Small change to 5.0



  • Olbaze - Sanctuary
    Olbaze - Sanctuary Posts: 4,242 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Exactly. Olblaze fails to understand that while none of the aps classes will be able to perma-spark after the change... Sins via chi gain skills will be able to regain 3 sparks FAAAAAR quicker than BMs, Barbs or Archers. That fact alone gives Sins a ridiculously HUGE advantage over every other aps class if the nerf does come to our shores.

    Um, no? Obviously sins will have an advantage in the downtime period.

    However, it's not like they can just pop a skill or two and voila have 399 chi.

    My last post pretty much showed that in terms of chi/second, the sin skills aren't exactly magnificent.

    And btw, during the downtime period, this is most likely what would happen with each class:
    Barbs: Normal attacks at 3.33 or 4.0 aps
    BMs: Cyclone Heel then normal attacks at 4-5 aps
    Archers: Normal attacks at 5 aps
    Sins: Any available chi skill, followed by normal attacks at 3.33-4 aps

    However, the only chi skill that is constantly available is Tackling Slash. Rising Dragon Strike is available roughly once every two sparks and Inner Harmony is available roughly even four sparks.

    Just because a sin can use all of their chi skills at once to get 399 chi does not mean that they always have this option available.

    "Nothing more, nothing less" strongly implies that the 5 aps nerf would apply evenly across all the classes that use aps. What it will in fact do is nerf Sins by 20% while nerfing everyone else by 50%. b:bye

    Um, no?

    It's an even nerf on every single class. It's what the classes are already that is being "imbalanced". And as I already said, at APS lower than 4, sins have an obvious advantage.
    I am Olba. Not Ol, not Baze nor Blaze. And even less would I go by Olblaze. Please, take a second to read a person's username.
    If you see b:cute be sure to take a second, calm look at anything I said.
  • Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973
    Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973 Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    You are being extremely misleading in that analysis. Sins have 4 chi skills..

    inner harmony
    tackling slash
    rising dragon strike
    force stealth

    If you really have difficulty getting 3 sparks with all of those skills and a base of 3.33-4aps and a genie thats pretty sad.

    Watch how it works.

    1) you start wtih 4 sparks
    2) TRIPLE SPARK 1 (1spark)
    3) Rising dragon strike + tackling slash (3 sparks)
    4) TRIPLE SPARK 2 (0 sparks)
    5) Inner harmonry + force stealth (3 sparks)
    6) TRIPLE SPARK 3 (0sparks)
    7) Rising dragon strike + tackling slash + cloud erupt (3 sparks)
    8) TRIPLE SPARK 4 (0 sparks)

    Is there even any boss in the game that takes this long to kill? After the change sins will get an easy 4-5 consecutive triple sparks before having to use apothecary pills. Other classes will get 1 or 2 if they have chi siphon.
    Refining Simulator - (don't use IE)
    Genie Calculator - - (don't use IE)
    Socket Calculator -
  • BlubZ - Heavens Tear
    BlubZ - Heavens Tear Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    You are being extremely misleading in that analysis. Sins have 4 chi skills..

    inner harmony
    tackling slash
    rising dragon strike
    force stealth

    If you really have difficulty getting 3 sparks with all of those skills and a base of 3.33-4aps and a genie thats pretty sad.

    Watch how it works.

    1) you start wtih 4 sparks
    2) TRIPLE SPARK 1 (1spark)
    3) Rising dragon strike + tackling slash (3 sparks)
    4) TRIPLE SPARK 2 (0 sparks)
    5) Inner harmonry + force stealth (3 sparks)
    6) TRIPLE SPARK 3 (0sparks)
    7) Rising dragon strike + tackling slash + cloud erupt (3 sparks)
    8) TRIPLE SPARK 4 (0 sparks)

    Is there even any boss in the game that takes this long to kill? After the change sins will get an easy 4-5 consecutive triple sparks before having to use apothecary pills. Other classes will get 1 or 2 if they have chi siphon.

