Glacix Dragoons



  • ChidoriAkuma - Heavens Tear
    ChidoriAkuma - Heavens Tear Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    KrittyCat wrote: »
    For all you know, this is merely the first step. Haven't you ever heard that the way to deal with a problem is to take out the root (the dragoons exp), then deal with the leaves (the players who exploited the glitch)? Otherwise, the weed just grows back stronger than ever.b:shocked

    although you need to take out the root, meaning the boss actually who's the responsible for the glitch not the exp by the goons, wouldnt it be easier to put the boss summoning some diff mobs with less exp/spirit (somewhat like 1exp/1spirit), that way honest people can keep lvling how they've been doing, think that may take less code change and way less effort then "looking for peop responsible" and keep the rest happy, i think many people would agree with me on this solution.

    PD. i kno its not my concern since i dont work for PWE, nor can tell you guys wt to do, but its a viable sollution i think many people would like more.b:surrender
  • chaoticshelly
    chaoticshelly Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    They shot their own selves in the foot. Who wants to buy hypers for FF now? Not worth it to hyper just the big room.

    Not to mention the deflation in people buying/preparing for rank gear since they can't get to the level to even equip it.
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Not to mention the deflation in people buying/preparing for rank gear since they can't get to the level to even equip it.

    Ya please just stop. Like I said, this isn't the same game as 3 years ago. You sound like people can't level in a reasonable time now.

    What is Cube? What is BH? 3 BH a day not good enough for you or something? What is Hyper 3rd map? Phoenix quest? RB? JR?

    You seriously need to explore more in-game content before posting stuff like this. Mods used to have respectable knowledge of the game and could be counted on to have good perspective.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • chaoticshelly
    chaoticshelly Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Oh I have enough knowledge about this game, I also know you can hardly get a squad nowadays unless you have 5 aps-rank x gear and that the people in my server barely do any runs unless it's glitching or for money.
  • DeathenShada - Archosaur
    DeathenShada - Archosaur Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Does anyone know how much the exp has been reduced?
  • afishisfinetoo
    afishisfinetoo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Y So Serious Guys? The GM's will do what needs to be done. Nuff Said.
  • Alasen - Heavens Tear
    Alasen - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,874 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    maybe if they actually responded by now...... they're slower then a turtle.

    and it's been reduced to like 500.. 300 per dragoon in the back by holeen. I jsut learned it USED to be 70k Hypered, then 20 till last night........ >.<
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Oh I have enough knowledge about this game, I also know you can hardly get a squad nowadays unless you have 5 aps-rank x gear and that the people in my server barely do any runs unless it's glitching or for money.

    Because you totally need APS to get into 9x BH do Cube, JR, to grind 3rd map...right?

    There is no such thing as "5APS" going into level 100, you don't even get a lot of APS gear until TT99 and above. Remember we're talking about getting to 100...
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Vital_Slash - Sanctuary
    Vital_Slash - Sanctuary Posts: 123 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Next thing you know they'll nerf exp from heads lol jk

    But rly...the last time i did an actual FCC was like.....i forgot....ive been so busyBUYING HEADS since no1 ever wants to go on a normal FCC.

    I facepalm myself whenever ppl are trying to sell heads to lvl 80+
    Ans its sad to see so many ppl buy heads because they never learn their Oh no i bought them cause no1 would FCC with me b:shutup
    Its ok... IM AN ARTIST!
  • Sesshomaru - Lothranis
    Sesshomaru - Lothranis Posts: 57 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Problem is goon glitch had been going on for too long. Ppl kinda forgot how to do normal FC...its funny many die way too frequently in normal runs now.

