Duplicated Love: Up And Downs?



  • Gankster - Raging Tide
    Gankster - Raging Tide Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Everybody that put a dollar into this game appears on his paycheck in the form of the dollar amount.

    exactly Prowl.
  • Gankster - Raging Tide
    Gankster - Raging Tide Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Fixed it a bit... had a hard time reading that b:cry

    haha sorry bout the in-proper paragraph structure :P looks better now b:cute
  • VlLKASS - Sanctuary
    VlLKASS - Sanctuary Posts: 1,396 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    So Frankie...

    If this was a case of **** account via facebook page due to poor security; are the **** people going to receive their items back?

    About a month or 2 ago a friend's of mine Scroll of Tome went missing. Yet after many tickets no help was provided. Now this comes up and there might be a possibility one of the SOTs is his, if what you said is true...

    Is anything going to be done to return the items?
  • Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973
    Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973 Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    So Frankie...

    If this was a case of **** account via facebook page due to poor security; are the **** people going to receive their items back?

    About a month or 2 ago a friend's of mine Scroll of Tome went missing. Yet after many tickets no help was provided. Now this comes up and there might be a possibility one of the SOTs is his, if what you said is true...

    Is anything going to be done to return the items?

    The 'hacker' tricked PWI into sending them a scroll of tome instead of a Jones Blessing. It's really hard to call changing the values of hidden input fields as hacking though...
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  • SilversMoon - Heavens Tear
    SilversMoon - Heavens Tear Posts: 292 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    So Frankie...

    If this was a case of **** account via facebook page due to poor security; are the **** people going to receive their items back?

    About a month or 2 ago a friend's of mine Scroll of Tome went missing. Yet after many tickets no help was provided. Now this comes up and there might be a possibility one of the SOTs is his, if what you said is true...

    Is anything going to be done to return the items?

    Actually, He never stated this was result of the **** accounts, only said that he bet it is, before he looked into it, and afterwards said it isn't a dupe ****.
    But he never specified what it turned out to be, playing it politically safe, eh.
  • Drakaniel - Heavens Tear
    Drakaniel - Heavens Tear Posts: 264 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    3-day bans are for minor offenses.

    Wait wait wait.... Can you tell me how you take care of people exploiting the goon glitch please ? (honest question)

    Registered on 2008-11-30 10:07:44
  • VlLKASS - Sanctuary
    VlLKASS - Sanctuary Posts: 1,396 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    The 'hacker' tricked PWI into sending them a scroll of tome instead of a Jones Blessing. It's really hard to call changing the values of hidden input fields as hacking though...

    Don't care what you call it.

    The point is that the SOTs, supposedly, came from actual players. I just want to know if those players are going to have them back, because one of them could be a good friend of mine.
  • Knownase - Heavens Tear
    Knownase - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,959 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    If that's the case, better get those blessings and stash up.....
    b:flowerHave a Techno Rave Flower!b:flower

    -Self-Proclaimed TW commentator of HT-
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  • Tsukyini - Raging Tide
    Tsukyini - Raging Tide Posts: 1,766 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Don't care what you call it.

    The point is that the SOTs, supposedly, came from actual players. I just want to know if those players are going to have them back, because one of them could be a good friend of mine.

    They didn't come from actual players. They were generated out of nowhere, the same way your Jones Blessing is generated.
  • SashaGray - Heavens Tear
    SashaGray - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,765 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Everybody that put a dollar into this game appears on his paycheck in the form of the dollar amount.

    thats what i said. all those peoples names dont appear on his paycheck. He isnt directly accountable to them, and they cant fire him.
  • Dethprowl - Raging Tide
    Dethprowl - Raging Tide Posts: 411 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    thats what i said. all those peoples names dont appear on his paycheck. He isnt directly accountable to them, and they cant fire him.

