Perfect World: Genesis -- New Expansion announced!



  • Sherilys - Raging Tide
    Sherilys - Raging Tide Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited December 2010
  • Haden - Dreamweaver
    Haden - Dreamweaver Posts: 376 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    hey all

    something about this update, it's not sure or it is all right since somethings need to be changed: my fried translated some stuff from the chinese site:
    1. Archosaur is for like 50% been putted underwater: archosaur middle (where bounty hunter dude is) is a island
    2. thousand streams is hitted by a volcano eruption
    3. the Genesis city will be beneath Plume city and the White Ridge
    4. City of the Lost is hited by a earthquake
    5. we get faction bases
    6. we get faction duels: 40 vs. 40
    7. there was a big fire in Plume City. the fire's gone now but a part of the city has been burned down to the ground :(b :cry
    8. etherblade is frozen!
    9. raging tides is without "fuel". i heard something a bout a castle on the walls so we can't fly. not sure so i'll check that
    10. the Genesis city is a big cave, no new dungeons ( no fb 19?).
    11. the mobs look different, but they are just a s strong
    12. the Seeker uses blades and swords but equips them different. the weapons also hang at their hips.
    13. the mystic can summon 2 pets: 1 pet that can stay for a hour! and 1 disappears after like 8 seconds (it's called a suicide pet).
    but not all is ready yet it can be changed: 10 players were given the oppurtunity to play a seeker or mystic 24 hours in the closed beta, but when they got for example in the forzen etherblade: they couldn't get out of etherblade so thay will change, that's it for now when i get more info i'll sure let u all know
    Dragonan Sanctuary Server

    Can we get anything to prove or disprove this?
    Good intentions are like peeing yourself in dark leather pants, you get warm feelings inside, but it doesn't show.
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gelus - Raging Tide
    / gelus - Raging Tide Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited December 2010

    One Question: if ur lvl 22 why are you not in archossaur?

    and the vid is awsome b:laughb:thanks ty
  • Sherilys - Raging Tide
    Sherilys - Raging Tide Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    The new maps have mobs and quests up to lvl30 at least, I've seen some lvl49-50 mobs in the new ice map as well.

    The lvl20+ map is a pain for the seeker, mobs are all magic and aggro ><
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gelus - Raging Tide
    / gelus - Raging Tide Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    The new maps have mobs and quests up to lvl30 at least, I've seen some lvl49-50 mobs in the new ice map as well.

    oh lol thats why i saw Jay in a ice map fighing lvl 50 mobs XD
  • Sherilys - Raging Tide
    Sherilys - Raging Tide Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I think someone asked earlier, the seeker gets 15hp/vit point.
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gelus - Raging Tide
    / gelus - Raging Tide Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Sheri do you have any idea what the lvl 30 kite loosks like?b:puzzledb:faint
  • Shulkie - Dreamweaver
    Shulkie - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,529 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    The new maps have mobs and quests up to lvl30 at least, I've seen some lvl49-50 mobs in the new ice map as well.

    The lvl20+ map is a pain for the seeker, mobs are all magic and aggro ><

    doesnt the ice area border on the area below tusk town / dreaming cloud? Perhaps there will be some extra quests in the mid 50s then - like the tideborn coming of age / warrior quests
    There is no place in a perfect world for double entendre!
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gelus - Raging Tide
    / gelus - Raging Tide Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I'm so anxious about this expansion! I Hope Mystics can in some way replace the cleric, we need more clerics right?b:surrender
  • Olivassin - Heavens Tear
    Olivassin - Heavens Tear Posts: 360 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Ok, this is the list of the skills from lvl 1 to 23 for Mystics, made understandable.
    I have the descriptions in chinese for the missing skills [Also have the Seeker one], but i don't want to post an automatic-translated list.