    There is always PQ grind for those that dont want a little fun. Seriously every part of this game has become too easy. Delta used to be difficult but now seeker kinda ruins it, its really hard to fail these days.
  • darcangel2
    darcangel2 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Now that you have ruined FF for everyone in the game, its only fair that you reset all the 105's that took advantage of the goon glitch back to level 100. its not fair that you keep letting the rule breakers get away with everything and punishing everyone else instead, Do something right for a change PWI.
  • Knownase - Heavens Tear
    Knownase - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,959 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I wonder if a GM or Admin will respond.
    b:flowerHave a Techno Rave Flower!b:flower

    -Self-Proclaimed TW commentator of HT-
    -Certified Barbarian Master-
    -You gained +10 coolness points for viewing this signature-
    -Master of Coffee-
  • Alasen - Heavens Tear
    Alasen - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,874 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    after the **** with SP and 3-4 weeks turning into 8.. .i wonder if they're even allowed to respond anymore. >.<
  • kondors
    kondors Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    So now that the people with the cash and the pull have got all their chars to 105 by glitching, and allegedly only got 3 days ban even if caught.. and bear in mind.. all the posts here about people being banned relate to: "I heard someone got banned, or so and so told me they got banned".. nothing concrete to say they ever even banned one single person.

    So anyway, now that all the rich kids got their spoilt way, PW make absolutely certain on one genuine will catch them up in xp by **** up the xp on ALL the dragoons.

    Sounds very much like the situation in the middle east where troops went rescue a hostage and stormed the building , throwing grenades into the room where the terrorists were holding the hostage. Oddly they didnt manage to rescue the hostage alive...

    There have been sooo many simple solutions offered in this thread.. remove the boss...stop it spawning goons... etc etc... things that would have prevented the glitch.

    Examine what you have done PWI... you have not in any way prevented or fixed the glitch.

    All you did was make it less lucrative to do it and **** up the goons and ladies area after big room.

    You couldnt organise a bun fight in a bakery..

    The glitch remains.. un fixed.. not prevented, not removed.

    FAIL of the highest order.
  • Alasen - Heavens Tear
    Alasen - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,874 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    kondors wrote: »
    You couldnt organise a bun fight in a bakery..

    The glitch remains.. un fixed.. not prevented, not removed.

    FAIL of the highest order.

    I b:laughb:laughb:laughb:laughb:laugh
  • Kinjeto - Raging Tide
    Kinjeto - Raging Tide Posts: 564 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Dear mods, please don't lock this up and let's all try to have a lovely discussion.

    Okay, so let's compare them to pot.

    You're hearing all your friends talk about this great new thing and you're feeling a little bit in the mood for "experimentation" and you go in promising you'll only just try it once and never again. Just to "see what it's like". Next thing you know you're getting hundreds of thousands of EXP points per pull and you're hooked.

    You've been told that it's "illegal", but you've never seen anybody get arrested for it - so why not go and do it some more?

    Abusing glitches is bad, but in the case of goons - who was getting hurt? If anything I can only imagine PWE was making more money from the whole thing. People were spending tons on hypers, tons to get end-game armor, people were just spending plenty all over. Not to mention how many HUNDREDS of billions of coins were spent over the time this glitch was at it's high point by people paying others to power-level their characters.

    1mil = 1$
    10mil = 10$
    100mil = 100$
    1bil = 1000$

    Multiply that by a few thousand and then multiply it by how many servers there are and what do you get? You get profit.

    Then not to mention when the glitch is combined with reputation sales. Thousands of level 100 and higher characters all with the worst gear imaginable desperate for the quick and easy gear-fix of R8 and 9.

    R8 alone is 72$. Multiply THAT by a few thousands. Multiply THAT by all the servers. More profit, yes?

    Now, let's compare it to masterbation. (Purposefully misspelled because of censors)
    We all do it. The more anybody denies it, the more they do it in private.

    I'm going to be 100% honest with you, I have more than "experimented" with this glitch. Not so much on my veno, as it was created and leveled mainly before all these game-ruining features. But I have done it on a few of my alts and I have to agree entirely it's extremely addicting.

    So PWE, you can go ahead and ban me. But at least bring down the hundreds of thousands of others also doing the same thing with me.

    Anyway, does masterbating hurt anybody? No, it doesn't.

    So how does powerleveling to 100 and not knowing how to play your class really throw the game out of balance? If anything it makes the powerleveler in question a complete nonfactor in any form of in-game related statistics.

    Everybody on the forums complaining to "fix the glitch", are the heaviest abusers of it. Everyone complaining that "nobody does normal FC anymore so they'll just glitch a bit" is a total lying lazy butt.

    If PWE released an item in the boutique that automatically leveled a player to 100 or even 105, would you be upset?

    I probably would be, but let's be honest.
    If somebody pays that money, they get what they bought.