    As an employee he his MOST accountable to the customer. No money from customer, no money to paycheck writer, no money to him.
    When enough customers wise up and stop paying for failure Business 101 will kick in and solve all our problems.
  • Miugre - Heavens Tear
    Miugre - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Just read/skimmed most of this thread... honestly the most telling post was I think on page 8... someone mentioning a certain DC/GC game which also had a prominent duping glitch.

    Having played that game myself, I can guarantee you that the biggest fallout from this is not gonna be a couple people getting massive amounts of coin or OP gears (as if we didn't have OP gears already... riiight). It won't even be from people leaving due to being **** (assuming there actually is any hacking going on).

    No... the biggest fallout is gonna be, that if this keeps up, we're gonna start seeing a distinction between duped and legit items. And that's going to cause a whole mess of problems. Those of us who care about actually earning our gears and items (which, I would hope, is most of us) will endure a hundred times more headache because we'd have to confirm that our items came from a legit source, or just farm the items ourselves which is not always practical.

    But this community has another type of player that the community of that other game didn't... at least, not in such grotesquely large numbers. If the SP fiasco taught us anything, it's that some people will rationalize absolutely anything if it benefits them in the slightest. So we're gonna have people running around saying, with a (metaphorically) straight face, that a duped LUAD is completely legit. And the newbies and the uninformed will fall for it, hook line and sinker.

    And that's what'll kill this game, ladies and gentlemen... greed, rationalizations, and misinformation (and not on the part of PWE, for once >_>).
    Yes, I'm still a stubborn holdout in favor of the old game. Haters gonna hate. ;]

    Other Active Characters:
    LigerKing (Barb), Girasole (BM), Shamsheer (Sin), ArborSoul (Mystic).
  • oralungo
    oralungo Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    ip ban ? perma account ban ? ill go for another provider... making new char,, n for save ill sent all gear n coins i get to my friend.. b:laughb:laugh

    hey im ready for my gear.. i only need fc glicth now.. 2 wekk n 100++.. b:pleased

    why im not satisfied...b:cry
  • Foxy_Fiona - Heavens Tear
    Foxy_Fiona - Heavens Tear Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I think Frankie was right about it not being a dupe. However, I don't think that his response is going to work for a lot of us. The person with a ton of LUaD was punished? That's it? What about the other people running around with stuff they more than likely shouldn't have?

    The person that posted the details can sit here and play dumb now that all of his posts have been removed, but it doesn't change the fact that what he said actually made sense. I have played enough of these games to know that **** happens and it's only a matter of time before it does. Mistakes happen and some are super embarrassing, but players are usually a little more forgiving when they feel confident that they aren't being kept in the dark or lied to.

    It would be nice to get an HONEST response from PWI about what happened. Simply saying it wasn't a dupe and ONE person that put a big blinking "ban me!" sign on themselves was punished isn't good enough. Then again, it's been less than a day since this surfaced... so I guess it might be a couple of days before we get a real response. Please don't play the RMT card unless it's true. It's way too easy to blame the MMO supervillian and attempt to sweep stuff like this under the rug to prevent further embarrassment. Sometimes the easy route isn't the best.

    I do realize that several people have had their accounts compromised recently, but something tells me that this incident isn't related. It really is hard to believe that so many people could lose an item worth 350-400m and stay calm about it.

    Also, it's possible that people may do shady things on alternate accounts in hopes of keeping their main account unbanned... does PWI take the time to find every account that a person owns and shut them down as well? They should.
  • SashaGray - Heavens Tear
    SashaGray - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,765 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    But this community has another type of player that the community of that other game didn't... at least, not in such grotesquely large numbers. If the SP fiasco taught us anything, it's that some people will rationalize absolutely anything if it benefits them in the slightest.

    those are called people
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    We're not finished taking down fc glitch exploiters, but that's a whole other story. Not trying to de-rail the thread. Or am I... jk

    THat post is music to my ears. b:chuckle
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Magina_AM - Lost City
    Magina_AM - Lost City Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    The 'hacker' tricked PWI into sending them a scroll of tome instead of a Jones Blessing. It's really hard to call changing the values of hidden input fields as hacking though..

