[Breaking News] Secret Passage Being Reverted



  • Aardrani - Raging Tide
    Aardrani - Raging Tide Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Reading over the debates, there are things I don't understand. Lack of understanding on my part is nothing new BTW. So, I have a few points I'd appreciate being clarified.

    1. The people currently enjoying PvP/PK on the PVE servers have always been on the PVE servers?

    2. If the answer is yes, can anyone explain cogently why they chose a PVE when they like PvP?

    3. Why are there required PVE quests in a PK zone? I would consider both BH and Cultivation quests to be 'required'.

    4. Can anyone explain why it is a challenge to fight a player who cannot fight back? I am asking this seriously, there must be something in it that is fun/enjoyable or people wouldn't do it.

    5. What is it that makes PvP attractive?

    Thanks in advance,
  • TheDan - Sanctuary
    TheDan - Sanctuary Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    In fact I did NOT take your comments out of context. Let me remind you of my original statement, which was:

    You quarreled with that, saying you did no such thing. In truth in post after post you said you felt lower levels were unimportant, or less important, or not important in comparison to your gameplay. You're still saying the same thing in this post.
    TheDan spent pages of this thread declaring how unimportant lower level characters were in comparison to his desire to have fun.

    Your first premise does not even match your second premise. I argued that they are less important in terms of priority target in a PvP scene. My desires are completely irrelevant. So yes, they are out of context because my desires of wanting more PvP are of a different context than priority targets in a PvP scene. Nice try there.
    You continue to devalue the gaming experience of lower levels, to the extent of even grossly understating the amount of time they spend to level up, and declaring their questing as unnecessary. You feel that your needs or desires are superior to theirs by simple virtue of your "quantitative" time spent in-game.

    Nope, I compared investment time versus investment time. Never once mentioned gaming experience.
    Please share with me how this makes ME dilusional?

    Your arguments don't support your premises. You argue against things I never argued.
    Again, YOU are no more important than ANY other player in the game. I don't care how long you've played, or how much money you've invested, or how many high level trolling friends you have. Every player is of equal importance.
    You think it's hypocritical to challenge the placement of a PvP instance on top of a low level questing area, and yet still support the creation of a PvP-only instance? You can't see the difference between the two?

    Again, you are arguing against something I never argued. I challenged the idea of people telling others to re-roll to other servers, which takes significantly more time to accomplish than just going back to town. I can clearly see the difference, my time I have to re-invest is that of a quantitatively higher amount than one who would click the town button.
    You and your disappointed friends are so upset that you find yourselves in the minority on this issue that you're resorting to senseless rants. You're so used to winning it must really sting to find yourself losing this one. Sounds like you're feeling kinda powerless. Now maybe you can understand how the lowbies feel, when they get killed over and over and over by toons with epeen issues.

    So here's how you get back that power: Do what those of us who didn't agree with the SP changes did...Speak up en masse. Organize a constructive effort to get your PvP arena. Stop wasting time QQing here on this thread, and use your energy on the proactive PvP thread. Make a difference, for pete's sake.

    I don't care about power, nor do I care about winning or losing. It's all about the fun and entertainment, which PWE has failed to provide. The only energy I've wasted here is reading your unsound logic and reasoning in counter-arguments to arguments I never made.
    Reading over the debates, there are things I don't understand. Lack of understanding on my part is nothing new BTW. So, I have a few points I'd appreciate being clarified.

    1. The people currently enjoying PvP/PK on the PVE servers have always been on the PVE servers?

    2. If the answer is yes, can anyone explain cogently why they chose a PVE when they like PvP?

    3. Why are there required PVE quests in a PK zone? I would consider both BH and Cultivation quests to be 'required'.

    4. Can anyone explain why it is a challenge to fight a player who cannot fight back? I am asking this seriously, there must be something in it that is fun/enjoyable or people wouldn't do it.

    5. What is it that makes PvP attractive?

    Thanks in advance,

    1. Yes

    2. Friends irl chose the server when we started together, not I. The default server was Sanc, we did not even notice a drag down option at the time, because of the UI set up. People don't know what a product is like until they have tried it, don't assume people do not change their mind after trying something and return the product. This is a very biased question.