    ur forum title should say offical PWI gooner 2011...j/k :D
  • hiddenmonkey
    hiddenmonkey Posts: 179 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I'd probably lose hardcore interest in the game if they changed it. Doesn't really matter what kind of class you are. It means a horrible nerfing in your spark frequency if you didn't gain chi while sparked. Sins are about the only class that would probably benifit from this puting them miles out in front with all their chi skills for DD'ing being able to still spark with higher frequency than anyone else.
  • Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973
    Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973 Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    If they just put a cool down on spark of like 60s that would give time for all classes to spark as often as possible.
    That would be much more balanced than than a test of who can generate their chi fastest.
    Refining Simulator - (don't use IE)
    Genie Calculator - - (don't use IE)
    Socket Calculator -
  • mew5mew5
    mew5mew5 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2011
  • VenoMKII - Harshlands
    VenoMKII - Harshlands Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    You are being extremely misleading in that analysis. Sins have 4 chi skills..

    inner harmony
    tackling slash
    rising dragon strike
    force stealth

    If you really have difficulty getting 3 sparks with all of those skills and a base of 3.33-4aps and a genie thats pretty sad.

    Watch how it works.

    1) you start wtih 4 sparks
    2) TRIPLE SPARK 1 (1spark)
    3) Rising dragon strike + tackling slash (3 sparks)
    4) TRIPLE SPARK 2 (0 sparks)
    5) Inner harmonry + force stealth (3 sparks)
    6) TRIPLE SPARK 3 (0sparks)
    7) Rising dragon strike + tackling slash + cloud erupt (3 sparks)
    8) TRIPLE SPARK 4 (0 sparks)

    Is there even any boss in the game that takes this long to kill? After the change sins will get an easy 4-5 consecutive triple sparks before having to use apothecary pills. Other classes will get 1 or 2 if they have chi siphon.

    Youre being misleading in your analasys too. Chi skills have a cast / usage time (Even inner harmony, instant it is not) youl waste over half of your spark on average gaining back the chi you just spent. On top of that, theres not a chance in hell you will be able to do any self amping or PowerDashing.

    Yeah, it wont hurt Assassins as much but it will hurt them a lot, and enough to make things a lot ****ing fairer. Without that excess chi, time wasted using skills is time taking damage without bloodpaint spam heals. Kiss goodbye to soloing 3-3 without killing half your charm or dying regularly.
  • Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary
    Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary Posts: 3,034 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Yup, at least with this nerf sins won`t be able to solo as much, not to mention BM`s, while you cast a skill to get chi you receive massive dmg, unless you are omg i have cash shopped all my ornaments to +12, only people who really benefit from this will be overclocked sins, every1 else is fu cked.
  • Empu - Sanctuary
    Empu - Sanctuary Posts: 1,154 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Youre being misleading in your analasys too. Chi skills have a cast / usage time (Even inner harmony, instant it is not) youl waste over half of your spark on average gaining back the chi you just spent. On top of that, theres not a chance in hell you will be able to do any self amping or PowerDashing.

    Yeah, it wont hurt Assassins as much but it will hurt them a lot, and enough to make things a lot ****ing fairer. Without that excess chi, time wasted using skills is time taking damage without bloodpaint spam heals. Kiss goodbye to soloing 3-3 without killing half your charm or dying regularly.

    Glad someone else pointed it out, or ppl might think I'm on a crusade agains Asterelle b:chuckle

    I'm not sure it will be really goodbye 3-3, you can still try spark - auto attack - use windshield spamm till sparks back up. It would require a whole different lvl of gear though. Even soloing fcc would be harder. Overall, I agree with Angel_Spawn. I doubt demon sins would really spam skills during their att increase, they would loose a lot of heal due to that. Sage probably won't keep up a permanent 25% damage reduc either, even though they are favored during not-sparked time with sage bp. This will hurt too.

    I don't think a change like that would be such a bad solutions. I would like to see some more balance in game, even if that means I need to be nerfed a little myself.
  • ElderSig - Dreamweaver
    ElderSig - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,247 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I believe there's a reading comprehension problem here.