    Let's say you're standing around at a vending machine. Somebody goes up to it and buys a coke. You want a coke and you can probably afford one - but you would chose to spend your money on something else. So instead of moving on with your day, you proceed to follow around and harass the person who just bought the coke.

    You're throwing temper tantrums, screaming, crying, throwing things around. You look like a 4 year old in an adult body. Of course, all the dude is thinking is, "why didnt he just buy himself a damn coke".

    Well why didn't you buy a damn coke?
    It's only $1,500.

    I don't really see how the goons glitch affected anybody or the game aside from providing players with a new and more efficient way to level up. The majority of the server just won't get over the fact that they already bought their coke and drank it, and is now showing a level of rage that cannot be explained in terms understood by anybody over the age of 8 to people who are now going, buying, and enjoying their own cokes.

    As I've said before. I've hung up my character and I barely log-in once or twice and month and you should (or you might want to) as well. Better yet, take all that money you spend on this game and invest it back into the company as a share in the company. Get paid by PW for having a stake in the company and stop whinging and ******** and let other suc... Sorry I mean well meaning individuals play this game. b:laugh

    Stockmarket?! You must be laughing, Kinjeto. You're right I am laughing... because I know that PW is going to be like Electronic Arts and is going to be devouring lots of titles like Project Blacklight. So while you're virtually rich. I'm making PW work for me as a person to company versus consumer to company. Doesn't matter how big the share stake is it is still something. Even if its only 50 USD worth of shares. It is a start.

    I ' M J U S T S A Y I N G... R_I_G_H_T b:bye

    Sure it's a dog eat dog world. But I'd rather have a nice big fat juicy pepper steak than be left with well; But you get my drift. Less push, more pull.

    Mind you having shares in blue chip stocks is pretty cool cause it is all dynamic. Sure could get stocks in hard bullion but I've done that over the past few years and it just sits there it doesn't pay out.

    I'm not advocating you will be able to tell said PWRD company where to go in directions of gameplay mechanics/I want this now. Mind you though I have a bit of respect for China's foreign policy on capitalistic investment after all it is the 'People's Republic'. What I am saying is. Even in these trying times that the United States is in with the various movements that are happening world wide.

    The amount of gold on Rank 9 is 1508. Take that 1508 GOLD / USD put it on one character if you want then after you've done that or don't spend 1500 at all. Get a stock broker and say I want 500 United States Dollars / Australian Dollars / (whatever your currency is) in stock code PWRD. Sure you won't get the 1508 dollars you spend on Rank 9 back or even if you haven't spent any at all. Hell I only spent 900~1000 AUD over the course of 2 years. Reinvest and get 'some money back' then you can REALLY get your own back (over time and with piece of mind.)

    Sure the exchange rate isn't fantastic:

    1,508.00 USD = 9,578.13 CNY
    Source: XE.COM

    There is even companies now investing in Aussie and sure AUD is fairly high but where the attention goes, the money flows. Albeit virtual microcosm to real life share market macrocosm the money you make off that sale in-game won't effect you in real life (unless of course you've registered for some external sales but as we-know PW doesn't recommend you do that as a person cause its against ToS. But getting 'shares' or 'stock' in PWRD isn't against the ToS.

    But play it by ear, a few years down the track. Perfect World might 'acquire' another small company and you will get paid a bit for it. 10 years down the track. They might get 'another company'.

    As you can see here:

    Cryptic Studios

    Champions Online - 3D MMORPG September 2009
    Star Trek Online - 3D MMORPG February 2010

    [edit] Upcoming

    Perfect World Entertainment has many upcoming games which include, Swordsman Online, Rusty Hearts, Raiderz and, Blacklight: Retribution.
    Swordsman Online - 3D MMORPG

    [edit] WindySoft
    Rusty Hearts - 3D MMORPG

    [edit] MAIET Entertainment
    Raiderz - 3D MMORPG

    [edit] Zombie Studios
    Blacklight: Retribution - FPS

    [edit] Cryptic Studios
    Neverwinter - 3D MMORPG

    They have a hell lot of stuff in the pipeline. So that is more and more people signing up with and 'getting hooked on' other products than this one.

