What are new clerics doing that is annoying all the old players?
brazenbusboy wrote: »The blame I believe lies with the more experienced clerics who have failed to pass on their knowlege.
It's a little difficult to pass on knowledge to someone when they level in a week.
At least 90% of the knowledge that any cleric needs is on this forum, whether in the guide, in a wiki article, or in a thread. The problem is that the people who need to read those guides and threads don't come to the forum or choose not to take in the wisdom.
The lack of people wanting to learn and/or making an effort is probably the biggest frustration.0 -
brazenbusboy wrote: »The blame I believe lies with the more experienced clerics who have failed to pass on their knowlege. Unlike many other MMOs PW seems to have a general lack of decent player authored guides. There are a few, but the quality is mostly substandard, showing little evidence of more than one quick writting session that is never updated and usually pretty sloppy and dis-organized.
Look at the single cleric guide stickied in the Clerics section. It hurts your eyes to try and pick useful information out of the wall of text presentation.
I don't play a cleric and have no idea how they should be played, but I do know from my own experience that the guides for any profession here are pretty minimal.
Times have changed. Many endgame clerics leveled up during times when the server population was high in new players like themselves, so information sharing was more common. New players today face a hard time finding squads and viable guilds. No wonder they don't know all the ins and outs.
I learned plenty back when it took well over 6 months to get to lvl60+ ^^ and anyone above 98 was a rarity. It's not that experienced clerics don't pass on their knowledge (although the guides could use some updating <_<) It's that people now adays can get to 70+ in a week and don't care enough to learn the class.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
~Demon as of 5/6/12 - On the night where the moon is closer to the earth and brighter than any other night in the past 18 years.~
Slow and steady stays alive~ I'm in no rush, I'm enjoying the journey to end game just as it was ment to be. b:victory
"You sir, are why I love clerics" < Liba - Heaven's Tear
b:thanks Well thank you Liba<30 -
brazenbusboy wrote: »The blame I believe lies with the more experienced clerics who have failed to pass on their knowlege. Unlike many other MMOs PW seems to have a general lack of decent player authored guides. There are a few, but the quality is mostly substandard, showing little evidence of more than one quick writting session that is never updated and usually pretty sloppy and dis-organized.
I really agree with you. The fact is they don't listen to tips. *as i said in my first post*
They 1 Don't care what you're saying, 2 Get pissed in some cases and leave squad.[SIGPIC]http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/202/jhuvsign.png[/SIGPIC]
__Jhuv - Mystic
__Hysper - Cleric
__Hysen - Venomancer0 -
I used to think that clerics were dying out because I would get party invites while walking around town. Then someone would whisper:
I was told that you're one of the best clerics XXXXX has squadded with. Mind helping me out?
I never really noticed how bad other clerics are in general. When I was on my barb, I would only squad with clerics I know, so I never experienced such "fail" clerics before. Now as a cleric, I do an amazing job, so I don't have complaints.
Someone mentioned in an earlier thread about there being a lack of guides. I never read a guide when I started playing any of my toons. I did learn from other players though. Shoutout to RedFangz when I was on my barb, and shoutout to a cleric I met (whose name I've forgotten) when I was level 16 lol.
What a sad sad story. ):"Beware of the Queen, she'll nuke our heads off if we don't listen to her. b:surrender" - Devereaux
QueenOfNukes was created on 16th June 2011.0 -
I think the issue is that while all classes take practice to become good at, cleric and barb take the most. Even old players will suck if they try to heal an instance after being on a cleric for 3 weeks. It takes time to immediately know what heal to use and take everything into consideration in a split second. Good clerics can look at the situation the squads in and their hand will just move. They will know without thinking when wellspring should be used instead of IH, or how many IH stacks a player needs. They'll be able to watch their own hp, the roster, and the instance at the same time. Somebody who has lvld to 100in a week won't have that ability. And therefore they spam skills and make us all go "wtf"
Old players will know what I'm talking about.0 -
Mekkhala - Lost City wrote: »I think the issue is that while all classes take practice to become good at, cleric and barb take the most. Even old players will suck if they try to heal an instance after not being on a cleric for 3 weeks. It takes time to immediately know what heal to use and take everything into consideration in a split second. Good clerics can look at the situation the squads in and their hand will just move. They will know without thinking when wellspring should be used instead of IH, or how many IH stacks a player needs. They'll be able to watch their own hp, the roster, and the instance at the same time. Somebody who has lvld to 100in a week won't have that ability. And therefore they spam skills and make us all go "wtf"
Old players will know what I'm talking about.