    Asterelle never mention sins using their chi skills during their spark, that would be stupid. She is speaking of chi skills being used in the downtime time between sparks well the sin's DPS wouldn't suffer near as greatly.

    So to describe her post better:

    Watch how it works.

    1) you start wtih 4 sparks
    2) TRIPLE SPARK 1 (1spark)
    3) End of Spark (1 spark)
    4) Rising dragon strike + tackling slash (3 sparks)
    5) TRIPLE SPARK 2 (0 sparks)
    6) End of Spark (0 sparks)
    7) Inner harmonry + force stealth (3 sparks)
    8) TRIPLE SPARK 3 (0sparks)
    9) End of Spark (0 sparks)
    10) Rising dragon strike + tackling slash + cloud erupt (3 sparks)
    11) TRIPLE SPARK 4 (0 sparks)
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    This is an extremely crappy fix. Some melee classes rely on their spark in 1v1 to kill, and being unable to generate chi will make them unable to use important skills. I'll just use Blademasters as an example.

    The BM goes in and stuns their opponent, after a long fight he realized he couldn't win without the damage output of Demon Spark. He finally has all of his chi (3 sparks, 99 chi). He uses his spark after stunning the opponent with Roar of the Pride and begins attack, now, here's where it gets bad. After using Roar his chi is reduced, then sparking puts him under one spark. Without being able to gain chi the BM loses the option to use Drake Bash or Bolt of Tyreseus to hold his enemy in place. He can only use Occult Ice for another six seconds of stunning, however if they have too much defense it'll just wear off. The BM still hasn't produced chi for Bash or Bolt and Roar is on cooldown still. He's wasted his chi and his genie and is now a sitting duck. Yup, no chi gain will certainly balance things out! This doesn't just apply to BMs, other classes will have trouble with this in PvP and PvE as well.

    This has to be one of the stupidest ideas I've ever heard, it royally screws up every class in the game for both PvP and PvE, granted it affects melee classes more, but it still affects everyone negatively. It keeps melee from performing combos with their spark and seriously impacts overall damage of squads. It keeps Arcanes from triple sparking and using a good ulti without a genie, it'll force people to use their genies needlessly on things instead of saving the energy for amps or resist skills for when things get dicey. I see NO up side to this kind of fix. Not a single one.

    If they wanna fix 4/5APS then they need to find some other way to do it, because in terms of sheer stupidity.. if they actually implemented this... they'd REALLY be out-doing themselves.
  • Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary
    Angel_Spawn - Sanctuary Posts: 3,034 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I believe there's a reading comprehension problem here.

    Asterelle never mention sins using their chi skills during their spark, that would be stupid. She is speaking of chi skills being used in the downtime time between sparks well the sin's DPS wouldn't suffer near as greatly.

    So to describe her post better:

    If sin is out of spark and uses skills against strong bosses he would die or get massive charm ****, perma-spark is the only thing that keeps aps monkeys alive, esp sins who can`t take much dmg.
  • Empu - Sanctuary
    Empu - Sanctuary Posts: 1,154 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    If sin is out of spark and uses skills against strong bosses he would die or get massive charm ****, perma-spark is the only thing that keeps aps monkeys alive, esp sins who can`t take much dmg.

    This. Sins obviously have the advantage in off-spark time, but is a LA class depending on bp (i.e. hits) to stay alive. They will die way faster during that off-spark time. Not to mention that, when soloing, spark-resisting is 1 of the major tricks in the bag.

    @ Zanryu : I understood the "no chi" is only on normal hits, so magic classes won't be affected by it. I could be wrong here though. Anyway, ofc this fix won't affect pvp. Pve wise it would stop the soloing a bit, and make melee classes do slightly less dps. Not like vana will be sooooo much longer when they can spark every 25 sec instead of every 15 sec. The "pro" squads kill in 1 spark anyway.
  • VenoMKII - Harshlands
    VenoMKII - Harshlands Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    This is an extremely crappy fix. Some melee classes rely on their spark in 1v1 to kill, and being unable to generate chi will make them unable to use important skills. I'll just use Blademasters as an example.