    Just my thought for the day and once again -- I'm just stating, this for the record. If the re-issue on shares in September was because that market area is shuddering people will look for cheap entertainment and so far Perfect World seems to be doing that in the US and it would be a 'worth while investment'. The investment ends March 2012. I'd be seriously thinking about doing a different kind of 'virtual investment'.

    So instead of pretty much going "Oh the horror' my virtual economy is going weird" -- Instead "Ah well least I've got some 'real steak' [sic] in a virtual game that is probably going to generate profit or at least be around for a while yet" and considering the United States dream factory is shuddering under the weight of its own paper currency, we don't know what is going to happen. But we do know for sure that China is certainly a fairly big power player now.

    Additional: "MAIET Entertainment" is working on Gunz 2 as well so who do you think is doing to buy that out when they release it. I wouldn't be surprised.

    Now also because I am also very observant about how people work. There is also a lot of players who used to play "Neverwinter Nights" and they used to roleplay a lot and if you have a look at what Cryptic Studios is developing you'll follow where this is going (my train of thought). There is also a LARGE PLAYER BASE for Gunz The Duel that loved its "K-Style" sort of gameplay. Now if I were an existing player looking for something new with roughly the same flavor; What would I do?. Players don't *ever* really go away. They go off and do other things but they stick around and they come back.

    Get off your knees begging to the company and get your own dignity back.

    Just my crazy 2 cents in a world gone mad.

    Sorry if my English is ****, but that is just how I think. ::shrugs::

    Time won't wake/make you wiser, but it will definitely wound you.
    b i t . l y /
    I was a man of ideas and action, but at the same time a gentleman. -- S a Z T u R
    Subtly is never my strong point, but I like to find the gaps in walls and the cracks in bricks.
    Are you kind of seeing what I'm saying. b:bye
  • Iulius - Heavens Tear
    Iulius - Heavens Tear Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    cant really folow why ppl keep complaining and begging when we all know for years now how PWI handle things, just move on is nothing to see here, another bad move agains players that arent puting theyr money into the game will come soon (christmas is coming :d)
  • Kinjeto - Raging Tide
    Kinjeto - Raging Tide Posts: 564 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    cant really folow why ppl keep complaining and begging when we all know for years now how PWI handle things, just move on is nothing to see here, another bad move agains players that arent puting theyr money into the game will come soon (christmas is coming :d)

    Yeah and people will still spend say 30 USD, 50 USD.

    Hey I ****-you-not I've seen the 'gift cards' for these things (companies) in service stations here in Australia upwards of 60 AUD. That is still money on a rack that has to be bought eventually (by someone, at sometime).

    Aunt Gertrude doesn't know what to get Jimmy for Xmas
    "Oh doesn't he play that virtual game he mentioned it before..."

    If I cross a river. I look for a sturdy log or a cross where the water is low and the ground can be seen. Not in an area that looks boggy.

    But also that point a side Frankie has stated (wish I could find the post) that PW is still their main flagship product. But you've got to look at what they're doing they're making small development teams.

    In some ways its refinancing existing titles. EA (as a company) does some very despicable things as well. But I'd like to have good faith that PW is a bit smarter than that.

    Now on top of that Korea also has grants for companies to make games (i.e government funding). This is what MEINT was and obviously acquired by our good friend 'PWRD' .

    Call it a sneaking suspicion. Don't look at the downturn look at the upturn and turn-over.

    So if you invest 50 USD it isn't much, but still it is something and if you invest that you're not going to lose out. What is 50 USD? A bottle of scotch.

    Time won't wake/make you wiser, but it will definitely wound you.
    b i t . l y /
    I was a man of ideas and action, but at the same time a gentleman. -- S a Z T u R
    Subtly is never my strong point, but I like to find the gaps in walls and the cracks in bricks.
    Are you kind of seeing what I'm saying. b:bye
  • Alasen - Heavens Tear
    Alasen - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,874 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    *goes blind from all the green that has nothing to do (i think) with them nerfing our normal runs*
  • Retsuko - Heavens Tear
    Retsuko - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,016 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    It's good they fixed goons somehow, waaaay too late, but it happened.

