TW Discussion - Twilight Temple



  • Nastassiya - Sanctuary
    Nastassiya - Sanctuary Posts: 483 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    What exactly does the 'server want'? o_O

    The server as a collective wants something? There really isn't a "sever want" on Sanctuary. Now there are several factions with very similar goals but they can't be placed as together as a "server want" because people on the server have different goals in mind. Now factions may work together for common goal but it's not a "server want."

    There is no way on earth you would get all the factions to work for a common goal that does TW.
  • TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide
    TheMagicPimp - Raging Tide Posts: 1,946 Arc User
    edited September 2010

    thats the pattern i see aya >____>
    you need to go to LC or something and get a intellectual wife like rose n get laid (well shes kinda taken tho) b:chuckle

    Do they give out free nudes on LC as well ?

    My faction heard this and is already packing up , getting rdy to storm LC .

    Don't keep them waiting for long , or they'll storm this thread with requests .
    It's all about LoL,yo.
  • Deceptistar - Sanctuary
    Deceptistar - Sanctuary Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Do they give out free nudes on LC as well ?

    My faction heard this and is already packing up , getting rdy to storm LC .

    Don't keep them waiting for long , or they'll storm this thread with requests .
    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    but really if you dont like the stuff on the forums that kills braincells just dont look, much less post anything that ends with you typing:
    /flame on

    you: "oh my idiotic drama ramble ramble!"
    you: *feeds with /flameon posts*
    you: "oh ho ho more drama and flame whats wrong with this server etc etc"
    you: *decides to feed more*
    you: /facepalms "look at you guys, ramble ramble ramble"
    you: *feeds with a even bigger post*

    thats the pattern i see aya >____>
    you need to go to LC or something and get a intellectual wife like rose n get laid (well shes kinda taken tho) b:chuckle

    <3 Yah Decep...ROFL, I laughed rl b:chuckle

    LC where the drama is...well not atm, it is rather boring...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...even the trolls have gone into hibernation b:sad
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    What exactly does the 'server want'? o_O

    **** MARRIAGES! *grabs Ast*
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Stealthninja - Sanctuary
    Stealthninja - Sanctuary Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited September 2010

    1st Vindicate get's bashed because they're not a " do what the server wants , bla bla" faction and now it's Enely . And yes I find that incredibly stupid . What if it was your faction in such a situation ? What's so fun about TWing against the same faction for a whole year now ? Don't you ppl get bored or anything ? You were forced to before but this isn't the case anymore , so why not like , take a break from the usual & check out how fighting other factions is like ? Then you could resume to the nef wars if you're enjoying those more .

    I TWed against nef for like 1.5 years straight no1 else, and yes i was super bored fighting them.

    And who cares that we fought amp? Was a fun TW yeah? Everyone learned alot too. It could have been a faster TW but decided to draw it out a bit more to have FUN! cuz isnt that what TW is supposed to be, fun?

    And stop with the QQing lol. If u want the land back fight us or some1 else for a land. And whoever said we were allies? lol. So yeah we TWed same time slot a few times, doesnt make us allies :p

    *runs off to LC to see nudes* lol
  • KibblesnBitz - Sanctuary
    KibblesnBitz - Sanctuary Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    b:surprised Ohai. Now I know why I don't read and post on this stuff. xD Soooo much drama and analyzations. I'll stick to the simple buy charms and pull a cat each week. b:pleased

    Have fun all. b:victory

    Enelysion Executor
    Proud She-Barb
  • Nastassiya - Sanctuary
    Nastassiya - Sanctuary Posts: 483 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    b:surprised Ohai. Now I know why I don't read and post on this stuff. xD Soooo much drama and analyzations. I'll stick to the simple buy charms and pull a cat each week. b:pleased

    Have fun all. b:victory

    My Kibbletz!!! =P
  • MistaBwanden - Sanctuary
    MistaBwanden - Sanctuary Posts: 2,803 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    thats kinda contradictory seeing you called out a whole faction on a server thread when the reality was only 1 person caused it. Not only do they have to deal with that scammer but also the stress of someone writing out a 'faction rumour' ...kinda felt sorry for Kupuntu too cause he frequents the forums

    Yea, you know, because God forbid that I don't want to see people getting ****, as I know how that is.
    Seems that it is oh so terrible to that I decided to warn people since nobody is sure of who it is/was, so it's best they be careful.
    I was helping people in a TT the other day to help them farm coins/mats for gear because they said someone in RE\/ENGE had **** them. Of course I don't know if this was true or not, but I decided to be nice anyways.

