Bloodmystics Up-to-date, Comprehensive, Living, Breathing Wizard Guide

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B L O O D M Y S T I C ’ S
W I Z A R D * G U I D E
W I Z A R D * G U I D E
1. General Introduction
1.1 What this guide is not.
1.2. What were you thinking?
1.3. What’s wrong with Wizards?
1.4. What’s right with Wizards?
2. Builds
2.1. Pure Magic
2.2. Light Armor
2.3. Vitality
3. Skills
3.1. Attack Skills
3.2. Seal/Sleep/Stun Skills
3.3. Buffs/Debufs
4. Genies
4.1. Types of Genies
4.2. Genie “Build”
4.3. Genie Skills
4.4. Recommended Wizard Genies
5. Gear
5.1. Sharding
5.2. Refining
5.3. Rank Gear
5.4. Gear Progression
6. Cultivation – Sage or Demon
7. Grinding
7.1. Level 1-30
7.2. Level 31-60
7.3. Level 61-90
7.4. Level 90+
8. PvE Instances
8.1. Level 1-30
8.2. Level 31-60
8.3. Level 61-90
8.4. Level 90+
9. Territory War
9.1. Defense squads
9.2. Attack Squads
10. PvP Tactics
10.1. General
10.2. Versus Particular Classes
1. General Introduction
1.1 What this guide is not.
This guide is not full of new, unique and compelling insights on playing a wizard that noone else has thought of before. I would submit that there really are no such new, unique and compelling insights. The wizard is one of the original 6 classes and remains largely unchanged.
What this guide is is an attempt to provide, in one location, what is the general consensus of the class as a whole and its role in PWI. What the typical builds are, what the typical gear is, what the typical tactics are for pve instances and pvp encounters, what genie skills are commonly used, etc., etc., etc.
In short, it is intended to compile the wealth of knowledge contained in these forums in one location, rather than to continue the practice of the same questions being asked and answered over and over and over again.
It is not a place to fight to support your opinion vs. another. There are other threads for that. For example, rather than answer the question of which is better, sage wizard or demon wizard, this guide will provide what are commonly recognized as the benefits and limitations of both, and allow the reader, with that basis of information, make up his or her own mind.
It is not intended to be a genuine work of authorship, but merely a two-bit compilation. A compilation, however, that in my estimation is sorely needed.
1.2. What were you thinking?
Abandon all hope, ye who enter here. You are about to make a big mistake. Wizards are widely viewed as one of the slowest leveling, most underpowered and hardest to play classes in the game. Nobody needs you for quests. Nobody needs you for bosses. Nobody needs you to farm gear. Everyone can kill you and they will all target you first. To even compete with the other classes, you will more often than not have to spend a lot of money.
1.3. What’s wrong with Wizards?
While arguably we have the highest damage per hit (DPH) of any class in the game (although there are some that argue with this), we are one of the weakest classes in terms of damage per second (DPS). Much of this game centers around killing bosses (for level advancement, to farm more powerful gear, etc.), and for farming bosses, DPH is not nearly as useful as DPS.
We are very weak defensively. We have some of the lowest defense against physical attacks (physical defense or pdef) of any class in the game. We can’t effectively self-heal because our healing skill takes so long to channel you will either have it interrupted or die before you can finish casting it. We have the lowest hit points (HP) in the game: we receive a paltry 10 HP for every point of vitality we add, and our natural armor choice, arcane armor (AA) gives the least amount of HP per refine of any armor in the game.
We have no useful party buffs and only one useful self-buff, although it IS very useful.
We have less beneficial skills for player vs. player (PvP) combat of any class, at least in terms of 1 vs. 1 PvP. We have no ability to effectively stun our opponent. Our only sleep skill casts instantly, but has a very long cool-down period so it really can only be used once per fight for all practical purposes. Our seal is not bad as far as seals go, but it doesn’t immobilize your opponent so they are free to just run out of range while you are left channeling skills that take very long to cast.
1.4. What’s right with Wizards?
We have very good, very hard hitting area of effect (AoE) damage skills, which is very useful for some player vs. enemy (PvE) content in this game, as well as in territory war (TW) which is a massive 80 player vs 80 player PvP event that takes place every weekend, mostly for those approaching or at endgame (depending on your server, at least level 80+).
Our skills, however limited their effectiveness, look the coolest.
Since we are one of the hardest classes to play and level, we tend to be relatively rare.
When we are successful in PvP situations, we are one of the few classes that can kill another player with a single hit, and in TW kill whole groups of people with a single hit. Even if you yourself die a lot, that is a very, very cool thing that wizards can do as well or better than anyone.
2. Builds
People tend to level so quickly now, discussion of builds for wizards is for the most part, a moot subject. Only the Pure Magic build is really recommended. If, however, you want to buck the trend, do all your quests, and level slow and steady the old school way - and you want more survivability - check out one of the other builds.
2.1. Pure Magic
The “pure” or “arcane” build puts all of its attribute points to magic, with only the minimum number of points to strength to wear your current level’s arcane armor (AA), which generally works out to be 9 points to magic and 1 point to strength every 2 levels. This build maximizes your attack power but minimizes your defenses and hit points, especially at lower levels. This is the build most if not all wizards have at level 90 and above, even if they utilized one of the other builds at lower levels.
2.2. Light Armor
Similar to the pure build, this build puts all of its attribute points to magic except what is required to wear your level’s current armor, except instead of AA this build wears light armor (LA), therefore requiring points for both dexterity and strength. This build is criticized for it lower magic attack, but at lower levels the decrease in magic attack is not that substantial, the increase in physical defense is significant (especially when amplified by our stone barrier (SB) skill which doubles physical defense), and your critical hit rate will be higher than that of a pure built wizard which helps to mitigate even further your lower magic attack as compared to a pure build wizard.
This build also has the added drawback of requiring you to reset your strength and dexterity at level 90 with a reset note, which is an added expense a pure built wizard will not incur.
Light armor was a very viable option prior to hyper experience stones and other additions to the game that have made leveling a wizard from 1-100 much, much more rapid. If you are planning on leveling from 1 - 90 rapidly, I would advise against a light armor build. If you are planning on leveling more slowly (through quests alone without the aid of hyper experience stones, oracles and the like) and find kiting mobs while solo questing either too difficult, too boring, or otherwise not in alignment with your preferred style of play, I would highly recommend a LA build.
2.3. Vitality
Some who do not like the low survivability of the pure built wizard add points to vitality to increase their hit points. It is customary that they add up to 50 points to their base vitality since that amount can be easily reset with one intermediate reset note should they wish to do so at higher levels.
Personally, since wizard’s earn the lowest hit points per point of vitality of any class in the game (only 10 hit points per point of vitality), I have never believed that it was a good use of limited resource points and I would rather have the increased critical hit rate and physical defense from a LA build over simply more hit points. But there are certainly those that strongly disagree with me.
