FC Glitch Update



  • Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    While it takes effort, it shouldn't have been available to begin with, nor should it have been available for as long as it did. It does feel like exploiters are being commended for their efforts, while the rest of the players who avoided from violating the (now useless) ToS - have been punished far greatly than those who did.

    This is how I feel. I have worked for over 2 years to get to this level. Each level was a challenge. It not only cost money for hyper stones, esotericas and charms to get to this level but it took a lot of time. Time that others didn't have to spend and got NOTHING for violating the Terms which I upheld. Its not that I want to cheat to 105, but I don't feel its fair that others didn't have to earn it honestly.

    It's just Exp/Spirit, since the whole FC ordeal was based on Exp rates.

    Really? What about those of us who aren't interested in leveling anymore? Why would we want xp/spirit? Or how about those who legitimately have made 105 and have no desire to level... it does nothing for them to have 2x xp/spirit. Drops please, you at least owe us that.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Shelly I'm glad you are back from break to contain the chaos. Though I'm sure you are not lol

    I'd say this topic is doing very well even without us mods monitoring it, far better than I have expected. As for me, I'm always glad to be part of these forums. b:cute
  • Posts: 6,959 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    We shouldn't have a 2x event period.
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  • Posts: 2,488 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Perhaps a kindhearted private server dev could code the fix and send it to China? b:mischievousb:thanks
    perhaps we could.. just like all the other bugs the game has. problem is.. china wouldn't bother to implement them, so it is wasted effort
    I'm a guy, not a woman, that is all
    "When you're on Team Bring it, every morning your feet hit the floor, the good lord says "good morning" and the devil says 'Oh **** they're up' " - Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
    Are you on Team Bring it?
  • Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I'm definitely not delighted, nor emotionless. The instance boss wasn't changed quickly enough by a longshot, and the end-result was widespread exploitation. We're not going to perma-ban a huge portion of the player-base. We're not going to roll-back 8 months worth of peoples' effort. It was a failure on our part in not fixing the issue quickly, and a failure on the glitching players' part for breaking the rules. What we need to do now is learn from these mistakes and move forward, looking toward the future of PWI.

    We're going to ahead and turn on 2x EXP/Spirit for one month, from 4/25 to 5/23. I know it's not a solution to this situation, but it should be something that we can build on.

    Instead of having people complain about things not getting done, at-lease come to an agreement/or meet people halfway, remove that boss completely, put in a new one. and raise the exp the mobs/bosses give by a very decent amount, in which people will see that your at least "sorry".

    instead of every *** up that is done and giving a 2x as a "sorry" is not solving anything.

    this "sorry" attitude PWE has, reminds me of the South Park episode in which BP oil was "sorry"
  • Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    omg 45 pages of ****... u guys take this too seriously, no realy... whats the big idea of being lvl 105? accept for sins and some stealth ****? what realy is the problem? the 1 atk lvl u get a lvl? u already got that with op gears and OP blessin (yes OP blessing). u already got edngame gear at lvl 101, so wth.. u realy think that a company promises a perma ban for some **** like that and after that dont do it is such a big problem? jeez get a life... its a game, ur life is not at risk .
  • Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    omg 45 pages of ****... u guys take this too seriously, no realy... whats the big idea of being lvl 105? accept for sins and some stealth ****? what realy is the problem? the 1 atk lvl u get a lvl? u already got that with op gears and OP blessin (yes OP blessing). u already got edngame gear at lvl 101, so wth.. u realy think that a company promises a perma ban for some **** like that and after that dont do it is such a big problem? jeez get a life... its a game, ur life is not at risk .

    +1 this
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    the problem is that if u had a sin u'd get owned by any higher lvl no matter if u're skilled or well geared
    the problem is that u can't c stealthed archers the problem is that u seekers can c u the problem is that sin pots r easy 2 get with event yes there is a problem that must be solved
  • Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I removed posts that were talking about specific disciplinary actions taken against a user. Please refrain from it.
    Yep, plz hide the truth and the facts under the carpet to hide ur incopetence and nepotism/favourism... Shame on You.
    Because size really MATTERS!!!
  • Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    expecting pwi to shift through hundreds of pages of logs is like asking for world peace, especially when said company takes order from mother company in china.


    Good Point!b:chuckle Who'd expect them to actually Earn our money's the good old fashion way!? By actually doing their JOBzzzz!!!!!b:laughb:laugh

    I Forgot, that {PWE} might well be part of the {USAs} Governmental branches......b:victory
  • Posts: 2,387 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    47 pages waste of our time guys, Gm's are not even looking at it , PWE made their own decision for the FC glitchers they won't bother what we think nor what we want they are not even looking at forums ,
    But now at least fix the goons, bring the exp /spirit to normal like it was before, make FC normal.
    Dream a dream of a life so new, One brimming with potential,
    Of starting again, leaving all behind, Only happiness is essential. b:victory
    Thanks Silvy for the siggy, You are the best ! b:kiss
  • Posts: 902 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Yep, plz hide the truth and the facts under the carpet to hide ur incopetence and nepotism/favourism... Shame on You.

