Faction Bases: Tell me this is a joke...wth



  • FiDollaYou - Sanctuary
    FiDollaYou - Sanctuary Posts: 181 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    lol I don't think people will be that sad. The top factions of the server will not like a no show or a roll. People don't plan squads, get up at 5am in the morning, to participate in a 5min roll. But then that begs the question of whether a system to prevent top factions from attacking lower factions is even necessary, so whatever.

    I'll grant you that the top factions probably wouldn't.

    What about the medium level faction that wants to build up, can't really compete against factions in their own "weight class" and certainly can't aim higher? They see lower level factions as easy prey.

    This is simply a parallel to normal PK. The top-geared players on the server don't make a regular habit of **** lvl 40's, since it's not worth their time. But what about that over-leveled, undergeared level 90 that can't hold his own against an opponent in the same level range?
  • sig1043a
    sig1043a Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Quoting myself from other thread:


    "I loves me some me." - T.O.

    But anyway, there is also this that contradicts your quote:
    Guild Materials are used for upgrading the wings of your base, and they come in five different varieties. By upgrading the different wings of your base, you'll gain access to better items and quests for purchase. Guild Materials can be collected by doing certain Guild Base quests and from the new 40 vs 40 Faction Wars. (!)

    Your quote does indicate that factions would have to fight for resources, my quote really doesn't give the impression that fighting for materials is required. But NEITHER quote states that other factions can destroy your base or that having a base means others can attack you twice a week or even that the fights are attackers/defenders.

    To me, fighting for resources sounds more like a capture the flag type battle. i.e. there are resources on the battle field and the two factions fight to win those resources. Not one faction farms their own resources and another faction tries to steal them.
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Seriously people, stop QQing about stuff that you don't even know for sure.

    Half the people in this thread:


    You don't know how much damage one guild can do.

    So maybe, just MAYBE, you should find out what happens in a guild base before you start QQing endlessly.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • XxZavxX - Raging Tide
    XxZavxX - Raging Tide Posts: 603 Arc User
    edited March 2011

    If you think PvP is this "LIEK TOWTULLY AWESUM FEATURE" and you start calling people carebears while you yourself are on a PvE server, then maybe you should switch to a PvP server and delete that main entirely, no? b:bye

    Gotta lol@hippos...I mean hypocrites b:laugh

    Actually moron, a carebear would never go into PK mode. I do. And I go into PK enabled places. Maybe you should use what little of a brain you have before you let loose fallible arguments.

    Thank you, and good day.
  • Xarathox - Dreamweaver
    Xarathox - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,657 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Actually moron, a carebear would never go into PK mode. I do. And I go into PK enabled places. Maybe you should use what little of a brain you have before you let loose fallible arguments.

    Thank you, and good day.

    You're still on a PvE server. Therefore, carebear.
    Some people risk to employ me

    Some people live to destroy me

    Either way they die
  • Promivius - Dreamweaver
    Promivius - Dreamweaver Posts: 278 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    So I first have to spent all the needed materials just to find out what some fear already.
    (That's basically what I read between the lines)
    If it is true then I cant get refund now can I.
    Try explaining that to a group of people who look up to you to make that call.

    I for one would not invest into a feature that could backfire on me ever. I hate high random chances. I curse on it. I would therefor be the last to impose a high risk like that on fellow guild-members.

    I rather work my butt of for sure thing even if it takes forever then gamble for it.
    So I like additional info.

    But rawrgh why dont you get that Guild House and tell us about it as you seem so confident it is worth the risk.

    Convince me to gather the stuff needed.
    I speak for myself. My opinions are my own.
    Assuming I speak for others is therefor void.
  • CandyCorn - Raging Tide
    CandyCorn - Raging Tide Posts: 1,547 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    You're still on a PvE server. Therefore, carebear.

    But he doesn't look like this hence no carebear.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Move along..move along
  • XxZavxX - Raging Tide
    XxZavxX - Raging Tide Posts: 603 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    You're still on a PvE server. Therefore, carebear.