    But the way they did it is screwed up. Not only proves that the devs have absolutely no feel for decent gameplay, but also the fact they are completely incapable of changing the code, or they are complete morons. This fix seriously proves that this game is near it's end and that devs are not putting much time in it anymore. Most likely, this last patch was one of the very last ones we'll see.

    A proper fix would have been to indeed change the experience on the goons, but at the same time replace the normal goons with a copy that gives normal experience. Normally a dev should easily be capable of doing this.

    The result now is that FF isn't worth doing anymore beyond big room. Not like it's a very interesting instance, but the purpose of it is to level, and why continue on mobs who dont give exp?

    But maybe it's because the original creators were fired a long time ago, which is why it's like it is now b:surrender

    playing Faction Wars Again.
  • Mr_Punkster - Dreamweaver
    Mr_Punkster - Dreamweaver Posts: 272 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    Okay , so I read the update. All of it is awesome. Excluding the Glacix Dragoons exp nerf.
    PWI Why don't you just fix the glitch , alot of people actualy do full FCC runs and need that exp from the last half with that Dragoons. Get it done , and fix it. Jesus Christ.

    Don't know if this is right or not , but a few people told me the exp you get from the Dragoons at the back of Fcc is like 200 with 12x hypers on. How is that even fair?

    Pwi you may aswell just delete the second half of fcc , and the quests that come along with it. Just a bad move on your part , as always.

    I disagree with your QQ post to the fullest.

    My lvl101 archer has never even used a hyper, let alone spent his life in FC like 95% of the fail noobs out there now.

    The bosses after "big room" count as 85%+ of the xp gained...though you shouldn't be on a full run until after lvl90 anyway (no point based on xp by lvl).

    just my $.02
    lvl101 Legit archer...not 1 hyper used or multi-FC
  • Alasen - Heavens Tear
    Alasen - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,874 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    idk wth you're smoking.... my 84 sin dinged on the heads, then we ACTUALLY did the rest (b4 this ****). we had a seek er AND a barb, and killed mobs fast as hell, and i had enough activations left, so i hypered Fragrence, the bird, holeen.... and ALL THE DRAGOONS AND LADIES at once. the bird and fragrance barely gave me ****, then when i got to holeen i was at 50% or 51 or something..... so gee i wonder where that half a LVL came from.
  • Mr_Punkster - Dreamweaver
    Mr_Punkster - Dreamweaver Posts: 272 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    idk wth you're smoking.... my 84 sin dinged on the heads, then we ACTUALLY did the rest (b4 this ****). we had a seek er AND a barb, and killed mobs fast as hell, and i had enough activations left, so i hypered Fragrence, the bird, holeen.... and ALL THE DRAGOONS AND LADIES at once. the bird and fragrance barely gave me ****, then when i got to holeen i was at 50% or 51 or something..... so gee i wonder where that half a LVL came from.

    ok so ur sin dinged on heads...

    I agree on Fragrence & the bird...wut about Holeen?

    omg u got much did u get in big room? by the time you got to Holeen you could've been 1/2 way to big room again...and all that xp along the way no matter how minute it is

    "ALL THE DRAGOONS AND LADIES at once" did ya think to try them separate to see how much you actually gained from the goonz vs other mobs? ya didn't think so

    but then u could just sit on #3 boss with cleric healing the tank and killing the gooz as they spawn b:laugh

    aaaaand u failed completely to see my point neway...try living outside the FC box if u wanna b:cry about such a small thing

    imagine what it was like b4 hypers...yea I remember that
    lvl101 Legit archer...not 1 hyper used or multi-FC
  • Bale - Heavens Tear
    Bale - Heavens Tear Posts: 976 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    all of this QQ....why wont you guys think of all the poor helpless lvl 103 and 104's who cant lvl now that you selfish jerk faces have ruined it, by screaming to the heavens for equality and how the cheaters are runing your gameplay!

    what about their gameplay! you have killed the game for them! you should all be ashamed of yourselves!

    thats it, I am going to call each and everyone of your mothers! b:dirty

    "From time to time, the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots." ~ Thomas Jefferson
  • Alasen - Heavens Tear
    Alasen - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,874 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    ok so ur sin dinged on heads...