    3. Because the Devs consider PvP an integral part of the game. Another biased question, your question is attempting to trap the answer.

    4. It's not a challenge, nor is it fun/enjoyable. The challenge exists in fighting the top players in other factions. Again, don't assume that people think it is, that is a biased question that suggests that everyone thinks it is challenging.

    5. Killing KOS players in enemy factions makes the game competitive, unlike PVE where you kill mobs all day.
    BM PvP Guide: pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=1320761

    YouTube channels: youtube.com/TheDan912 and youtube.com/TheDanPWI
  • Mumintroll - Heavens Tear
    Mumintroll - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,393 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    4. Can anyone explain why it is a challenge to fight a player who cannot fight back? I am asking this seriously, there must be something in it that is fun/enjoyable or people wouldn't do it.

    This just reflect their own character and they would act the same in real life, if they could. Fortunately they cannot without serious punishment. They need to just bigger their ego, because it's in their nature. I suppose in real life they are beaten with their own life, society, work, relationship etc.
  • Aardrani - Raging Tide
    Aardrani - Raging Tide Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    TheDan, I appreciate your answers...but please do me the courtesy of taking my questions at face value.

    1. Yes

    2. Friends irl chose the server when we started together, not I. The default server was
    Sanc, we did not even notice a drag down option at the time, because of the UI set up.

    The above answer makes complete sense, and I can appreciate how it happened in your case.

    People don't know what a product is like until they have tried it, don't assume people do not change their mind after trying something and return the product. This is a very biased question.

    If lack of comprehension is bias, then yes, it was biased. But really, it
    was as direct a question as I could state.

    3. Because the Devs consider PvP an integral part of the game. Another biased question, your question is attempting to trap the answer.

    Again a clear answer. The question was simple ignorance. Consider me a teaching opportunity. I don't get PvP and I am trying to understand.

    4. It's not a challenge, nor is it fun/enjoyable. The challenge exists in fighting the top players in other factions. Again, don't assume that people think it is, that is a biased
    question that suggests that everyone thinks it is challenging.

    Your statement about where the challenge lies is clear. It doesn't seem to be supported by what I saw, but that is a different topic.

    . Killing KOS players in enemy factions makes the game competitive, unlike PVE where you kill mobs all day.

    What is KOS?

    and again, thank you.
  • Kristina_t - Heavens Tear
    Kristina_t - Heavens Tear Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited September 2011

    Update: Just wanted to be up front with you all and set a realistic expectation-

    The way that we get content from China is that, instead of giving us one new thing every week or two, they wait a few weeks and then give us a bigger patch with multiple things. Doing it this way makes it easier to test and ensures a more stable client for us.

    For this reason, the reversion to Secret Passage will come to us as part of one of these "content-bundles". What this means is that we will not be receiving it next week, and probably not the following week either. The patch with the reversion should be in our version in 3-4 weeks, along with some other cool new content.

    So yeah, I'm sorry it has to take this long, but just know that it's on its way, and will be here within the above time-frame.

    Also, some of you have asked whether we will now start punishing players for PKing in SP. The answer is that PK will still be allowed in there until it is actually changed with the patch. Remember, the change was made intentionally, so it's not like people are exploiting a bug here.

    Thanks all, and let me know if you have any further questions.

    Now how exactly are we supposed to believe this after the lies you spouted dealing with the emergency maint?
  • FoxRunning - Heavens Tear
    FoxRunning - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    And just when will this be implemented, given how long it usually has taken in the past?
    (and hugs to Flauschkatze for the sig!)
    "Thanks for writing me-- it's always great to hear from a vet.

    Playing here since '08b:heart
  • Batchild - Sanctuary
    Batchild - Sanctuary Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Yay,first off stop asking when it will be implemented and try reading the OP,second to those that are mad about it , get over it your on a PVE server,you want to freely pk then go to a PVP server.Or are you scared because on a PVP server you get pk'd at level 30 so its harder for you to level?Thanks for listening to our opinions and please don't let it happen again.
  • Kristina_t - Heavens Tear
    Kristina_t - Heavens Tear Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Yay,first off stop asking when it will be implemented and try reading the OP,second to those that are mad about it , get over it your on a PVE server,you want to freely pk then go to a PVP server.Or are you scared because on a PVP server you get pk'd at level 30 so its harder for you to level?Thanks for listening to our opinions and please don't let it happen again.