    Care Bear . Lightly derogatory term for an MMO player who avoids PVP combat, heavily preferring cooperative or solo PVE combat, chatting, or developing tradeskills/running quests. Depending on the game and the individual, this PVP avoidance can show up in several ways: by playing on strict non-PVP servers; by avoiding PVP areas or declining duels; or, by avoiding or condemning PVP players. Philosophically, they often cite unbalanced combat systems, overpowered guilds, ebayed characters, and ganking as reasons to prefer less aggressive play. The mindset can be self-sustaining in several ways: high-level "care bears" may have avatars that are tailored for PVE, not PVP; they may not network with skilled PVP players; or, they may morally refuse to learn aggressive PVP tactics. As an insult, the term applies less to players who merely prefer PVE to PVP and more to individuals who question the basic legitimacy of PVP or who greatly overreact to their avatars' deaths. Bear in mind that it is strictly incorrect to refer to the victims of heavy exploiters as Care Bears. Abbreviated CB. Compare with RPK, Player Killing/PK, PVP.
    2. Adjective describing a strictly PVE server or game


    PWI PVE servers aren't strictly PVE. There's PK to be had on RT. DT, Cube, TW, or where ever people are pking at.

    Carebears are people who avoid PK at all costs, not inhabitants of servers that aren't majority PK.
  • LenieClarke - Heavens Tear
    LenieClarke - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,275 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Actually moron, a carebear would never go into PK mode. I do. And I go into PK enabled places.

    eh... i stick my neck into DT now and then (and get oneshotted repeatedly there); i plan to run the full cube eventually, for my culti if nothing else; and i do my culti 39 deaths by going whitenamed. i'm still a carebear.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Heaven's Tear alts: KenLubin, Sou_Hon, JudyCaraco --- level 5x chars.
  • AlphaWarrior - Dreamweaver
    AlphaWarrior - Dreamweaver Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Pissed doesn't even begin to describe what I am....b:angry

    PW, you messed up now. You got everyone all rampped up and excited over the Guild Bases but gave little info on it.... >.<
    I just cashed in my vacation so I can convert gold to coin for the GB, at 200,000,000.00
    coin = (at the curant conversion rate) $400.00. and the coin needed to buy Warsong Emb.
    at 450,000 coin each. Im not the only one. Other members of my guild spent REAL MONEY and sold stuff to get coin for the GB and buy mats, one of my loyal members sold his mount for coin.
    So, all this work only to find out it can be taken from us by a higher lv faction, thats WAY TOO MUCH FOR SOMETHING THAT CAN BE TAKEN AWAY SO EASLY!!!
    PPL are pissed and want answers and your not respawnding... that guy in the back corner with all the ideas, ya, he's on crack, you need to fire him.....
    And me and my faction are not the only ones that have spent real money on these Guild Bases, and because your info was so very little and you got everyone excited and real money has been used, hmmmmm... I smell law suit..
    WE WANT ANSWERS AND WE WANT THEM NOW, or the next person I talk to is my lawyer..... I'v had enough of your GREED, your just shot your selves in the foot, theres way better games out there then this..
  • Dyskrasia - Heavens Tear
    Dyskrasia - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,161 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Pissed doesn't even begin to describe what I am....b:angry

    PW, you messed up now. You got everyone all rampped up and excited over the Guild Bases but gave little info on it.... >.<
    I just cashed in my vacation so I can convert gold to coin for the GB, at 200,000,000.00
    coin = (at the curant conversion rate) $400.00. and the coin needed to buy Warsong Emb.
    at 450,000 coin each. Im not the only one. Other members of my guild spent REAL MONEY and sold stuff to get coin for the GB and buy mats, one of my loyal members sold his mount for coin.
    So, all this work only to find out it can be taken from us by a higher lv faction, thats WAY TOO MUCH FOR SOMETHING THAT CAN BE TAKEN AWAY SO EASLY!!!
    PPL are pissed and want answers and your not respawnding... that guy in the back corner with all the ideas, ya, he's on crack, you need to fire him.....
    And me and my faction are not the only ones that have spent real money on these Guild Bases, and because your info was so very little and you got everyone excited and real money has been used, hmmmmm... I smell law suit..
    WE WANT ANSWERS AND WE WANT THEM NOW, or the next person I talk to is my lawyer..... I'v had enough of your GREED, your just shot your selves in the foot, theres way better games out there then this..

    On what grounds would you sue PWE? They never misled you. It was your responsibility to look into things, and if information was not available, to wait until it was.
    Evict is a sexy chalupa. <3
    retired, etc
  • Furries - Dreamweaver
    Furries - Dreamweaver Posts: 966 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    if your faction base health reaches zero will u have to spend another
    200 million coins
    500 Mysterious Chips
    500 Warsong Emblems
    2000 Ultimate Substances

    to get it back?
    Killing level 80's with a lvl 60 is a lot more fun than killing level 90's with a level 100.
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    This is what I'm talking about.

