An Early GM Response to the TW Changes



  • Daikataro - Dreamweaver
    Daikataro - Dreamweaver Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    The reason is this: The patch just came out, and some time really has to pass before any of us truly knows the effects of it.

    I'm reading all of your concerns and I've thrown in some of my own opinions about the patch. Kantorek has done the same. I read you loud and clear; the TW pay has been decreased and you're worried about not being able to afford charms anymore. You feel like we're ruining a beautiful part of the game. I understand that; this is a pretty big change to the system, so it's normal that you're worried about it.

    I love TW. It and the Gold Trade system are my two favorite parts about PWI; TW brings factions together for a hardcore, team-oriented endgame event. The Gold Trade system makes it so that no player is excluded from the Cash Shop, as long as they're willing to put time and effort into the game. These two systems are what differentiate PWI from every other F2P out there.

    Let me just assure you that we do NOT want to ruin the TW system. From what I understand, these changes were implemented to combat problems that have plagued longer-running versions of PW -- those in Malaysia and China. I have to say that I do like the idea of taking what we know about those versions and using it to try to protect this version.

    So... that means we have to pay for what chinese and malasyan players do? that means that if chinese guys suddenly find a bug that makes them gain crazy amounts of exp in short intervals of time and you cut exp gain in 90% to counter that, will you cut exp in 90% in our version as well? that's as wicked as saying "son, your brother broke his leg so we're putting a cast around yours as well to prevent further damage"

    Really is is THAT hard for you guys to figure it out? different populations, different game, DIFFERENT RULES, we don't bot, we don't ****, we don't exploit bugs, why do we have to pay for the consequences of all that? it's just like this patch, IF IT'S NOT BROKEN DON'T FIX IT!!!
    Originally Posted by frankieraye: To say that would be a lie, because in regards to the DQ problem, it's something that we're honestly still working on, and something that we believe we can fix.

    (8)Don't stop! believing! hold onto that feeling!(8)
  • OneHottShot - Heavens Tear
    OneHottShot - Heavens Tear Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    So... that means we have to pay for what chinese and malasyan players do? that means that if chinese guys suddenly find a bug that makes them gain crazy amounts of exp in short intervals of time and you cut exp gain in 90% to counter that, will you cut exp in 90% in our version as well? that's as wicked as saying "son, your brother broke his leg so we're putting a cast around yours as well to prevent further damage"

    Really is is THAT hard for you guys to figure it out? different populations, different game, DIFFERENT RULES, we don't bot, we don't ****, we don't exploit bugs, why do we have to pay for the consequences of all that? it's just like this patch, IF IT'S NOT BROKEN DON'T FIX IT!!!

    One point here you are wrong at.

    The bug exploitation.

    People figured out that you could save instances and go back in a few hours later and kill only the bosses you wanted to, instead of having to kill to reopen doors. (sounds like exploit to me) There was ppl on HT server (won't say names) who was buying instances like crazy just to do this, then HE would get a squad to go in, make a fast run and keep all the drops !

    Guess what, they updated and changed it to now where the instance totally resets after 4 hours.. thanks to those ppl! I would be really ticked if I need 4:01:00 to finish.

    I've seen people at nightscream island with themselves standing in the water but their herc is killing stuff that spawns in mass.. they never pick anything up. They never move, and they don't talk to you when you say anything to them... sounds an awful lot like botting to me. (exploit?)

    I can't tell you how many people have scammed, intentionally scammed newb people. Yes, they should be cautious.. but face it when you just first started this game did you know anything?

    I first started, some nice fella picked me up with the embrace feature (i never even killed 1 mob yet was still trying to figure things out) and then he dropped me across the river in a bunch of lvl 50 mobs. I wasn't worried bout losing exp, I didn't have any. But I also had NO money to port anywhere, and every time I left the area something killed me immediately. Every day for 2 weeks I logged on and I almost left the game. I kept asking ppl to help me and no one ever would. Finally some sweet,kind soul ran in front of me all the way back to the river so I could get back to newb land! derailed the point I know but I felt like sharing the story...

    Anyways.. this version does all of the things you just denied they do. I've seen people try to scam beyond belief in this game. Especially with items that look like others. I've seen bugs exploited and I've hear of hacking (no proof with my own eyes on this one). Do I think we deserve the same fate, not really. I was irate with the dq drop reduction. But... those bad things you think don't exist in this version.. THEY DO!
  • BarbHammer - Heavens Tear
    BarbHammer - Heavens Tear Posts: 215 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    One point here you are wrong at.