    Thanks to Nowitsawn for helping on the translation of some skills, that were misstranslated

    name of the skill
    properties of the skill
    chi costs

    ivy around (stats at level 3)
    Range: [20.2]m
    MP cost: [34]
    Channeling: 1.0 seconds
    Casting: 1.0 seconds
    Cooldown 1.0 seconds
    Weapons: Magic instruments, unarmed
    Lvl up: 0+4k

    Deals base magic damage plus [65]% weapon damage plus [146.2] of wood damage
    Also, reduces movement speed by [16]% and "Mastermind curse" will deal double damage during 12 secons

    green fog around (level 1)
    Range: [18.4]m
    MP cost: [12.6]
    Channeling: 1.0 seconds
    Casting: 1.0 seconds
    Cooldown 5.0 seconds
    Weapons: Magic instruments, unarmed
    Lvl up: 3+5k

    When target is 60% or less of HP, will get a [79.7] DoT Wood damage during 9 seconds.
    Lasts 45 seconds.

    Mastermind curse (level 1)
    Range: [18.4]m
    MP cost: [79.8]
    Channeling: 5.0 seconds
    Casting: 0.8 seconds
    Cooldown 2.0 seconds
    Weapons: Magic instruments, unarmed
    Lvl up: 19+5k

    A DPH skill. Very long channeling and awesome damage. I deal ~70% of mobs HP of my level
    To players, deals 125% of base magical damage plus [486] physical damage.
    To mobs, deals 200% of base magical damage plus [970] physical damage.
    Mastermind curse will not be critical.

    Emmanuel shine (level 3)
    Range: [20.2]m
    MP cost: [70]
    Channeling: 0.5 seconds
    Casting: 0.5 seconds
    Cooldown: 1 seconds
    Weapons: Magic instruments, unarmed
    Lvl up: 0+5k

    The friendly target recovers [120] plus [9]% of max HP

    fallen flowers (level 1)
    Range: [18.4]m
    MP cost: [63]
    Channeling: 0.5 seconds
    Casting: 1 seconds
    Cooldown 2 seconds
    Weapons: Magic instruments, unarmed
    Lvl up: 9+5k

    Buffs the target so when he's atacked, will get [84] plus [3]% of max HP during 9 seconds.
    Lasts 1 minute.

    rebirth technique (level 1)
    MP cost: [650]
    Channeling: 1.5 seconds
    Casting: 1.5 seconds
    Cooldown 30 seconds
    Weapons: Magic instruments, unarmed
    Lvl up: 19+5k

    Although it doesn't show a range, it can be casted to others [i've tried it]
    The target can get ressurrected after being dead. Buff expires in 15 minutes.
    Ressurrection will save [8]% of the experience lost, and will get [23]% of max HP

    Valkyrie secular (level 4)
    MP cost: [385]
    Channeling: 1.5 seconds
    Casting: 1.5 seconds
    Cooldown 8.0 seconds
    Weapons: Magic instruments, unarmed
    Lvl up: 7+5k

    First summon. It looks like it's a tank-like. His first skill deals damage (takes 85 summon MP) and the second stuns (takes 230 summon MP). Sly is a lvl 49 skill i don't have any info but the description
    Call fantasy Fukatsu to help you to fight.
    Fukatsu deals physical damage.
    When use with sly, you get [64]% physical defense and increase [19]% crit rate for 20 seconds.

    devil-worldly (level 1)
    MP cost: [402.5]
    Channeling: 1.5 seconds
    Casting: 1.5 seconds
    Cooldown 8.0 seconds
    Weapons: Magic instruments, unarmed
    Lvl up: 23+5k

    Second summon. Couldn't try it yet. Translation may be wrong
    Call fantasy devil to help you to fight.
    devil deals magic damage.
    When use with sly, you get [23]% mag defense and [60]% spell damage for 20 seconds. "

    treatment summons (level 4)
    Range: [21.1]m
    MP cost: [107]
    Channeling: 3.0 seconds
    Casting: 1.0 seconds
    Cooldown 1.0 seconds
    Weapons: Magic instruments, unarmed
    Lvl up: 7+5k