    I have a feeling you read half of what someone says instead of reading the whole thing.
  • WraithTanker - Sanctuary
    WraithTanker - Sanctuary Posts: 344 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Yea, you know, because God forbid that I don't want to see people getting ****, as I know how that is.
    Seems that it is oh so terrible to that I decided to warn people since nobody is sure of who it is/was, so it's best they be careful.
    I was helping people in a TT the other day to help them farm coins/mats for gear because they said someone in RE\/ENGE had **** them. Of course I don't know if this was true or not, but I decided to be nice anyways.

    I have a feeling you read half of what someone says instead of reading the whole thing.

    How in the WORLD can u call what they did hacking? The person gave him the password, from what u said in the other thread. So if he gave the password to the person(people) it is their fault not the person(people) that took w/e gear coins etc. Honestly if he was that dumb to trust people he probably didnt know for a long time to give them his info....yea b:bye
  • TheDan - Sanctuary
    TheDan - Sanctuary Posts: 3,495 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Did someone say LC nudes? b:dirty
    BM PvP Guide:

    YouTube channels: and
  • Nastassiya - Sanctuary
    Nastassiya - Sanctuary Posts: 483 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Did someone say LC nudes? b:dirty

    I'd be afraid to look at nudes of a lot of people in this game...
  • Stealthninja - Sanctuary
    Stealthninja - Sanctuary Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Did someone say LC nudes? b:dirty

    yes dan, wanna go to LC now, all the cool guys r =)
  • MistaBwanden - Sanctuary
    MistaBwanden - Sanctuary Posts: 2,803 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Two camels in a tiny car.
  • XxxRagzxxx - Sanctuary
    XxxRagzxxx - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I loveeeeeeeeeeee how everyone is stating oh we werent allies when it comes to Amp and Enely. Im just stating from what i saw. When there are scheduled TW meetings with factions, and within these meetings, the factions that attended werent supposed to attack each other. So what if the TW bidding changed and the meetings werent a regular thing anymore? Enely says they want a fair TW with someone of equal caliber? Ok so lets attack a faction we are allied with because Vindicate just ***** us irl for all our lands when we know Amp can only pull half our numbers. Yea, that sounds really fair there, but i bet Enely wasnt counting on that TW lasting that long, guess it just shows that when Amp can finally field a full 80, they are gonna wreck havoc.

  • Stealthninja - Sanctuary
    Stealthninja - Sanctuary Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I loveeeeeeeeeeee how everyone is stating oh we werent allies when it comes to Amp and Enely. Im just stating from what i saw. When there are scheduled TW meetings with factions, and within these meetings, the factions that attended werent supposed to attack each other. So what if the TW bidding changed and the meetings werent a regular thing anymore? Enely says they want a fair TW with someone of equal caliber? Ok so lets attack a faction we are allied with because Vindicate just ***** us irl for all our lands when we know Amp can only pull half our numbers. Yea, that sounds really fair there, but i bet Enely wasnt counting on that TW lasting that long, guess it just shows that when Amp can finally field a full 80, they are gonna wreck havoc.


    made me lol

    only lasted that long cuz we wanted to, if u read my prev post u woulda saw that we just TWed longer for fun. And just because we used to attack the same faction week after week was for both our benefits, not necessarily alliances. LG and nef were supposedly alliances too, and Nef wiped them off, so i guess no alliance huh :p same situation here
  • MistaBwanden - Sanctuary
    MistaBwanden - Sanctuary Posts: 2,803 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Just because there was some sort of alliance in the past does not mean it will last forever.
  • KibblesnBitz - Sanctuary
    KibblesnBitz - Sanctuary Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    More assumptions nom.