    The bug exploitation.

    People figured out that you could save instances and go back in a few hours later and kill only the bosses you wanted to, instead of having to kill to reopen doors. (sounds like exploit to me) There was ppl on HT server (won't say names) who was buying instances like crazy just to do this, then HE would get a squad to go in, make a fast run and keep all the drops !

    Guess what, they updated and changed it to now where the instance totally resets after 4 hours.. thanks to those ppl! I would be really ticked if I need 4:01:00 to finish.

    I've seen people at nightscream island with themselves standing in the water but their herc is killing stuff that spawns in mass.. they never pick anything up. They never move, and they don't talk to you when you say anything to them... sounds an awful lot like botting to me. (exploit?)

    I can't tell you how many people have scammed, intentionally scammed newb people. Yes, they should be cautious.. but face it when you just first started this game did you know anything?

    I first started, some nice fella picked me up with the embrace feature (i never even killed 1 mob yet was still trying to figure things out) and then he dropped me across the river in a bunch of lvl 50 mobs. I wasn't worried bout losing exp, I didn't have any. But I also had NO money to port anywhere, and every time I left the area something killed me immediately. Every day for 2 weeks I logged on and I almost left the game. I kept asking ppl to help me and no one ever would. Finally some sweet,kind soul ran in front of me all the way back to the river so I could get back to newb land! derailed the point I know but I felt like sharing the story...

    Anyways.. this version does all of the things you just denied they do. I've seen people try to scam beyond belief in this game. Especially with items that look like others. I've seen bugs exploited and I've hear of hacking (no proof with my own eyes on this one). Do I think we deserve the same fate, not really. I was irate with the dq drop reduction. But... those bad things you think don't exist in this version.. THEY DO!

    Most of the "hacking" from this game is account sharing and making someone angry at you.

    I agree with you, the exploits are here, and yes some people have taken it way to far, but they could have at least put it at 6hours instead of 4 cause that can really mess up if you are showing a new person around the instance. Exploiting glitches are going to exploited no matter what things you change. Well except the TT instances now.
    I do as the Romans do, I wash my hands of thee.
  • Wolfyyy - Raging Tide
    Wolfyyy - Raging Tide Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    PWI Devs :-

    1) Money Minded.

    2) Horrible at weighting the pros and cons of updates. Or maybe, player's welfare don't really matter as long as the devs made sure PWI doesn't end up like MY/CN server.

    3) " GTFO we don't care about you players suggestions but we know you're addicted with spamming packs. As long as you guys keep the money coming, everything in the game is going fine. "

    4) 1.5 mil per TW worth of towers, maybe another 1.5 mil for catapults. No money for pots, charms. No bid refunds. you don't get coins outta bid placed on your land in the even if you win. Guild leaders can't afford to pay for everything for every weekend. No more TW.

    Devs : " Heh, so if they can't afford, they will have to spend cash on packs for Tokens of Best Luck !! "

    You guys able to conclude? Its just all about money and nothing else.
  • Sinister - Heavens Tear
    Sinister - Heavens Tear Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    One point here you are wrong at.

    The bug exploitation.

    People figured out that you could save instances and go back in a few hours later and kill only the bosses you wanted to, instead of having to kill to reopen doors. (sounds like exploit to me) There was ppl on HT server (won't say names) who was buying instances like crazy just to do this, then HE would get a squad to go in, make a fast run and keep all the drops !

    Guess what, they updated and changed it to now where the instance totally resets after 4 hours.. thanks to those ppl! I would be really ticked if I need 4:01:00 to finish.

    I've seen people at nightscream island with themselves standing in the water but their herc is killing stuff that spawns in mass.. they never pick anything up. They never move, and they don't talk to you when you say anything to them... sounds an awful lot like botting to me. (exploit?)

    I can't tell you how many people have scammed, intentionally scammed newb people. Yes, they should be cautious.. but face it when you just first started this game did you know anything?

    I first started, some nice fella picked me up with the embrace feature (i never even killed 1 mob yet was still trying to figure things out) and then he dropped me across the river in a bunch of lvl 50 mobs. I wasn't worried bout losing exp, I didn't have any. But I also had NO money to port anywhere, and every time I left the area something killed me immediately. Every day for 2 weeks I logged on and I almost left the game. I kept asking ppl to help me and no one ever would. Finally some sweet,kind soul ran in front of me all the way back to the river so I could get back to newb land! derailed the point I know but I felt like sharing the story...

