Duplicated Love: Up And Downs?



  • Sesshomaru - Lothranis
    Sesshomaru - Lothranis Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    yeah, if you expect them to fix goonz you're on some weird crack.
    That glitch could be fixed by a finger snap, changing the boss spawn property. Come on, every script kiddo knows how to do it.
    There is a purpose behind that goonz glitch I can tell you that. What is it? No idea, we can only speculate

    So ppl get to level 100/101 and buy r8 and r9 respectively. Encourages hyperstones, alts, and also packs for high level gears.
    True enough. Suppose "mailed out" instead of "duped" would've been the correct term. Tomatos tomatoes in this case though.

    Yea lol, they said it as if its like "yay its not dupe, there never has been dupe in PWI ftw!" But actually the result is exactly the same... Ppl are RQing left and right, and Diablo 3 and Guild War 2 is coming out. How exactly is this game going to survive? I know....only r9 +12 players will stay in servers where everyone knows everyone else AND their alts. (Cause they spent too much >>, or they going to try to sell their accounts O.o)
  • SoulFeast - Harshlands
    SoulFeast - Harshlands Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Hum..check out :

    ~URL removed~

    LOL just showing the site that maybe hackers came, thats all o.o
  • AuroraTear - Archosaur
    AuroraTear - Archosaur Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    If the hacker in question still has some for sale. Ill take one for ohhhh.... 45 mil. pm me in game ty, thaqt is all.
  • thomasthundersword
    thomasthundersword Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    catching up on my reading (the latest few posts) and i see the url got removed, i'm guessing then it is the right url no prob about it, and gms dont want it geting out (i can see why) and i agree with them removing it, but by the same coin......... removeing it confermed to anyone who HAS seen it that its correct, and any hacker checking it out before they removed it now knows its the right link. OR i'm dead wrong :P i'm drop dead tyerd atm, so sorry if i miss spelled stuff. going to sleep soon night night
  • thomasthundersword
    thomasthundersword Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    o ya cool sigy (hope is pelled that right) Ninnuam xD
  • Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear
    Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,864 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    BoI seems to have had the same problem.

    Apparently they banned everyone there in possession of generated items (including those who only bought them from someone) and are investigating the problem. That's what I understood from reading their forums anyway, haven't found an official announcement yet.

    [Edit] Here's one.
    synchroze wrote: »
    Ok so to update everyone,

    I spoke with the GMs and they're still repossessing items. It's taking a little longer than expected considering that each item has to be tracked. Given the number of days before we were made aware of the situation, there's a lot of logs to sift through.

    As for the issue about this reoccurring. There is no way the culprits will be able to do this again. But with all games, there are people who always try to find ways to beat and cheat the system. This past incident is just an example of a select few who seem to dedicate their time to ruining the game for everyone.

    Also if you are currently banned, you're either part of the problem or a victim to it. If you're a victim (the investigation will prove you are one), your account will be temporarily banned until the repossession of the item takes place and then the ban will be lifted. So please be patient.

    Anymore flaming and trolling on this thread will result in me locking it and locking any new threads that relate to this one. So please be mindful of what you say.

  • thomasthundersword
    thomasthundersword Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    boi is a pwe game isent it?
  • Roland - Harshlands
    Roland - Harshlands Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    BoI seems to have had the same problem.

    Apparently they banned everyone there in possession of generated items (including those who only bought them from someone) and are investigating the problem. That's what I understood from reading their forums anyway, haven't found an official announcement yet.

    [Edit] Here's one.

    Well then, all these games are dead then, I suggest we move on.
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Wow.... first I heard of this...

    And most of you still play?


    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • thomasthundersword
    thomasthundersword Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    hmmm sounds like a good deal 20 gold for full account stuff.........
    wait wait o the coke haze wore off no way

    ps coca cola not the drug coke XD
  • Boartracker - Raging Tide
    Boartracker - Raging Tide Posts: 614 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I guess spaming WC isn't enough. Such defiance to the rules :) Ban by IP? We'll see.

    +1 b:bye
  • Trump - Raging Tide
    Trump - Raging Tide Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    someone should just hand him a few horns :P
    more questions asked-more ppl helping to solve-better community-better support...b:bye
  • King_Solomon - Heavens Tear
    King_Solomon - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,341 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Kudos to admins for investigating and trying to get things fixed whenever they can.