    Why so mad la?
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  • Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    warcrafte wrote: »
    the problem is that if u had a sin u'd get owned by any higher lvl no matter if u're skilled or well geared
    the problem is that u can't c stealthed archers the problem is that u seekers can c u the problem is that sin pots r easy 2 get with event yes there is a problem that must be solved


    A sin complaining because 5 levels give another class a chance to live from an op fish??? LULZ

    Dude if anyone should rage it should be venos. People QQ'd to hell and back that we were op, our nixes hit too hard, they bled too much..PWI's solution AFTER we spent 500 for the now worthless battle pets, nerf us to appease the other QQing classes. Be thankful your seriously op classes are not nerfed to the extent they did the venos and shut it about another class actually having a chance to have equal footing back. OMG roll the venos back to what they were in the beginning so we can **** the ruddy sins and psys.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Yep, plz hide the truth and the facts under the carpet to hide ur incopetence and nepotism/favourism... Shame on You.

    You're picking on a particular member of the community, you're disregarding a major forum guideline that as long as I'm here, I will continue to enforce.
    18. No public discussion about disciplinary action administered to members.
    If you have any questions regarding rules, disciplinary actions, user bans, or even a thread move, please use the Customer Support Ticketing System or PM function of the board to contact us.

    You need to remember I'm not the enemy, and I've already stated my opinions on this matter. This doesn't contradict the fact that I still mod these forums and enforce their rules.
  • Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Why so mad la?
    I just salut Frankie and his mod crew for the great job unbanning ppl and trying to hide it from the community. If there was any1 mad it was those sins QQ wc all day long yesterday abt getting banned and wanting justice - and today magically getting unbanned... Gratz PWI - money can make miracles in PWI.
    Because size really MATTERS!!!
  • Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    You're picking on a particular member of the community, you're disregarding a major forum guideline that as long as I'm here, I will continue to enforce.

    You need to remember I'm not the enemy, and I've already stated my opinions on this matter. This doesn't contradict the fact that I still mod these forums and enforce their rules.

    Well said, Shelly!!b:pleased I Commend you.....b:thanks
  • Posts: 902 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I just salut Frankie and his mod crew for the great job unbanning ppl and trying to hide it from the community. If there was any1 mad it was those sins QQ wc all day long yesterday abt getting banned and wanting justice - and today magically getting unbanned... Gratz PWI - money can make miracles in PWI.

    Get off your holier than thou high horse man. Seriously, perhaps maybe this person sent in a well worded ticket stating her case and a GM happened to agree with her. Always assuming the worst in people, and that things are being done in secret is why you are a sad little lonely man.
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  • Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I just salut Frankie and his mod crew for the great job unbanning ppl and trying to hide it from the community. If there was any1 mad it was those sins QQ wc all day long yesterday abt getting banned and wanting justice - and today magically getting unbanned... Gratz PWI - money can make miracles in PWI.

    Wadzio, instead of getting yourself into trouble on the forums, why not send a ticket in to discuss the issue with them. Why not send a ticket in reply to your banned files versus this approach.
  • Posts: 902 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Wadzio, instead of getting yourself into trouble on the forums, why not send a ticket in to discuss the issue with them. Why not send a ticket in reply to your banned files versus this approach.
    He would rather hate on others instead of trying to fix his own situation.
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  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2012
  • Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Today, the very worst offenders of this glitch exploitation have been given a temporary ban on their characters. They have also been removed from the PWI Rankings Page.

    No im just refferring to the OP. As I understand ppl that are removed from the ranking are removed for glitching goons. All of them received 7 days ban. You are not hiding the names, so why should I?

    Are You willing to tell me that naming any1 in any topic is forbidden? Then please go close every topic on the forum, because majority of topics are just picking on some ppl particulary. Take note its not me starting the topic or flaming, giving false accusations, etc. im just following the OP - yet Your actions (PWI Staff in game and Mods on forum) are just showing how it is... I highly suggest next time just make announcement and lock the thread, so You dont let anybody reply and nobody will question anything.

    Question still remains why SPECIFIC ppl that were banned yesterday and were removed from rankings are unbanned now?
    Because size really MATTERS!!!
  • Posts: 902 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    No im just refferring to the OP. As I understand ppl that are removed from the ranking are removed for glitching goons. All of them received 7 days ban. You are not hiding the names, so why should I?