    Anyways.. this version does all of the things you just denied they do. I've seen people try to scam beyond belief in this game. Especially with items that look like others. I've seen bugs exploited and I've hear of hacking (no proof with my own eyes on this one). Do I think we deserve the same fate, not really. I was irate with the dq drop reduction. But... those bad things you think don't exist in this version.. THEY DO!

    Was that you trapped up near swiftwind tribe and i had you follow me i was on my barb at the time named Jaberwachy ive helped many lower lvls who found themselves lost in the wrong part of the map just curious
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I'm curious how much event boutique gold you can actually get from the new public quest. If it's a respectable amount, we may yet have charms for TW. (Albeit only Bronze and Silver..) This might be their chance to do something that won't upset a lot of ppl, don't disappoint us, lol.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Mraochan - Lost City
    Mraochan - Lost City Posts: 464 Arc User
    edited August 2010

    I first started, some nice fella picked me up with the embrace feature (i never even killed 1 mob yet was still trying to figure things out) and then he dropped me across the river in a bunch of lvl 50 mobs. I wasn't worried bout losing exp, I didn't have any. But I also had NO money to port anywhere, and every time I left the area something killed me immediately. Every day for 2 weeks I logged on and I almost left the game. I kept asking ppl to help me and no one ever would. Finally some sweet,kind soul ran in front of me all the way back to the river so I could get back to newb land! derailed the point I know but I felt like sharing the story...

    I ran into a player with the same dilemma! And I helped them get back to newb land... lol. There are some aholes out there.. QQ

    (The following are just general thoughts, not directed at you HottShot) ^^

    A few thoughts regarding bugs and exploits...

    They're called bugs because they need to be fixed. If they exist for awhile and nothing is done about them, it stands to reason they will be taken advantage of. The bugs aren't the players problem, they're the devs' and the coders'. After all, if they allow the bugs to exist without fixing them, there's a good chance you won't get banned for exploiting them!

    BANNED - Now there's an idea! How about punishing the people actually abusing the system, instead of making everyone on all the servers everywhere suffer from it? This applies to several recent events. It's been said before.

    On the topic of timed instances, it definitely does make it harder. Especially on a veno like myself who solos alot of instances. I've got a veno as main so I can solo the game. 4 hours is cutting it close sometimes. I couldn't even solo my fb89 all at once, had to do it twice... anyways, the point I wanted to make was : in the days before timed instances, that's just the way it was. We didn't feel like we were doing anything wrong, or getting away with something we might get banned for... that's just the way it was. Now it's just a pain. ><

    I've never scammed or multi-cliented or cheated or even generally screwed anyone over in the game, partly because I have morals, and partly because knowing my rotten luck I WOULD get banned the first time lol.
  • OneHottShot - Heavens Tear
    OneHottShot - Heavens Tear Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I ran into a player with the same dilemma! And I helped them get back to newb land... lol. There are some aholes out there.. QQ

    (The following are just general thoughts, not directed at you HottShot) ^^

    A few thoughts regarding bugs and exploits...

    They're called bugs because they need to be fixed. If they exist for awhile and nothing is done about them, it stands to reason they will be taken advantage of. The bugs aren't the players problem, they're the devs' and the coders'. After all, if they allow the bugs to exist without fixing them, there's a good chance you won't get banned for exploiting them!

    BANNED - Now there's an idea! How about punishing the people actually abusing the system, instead of making everyone on all the servers everywhere suffer from it? This applies to several recent events. It's been said before.

    On the topic of timed instances, it definitely does make it harder. Especially on a veno like myself who solos alot of instances. I've got a veno as main so I can solo the game. 4 hours is cutting it close sometimes. I couldn't even solo my fb89 all at once, had to do it twice... anyways, the point I wanted to make was : in the days before timed instances, that's just the way it was. We didn't feel like we were doing anything wrong, or getting away with something we might get banned for... that's just the way it was. Now it's just a pain. ><

    I've never scammed or multi-cliented or cheated or even generally screwed anyone over in the game, partly because I have morals, and partly because knowing my rotten luck I WOULD get banned the first time lol.

