[Breaking News] Secret Passage Being Reverted



  • PearlBreeze - Raging Tide
    PearlBreeze - Raging Tide Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Hey all,

    Due to the extremely negative feedback about the recent change to Secret Passage, the developers have agreed to revert it to its original state - the way that it was before the change.

    From what I understand, the change is about to be implemented on the Chinese servers, and it will soon take place over here as well.

    Thank you for all of your feedback on the matter :)

    Update: Just wanted to be up front with you all and set a realistic expectation-

    The way that we get content from China is that, instead of giving us one new thing every week or two, they wait a few weeks and then give us a bigger patch with multiple things. Doing it this way makes it easier to test and ensures a more stable client for us.

    For this reason, the reversion to Secret Passage will come to us as part of one of these "content-bundles". What this means is that we will not be receiving it next week, and probably not the following week either. The patch with the reversion should be in our version in 3-4 weeks, along with some other cool new content.

    So yeah, I'm sorry it has to take this long, but just know that it's on its way, and will be here within the above time-frame.

    Also, some of you have asked whether we will now start punishing players for PKing in SP. The answer is that PK will still be allowed in there until it is actually changed with the patch. Remember, the change was made intentionally, so it's not like people are exploiting a bug here.

    Thanks all, and let me know if you have any further questions.

    Thanks frankie this is really great newsb:victoryb:laugh
  • Dark_Flare - Dreamweaver
    Dark_Flare - Dreamweaver Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Thanks for taking the time to be upfront about the amount of time it may take to rectify the content error. The delay may not be welcome, but such things do take time, and that's understandable if not desirable.

    However, I guess I'm not so understanding about the lack of statement about the harassment our lower level players are experiencing. I'm sure you MEANT to say that PK will still be allowed for the time being, while HARASSMENT and continued GRIEFING are not acceptable nor allowed under the ToS. Please be sure to add that, and perhaps make a statement about it on the login splash screen as well, so there will be no confusion in this regard.

    I recognize that the number of tickets filed may well overwhelm your ticketing system. The very fact that we fear this is evidence enough that the situation is indeed dire and out of control, and reason enough to make clear to the bullies that what they're doing is not okay.

    Thanks Frankie for continuing to stay on top of this evolving situation. I've gotta say, I have renewed faith, these past couple of days...

    I doubt that is what he meant, but it is a nice thought. I'm not quite so understanding on the amount of time it is going to take, however. It's simple: they put in a patch that allowed open PvP in SP. They're gonna sit there and tell me that they don't know how to fix that and that it is going to take a few weeks? Then again... should we REALLY expect anything else?
    If we listed off all the glitches that needed to be fixed in this game... we would be able to do nothing else, there are so many, because PWI doesn't fix things, they only try to cover their glitches with MOAR GLITCHES!!!!!!!! I can has glitches?! I CAN HAS PWI! b:victory
  • PanaBella - Heavens Tear
    PanaBella - Heavens Tear Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Wonder, how long it will take for the first ppl to complain, that the change isnt implementet quick enough...
  • DaggerSin_ - Heavens Tear
    DaggerSin_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 165 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Wonder, how long it will take for the first ppl to complain, that the change isnt implementet quick enough...

    Wont take long..
    BarbHammer - 95 - Retired

    DaggerSin_ - 101 - Active
  • imperialangel
    imperialangel Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    O.O ... Ok im amazed this happened so quickly (the change in position not the patch as that will be a while) \o/ HUGS all round :D
  • Hera_aether - Sanctuary
    Hera_aether - Sanctuary Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I doubt that is what he meant, but it is a nice thought. I'm not quite so understanding on the amount of time it is going to take, however. It's simple: they put in a patch that allowed open PvP in SP. They're gonna sit there and tell me that they don't know how to fix that and that it is going to take a few weeks? Then again... should we REALLY expect anything else?

    Wellllll...maybe he meant it and maybe he didn't XD.

    But the thing is, I really don't care if people PK in there as long as they don't PK the unwilling, and don't bully/harass/gank lowbies (and their helpers) who just wanna do their quests.

