TurboTaxi's Complete Assassin Guide (For all Levels)



  • Posts: 165 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Great guide. I'm finding that it's more complete than other guides I've read and Assassin isn't even my main. -_- My only complaint is that your commentary is written as if you're 13 years old. Then again, you could be... I don't know. lol Less 'roflmaos' and no smilies and this guide would be perfect.
    InStyle is the greatest faction on Dreamweaver! b:victory
    Feito is...
    [x] Still a LA Cleric
    [x] in possession of a BURNING TIGER SPIRIT b:angry
    [x] Sipping some F--KING tea
    [ ] Totally KICKASS
    [ ] Extremely wealthy
    I've got some ways to go!
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    i liked it. im kinda new but it helped me somewhat^^
  • Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Great guide. I'm finding that it's more complete than other guides I've read and Assassin isn't even my main. -_- My only complaint is that your commentary is written as if you're 13 years old. Then again, you could be... I don't know. lol Less 'roflmaos' and no smilies and this guide would be perfect.

    haha ^_^ i dunno why, but i've somehow replaced my "lol" with "rofl". b:chuckle if anything, i hope the guide helped you guys somehow!

    will be updating content soon!
    "Stay cool, be respectful, know your limits, and accept it when you've lost....

    ...then maybe i'll stick around a bit longer. b:victory" -Anonymous

    93 Barb (BattleBurger)
    100 Assassin (TurboTaxi)
  • Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Skill descriptions - edited/revised
    "Stay cool, be respectful, know your limits, and accept it when you've lost....

    ...then maybe i'll stick around a bit longer. b:victory" -Anonymous

    93 Barb (BattleBurger)
    100 Assassin (TurboTaxi)
  • Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Well any decent assasin has a certain combination for each class you fight,
    a simple example for those who havnt tried it would be the following
    (Interval assasin)
    Heavy armor
    Tidal Protection
    Your spark
    inner harmony
    wolf emblem
    tangling mire
    and frenzy if you wish.
    Normal hits
    if claw bm (ribstrike)
    then normal hits
    Any bm who stands through that grats ur officially a god.

    P.s if your too damn slow to kill the person before getting hit, then make sure
    your hp is decent before trying, too many interval assasins with 4-5k hp
    refine ffs.
    +Goals Reached+
    First Assasin with nirvana pants~lostcity~
    4.0 & 5.0 Hits per second~
    reached 500 dex+~
    Highest Hp'd interval assasin ~lostcity~
    b:sad until pc passes me b:cry
  • Posts: 966 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Well any decent assasin has a certain combination for each class you fight,
    a simple example for those who havnt tried it would be the following
    (Interval assasin)
    Heavy armor
    Tidal Protection
    Your spark
    inner harmony
    wolf emblem
    tangling mire
    and frenzy if you wish.
    Normal hits
    if claw bm (ribstrike)
    then normal hits
    Any bm who stands through that grats ur officially a god.

    P.s if your too damn slow to kill the person before getting hit, then make sure
    your hp is decent before trying, too many interval assasins with 4-5k hp
    refine ffs.

    i have to add Ambush to God status (for now) then b:surrender 90 should change that b:victory first damn barb i've fought i couldn't beat....though i havent tried Susa. not stupid b:shocked
    I hope that I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of title, the character of an honest man. -George Washington
  • Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Hello I'm Realy new here and i can not very good english^^ i don't anderstand more here but the game is very gread! i hope this game coming now in german =)

    How i skilling a PvP Assassin? i mean the skills? what skills is very usefull? and i dont anderstand the skill tree?

    e.g. i will have rawling slash and i muss have LvL1 slipsteam strike? or i muss have more lvls?
  • Posts: 966 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    saklfire wrote: »
    Hello I'm Realy new here and i can not very good english^^ i don't anderstand more here but the game is very gread! i hope this game coming now in german =)

    How i skilling a PvP Assassin? i mean the skills? what skills is very usefull? and i dont anderstand the skill tree?

    e.g. i will have rawling slash and i muss have LvL1 slipsteam strike? or i muss have more lvls?

    to keep it shortL

    Tackling Slash > max (level 10)
    Rib Strike > max (level 10)
    Focused Mind > max (Level 10)

    all other skills come secondary (after those 3), get level 1 in them for now then level them as you can.
    I hope that I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of title, the character of an honest man. -George Washington
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Hi everyone,

    I would like to see the difference in kill speed between interval sin and skill spammer. I try to search on youtube but found nothing interesting. It will be great that someone post a video of each build.
    Anyway, the interval build seems to cost a lot butis it more effective than the skill spamming build?
  • Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    kalzh wrote: »
    Hi everyone,

    I would like to see the difference in kill speed between interval sin and skill spammer. I try to search on youtube but found nothing interesting. It will be great that someone post a video of each build.
    Anyway, the interval build seems to cost a lot butis it more effective than the skill spamming build?