3. Skills
3.1. Attack Skills
3.1.1 Pyrogram - Nice skill, quick cast, good damage. As much a staple wizard skill as you can get. Should use spirit to level this skill whenever possible.
3.1.2 Divine Program - Pyrogram’s big brother. Does more damage and has a fairly short cool down, but slower cast time makes this less useful, although some use it as the opening hit on a mob when grinding since the longer channel time doesn‘t hurt you if you didn‘t aggro the mob yet. For that reason, I would probably recommend leveling either this, glacial snare or sandstorm (if you plan to grind on fish) and view the others as lower priority. At later levels and in pvp situations, can be very effective when used in conjunction with essential sutra.
3.1.3 Crown of Flame - one of your damage over time skills, widely viewed as of little use, especially early in the game. Low priority in terms of allocating spirit to level this skill.
3.1.4 Dragons Breath - Great skill, fun to use, decent damage. This skill is basically the only reason anyone will ever WANT a wizard in a pve party (for Frost Covered City runs, rebirth Gamma and Delta, and the occasional zen squad). You certainly want to make it a priority to level this skill.
3.1.5 Will of the Phoenix - A wonderful skill for PvE, it does AoE damage and knocks back your target, which is wonderful for grinding. This skill, force of will, distance shrink and the slow effect from some of the water skills make it so that with practice you will be able to kill mobs without being hit a single time. You should make leveling this skill a priority.
3.1.6 Emberstorm - This should be one of the last skills you level. It requires you to lose hit points to do damage, which as one of the classes with the lowest hit points in the game, it’s usefulness is marginal at best. It can be used in various situations in pvp and pve later in the game, but for all intents and purposes, there is a better skill for almost every situation in which you would ever want to use emberstorm.
3.1.7 Blade Temptest - One of your three AoE nukes and the only attack you have that does physical as opposed to magic damage. In PvP, very effective at killing AA and even LA users.
3.1.8 Gush - The water equivalent of program with the added bonus of slowing the movement of your target. Should use spirit to level this skill whenever possible.
3.1.9 Hailstorm - Rains snow flakes on your targets head. Is technically an AoE skill, but the AoE effect has such a small range (although it increases slightly as you level the skill) its rarely viewed that way. Has a small chance to freeze your target but doesn’t have a high enough chance of success to really matter. Decent to use if you need another water skill for fire mobs, but otherwise there are better choices.
3.1.10 Glacial Snare - Slow channeling, somewhat lengthy cool down, but a fairly strong water skill. Hits hard and slows your target.
3.1.11 Black Ice Dragon Strike - One of your three AoE nukes. Great for using against heavy armor (HA) wearing classes and if it doesn’t kill them, has a nice slow effect as with so many other water skills.
3.1.12 Stone Rain - Somewhat the earth equivalent of program. It has a longer casting time, but does more damage.
3.1.13 Sandstorm - Very slow channeling, relatively short cool down, does high damage.
3.1.14 Pitfall - Another of your damage over time skills which, like crown of flame, should be relatively low in terms of priority. Has a small chance to immobilize your target but doesn’t have a high enough chance of success to really matter.
3.1.15 Mountain Seize - One of your three AoE nukes. Slowest to cast, good for use against heavy armor (HA) wearing classes. If it doesn’t kill them, has a high chance to stun them.
3.2. Seal/Sleep/Stun
3.2.1 Force of Will - Seals the target. In PvE, it’s a great way to control the mob while you kill it. Force of Will actually makes the mob walk away from you pound it in the back with gush and pyro till its dead. Combined with Force of Will to knock it back, it becomes possible for a wizard to grind mobs without being hit a single time. A great asset. In PvP, it is useful to get someone off of you long enough to escape or to prevent them from using skills while you use a skill with a long channel/cast time. Ultimately, it does not immobilize them, so they can (and do) often run out of range once they are sealed. In that way its not perfect, but when you’re a wizard you have to work with what we have.
3.2.2 Soporific Whisper - Instant casting time, decent range. Useful in PvE or PvP to hold your target still for you to use a long, hard hitting skill. The problem is, as soon as they are hit they wake up, which makes this skill far less effective than a stun in TW (everyone is hitting everyone constantly, so they likely won’t stay asleep very long). Plus, so you only get to hit them with one skill, so make it a good one.
3.2.3 Mountain Seize - Listed here as well since its our only true stun. It’s slow to cast, only has a chance to stun (although it’s a high chance), and has an animation that makes you an easy target in PvP if you try casting it. But it is an AoE stun, which is very nice for TW, and combine it with essential sutra or some apothecary items (zooming thunder powder) to make it faster casting, and it can really do some damage on groups of people in TW.
3.3. Buffs/Debuffs
3.3.1 Pyroshell - A fire shield that gives you a negligible increase in hit point regeneration and increases your fire resistance. Only useful when killing a lot of fire mobs for a quest or grinding for experience. And grinding for experience most wizards opt to grind on water mobs. Low priority in terms of using spirit to level this skill.
3.3.2 Glacial Embrace- A water shield that gives you a negligible increase in mana regeneration and increases your water resistance. Only useful when killing a lot of water mobs for a quest or grinding for experience. Wizards that grind mobs for experience tend to perfer water mobs, so if that’s you you may want to consider leveling this skill, but otherwise it is a low priority in terms of using spirit to level this skill.
3.3.3 Stone Barrier - An earth shield that gives you a significant increase in physical defense and increases your earth resistance. This is a wizards best buff and you will more often than not have this active at all times. It is a high priority in terms of using spirit to level this skill.
3.3.4 Morning Dew - A slow channeling healing skill. Yes, not really a buff/debuff, so sue me for putting it here if you want. You can use this on yourself or others. This is useful in rare occasions such as at the end of a fight to top off your own or your squad mates hit point pool, to heal a tank if your squad’s cleric dies, to heal your cleric if he or she is taking aoe damage while healing a tank, etc. At later levels it can be combined with essential sutra to deliver rapid healing should an emergency arise, but due to its long channel time it is a low priority in terms of using spirit to level this skill.
3.3.5 Wellspring Quaff - this skill increases your mana pool, and is helpful but not necessary, generally speaking. It is a prerequisite to essential sutra, which is a very powerful skill, so you will want to eventually level it to level 5 at least, but otherwise it is a low priority in terms of using spirit to level this skill.
3.3.6 Frostblade - this is widely regarded as a useless buff, adding water damage to the recipient’s normal attacks. With the rise of 5.0 attack per second builds for multiple characters, there are those that ask for this buff more and more. I would get at least level 1 of this skill so that if they ask for the buff you can give it to them. Otherwise, it is a very low priority in terms of using spirit to level this skill.