    It would make the (perhaps extended) wait tolerable if a clear statement was made that harassment and ganking is STILL against the ToS and subject to disciplinary action. The game is played by way too many kids, teens, and apparently slow-witted adults who need clear guidelines about what is okay and what is not. Amazingly, people on the two servers I play (Sanc and Moma) actually believe that "PK is now allowable" means "Open Season on Lowbies and Bluenames". They fail to understand that it's conditional, and still subject to the ToS prohibition against player harassment.

    It doesn't help that the ticketing system itself, as overwhelmed as it was, simply waved the white flag in resignation at the size of the epeen fest.

    In the absence of any clear statement, the outrageous behavior will continue, maybe even more so (as hinted at by more than one bully), perhaps in protest of the pending coding changes.

    So, Frankie, about that statement...?
  • Scathed - Harshlands
    Scathed - Harshlands Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Really its funny how everyone keeps blaming everyone else for being a whiner when they themselves are whining too.

    If SP was used as a an actual PVP instance there'd be no problem. But instead SP is used as a camp & gank zone. I love PVP, I wish there was a PVP instance like what they tried with SP. What I DON'T like is taking an alt in to kill Silverfrost and having the same 10x camp the spot and wait til boss is at -5% and killing squad.

    90% of the time I have had any of my toons in SP since the change I have not seen PVP battles I have seen high level idiots camping low-mid players. I'm on a PVP server, go ahead and PK it's fun, but camping and squad-wiping before a culti-boss is killed is pretty chicken-****. Those who camp are the reason for revert NOT those who actually PVP.
  • mcfreakie
    mcfreakie Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I think Frankie is trying to tell us with the comment about new content is they will reverse SP when they can roll out the actual new PVP instance they are going to use to replace SP. Im willing to hang tight and take the bait.
  • Gralkon - Archosaur
    Gralkon - Archosaur Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Hey all,

    Due to the extremely negative feedback about the recent change to Secret Passage, the developers have agreed to revert it to its original state - the way that it was before the change.

    From what I understand, the change is about to be implemented on the Chinese servers, and it will soon take place over here as well.

    Thank you for all of your feedback on the matter :)

    Update: Just wanted to be up front with you all and set a realistic expectation-

    The way that we get content from China is that, instead of giving us one new thing every week or two, they wait a few weeks and then give us a bigger patch with multiple things. Doing it this way makes it easier to test and ensures a more stable client for us.

    For this reason, the reversion to Secret Passage will come to us as part of one of these "content-bundles". What this means is that we will not be receiving it next week, and probably not the following week either. The patch with the reversion should be in our version in 3-4 weeks, along with some other cool new content.

    So yeah, I'm sorry it has to take this long, but just know that it's on its way, and will be here within the above time-frame.

    Also, some of you have asked whether we will now start punishing players for PKing in SP. The answer is that PK will still be allowed in there until it is actually changed with the patch. Remember, the change was made intentionally, so it's not like people are exploiting a bug here.

    Thanks all, and let me know if you have any further questions.

    My question is are there any plans on making a new instance or area that is available as a pk arena? To be honest I really enjoy the SP area the way it is now. Having an area to pk in that offers a nerf to aps gear is awesome and has certainly made me more interested in pking again. I do agree with everyone that SP was probably not the best spot to put it, but I am sure you guys could make the arena transport available or something to an area that people know they are gonna die in. Just my question and 2 cents about it.
  • Yuna_Sama - Heavens Tear
    Yuna_Sama - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,541 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Wow awesome news... Guess the chinese population had some complaints about this too... Also nice to know that you guys do care about the comunity's opinion... b:victory Oh and I think you might make the PK lovers realy happy if you open up the arena's for them... b:avoid
    Veno, Archer & Psychic on Heaven's Tear...
    Also a big fan of Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Star Ocean, "Tales of" games, Ys, Zelda, Pokemon & Anime...
    BigHearts member... f:grin
  • Lucretius - Dreamweaver
    Lucretius - Dreamweaver Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Sorry to break it to you, but there are a lot more pricks then there are people honing skills. I'd love to belive that everyone can be honorable with this, but I've seen first hand people who are just jerks, killing anyone even if all they want to do is go kill a boss or two in there. Oh, and then laughing at them. That's just bad sportsmanship all around.
    Also, why do you call those who didn't like it in forums whiners? If they're unhappy, what else are they supposed to do? Aside from not saying anything, which won't fix the problem at all? Simply put, this is a PVE server. If you want to practice PVP, go have fun on a PVP server. Or wait for them to make a less important cave PVP. I dont mind a PVP instance, but one so low level was just asking people to be mean.
    Sure there are those who whined about this for whining sake, but when you get such an overwhelmingly negative response to something, there's a problem. I don't mean to be critical, but I think you're kind of making a lot of assumptions here.