    Here lies the issue-

    If they started banning people who exploit the game those people are obviously already smart. They figured out a way to exploit something right>? Those same people are likely also smart enough to know how to change their I.P. address and reroll and go on. I'm just saying banning an account isn't going to keep that person off the game. The account that got banned, yes.

    Venos weren't meant to be able to solo instances. All instances are supposed to be hard enough that you have to have a squad of people to complete them. If you are high enough to solo them the reward is nerfed so bad due to lvl they aren't worth doing it. (this is how it should be) However; venos have that edge, they always have had and apparently thats how its going to be left.

    I have morals too, I try to do everyone right. You know what I've found about that though, those who try to do right, act right and be right... are usually the ones who get screwed over. It sucks... and I'd be lucky enough to be right there with you getting caught the first time and banned.
  • GHealz - Archosaur
    GHealz - Archosaur Posts: 201 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    This patch came out, and a person with 20/20 vision spent money to go to the eye doctor just to prove that this game has health hazards? Furthermore, are you taking the advice of your doctor and not even logging on? I mean not even logging on at all?

    i logged on once to give my friend my account info, why waste a perfectly gud lv100 cleric?
    and i never paid to see her, its a free check up same as my dentist she asked if i was having any problems and thats how it came up, she asked to bring it
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Tempest FTWb:bye
  • Kupuntu - Sanctuary
    Kupuntu - Sanctuary Posts: 3,008 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    i logged on once to give my friend my account info, why waste a perfectly gud lv100 cleric?
    and i never paid to see her, its a free check up same as my dentist she asked if i was having any problems and thats how it came up, she asked to bring it

    Congratulations. You just got your account banned.
    100% F2P player. Started PW: March 2007, Quit PW: March 2011. "Pure axe" 8k HP multipath BM, last one of my kind.
  • frankieraye
    frankieraye Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    i logged on once to give my friend my account info, why waste a perfectly gud lv100 cleric?
    and i never paid to see her, its a free check up same as my dentist she asked if i was having any problems and thats how it came up, she asked to bring it

    ** b:shocked **
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Enjoy your ban.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • Indiri - Archosaur
    Indiri - Archosaur Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    So here's what I've seen recently in PWI:

    DQ prices dropped = grinding got expensive so you either grind on low level stuff (for not much profit) or you grind on mobs closer to your level in which case the crab meat or charm ticks outweigh what you just made. In either case, pretty ineffective so they are trying to make you charge zen. They SAID they were working on a way to make it up to people but what have we heard about this? NOTHING, and that's all we will hear about it.

    4 Hours Instance Timers = So many times someone is getting kicked out of an instance they are trying to finish. It's not about cheating here whatever the GMs/devs say. No one can do lunar. The guy who was abandoned by his squad so they could do the event still hadn't finished his fb89 and got kicked just as the people who agreed to help were doing the boss he needed for his culti. The lower level FC squad gets kicked out just as they get to the exp room. I have seen ALL of these happen. When people were instance saving the mobs/bosses didn't reset for 10+ hours. So why 4? It should have been 8 or 9 to prevent saving *maybe* but, here's an idea, JUST MAKE THEM NOT RESET. Kinda obvious so, IMO, they did it because they make more money if you charge zen and chip all the lunar stuff for horrific amounts and the rest (bad squad/low FC) just got caught up in it.

    TW Changes = The one thing in this game that was my source of income to pay for pots/charms for TW is gone. So, I'm not going to do it anymore. And neither will so many people. The thing is they SAY that it's because they want weaker guilds to have a chance. But weaker guilds will have a hard time coming up with bid money which they won't get back. So 10 mil+ (on my server sounds like a LOT more will be likely) so you can get a few mirage stones? Why?

    My guild made a bid last week based on the (at the time) current rules for the TW. It was a large bid because we had to deal with a smart **** with a fake guilds bid. THEN the rules were changes AFTER the bidding and we are out a fat chunk of change. They waited until everyone bid their money and then said, oh, by the way, we aren't giving it back (and do I believe that timing was coincidental? Um, NO). Seriously? So next week when you buy your gold and they say, oh, we are only giving you half of what you purchase now, cause we just changed the rules they are going to expect you to just deal with that too. Sure, it sounds extreme and unfair but you rolled over and took the last change so what are you gonna do about it? Nothing, that's right. So run along.