    Umm we did read the OP its just that we umm dont believe them. Ya know with the tendency they have to lie to the player base about things.
  • CreamDrinker - Dreamweaver
    CreamDrinker - Dreamweaver Posts: 310 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    WOOT WOOT VICTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! b:victoryb:victoryb:victoryb:victoryb:victoryb:victory
    "With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion"-Steven Weinberg
  • Hick_chick - Dreamweaver
    Hick_chick - Dreamweaver Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Those that pk blue named people suck butter milk and why the heck didn't pwi implement this in Cave of sadistic glee or some other instance. People play pve for a reason then cry about want a pvp area join a pvp server and get your tail handed to you at lvl 30 about 800 time's the reason your not on a pvp server is cause its to hard so you stay on a easy server wher they give you the choice. on a pvp server its a every day I know this cause I do have toons on a pvp server .My thought is you get your rocks of pking lil people
  • Sarrafeline - Sanctuary
    Sarrafeline - Sanctuary Posts: 4,661 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Those that pk blue named people suck butter milk and why the heck didn't pwi implement this in Cave of sadistic glee or some other instance. People play pve for a reason then cry about want a pvp area join a pvp server and get your tail handed to you at lvl 30 about 800 time's the reason your not on a pvp server is cause its to hard so you stay on a easy server wher they give you the choice. on a pvp server its a every day I know this cause I do have toons on a pvp server .My thought is you get your rocks of pking lil people

    Have you read ANYTHING?


    Then why did you bother posting?

    1) PWE didn't implement this, Wanmei did.
    2) It's being reverted, so why are you still QQing about it?
    3) It was an 'accident' because the Devs are fail and have no idea what they're doing (big surprise?) and they decided to be lazy and leave it in until the QQ in CHINA forced them to take it out, your voice (and mine, and everyone in the US/Europe) means NOTHING to them.
    101 Sage Sin*/Archer
    100 Demon BM*/Barb
    96 Demon Cleric/Sage Seeker
    95 Demon Wiz/
    94 Sage Veno
    85 Psy/80 Mystic
    And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
    *Pre RB level
  • _blood_rain - Sanctuary
    _blood_rain - Sanctuary Posts: 2,532 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Considering i was repliying to SOMEONE ELSE and referrring to things in their OTHER post a few times, it's not surprising you didn't get where some of that was coming from. But if you honestly didnt' get even half of that after it's been said on here literally by 1000 other people............ you really are a moron. Sorry..... b:bye

    While I won't debate that I'm a moron,I think you have misused the word.
    Holding an unpopular opinion(only unpopular with recent forum crowd, imo) for reasons that have actually been well thought out and reached through sincere thinking does not make someone a moron simply because the vast majority disagrees.

    A few of us have tried repeatedly to explain with reasoning and logic, and we are only met with the same of this mud slinging. Who bothered to actually read the various times I explicitly stated that I did not support noob PK before jumping on me and calling me a CSer who cash shops to buy power to one shot noobs in SP? You people don't listen. You don't search for what holds the most intellectual integrity. Hell, I could write an entire block of text using a few key words such as "Leave", "SP", "PK", and" fun" intermittently, and fill the rest of the post with just the word "****" over and over...and you would all skim to find the key words and reply with some more raged fits of unfounded mudslinging.
  • Hick_chick - Dreamweaver
    Hick_chick - Dreamweaver Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Have you read ANYTHING?


    Then why did you bother posting?

    1) PWE didn't implement this, Wanmei did.
    2) It's being reverted, so why are you still QQing about it?
    3) It was an 'accident' because the Devs are fail and have no idea what they're doing (big surprise?) and they decided to be lazy and leave it in until the QQ in CHINA forced them to take it out, your voice (and mine, and everyone in the US/Europe) means NOTHING to them.