    When you say 'a lot more pricks then...' are you referring to the usual PKers who kill off anyone and everyone? Or are you referring to the new additions to the PK community who joined because of SP PK being enabled? From my experience on DW, the new additions to the PK community, for the most part - there will always be bad apples, are honing skills. Furthermore, most of the new additions are the ones defending the lower levels from what I've gathered while being in SP.

    Fair argument in relation to the expression of feelings on forums.

    The argument in which is diverting PKers on a PVE server to go to a PVP server is absolutely absurd. The time and effort and technique used to acquire gear, level, and everything else to create the character that people are up to date on a PVE server cannot be obtained on a PVP server. Face it, you're going to get annihilated doing the things you could normally do with the safety of a non-PK server. That safety to travel to and from an instance is compromised, along with the ability to quest, in addition to the grinding-back in the day, and so on. Having to look over your shoulder when you're doing something constantly, unable to visit the rest room without finding a place to hide, rebuffing to continue a grind session or quest each time you get killed? Sounds very enticing to me.
  • Lucretius - Dreamweaver
    Lucretius - Dreamweaver Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    you didnt' read a damn thing in the other thread did you? b:surrender

    As for the others now whining that they're puttign it back to normal and aww boo hoo, no more pvp for you... GO TO A PvP SERVER! the MAJORITY (yes majority since there's more PvE servers.. d'oh) dont' GIVE a rat's a$$ that you wanna gank low lvls cause you're lvl 105 and bored off your ****! Or gee here's a idea, bind your gear and go white name. heh...... brainiacs huh?

    Funny you drag my level into this. If you really want to go down that route let's do it. But for the future, do some history rather than running your mouth. Not everyone magically appears at 105, some of us bust our butts day and night leading the levelers of this game. I'm one of them. I guess you wouldn't know what that's like with all the new enhancements to the game allowing lower levels to level up more quickly now would you?

    My argument for being redirected to a PVP server has been addressed in my previous post.

    How dare you assume and label me as one who ganks low levels? Clearly, you're just another one of those people who have encountered an isolated incident - this was also mentioned in my initial post. Either that, or you're just some raging maniac. Bored off my ****? That's the reason I'm in SP, I have intent to learn and further develop my abilities in a new environment outside of PVE. Does it sound sensible that I would just go out and one hit people to further develop my abilities? How does that even contribute to such advancements? Binding my gear and going white name, obviously you do not understand the costs involved in doing such things. Outside the cost of binding charms, you also, reduce the market value of any bound item to 0. I do strongly believe you do not understand what that means, more so coming from someone who hasn't invested a penny into their character.
  • zionwarrior
    zionwarrior Posts: 123 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Meh this thread is starting to look like it will be locked soon likely due to the flaming and idiotic comments.

    Few thoughts on this:

    1. How many of you actually think while typing and can keep your common sense intact while doing so, since from the look of it most you lose your head and act stupid for it by speaking before thinking.

    2. The complaining you are all doing is rather pointless the way you are going about it.
    Think about this a second. Most the major problems that happen get fixed when people actually take action to fix the problem they don't like, and try to find a solution instead of just sit on their *** and point fingers back and forth while doing nothing about it.

    3. Rather then say what you don't like about something try finding ways to get what you do like without getting what you don't like. This means actually thinking and trying to find a solution while looking for ways to solve the problem without causing another.

    4. PWI is a company period. This means running servers paying for patch updates the staff that run it even if seriously understaffed. Still costs money that is how it is. Find ways that you can get what you want and a way to garentee that others will want to while finding a way to somehow create cash flow for pwi will likely mean you get your idea pushed through faster.