    I don't really believe it can go that way , simply its like ordering pizza from ice cream truck b:surrender,
    it can't happen because simply it don't exist there
    how he can order something that not even in the list and ofc GMs wont add that tome to the blessing list or site..
    cause there is no reason for them to add it there
  • VenoMKII - Harshlands
    VenoMKII - Harshlands Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    The 'hacker' tricked PWI into sending them a scroll of tome instead of a Jones Blessing. It's really hard to call changing the values of hidden input fields as hacking though..

    I don't really believe it can go that way , simply its like ordering pizza from ice cream truck b:surrender,
    it can't happen because simply it don't exist there
    how he can order something that not even in the list and ofc GMs wont add that tome to the blessing list or site..
    cause there is no reason for them to add it there

    Hit F12 (Assuming it brings up your source editer on your browser, otherwise look for it in the options : View Source), you can edit the page to do what you like.

    If you find the item value (Say Jones is 1, Omalleys is 2, scroll of tome is 2333556) you can Add the scroll option save the page and load it. Then you simply click it and itl work as per, unless its protected.

    The only reason this would have worked is because nobody put a serverside filter preventing anything else from being requested, they just gave you limited displayed options.
  • glorfel
    glorfel Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Hey all, the player in question from the original Auctioneer screen shots has been taken care of, though I can't get into specifics due to account privacy policies.

    From the investigation it has been concluded that, as has thus far been the case throughout the history of PWI, there is no dupe.

    What about the tomes that he sold?
    Did you take care of those too?

    It's not fair to let the ones who bought them for 200mil keep them while most players spent 400mil+ to get theirs.
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Ah, so that's how it happened. Clever, I'll admit. But totally immoral and just goes to show that if you leave the ability to exploit anything into this game, someone's going to find it and abuse it in the most flamboyant way possible.
    glorfel wrote: »
    What about the tomes that he sold?
    Did you take care of those too?

    It's not fair to let the ones who bought them for 200mil keep them while most players spent 400mil+ to get theirs.

    True, I think anyone who knew was doing it and knowingly bought the stolen goods should also suffer a 3 day ban and have it taken away. The ones who bought it innocently and just they were getting a good deal and were excited should be refunded their money and the item taken away.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Hazumi_chan - Sanctuary
    Hazumi_chan - Sanctuary Posts: 1,264 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Ah, so that's how it happened. Clever, I'll admit. But totally immoral and just goes to show that if you leave the ability to exploit anything into this game, someone's going to find it and abuse it in the most flamboyant way possible.

    True, I think anyone who knew was doing it and knowingly bought the stolen goods should also suffer a 3 day ban and have it taken away. The ones who bought it innocently and just they were getting a good deal and were excited should be refunded their money and the item taken away.

    Everyone will play innocent. There's no way asking someone "oh hey, that tome you got there that you bought for half the price. Did you know it was **** into pw?" Only an idiot will answer yes b:sweat
  • RoidAbuse - Sanctuary
    RoidAbuse - Sanctuary Posts: 1,066 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    If the facebook thing is true, those who bought the tome should have their coins refunded and the tomes destroyed. Those who exploited the system should at least be banned for months minimum.
    Making "non-trash-talkers" show their true color. RAGE ON! b:laugh
  • Wizzie - Raging Tide
    Wizzie - Raging Tide Posts: 191 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    What if (let's say) you cashshopped 200$ just to get that tome, cause you thought it's a good deal. Will they give you the 200$ back? I don't think so, so it's not fair. Maybe you wouldn't have cashshopped 200$ if the tome wasn't that cheap.

    And nobody will admit that they knew it was duplicated. When I saw them in AH 3 days ago I thought some pack addict is quitting or something.