3.3.7 Fire Mastery - This skill adds a percentage to each of your fire attacks. At lower levels, your attacks do relatively low damage so the percentage added to them is low as well. For that reason, at low levels this is a fairly low priority in terms of using spirit to level this skill. Conversely, at higher levels, that percentage increase becomes more and more significant, and this skill should be maxed out.
3.3.8 Water Mastery - This skill adds a percentage to each of your water attacks. At lower levels, your attacks do relatively low damage so the percentage added to them is low as well. For that reason, at low levels this is a fairly low priority in terms of using spirit to level this skill. Conversely, at higher levels, that percentage increase becomes more and more significant, and this skill should be maxed out.
3.3.9 Earth Mastery - This skill adds a percentage to each of your earth attacks. At lower levels, your attacks do relatively low damage so the percentage added to them is low as well. For that reason, at low levels this is a fairly low priority in terms of using spirit to level this skill. Conversely, at higher levels, that percentage increase becomes more and more significant, and this skill should be maxed out.
3.3.10 Distance Shrink - This skill teleports your forward a certain number of meters depending on the level of the skill. It is useful for kiting mobs and other players in pvp situations. This skill is a relatively high priority in terms of leveling, however for purposes of pve uses, level 5 or level 6 should be sufficient - the larger distance obtained from increasing its level is not terribly necessary.
3.3.11 Undine Strike - This is a very powerful debuff that works on mobs and other players in pvp situations, reducing their water, fire and earth resistances. It should be a relatively high priority to learn.
3.3.12 Elemental Shell - This skill greatly increases your elemental resistance for a short period of time. Given its limited duration and relatively long cool down, its usefulness is limited and should not be a priority. Many wizards never even learn this skill due to its cost.
4. Genies
For PvP, genies for a wizard are like wheels on a tire. You need a decent genie to be able to effectively to any PvP playing. Genies help wizards tank hits, amplify damage, avoid stuns and gain chi.
While not exactly a "guide", there is a detailed thread hosted by Adroit here:
To my knowledge, no wizard has spent as much time as Adroit play-testing the various genie skills and possibilities as Adroit. It's a long read, but if you have the time it is most likely worth your time.
What follows, however, is a guide. It does not contain the only possibilities, and it is not advocating which genie is best in general, or for any particular situation.
4.1. Type of Genie
Most Wizards seem to elect a Zeal. Zeals state that they have an affinity for "magic", and I believe these are the genies that all wizards are initially provided. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't try one of the genies with an "affinity" for vitality, or dex, or strength. Any of them can work just fine for a wizard. The only real differences are the genie skill that comes "pre-learned" on the genie when you first get it and the affinity it has (magic, dex, vit or strength). For Zeals, their initial skill is earthflame - which is an incredibly useful skill for PvE instances on a wizard since it lets you pull mobs out of a group 1 at a time. That alone might be why wizards more often than not stay with the zeal at lower levels.
Once you add 40 points to your genie attributes, it takes 2 skill points to further increase that attribute. The only exception is for the addribute for which your genie has an "affinity" - for that attribute, you can add 55 points before you will need to use 2 unallocated skill points to further raise that attribute. So, for example, you can raise a zeals magic to 55 using only 1 unallocated attribute point. However, if you want to raise its vitality, you will need to use 1 point each from 1 - 40, and then 2 points to raise it to 41, and 2 points to raise it to 42, etc.
4.2. Genie “Build”
By genie "build", I suppose I mean the mix of attribute points between strength, dexterity, magic and vitality. Broadly speaking, most wizards seem to concentrate their points in vitality and magic. Magic points determine how quickly your genie "recharges" its energy once used and vitality determines the "pool" how much energy your genie has to use skills. Some people put in 40-55 points in magic and the rest in vitality, others put 40-55 points in vitality and the rest into magic. Others split it right down the middle, half your points in vitality and the other half in magic. If you tend to use your genie all at once to try and finish a fight quickly, you might prefer to have more vitality than magic. If you have prolonged fights and use your genie more sparingly, you might perfer to have more magic than vitality.
That is another genie type, a dex based genie, where people usually put 40 points or so into vit and magic, and put the rest into dexterity. There are a number of useful wizard genie skills that become more effective the more dexterity points your genie has. Dex genies typically center around the use badge of courage, fortify and spark and are highly effective against blademasters and assassins in particular. Since you are distributing your points among three skills, however, it becomes far more difficult to make an effective dex-based genie with less than 81 lucky points. Genies with that many lucky points tend to be more rare and more expensive. If your genie doesn't have that many lucky points, you may be better of using one of the other genie builds.
4.3. Genie Skills
There are many, many genie skills and combinations. The only difficulty in chosing which ones you want for your genie are that each requires a difference mix of affinity points. For example, it will be very difficult (if not impossible) to put holy path, occult ice, expel, absolute domain and faith on the same genie - you won't likely have enough affinity points to make all those skills an option. Again, review some of the actual genies people have posted in Adroit's genie thread if you like, since you should feel fairly certain that those skills match up affinity-wise (someone already has them all on one genie, after all).
4.3.1. PvE
While any genie skills can technically be used for PvE, and genies are not really even necessary for a wizard for PvE instance, there are some that are most common -
Holy Path - good for kiting if you aggro too many mobs, and also helpful to keep up with your party full of barbs, blademasters, assassins, seekers and venomancers, all of whom have skills to make them run faster.
Cloud Eruption - this is good for quick chi, letting you spark more, use Dragon's Breath and your ultimate AoE skills more often, etc.
Extreme poison - good for amplifying your parties damage on bosses.
Earthflame - good for pulling mobs 1 at a time out of groups.
Tree of Protection/Second Wind - both decent, quick self-heals.
Expel - great for AoE grinding mobs that do physical damage.
4.3.2. PvP
In terms of PvP, genie skills tend to be most useful for saving your behind. They do a great deal to make up for our relatively weak defenses.
In PK, you are looking for skills that make you immune to damage, that will help you avoid stuns, and that will, where necessary, help you amplify the already considerable damage your skills dish out.
Absolute Domain - makes you immune to damage and gives you a few seconds of immunity to stuns, etc. This is one of the most commonly used genie skills. It is also fairly often used against wizards to avoid their long channeling, hard hitting ultimates.
Expel - makes you immune to physical damage for a significant period of time, however you are not able to move or use skills while immune, and you can still take damage from magic attacks.
Cloud Eruption - In PvP, wizards kill with chi.
Frenzy - At the risk of weakened defenses, allows you to increase your attack levels for a short duration. Very effective to get some extra damage on top of a killing attack.
Badge of Courage - gives a relatively small change to break out of a stun. The chance increases, however, the more dexterity points you have on your genie. If your genie is good enough to make a dex-based genie, this skill is a must have.