Edited in a word there.
And yes, I totally know what you mean. After a while, you just know what to do in an instance. It does take a while to get the hang of it though.
Now my eye registers every single status sign and purifies and heals and debuffs bosses pretty much automatically. Provided that the server doesn't lag on me.... But that's another topic altogether."Beware of the Queen, she'll nuke our heads off if we don't listen to her. b:surrender" - Devereaux
QueenOfNukes was created on 16th June 2011.0 -
QueenOfNukes - Heavens Tear wrote: »Edited in a word there.
And yes, I totally know what you mean. After a while, you just know what to do in an instance. It does take a while to get the hang of it though.
Now my eye registers every single status sign and purifies and heals and debuffs bosses pretty much automatically. Provided that the server doesn't lag on me.... But that's another topic altogether.
Lol i was talking about "old players" who didn't play cleric and have just lvl'd up a cleric in 3 weeks or less. They know the basics, like that IH is a stacking skill, but they still can't play it very well for a while.0 -
The reason behind this is most likely the popularization of power leveling lately, especially with the new classes; however, I noticed plenty of people power leveling clerics. I'm strongly against power leveling clerics since I believe that the class requires the most skill, time, and effort out of all of the other classes. (This is my opinion, so don't get too huffy about it if you disagree) I leveled my cleric all the way to 100 without the use of power level, and many of my friends will agree that I'm an amazing cleric who doesn't spam just one skill... Well, maybe IH, but that essential!
I've never bothered to notice how other clerics act since my main is a cleric and I don't usually run FF's (or FCC's as everyone not from Heavens tear calls it) with other clerics. I didn't realize the new trend until I started playing on my sin and seeker, especially when killing fragrance in FF. One that I met refused to purify because she didn't find it "necessary" and hardly healed the tank. She also refused to heal the other sin and me because we aren't the barb.
I try to teach every mistaken cleric I come in contact with, but they refuse to take my advice or insult me and usually leave the squad right afterwards. I understand frustration, but really, suck it up, learn your class, and you will succeed as a cleric. (or any class)
Sorry for my long post. b:laugh0 -
Mekkhala - Lost City wrote: »I think the issue is that while all classes take practice to become good at, cleric and barb take the most. Even old players will suck if they try to heal an instance after being on a cleric for 3 weeks. It takes time to immediately know what heal to use and take everything into consideration in a split second. Good clerics can look at the situation the squads in and their hand will just move. They will know without thinking when wellspring should be used instead of IH, or how many IH stacks a player needs. They'll be able to watch their own hp, the roster, and the instance at the same time. Somebody who has lvld to 100in a week won't have that ability. And therefore they spam skills and make us all go "wtf"
Old players will know what I'm talking about.
I agree with this except its not "Good clerics can look at the situation" but rather "Good clerics can see the situation coming." That's why we can watch our hp, the squads hp, and the tanks hp. Because we learn to predict and read the situation and what's going to happen next.
My pet peeves of the new generation:
Healing with SoR instead of IH. IH has a better stack so if you plan on DDing, give me it, not SoR pls. Other thing I see are the clerics that heal once every 15 seconds with the one big SoR heal.
Chromatic spammers. They stand in one spot and (macro?) chromatic. No debuffs, no purifies, just chromatic. Prolly have themselves targetted, too. If I can tank fine with a chromatic every 7 seconds and no stack, I could prolly also tank fine with no cleric and get more of the split *kick*.
Not debuffing. Seriously, with paint the cleric is sometimes not even needed other than for buffs. So throw an IH on me and then spend the next 13 seconds doing something more useful than stacking me when paint does 100% of the healing.
Vit build instead of gear/refines. I keep seeing these clerics with 6 or 7k hp at level 100 and I think decent gear and decent refines. Then I look and its TT90 if I'm lucky, tt70 and 80 half the time. Then I look at their mana and see 7.5k mp. Rather than improving gear they just stat for vitality, then have the worlds weakest heals and wonder why people die/squad wipe.Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory0 -
Sakubatou - Sanctuary wrote: »I agrtee with this except its not "Good clerics can look at the situation" but rather "Good clerics can see the situation coming." That's why we can watch our hp, the squads hp, and the tanks hp. Because we learn to predict and read the situation and what's going to happen nex.