    Heal pet skill. Someone said it can be used to heal veno's pets, haven't tried it by myself.
    Heals the summon by [210] plus [18]% of basic magic damage.

    the passage of time (level 1)
    MP cost: [11.9]
    Channeling: 0.5 seconds
    Casting: 1 seconds
    Cooldown 3 seconds
    Weapons: Magic instruments, unarmed
    Lvl up: 17+5k

    Transfers [500] MP to the summon.
    The transfer lasts 20 seconds.
    Using this skill again will stop the transfer.

    punish thorn (level 2)
    Range: [19.3]m
    MP cost: [168]
    Channeling: 1.0 seconds
    Casting: 1.0 seconds
    Cooldown 3.0 seconds
    Weapons: Magic instruments, unarmed
    Lvl up: 11+5k

    First trap-like summon. Deals phyiscal damage. I don't understand the "4 times" damage part :/
    Summon a punish of thorns around the target.
    It deals 4 times the phyiscal damge.
    Will disapear after 1 minute.

    Jinzhou vine (level 1)
    Range: [18.4]m
    MP cost: [157.5]
    Channeling: 1.0 seconds
    Casting: 1.0 seconds
    Cooldown 6.0 seconds
    Weapons: Magic instruments, unarmed
    Lvl up: 15+5k

    Second trap-like summon. It debuffs atack/casting speed and phyiscal defense. They detonate when "flash in the pan" is casted
    Summon a Jinzhou to assist you in combat. Jinzhou has a chance to reduce the enemy target's attack speed and casting speed by [22]%, and [11]% of the physical defense for 6 seconds.
    When Jinzhou detonates, it will explode and cause some damage, plus a great chance to make all enemies arround a reduction of atacking speed and defense for 18 seconds.
    Will disapear after 1 minute.

    Curse of tie wire (level 1)
    Range: [18.4]m
    MP cost: [220.5]
    Channeling: 1.0 seconds
    Casting: 1.0 seconds
    Cooldown 12.0 seconds
    Weapons: Magic instruments, unarmed
    Lvl up: 21+5k

    third trap-like summon. It also debuffs
    Summon a Curse to help you to fight. Curse has a chance to tie wire around the enemy target reducing [22]% of movement speed and [11]% of phyical attack for 6 seconds.
    When Curse detonates, it will explode and cause some damage, plus a great chance to make all enemies arround a reduction of movement speed and physical atack for 12 seconds.
    Will disapear after 1 minute.

    Costs 30 chi

    blue body care (level 1)
    Range: [18.4]m
    MP cost: [94.5]
    Channeling: 1 seconds
    Casting: 1.5 seconds
    Cooldown 20 seconds
    Weapons: Magic instruments, unarmed
    Lvl up: 14+5k

    Get [8]% additional defense of wood, water and physical damage for 30 minutes."

    Scam (level 1)
    Range: [18.4]m
    MP cost: [305]
    Channeling: 1.0 seconds
    Casting: 1.0 seconds
    Cooldown 30 seconds
    Weapons: Magic instruments, unarmed
    Lvl up: 29+5k

    Summon a scam to help you to fight. Scam has a chance to put enemies into sleep for 6 seconds.
    When Scam detonates, it will explode and cause some damage, and there is a great chance to make all target arround it go sleep for [8.5] seconds.
    Will diapear after 1 minute

    Costs 30 chi

    flash in the pan (level 1)
    Range: 10 m
    MP cost: [46.6]
    Channeling: 1.5 seconds
    Casting: 0.5 seconds
    Cooldown [7.5] seconds
    Weapons: Magic instruments, unarmed
    Lvl up: 19+5k

    Makes trap-like summons detonate making an AoE of [18.4]m. The enemies on that range will get the trap debuffs.

    Any misstranslation plz tell me and will edit here....
    Maybe i should post it into Unofficial Guide to the Earthguard too?