Spark - Stacked with undine strike, this skill can greatly reduce the targets fire resistance. It has a fairly short range, but when stacked with undine strike and followed with first skills (particularly in combination with essential sutra), it can help you finish off even the hardest of targets. This is another skill that should be used (and perhaps only used) with a dex-based genie.
Fortify - makes you immune to stuns for a relatively short period of time. gain, this skill improves with a dex-based genie and is very nice when combined with Badge of Courage.
4.4. Recommended Wizard Genies
4.4.1. Lucky Points (<81)
4.4.2. Lucky Points (>81)
5. Gear
At this point, I am only going to address gear for a Pure Magic build, as I don't believe it makes much sense anymore to do any of the other builds.
5.1. Sharding
Generally speaking, you will be using protection belts and necks, and while there are whole posts and calculators devoted to analyzing which shard to you when, and how many of this one verse how many of that one, under almost all of those scenarios I have ever looked into, with my builds at the time I looked into them, I was almost without exception pointed to sharding citrines.
Yes, there are those that swear by garnets, and at end game if you +10 all of your gear and have billions of coins, you certainly are free to look into +10 vitality stones, diamonds of tiger, diamonds of dragon, jades of steady defense and the like. But for the majority of wizards, and certainly anything prior to your endgame gear, in my opinion its hard to go too far wrong with all citrines in your armor.
As for your weapon, you're going to want to imbue sapphires. Always sapphires. Again, for your endgame weapon, you can talk about other shards, +1% crit and -3% channel stones, etc. Prior to that? Make your life easy. Only sapphires.
Diminishing returns is both a fact and a myth of defense. For instance, say you have 8k pdef and 75% reduction. The first 8k pdef got you 75% reduction, but another 1k pdef (9k total pdef) might only get you an additional 2% reduction (from 75% to 77%). Obvious, you received less damage reduction from that additional 1k pdef than you got from your first 1k pdef (i.e. you've reached a point where additional pdef provides less and less protection - diminishing returns).
However, if you turn the coin and look at it another way, with 75% damage reduction you are taking only 25% damage from attacks. Increasing your damage reduction by 2% to 77% means that you are now only taking 23% damage----> an 8% reduction in the amount of damage taken.
23% reduction / 25% reduction = 8% less damage. That additional 2% reduction should result in attacks hitting you for 8% less damage.
The point being, when it comes time to shard your end game gear (because until then, you are really only looking at citrines and pdef ornaments, right?), don't look at a 2% reduction as an insignificant amount. For instance if you had 80% damage reduction and went to 82%, that additional 2% reduction would result in you taking 10% less damage.
5.2. Refining
You are going to want to refine your gear as much as possible. Prior to level 90, +3/+4 is probably the most you need to worry about. From level 90 onwards, +5 on armor is very common. And as a wizard, you will want the refine on your weapon to be has high as possible. We have skills that add as much as 700% of your weapon damage, so weapon damage is very, very important.
5.3. Rank Gear
As your reputation increases, you increase from Rank I, to Rank II, etc. The rank gear at lower levels isn't bad, and since you probably should be planning on using at least Rank 8 gear at endgame, you might as well get the reputation you need as you level to use the rank gear that is available prior to level 100.
Details on rank gear are available here:
5.4. Gear Progression
5.4.1. Armor
As mentioned, the rank armor is always nice if you can get it while you are leveling. Otherwise, prior to level 80, you really only need to use *** purple armor with +pdef or +hp add ons.
At level 80, you should be thinking about whether you want TT80 gold or TT90 gold armor pieces. If so, you will want to get those now and use them. Again, since most people level quickly now a days, I think most don't use those armors at all anymore. In that case, you are just going to be looking for any of the legendary armor (e.g level 78 Steppenwolf Cape and 88 Devil's Cape of Aries, 69(?) Sleeves of the Sea Captain, level 70 mold pants).
Similarly, at level 90 the TT90 arcane armor pants are very nice, as are the TT90 gold wrists. And if you are planning on using the TT99 wrists and boots, etc., you might just want to get the TT90 wrists and boots now and use them through your 90s. Helms
Arcane headgear is generally a challenge. There are not many good molds and most opt not to use the TT headgear. So prior to endgame, unless you are splurging on a Warsoul helm, you will just be looking for *** purple headgear with pdef or hp adds. Boots
Like headgear, good boots for a wizard are sometimes difficult to come by. The TT80 gold are probably the first good boots you can get, and if you want you can easily use those until endgame if you are going to replace them with the TT99 boots, Rank 8 boots (rumored to be comming soon), Rank 9 boots, or the Dancing Sparkle boots (from OHT quest or heavenrage token from packs). Cape/Robe
Capes are like headgear and boots, I'm afraid. There are options for wings of cloudcharger at level 45 (fairly rare and expensive), a channeling cape from FB69 trophy mode, the Glorious Robe of Torment (from the pink wing trophy from packs) and the level 90 channeling cape (from the blue/green wing trophy lunarglade from packs).
Best cape in my opinion is one of the capes with pdef (Glorious Robe of Torment, Wings of Cloud Charger, or that new cape from the new packs [insert name here]
5.4.2. Weapon
You should always try to have a legendary or TT weapon appropriate for your level. Weapons are very important to wizards, and while there are some decent weapons that can be found as drops or quest rewards or out of your supply stash (you will know them when you see them), you are most likely to be better served by one of the legendary or TT weapons.
That said, there is a decent variety of those magic weapons available. There are a few with +pdef add ons which are always a good choice if you feel you need additional pdef. Some wizards also used to swear by glaives for their greater potential for high spike damage. I was always partial to the level 43 legendary glaive, the level 70 legendary sword (nice +pdef stat), the 85 gold frost weapons (aquadash and sensoid are the most popular, in that order). Those alone should get you to level 99/100 if you want.
5.4.3. Ornaments
Protection ornaments. Always protection ornaments. If you only want to PvE, or you expect your only PvP to be in TW and you want to play around with channeling ornaments, I guess I'd say "go ahead, have fun". But for the most part, your going to want pdef ornaments.
Again, at lower levels, get the best ones you can find from quest rewards or drops or the auction house. At higher levels, you are going to want the level 85 gold frostcovered city ornaments, sky demon pearl, possibly the TT80/TT90/TT90 gold protection ornaments, with of course the best being the cube of fate neck, warsong belt, rank 9 belt, OHT 4th map belt, etc.
5.4.4. Rings
Rings - any magic rings with magic, vitality, magic attack, critical hit or possibly even -channeling adds are nice. The school teacher attendance rings work well to at lower levels, so make sure to stop by the school teach daily.
Endgame, you are really looking for possibly the 85 gold frost rings (nice if you can get them for the channeling), the level 95 lunar rings, and of course the Rank 8 and Rank 9 rings.
5.4.5. Tomes
+Magic, +Magic/+Vitality, +Vitality, or even +Strength tomes are all possibilities (you can just put the points you would otherwise need to put into strength to equip gear into magic, effectively making the strength tome a magic tome. I am partial to pure magic tomes.