My pet peeves of the new generation:
Healing with SoR instead of IH. IH has a better stack so if you plan on DDing, give me it, not SoR pls. Other thing I see are the clerics that heal once every 15 seconds with the one big SoR heal.
Chromatic spammers. They stand in one spot and (macro?) chromatic. No debuffs, no purifies, just chromatic. Prolly have themselves targetted, too. If I can tank fine with a chromatic every 7 seconds and no stack, I could prolly also tank fine with no cleric and get more of the split *kick*.
Not debuffing. Seriously, with paint the cleric is sometimes not even needed other than for buffs. So throw an IH on me and then spend the next 13 seconds doing something more useful than stacking me when paint does 100% of the healing.
Vit build instead of gear/refines. I keep seeing these clerics with 6 or 7k hp at level 100 and I think decent gear and decent refines. Then I look and its TT90 if I'm lucky, tt70 and 80 half the time. Then I look at their mana and see 7.5k mp. Rather than improving gear they just stat for vitality, then have the worlds weakest heals and wonder why people die/squad wipe.
Yes you worded that better than I did.0 -
Mekkhala - Lost City wrote: »Yes you worded that better than I did.
I am an athletic guy, but when I play my barb I sweat. I'm intense. I may not always be the tank, but I'm in charge of keeping people from getting too much, or any, aggro and dieing. Theoretically it'd be the same with my cleric since when I play her I'm in charge of keeping everyone alive, but I actually find playing my cleric the most relaxing class.
You sit back, you watch things unfold and you predict where things are going and what will happen, then as you described your fingers flow to the right keys. I've called clerics one of the easiest classes to play for this reason, but thats not entirely accurate. If you have a knack for reading the action its like you are 5 seconds ahead of everything and there is no rush, you just do what the scenario calls for. You don't lead at all, just follow and guide and keep people safe. That's what makes playing a cleric so relaxing for me and one of my favorite classes to play.
I think most the people with this knack probably picked cleric to play early on.Seven 100+ characters leveled the hard way. Free to play. Mystic, Psychic, and Wizard left to level. b:victory0 -
I am what you would consider a "new cleric" the most probably, so in order to learn more I read every post which is very instructive to many of young clerics. It is nice to get some tips from experienced players.
But but.. this post sounds a little bit like generations "battle" in real life. Exactly what says the typical grandmother "oh yes, when I was young, the teenagers were quite different. They respected more elder persons and listened more to their advices"...
Think a while. Do you really think slow leveling like some of you have made is a guarantee of acquiring excellency at game? Of course not.
Does really long experience in game makes ALL the players excellent? Surely not.
Can you really sware ALL fast leveled players are fails?
Nertheless, the idea of this thread is really interesting - but why just don't formulate it differently?
Could you o old experienced clerics share your experience and knowledge with us telling us :what are the most common errors a cleric can make in dungeon? fc? And which are the methods to avoid commiting these errors?
Hope it sounds better.. and that you will contribute in this formation of young clerics0 -
__Jhuv - Sanctuary wrote: »I am that cleric o_o Sorry if i dont want anybody to die! O_O Bah if you dont even try to play on funny mode and let everyone who aggros a bit more dieing.. why did u make a cleric ? ^^ To Pull, Heal One *Only one*, oh someone took aggro.. no im too lazy to heal him. Oh yay 1 mob's dead! Ok now let's ress everyone i got dead.....
Ahahahaah xD
Anyway I think, and that's my modest opinion, you HAVE TO heal every jerks and try to keep them alive. If they die because of their being.. jerks, well that's not your fault. But if they die and you didnt even try to heal them.. well that's another thing..
Of course there are certain situation you can see far from 1km they're gonna die and it's not
worth an ih xD
I'm not saying don't heal a jerk because he's a jerk (because that's just being petty). I'm saying don't heal an idiot if he puts himself in a terminal situation. Because guess who gets aggro when he dies? You.