    5.Last but not least if you really don't like whats happening do something that's really all there is to it. If you don't want to don't expect others to for you. Procrastinate if you want but in doing so don't expect an outcome you want from it.b:surrenderb:bye
    Check my older posts by profile I am far older than 2010 I was from beta just got on forums in 2008 otc for the first time.
  • lissajane
    lissajane Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Funny you drag my level into this. If you really want to go down that route let's do it. But for the future, do some history rather than running your mouth. Not everyone magically appears at 105, some of us bust our butts day and night leading the levelers of this game. I'm one of them. I guess you wouldn't know what that's like with all the new enhancements to the game allowing lower levels to level up more quickly now would you?

    My argument for being redirected to a PVP server has been addressed in my previous post.

    How dare you assume and label me as one who ganks low levels? Clearly, you're just another one of those people who have encountered an isolated incident - this was also mentioned in my initial post. Either that, or you're just some raging maniac. Bored off my ****? That's the reason I'm in SP, I have intent to learn and further develop my abilities in a new environment outside of PVE. Does it sound sensible that I would just go out and one hit people to further develop my abilities? How does that even contribute to such advancements? Binding my gear and going white name, obviously you do not understand the costs involved in doing such things. Outside the cost of binding charms, you also, reduce the market value of any bound item to 0. I do strongly believe you do not understand what that means, more so coming from someone who hasn't invested a penny into their character.

    Well I played for 18 months on Lost City and the wonderful red-name ppl were continually saying 'why dont you reroll' and eventually i did because my friends did too, and we started again, even though PVPers are in the minority EVEN on PVP servers! Personally i left behind three 70+ characters with loads of good stuff but i was happy to start again on PVE as long as it meant an end to PKing morons.

    So the thought of PK invading DW via SP was horrific and I sure hope it isnt ever allowed in a higher instance or area where PVE ppl want to play the PROPER game. We are here because we hate PVP/PK so I would respectfully suggest that if you are unhappy here you should re-roll too and leave the PVE majority in peace!
  • Sheswes - Heavens Tear
    Sheswes - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,216 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    frankie should be fired ! b:thanks she/he is useless
    scruuuuuuuubs killa b:cute Nation War champion b:cool
  • ahuha
    ahuha Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    so,, tell me how using the stone allows me to kill shade edo ? ..or ancient evil ??b:shocked

    it's obvious you have forgotten what it's like to be a low level toon...b:angry

    you have created a new reason why people will quit.. grand idea
    ppl who need to enter .. can stone in..".so your concept is simply: if you dont wanna get pk'd spend 5.ooo coin... b:thanks b:sadb:scorn
  • Chadric - Heavens Tear
    Chadric - Heavens Tear Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Funny you drag my level into this. If you really want to go down that route let's do it. But for the future, do some history rather than running your mouth. Not everyone magically appears at 105, some of us bust our butts day and night leading the levelers of this game. I'm one of them. I guess you wouldn't know what that's like with all the new enhancements to the game allowing lower levels to level up more quickly now would you?

    My argument for being redirected to a PVP server has been addressed in my previous post.

    How dare you assume and label me as one who ganks low levels? Clearly, you're just another one of those people who have encountered an isolated incident - this was also mentioned in my initial post. Either that, or you're just some raging maniac. Bored off my ****? That's the reason I'm in SP, I have intent to learn and further develop my abilities in a new environment outside of PVE. Does it sound sensible that I would just go out and one hit people to further develop my abilities? How does that even contribute to such advancements? Binding my gear and going white name, obviously you do not understand the costs involved in doing such things. Outside the cost of binding charms, you also, reduce the market value of any bound item to 0. I do strongly believe you do not understand what that means, more so coming from someone who hasn't invested a penny into their character.

    I'll say it again, you havent' read a god damn thing. your second paragraph in the post i responded to was proof enough. I HAVE, i actualyl read EVERY SINGLE PAGE of that 150 page thread. AND i was in there for an entire day just watchign the b.s. Idk about YOUR SERVER, but on OURS the ONLY people in SP were people 1 shotting lowbies who even TRIED walking in there for quests, even after saying they just wanted to quest. Your ASSUMPTIONS are invalid, therefore i suggest you just shut up.