    I did read but till it is fixed why cant some one QQ about it being a **** up from hell you all have QQed why cant I
  • CreamDrinker - Dreamweaver
    CreamDrinker - Dreamweaver Posts: 310 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Funny you drag my level into this. If you really want to go down that route let's do it. But for the future, do some history rather than running your mouth. Not everyone magically appears at 105, some of us bust our butts day and night leading the levelers of this game. I'm one of them. I guess you wouldn't know what that's like with all the new enhancements to the game allowing lower levels to level up more quickly now would you?

    My argument for being redirected to a PVP server has been addressed in my previous post.

    How dare you assume and label me as one who ganks low levels? Clearly, you're just another one of those people who have encountered an isolated incident - this was also mentioned in my initial post. Either that, or you're just some raging maniac. Bored off my ****? That's the reason I'm in SP, I have intent to learn and further develop my abilities in a new environment outside of PVE. Does it sound sensible that I would just go out and one hit people to further develop my abilities? How does that even contribute to such advancements? Binding my gear and going white name, obviously you do not understand the costs involved in doing such things. Outside the cost of binding charms, you also, reduce the market value of any bound item to 0. I do strongly believe you do not understand what that means, more so coming from someone who hasn't invested a penny into their character.

    One binding charm is less that 50 silver that means it's hella cheap to buy from catshops or the AH
    "With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion"-Steven Weinberg
  • Chadric - Heavens Tear
    Chadric - Heavens Tear Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    While I won't debate that I'm a moron,I think you have misused the word.
    Holding an unpopular opinion(only unpopular with recent forum crowd, imo) for reasons that have actually been well thought out and reached through sincere thinking does not make someone a moron simply because the vast majority disagrees.

    A few of us have tried repeatedly to explain with reasoning and logic, and we are only met with the same of this mud slinging. Who bothered to actually read the various times I explicitly stated that I did not support noob PK before jumping on me and calling me a CSer who cash shops to buy power to one shot noobs in SP? You people don't listen. You don't search for what holds the most intellectual integrity. Hell, I could write an entire block of text using a few key words such as "Leave", "SP", "PK", and" fun" intermittently, and fill the rest of the post with just the word "****" over and over...and you would all skim to find the key words and reply with some more raged fits of unfounded mudslinging.

    Please tell me where i said YOU supported Noob pk or YOU were a heavy CS'er who likes one shotting noobs or any ogf that *****? Thanks for not reading ANYTHING i was saying and callign it monkey language or w/e. Why don't you go back to the other post i responded to IN THE FIRST PLACE and read the 8 paragraphs of stupidty the guy posted before you tell me I make no sense. What ticked me off in HIS POST most of all was the **** that all we had to do was Stone into 29 (that there's nothing else in SP we need to get done in those lvls) and we're all imagining this suposed pk'ing of low lvls by bored high lvls who dont' care for anyone but themselves.
  • Nahleanna - Sanctuary
    Nahleanna - Sanctuary Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Hey all,

    Due to the extremely negative feedback about the recent change to Secret Passage, the developers have agreed to revert it to its original state - the way that it was before the change.

    From what I understand, the change is about to be implemented on the Chinese servers, and it will soon take place over here as well.

    Thank you for all of your feedback on the matter :)

    Update: Just wanted to be up front with you all and set a realistic expectation-

    The way that we get content from China is that, instead of giving us one new thing every week or two, they wait a few weeks and then give us a bigger patch with multiple things. Doing it this way makes it easier to test and ensures a more stable client for us.

    For this reason, the reversion to Secret Passage will come to us as part of one of these "content-bundles". What this means is that we will not be receiving it next week, and probably not the following week either. The patch with the reversion should be in our version in 3-4 weeks, along with some other cool new content.

    So yeah, I'm sorry it has to take this long, but just know that it's on its way, and will be here within the above time-frame.

    Also, some of you have asked whether we will now start punishing players for PKing in SP. The answer is that PK will still be allowed in there until it is actually changed with the patch. Remember, the change was made intentionally, so it's not like people are exploiting a bug here.