    PD: the code 1-4, for instance, shows the row-column of where's located on the skill table, will add images later
  • niskaya
    niskaya Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I'm so excited about this expansion !! :D

    But... everyone seems to say that every other expansions were useless/poor quality/... So I just hope PW will do better than they did in the past with this expansion :P
  • bravestsin
    bravestsin Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2010

    niice wish i can play both chars at same time...i know its going to be hard for me to decide b:pleased
  • Lynore - Sanctuary
    Lynore - Sanctuary Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Me too, but i'll try Mystic at first, if it's like veno i should be able to protect my own butt from the rest in PvP, i remember choosing Psyhic when Rising Tide came out, i though that it's better than Assassin..until i discovered they could go Stealth and stuff
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gelus - Raging Tide
    / gelus - Raging Tide Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Me too, but i'll try Mystic at first, if it's like veno i should be able to protect my own butt from the rest, i remember choosing Psyhic when Rising Tide came out, i though that it's better than Assassin..until i discovered they could go Stealth and stuff

    When new expansions come i always play the arcane classes first then try out the melee ones b:laughb:laugh
  • Lynore - Sanctuary
    Lynore - Sanctuary Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    gelus - Raging Tide;11208482]When new expansions come i always play the arcane classes first then try out the melee ones b:laughb:laugh[/QUOTE]

    Heh i'm gonna play on different server, but all will suffer from overload, Is it really coming out on 16-18? :(
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gelus - Raging Tide
    / gelus - Raging Tide Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Heh i'm gonna play on different server, but all will suffer from overload, Is it really coming out on 16-18? :(

    Its true there will be TONS of people trying this new classes out

    and i dont know about the date! no one knows b:pleasedb:victory
  • Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear
    Nowitsawn - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,864 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Very nice list, looks like mystics will be a fun class to play indeed.

    Here's a few guesses from me on some skills:
    ivy around (stats at level 3)
    Also makes a debuff for 12 seconds i still don't know what does it do:
    Google translation: "And to reduce the target to enter the mobile speed [16]% of the special status of this state by [Mastermind curse] attack will take double damage. Special status for a maximum 12 seconds"

    To me this sounds like a slow effect, during which Mastermind Curse will deal double damage. Pretty neat because you'd need to aggro something with this attack, then see how you're gonna safely cast a 5 second spell while a mob is coming at you.

    green fog around (level 1)
    This skill deals some damage and debuffs. I dont know the debuff yet :/ It's not a DoT
    Fog with the film moving, eternal endless. Based on the target magic attack, and to target in blue mist around the state, when the target is below 60% blood will result in 9 seconds based on magic attack add [79.7] WOOD injuries sustained attack.
    RoyalBlue mist around the state there is at most 45 seconds.

    Not sure there. I think it is actually a DoT, but one that activates once your target is below 60% health.

    fallen flowers (level 1)
    A buff i dont know what it does :/
    Impose a blessing as the goal, when the target was attacked in 9 seconds after the resumption of [84] additional basic magic attack power of [3]% of the value of life.
    Fallen flowers state can exist up to 1 minute.

    This would be a heal like Ironheart that stays around like a buff, and activates once the target gets attacked (heard about this skill before).

    punish thorn (level 2)

    First trap-like summon. Deals phyiscal damage. I don't understand the "4 times" damage part :/
    Summon a punish of thorns around the target.
    It deals 4 times the phyiscal damge.
    Will disapear after 1 minute.

    Probably just 400% physical damage.
  • thepichero
    thepichero Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I 've got a question....

    I've heard some rumours that the new race "earthseeker" will be able to see through assassin's stealth...

    And although I've read almost every post in this thread, I couldn't find any answer...