By all means, having a "save everyone" instinct is great for a cleric. But you need to supplement it with common sense. What's worse: one dead idiot, or six dead squad members because you tried to heal one idiot?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Yes, I'm still a stubborn holdout in favor of the old game. Haters gonna hate. ;]
Other Active Characters:
LigerKing (Barb), Girasole (BM), Shamsheer (Sin), ArborSoul (Mystic).0 -
Decus - Dreamweaver wrote: »New clerics don't use SoR...
New clerics use BB all the time... (I never even got BB till after 6x, but things were different then. Only place we needed it was TT, which I never did for a long time as I preferred to merchant, and Frost was near-impossible.)
New clerics think they can DD better than other DDs... (no, sorry, you never will)
New clerics power-level and think they are as good as other clerics...
New clerics use CHB all the time...
New clerics are bad in TW cause they think they DD... (good for me, tbh)
New clerics only use hour buffs...
quoted for truth >:(
especially the thingie on chb + fc baby clerics
i cant wait to get 99 to learn demon SoR :DDDDD >.>
ive never met a super bad cleric lv1-89. Maybe a little slow, but never a bad cleric. I dont fcc on my cleric (tho i know how to cleric for it) but theres something in there that makes clerics stupid...maybe. The higher lvl i go, the more clerics i meet who have an inverse relationship between their clericing skill and their char lvl. I may be lv94, but i can easily easily cleric for all endgame instances except delta and the last 2 bosses in 3-3. I get to see what endgame clerics are like. And while there are SOME insanely good clerics, it makes me rly sad to see so many more perform so poorly
mfw i talk to friends
mfw i see squads
mfw i hear a funny joke
mfw i see bad clerics that i can put up w/ or cover for
mfw i see terribad clerics >:(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Please state the nature of your medical emergency.0 -
Sakubatou - Sanctuary wrote: »I am an athletic guy, but when I play my barb I sweat. I'm intense. I may not always be the tank, but I'm in charge of keeping people from getting too much, or any, aggro and dieing. Theoretically it'd be the same with my cleric since when I play her I'm in charge of keeping everyone alive, but I actually find playing my cleric the most relaxing class.
You sit back, you watch things unfold and you predict where things are going and what will happen, then as you described your fingers flow to the right keys. I've called clerics one of the easiest classes to play for this reason, but thats not entirely accurate. If you have a knack for reading the action its like you are 5 seconds ahead of everything and there is no rush, you just do what the scenario calls for. You don't lead at all, just follow and guide and keep people safe. That's what makes playing a cleric so relaxing for me and one of my favorite classes to play.
I think most the people with this knack probably picked cleric to play early on.
yes I know all this. I was saying that "predicting what was going to happen" better explained how good clerics play verses how I tried to explain it in my previous post. But, uh, thanks for the long re-explanation?
I'm sweating when I play cleric because I'm leveling to 103 without spending money on dolls (and no, im not a glitch frost w.****. Took me over a month and a half to get to 102.) When I make it to 103 I can relax again. Until then, I'm sweating every time im in an instance that doesnt have a mystic, 2nd cleric, or isn't ws or GV. T.T0 -
Jesus you lot have terrified me, lol. Now I have to reread every guide to check I'm not being a moron. Hm.. maybe I'll make a thread.
Personally I'm very open for advice. I barely ever ever use squad heal. Im 72 and I think i've used maybe twice in bhs?... since 40. ._.
Looking back, maybe there were occasions when I should've used that instead of just popping an ironheart on every dd that drops below 3/4s.0 -
Samwen - Lost City wrote: »Jesus you lot have terrified me, lol. Now I have to reread every guide to check I'm not being a moron. Hm.. maybe I'll make a thread.
Personally I'm very open for advice. I barely ever ever use squad heal. Im 72 and I think i've used maybe twice in bhs?... since 40. ._.
Looking back, maybe there were occasions when I should've used that instead of just popping an ironheart on every dd that drops below 3/4s.
For someone who's maybe a vit cleric or LA cleric healing a mid-level HP tanking sin, archer, or BM, they should def use stream if HP goes below half without stacks before trying to gauge how their HP is falling and if it necessitates stream or one can just start popping IH's.
For a pure magic cleric they can easily wellspring for 3.5-5k HP, so in that same circumstance maybe it necessitates a wellspring. However, for a person with well over 10K HP without a doubt stream is necessary.