    You have no idea, you have no idea how much health can be potentially lost in a guild base war, you have no idea if the information that says you can lose it is even accurate.

    Shut up and stop overreacting and jumping to conclusions.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • _Fister - Archosaur
    _Fister - Archosaur Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    4. Decommission
    Faction Base structures can be destroyed in faction base battles. If the Health of your faction base reaches zero, it will be decommissioned.

  • Thraxx - Heavens Tear
    Thraxx - Heavens Tear Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    b:surrender ok so its been 35 pages.. is there a definitive answer on wether base attacks can be declined, or if a base will be completely destroyed?

    i refuse to read 35 pages of trolling, flaming, QQing and off topic nonsense to find out b:chuckle

    ... and has a GM ever replied either?
    My alarm tried to wake me this morning,Things escalated and now my alarms broken and im awake. . . Not quite sure who won . . . .
  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    ... and has a GM ever replied either?

    There no victim yet . . . b:shocked
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • Eoria - Harshlands
    Eoria - Harshlands Posts: 6,118 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    b:surrender ok so its been 35 pages.. is there a definitive answer on wether base attacks can be declined, or if a base will be completely destroyed?

    Base wars cannot be declined.
    Bases can be completely destroyed, but not in one ****ing war.

    Please get over it.

    "subtraction has the butt of an angel" - Paulrogers
    I <3 Subtraction.
    /blatant sig copy is blatant

    105/105/105 obtained! b:cute
  • Bearleeable - Lost City
    Bearleeable - Lost City Posts: 445 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    and when thye feel like they can take the "end of game" theyll start developing their base and be prepared to face other factions.
    Correct, thats mainly what we're looking at as far as the "wars" parts go.
    Base wars cannot be declined.
    Bases can be completely destroyed, but not in one ****ing war.

    Please get over it.
    Where is your proof of this. Whats the "repair bill" ? GM inistially stated they realized the cost to build a base was far to high for PWI as our economy is entirely different then CN. YET, its exactly the same price.
    How many wars will it take? 1, 2, 2000x? How can you know? SHOW US.

    The bottom line is this... Guildbases have been wanted since this game came out. Our guild and most factions that I know have looked forward to it and planned. The small-med size guild like AlterEgo simply can't come up with 500M every time we get in a war. Hell, we can't come up with 100M .. Ok, so that means we can't have the largest base with the best defense's and most mats and......
    Guess what... WE DON"T CARE!!!.. right now..... We'll get there, in our own time our own way. Just cause we choose to do it that way don't mean we fail, means we're not you. Diversity is a great thing. Only one Bear plz, and this one's already taken. b:pleased

    When a "game" is developed one of the VERY first things that happens is a "storyboard" is created, and then a "Outline" each time getting more and more detailed. It's completely impossible for a programmer to complete a project w/o knowing what to program.
    Ergo SOMONE knows how this was designed to function. Be it right or wrong, we MUST know and know soon, what that is. For pwi "staff" to not know this ahead of release, imho is horribly negligent on their part. If its cause CN don't want to release this info to PWI, then perhaps PWI needs to relook @ its contract with CN.
    but I digress...
    ALL everyone is saying ( i think ) is give US the option of what the base will do, don't mandate to us. Give us a template, a set of constructs and we'll work within that.
    Most of us will get to the "war" part... in our own time. Have no fear, you'll get your coin sink.
    Tell us how big a hole this will make in our pockets so we can decide for ourselves whether we are ready or not.

    Nobody in their right mind would book a cruise w/o knowing the "hidden fees" / rewards that go with it. Just like with that cruise we have a right now know what those fee's / rewards are.

    so GO GRAB A DEV, tie his jewels to a post till he screams the secrets of bases!!
  • Sparc - Harshlands
    Sparc - Harshlands Posts: 277 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    This is absolutely absurd!

    It's bad enough I initially had a field day when I heard how expensive it was to get one in the first place. Then I broke it down to having an entire faction contribute to get one of these 'bases', if you had a full faction of 200, the breakdown really isn't that bad.

    a faction of 200 members breaks down to a contribution of the following from *every* member:

    -1 MIL coin (not bad)
    -10 ult subs (not bad)
    -3 (2.5) warsong emblems (not bad)
    -3 (2.5) mysterious chips (don't know for sure how this would be done since individual chips aren't trad-able, however it's a possible BH reward for me, so I'd just pay all 500 myself - no biggie)

    even a faction of only 100 (since 200 is sort of 'unreal')
    -2 MIL
    -20 subs
    -6 warsong emblems
    -6 mysterious chips

    But, now I find out you can loose it too.