    If you're willing to join another online game do NOT join any hosted by K2 NETWORK. Want to know why? Check BBB complaints.
  • Wadzio - Lost City
    Wadzio - Lost City Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Yeah? : )
    How about "MU Online"? One of the mothers of all this (way back when, like 7 years ago)...
    The game was eventually FULL of "itens barato" hackers-pkillers (oh BTW... "itens barato" have a bunch of warsoul weapons on PWI servers these days already; they definitely got skill...)
    The game totally ended when one of the most top-notch geared players got totally ****, loggin on one day to find his toon h'absolutely stripped. So most of the community just left the game all together shortly after, being truly "touched" by the GMs' care about the game.

    Actually MU Online pretty much died because of duping of Jewels of Bless and Jewels of Soul (some kind of currency there that You could use to refine items too). Some dupers started to make tones of jewels in short time which was also leading to situation that ppl could buy most rare items in game and refine them to +13, even if the items had low chances to be refined because of lack of "luck". Things worth 300 Jewels of Bless suddenly started to cost 4000 JoB. Trades started to be almost impossible because You could put only 960 JoB in 1 trade window, so it was also leading into a lot of scams, etc. GMs tried to fix it, doing 2 times a rollback and eliminating the bug for a short period of time, but duppers found new ways to keep doing it. A lot of ppl, including me, left this game because of it. In general, if GMs here can track the bug and permanently fix it then its good and do the roll back ASAP too. Why? Because it affects the game, there is a lot of items that shouldnt be in game and trying to erase them from game would cause a lot of troubles. Some1 farmed his, sold many items to buy a LU&D then it gets erased and he is screwed, some1 else bought a tome as an investition for 200m, resold for 270m and then he will have 70m profit out of nowhere. Its kinda not fair and it affects the game in long terms for the simple reason that the server shouldnt have SO MANY TOMES or other items.
    Because size really MATTERS!!!
  • Kitamura - Lost City
    Kitamura - Lost City Posts: 253 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Actually MU Online pretty much died because of duping of Jewels of Bless and Jewels of Soul (some kind of currency there that You could use to refine items too). Some dupers started to make tones of jewels in short time which was also leading to situation that ppl could buy most rare items in game and refine them to +13, even if the items had low chances to be refined because of lack of "luck". Things worth 300 Jewels of Bless suddenly started to cost 4000 JoB. Trades started to be almost impossible because You could put only 960 JoB in 1 trade window, so it was also leading into a lot of scams, etc. GMs tried to fix it, doing 2 times a rollback and eliminating the bug for a short period of time, but duppers found new ways to keep doing it. A lot of ppl, including me, left this game because of it. In general, if GMs here can track the bug and permanently fix it then its good and do the roll back ASAP too. Why? Because it affects the game, there is a lot of items that shouldnt be in game and trying to erase them from game would cause a lot of troubles. Some1 farmed his, sold many items to buy a LU&D then it gets erased and he is screwed, some1 else bought a tome as an investition for 200m, resold for 270m and then he will have 70m profit out of nowhere. Its kinda not fair and it affects the game in long terms for the simple reason that the server shouldnt have SO MANY TOMES or other items.

    In MU the game start dieing when GMs didn't took any action against ppl Gltiching Kundun in Kalima7, a few glitchers got advantage of it and got insanely rich, what ruined game balance and economy, after that there was no salvation.
    Same is happening here with Frost Glitch, every fail nub is getting 104-105 without any effort. Every day is easier to spot Rank9 ppl killing mobs at west arch and silver pool for 29 Culti.

    About the possibility of Dupes I will just ignore, I don't want a reason to quit
    [SIGPIC]100% F2P Assassin[/SIGPIC]
    Overclocked 100% F2P Assassin (1st lvl105 @ 22Nov2010)
  • King_Solomon - Heavens Tear
    King_Solomon - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,341 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    In MU the game start dieing when GMs didn't took any action against ppl Gltiching Kundun in Kalima7, a few glitchers got advantage of it and got insanely rich, what ruined game balance and economy, after that there was no salvation.
    Same is happening here with Frost Glitch, every fail nub is getting 104-105 without any effort. Every day is easier to spot Rank9 ppl killing mobs at west arch and silver pool for 29 Culti.

    About the possibility of Dupes I will just ignore, I don't want a reason to quit

    Please excuse the off-topic but right now spotting failures of other companies could help.

    MU problems begun months after release - accounts were taken over due to site security flaw which allowed changing the password without knowing the previous one.

    As MU was planned to run on older server hardware (which was new by the time) NPC items had ID 0 so when the first dupes were taken into practise these ID 0 items were massively distributed and removing them proved being impossible. The duping method consisted in duplicating the jewels to raise item level and the item on its own so after several attempts people would have +11 items (limit by the time).