The only heals I can think of that aren't necessary at all and that I never use is the very first healing skill I got, along with sage and demon buffs that also healed HP. Wellspring, Chrome, IH, Stream, BB.. these are, to me, essential.
Your heal types do matter but what matters more is being decent at playing and sensing what situation necessitates what skill. That can only be learned with experience, so can't be afraid to **** up sometimes.0 -
Sakubatou - Sanctuary wrote: »Healing with SoR instead of IH. IH has a better stack so if you plan on DDing, give me it, not SoR pls. Other thing I see are the clerics that heal once every 15 seconds with the one big SoR heal.
I love SoR to be honest, it is not a bad skill it is MUCH MORE in the timing/situation of it though and who you are healing (because the channeling can be lame if you have **** channeling). It works fantastic though in the right combination with IH because it too has the heal over time aspect.
IH -> IH -> SoR -> C. Guardin Seal (sage bc hp recov) -> IH -> Sage Vanguard if like -> etc
^ Very situation based but it can work most of the time if you are willing to spend the MP and you can add a Wellspring in there for "Oh ****" situations...
I find it works amazing in TW when healing 40k+ hp Kittahs -.- FML!!You get a larger instant heal with the heal over time and that can help save their charms and hp faster then just stacking IH's over and over and over again (which stack only so much ijs).
SoR is much more "all in the timing" then any other healing skill really in my opinion. Under rated because so many do not know how to use it to its fullest potential I think and in the right combo's
Ok had to say it b:chuckleb:surrender[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!
"Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous0 -
Sometimes even when my squad was doing just fine and I had all the confidence in the world I have time to DD, I still get talked down to by squad mates when I DD. Sure I drew aggro onto myself, but I defended myself, and survived the aggro myself just fine, because I know I could. And the squad came out fine. But I got talked down to anyway. I see nothing wrong in having fun and playing DD as long as the run is fine, but what is this discrimination thing? It's like the "Women don't belong in the work field, go back to your kitchens and make sandwiches".[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
I can't find reason to use Stream of Rejuvenation for sage.s.Ironheart wrote:Bless the target to restore 1200 HP plus 35%
of your base magic attack over 15 seconds.
Sage version restores an additional 10% HP.s.Stream of Rejuvenation wrote:Heal the target's HP, recovering 1800 plus 60%
of your base magic attack and an additional
1800 HP over 15 seconds.
400 MP vs 1000
2 second ch/cast vs 3.5
S.Ironheart learned at 89, S.SoR at 99
Wizard in Sage Dragon's Breath: Heal the melee classes that are 1-1 dd'ing w/ bloodpaint and ignore wiz.
I've seen the chromatic spammer. b:sad
Heal the tank in FF instead of Elemental, and Dimensional Seals or Sage magic shell for the mages when the tank is a pleveler with BP and well rounded buffs.
Half way into FF heal a puller before they secure aggro, then go to town (back to start) and ask for help with the mobs they allowed the squad to rush through.
Bring less than L11 revive to a high aps Nirvana. - It's a Lv. 89 book ffs!
Stand outside of melee range in Nirvana. (cause bosses to move, interrupt permaspark, etc)
Melee class HP's to mob, erupts, cleric hits mob first from range.
Cleric sets BB nice and tight to mobs where someone is supposed to lure (common in 79, and warsong metal).
Cleric heals puller while in luring position.
I'm a hyper plevled nub btw. Don't think experience playing cleric is as necessary as just common sense or knowledge of the game mechanics.0 -
I can't find reason to use Stream of Rejuvenation for sage.
Can you find the use of SoR period? Because it's more than a buff machine.
Heal the tank in FF instead of Elemental, and Dimensional Seals or Sage magic shell for the mages when the tank is a pleveler with BP and well rounded buffs.
Why would you even want the cleric if you don't need the heal? There are better debuffers in the game. I guess you want the rez but I mean if your'e so pro then you shouldn't be dying anyway.I guess I just don't see why I would even bring a cleric/mages along if I didn't need them. I'd solo fc. It's the problem of the game in a nutshell and what has destroyed team dynamics.
Half way into FF heal a puller before they secure aggro, then go to town (back to start) and ask for help with the mobs they allowed the squad to rush through.
A good cleric will often stack a person before a pull, in case something goes wrong and they end up taking more damage than they can handle. If you're not smart enough to wait for them to finish stacking before you rush off, then it's your fault if ends up going badly.