A level 3 magic tome is not that hard to farm in delta, so I would say, once you get to level 90+, you should have at least a level 3 tome (+15 magic).
Of course, you cant get the level 5 tomes from packs with a Scroll of Tome or a Script of Fate. Each of those items has a pure magic tome option, but I like many I think opt for either Love Up and Down (from the Scroll of Tome) or the Voidlands tome (from Script of Fate). Allocating your attribute points correctly, you can as much or more magic and an extra crit % out of those tomes than either of the pure magic tomes available from these items.
6. Cultivation – Sage or Demon
There are plenty of threads comparing and contrasting the sage and demon versions of the various wizard skills. Eventually, I will either summarize or link to the best of those in this guide. Basically, you only need to know this: Sage wizards get two most often cited "advantages" over demon wizards - those being sage bids and its incredible crit rate and crit buff, and sage masteries which add 5% additional damage to all of your attacks, assuming you learn all 3. At one point in time, although both cultivation choices had their passionate advocates, the majority of wizards seemed to favor sage over demon. The reasons are many and varied, and range from disputes as to whether demon masteries stacked (i.e. whether they afforded the demon wizard an additional 3% crit on all its attacks or only +1% crit to water skills, +1% to fire skills, etc.) to over whether demon stone barrier's +150% pdef was enough to overcome the greater attack power of sage bids.
I myself am sage and have been happy with my choice. Now that Rank 8 weapons are so relatively cheap, and Rank 9 is readily available for a price, wizards don't necessarily NEED sage masteries or sage bids to 1 shot people. Those, being the most often cited reasons for wizards choosing sage over demon, I believe more and more demon wizards will be showing up - electing for the increased control skills and greater crit rate available to demon wizards.
"And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
Post edited by BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur on
8. Grinding
Honestly, not many wizards bother grinding in the traditional sense, but if you insist on going old school, here are some of what used to be popular locations. Wizards traditionally grind on flying mobs but also most often on water mobs - they give more experience than land mobs, and more often than not you can find a use for your water shield for defense and giving you a higher MP regeneration rate as a nice bonus.
Wizards typically should use a longer channeling skill as a first attack, since the mob won't aggro until the channeling is finished. As "starters", most wizards like stone rain, divine pyrogram and glacial snare, depending on if you can match up an opposing element to the mob. If you can't match up an opposing element, most prefer glacial snare for the slow effect.
If you would like to read more on grinding, look here:
Its an old guide, and I am sure there are other areas that are popular now (new EG homelands?), but again, I am not sure its worth being more comprehensive than this on this particular topic.
8.1. Level 1-30
8.2. Level 31-60
8.3. Level 61-90
8.4. Level 90+
9. PvE Instances
9.1. Level 1-30
9.2. Level 31-60
9.3. Level 61-90
9.4. Level 90+
10. Territory War
10.1. Defense squads
10.2. Attack Squads
11. PvP Tactics
11.1. General
11.2. Versus
11.2.1. Wizards
11.2.2. Blademasters
11.2.3. Barbarians
11.2.4. Venomancers
11.2.5. Clerics
11.2.6. Archers
11.2.7. Psychics
11.2.8. Assassins
11.2.9. Seeker
11.2.10. Mystic"And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
/reserved for flames
Don't really understand why you are making a guide the day after Ursa + Amour (best mage EVAR) start theirs.. but I can't really pass up this opportunity.
Just because you aren't good at 1v1s doesn't mean the class suffers from that problem. I think we are amazing in 1v1s (if you exclude sins).. perhaps you haven't grasped that our instant sleep is fkn amazing (you say its "decent".. lol). Ele shell is also fantabulous with a FREE 15chi/30secs FOREVER which only costs 200mp (lol doesn't even count as a downside).
Adding a little vit is very reasonable, its kinda the moderate between pure int and LA.. you sacrifice 1/3 of the points as LA would.. and still gain a pretty good chunk of hp. Obviously at true end game you should stat out the vit (and its much easier to switch to pure int from a vit build than from a LA build).
Distance shrink should be leveled ASAP, not only does it gain extra range as you level it.. it also lowers the cooldown. The chance to freeze on hailstorm and pitfall should not be neglected.. you can't really count on them.. but when your next skill won't kill your target anyway.. that chance at an immobilize is a nice perk. Hailstorm is just fine as an aoe.. don't know what makes you think its so small it doesn't count (has a decent radius imo). I could keep going but I'm getting hungry and will just add it on in another edit as you continue the guide =]Youtube Channel:
Current gear:
/10 char"And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
this one too
/10 char"And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
even though I don't consider you one of the greatest wizards, I do believe you at least know all the basics, and will be able to convey those basics to the newbies successfully, so I wish you the best of luck with this guide.0
what's with these extremely-wordy guides people keep posting? do you even know what people want to see when they look up guides? it's really not that difficult.
1. usefulness of the class. what can/will it be able to do leveling up, what will it be doing at cap, what should it never be doing/trying to do.
2. skills. the main thing people look at when choosing a class on a new game is the skill set, as well as how well it fights using different skills(and what to level first as sp is limited)
3. videos/screenshots of cap characters in the best gear doing end-game things always makes newbs happy.
4. using different coloured titles for each section usually makes people want to re-read your guide specifically for future reference, as finding the part they needed is easier.
5. posting calculators teaches nothing. I severely regret linking this forum to that damned thing, as people spend more time looking at their 'dream set' than actually working on one in game.
6. various links to other guides/databases/etc(things like fb guides, level up guides, maps, etc)0 -
5. posting calculators teaches nothing. I severely regret linking this forum to that damned thing
Ahahahhahahhaha iz funny.Youtube Channel:
Current gear:
you think it is? it's terrible. have you seen the countless numbers of 'rate my gear' threads? disgusting. 'is this a good set for end game???' from a level 20? these people typically never reach end game, and spend all their time just 'thinking' about it.0
you think it is? it's terrible. have you seen the countless numbers of 'rate my gear' threads? disgusting. 'is this a good set for end game???' from a level 20? these people typically never reach end game, and spend all their time just 'thinking' about it.
oh I was referring to the second sentence in the quote.Youtube Channel:
Current gear:
I like how Undine is a "relatively high priority to level".0
threepointone wrote: »I like how Undine is a "relatively high priority to level".
Say what?? I can level Undine? b:shocked Mine is still at level 1, guess I am still a noob b:cry0 -
BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur wrote: »When we are successful in PvP situations, we are one of the few classes that can kill another player with a single hit, and in TW kill whole groups of people with a single hit. Even if you yourself die a lot, that is a very, very cool thing that wizards can do as well or better than anyone.
3.1.7 Blade Temptest - One of your three AoE nukes and the only attack you have that does physical as opposed to magic damage. In PvP, very effective at killing AA and even LA users.