    It can never be fair for EVERYONE ijs.
  • oralungo
    oralungo Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited September 2011
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Everyone will play innocent. There's no way asking someone "oh hey, that tome you got there that you bought for half the price. Did you know it was **** into pw?" Only an idiot will answer yes b:sweat

    They have records of our chat logs, and obviously people on the persons friends list would be the first ones to suspect.
    What if (let's say) you cashshopped 200$ just to get that tome, cause you thought it's a good deal. Will they give you the 200$ back? I don't think so, so it's not fair. Maybe you wouldn't have cashshopped 200$ if the tome wasn't that cheap.

    And nobody will admit that they knew it was duplicated. When I saw them in AH 3 days ago I thought some pack addict is quitting or something.

    It can never be fair for EVERYONE ijs.

    No, but they can refund you the current market value in coins of the amount of zen you purchased. Which is actually what you bought for them. That's perfectly fair. It's the same thing giving you store credit for an item that can't be refunded by cash.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • RoidAbuse - Sanctuary
    RoidAbuse - Sanctuary Posts: 1,066 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    What if (let's say) you cashshopped 200$ just to get that tome, cause you thought it's a good deal. Will they give you the 200$ back? I don't think so, so it's not fair. Maybe you wouldn't have cashshopped 200$ if the tome wasn't that cheap.

    And nobody will admit that they knew it was duplicated. When I saw them in AH 3 days ago I thought some pack addict is quitting or something.

    It can never be fair for EVERYONE ijs.

    Give them enough coins to buy back 200 gold.
    Making "non-trash-talkers" show their true color. RAGE ON! b:laugh
  • glorfel
    glorfel Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    True, I think anyone who knew was doing it and knowingly bought the stolen goods should also suffer a 3 day ban and have it taken away. The ones who bought it innocently and just they were getting a good deal and were excited should be refunded their money and the item taken away.

    I'm sure that most of them knew that the tomes are duped or **** because the price was much lower and there were so many on sale when the item is actually supposed to be rare.
    But either way the GMs should take the tomes from those players and refund them.
  • Magina_AM - Lost City
    Magina_AM - Lost City Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Hit F12 (Assuming it brings up your source editer on your browser, otherwise look for it in the options : View Source), you can edit the page to do what you like.

    If you find the item value (Say Jones is 1, Omalleys is 2, scroll of tome is 2333556) you can Add the scroll option save the page and load it. Then you simply click it and itl work as per, unless its protected.

    The only reason this would have worked is because nobody put a serverside filter preventing anything else from being requested, they just gave you limited displayed options.

    yea i was thinking of this
    how come pwi site do not have filter for that
    thats why its hard to believe
    don't u think
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver
    VenusArmani - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,009 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    glorfel wrote: »
    I'm sure that most of them knew that the tomes are duped or **** because the price was much lower and there were so many on sale when the item is actually supposed to be rare.
    But either way the GMs should take the tomes from those players and refund them.

    I've gotten things for cheaper than they should before from players who were quitting. I've gotten fashion for 100k, perfect stones for 30k, weapons for free. All from people who quit the game and never logged back on. Just because the price was cheap doesn't mean they necessarily immediately thought duplication. I mean look how certain people were that nobody was getting **** because they felt that the PWI servers are safe. As much distrust with the sales that people in PWI, as much distrust they have in the longevity of the game, people still do trust the security in this game.

    yea i was thinking of this
    how come pwi site do not have filter for that
    thats why its hard to believe
    don't u think

    No, it's not hard to believe at all because Frankieraye just confirmed the person did in fact do this and that it's now impossible to be done anymore and the player who did it has been dealt with, from the sounds of it severely.
    Thanks Silvy for the superb sig <3

    VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
    1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
    2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit
  • Chillum - Dreamweaver
    Chillum - Dreamweaver Posts: 887 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    No, it's not hard to believe at all because Frankieraye just confirmed the person did in fact do this and that it's now impossible to be done anymore and the player who did it has been dealt with, from the sounds of it severely.

    Pretty sure Frankieraye hasn't confirmed by which method the person responsible utilised.

    What he did do was confirm it wasn't a duplicate. [Link]

    However the possibility still remains that it was by the kind of method previously suggested by Asterelle and others.
This discussion has been closed.