    Yes, there are still a couple of more ways to make coin in this game (buy low/sell high) etc but, quite honestly, it sounds like a way to **** other players. "Yes, you *could* have bought this for a reasonable price but I'll buy em up and then make you pay a markup"? Nah... That's just making the economy more hosed and makes me no different than the devs who are hosing all of us. Oh, you can do TT and sell the mats? Well, now we are starting to hear rumors that the other versions make you pay to be a CAT shop? Yeah, some people think these are just rumors but that's what those same people thought about the TW changes, isn't it? Some of us could gold trade but the range between buy and sell has to be 20k MINIMUM and it often isn't and, obviously, we can't all do that. Or we could farm. Yeah, I could but OMG it's boring and the whole point of a game is that it is supposed to be fun, not a chore.

    One of the GMs suggested that they did several of these changes because gold prices are out of control. THEN MAKE GOLD A SET PRICE both for buying AND selling or put a max sell price on the gold trading. It's not complicated, the fix is quick and then they can stop using that as an excuse.

    I have charged zen on this game. Not in the crazy amounts that so many have, but still a fair bit and certainly more than I should have and now with the devs/GMs making it quite clear that no one is really listening to us anyway I wish I could take back every penny and especially HOUR I spent on this game.

    So, right now my first definite decision is I am not charging another dime to this game. Not even one, I'm done. Because if they will do this then what change is coming tomorrow or next week that they will ALSO not listen to us on?

    Second, I will not play another game made by this company. Some people who left PWI are going to try their other games but in the end they'll do the same thing there and you will take it. So no, I will not play anything PW makes.

    Lastly, I'm thinking of quitting PWI too. Not just charging no more, but just not playing at all. I made it to 99. I could have done more and there are instances I haven't tried. But the only reason to do them at this level is to be powerful for PvP or TW. I am on a PvE server so that would be stupid and pointless. TW is not something I care about much now so I'm thinking that maybe this is endgame for me. Anyway, real life is calling, and loudly. I have not decided for sure and for now I may tinker but as a real big sign, instead of my usual 10+ hours logged in this weekend I had maybe 2? Sad...
  • Andres - Dreamweaver
    Andres - Dreamweaver Posts: 462 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    ** b:shocked **
    Really Frankie, I throw in some ideas so that TW players and the server don't feel royally screwed with TW pay changes and you focus on banning someone b:cry
    We came, we saw, we painted it red.
    10/10/10 Calamity
  • Mraochan - Lost City
    Mraochan - Lost City Posts: 464 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    So here's what I've seen recently in PWI:

    DQ prices dropped = grinding got expensive so you either grind on low level stuff (for not much profit) or you grind on mobs closer to your level in which case the crab meat or charm ticks outweigh what you just made. In either case, pretty ineffective so they are trying to make you charge zen. They SAID they were working on a way to make it up to people but what have we heard about this? NOTHING, and that's all we will hear about it.

    4 Hours Instance Timers = So many times someone is getting kicked out of an instance they are trying to finish. It's not about cheating here whatever the GMs/devs say. No one can do lunar. The guy who was abandoned by his squad so they could do the event still hadn't finished his fb89 and got kicked just as the people who agreed to help were doing the boss he needed for his culti. The lower level FC squad gets kicked out just as they get to the exp room. I have seen ALL of these happen. When people were instance saving the mobs/bosses didn't reset for 10+ hours. So why 4? It should have been 8 or 9 to prevent saving *maybe* but, here's an idea, JUST MAKE THEM NOT RESET. Kinda obvious so, IMO, they did it because they make more money if you charge zen and chip all the lunar stuff for horrific amounts and the rest (bad squad/low FC) just got caught up in it.

    TW Changes = The one thing in this game that was my source of income to pay for pots/charms for TW is gone. So, I'm not going to do it anymore. And neither will so many people. The thing is they SAY that it's because they want weaker guilds to have a chance. But weaker guilds will have a hard time coming up with bid money which they won't get back. So 10 mil+ (on my server sounds like a LOT more will be likely) so you can get a few mirage stones? Why?

    My guild made a bid last week based on the (at the time) current rules for the TW. It was a large bid because we had to deal with a smart **** with a fake guilds bid. THEN the rules were changes AFTER the bidding and we are out a fat chunk of change. They waited until everyone bid their money and then said, oh, by the way, we aren't giving it back (and do I believe that timing was coincidental? Um, NO). Seriously? So next week when you buy your gold and they say, oh, we are only giving you half of what you purchase now, cause we just changed the rules they are going to expect you to just deal with that too. Sure, it sounds extreme and unfair but you rolled over and took the last change so what are you gonna do about it? Nothing, that's right. So run along.