    Your third paragraph.... (well three liner) was total b.s. "People can fly to reduce their death rate in SP. People can use the f9 function to spectate from safe zone in SP. People can use the illusion stone to teleport into the fb29 dungeon."
    flying doesn't keep them from tabbing and one shotting your ***..... why the hell would we WANT to SIT in the safezone and WATCH u tards all day? As for the stone.... THERE'S MORE IN SP THEN THE BH YA MORON!

    And I didnt' say YOU were one of the one's ganking low lvls, that was a blanket statement to all the ret@rds with no respect for anyone else that was taking advantage of this and doing what EVERYONE was b!tching about in the 150 pages....

    you want PvP? GO TO A PvP server. Or bind your gear. Until they bring a PvP instance out like *cough* THE ARENA... that's your only CHOICES. And binding charms aren't f'ing expensive....... They're half a f'ing gold. Go buy a prepaid card for TEN BUCKS, you can bind 20 pieces of gear with that...... you're 105, dont' u have your final gear by now? Why would you care that you can't sell it cause it's bound?

    Btw, yes i have invested some $ in my character(s).... And when the HELL did i say people magically get to 105? Course there was that GLITCH.....
  • ApocaIypto - Dreamweaver
    ApocaIypto - Dreamweaver Posts: 585 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Not everyone magically appears at 105, some of us bust our butts day and night leading the levelers of this game. I'm one of them.

    i agree, but it stoped after lvl 103 tho b:mischievousb:avoid
  • Xiang_Xin - Sanctuary
    Xiang_Xin - Sanctuary Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Update: Just wanted to be up front with you all and set a realistic expectation-

    The way that we get content from China is that, instead of giving us one new thing every week or two, they wait a few weeks and then give us a bigger patch with multiple things. Doing it this way makes it easier to test and ensures a more stable client for us.

    For this reason, the reversion to Secret Passage will come to us as part of one of these "content-bundles". What this means is that we will not be receiving it next week, and probably not the following week either. The patch with the reversion should be in our version in 3-4 weeks, along with some other cool new content.

    So yeah, I'm sorry it has to take this long, but just know that it's on its way, and will be here within the above time-frame.

    Also, some of you have asked whether we will now start punishing players for PKing in SP. The answer is that PK will still be allowed in there until it is actually changed with the patch. Remember, the change was made intentionally, so it's not like people are exploiting a bug here.

    Thanks all, and let me know if you have any further questions.

    Oh well at least now we have a tentative date when finally the change will be update
    To be honest i belive that change will be today when i logg in the game , for the new update was for that , but no was for some orbs XD

    Then now just we need to wait around ONE MONTH avoiding the SP , in other way you will be Pked for one more month b:laughb:cryb:laugh

    Like a wise wise man once said "At least I have chicken" after his squad was ripped for a lot of mobsb :laugh

    In brief, only we can wait until the changeb:surrender
  • Ms_Mystic - Heavens Tear
    Ms_Mystic - Heavens Tear Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Funny you drag my level into this. If you really want to go down that route let's do it. But for the future, do some history rather than running your mouth. Not everyone magically appears at 105, some of us bust our butts day and night leading the levelers of this game. I'm one of them. I guess you wouldn't know what that's like with all the new enhancements to the game allowing lower levels to level up more quickly now would you?

    My argument for being redirected to a PVP server has been addressed in my previous post.

    How dare you assume and label me as one who ganks low levels? Clearly, you're just another one of those people who have encountered an isolated incident - this was also mentioned in my initial post. Either that, or you're just some raging maniac. Bored off my ****? That's the reason I'm in SP, I have intent to learn and further develop my abilities in a new environment outside of PVE. Does it sound sensible that I would just go out and one hit people to further develop my abilities? How does that even contribute to such advancements? Binding my gear and going white name, obviously you do not understand the costs involved in doing such things. Outside the cost of binding charms, you also, reduce the market value of any bound item to 0. I do strongly believe you do not understand what that means, more so coming from someone who hasn't invested a penny into their character.