    The BM goes in and stuns their opponent, after a long fight he realized he couldn't win without the damage output of Demon Spark. He finally has all of his chi (3 sparks, 99 chi). He uses his spark after stunning the opponent with Roar of the Pride and begins attack, now, here's where it gets bad. After using Roar his chi is reduced, then sparking puts him under one spark. Without being able to gain chi the BM loses the option to use Drake Bash or Bolt of Tyreseus to hold his enemy in place. He can only use Occult Ice for another six seconds of stunning, however if they have too much defense it'll just wear off. The BM still hasn't produced chi for Bash or Bolt and Roar is on cooldown still. He's wasted his chi and his genie and is now a sitting duck. Yup, no chi gain will certainly balance things out! This doesn't just apply to BMs, other classes will have trouble with this in PvP and PvE as well.

    This has to be one of the stupidest ideas I've ever heard, it royally screws up every class in the game for both PvP and PvE, granted it affects melee classes more, but it still affects everyone negatively. It keeps melee from performing combos with their spark and seriously impacts overall damage of squads. It keeps Arcanes from triple sparking and using a good ulti without a genie, it'll force people to use their genies needlessly on things instead of saving the energy for amps or resist skills for when things get dicey. I see NO up side to this kind of fix. Not a single one.

    If they wanna fix 4/5APS then they need to find some other way to do it, because in terms of sheer stupidity.. if they actually implemented this... they'd REALLY be out-doing themselves.

    Oh my, the class that has always been rather meagre in relation to 1vs1 PvP stays that way? D:!

    Fight in a group, learn to coordinate, nothing will change.
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    This. Sins obviously have the advantage in off-spark time, but is a LA class depending on bp (i.e. hits) to stay alive. They will die way faster during that off-spark time. Not to mention that, when soloing, spark-resisting is 1 of the major tricks in the bag.

    @ Zanryu : I understood the "no chi" is only on normal hits, so magic classes won't be affected by it. I could be wrong here though. Anyway, ofc this fix won't affect pvp. Pve wise it would stop the soloing a bit, and make melee classes do slightly less dps. Not like vana will be sooooo much longer when they can spark every 25 sec instead of every 15 sec. The "pro" squads kill in 1 spark anyway.

    That's my bad then, sorry, posting at 5 am and dead tired. Even if it doesn't keep you from gaining chi on skills it's still a horrible idea. The non "pro" squads take waaaay more than one spark to kill bosses, it just hinders them while doing far more harm than good to the game. As for not affecting PvP... I gave a perfectly legit example in my previous post, there are just some people you're not gonna kill unless you spark.
    Oh my, the class that has always been rather meagre in relation to 1vs1 PvP stays that way? D:!

    Fight in a group, learn to coordinate, nothing will change.

    Casters have never been meagre in one on one when used properly. A GOOD Cleric, Wizard, or Mystic has the potential to wreak havoc on anyone they fight. With the combination of skills each has they're extremely formidable, taking away chi gain while sparked is gonna make the ones that are able to survive against unsparked assaults extremely painful to kill.

    This isn't about teamwork it's about the problems this "fix" would cause.
  • Hexalot - Dreamweaver
    Hexalot - Dreamweaver Posts: 871 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Glad someone else pointed it out, or ppl might think I'm on a crusade agains Asterelle b:chuckle

    I'm not sure it will be really goodbye 3-3, you can still try spark - auto attack - use windshield spamm till sparks back up. It would require a whole different lvl of gear though. Even soloing fcc would be harder. Overall, I agree with Angel_Spawn. I doubt demon sins would really spam skills during their att increase, they would loose a lot of heal due to that. Sage probably won't keep up a permanent 25% damage reduc either, even though they are favored during not-sparked time with sage bp. This will hurt too.

    I don't think a change like that would be such a bad solutions. I would like to see some more balance in game, even if that means I need to be nerfed a little myself.