Bring less than L11 revive to a high aps Nirvana. - It's a Lv. 89 book ffs!
And it's also a pretty expensive book. And many clerics powerlevelled to 100 just like you did and will do nirvana to get their skills/make money. Everyone starts out new to stuff at some point. I'm sure you didn't have the optimal gear for the instance right off the bat either.
Cleric heals puller while in luring position.
Again, chances are you rushed in and they had started to cast it way before. I really have almost never seen this even in low level instances, I have seen people spam speed skills/pots/holy path and then wonder why the clerics heals were late.
I'm a hyper plevled nub btw. Don't think experience playing cleric is as necessary as just common sense or knowledge of the game mechanics.
Sorry but it kind of sounds like you don't understand as much as you think you do. Maybe if you had done lower level squads you would understand why clerics are doing what they are doing and why it should be expected.
My replies in yellow[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks Silvy for the superb sig
VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit0 -
Not healing when is needed, doing aoe when is IH... and some of them don't use purify... b:surrender0
I'm a hyper plevled nub btw. Don't think experience playing cleric is as necessary as just common sense or knowledge of the game mechanics.I can't find reason to use Stream of Rejuvenation for sage.400 MP vs 1000
2 second ch/cast vs 3.5
S.Ironheart learned at 89, S.SoR at 99Heal the tank in FF instead of Elemental, and Dimensional Seals or Sage magic shell for the mages when the tank is a pleveler with BP and well rounded buffs.Half way into FF heal a puller before they secure aggro, then go to town (back to start) and ask for help with the mobs they allowed the squad to rush through.Bring less than L11 revive to a high aps Nirvana. - It's a Lv. 89 book ffs!Stand outside of melee range in Nirvana. (cause bosses to move, interrupt permaspark, etc)Melee class HP's to mob, erupts, cleric hits mob first from range.Cleric sets BB nice and tight to mobs where someone is supposed to lure (common in 79, and warsong metal).
Cleric heals puller while in luring position.0 -
old players should teach new players with patience and responsibility.0
JanusZeal - Heavens Tear wrote: »If common sense and knowledge of game mechanics were merely enough, you just proved that one false, tweakz. Things like this show why:
Sorry, didn't realize I was going to be trolled by an idiot.For the same reason one would find to use stream level 10 over stream level 9. It's a stronger stream. Painfully obvious for someone who has been playing a cleric for two years.
When sage IH is almost as strong and casts in almost half the time , and almost half the MP cost... you're an idiot.Ironheart can't overcome a major loss of HP that quickly.
Wellspring Surge idiot.While I can sometimes understand the seals, it's certainly not in a cleric's MO to sit there and sage magic shell every caster just because they do damage. As a veno one can myriad or ironwood then hit in fox form for DPS instead, or a wizard can undine for themselves or other DD's.
Undine is limited to 3 elements and stacks with elemental seal anyway dumb butt.Level 11 isn't really necessary for Nirvana, although demon revive is quite significantly more helpful with half channeling.
Nirvana? Are you one of those idiots that think this is the best source of coin? Sorry, why am I asking?This is a good idea for bosses like Arbiter, where all those flames spawning at once will insta-kill most clerics, and can't trust the squad to AD for them, or rely that heavily on sparking. The only boss where it's quite helpful to stand next to the boss is the one that spawns those darkwing corpses, for one person to quake them while cleric focuses on healing.
Whatever nub. You're showing your lack of experience, and I thought I was fairly newbish to Nirvana.I did that on my cleric just to **** people off who ran up to a boss and sparked first before hitting. Note to melee classes, hit a few times first, then spark.
Hey dumb butt: Sages gain defense from spark and build accordingly. -Learn to play cleric.
troll on loser.0 -
Sorry, didn't realize I was going to be trolled by an idiot.
When sage IH is almost as strong and casts in almost half the time , and almost half the MP cost... you're an idiot.
You're not using it for a buff so why would you be continuously casting it? It's for stabilizing HP when IH won't do. Everyone knows that IH is the superior heal, but there are situations where it would be best to use a different heal like WS or SoR.
Wellspring Surge idiot.
....wellspring surge doesn't have a heal over time that stacks with IH. For high hp targets SoR > Wellspring. And what kind of idiot would use a buffless SoR when a regular IH stack will do?