    Thanks all, and let me know if you have any further questions.
    yahhhhhhhhooooooooooooo about time finely its safe to take my low lvls to do there quests thank you
  • Light_Heal - Heavens Tear
    Light_Heal - Heavens Tear Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Please tell me where i said YOU supported Noob pk or YOU were a heavy CS'er who likes one shotting noobs or any ogf that *****? Thanks for not reading ANYTHING i was saying and callign it monkey language or w/e. Why don't you go back to the other post i responded to IN THE FIRST PLACE and read the 8 paragraphs of stupidty the guy posted before you tell me I make no sense. What ticked me off in HIS POST most of all was the **** that all we had to do was Stone into 29 (that there's nothing else in SP we need to get done in those lvls) and we're all imagining this suposed pk'ing of low lvls by bored high lvls who dont' care for anyone but themselves.

    I say everyone should just ignore Blood_Rain. She thinks that everyone is attacking her. Which is not the case. She is throwing a tantrum because everyone is misunderstanding her, I guess. Blood, if someone called you CSer or a noob killer, so? Say your not and move on. Who cares what they think?
    You responded to one of my posts with "You don't think we've been trying for years?" something like that, when I said maybe they will open a place for pkers in PvE. Then why are you sticking around on this thread for? I'm sorry, but the only way I see it is that your throwing some kinda tantrum.

    I don't get why your here...? Pking in SP is not ok. Like everyone has been trying to tell you. SP in Heavens Tear was terrible. No one should have to go through what the top guilds were doing. Harassing people and chasing them when they were trying to kill Silver Frost. There is no reasoning or logic for that. Again, I'm not saying it was you because obviously you aren't on my server.

    Although, the faction wars where fun to watch. But watching the low levels trying to struggle to get through was not.
  • veganblood
    veganblood Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    This is just my opinion on the topic so plz don't bite my head off.

    I agree with Hick_chick - Dreamweaver. However, I don't think it was necessarily a bad idea to put a pk section in the game. Unfortunately, from what I've seen in SP, some of the pk-ers r arrogant jerks who give upper lvls a bad name and really ruin the spirit of the PVE game.

    What I DO think was a bad idea was to put it in SP which is filled with lower lvls trying to do their missions. They stand no chance against the mostly high lvls that r now gathered there doing the pk-ing. There could have been lvl limited pk areas instead which might have been interesting, but mainly, it would've been fair.

    Also, being able to fly in there seems like a nice idea but doesn't help against pk-ers ...and if u manage to survive them ...the flying defeats the purpose of the whole Passage section since u can COMPLETELY bypass all the mobs to get to the bosses.

    Yes, u can use the teleport stone to bypass all of this but where is the fun and challenge in that? And, there IS a difference between being challenged and being a sacrificial lamb with no chance.

    I don't think the idea was very well thought out at all.
    I'm glad its reverting back. b:victory
    "BE the change you wish to see in the world." ~ Gandhi ~
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    "The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way it's animals are treated."
    ~ Gandhi ~
  • _blood_rain - Sanctuary
    _blood_rain - Sanctuary Posts: 2,532 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Please tell me where i said YOU supported Noob pk or YOU were a heavy CS'er who likes one shotting noobs or any ogf that *****? Thanks for not reading ANYTHING i was saying and callign it monkey language or w/e. Why don't you go back to the other post i responded to IN THE FIRST PLACE and read the 8 paragraphs of stupidty the guy posted before you tell me I make no sense. What ticked me off in HIS POST most of all was the **** that all we had to do was Stone into 29 (that there's nothing else in SP we need to get done in those lvls) and we're all imagining this suposed pk'ing of low lvls by bored high lvls who dont' care for anyone but themselves.

    It wasn't stupidity. From simply reading I can tell you his overall stance is quite benign. If anything, you could say he was educating you. If you would listen you might learn something. And only the top paragraph of my previous response was directed at you The rest was a shout out in the general direction of the asshattery going on in this thread.
  • Menarin - Dreamweaver
    Menarin - Dreamweaver Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    veganblood wrote: »
    This is just my opinion on the topic so plz don't bite my head off.

    I agree with Hick_chick - Dreamweaver. However, I don't think it was necessarily a bad idea to put a pk section in the game. Unfortunately, from what I've seen in SP, some of the pk-ers are arrogant jerks who give upper lvls a bad name and really ruin the spirit of the PVE game.