    Of course you don't mind because that's just it... YOU'RE only nerfed a little bit. BMs, Barbs and just about every other non-Sin aps class who weren't given those miraculous "downtime" chi gaining skills will be hurt FAR worse and thus would beg to disagree. b:angry

    And I'm sorry but the argument that Sins won't gain much compared to other classes by using Chi gaining skills after spark has run out is pure bunk. 1.86 base Sins have been doing so for ages to keep perma sparked.

    The only real hit that Sins will take in this nerf is that their soloing abilities will be diminished (this also applies to every other class that were previously able to perma spark anyway) . But other than that, they will come out of this smelling like roses while everyone else gets ****ed.
  • Longknife - Harshlands
    Longknife - Harshlands Posts: 4,843 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    I believe there's a reading comprehension problem here.

    Asterelle never mention sins using their chi skills during their spark, that would be stupid. She is speaking of chi skills being used in the downtime time between sparks well the sin's DPS wouldn't suffer near as greatly.

    So to describe her post better:

    For what it's worth though, small delays like that WOULD be detrimental to a sin in some fights. Psys especially would become even more of a problem for them, and I'd imagine barbs would be harder too, if the barb was charmed. Those delays in the APS are points where the enemy has time to counter or to gain health.

    The real question is if the fix is half-assed, as in, double spark doesn't limit chi build-up.
    I <3 AGOREY
  • _Ghoul_ - Lost City
    _Ghoul_ - Lost City Posts: 973 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    yup i think second spark inst effected ny this nerf from what i understand tho its not as powerdull but can sin use this and solo i wonder.
  • Empu - Sanctuary
    Empu - Sanctuary Posts: 1,154 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Of course you don't mind because that's just it... YOU'RE only nerfed a little bit. BMs, Barbs and just about every other non-Sin aps class who weren't given those miraculous "downtime" chi gaining skills will be hurt FAR worse and thus would beg to disagree. b:angry

    And I'm sorry but the argument that Sins won't gain much compared to other classes by using Chi gaining skills after spark has run out is pure bunk. 1.86 base Sins have been doing so for ages to keep perma sparked.

    The only real hit that Sins will take in this nerf is that their soloing abilities will be diminished (this also applies to every other class that were previously able to perma spark anyway) . But other than that, they will come out of this smelling like roses while everyone else gets ****ed.

    Don't get me wrong, I don't think it's a great idea, and see how it doesn't hurt sins as much as other melee classes. However, I think it's better then the situation now. A cd time of 60 sec like Asterelle said would be more "fair". But don't forget, the chi skills are now used to cast skills like powerdash or subsea, so it will bother sins. In my own quick comparison, archers would be off worse of all. Bms and barbs need a bit longer between sparks, but can take a hit, sins can't take a hit but have chi skills they can use every 2 or 4 sparks (tackling is not worth to cast for chi effect when looking at high aps figures), archers just have their aps to up their chi and can take even less hits cause no bp.

    So fair? nope. But better then it is atm. At least that's my opinion
  • Nyxyo - Harshlands
    Nyxyo - Harshlands Posts: 233 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    -how about all that ppl who finally took time and make alt sin/bm for farming and wasted so much time/cash to get to 4 or 5 aps?
    -if anything sin rank+!2 will still be best farmer around so i really don't care
    -main complain was about aps in pvp or even more about stealth...i dont 'see this as a fix to anythingb:chuckle
  • KageYingZi - Heavens Tear
    KageYingZi - Heavens Tear Posts: 823 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Gonna clarify a few things.

    1.In case you haven't realised,you can still gain chi with skills.

    Casters are not so much affected by this as physical classes.

    IMHO,I think this is quite a big nerf.I'd actually rather they reduce chi gain per extra hit per second.(e.g. 5chi on 1st attack/s,4chi on 2nd attack/s,3chi on 3rd attack/s,2chi on 4th attack/s,1chi on 5th attack/s)

    2.Whether this applies to 1spark,2sparn,demon or sage spark is unknown as it it not stated in the original text.

    3.Oh no,I got all that gear on my BM/Sin/Barb/Archer and now it's gonna go down the drain.

