill that you have] ...Seriously, don't talk about me right in front of me in a language I don't understand. If you need me to do something, say so. It's enough for me to never join a squad with you or even drop as soon as I see it.

    "What lvl is your BB?"

    "RB, don't BB" (so then I do, and squad wipe. Point proven.)--P.S. I won't cause the rest of my squad to lose exp for this, just maybe a moment of time for someone's stupidity

    "Rez me!" -while in bb trying to keep the rest of the squad alive, or after mobs reset, keeping more than my 40meter rez range between me & said dead person.

    "Rez buff! Rez buff!" - Rez buff has a long cool down.... you're just going to have to wait. And for that, I might just buff you last.\

    "Lead me" [and then proceeds to invite 10x sin/seeker that we just said we don't want/need on bh 59]
  • Nymphali - Dreamweaver
    Nymphali - Dreamweaver Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    "Hey, no barbs for aba... Can I invite a sin?"
  • Shandaar - Dreamweaver
    Shandaar - Dreamweaver Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    "Rez buff! Rez buff!" - Rez buff has a long cool down.... you're just going to have to wait. And for that, I might just buff you last.\

    Oh boy. Res buff *eyeroll*. Not only is that CD is slow, but the mana needed to cast is high. I run with apothecary items, but if I start making the squad and people enter when I'm still forming, I won't go on apo items. So I buff, go in meditate, wait, rinse and repeat. People don't get that and demand right away. Not sure if they expect a 72 mystic to have the party-wide res buff or they're just impatient.

    Also, any "buff!" while they're either miles away from the rest of the squad, or the main buffers are clearly busy on mobs/healing. I understand buffs are nice and sometimes needed, if your squad is busy... let them finish before demanding buffs >_>.

    And here's another: "You kill too fast, kill slower plz" In a 51 I formed on my 93 or 94 BM. Really? You want a high-level to plow through an instance, but you want them to go slow? Note that the guy didn't need mobs, or drops, or whatever... Actually they were 2 guys who QQed about me being too fast in that squad.

    Oooooh. Related to mystics saying that the mana cost is high and it'll destroy their charms. My main is a seeker. Back when I was in my mid 80s, we were squadded with a mystic who refused to res buff others because they said it cost too much mana to use. Do they have any idea what a mid 80s seeker will spend on MP pots during that run? Or the cleric in BB? *rolls her eyes again*

    I think some people really need to play more than one class to understand what others are doing through. Like people whining that clerics don't always purify on 2nd boss. It's called "sleep," and clerics are affected as well. If they're frozen mid-cast, they're asleep. Learn to check status bars, also. (Some whines are legit, when the cleric just isn't paying attention...)
  • KawaiiJen - Heavens Tear
    KawaiiJen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    "Need a barb Jen can't Tank" b:chuckle gets me every time.
    Ty Fon for the Siggy <3

    The rare and exotic Sage Archer of HT. b:cute
  • D_u_s_t_y - Archosaur
    D_u_s_t_y - Archosaur Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    people asking me to bb bosses that dont have an aoe when a simple IH spam on the tank is more then enough
    :b (my version)
  • Brierrose - Lost City
    Brierrose - Lost City Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    I have a R9 archer and I steal aggro lots!!!! so I try to play it safe so I head this from a random frost squad....

    use your R9 bow damn it that's why we let you in this squad you wont take aggro from me even if you try, this was from a lvl 95 barb who would not use his aggro skills, 2 hits later with my un-buffed R9 bow I took his aggro, lucky for him I can solo frost, when the cleric saw I took aggro he refused to heal me cause I should know how to play my toon and not take aggro, while killing the bosses I use fists (5aps btw) for the most part and I still took aggro from the barb, the bm and the sin, all lvl 95+, they called me a noob for rolling a fist archer dropped me from sqd and tried to pk me rotflmao, lets just say for someone who doesn't pk they dropped quick

    I also play a mystic and just love it when someone dies yelling no rez buff you loser, one allow me a chance to catch your *** I run slow and I did tell you to stop several times,
    two the cool down is very long and I did buff the cleric 1st so he could rez your ***, three you're the one who did a Leroy into the boss and all the mobs thinking you were God

    everyone in our family plays my hubby, daughter, son and daughter-in-law so when we get into squads together we know how the other ones play, so it's really funny to hear others whisper...
    lets drop them from squad and pk them at the end cause they're an epic fail,

    boot them so we can get a different class,

    my fav is AFTER telling them we do this all the time with just two of us we just invited them along because we saw them ask for a squad....
    we need more people there is no way we can do it without a cleric, or tank, or BM
  • Eucleia - Dreamweaver
    Eucleia - Dreamweaver Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    "LF Tank for BH Metal"
    *random Psychic links R9 Weapon*

    I was asking for someone who can tank not DD what the heck why people link their weapon regardless of the role being asked?

    i've had psychic's tank Snakefist BH plenty of times b:chuckle