    Since I do not have any characters on the Dreamweaver server, I have no idea how the PVP in SP worked for you. I do know how it worked in the Heavens Tear server and the problem was far from an isolated incident. On the Heavens Tear server, people from the 3 most powerful TW guilds camped out in SP and systematically killed any low lvl character, who were only trying to do their quests, over and over. NO ONE WAS ABLE TO DO QUESTS IN THERE! I am sure that you realize that there is no skill needed for a lvl 100+ to kill a lvl 20 tideborn doing their weapon quest, a lvl 29 doing their FB, anyone in the 40s doing BHs, or even lvl 70 people who need Silver Frost. People are not repeatedly killing any of these to hone their skills. They are only doing it to be bullies and give low lvl people as hard of time as they can. Unfortunately, these are the people who made the new version of SP impossible.

    I do have mixed feelings about them removing the PVP part. in my 2 accounts, I have 3 lvl 100+ characters who could use a free PVP area. I hope that PW creates a new place for those of us who want to hone our skills to do so. I would like it to be in a new instance or in a location where the low lvl people do not need to go. That way the bad apples do not destroy the fun for the rest of us.

    BTW ... 2 of these guilds on the HT server were not powerful until the reset of the map but the 3rd guild who owned the whole map before the reset have a history of bad behavior towards the lower levels. My 1st example of this is the quest for the Striped Spider King. They would have people camp there and prevent anyone from doing their quest unless they paid a fee to the high lvl guild. My 2nd example is how they dealt with low level people who had died doing quests. The people in the high lvl guild, including clerics, would surround the dead character and taunt them for letting the mobs kill them. There is no good reason for people to behave like this towards other people other than to be bullies.

    You mentioned that you made it to 105 by hard work and no outside money. Congratulations !! You are a member of an elite club. Unfortunately, a lot of the really high lvl characters did it using credit cards and it makes a lot of people unfairly question your achievements.
  • _blood_rain - Sanctuary
    _blood_rain - Sanctuary Posts: 2,532 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I'll say it again, you havent' read a god damn thing. your second paragraph in the post i responded to was proof enough. I HAVE, i actualyl read EVERY SINGLE PAGE of that 150 page thread. AND i was in there for an entire day just watchign the b.s. Idk about YOUR SERVER, but on OURS the ONLY people in SP were people 1 shotting lowbies who even TRIED walking in there for quests, even after saying they just wanted to quest. Your ASSUMPTIONS are invalid, therefore i suggest you just shut up.

    Your third paragraph.... (well three liner) was total b.s. "People can fly to reduce their death rate in SP. People can use the f9 function to spectate from safe zone in SP. People can use the illusion stone to teleport into the fb29 dungeon."
    flying doesn't keep them from tabbing and one shotting your ***..... why the hell would we WANT to SIT in the safezone and WATCH u tards all day? As for the stone.... THERE'S MORE IN SP THEN THE BH YA MORON!

    And I didnt' say YOU were one of the one's ganking low lvls, that was a blanket statement to all the ret@rds with no respect for anyone else that was taking advantage of this and doing what EVERYONE was b!tching about in the 150 pages....

    you want PvP? GO TO A PvP server. Or bind your gear. Until they bring a PvP instance out like *cough* THE ARENA... that's your only CHOICES. And binding charms aren't f'ing expensive....... They're half a f'ing gold. Go buy a prepaid card for TEN BUCKS, you can bind 20 pieces of gear with that...... you're 105, dont' u have your final gear by now? Why would you care that you can't sell it cause it's bound?

    Btw, yes i have invested some $ in my character(s).... And when the HELL did i say people magically get to 105? Course there was that GLITCH.....
    By god do you even read what you post before you post it?
    This blob of incoherence reads out like it was typed by a monkey flinging his **** down at the keyboard.
    I see the same idiotic rhetorics over and over and over.....
    Why not think for a second if they actually make sense or not? Because most of them do not, and the repeated usage of them that I am seeing from the playerbase in these forums is indicative of mass-scale ignorance.

    You make yourselves impossible to have an intelligent debate with. At this point the only reason to come here is to troll.
  • Chadric - Heavens Tear
    Chadric - Heavens Tear Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Not my problem you're too stupid to get it.
  • TheDan - Sanctuary
    TheDan - Sanctuary Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Oh? Okay then...