Nah, use BT on HA users, much more fun.3. videos/screenshots of cap characters in the best gear doing end-game things always makes newbs happy.
I guess I'll start things out by posting some pics of my crappy wiz hmm a year and a half ago. Maybe it'll show you guys that don't need to be "endgame" blah blah blah to be a DD. Although back then, I was among the highest levels and the refinements on players' gears were much worse. (But I visited DW today and I've got to say, most of you people in Regenesis AND Equinox that have been playing forever still have pretty bad gear. . .)
Keep in mind that +10 lunar wep back then was endgame.
*Mental note: Wow, they used to number skillbars?*
See? Use BT on barbs for lulz.
Ah, I miss the days when people had low refines on gears.
I guess I should post some pics of when I was actually 100+ for comparison's sake?
Sometimes, you just have to love the crit proc on "Holy Cryonite Dragon" despite what certain skilled Dark Mages tell you.
But then again, this was when MOST people with fit prof's stereotype of +10 weps/+5 armor (myself included) with the exception of a few people.
And it really sucked to TW with people off because of lag. It made deciding where to aoe a problem though, but sometimes I would get it right.0 -
why this guide?
are there actually real new players coming to pwi? really?
and -rofl- will they really mean to play wizards? ahhahahaIf you happy wanna be, against the wind you won't have to pee.
i dont see BLOODMYSTIC as a wizard master like for example Amour
not someone that should guide others,
more likely to be guided by others
yes i didnt read it XDi like potato0 -
HexOmega - Dreamweaver wrote: »i dont see BLOODMYSTIC as a wizard master like for example Amour
not someone that should guide others,
more likely to be guided by others
yes i didnt read it XD
Apparently you didn't read it. Perhaps you should before you give your ill informed opinion, not that that's ever stopped you before.
I am not a wizard master. I am, however, a communications master.
And for prof, on the one hand you want less wordy guide, on the other you rail against people posting the same things over and over.
Well, to my mind a wordy guide will avoid the need to post things over and over. It will be organized by topic, and comprehensive, and updated as soon as anything new comes up, not that it likely ever will.
All these experienced voices attacking the messenger while missing the message. It is you and your laziness or simple lack of ability that has created the need for this. I find it funny that you flame an attempt to fill the void of your making well prior to its completion.
So called "masters", indeed! b:bye"And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
The guide, while still unfinished, is very well written. Kinda sad that it's at least a year too late although the genie/"how to fight certain classes" chapters are something that I want to see.100% F2P player. Started PW: March 2007, Quit PW: March 2011. "Pure axe" 8k HP multipath BM, last one of my kind.0 -
Adroit - Lost City wrote: »Don't really understand why you are making a guide the day after Ursa + Amour (best mage EVAR) start theirs.. but I can't really pass up this opportunity.
Because from what I saw, they weren't doing what I though was necessary. Nothing against them. They can contribute how they want, and I will contribute how I want.
More specifically, I did not see anything that would be helpful as a reference, but merely one more "conversational" style guides, albeit more current ones. While those might be helpful for some, they did not seem to be anything that would address what this guide is attempting to do: pull the diverse consensus of information about wizards, contained in the hundreds of threads in these forums, into one easily referenced guide.
In fact, it was precisely BECAUSE I saw them writing theirs in the manner that they are that I started this one, not the other way around.
Honestly, its amazing how our minds work exactly the opposite from each other.Adroit - Lost City wrote: »Just because you aren't good at 1v1s doesn't mean the class suffers from that problem. I think we are amazing in 1v1s (if you exclude sins).. perhaps you haven't grasped that our instant sleep is fkn amazing (you say its "decent".. lol). Ele shell is also fantabulous with a FREE 15chi/30secs FOREVER which only costs 200mp (lol doesn't even count as a downside).
1 vs 1 - wizards are far weaker than many other classes. Period. All your videos ever show is you beating up on BMs and group pk vs uncharmed fodder with less than 5k hp. But this, again, I have pointed out on other threads.
And our sleep is the best we have, sure, but yes it is only "decent" when compared with the multiple stuns, sleeps, and other control skills other classes have, especially given its long cool down.
Yes yes, we will get to using ele shell it to build chi, but as for its intended purpose, it is of only marginal usefulness. Honestly, for all intents and purposes its "buff" is only practical to use against other wizards - one of the least encountered pk classes - IF you see them coming.Adroit - Lost City wrote: »Adding a little vit is very reasonable, its kinda the moderate between pure int and LA.. you sacrifice 1/3 of the points as LA would.. and still gain a pretty good chunk of hp. Obviously at true end game you should stat out the vit (and its much easier to switch to pure int from a vit build than from a LA build).
We did a whole thread on this, I am happy to let it stand on its own.
A "good chunk" of hp? 500 points? At end game, thats nothing. And early in the game, the difference between 3000 and 3500 hit points is not all that noticeable. Heck, in terms of charm tick its only another 250 hit points.
Incidentally, restat your vit yet? Oh, I forgot, your quitting as soon as that charm is done . . . . b:chuckle
I said at lower levels it was fine. I said if you are planning on leveling fast you should't do either. But otherwise, if you are going to restat anyway, I think ALOT more people would have more fun playing LA if for no other reason than the higher crit rate (which is VERY noticable) than simply walking around with a little more vitality.Adroit - Lost City wrote: »Distance shrink should be leveled ASAP, not only does it gain extra range as you level it.. it also lowers the cooldown.
Your opinion, and your entitled to it, but everything you say is not all that necessary for pve. Level it before pyrogram? I don't think that is the consensus, which again, since you persistently seem to miss it, is the point.Adroit - Lost City wrote: »The chance to freeze on hailstorm and pitfall should not be neglected.. you can't really count on them.. but when your next skill won't kill your target anyway.. that chance at an immobilize is a nice perk. Hailstorm is just fine as an aoe.. don't know what makes you think its so small it doesn't count (has a decent radius imo). I could keep going but I'm getting hungry and will just add it on in another edit as you continue the guide =]
Again, take off your blinders. This isn't the "lvl 100 wizards guide". Chance to freeze on hailstorm and pitfall SHOULD be neglected for all intents and purposes at least until late levels and for pvp. At least that is the general consensus and I think rightly so. Even then, let someone watch your videos and see how often you use hail storm let alone pitfall. I don't have the patience for it, but I can bet its not often at all. If someone wants to count them and mark the times, it will show your post for the naked trolling that it is - seeing as how you neglect them yourself in the field while telling others here not to do the same.
Finally, once again, you miss the big picture. With frost runs, spirit shouldn't be an issue in leveling skills, so with a little intelligence you would realize that leveling priorities for skills is necessarily a pre-8x inquiry.
Still don't know what makes me think the aoe is so small it doesn't count?