    What I DO think was a bad idea was to put it in SP which is filled with lower lvls trying to do their missions. They stand no chance against the mostly high lvls that are now gathered there doing the pk-ing. There could have been lvl limited pk areas instead which might have been interesting, but mainly, it would've been fair.

    ^Anyone with common sense agrees this was a horrible judgement call on their part and that it shouldn't have been in an area where quests are required for the OHT cultivation. Now that we with intelligence agree on it, lets move on shall we?
    veganblood wrote: »
    Also, being able to fly in there seems like a nice idea but doesn't help against pk-ers ...and if u manage to survive them ...the flying defeats the purpose of the whole Passage section since u can COMPLETELY bypass all the mobs to get to the bosses.

    ^Being able to fly in SP served just about only one purpose as far as I know and that was to allow sins to fly and stealth then drop down on unsuspecting players who didn't possess the required awareness level to see them.
    veganblood wrote: »
    I don't think the idea was very well thought out at all.
    I'm glad its reverting back. b:victory

    ^Congrats we agree and you now have won life forever until the end of time (And so has anyone else who arrived upon this same conclusion on their own). b:victory

    Edit: are you sure you guys reading this QQ'ing and being full of drama are playing the right server? Dramaweaver FTF errr FTW yes win >_> ... <_< ijs. Srsly though its just a forum board no need to be so stressed.
    Our time is coming, we cannot be stopped, soon the time of the wizard will be upon us and all shall know and fear us. we are a magical army of wizardry and death, cold and emotionless, we carry out our tasks without a conscience.
    ~Fiorrello_ - Raging Tide

    ^Wow he has no life.
    ~Menarin - Dreamweaver
  • Chadric - Heavens Tear
    Chadric - Heavens Tear Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    LOL jesus blood, I'll point this out real specific for your small mind to comprehend. I WAS REPLYING TO THIS POST BELOW, and you come and attack me as if i was personally attacking YOU. And since you're apparently too dumb to grasp what i said, i'll point it out in red.
    When you say extremely negative feedback, is that including the majority of the community of PWI? Or is it in relation to all these annoying whiners on the forums? I'm going to safely assume it's the latter. One may say in support of your statement, there is the reporting system via to the support staff that does take place, but ask yourself, how many of those are simply a rare and isolated incident? Rare and isolated incident blown out of proportion?

    So apparently everyone on the 150 pages+ thread with over a THOUSAND posts in less then a week were imagining being one shot 15 times in a row by people who think they own this game and no one else maters, and they're all coming here whining like children for nothing?

    Let's consider a hypothetical situation for the sake of argument. Is there the possibility that a large portion of complaints and tickets are sent on the basis of a very few larger incidences? For example, on a happy Saturday afternoon, 10 people decide to take over SP, then a group of another 10 or 20 or however many people dive in for the enjoyment of PK to overrun those initial 10. Let's say they fail. So they go and send in a ticket then whine on the forums, sounds like a natural human reaction to me. Or let's say they gather a total of 50 people to overrun the initial 10 and succeed. However, in the process spectators and newer players become collateral damage. A fraction of the tickets and complaints on the forums can be attributed to collateral damage in the open PK area don't you think?
    Read above

    People can fly to reduce their death rate in SP. People can use the f9 function to spectate from safe zone in SP. People can use the illusion stone to teleport into the fb29 dungeon.

    Flying dont' help when people camp the FRACKING ENTRANCE spamming tab to one shot anyone that leaves the safe zone. And there's more to SP then BH 29 you tools.

    I'm going to make the next statement from pure suspicion and you people can debate it amongst your small community - small relative to the entire PWI community. A suspicion that a large number of individuals with the negative feedback are NOT even part of the PK environment in SP. They are simply looking for reasons to post on the forums, or complain about this and that, or simply for the thrill of the debate. Also, how often do all these people who are providing the negative feedback legitimately go into SP for a reasonable purpose. Tons right? Looking for trouble is really deemed legitimate? The percentage of people entering SP versus the percentage of people providing negative feedback is some absurd ratio, we all know this. Yet, we seek out a solution for the minority. Strange isn't it.

    Actually for the first time in awhile people who have never even BEEN to the forums got on to **** about this POORLY placed PK enviroment (not to mention it was a **** UP in the FIRST place). I'd be willign to bet alot more of the community was on here then u think.