    If you can get a lot interval then by all means do so. You can still skill spam as much as you want, but your normal attack damage will shoot through the roof. Most sin skills take around 2 seconds to execute, a full interval sin can perform 6 normal attacks in that amount of time. Even if we take lvl 10 Chill of the Deep into consideration, the damage output still isn't comparable. Not to mention 6 x chance to crit vs. 1 x chance to crit in same amount of time.

    Difference might not be that big on regular mobs when you grind, but it really shows on bosses and in PvP vs. high HP and/or heavy armor users.
  • Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Agreed with just about all of it. I might just need to warm up to Deep Sting to actually use it.

    -Floppity Flop- I'm a fish
  • Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    First, remember it is a guide. You started this off badly by saying to go full Dex and that was the end of the discussion. You may not agree with the other builds, but you should still provide them. It is the players decision to choose his/her build, so give them the info on it all and be objective about it.

    Second, a lot of the skills you have rated as 5* I have to disagree with, to an extent. Stealth skills, the passive stealth/detection skills, Wolf Emblem, and Focused Mind should not be leveled until a player actually starts active PvP. Having to rebuff during PvE with the exception of boss fights makes them (Focused Mind and Wolf Emblem) more a waste of MP. The stealth skills and passives are unnecessary until you actually start PvP on an active and regular basis. If someone is on a PvE server, both are a waste if they never play to PvP, as a simple Shadow Jump gets them close enough. The only skill I completely disagree with is Deep Sting. It is effective at level one, and therefore should be treated as a 2* skill, in my opinion.

    Also, you are missing Shadow Teleport, Headhunt, Powerdash, Earthen Rift and Rising Dragon Strike in your skills section.

    For the physical mobs, you may want to also add that using Tackling Slash and then moving inside their range circle (right under them) makes them unable to attack as long as the freeze effect is there. The only time this doesn't work is when the mob can use any type of range/magical attack.

    You may want to also add that Powerdash should always be combined with Wolf Emblem, and that Tangling Mire and a double spark will ensure maximum damage on all bosses, some of which can make your mouth water because of the crit damage. b:dirty

    I also find using Deep Sting on range mobs to be a waste of time. Using Tackling Slash is effective to get the job done on them, and Deep Sting is just a waste unless you are trying for damage, in which case, Slipstream or Headhunt would be more effective.

    Also, section V needs a lot of detail. People will find that a lot changes for the Assassin in parties and especially in the instances. We no longer are a DD, and instead become a mix of DD and crowd control. We have the save the squishies who pull aggro, lure any runaway mobs from the party, pull the boss away should the tank die to prevent a party wipe (seeing as we have 2 speed skills, 3 with Holy Path). We have a lot we have to do, and too many Assassins don't realize just what their skills are meant for in a party.

    However, in spite of all my opinions, yours is the one of the best guides on this forum, beaten only by ArkToNE's. Just keep working on it, you are going in the right path.

    1st: why did u lost ur time wiring this sht??
    2nd: pure build own, cause u can get the HP diference of the others build just refining 1 (ONE) single equip.
    4th: b:bye
    HEY APPLE...
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Oki dokies! I'm thinking of attempting an interval sin - at my current level(87) I have no interval gear at all, i'm also currently not pure dex. My questions are:

    1) I'll obviously be aiming for anything with -int on it, and be sharding that with hp/prime evil stones etc, can anyone elaborate on mid range to best possible gear to aim for?

    2) I will most likely restat and become a pure dex player - will this have a high effect on grinding the coin required to obtain -int items, or will it even out nicely if i make the attribute change when i obtain the demon cultivation? (currently using +5 ghost cry's with majority of HH80, and a few random ornaments - most likely wont change much by the time i hit 89/90)

    I'm happily grinding rep for the time being, trying to acquire amount necessary for Dream Breaker daggers at rank6, just having a hard time deciding whether to have a propper go at interval, or to just go sage and save time.

    Thanks in advance b:pleased
  • Posts: 369 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    1st: why did u lost ur time wiring this sht??
    2nd: pure build own, cause u can get the HP diference of the others build just refining 1 (ONE) single equip.
    4th: b:bye

    I lol'ed at the logic and overall writing quality b:chuckle
    Oki dokies! I'm thinking of attempting an interval sin - at my current level(87) I have no interval gear at all, i'm also currently not pure dex. My questions are:

    1) I'll obviously be aiming for anything with -int on it, and be sharding that with hp/prime evil stones etc, can anyone elaborate on mid range to best possible gear to aim for?

