Some DQ System Changes (items added/removed)



  • Zarni - Dreamweaver
    Zarni - Dreamweaver Posts: 258 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Easy. The decides to put medals in Cash shop. It's just question of time.
    Because the saw, how many people wants Rank 9 so why don't take this opportunity and don't earn on it?

    This is exactly the type of failure in logic that should result in useless marketing department employees being canned.

    The ease of obtaining the medals in game motivated more people to buy rank and chips than will ever be compensated for by the possible future income from adding medals to the cashshop. No major cash player got their medals from grinding DQ anyway, they all bought from other players at 2x face value with coin they obtained by selling gold (already bought Zen). I know plenty of people, however, that bought more Zen than they normally would because the DQ rewards put rank 9 within their sights. I was even considering it, and I haven't spent a dollar on this game in almost a year.

    This is an awesome example of corporate bloat, too many ineffectual employees to muck up what should be a very simple decision. Stores generally don't remove profitable items because they are being shoplifted, they tighten security. Given that this is a virtual world, fixing a security issue should be simple and routine.
  • Zave - Harshlands
    Zave - Harshlands Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    so much for buying rep now b:cry nirvana should be fun as a non ranked archer, everyones looking for a .80 aps archer to nirvana with b:cryb:cryb:cry
  • Kordeth - Heavens Tear
    Kordeth - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Put the Medals of Glory back into the DQ rewards now!
  • ericwillhoite
    ericwillhoite Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    when are they golng to get the dq page back up
  • uncleanone00
    uncleanone00 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I Quit This Game You People Have No Idea How To Run An Mmorpg Thanks For **** Up The Game Which Is Obviously Fixable In A Short Amt Of Time
  • djtoratoratora
    djtoratoratora Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    There 's any GM or person who can claim to answer to all these people in this thread?
    Should be a good thing explain with INTELLIGENT reasons what you did...almost to look less greedy and COWARD.
  • kenpachikensai
    kenpachikensai Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I say nuke pwi offices.
  • Ceiba - Sanctuary
    Ceiba - Sanctuary Posts: 257 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I have been waiting for a official response regarding medals since all of this started, to be honest I dont like the forums, I have been here since nov 2008 my post count on all my chars is really low, the only reason that I'm still here is to my raise my voice against this, I need my medals I dont find fair what those greedy PWI admins are doing.

    Either put the medals on the boutique or put them back on the DQ page I dont care at this point anymore, I cant stand ppl selling medals for 40M and up, why is pwi rewarding bug exploiters?, anyway there is no point in the dragon page rewards page without medals so if they are not coming back then leave it down permanently. b:angry
  • JugalateJudy - Dreamweaver
    JugalateJudy - Dreamweaver Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    FFS wher the hell r u frankie? stop ignoring us.... say something............. wtf is wrong with u guys.... hiding from players? -.- u testing to see how many ppl will quit in 2 days if u keep this thing going? seriosly there shuld be a rule about this, a gm started a thread, he/her shuld keep posting at last once in 24 hours . b:angry
    English is not my native language. Deal with it.
  • VonSabrewulf - Harshlands
    VonSabrewulf - Harshlands Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    This is exactly the type of failure in logic that should result in useless marketing department employees being canned.

    The ease of obtaining the medals in game motivated more people to buy rank and chips than will ever be compensated for by the possible future income from adding medals to the cashshop. No major cash player got their medals from grinding DQ anyway, they all bought from other players at 2x face value with coin they obtained by selling gold (already bought Zen). I know plenty of people, however, that bought more Zen than they normally would because the DQ rewards put rank 9 within their sights. I was even considering it, and I haven't spent a dollar on this game in almost a year.

    This is an awesome example of corporate bloat, too many ineffectual employees to muck up what should be a very simple decision. Stores generally don't remove profitable items because they are being shoplifted, they tighten security. Given that this is a virtual world, fixing a security issue should be simple and routine.

    this is so true, i havent charged zen in a while and i was considering charging a bit amount to get some tokens for my rank 9, but now that you cant farm the medals anymore i lost motivation. Im sure other people feel the same way.
  • IzzyLilBunny - Heavens Tear
    IzzyLilBunny - Heavens Tear Posts: 302 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Please tell me the medal thing was some kinda late April Fool's joke...
    My sig is gone cus lol b:bye
  • Blancheneige - Heavens Tear
    Blancheneige - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,494 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    FFS wher the hell r u frankie? stop ignoring us.... say something............. wtf is wrong with u guys.... hiding from players? -.- u testing to see how many ppl will quit in 2 days if u keep this thing going? seriosly there shuld be a rule about this, a gm started a thread, he/her shuld keep posting at last once in 24 hours . b:angry

    Everytime something controversial comes up, they do the same thing : They put up a thread to let people vent their anger, don't reply to it, and eventually move it to the cash shop huddle or lower depth section, where no one will see it anymore.