    Forget about it, I don't care what the perks could be (I didn't read that far)

    I now know I will not be bothering!
  • Promivius - Dreamweaver
    Promivius - Dreamweaver Posts: 278 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Lol and I bet we still will not have an answer before the weekend is over.

    Grabbing a Dev is indeed the way to go about it.
    Will it happen any time soon.... doubtful.

    And if it is even done the silence of PWI Community managers who are in the know who are not posting or relaying information to the GM's is clearly a sign of how badly we as PWI are represented in PWE China.

    Nothing new tho.
    I speak for myself. My opinions are my own.
    Assuming I speak for others is therefor void.
  • Alasen - Heavens Tear
    Alasen - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,874 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    so GO GRAB A DEV, tie his jewels to a post till he screams the secrets of bases!!

    LOL!!! hahahahaha
  • Lord_Vanya - Heavens Tear
    Lord_Vanya - Heavens Tear Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Honestly it just seems like one more way to lure some cash out of people. Continuing a tradition of being Vauge and rather misleading about things that are hyped up. Or maybe just poorly carrying things out when they announce them.

    But yes, Some people dont see things the same way. Some see a game as a place to have fun. and the Idea of having a guild base that every faction willing to work for one could in time obtain was very attractive.

    Just because the idea of fun for some people is Not "Get better than everyone in the whole game and beat them up LOL" Does not mean they should be penalized. Now this is not saying they need the same full access to everything. what about a nerfed simple version? what about all the add ons be able to be destroyed however the basic structure still remain? meaning people who didnt want to have pvp could just not bother building them. How about Putting back some sort of Housing for guilds that would rather NOT pvp with more pve oriented things to do?

    I do see both sides of the argument here. I think its just another case of PWE dropping the ball on things. they could have done a million things differently that would have led to much less complaining and angry players. I know you cant please all the people all the time. I know No matter what Some people are going to cry and moan. But they are here to make money. and Angering the vast majority of you players is probally not the way to go about getting them to spend more.

    All in all this was just big pile of Fail XD
    But we should be used to this by now right? b:sweat
  • Sarrafeline - Sanctuary
    Sarrafeline - Sanctuary Posts: 4,661 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    This is absolutely absurd!

    It's bad enough I initially had a field day when I heard how expensive it was to get one in the first place. Then I broke it down to having an entire faction contribute to get one of these 'bases', if you had a full faction of 200, the breakdown really isn't that bad.

    a faction of 200 members breaks down to a contribution of the following from *every* member:

    -1 MIL coin (not bad)
    -10 ult subs (not bad)
    -3 (2.5) warsong emblems (not bad)
    -3 (2.5) mysterious chips (don't know for sure how this would be done since individual chips aren't trad-able, however it's a possible BH reward for me, so I'd just pay all 500 myself - no biggie)

    even a faction of only 100 (since 200 is sort of 'unreal')
    -2 MIL
    -20 subs
    -6 warsong emblems
    -6 mysterious chips

    But, now I find out you can loose it too.

    Forget about it, I don't care what the perks could be (I didn't read that far)

    I now know I will not be bothering!

    I think a LOT of people had this reaction. It REEKS of a way for strong factions to get stronger, and weak factions to just lose time, mats, and money to stronger factions.

    At least put in brackets so the strongest faction on the server can't just totally own some weak faction once a week.

    Fake bids will abound, I am SURE. I see this as being pointless and half-brained.

    I'm not currently active in the game... If I was... I would be requresting that my factions (I belong/belonged to two level 3 factions) abandon the idea of this. It's just plain stupid. Those mats could go towards so much better stuff...
    101 Sage Sin*/Archer
    100 Demon BM*/Barb
    96 Demon Cleric/Sage Seeker
    95 Demon Wiz/
    94 Sage Veno
    85 Psy/80 Mystic
    And a handful of other alts, all 79 and under.
    *Pre RB level
  • Lady_Seolfor - Dreamweaver
    Lady_Seolfor - Dreamweaver Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    if your faction base health reaches zero will u have to spend another
    200 million coins
    500 Mysterious Chips
    500 Warsong Emblems
    2000 Ultimate Substances

    to get it back?