Honestly, Adroit, you do this on other threads posted by lvl 20 wizards as well: you give them advice as though they were lvl 100. I know you are self-centered. Any can see that. But you would think you would be able to turn it off for just a few seconds if you are answering questions for low level players.
Think outside yourself, just once. THAT, as much as anything, is yet another reason to compile this guide.
Here's hoping you can figure out how to do that. I plan on using you for the genie section. b:byeVorhs - Lost City wrote: »why this guide?
are there actually real new players coming to pwi? really?
and -rofl- will they really mean to play wizards? ahhahaha
There are new players.
And I hope they don't mean to play wizards. Did you see my intro? lol
But if they do, my hope is that they leave us alone with the same questions over and over and over and over again because either (1) they don't know how to search the forums; or (2) the information on the forums is so disorganized that even searching 50% of the time I fail to find stuff I have seen countless times before and KNOW is there."And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
yea i read it, i was just saying that a simple "dont roll a wiz. the end." post would have been as much useful and much less impegnative.If you happy wanna be, against the wind you won't have to pee.
Vorhs - Lost City wrote: »yea i read it, i was just saying that a simple "dont roll a wiz. the end." post would have been as much useful and much less impegnative.
"impegnative"? b:nosebleed"And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
Very nice told and 95% agree with you.b:victory
Lot of people cannot believe that class what they played for months or years is practically death.
Of course there are some hard wizards like adroid or ursa but it's nothing from thousand players whose played wizards at beginning.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Oh, and Adroit - if you want a thread to troll, troll this one.
He's bragging about being hit by a mage in his faction for 114k - when the mage had rank 9 b:chuckle"And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
@BLOOD - New players are few and far between. Very few people would want to join a game with a rep as bad as this.. so nearly everyone thats rerolling a wiz has a main. I talk about endgame because nothing else matters (gotta be braindead not to figure out how to get to endgame.. and someone taking their time won't be reading a guide anyway).
As for pitfall/hailstorm.. I haven't posted a current video of myself for a long time, and I've started using them far more often (mostly pitfall as its so quick casting). I'm still learning/improving as I play, and I dont think theres any reason why I should only offer advice for things I've done months ago.
My videos were never really complete, there was a little more than me just killing bms.. and picking out the couple of people (I can think of like 3.. in the 40 mins of 2x speed video I've posted of myself) that were less than 5k hp is dumb. When you rpk and kill everything, its not uncommon to have the n00bs jump into atking.. and just because I didn't cut the total 5secs out of ~40mins of videos doesn't mean thats all I put in there. Nice try though.
Sleep is awesome because it is INSTANT, ranged, and not a stun (aka fortify/badge won't deal with it.. and everyone is getting fortify/badge it seems like). It's plenty of time to use an ult to bypass a charm.. aka amazing skill. And who are you to say what ele shell's intended use is? I use the "buff" against psychics/clerics/mages pretty regularly.. and use it for the chi 24/7.
If you can't figure stuff this simple out.. why are you writing a guide?Youtube Channel:
Current gear:
Adroit - Lost City wrote: »@BLOOD - New players are few and far between. Very few people would want to join a game with a rep as bad as this.. so nearly everyone thats rerolling a wiz has a main. I talk about endgame because nothing else matters (gotta be braindead not to figure out how to get to endgame.. and someone taking their time won't be reading a guide anyway).
Nothing else matters - TO YOU. Say all you want, this is just an attempt to cover up the fact that I pinned you down with your own arrogance - and proved that your 100-is-everything approach is wholly in appropriate for a wizard guide. Which is why your criticisms fall under their own, fat, bloated weight.
And if they won't be reading a guide anyway . . . . what are you even talking about. Write a "now that you are a 100 wiz" guide if that is all tha matters. Seriously, you would fault an apple for not being an orange?Adroit - Lost City wrote: »As for pitfall/hailstorm.. I haven't posted a current video of myself for a long time, and I've started using them far more often (mostly pitfall as its so quick casting). I'm still learning/improving as I play, and I dont think theres any reason why I should only offer advice for things I've done months ago.
Again. Nice try. You claimed these skill were so important when I said they weren't. But when I point out that you yourself weren't using them, you attempt to deflect that knockout blow by saying "those videos were old". Nice try.
Put up or shut up - show you winning against Calvin in pk using those skills to freeze him or admit that you were wrong. Everything else is more of your change-the-subject-wiggle-out-of-this-jam-I-got-myself-in-that-makes-me-look-aweful-silly style that is slowly but surely becoming your hallmark whenever you come up against me.Adroit - Lost City wrote: »My videos were never really complete, there was a little more than me just killing bms.. and picking out the couple of people (I can think of like 3.. in the 40 mins of 2x speed video I've posted of myself) that were less than 5k hp is dumb. When you rpk and kill everything, its not uncommon to have the n00bs jump into atking.. and just because I didn't cut the total 5secs out of ~40mins of videos doesn't mean thats all I put in there. Nice try though.
Funny, on the prior post when I pointed this out you admitted it. I could repost that here if I really cared, but by the time I get to it you can easily go back an edit it out.
And I don't blame you for killing 5k hp players, I'm just saying don't act like it makes you all pro because noobs that don't even know there is no ground to air nerf ooo and ahhh over it.Adroit - Lost City wrote: »Sleep is awesome because it is INSTANT, ranged, and not a stun (aka fortify/badge won't deal with it.. and everyone is getting fortify/badge it seems like).
I specifically praised it speed and range. Honestly, you say things as though I don't know them, when I am the one that said them first (in this thread, at least). Nice try. You'll full people that only read your post, but not anyone that reads the whole thread.Adroit - Lost City wrote: »It's plenty of time to use an ult to bypass a charm.. aka amazing skill.
Its nothing compared to a true stun, which almost every other class has and we have to stand, arms raised, for forever and a day to pull off. Go back and reread. You are fighting straw men again because you can't handle the real thing.Adroit - Lost City wrote: »And who are you to say what ele shell's intended use is? I use the "buff" against psychics/clerics/mages pretty regularly.. and use it for the chi 24/7.
You mean when I say its intended as a buff and not as a chi gain? Seriously? Ok, Adroit thinks its intended to gain chi, I think its intended as a magic defense buff. I am happy to let the forum decide who is right.
And "use it regularly"? You can use it all you like. Doesn't change the fact that 99% of the time it has no practical effect. Its duration is too short, and it does less against an ulti you see being cast from another wiz than absolute domain, iron guard or hell even holy path does, even if you can get it off in time. Sure, you can get lucky and get it to work, but that to my mind (and most everyone elses) is too little benefit to be all that concerned with it.
But yes, always nice to use it for chi I suppose. I never said it wasn't.Adroit - Lost City wrote: »If you can't figure stuff this simple out.. why are you writing a guide?