    Thanks Brit for the sig b:laugh
  • khlid
    khlid Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Wonderful!!!!! lets punish our players instead of fixing bugs, I mean after all its not like its your job to fix bugs or anything. (making that assumption based on the history of PWI's fail GM'S) do the whole world a favor stop dropping the ball when it comes to making the ground level play for cash shoppers and non cash shoppers. I've got an idea how to distribute medals,

    Step 1: Do your job fix the bugs

    Step 2: Put them back in DQ points

    how simple.

    see this is the problem you think your job is to make money, not fulfill your responsibility to PWI players.

    P.S. if you done lvl the ground for players the competition will degrade causing less people to want to actively participate in the game in the long run this hurts you (PWI) because without competition cash shoppers will spend less and less. think about it!
    but then again I only Have my MBA and work with economics in rl so what do i know! its not like i own 4 businesses of my own.
  • Iradios - Dreamweaver
    Iradios - Dreamweaver Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    PWI is starting to resemble another gaming company I used to play games through. Won't say which on forums here but just know they went bankrupt and got bought out. That what ya'll are hoping for now too? Sure isn't about respecting and listening to your players anymore that's for sure. Yes I know a GM/Mod or a Dev won't read this. They're to afraid of the chaos they create anymore.
  • _U_Wish_ - Heavens Tear
    _U_Wish_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Fix that damn facebook blessings faster lol i ran out and cat 1hit ppl lol b:chuckle
  • Chrisssss - Sanctuary
    Chrisssss - Sanctuary Posts: 531 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Very disappointing pwi
  • Mystik_Kiss - Dreamweaver
    Mystik_Kiss - Dreamweaver Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Well for what it is worth Chaos is NORMAL anymore in PWI. Bug Fixes are now called LOCALIZATION Fixes. While they Localize everything the Bugs get worse. Farming for DQ Was my only hope to be able to get r9 or anything above r3 in basic terms. CS Players Spent money to gt gold to make coin to buy DQ For their r9. Then Some Stupid Fools decide they want to MUCK it up for everyone else by finding and using a Bug. In Most Game like this These people are Hunted down banned and the BUG is fixed.

    Here at PWI :

    Bug's are reported, Exploits are found, Exploiters run amuck, Locoalzations occur, Current Bugs get worse........................ Do I need to add more?

    PWI Is a Great game But Some People in the higher echelons of the PWI Corperation are playing Ostrich. "Oh Bugs Found, Balance between Non Cash Shop and CS Players are Completely out of line" Executors response : Sticks head in a hole and pretends to not see anything: Secretary walks in "Sir we found a few Exploiters in game on the r9 Medals" :executor pulls head from hole: Pull the medals that will fix the bug. Never mind anyone who has Already gotten to the half way point of it."

    As I said CHAOS is normal for PWI
  • Keiko_Soma - Sanctuary
    Keiko_Soma - Sanctuary Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    The "unfixable" glitch as it's being's pretty bad when the developers have to admit they're bad at their job and that's why this is the only MMO where a mutlitude of glitchers are never ever fixed >.<

    A lot of people spend a lot of money and time on this game. This is a way for PWI to get more money and drastically separate cash shoppers and non cash shoppers. All the people who have been farming will be lost and PWI won't care. I cash shop but PWI still dosen't listen to people >.> need to get bugs fixed
    102 Cleric sage
    100 Barb sage
    101 Archer Demon
    101 BM Demon
    94 Veno demon
    78 Mystic, 68 Psy, 48 Sin, 30 Wiz
    I think I need to stop making alts.... :3
  • Tutmozis - Harshlands
    Tutmozis - Harshlands Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    this is so true, i havent charged zen in a while and i was considering charging a bit amount to get some tokens for my rank 9, but now that you cant farm the medals anymore i lost motivation. Im sure other people feel the same way.

    Removing medals was one of the worst thing PWI did nowadays.
    Reason..."Players make it tradable" damn hard to fix this bug (need high skilled programmer to fix this, what PWI lack as I see...)...or maybe the truth is, they just want to remove it...and find a "good" a reason.