    Enelysion Executor
    Proud She-Barb
  • Stealthninja - Sanctuary
    Stealthninja - Sanctuary Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    stop trying to pass me on posts kibbs <3
  • NaitomeaDesu - Sanctuary
    NaitomeaDesu - Sanctuary Posts: 396 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    l o l o l o l o l. All I can say here. XD ahahhaha. Kibby and Ninjaface <3
    The knife slides down the tip of my tongue.
    I'm finding pleasure in watching you writhe.
    I lean in just to lick the sweat off your face.
    I taste the reverence dripping down my throat.
  • MistaBwanden - Sanctuary
    MistaBwanden - Sanctuary Posts: 2,803 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    more Assumptions Nom.

  • Majou - Sanctuary
    Majou - Sanctuary Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    made me lol

    only lasted that long cuz we wanted to, if u read my prev post u woulda saw that we just TWed longer for fun. And just because we used to attack the same faction week after week was for both our benefits, not necessarily alliances. LG and nef were supposedly alliances too, and Nef wiped them off, so i guess no alliance huh :p same situation here

    oh wow. O__O i didnt even realize this. so what you are saying is...Nefarious can be crushed by Enelysion whenever Enelysion feels like it?
  • Deceptistar - Sanctuary
    Deceptistar - Sanctuary Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited September 2010

    oh wow. O__O i didnt even realize this. so what you are saying is...Nefarious can be crushed by Enelysion whenever Enelysion feels like it?
    I'm sorry but...
    I LOL'ed.
    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan
  • Arshen - Sanctuary
    Arshen - Sanctuary Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited September 2010

    Oh wow. O__O I didn’t even realize this. So what you are saying is...Nefarious can be crushed by Enelysion whenever Enelysion feels like it?

    Did we put the name Nefarious there?
    We said that the TW with amp lasted longer because we wanted a fun and nice TW.

    Another post. (This isn’t about my quoting of Majou) but it's about everyone else and the factions and their members.

    Enelysion hasn’t had any Alliance with Amp, no formal alliance, if we had, all of us would have known. We didn’t have an alliance with Regicide, Legendary and RedRaiders either. We just simply decided to have a 3 way attack against Nefarious, seeing that was only opportunity to have a chance to win.

    If the factions agreed to not attack each other and attack the dominate faction, then that’s called a ceasefire truce.

    ''A ceasefire (or truce) is a temporary stoppage of a war in which each side agrees with the other to suspend aggressive actions. Ceasefires may be declared as part of a formal treaty, but they have also been called as part of an informal understanding between opposing forces.''

    If amp wants to keep telling us that we had an alliance, then you're wasting your time.

    Enelysion is an independent faction and doesn’t need to be told by others what we are, what we do, what we should do, or why we do this and that. We do it simply because it's or fun or it is in our interests.

    When your minds just see what it wants and doesn’t see beyond it, I can simply call those, stupid.
    Accept the fact, the truth, and stop hiding behind your ridiculous posts.
    The Past is the past, keep to the present guys. What's happened can’t be changed ever. If you don’t like it, simply ignore it and move on.
    Those that can only post here with an alt and not show their true identity, hiding behind a mask and being afraid, Shame on you. If you are afraid of others mocking you about what you’re saying and don’t want to show your main, then get the *censored* out of these forums and keep your comments to yourself. We don’t want to hear opinions or comments from non identified people.

    Keep this thread for TW discussions please, it would be nice to see intelligent discussions and not people harassing each other, talking about stuff out of topic stuff, or QQing of others. Let’s make this thread neat and decent threads were we can discuss about TW.

    Thanks for reading

    This will be my last post answering people that don’t deserve being answered. I will only read, answer, debate and discuss with people that keep it at a decent level and are intelligent, that can see beyond their noses.
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Let us clarify something up about the leadership meetings. We met together with the purpose of bringing color on the map. Simple as that. Not to **** with Nef, not to agree never to hit each other. So naturally, we arranged to attack together to increase the chance of bringing color on the map.

    Later on, Regi no longer slotted with us when they could no longer help us. Slotting with Regicide meant Nefarious would always no-show Regicide. However, Dan was always there to provide advice on time slotting. There were many reasons we attacked Nef and not Regi. One may be that Regi was stronger, so for the sole purpose of getting color on the map, you go for the faction that is more likely going to get you land. We did not turn on each other after any of us has gotten a land because we do not wipe each other when there is this pool of red. The factions that has gotten a land continued to slot with the rest of the team because we wanted to get every faction in that meeting a land on the map.