    As to your final remarks:

    I didn't ask for your respect. I don't care about your respect. I DO care that you have no respect for other players in the game. You've exhibited that by your comments, which I have so handily quoted above. By far MOST of the people supporting the removal of the PvP content in SP have also supported the creation of a playground for people who wish such. We have made our intentions clear as well.

    And it is also quite arrogant for people like you to order others to PvP when they clearly do not want to. So, who is the hypocrite?

    You took the words out of context; they're not as important relative to being ganked by the other big factions. They're less important in comparison to the big fights. Try to read the whole sentence next time; there's a frame of reference being indicated, which you ignored. You pretty ignore all logic and reasoning and turn it into what you want to hear.

    I never ordered anyone to PvP; I'd like you to show me where I did. I just asserted that they haven't compensated the removal of the area for another 24/7 PvP zone. Which is true, I'm just pointing out the facts. Don't try to twist my words, the places have been completely optional, none requiring until 70+. Last I checked, optional =/= forced/mandatory. It is completely their choice if they want to go in there to do their quests.

    If you are in support of a creation of a different playground for people who want to PvP, then what purpose are you trying to serve other than prove that you're delusional and you have nothing better to do than to antagonize people? I never disagreed with there being a different PvP zone, I just disagreed that there is no replacement for one and how people like you antagonize people as noob griefers, when in fact, most the people who supported it are legitimate players looking for an area, ANY area to have hard core PvP in. Not limited to SP.

    I'll give you a clue who the hypocrites are. The hypocrites are still the same people claiming they support a different zone, yet at the same time trying to convince people a quantitative 15 minutes of investment in the game is the equivalent of the quantitative years of investment in the game. And telling those same people who have quantitatively invested way more in the game to re-roll to PvP servers for things that should have been there from the start, optional PvP. It's not hypocritical at all for people who want to PvP to re-roll to a different and then add a PvP instance after they're gone?

    BM PvP Guide: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1320761

    YouTube channels: youtube.com/TheDan912 and youtube.com/TheDanPWI
  • _blood_rain - Sanctuary
    _blood_rain - Sanctuary Posts: 2,532 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Not my problem you're too stupid to get it.

    Guess I just don't speak monkey ****-fling then.
  • Chadric - Heavens Tear
    Chadric - Heavens Tear Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Considering i was repliying to SOMEONE ELSE and referrring to things in their OTHER post a few times, it's not surprising you didn't get where some of that was coming from. But if you honestly didnt' get even half of that after it's been said on here literally by 1000 other people............ you really are a moron. Sorry..... b:bye
  • TheDan - Sanctuary
    TheDan - Sanctuary Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Everyone should take their heads out of the clouds and listen to reasoning and logic. People supporting the PvP zone just want a zone, ANY zone to PvP in. There are very many legitimate players wanting the zone for end game PvP, and yes, SP was a bad place to choose, but at least it's a place at all. With no alternative to it, the logic is just as backwards to "force people to re-roll servers for 'optional' PvP."

    People already accept that SP was a bad place to pick the area, and want a new area, why can't people also accept that the logic behind people re-rolling to PvP servers is equally backwards? As well as assuming all people who like PvP are noob gankers?

    Seriously, this version of the game is the only place where PvP in Cube Room 1/SP is bannable, as well as the mass R9 sales/DQ shop. It's always been 100% OK in the PW-CN servers. I wonder why. Perhaps this version of the game is the only version that supports mass-scale ignorance and backwards logic.
    BM PvP Guide: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1320761

    YouTube channels: youtube.com/TheDan912 and youtube.com/TheDanPWI
  • SocialDesire - Archosaur
    SocialDesire - Archosaur Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Guess I just don't speak monkey ****-fling then.

    (Hands you a translation dictonary) There ya go. Enjoy.
  • Hera_aether - Sanctuary
    Hera_aether - Sanctuary Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    You took the words out of context; they're not as important relative to being ganked by the other big factions. They're less important in comparison to the big fights. Try to read the whole sentence next time; there's a frame of reference being indicated, which you ignored. You pretty ignore all logic and reasoning and turn it into what you want to hear.