    To grant better player experience several game variables were controlled by the client. Attack rate for instance was exploited by hacks to make characters hit over 1000 times as fast as regular attacks and skills. Legit players would get disconnected instantly when near a **** user. After every release of GameGuard coders would find a way to bypass it within 2 weeks and eventually they begun using virtual machines to spoof packets without a bypass. Important to mention these problems never ocurred to PWI.

    Things eventually got worse after K2N. They didn't choose their first community leader carefully, who had full control over server variables and eventually changed the drops of Kalima in a certain server so his friends would get rich in a "legit" way. 1 of the forum moderators was also gifted with items that weren't avaiable in game by the time. The community leader was fired eventually.

    Bots were also a big problem. The only way to get experience was to kill mobs and reaching lvl 400 was nearly impossible without. Botting came to a point several accounts were getting **** every day due to trojan horses which came with them. Customer support was flooded with requests related to accounts being "****". Important to mention PWE prevented mass botting in PWI with BH quests and revamped FF.

    A new NPC was released to stack jewels in order to reduce trading scams on expensive items. In a matter of 2 months the new stacking packets were used to turn 3 jewels into 30 though packet hacking.

    But things didn't get any better in the end... Speed/autokill hacks eventually took over PvP events such as Chaos Castle and several reports claimed they were used in Throne Room during Castle Siege. I was 1 of the top CC5 players and reporting 2 **** users a week was just normal.

    In order to stop the hacking a third community leader got in touch with a **** developer to get the **** programs and bypasses before mass distribution - but the boy was actually a **** user rather than a developer - and provided him unique items which weren't avaiable in game in exchange for his service. The actual **** developer eventually got upset and used a breach in firewall security to take screenshots of msn logs and also got files proving the community leader favoured the hacker and even banned permanently in-game enemies of the hacker.

    Meanwhile an FTP flaw was found and exploited by some to violate accounts. Over a hundred accounts of the "top" players were taken over. Account login lists were made public in forum.

    There were reports of random bans after witnessing "the boss" in game. These facts never had an explanation.

    Ultimately forum and game servers were suffering with instability and service would be off for hours a day. Though some claimed it was a new duping method no evidence was provided.

    If you're willing to join another online game do NOT join any hosted by K2 NETWORK. Want to know why? Check BBB complaints.
  • Wadzio - Lost City
    Wadzio - Lost City Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    In MU the game start dieing when GMs didn't took any action against ppl Gltiching Kundun in Kalima7, a few glitchers got advantage of it and got insanely rich, what ruined game balance and economy, after that there was no salvation.
    Same is happening here with Frost Glitch, every fail nub is getting 104-105 without any effort. Every day is easier to spot Rank9 ppl killing mobs at west arch and silver pool for 29 Culti.

    About the possibility of Dupes I will just ignore, I don't want a reason to quit

    This they actually fixed. You couldnt pull boss on the rock at some point and they were giving bans to ppl for doing it - like Overally was banned for veryyy looong time. I mean looking at this You gotta remember MU also had those 1 hit hackers that were making You DC from the game. They were also lvling insane fast, some of them used to sit on good hunting spots to get pro drops. Game was having a lot of troubles before, but the dupe really destroyed the game. I think its one of the main reasons we are here in PWI, right bro?

    I was mentioning that GMs in MU did the rollback and I actually think its a better choice than trying to erase items, etc as some ppl were suggesting, because the influence and the damage is done already. Makes a lot of ppl and trades to be involved and its hard to track it and remove in fair way.

    TBH, in PWI the instances sux... Ppl can just close the doors and go lvl/hunt without any interferance. I kinda miss the PvP on zen spots, fishes, butterflies, 3rd map. I think game lost a lot of pvp fun since then. To not compare the epic pvps in MU in hot spots ^_^
    Because size really MATTERS!!!
  • linjaw
    linjaw Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    I know this has been patched, but I would like to use this on a private server, add me on skype I'll pay for a complete explanation (that works)

    skype: rikkk19
  • Xainou - Sanctuary
    Xainou - Sanctuary Posts: 5,369 Arc User
    edited January 2012

    Licensed tail brusher of ƙɑƙʊɱɑʊ ~ only the fluffiest
    Outrunning centaurs since 2012~
  • linjaw
    linjaw Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    Lol I'm donating my *** off on that server so if it worked I would save alot of money =P so no scam hahab:surrender
  • seitori
    seitori Posts: 1,328 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    b:surrender why did someone bring this 1 back up???
  • frankieraye
    frankieraye Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited January 2012
    thread closed for necro
This discussion has been closed.