    Besides the pricks who just want to kill everyone, there are such a large number of people who use this area to further develop and improve their abilities. The benefits definitely outweigh the costs by a long shot, when applied properly.

    So cause you can practice your PvP outweighs the fact that none one could get anything done? heh

    Surely my voice is of one and the distance in which it will travel in terms of practice and application is incredibly limited. All I'm asking is for people to use their heads and take a different perspective outside of what is in front of them (forums, tickets, etc.). You are all humans, generally speaking, you have the capability to think. Thinking involves the use of reason and the capacity to take things from an objective standpoint, or to be technical inter-subjective, that isn't so easy for everyone to do, but hey, gotta start somewhere :)ummmmm ya.. ok

    And I'll point out again i was responding to HIM Blood.. not YOU.
  • BerserkBeast - Sanctuary
    BerserkBeast - Sanctuary Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Its fun how a lot of posts in this thread are QQs....not directly related to the thread's stuff,but directed to other player's post.This community sure have a lot of players that QQ not only to almost every game change,but even each other.

    There are different point of views and different playstyles,and even if someone its not fully aware of what he's talking about(Or maybe just trolling),I think people should just write their own comment then let players be,and not try to argue with others with every argument/statement they made.

    But I guess this community loves to argue/QQ so here's my part:

    You're all stupid!
    The only way to beat a troll is....to troll him back b:angry
  • _blood_rain - Sanctuary
    _blood_rain - Sanctuary Posts: 2,532 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    LOL jesus blood, I'll point this out real specific for your small mind to comprehend. I WAS REPLYING TO THIS POST BELOW, and you come and attack me as if i was personally attacking YOU. And since you're apparently too dumb to grasp what i said, i'll point it out in red.

    And I'll point out again i was responding to HIM Blood.. not YOU.

    Pull the fiery red sheet of angry bias off your eyes and read it again :/

    Try to see things outside of a narrow point of view. That's all I'll bother telling you.
  • Chadric - Heavens Tear
    Chadric - Heavens Tear Posts: 489 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Pull the fiery red sheet of angry bias off your eyes and read it again :/

    Try to see things outside of a narrow point of view. That's all I'll bother telling you.

    And I'll tell u to stop reading between the lines and read what he said and just that. God... talk about dense.
  • Lucretius - Dreamweaver
    Lucretius - Dreamweaver Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    lissajane wrote: »
    Well I played for 18 months on Lost City and the wonderful red-name ppl were continually saying 'why dont you reroll' and eventually i did because my friends did too, and we started again, even though PVPers are in the minority EVEN on PVP servers! Personally i left behind three 70+ characters with loads of good stuff but i was happy to start again on PVE as long as it meant an end to PKing morons.

    So the thought of PK invading DW via SP was horrific and I sure hope it isnt ever allowed in a higher instance or area where PVE ppl want to play the PROPER game. We are here because we hate PVP/PK so I would respectfully suggest that if you are unhappy here you should re-roll too and leave the PVE majority in peace!

    I'm a PVEr, PVP is secondary to me. I have accomplished and taken part in majority of the PVE world, time to expand my horizons within the limits of the PVE server where my characters reside. I'm not ditching 3 years worth of work to get screwed by PK morons as you have entitled them to be. So, re-rolling is not happening, period.
  • Lucretius - Dreamweaver
    Lucretius - Dreamweaver Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Since I do not have any characters on the Dreamweaver server, I have no idea how the PVP in SP worked for you. I do know how it worked in the Heavens Tear server and the problem was far from an isolated incident. On the Heavens Tear server, people from the 3 most powerful TW guilds camped out in SP and systematically killed any low lvl character, who were only trying to do their quests, over and over. NO ONE WAS ABLE TO DO QUESTS IN THERE! I am sure that you realize that there is no skill needed for a lvl 100+ to kill a lvl 20 tideborn doing their weapon quest, a lvl 29 doing their FB, anyone in the 40s doing BHs, or even lvl 70 people who need Silver Frost. People are not repeatedly killing any of these to hone their skills. They are only doing it to be bullies and give low lvl people as hard of time as they can. Unfortunately, these are the people who made the new version of SP impossible.