    2) I will most likely restat and become a pure dex player - will this have a high effect on grinding the coin required to obtain -int items, or will it even out nicely if i make the attribute change when i obtain the demon cultivation? (currently using +5 ghost cry's with majority of HH80, and a few random ornaments - most likely wont change much by the time i hit 89/90)

    I'm happily grinding rep for the time being, trying to acquire amount necessary for Dream Breaker daggers at rank6, just having a hard time deciding whether to have a propper go at interval, or to just go sage and save time.

    Thanks in advance b:pleased

    General's bracers (gold HH 90) has -.10 interval and pairs nicely with General's boots (+10 dex bonus). Get whichever rank chest you can for now, and buy the lunar cape with -.05 interval (cheaper than the tome). Aside from the lunar cape, you won't play endgame with the rest of the gear. Plan to upgrade to Lionheart ornaments at 99 and nirvana pants at 100 (-.05 interval). Rank VI chest at 90 and obviously the Dream Breakers when they're released. You're last piece of gear will be a Love: Up and Down. At this point, you win the game.

    Your ideal 90 gear
    Your ideal 100 gear

    (I included the rank VIII top, but unless you really want to shell out another 900 mil for an extra .05 interval, keep the rank VI one)
  • Posts: 610 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    1st: why did u lost ur time wiring this sht??
    2nd: pure build own, cause u can get the HP diference of the others build just refining 1 (ONE) single equip.
    4th: b:bye

    To start, I didn't waste my time. If you perhaps had read it in the beginning, you would have realized that this guide was not nearly as good as it is now, and it was still damn good in the beginning. Now since all his revisions, he has surpassed ArkToNE's guide I believe.

    Second, Pure Dex is good, but that doesn't mean it's the best. Take all that HP you got from refines and shards, and add another 1300 to that at level 100. Now you have a hell of a lot more, and that is without any extra Vit equipment might add. So, while you might do an extra 200-400 damage than me in PvP at such, it will also take you up to 5 more hits to deal against me at equivalent gear. Now just for the fun of it, add that I will also have a better HP recovery rate, allowing me to recover HP more quickly without the use of BloodPaint, making any time I have you locked down with Deep Sting time for me to recover even more HP. There is nothing wrong with Vit or Hybrid builds, which is what I was saying.

    Third, I never claimed I could write a better guide. In fact, I've already made it clear that Taxi's guide is probably the best guide Assassins have up-to-date. So, try actually reading what I say rather than just assuming what you think I am implying. I was giving him advice and telling him how he could improve his guide. If you actually read his guide and read my post side-by-side, you will even see he took a lot of the advice, while neglecting other parts of it. I still disagree with a lot of the things he says, such as his importance he places on skills like Deep Sting which are effective at level 1, but it's his guide. Maybe instead of trying to insult me, you should try adding any additional advice, assuming you actually know the class well enough to give good advice. So far, you haven't shown much intelligence, based on the post I have quoted in this. When basing it on other posts though... well, I'll just give an example.
    PS: i played as a BM axe in sanctuary server and it is the wrost class... they consume all their mana in each combo they do, and their AoEs r very week comparing with wizzes and barbarians...

    b:bye and b:shutup
    Didn't get the rest of it, but apparently I am the "destroyer of sin haters" as well.
  • Posts: 327 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    b:chuckle nuke sin sounds eff-ing amazing lmfaooo i'm so going for that >_> might be handy to carry around 2 sets of armor lolol
  • Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    b:chuckle nuke sin sounds eff-ing amazing lmfaooo i'm so going for that >_> might be handy to carry around 2 sets of armor lolol

    pretty intense, dontcha think? =] i mean, if course you'll be squishy, but with proper equipment refinement, it'll give you a good amount of hp to get by ^_^ haha

    going to be adding 79/100 skill descriptions + personal insight on them soon. b:thanks
    "Stay cool, be respectful, know your limits, and accept it when you've lost....

    ...then maybe i'll stick around a bit longer. b:victory" -Anonymous

    93 Barb (BattleBurger)
    100 Assassin (TurboTaxi)
  • Posts: 1,235 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    I lol'ed at the logic and overall writing quality b:chuckle

    General's bracers (gold HH 90) has -.10 interval and pairs nicely with General's boots (+10 dex bonus). Get whichever rank chest you can for now, and buy the lunar cape with -.05 interval (cheaper than the tome). Aside from the lunar cape, you won't play endgame with the rest of the gear. Plan to upgrade to Lionheart ornaments at 99 and nirvana pants at 100 (-.05 interval). Rank VI chest at 90 and obviously the Dream Breakers when they're released. You're last piece of gear will be a Love: Up and Down. At this point, you win the game.