    Honestly,if that is gonna stop the nerf,caster classes could also QQ how they can never farm as fast as those 3.33/4/5aps characters.

    4.I am EXTREMELY unclear what the names in the Chinese post are in English as I have never touched the CN version over issues of lag.

    5.The Chinese players are pretty much in the same outrage and supportiveness in this thread.
    Some say this will make a lot of player ragequit and some say this just makes the game more fair.Some also state that the player's benefit is not taken care of and some just say they should wait and see what happens after it is implemented before commenting.
  • Hexalot - Dreamweaver
    Hexalot - Dreamweaver Posts: 871 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Gonna clarify a few things.

    1.In case you haven't realised,you can still gain chi with skills.

    Casters are not so much affected by this as physical classes.

    In case you haven't realized, this is exactly what most of the hullabaloo in this thread has been about. I.e... the fact that a certain OP class has chi gaining skills that make those of the other melee classes look like a pathetic joke.

    2.Whether this applies to 1spark,2sparn,demon or sage spark is unknown as it it not stated in the original text.

    IMHO, if the motive is to nerf aps, then the demon spark (with its attack rate increase) is realistically the only one worth targeting.
    3.Oh no,I got all that gear on my BM/Sin/Barb/Archer and now it's gonna go down the drain.

    Honestly,if that is gonna stop the nerf,caster classes could also QQ how they can never farm as fast as those 3.33/4/5aps characters.

    But then I counter that nowadays, the vast majority of players who invested in their Wizzie of Psy's gear, knew what they were getting into and would hardly have invested in R8/R9 gear looking to farm TT. Plus... even with this Nerf, Sins even more than ever are still going to be the "go to" class when it comes to farming.
    4.I am EXTREMELY unclear what the names in the Chinese post are in English as I have never touched the CN version over issues of lag.

    5.The Chinese players are pretty much in the same outrage and supportiveness in this thread.
    Some say this will make a lot of player ragequit and some say this just makes the game more fair.Some also state that the player's benefit is not taken care of and some just say they should wait and see what happens after it is implemented before commenting.

    Once again IMO, its more than likely that the ones who consider the nerf "fair" would be the same Casters who for years have felt aggrieved and Sins themselves who KNOW that they got off relatively lightly with this Nerf in comparison to other classes.
  • CessiI - Dreamweaver
    CessiI - Dreamweaver Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    5 aps should have never been in this game in the first place.

    i got a 5.0 char dont get me wrong, but i rather see 5.00 just go away

    and for the BMs QQ... get yourself a good set of axes and poles >.>

    this change is small, and effects wont be that drastic >.> some of you all are screaming before you even got hitted...

    im glad they are trying something against this 5.00 ****, it broke the game way more then everything else.

    and for the peaple saying 5 aps is fine, it really is not. not at all
  • Segreta - Sanctuary
    Segreta - Sanctuary Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    Remember when they changed TW rewards from money to mirages?

    After 6 months of tons and tons of QQ in forums(Both these and chinese ones I guess),they changed it back.

    Now image if this thing really happens.

    I'd say,a wild guess,10 times more QQs than anything else the world's have ever seen(lol).

    And yes,I guess that the vast majority of cash shoppers in this game have at least one high aps alt/main,and would probably quit / not charging $$ anymore,so I highly doubt that any nerf of aps stuff would last long.
    Iam Segreta,Queen of the Chicken Kingdom,proud owner of the legendary Blue Chicken,BEHOLD Mortals o,o^
    Current # Chickens:
    ^,^ <- My Cleric <3
    o,o <- My Veno
    n_n <- My Bm
    =,= <- My Barb *Used as Mount*
    >,o <- My Sin(Stealth all the time for no reason)
  • CessiI - Dreamweaver
    CessiI - Dreamweaver Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    And yes,I guess that the vast majority of cash shoppers in this game have at least one high aps alt/main,and would probably quit / not charging $$ anymore,so I highly doubt that any nerf of aps stuff would last long.

    the MAJORITY of players have no APS, from most of those, achieving it is a Wet-dream.