    I do have mixed feelings about them removing the PVP part. in my 2 accounts, I have 3 lvl 100+ characters who could use a free PVP area. I hope that PW creates a new place for those of us who want to hone our skills to do so. I would like it to be in a new instance or in a location where the low lvl people do not need to go. That way the bad apples do not destroy the fun for the rest of us.

    BTW ... 2 of these guilds on the HT server were not powerful until the reset of the map but the 3rd guild who owned the whole map before the reset have a history of bad behavior towards the lower levels. My 1st example of this is the quest for the Striped Spider King. They would have people camp there and prevent anyone from doing their quest unless they paid a fee to the high lvl guild. My 2nd example is how they dealt with low level people who had died doing quests. The people in the high lvl guild, including clerics, would surround the dead character and taunt them for letting the mobs kill them. There is no good reason for people to behave like this towards other people other than to be bullies.

    You mentioned that you made it to 105 by hard work and no outside money. Congratulations !! You are a member of an elite club. Unfortunately, a lot of the really high lvl characters did it using credit cards and it makes a lot of people unfairly question your achievements.

    Sounds rough on your server. Fortunately, DW is pretty far from that. It is very unfortunate that these types of people need to ruin things for the legitimate people.
  • Lucretius - Dreamweaver
    Lucretius - Dreamweaver Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I'll say it again, you havent' read a god damn thing. your second paragraph in the post i responded to was proof enough. I HAVE, i actualyl read EVERY SINGLE PAGE of that 150 page thread. AND i was in there for an entire day just watchign the b.s. Idk about YOUR SERVER, but on OURS the ONLY people in SP were people 1 shotting lowbies who even TRIED walking in there for quests, even after saying they just wanted to quest. Your ASSUMPTIONS are invalid, therefore i suggest you just shut up.

    Your third paragraph.... (well three liner) was total b.s. "People can fly to reduce their death rate in SP. People can use the f9 function to spectate from safe zone in SP. People can use the illusion stone to teleport into the fb29 dungeon."
    flying doesn't keep them from tabbing and one shotting your ***..... why the hell would we WANT to SIT in the safezone and WATCH u tards all day? As for the stone.... THERE'S MORE IN SP THEN THE BH YA MORON!

    And I didnt' say YOU were one of the one's ganking low lvls, that was a blanket statement to all the ret@rds with no respect for anyone else that was taking advantage of this and doing what EVERYONE was b!tching about in the 150 pages....

    you want PvP? GO TO A PvP server. Or bind your gear. Until they bring a PvP instance out like *cough* THE ARENA... that's your only CHOICES. And binding charms aren't f'ing expensive....... They're half a f'ing gold. Go buy a prepaid card for TEN BUCKS, you can bind 20 pieces of gear with that...... you're 105, dont' u have your final gear by now? Why would you care that you can't sell it cause it's bound?

    Btw, yes i have invested some $ in my character(s).... And when the HELL did i say people magically get to 105? Course there was that GLITCH.....

    Reading is one thing, understanding is another. I do believe you're lacking the latter part.
    I would like to quote an actor from a movie for this closing remark, the quote directly applies to an individual such as yourself. It goes something like this... "run along now you impossible child"
  • Ellisandro - Archosaur
    Ellisandro - Archosaur Posts: 136 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    uhh.. sorry if this has been answered but i didn't see it if it was:

    when will it be reverted? and is it gonna be 'no pk is possible'??

    or, pk is possible but you maybe (probably won't ever) get banned for doing it??
  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    uhh.. sorry if this has been answered but i didn't see it if it was:

    when will it be reverted? and is it gonna be 'no pk is possible'??

    or, pk is possible but you maybe (probably won't ever) get banned for doing it??

    From what I understand, the change is about to be implemented on the Chinese servers, and it will soon take place over here as well.


    Soon b:pleased
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • cl0wnd
    cl0wnd Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    the fact that people are violating the TOS by quest blocking, draggin monsters intot he insta port spot and getting killed insta-gib style that plus the GMs being in Enrage and getting inside info and all the other **** that you people are doing has cause alot of people to lose faith in your game i am quitting as well alot of other people not to mention scaring off all your new player.