    I never ordered anyone to PvP; I'd like you to show me where I did. I just asserted that they haven't compensated the removal of the area for another 24/7 PvP zone. Which is true, I'm just pointing out the facts. Don't try to twist my words, the places have been completely optional, none requiring until 70+. Last I checked, optional =/= forced/mandatory. It is completely their choice if they want to go in there to do their quests.

    If you are in support of a creation of a different playground for people who want to PvP, then what purpose are you trying to serve other than prove that you're delusional and you have nothing better to do than to antagonize people? I never disagreed with there being a different PvP zone, I just disagreed that there is no replacement for one and how people like you antagonize people as noob griefers, when in fact, most the people who supported it are legitimate players looking for an area, ANY area to have hard core PvP in. Not limited to SP.

    I'll give you a clue who the hypocrites are. The hypocrites are still the same people claiming they support a different zone, yet at the same time trying to convince people a quantitative 15 minutes of investment in the game is the equivalent of the quantitative years of investment in the game. And telling those same people who have quantitatively invested way more in the game to re-roll to PvP servers for things that should have been there from the start, PvP, albeit optional.

    In fact I did NOT take your comments out of context. Let me remind you of my original statement, which was:
    TheDan spent pages of this thread declaring how unimportant lower level characters were in comparison to his desire to have fun.

    You quarreled with that, saying you did no such thing. In truth in post after post you said you felt lower levels were unimportant, or less important, or not important in comparison to your gameplay. You're still saying the same thing in this post.

    You continue to devalue the gaming experience of lower levels, to the extent of even grossly understating the amount of time they spend to level up, and declaring their questing as unnecessary. You feel that your needs or desires are superior to theirs by simple virtue of your "quantitative" time spent in-game.

    Please share with me how this makes ME dilusional?

    Again, YOU are no more important than ANY other player in the game. I don't care how long you've played, or how much money you've invested, or how many high level trolling friends you have. Every player is of equal importance.

    You think it's hypocritical to challenge the placement of a PvP instance on top of a low level questing area, and yet still support the creation of a PvP-only instance? You can't see the difference between the two?

    You and your disappointed friends are so upset that you find yourselves in the minority on this issue that you're resorting to senseless rants. You're so used to winning it must really sting to find yourself losing this one. Sounds like you're feeling kinda powerless. Now maybe you can understand how the lowbies feel, when they get killed over and over and over by toons with epeen issues.

    So here's how you get back that power: Do what those of us who didn't agree with the SP changes did...Speak up en masse. Organize a constructive effort to get your PvP arena. Stop wasting time QQing here on this thread, and use your energy on the proactive PvP thread. Make a difference, for pete's sake.
  • Chadric - Heavens Tear
    Chadric - Heavens Tear Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I shoulda typed that one line out better..... I'm not saying to go reroll on a PvP server NOW. I'm saying ya should've in the first place if u wanted PvP. Course there's also this thing called saftey lock and goign white named..... or doing what most of us on PvE servers do and wait till we have our end game gear on and bind it b4 we try out PvP cause we dont' wanan lose gear (but still wanna be able to npc **** and w/e).

    Thing is, the random arseholes made a VERY bad image for PvP'ers on here lately. I agre with your last post Dan, and everyone else on here saying they need a instance to PvP in (like the ARENA). Trying to cover up the dev's **** up saying it was intentional and trying to leave it as it was was just plain dumb. God knows how many MORE people just quit this game over the recent b.s.
  • SocialDesire - Archosaur
    SocialDesire - Archosaur Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Now I'm not saying Free PK was a bad idea, I'm just saying it was poorly executed. Personally I think it was held up better on Archosaur server than the others. Most people either few over the pkers or ran around them. We had one incident where someone tried being a bully to a guild member, who happened to be a lv 79 barb with Full PDef gear, and even ran after him as he left the instance. That person was dealt with. One day, one of the stronger factions challenged anyone who wanted to fight them to go in and have fun with the free pk.

    Again, people who avoided the PKers on Archosaur could easily make it around those who were pking.

    Going back to what I originally said, if they had put it in... oh let's say OHT.... it would've been fine! Yeah you'd have to fly to your quest point again, but the lower levels wouldn't be getting pked, and people who didn't like pk, would just avoid it.