    Yes, there are still a couple of more ways to make coin in this game (buy low/sell high) etc but, quite honestly, it sounds like a way to **** other players. "Yes, you *could* have bought this for a reasonable price but I'll buy em up and then make you pay a markup"? Nah... That's just making the economy more hosed and makes me no different than the devs who are hosing all of us. Oh, you can do TT and sell the mats? Well, now we are starting to hear rumors that the other versions make you pay to be a CAT shop? Yeah, some people think these are just rumors but that's what those same people thought about the TW changes, isn't it? Some of us could gold trade but the range between buy and sell has to be 20k MINIMUM and it often isn't and, obviously, we can't all do that. Or we could farm. Yeah, I could but OMG it's boring and the whole point of a game is that it is supposed to be fun, not a chore.

    One of the GMs suggested that they did several of these changes because gold prices are out of control. THEN MAKE GOLD A SET PRICE both for buying AND selling or put a max sell price on the gold trading. It's not complicated, the fix is quick and then they can stop using that as an excuse.

    I have charged zen on this game. Not in the crazy amounts that so many have, but still a fair bit and certainly more than I should have and now with the devs/GMs making it quite clear that no one is really listening to us anyway I wish I could take back every penny and especially HOUR I spent on this game.

    So, right now my first definite decision is I am not charging another dime to this game. Not even one, I'm done. Because if they will do this then what change is coming tomorrow or next week that they will ALSO not listen to us on?

    Second, I will not play another game made by this company. Some people who left PWI are going to try their other games but in the end they'll do the same thing there and you will take it. So no, I will not play anything PW makes.

    Lastly, I'm thinking of quitting PWI too. Not just charging no more, but just not playing at all. I made it to 99. I could have done more and there are instances I haven't tried. But the only reason to do them at this level is to be powerful for PvP or TW. I am on a PvE server so that would be stupid and pointless. TW is not something I care about much now so I'm thinking that maybe this is endgame for me. Anyway, real life is calling, and loudly. I have not decided for sure and for now I may tinker but as a real big sign, instead of my usual 10+ hours logged in this weekend I had maybe 2? Sad...

    [Forum] Mraochan: AGREE 100%
  • Mraochan - Lost City
    Mraochan - Lost City Posts: 464 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Really Frankie, I throw in some ideas so that TW players and the server don't feel royally screwed with TW pay changes and you focus on banning someone b:cry

    [Forum] Mraochan: AGREE 100%
  • Elayne - Lost City
    Elayne - Lost City Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    ** b:shocked **

    I like how the only response the GM's have given in over what 20 pages is this? At least acknowledge the community you asked to respond to your "we're looking at it post" and grace us with a response.

    You have a limited time before those of us who are patient enough to give you the benefit of the doubt leave the game. I am pretty sure if you just sit back and wait for us to all accept this patch completely you will be shocked to realize that we've all quit and you have lost a very large portion of your cash-shopping player base.

    I think the posts about the cost of a TW sum up the reason why TW doesn't inject money into the economy it actually takes money out of it. My faction probably spends over 300mil/war for 3h wars. That's about 100mil every hour just from my side. Double that for two sides and if you can promote people to do TW you will actually take money of out the economy. Perhaps you should look at ways to make people want to TW and keep the rewards the same.

    Oh, the other very valid point was your packs. Your packs inject hundreds of millions of coins a day into the economy with no expense required from the player just RL money. Now, I respect that, that pays your salary but don't treat the TW core on PWI as stupid.

    Please have the sense to respond, we have already seen the early effects of this patch in that some people have raged, some have left, some have vowed to stop cash-shopping to punish PWI, and some of us are waiting. If I were you I'd fear for you continued employment when those "waiting" do decide, especially if nothing has been done to address their concerns.

    ~Essence Leader - Lost City
  • Susamajii - Lost City
    Susamajii - Lost City Posts: 902 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Yes, enjoy fighting TWs you most likely get rolled in 10 minutes. Or heaven's forbid, if you as a barb, face a true 3 hour war twice in one weekend, you'll go through 4-8 charms per war. If you're not a cata-puller, then perhaps 2-4 charms per war.