    Rich people bought they full R9 in a week since it we the rest...farmed to get bilion coins to get...I was in half way...and now all screwed...

    I also stop to spend on this game, seeing what happened with R8, since "fixed" number of us will get R9...they will come out with charge again way...

    And don't say we **** the market with tread-able medals...your packs screwed the price of Gold, and your fake fix with TW

    Time to find other game...this become suffering...
  • redmouse
    redmouse Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    It's a shame that they removed the medals, seems good things don't come to those that wait. Not this time at least.

    That phrase goes both ways though, i was about to make a rank 9 archer and wizard which as you can imagine, would have cost a lot of money.

    That payslips for the GMs/Devs will now be a bit thinner thanks to their inability to change the game to disallow people from exploiting the DQ system for financial gain while still allowing others to use the system for it's intended purpose.

    I never had rank 9, now i never will. It never happened so i'm not fused, their loss big time.

    Never mind.
  • Azura - Lost City
    Azura - Lost City Posts: 2,281 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Is the first post made by frankie still the only post made by a gm?
  • frankieraye
    frankieraye Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Hey all,

    This thread has now reached its 54th page, and I felt that you guys should know two things-- one is that we are indeed reading your posts, and we read your discontent regarding this issue loud and clear. The second is to let you know that this Medal of Glory issue is something that is not only controversial on the forums, but within Perfect World (the company) itself, where there are differing opinions on whether or not the Medals should have remained in the DQ shop.

    Basically, our developers believe that it had become too easy to acquire Medals through DQ, and even more so because of the tradeable/untradeable glitch. The sheer number of Medals being sent out on the servers was very concerning to them, and the fact that they were readily available on the open market made them function completely opposite of how they are viewed in the Chinese version of PW. Folks here felt that, as long as players worked for them, Medals should continue to be obtainable through these non-TW ways. Ultimately, though, the devs do have the final say, and after originally supporting the Medals' increased accessibility, they decided that, at this time, they needed to be removed from the DQ shop.

    The DQ system, remember, is something that is completely unique to our version; in a sense, it's an experiment, one that has proven to be very successful and popular with the players. But the fact that it is something of an experiment also means that it is particularly malleable and open to revision. Revision can go both ways, though, so you can count on two ultra-rare items being added to the DQ shop in the near future, along with more new items down the line. I'll admit that it's a slow process, getting items approved to put in the DQ shop, but we're continuing to work to make that happen for our unique little system.

    Thanks all,

  • kenpachikensai
    kenpachikensai Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    So getting enough DQ points for 1 medal is so easy? i want you on average gear to try that. not one shot gm gear, or gm editing drops to get whatever you want from whatever mob.

    and from TW 1 Medal per week to 1 faction , is less than 3 ppl full R9 geared per year even if 1 single faction owns the entire map.
  • amandisha74
    amandisha74 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Well thats great but at the same time you are all trying to figure this out scores of low income players are simply finding another game to play where they are appricated as customers. low income Less then 30 bucks a month.

    You people remind me of USA congress. Willing to sink the ship over stupid stuff.

    Really not even sure it's about the medal itself anymore its about the evergrowing gap in players with money .. players with some money and free players.

    I dunno.. all I DO know is it doesn't take a rocket scientist to tell your bottom line is gonna significantly suffer if somthing isn't done to appease the disgruntled low income players in this game.. and I'm not talking about the FREE players.

    your paying customers are pizzed. But we didn't spend hundreds only 20's.. but we should count too.
  • Knownase - Heavens Tear
    Knownase - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,959 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    So, does that also mean they can't be added in the Boutique as well?
    b:flowerHave a Techno Rave Flower!b:flower

    -Self-Proclaimed TW commentator of HT-
    -Certified Barbarian Master-
    -You gained +10 coolness points for viewing this signature-
    -Master of Coffee-
  • Nubispotze - Heavens Tear
    Nubispotze - Heavens Tear Posts: 512 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Wait a min.

    you said the Devs dont like it.

    then later you state that it takes a while to get items approved to enter the DQ point shop.

    think about what you said. and HOW the HECK can u get an item approved to be in DQ page for SOOOO LONG if "the devs dont like it"

    maybe if PWI spent more time on fixing bugs/glitches/map lagging there would be no issue.