    honestly the worst 3 things that hitted PW where the 5 aps craze, Sins, and bloodpaint.

    instances taking longer, i would not care. honestly i would like to see the 5.00 completely capped to 3.33 max + this nerf.

    honestly peaple have no feets to stand on, 5.00 is broken, you should not be able to SOLO endgame instances that require's a squad.

    and PvP wise, arcanes exept rank 9, and lets not mention psys, are still squishy as hell.

    so what if you cant kill a barb whitin 20 seconds, so what that a BM lives treu the first spark, so what that a seeker cant be killed whitin a few blows

    those classes are made to tank, should be able to stand strong and live.

    not like this phetetic **** goin on atm with spark durrrrrr auto attack pew pew dead in 6 seconds.

    i welcome this nerf, and i hope for manny more, let sins use their skills instead of spark spamming.

    and let BMs use their other weapons and skills instead of durrrrrr spark stun aps

    and let barbs be real barbs again, things that just wont die that easy.

    casters,, are all fine as they are now, altho psys could use a tweak in the soulforce stuffs
  • Hexalot - Dreamweaver
    Hexalot - Dreamweaver Posts: 871 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    the MAJORITY of players have no APS, from most of those, achieving it is a Wet-dream.

    That may be true but from PWI's point of view... the minority that do are the ones that have put some SERIOUS cash into the game since the whole craze started. And as much as you might want to rewind the clock to the "good old days" when TT runs would take 3 hours to complete and players would take months just to level to 80, those same cash shoppers that have kept the game free to play for the vast majority for so long and who invested ridiculous sums of money into aps gear will probably just say **** it and rage quit.
  • CessiI - Dreamweaver
    CessiI - Dreamweaver Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    makes them poor investors, as soon as i saw the first 5.00 on my server, i knew 5.00 was broken...

    took PW to long to fix it imo.

    dont get me wrong , again, i have a 5.00 char 2, and if aps will be nerfed even more it will affect me, but to be honest, unsparked i reach the same DPS/DPH with my +10 TT 100's then i do sparked with my +10 G15 nirvy hammers, thats just wrong.

    and 3 hours TT, that sir, would onely happen in fail squads. i think i ran a TT 3-2 in 1 and a half hour back in the day when there was no 5.00 yet. that doesent sound 2 bad.

    come on, how riduculess sounds this,

    PW player: Hi, im a PWI player, when i press this button, all my attacks will be 500% stronger and i will hit 5 blows per seconds.

    new player : IMPOSSIBLE!!!

    PWI player: yea watch!

    new player : Vegeta what does your eye of the jungel say about his APS

    Vegeta : ITS OVER 4.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    new player : WHAT 4.00 !!!!!!????
  • Razorburn - Dreamweaver
    Razorburn - Dreamweaver Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    So what do you care about what anyone can solo? They are doing it completly away from you. It's not like they are suddenly gonna start playing with you if they get nerfed. It is not gonna make you rise in stature at all.
    If they nerf aps they need to nefr every magics class aoe so that mele stand a chance in tw.
  • CessiI - Dreamweaver
    CessiI - Dreamweaver Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    So what do you care about what anyone can solo? They are doing it completly away from you. It's not like they are suddenly gonna start playing with you if they get nerfed. It is not gonna make you rise in stature at all.
    If they nerf aps they need to nefr every magics class aoe so that mele stand a chance in tw.

    your defending 5k of dollars with this comment right?

    i dont need a squad, i can solo everything my little heart desires, i said i have a 5.00 char

    i solo instances, i rish treu instances, i make coins fast. but this is the onely way for me to keep up with the rest, i NEVER liked the APS craze, i never cheared for it.

    and no, endgame instances should not be solo'd period, thats not how it was intended.

    if you really want to play solo, i recomend the FF series...
  • RunningTiger - Dreamweaver
    RunningTiger - Dreamweaver Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited September 2011
    yeah cause it would be so great if nobody could solo endgame instances...geuss its one way of making everything a cash shop or gtfo