    As far as i understand it, yes. It's health can reach zero in battles,
    and also if left unattended for some time.
    This is my signature. It is my sin in stealth mode.
  • chaoticshelly
    chaoticshelly Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    Topics have been merged here.
  • Asone - Raging Tide
    Asone - Raging Tide Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited March 2011
    If you guys like it or not this game is PVP oriented endgame. No if's and's or but's about it.
    The PVE part of it is made to train you on how to use your character and build your characters gear. Thats it....and what are you training for? To kill that same mob...over and over again day in and day out? I should hope not.....what are you building all that gear up for? So that mob does 3% less damage to you next time around?

    Face it, if you are lvling your character past say, 95, its for PVP. You can face roll just about any dungeon, instance, and mob in the game with 90 gear. But yet you all claim its purely PVE I have no interest in it what-so-ever. The idea....or concept of this game is to prepare you for tw,pk...etc.

    Um, this is where you wrong. Take me. I don't care much for PVP true, but I lv my character so that I can help with more and more things that I would not have been able to do at lower lvs so that I can help others. I have no interest in TW, tho I wouldn't mind trying it out. Why should I even limit it to mobs? There's a ton more stuff I can do.b:laugh Besides, like other people, I don't feel the need to make my endgame PVP. Why should I? I can choose to stay PVE if its my choice.

    So they release something that gives us more to work for, more to participate in that involves PVP action. You CANNOT get mad at a dev for developing and releasing a part of HIS game that HE decided was for PVP. As for your arguments "well why did they make PVE servers then?" to get your character to higher lvl without worrying about being farm killed, thats it. There is no other reason.

    Oh I can find a lot more to do. I'm not an ultra rich cash shopper. So I set a goal, and work forward to getting it accomplished. Be it getting better gears, saving up for something I'd like to get, or just making it apart of everyday life *It's a big break from working in the real world*. Fyi, there are more PVE servers then there are PVP servers. Anyone's choice to play which one they prefer.

    Its amazing the balls some of you have to rage "well I don't like pvp why cant they make something for me" YOU are the minority....sorry to be harsh but you are. Your not playing the game as it was DESIGNED to be played, or as the devs idea of how it was to be played. You don't like the rules and ways the bases are designed.....don't get one. Their are plenty of pple on this server that love and support the idea, map reset, and new places to kill pple. So for all of you complaining that you can't have your base, and a lovely little fac that helps everyone and nobody bothers you.......sucks to be you, thats not how the game was made to be played.
      Pardon the pun, but it also seems that with the way you are expressing this, you are also clarifying that the majority are PVP's. The game, in my opinion, has no real design to specify certain needs. Just how you want to play it your way provided you are playing a PVE server. You want a bigger challenge to stay alive? Well, then go to a PVP server.

        On a side note: There is not enough info to support how the bases really work yet, give it a few more weeks to get any info from the players that are a part of one.

        Edit: I messed up on my quotes. T.T

        Retired PWI veteran. 06/26/2010-2014.
      • Tigriss_o - Raging Tide
        Tigriss_o - Raging Tide Posts: 625 Arc User
        edited March 2011
        Bottom line the fact is you can loose your base. No one but the largest factions and some mid are gonna chance that much. Guild bases are just gonna be another fail aspect of this game. Cost too damn much to loose period. I don't care how many wars it take to destroy it. Still won't be enough to make it worthwile for most people.
      • Deceptistar - Sanctuary
        Deceptistar - Sanctuary Posts: 10,454 Arc User
        edited March 2011
        not even sure if the base fights are worth it.

        We have a severe OVERFLOW of mats atm... and not enough contribution points. At this point it seems faction base fight is a waste of 5m if the mats needed are only the 5 mats shown.
        ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan
      • AnniVenna - Archosaur
        AnniVenna - Archosaur Posts: 23 Arc User
        edited March 2011
        hope they chang eit :/
      • Evanera - Heavens Tear
        Evanera - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,423 Arc User
        edited March 2011
        GM's, you need to give people a straight up answer on how this **** works. For **** sakes it took me several days to figure out how to upgrade a wing in the base just to make sure I didn't do something wrong. You've gotten people to pay hundreds of millions for this guild base, and as far as we know, it can be lost in 1 fight. You NEED to tell us EVERYTHING that is possible in a guild base or you will **** off a LOT of people.
      This discussion has been closed.