    We weren't here to have long fights that were fun, a no-show is not a long fight. Longer fights would have been us attacking each other. We were there to put as many colors on the map as possible in order to prepare for a better future in the TW scene. I think some of you are forgetting that or not understanding that.

    This is why Doc believed this a betrayal. Amp was wiped off the map by a faction that was in the meeting. I know we all stopped meeting, and if Enely says that getting more colors on the map is no longer their purpose that's fine. I just want everyone to understand what went on when we all met together.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • KibblesnBitz - Sanctuary
    KibblesnBitz - Sanctuary Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Fail quote on my part. But I agree with Arshen.

    Enelysion Executor
    Proud She-Barb
  • Stealthninja - Sanctuary
    Stealthninja - Sanctuary Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited September 2010

    oh wow. O__O i didnt even realize this. so what you are saying is...Nefarious can be crushed by Enelysion whenever Enelysion feels like it?

    What was said is this maj. Leg and nef didnt fight eachother while other factions were on the map. The decided they wouldnt attack each other, but then 1 day that did fight one another. Being an old timer u should have known this. Now to present day map. Amp and LG and ene used to fight together now they attack each other. ^^ see the similarities?

    Nowhere in my post did i ever say Ene can fight nef and roll them whenever they wanted. No idea where u came up with that lol.

    Quilue, u dont like having long TW fights? That just means ur not a hardcore TWer =p Some of us, like me, are hardcore TW goers and love the challenge of TW and like the PvP involved. Ill rather have a good long TW battle than having a 5 min no-show TW. Wow u won a land in 5 mins, enjoy having 150 free mirages b:bye
  • Arshen - Sanctuary
    Arshen - Sanctuary Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I accept with Quilue.

    But Enelysion attacking Amp was because we wanted a fun TW. We care NOTHING about having more or less lands. As you see, lands give only mirages and not coins. We were tired of attacking same factions over and over. And when we attacked Vindicate, we wanted fun TW's, and they seemed like a worthy opponent, we didnt later QQ about loosing, we arent a bad looser as some are.

    If amp aims to get most territories possible, and as some people stated, that they can beat us easily, then attack us please. Simple as that. We want another fun TW x)

    If we loose this territory we simply let it go and get another, we could care less who attacks us or who wins, as long as we have fun. That's practically why I wake up 5am in the morning to go to a TW, not a 5 mins roll but a decent long TW.

    And with having a decent long TW, only way was, to attack each other and have fun. It's better than being steamrolled by a faction that is stronger than us. Or wake up at 5am to have a 5 mins TW = waste of time, effort, sleep etc.
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Quilue, u dont like having long TW fights? That just means ur not a hardcore TWer =p Some of us, like me, are hardcore TW goers and love the challenge of TW and like the PvP involved. Ill rather have a good long TW battle than having a 5 min no-show TW. Wow u won a land in 5 mins, enjoy having 150 free mirages b:bye

    To have more colors on the map means to have more factions to choose from when you fight. It means more factions can participate without being rolled in 5min. The purpose of the meetings was to prepare for a better future, one where every faction that wants to fight is not always staring at 1 or 2 colors on the map.

    So yes, in essence, when we gain a land we invite another faction to attack us, and we expect to lose it if we cannot defend it. In my opinion, we served our purpose for having that land by having another faction other than Nef attack us last week, I only post to make everyone understand why Doc ranted. I hope you can also understand why the leaders, including your own, met together and spent almost an hour before every bid to coordinate attacks and had you guys fighting Nef for so long. Do you not realize it? Without the lands that Enely and Vind gained from Nef, some of which were no-shows, there would never be Vind vs Enely fights.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • KibblesnBitz - Sanctuary
    KibblesnBitz - Sanctuary Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Is it just me, or do I see a big difference in last week's TW Amp's defense against Enelysion versus December's TW Enelysion's defense against Amp? Why are people being so uptight about this one? Last time, people enjoyed the hell out of it. Both sides were super happy, as far as I saw, and heard from friends. I don't keep up with Battlefront like some of you do, so idk? o.o Not saying this one wasn't fun. I enjoyed it. My Amp friends enjoyed it. But with that comes lots of assumptions lol, I was even asked by my Amp friend "why's Enel on our *** all of a sudden?" when they saw the TW schedules.

    December fight

    Enelysion Executor
    Proud She-Barb