Haven't been in nirvy yet, but I gotta say I trust Janus play style over someone who doesn't understand the use of SoR and is stubborn and defiant in his ignorance.
Hey dumb butt: Sages gain defense from spark and build accordingly. -Learn to play cleric.
troll on loser.
Go in with heal stack, get aggro, spark and do your thing. Why is getting aggro important? So that people can debuff the boss without drawing it themselves while your spark is casting. That way when you start attacking your immediately doing more damage than you otherwise would have been. Heck if you don't need heals and the boss is fully debuffed, cleric can thrown in some DD without worrying about pulling aggro. The sooner it starts taking damage, the sooner it dies. The sooner the run is over with. If you can't even take a single hit without dying without sage spark, you probably don't have any business sparking right away anyway.
replies in yellow, not gonna comment or nirvy since I haven't been in there yet. But I trust Janus over someone who doesn't even know what situation each of his heals are used for and yet thinks he is so pro.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks Silvy for the superb sig
VenusArmani's word of the moment: Expand your Vocabulary, Expand your horizons!
1) lacking courage or resolution; cowardly; faint-hearted
2) Proceeding from or indicating a cowardly spirit0 -
Sorry, didn't realize I was going to be trolled by an idiot.When sage IH is almost as strong and casts in almost half the time , and almost half the MP cost... you're an idiot.Wellspring Surge idiot.Undine is limited to 3 elements and stacks with elemental seal anyway dumb butt.Nirvana? Are you one of those idiots that think this is the best source of coin? Sorry, why am I asking?Whatever nub. You're showing your lack of experience, and I thought I was fairly newbish to Nirvana.Hey dumb butt: Sages gain defense from spark and build accordingly. -Learn to play cleric.
troll on loser.0 -
JanusZeal - Heavens Tear wrote: »...delete your cleric. Hell, delete your veno too. They're both pretty useless.
werddd.0 -
And what pisses us older players off? **** like this is so bloody COMMON nowadays that a cleric that actually knows what we'd consider basics is a rarity. When you consider that, it kinda makes sense why so many people bash clerics more than normal nowadays.Yogaxpto - Dreamweaver wrote: »I usually get used to leave squad and bl the stupid demanding person...I can't find reason to use Stream of Rejuvenation for sage.
400 MP vs 1000
2 second ch/cast vs 3.5
S.Ironheart learned at 89, S.SoR at 99
Wizard in Sage Dragon's Breath: Heal the melee classes that are 1-1 dd'ing w/ bloodpaint and ignore wiz.
I've seen the chromatic spammer. b:sad
Heal the tank in FF instead of Elemental, and Dimensional Seals or Sage magic shell for the mages when the tank is a pleveler with BP and well rounded buffs.
Half way into FF heal a puller before they secure aggro, then go to town (back to start) and ask for help with the mobs they allowed the squad to rush through.
Bring less than L11 revive to a high aps Nirvana. - It's a Lv. 89 book ffs!
Stand outside of melee range in Nirvana. (cause bosses to move, interrupt permaspark, etc)
Melee class HP's to mob, erupts, cleric hits mob first from range.
Cleric sets BB nice and tight to mobs where someone is supposed to lure (common in 79, and warsong metal).
Cleric heals puller while in luring position.
I'm a hyper plevled nub btw. Don't think experience playing cleric is as necessary as just common sense or knowledge of the game mechanics.
Lets get straight to the point. It sounds like you have no clue what you are talking about.
~CandyCorn[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Move along..move along0 -
I'm a hyper plevled nub btw. Don't think experience playing cleric is as necessary as just common sense or knowledge of the game mechanics.
experience is much more important than knowledge of the game or general knowledge of the class. u can't just watch what a cleric does and expect to be able to mimic them in every way. It takes practise to master a class. Something many hyper lvlers don't seem to realise and end up learning the hard way.
Oh and i trust Janus' word much more than u as he is a old player who consistently showed his vast knowledge on the forums while u just seem like some ***.(based on ur comments attacking Janus out of nowhere). Don't accuse someone of trolling when u urself were trolling bigtime.It's kind of laughable.Sailing this perfect world for treasure and Glory. This pirate awaits adventure and this is my story. (OP overdoseb:victory)[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
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