    Yes, you'll easily make that coin every week from farming and merchanting... but how much coin will you have left for other aspects of the game, or to improve your gear?


    QQ 36k in tiger = 33 charm ticks till dead gold charm (if i dont die) and 28-29k tick every time i die in tiger form = LOT O CHARM TICKING CAPN. On a side note I'm not banned from forams anymore <3

    So since people don't like to hear the truth or maybe they don't like being told it bluntly I'll just say here i love this patch omg keep things like this coming. Hai FrankieRaye <3 Infact I'll go charge right now for absolutely no reason at all. /facepalm
    Push me,
    And then just touch me.
    Tilll I get my,
  • drjiggle
    drjiggle Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    QQ 36k in tiger = 33 charm ticks till dead gold charm (if i dont die)

    Note that this is best case scenario -- if you tick at exactly 50% health. The reality is probably far worse. If you get slowly knocked down to 45% life and then hit for a big 10k crit, you're ticking far more than 18k each time.

    So, yeah, this patch is a great idea. b:victory
    On a side note I'm not banned from forams anymore <3

  • _ladanum - Lost City
    _ladanum - Lost City Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    QQ 36k in tiger = 33 charm ticks till dead gold charm (if i dont die) and 28-29k tick every time i die in tiger form = LOT O CHARM TICKING CAPN. On a side note I'm not banned from forams anymore <3

    So since people don't like to hear the truth or maybe they don't like being told it bluntly I'll just say here i love this patch omg keep things like this coming. Hai FrankieRaye <3 Infact I'll go charge right now for absolutely no reason at all. /facepalm

    [Fourm] _ladanum: that's why I quit my barb before he'd be wanted in tw. and yay for susa being unbanned b:cute

    EDIT: yay for my 50th post
    thanks to Nowitsawn for the sig b:laugh
  • Mraochan - Lost City
    Mraochan - Lost City Posts: 464 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I like how the only response the GM's have given in over what 20 pages is this? At least acknowledge the community you asked to respond to your "we're looking at it post" and grace us with a response.

    You have a limited time before those of us who are patient enough to give you the benefit of the doubt leave the game. I am pretty sure if you just sit back and wait for us to all accept this patch completely you will be shocked to realize that we've all quit and you have lost a very large portion of your cash-shopping player base.

    I think the posts about the cost of a TW sum up the reason why TW doesn't inject money into the economy it actually takes money out of it. My faction probably spends over 300mil/war for 3h wars. That's about 100mil every hour just from my side. Double that for two sides and if you can promote people to do TW you will actually take money of out the economy. Perhaps you should look at ways to make people want to TW and keep the rewards the same.

    Oh, the other very valid point was your packs. Your packs inject hundreds of millions of coins a day into the economy with no expense required from the player just RL money. Now, I respect that, that pays your salary but don't treat the TW core on PWI as stupid.

    Please have the sense to respond, we have already seen the early effects of this patch in that some people have raged, some have left, some have vowed to stop cash-shopping to punish PWI, and some of us are waiting. If I were you I'd fear for you continued employment when those "waiting" do decide, especially if nothing has been done to address their concerns.

    ~Essence Leader - Lost City

    Perfectly accurate in describing how myself, my guild, and 99% of my friends feel.
  • ThrawnOFive - Dreamweaver
    ThrawnOFive - Dreamweaver Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    ** b:shocked **

    Don't bother making a big post about how concerned you and the rest of the GMs are, it's going to fall on deaf ears since we've been waiting on your "concerns" about the DQ price drops. Please, do yourself a favor, find another job.

    Your post alone Frankie, has made me leave PWI. No, for real. I'm running the uninstaller now. Do you hear my hard drive churn? Enjoy being a GM over a dying game. I'm sure it'll look good on your resume.
  • Mraochan - Lost City
    Mraochan - Lost City Posts: 464 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    QQ 36k in tiger = 33 charm ticks till dead gold charm (if i dont die) and 28-29k tick every time i die in tiger form = LOT O CHARM TICKING CAPN.