    Will the new race be able to see through assassin's stealth or not?
  • Ao - Raging Tide
    Ao - Raging Tide Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    I remember at the very beginning someone was joking that maybe earthguards could fly on a cloud like in Dragon Ball, and indeed mystic pets fly on a cloud b:laughb:laugh
  • Lynore - Sanctuary
    Lynore - Sanctuary Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Still very curious about the date, are developers really so unorganized they have no idea when to release the game? Just put on freaking random date...just don't say it's 2012. And to the guys above me Earthquard fly on some kite-thing covered with leather, and every class can see trough Assassin's stealth, just be certain level.
  • Olivassin - Heavens Tear
    Olivassin - Heavens Tear Posts: 360 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Very nice list, looks like mystics will be a fun class to play indeed.

    Here's a few guesses from me on some skills:

    :O interesting guesses, i will try them :3

    edit: yup, all 3 are correct, except the last, which cannot be checked :-P. It just deals damage
  • thepichero
    thepichero Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Still very curious about the date, are developers really so unorganized they have no idea when to release the game? Just put on freaking random date...just don't say it's 2012. And to the guys above me Earthquard fly on some kite-thing covered with leather, and every class can see trough Assassin's stealth, just be certain level.

    but what I 've heard was,
    that because of the third eye,
    the new class would be able to ALWAYS see through the stealth...

    So I just wanna know if that's true or not...
    but probably not.
  • Gwendolynne - Heavens Tear
    Gwendolynne - Heavens Tear Posts: 816 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    Dance video maded by meh on china server ^^

    LOL at least they Actually dance!!! ... Now.... Dun neglect the other classes, give us all cheesy Dances and we'll make some music Videooos!b:pleased
    Character Roster:
    Gwendolynne : 101/SageVeno - Xyleena : 102/DemonCleric
    Delecroix : 101/DemonSin - Anatoxin : 9x/SagePsy
    Raevynne : 100/DemonBM - GotMeTwisted : 8x/SageSeeker
    Deicidea : 8x/Mystic - Diva : 95/SageBM/Retired
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gelus - Raging Tide
    / gelus - Raging Tide Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    LOL at least they Actually dance!!! ... Now.... Dun neglect the other classes, give us all cheesy Dances and we'll make some music Videooos!b:pleased

    LOL certanlyb:laugh
  • Kentroyven - Harshlands
    Kentroyven - Harshlands Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    question because ive been told diffrent things
    is Genesis
    a) an update things are ADDED to what is currently in PW (you continue with your chars but you can also make new alts)
    b) A new Game (start from scratch)
  • waterfox3
    waterfox3 Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    i just want to know if its late December or Early January the Genisis is releases cuz i have 5k tokens and im ready to use them on the Seeker!!!!! b:angry
  • thepichero
    thepichero Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    question because ive been told diffrent things
    is Genesis
    a) an update things are ADDED to what is currently in PW (you continue with your chars but you can also make new alts)
    b) A new Game (start from scratch)

    A) ofc... otherwise pwi would lose very much players :')
  • LifeHunting - Lost City
    LifeHunting - Lost City Posts: 1,105 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    question because ive been told diffrent things
    is Genesis
    a) an update things are ADDED to what is currently in PW (you continue with your chars but you can also make new alts)
    b) A new Game (start from scratch)

    A. Yes that is true. Otherwise there would be a ****load of pissed off people disappearing DAILY.

    B. No. Though it may be different on this expansion.
    Though the only thing that may be different is the fact that the map may be reset, other than idea. Couldn't tell ya if any other thing is gonna happen (like land changes, display's, etc)
  • waterfox3
    waterfox3 Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    **** i was told tht EG will be released Febuary b:infuriated
  • LifeHunting - Lost City
    LifeHunting - Lost City Posts: 1,105 Arc User
    edited December 2010
    waterfox3 wrote: »
    **** i was told tht EG will be released Febuary b:infuriated

    China Release date is 12-8-10. Which is basically in 6 days.

    So considering the normal count release until we normally get it....

    I'd say near the end of this month, beginning of next month we should be getting the final patches for it added in and then by the middle of january we'll be in PWI - Genesis expansion.
This discussion has been closed.