    Are You willing to tell me that naming any1 in any topic is forbidden? Then please go close every topic on the forum, because majority of topics are just picking on some ppl particulary. Take note its not me starting the topic or flaming, giving false accusations, etc. im just following the OP - yet Your actions (PWI Staff in game and Mods on forum) are just showing how it is... I highly suggest next time just make announcement and lock the thread, so You dont let anybody reply and nobody will question anything.

    Question still remains why SPECIFIC ppl that were banned yesterday and were removed from rankings are unbanned now?

    Too lazy to go look for one of Shelly's posts but I think she answered this question already. It would violate players privacy to discuss why they were banned or unbanned from the game. You will not receive an answer to your question. Please move on.
    Push me,
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  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    No im just refferring to the OP. As I understand ppl that are removed from the ranking are removed for glitching goons. All of them received 7 days ban. You are not hiding the names, so why should I?

    Are You willing to tell me that naming any1 in any topic is forbidden? Then please go close every topic on the forum, because majority of topics are just picking on some ppl particulary. Take note its not me starting the topic or flaming, giving false accusations, etc. im just following the OP - yet Your actions (PWI Staff in game and Mods on forum) are just showing how it is... I highly suggest next time just make announcement and lock the thread, so You dont let anybody reply and nobody will question anything.

    Question still remains why SPECIFIC ppl that were banned yesterday and were removed from rankings are unbanned now?

    One before you has tried as well, you will not get an answer and you know very well why. And yes, naming and shaming people publicly on the forum is forbidden.
    23. No Naming/Shaming/Defaming
    Please do not accuse players or guilds of in-game violations while on the PWI forums. If you have something to report, please submit a ticket.

    This should be the last time I bring up the guidelines to you. Thank you!
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I just want to remind people that PWEs rep has been EARNED since day #1.
    I am a player thats been around since day 1 and if you all just stop and think........PWE only fixes bugs/glitches in a timely fashion if said glitch COSTS them MONEY.
    If it doesnt THEY DONT. The goon glitch made PWE as huge chunk of money IDC what anyone tries to tell you. Charm and hyper stone sales went into effect as soon as they learned of the goon glitch. THEY MADE THEIR MONEY AND WHEN PEOPLE GOT BETTER AT THE GLITCH AND CHARM SALES WAINED THATS WHEN THEY DECIDED TO FIX IT. IJS
    REMEMBER PWI playerbase........IF IT DONT MAKE THEM MONEY.............THEY DONT GIVE A RATS ***.
  • Posts: 6,959 Arc User
    edited April 2012

    Question still remains why SPECIFIC ppl that were banned yesterday and were removed from rankings are unbanned now?

    There may be some truth to this. I saw a guy in WC, he's gone from the rankings, yet he was WCing earlier. Doubt its a clever alt name as well.

    b:flowerHave a Techno Rave Flower!b:flower

    -Self-Proclaimed TW commentator of HT-
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  • Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Shall we move on?

    I truly agree with this.
  • Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Wadzio, instead of getting yourself into trouble on the forums, why not send a ticket in to discuss the issue with them. Why not send a ticket in reply to your banned files versus this approach.

    Because tickets = autoreply
    Because Frankie is reading this topic and he should enlighten ppl whats going on with his previous decisions.
    Because without him explaining this he is just confirming ppl like me or palleogram are right.

    I dont rly think that if Frankie had a valid reason to unban and those SPECIFIC PPL wrote a good ticket he should hide that reason.
    Because size really MATTERS!!!
  • Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I just want to remind people that PWEs rep has been EARNED since day #1.
    I am a player thats been around since day 1 and if you all just stop and think........PWE only fixes bugs/glitches in a timely fashion if said glitch COSTS them MONEY.
    If it doesnt THEY DONT. The goon glitch made PWE as huge chunk of money IDC what anyone tries to tell you. Charm and hyper stone sales went into effect as soon as they learned of the goon glitch. THEY MADE THEIR MONEY AND WHEN PEOPLE GOT BETTER AT THE GLITCH AND CHARM SALES WAINED THATS WHEN THEY DECIDED TO FIX IT. IJS
    REMEMBER PWI playerbase........IF IT DONT MAKE THEM MONEY.............THEY DONT GIVE A RATS ***.

    This. I don't understand why people are treating this as if they JUST realized PWI doesn't care.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    They have also been removed from the PWI Rankings Page.

    If you are going to leave that page with all the other people that used this glitch why not just remove that page all together? It's completely filled with 105s atm anyway.
  • Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Too lazy to go look for one of Shelly's posts but I think she answered this question already. It would violate players privacy to discuss why they were banned or unbanned from the game. You will not receive an answer to your question. Please move on.

    its wasnt violating when they got banned, since THOSE NAMES WERE REMOVED FROM RANKING, SO IT WAS EASY TO FIND OUT WHO IS WHO. This topic is totally showing why there are multiple bans in game and who are the banned ppl. So Your point is invalid.
    Because size really MATTERS!!!
This discussion has been closed.