    I'd never done the charm math on barbs before, as my mains are veno and cleric, but WOW. That sucks! QQ

    I wish I had a chance to do TW in the past...
  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    You say TW takes more money out than it puts in. Not true. Your charm costs are NOT removing coins from the game. They simply go to other players. In the end, there are more coins coming from nothing due to TW lands, then there are going out of the game due to TW.
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • Lenore - Harshlands
    Lenore - Harshlands Posts: 1,201 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    You say TW takes more money out than it puts in. Not true. Your charm costs are NOT removing coins from the game. They simply go to other players. In the end, there are more coins coming from nothing due to TW lands, then there are going out of the game due to TW.

    [Forum] Lenore: Grinding puts more money into the game than it takes out in repairs. Does that mean it's bad? Soon we won't be able to grind anymore. And you realize there are TONS of coin sinks in the game, INCLUDING in TW. They take the form of cata scrolls, towers, bids, repairs, etc. And you're missing the point. Tokens inject waaay more coin into the game, whereas TW was a natural way for coin to make their way into the system.
  • Valrain - Archosaur
    Valrain - Archosaur Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Don't bother making a big post about how concerned you and the rest of the GMs are, it's going to fall on deaf ears since we've been waiting on your "concerns" about the DQ price drops. Please, do yourself a favor, find another job.

    Your post alone Frankie, has made me leave PWI. No, for real. I'm running the uninstaller now. Do you hear my hard drive churn? Enjoy being a GM over a dying game. I'm sure it'll look good on your resume.

    No kidding. 50% of the servers are leaving the game, and Frankie is worried about a single account?

    All of this is so depressing. I used to enjoy logging in to PWI and playing. But now it feels like I am doing chores... If I wanted another job, I would go get a second job. At least then I would have another income stream instead of this frustrating expense.

    PWI has become a vehicle of greed for Perfect World Entertainment at the expense of the players who genuinely enjoyed the game. What you have done is **** over the very people who cash-shopped and supported this game. You guys obviously don't give a damn about the players anymore, so I too am done. It's time to go do something more productive with my life than support this company.
  • crunchycat
    crunchycat Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Well said Valrain. I am also in complete agreement with Indiri (Post #315) and Elayne (Post #319).

    frankieraye, I hope your employers are listening. This is the calm before the storm.
  • Andres - Dreamweaver
    Andres - Dreamweaver Posts: 462 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    You say TW takes more money out than it puts in. Not true. Your charm costs are NOT removing coins from the game. They simply go to other players. In the end, there are more coins coming from nothing due to TW lands, then there are going out of the game due to TW.

    Yes, there were more coins due to TW lands, but it's not because of this that the gold prices are high. Charm costs do not remove coin from the game but catapult scrolls 20k each (around 20 per barb in 2 hour wars, 4-8 catas depending on the land), towers (14-20? depending on land level at 100k each), bid (20% of 500k-200m), Res scrolls for certain squads (55k each, 2-3 used per TW) as well as Elixirs which do not overlap with event food CD... they are all sold by merchant so they all soak a part of it.

    Again, if your theory was correct, the increment of gold prices would happen on Friday after TW pay was sent out by the system to the TW leaders and from them to faction people for TW expenses. Instead, gold prices usually spike on Tuesday, after patches and new sales. It's not the coin supply, it's the gold supply that makes the gold prices go as high as they are right now, devs on other PW versions decided to control the coin supply part, instead of the gold supply part based mainly on the strenght of their cash shop players and their own incapability to control farm bots and other forms of excessive coin flow and it's how we ended up with this update b:cry
    We came, we saw, we painted it red.
    10/10/10 Calamity
  • Mraochan - Lost City
    Mraochan - Lost City Posts: 464 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    crunchycat wrote: »
    Well said Valrain. I am also in complete agreement with Indiri (Post #315) and Elayne (Post #319).

    frankieraye, I hope your employers are listening. This is the calm before the storm.

    It's wonderfully tragic in a way, don't you guys think? The way a disaster brings so many people together...

    Agree, agree, agree, I'm getting tired of agreeing with everyone lol

    We're all saying the same thing, so can we get an official response pertaining to what, if anything, is going to be done about all this?

  • Vorhs - Lost City
    Vorhs - Lost City Posts: 521 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    PWE's motto in patching is:

    "1 step forward and 2 steps back"

    I think no phrase could be more appropriate >.>
    Since packs went out the first time on boutique, everything went worse and worse, and each patch increased PWI failure even more each time lol.

    I really think the only nice implement they made so fare are genies. Everything else they did was **** or useless.
    If you happy wanna be, against the wind you won't have to pee.

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