    People QQed about Expel being used in PK, you guys fixed that problem to where noone can get expeled even in the same party if they have that buff filter on.

    people QQed about mirage pay in TW, you guys fixed that Reset the map and brought back the million per land.

    so my question is. if people QQ enough will you bring back the medals? not only that, but i wonder how much money every day this sale is going on that PWI is loseing out on because of no MEDALS in the DQ page.

    TBH i dont care i have full rank 9. but its just *** that you guys hear of a glitch that makes something tradeable then u remove that item. instead of removing something you guys made broken in the 1st place. FIX IT
    Exegesis-103-Psychic--blackballs, blueballs, pinkballs, hairless balls. You got a lotta balls to be applying to Enrage...AND ask for a private denial reason? gg man. gg.
  • XX_Vol_Xx - Heavens Tear
    XX_Vol_Xx - Heavens Tear Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    thats dumb..
  • Escorian - Dreamweaver
    Escorian - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,802 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Hey all,

    This thread has now reached its 54th page, and I felt that you guys should know two things-- one is that we are indeed reading your posts, and we read your discontent regarding this issue loud and clear. The second is to let you know that this Medal of Glory issue is something that is not only controversial on the forums, but within Perfect World (the company) itself, where there are differing opinions on whether or not the Medals should have remained in the DQ shop.

    Basically, our developers believe that it had become too easy to acquire Medals through DQ, and even more so because of the tradeable/untradeable glitch. The sheer number of Medals being sent out on the servers was very concerning to them, and the fact that they were readily available on the open market made them function completely opposite of how they are viewed in the Chinese version of PW. Folks here felt that, as long as players worked for them, Medals should continue to be obtainable through these non-TW ways. Ultimately, though, the devs do have the final say, and after originally supporting the Medals' increased accessibility, they decided that, at this time, they needed to be removed from the DQ shop.

    The DQ system, remember, is something that is completely unique to our version; in a sense, it's an experiment, one that has proven to be very successful and popular with the players. But the fact that it is something of an experiment also means that it is particularly malleable and open to revision. Revision can go both ways, though, so you can count on two ultra-rare items being added to the DQ shop in the near future, along with more new items down the line. I'll admit that it's a slow process, getting items approved to put in the DQ shop, but we're continuing to work to make that happen for our unique little system.

    Thanks all,


    this would explain why they are not in the botique.
    ty Nowitsawn

    Everything has its beginnings, but it doesn't start at one. It starts long before that... The world is born From zero. The moment zero becomes one is the moment the world springs to life. One becomes 2. 2 becomes 10. 10 becomes 100. taking it all back to one solves nothing. so long as zero remains... One.. Will eventually grow to 100 again.
  • amandisha74
    amandisha74 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    You think if we just put our wallets away for a month or two that would be significant motiviation for them to expidite the issue some?

    Just a thought.. they seem to understand money.. I say we speak with it.
  • Mortal_Kiss - Heavens Tear
    Mortal_Kiss - Heavens Tear Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Hey all,

    This thread has now reached its 54th page, and I felt that you guys should know two things-- one is that we are indeed reading your posts, and we read your discontent regarding this issue loud and clear. The second is to let you know that this Medal of Glory issue is something that is not only controversial on the forums, but within Perfect World (the company) itself, where there are differing opinions on whether or not the Medals should have remained in the DQ shop.

    Basically, our developers believe that it had become too easy to acquire Medals through DQ, and even more so because of the tradeable/untradeable glitch. The sheer number of Medals being sent out on the servers was very concerning to them, and the fact that they were readily available on the open market made them function completely opposite of how they are viewed in the Chinese version of PW. Folks here felt that, as long as players worked for them, Medals should continue to be obtainable through these non-TW ways. Ultimately, though, the devs do have the final say, and after originally supporting the Medals' increased accessibility, they decided that, at this time, they needed to be removed from the DQ shop.

    The DQ system, remember, is something that is completely unique to our version; in a sense, it's an experiment, one that has proven to be very successful and popular with the players. But the fact that it is something of an experiment also means that it is particularly malleable and open to revision. Revision can go both ways, though, so you can count on two ultra-rare items being added to the DQ shop in the near future, along with more new items down the line. I'll admit that it's a slow process, getting items approved to put in the DQ shop, but we're continuing to work to make that happen for our unique little system.

    Thanks all,


    Ok, then put at least something worth to DQ rewards, because what is now there is TOTALLY useless.
This discussion has been closed.