    Your ideal 90 gear
    Your ideal 100 gear

    (I included the rank VIII top, but unless you really want to shell out another 900 mil for an extra .05 interval, keep the rank VI one)
    this is 100 gear I have in mind as ideal though ;o

    Get the lunar helm instead of heaven, it give 1% crit less, but more dex and with +5 attack level set bonus with the legging.

    Lunar ring > rank VIII ring
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    nice guide...
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    wow very nice guide. ill follow this guide on my assassin!

    so whats better? interval sin or nuke sin? :D wow very exciting!
  • Posts: 1,235 Arc User
    edited June 2010
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited June 2010

    *GASP* ahhh uggghhh i'm having a heart attack! ........dead.

    lol jeezus. amazing stats
  • Posts: 1,235 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    rumor on the streeet is that 'he' is working on warsoul weap too b:surprised
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    "he" whose name should not be mentioned??? o_O;;;
  • Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    ~Str/Dex Heavy Armor Build~

    +1 vit
    +2 str
    +2 dex

    5 Vitality
    5 Magic
    200+ Strength (for HA and Fists)
    200+ Dexterity

    This build may sound a bit ridiculous, some might even say its impossible! but low and behold, its possible and done by Couri:

    -http://img89.imageshack.us/img89/2871/couristats.jpg <- he is buffed here
    -http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/1346/couricsheet.jpg <- he is unbuffed here

    Hey the pictures speak for themselves! honestly i wouldn't try this build unless its really what you wanna do AND have enough coin for it >_< yea, read a few posts down here: http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/sh...d.php?t=678912 you'll see that he has alot of event gear, and maybe even more now, rofl. ^_^ none the less, he **** lol. another thing about this build is that 1. he can't use his assassin skills and 2. he can't wear any of the endgame daggers. just something else to think about ^_^ go assassins!

    I have yet to test a HA sin. i think i figured out the stat requirements for you to be able to wear your lvl HA and your lvl daggers. its complicated and would require some work. but i could be wrong somewhere in my calculations. it goes on a per 3 level basis. +8DEX and +7STR. so i figure when you reach lvl 2 you add +2STR +3DEX. at lvl 3 you add +3STR +2DEX and at lvl 4 add +2STR and +3DEX. just keep repeating this pattern. if anyone tries this out id like to know if it works. And yes i realize there is no VIT points added. b:victory

    Itll look something like this:
    lvl 2= 2STR 3DEX

    lvl 3= 3STR 2DEX

    lvl 4= 2STR 3DEX

    lvl 5= 2STR 3DEX

    lvl 6= 3STR 2DEX

    lvl 7= 2STR 3DEX
  • Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I have a low level sin at the moment and i was wondering what skills shall i level up JUST for pve. I am a skill spammer and is there any good combo's for under the lvl of 30? and then 30-40
    Because all the skills which seem to be awesome we dont get untill 50+. :(
    And i read alot of guides with different views and i dont want to be wasting spirit.
  • Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    i have a question. why isnt this thread stickied yet?! lol
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    As a tank build and having a sin alt i understand the use of Rib Strike but...as a tank and canceling the bosses magic skills i have to say don`t use it. My main reasoning is going off of FB 69 Pole if you use Rib Strike it messes up Alacrity of the Beast and if the cleric does not purify then it is a squad dead.
  • Posts: 966 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    As a tank build and having a sin alt i understand the use of Rib Strike but...as a tank and canceling the bosses magic skills i have to say don`t use it. My main reasoning is going off of FB 69 Pole if you use Rib Strike it messes up Alacrity of the Beast and if the cleric does not purify then it is a squad dead.

    learn to play better. rib strike has no effect on your ability to cancel. he debuffs after a set amount of time. if he swings slower obviously he will swing less before debuffing again. but it's still the same amount of time.
    I hope that I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of title, the character of an honest man. -George Washington
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    That was more of an advice comment I have never had a full squad die cause i messed up my canceling that bad. Also that just helped me i did not know that I just assumed. In FB 51 3rd boss Wyvern slaps/head butts five times then uses his AoE so i figured it would be the same for pole, there fore if his attack speed is slowed so is his Magic attack would be to that was my assumption. I suppose i should have studied more before i posted. b:laugh
This discussion has been closed.