If you would name something I haven't figured out, we might have some idea as to what in the world you are talking about.
And with your twisted style of double speak, you certainly aren't ABLE to do it, regardless of how good a wizard you think you are in game."And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur wrote: »Nothing else matters - TO YOU. Say all you want, this is just an attempt to cover up the fact that I pinned you down with your own arrogance - and proved that your 100-is-everything approach is wholly in appropriate for a wizard guide. Which is why your criticisms fall under their own, fat, bloated weight.
And if they won't be reading a guide anyway . . . . what are you even talking about. Write a "now that you are a 100 wiz" guide if that is all tha matters. Seriously, you would fault an apple for not being an orange?
Again. Nice try. You claimed these skill were so important when I said they weren't. But when I point out that you yourself weren't using them, you attempt to deflect that knockout blow by saying "those videos were old". Nice try.
Put up or shut up - show you winning against Calvin in pk using those skills to freeze him or admit that you were wrong. Everything else is more of your change-the-subject-wiggle-out-of-this-jam-I-got-myself-in-that-makes-me-look-aweful-silly style that is slowly but surely becoming your hallmark whenever you come up against me.
Funny, on the prior post when I pointed this out you admitted it. I could repost that here if I really cared, but by the time I get to it you can easily go back an edit it out.
And I don't blame you for killing 5k hp players, I'm just saying don't act like it makes you all pro because noobs that don't even know there is no ground to air nerf ooo and ahhh over it.
I specifically praised it speed and range. Honestly, you say things as though I don't know them, when I am the one that said them first (in this thread, at least). Nice try. You'll full people that only read your post, but not anyone that reads the whole thread.
Its nothing compared to a true stun, which almost every other class has and we have to stand, arms raised, for forever and a day to pull off. Go back and reread. You are fighting straw men again because you can't handle the real thing.
You mean when I say its intended as a buff and not as a chi gain? Seriously? Ok, Adroit thinks its intended to gain chi, I think its intended as a magic defense buff. I am happy to let the forum decide who is right.
And "use it regularly"? You can use it all you like. Doesn't change the fact that 99% of the time it has no practical effect. Its duration is too short, and it does less against an ulti you see being cast from another wiz than absolute domain, iron guard or hell even holy path does, even if you can get it off in time. Sure, you can get lucky and get it to work, but that to my mind (and most everyone elses) is too little benefit to be all that concerned with it.
But yes, always nice to use it for chi I suppose.
If you would name something I haven't figured out, we might have some idea as to what in the world you are talking about.
1) You didn't pin me down/win anything.. as a matter of fact I don't even know what you are trying to say you won with. Inappropriate is one word btw.. and my 100-is-everything approach isn't in a guide. It just simply says that your idea of a guide is pointless.
2) You pointed out that you didn't see me using pitfall/hailstorm in my videos, not that I don't use them. Unlike you apparently, I actually improve as time goes on (use crown too in a genie spark combo if not in range for wotp). Using your logic, because you've never made a video.. nothing you say matters. Your logic is so flawed its not even funny. And your view of yourself is quite a bit inflated.. I don't know what makes you think that me making fun of you being an idiot is anything other than just that. I'm pretty sure the only one that believes I have this "hallmark" is you.. but whatever helps you sleep at night b:cute
3) The use of a skill is defined by how it is used. I, as well as every other mage that has an IQ over 85 uses ele shell for chi more than anything (ever wonder why the devs made it give chi on casting?). I use it for the 1000% resist effect as well, but that is secondary to the chi gain.
4) The reason you QQ about 1v1s is because you have a very limited knowledge about control skills' uses. I would take our 4second 2min cooldown sleep over just about any control skill in the game. It is AMAZING if used correctly.. apparently something you still haven't figured out.Youtube Channel:
Current gear:
Elayne uses hailstorm extensively and effectively against Calvin in his 1v1. And ele shell also has a 10% purify effect that DOES work (verified a month ago with a friend).
So another added benefit. Although I doubt you'll be trying to use ele shell if a veno/nix is on you to purify the bleed lulz.0 -
MageFizban - Lost City wrote: »Elayne uses hailstorm extensively and effectively against Calvin in his 1v1. And ele shell also has a 10% purify effect that DOES work (verified a month ago with a friend).
So another added benefit. Although I doubt you'll be trying to use ele shell if a veno/nix is on you to purify the bleed lulz.
Haha funny story.. my 3rd video (U GOT DERPED) at 9:28 it purifies bleed off me xDYoutube Channel:
Current gear:
I'm sorry, but wizards are not bad in 1v1, we're simply not. Personally, I believe we only lag behind sins in the 1v1 department.
I have a little pk experience myself, and I've been able to beat r8 bms, r8 venos, 9x barbs, 9x archers, r8 clerics, etc.
And this is consistently mind you, not a lucky BIDS crit before they even knew I was there.
In most duels, me causing the opponent to holy path away, followed by me sleeping them is almost always a checkmate.
They don't have genie energy to use AD, and they have to take BIDS.
Not to mention I can kite someone from Ether to Plume
Wizards don't have stuns because they'd simply make us too OP when combined with all our other tools.
Also our difference in control moves from other classes makes us even more dangerous sometimes.
Everyone has fortify nowadays, which more often than not means a stun move is nothing more than some higher damage and a pretty animation to an experienced pker.
FoW and Sleep on the other hand, few people are prepared for.
Sometimes I feel like I have better control skills than other classes simply because no one is familiar with how to counter mine.0 -
DaKillanator - Raging Tide wrote: »I'm sorry, but wizards are not bad in 1v1, we're simply not. Personally, I believe we only lag behind sins in the 1v1 department.
I have a little pk experience myself, and I've been able to beat r8 bms, r8 venos, 9x barbs, 9x archers, r8 clerics, etc.
So psys are better at 1v1 than wizzes?DaKillanator - Raging Tide wrote: »Sometimes I feel like I have better control skills than other classes simply because no one is familiar with how to counter mine.
That's MY line.0 -
MageFizban - Lost City wrote: »I guess I should post some pics of when I was actually 100+ for comparison's sake?
Sometimes, you just have to love the crit proc on "Holy Cryonite Dragon" despite what certain skilled Dark Mages tell you.
But then again, this was when MOST people with fit prof's stereotype of +10 weps/+5 armor (myself included) with the exception of a few people.
And it really sucked to TW with people off because of lag. It made deciding where to aoe a problem though, but sometimes I would get it right.
You got some smexy hits dude. (PS EQ b:victory )
But eehm. How the hell you aimd your stuf so nice when you payed with hide players outside range limit? You can't even see an archer locking onto you9 out of 10 voices in my head say I'm not crazy... the 10th is singing the music of tetris0 -
What lvl 79 should be got first? element shell or undine strike? or what b:shocked?
For PvE purpose mainly, didn't join PvE server to PvP0
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