    I agree on Fragrence & the bird...wut about Holeen?he didnt' give much either compared to the goons

    omg u got much did u get in big room? by the time you got to Holeen you could've been 1/2 way to big room again...and all that xp along the way no matter how minute it is
    true, but it only took us like idk 8 MINUTES to get to the dragoons..... ya that's such a huge amount of time there.... *cough*
    "ALL THE DRAGOONS AND LADIES at once" did ya think to try them separate to see how much you actually gained from the goonz vs other mobs? ya didn't think sodid ya think to look at the log when u get exp? goons give 20k or DID, the ladies less then them, but all of that either all at once or seperated is ALOT MORE then those fracking bosses......

    but then u could just sit on #3 boss with cleric healing the tank and killing the gooz as they spawn b:laugh
    srry, i don't glitch

    aaaaand u failed completely to see my point neway...try living outside the FC box if u wanna b:cry about such a small thingso u grinded all that exp? or u bought oracles since just grinding would take so damn long you'd be growing gray hairs outta places u didnt' think u had?

    imagine what it was like b4 hypers...yea I remember that
    never did a zhen suqad, but other then that... considering how much exp u need to lvl, ya glad i wasnt' here b4 BH and stuff....

  • Knownase - Heavens Tear
    Knownase - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,959 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I would probably argue that FC is still worth it up to the nix boss, personally I wouldn't ditch those bosses they give a nice chunk of EXP.

    My take on things.
    b:flowerHave a Techno Rave Flower!b:flower

    -Self-Proclaimed TW commentator of HT-
    -Certified Barbarian Master-
    -You gained +10 coolness points for viewing this signature-
    -Master of Coffee-
  • rdonkey
    rdonkey Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    all the QQQQQQQ omg,,,hmmm question,,,why is there a lvl 1 noob in ff to start with when u cant even port there till lvl 85,,,bring back the old days i say,,no bh,,no ff,,,just grind 12+hours per day like i used to,,stop the lvl 1-85 from entering ff,,let them learn their class and to have fun,,,let them have a slow lvling exp ,,,
  • Mr_Punkster - Dreamweaver
    Mr_Punkster - Dreamweaver Posts: 272 Arc User
    edited November 2011

    "so u grinded all that exp? or u bought oracles since just grinding would take so damn long you'd be growing gray hairs outta places u didnt' think u had?"

    RQ MQ WQ BH (reds added l8r)

    yea it took some time...but at least I gained skill...and I can say I actually played the game

    so what it took time...guess it all boils down to the type of player u r:

    game shark player


    legit player

    b:cry b:cry some more about goonz...u still have hypers don't u? still get xp in big room don't u?

    such a small thing...especially when there are much LARGER issues such as the Euro VAT thing which has had a major impact on the in game economy/player least on east coast servers
    lvl101 Legit archer...not 1 hyper used or multi-FC
  • Alasen - Heavens Tear
    Alasen - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,874 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    ok i got about 80% from the start to the big room... point is the 15 or w/e goons and the ladies gave me ANOTHER 50%......... now half the damn run's useless. it's that simple *cough*

    And i've done Player quest at raging tide..... and MQ outta the question as i wont' pay that much to f'ing marry a pixel.... and WQ is boring as all hell..... so i dont' get what your point is cept for the fact u dont' have a clue how much u can get just off the dragoons by holeen (or COULD).
  • Mr_Punkster - Dreamweaver
    Mr_Punkster - Dreamweaver Posts: 272 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    ok i got about 80% from the start to the big room... point is the 15 or w/e goons and the ladies gave me ANOTHER 50%......... now half the damn run's useless. it's that simple *cough*

    And i've done Player quest at raging tide..... and MQ outta the question as i wont' pay that much to f'ing marry a pixel.... and WQ is boring as all hell..... so i dont' get what your point is cept for the fact u dont' have a clue how much u can get just off the dragoons by holeen (or COULD).

    omg so what u r saying is it will take u a LITTLE longer to lvl OMG STOP THE PRESS THE WORLD IS GONNA END!!!
    I didn't pay a dime
    so u have no life and nothing else to do...and have a maid to do all ur no point to afk at all...gotcha...ur problem to begin with is ur spoiled with hypers

    Who doesn't have a clue?
    lvl101 Legit archer...not 1 hyper used or multi-FC
This discussion has been closed.