TurboTaxi's Complete Assassin Guide (For all Levels)



  • Posts: 4,242 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Whatstheskill called that makes the damageequal to 1? Tidal or Focus Mind.

    Focused Mind, but it's only 25% at maximum level, or 33% for Sage, so it's not guaranteed.
    I am Olba. Not Ol, not Baze nor Blaze. And even less would I go by Olblaze. Please, take a second to read a person's username.
    If you see b:cute be sure to take a second, calm look at anything I said.
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    why not , every 2 lvls: 3 dex 1 vit 1 str
    every 3 lvls: 4 dex 1 str

    So like at lvl 2, 4 , 6, 8, etc : 3 dex 1 vit 1 str
    lvl 3 5 7 9, 4 dex 1 str

    works good
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    ok just got some friend(his whisper got me killed couldn't get calcid) telling me that every sin he's talked to told him that the base str should be 80 is that true and why?
  • Posts: 3,469 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    rulas wrote: »
    ok just got some friend(his whisper got me killed couldn't get calcid) telling me that every sin he's talked to told him that the base str should be 80 is that true and why?
    Not quite sure. He probably meant sins high enough level to have that much str. Unless you want a Warsoul Helm, your str should be equivalent to your level +4
    Demon_Troll: "takes on the appearance of an innocent archer but turns into a mindless idiot once you hear him speak"
  • Posts: 3,469 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Shameless, double-posting, bump.
    Demon_Troll: "takes on the appearance of an innocent archer but turns into a mindless idiot once you hear him speak"
  • Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I was going to write an intermediate level guide for Sins, with interval gears list, % speed increase calculation, chi skills ration for perma spark cycles, FC tips and etc. But with the way PW's forum is crashing down... and how badly Frankie and the new mods are handling it... f**k it.
  • Posts: 507 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    rulas wrote: »
    ok just got some friend(his whisper got me killed couldn't get calcid) telling me that every sin he's talked to told him that the base str should be 80 is that true and why?
    your str should always be level + 4 until you have 104 str at 100, so you can be able to wear all armor available. you can take away and add to dex provide you hae + str gears to supplement it. 105 str leaves the optimal room for helmets, such as aqua viciousness, among other similar 3*s sharing the same str req.

    warsouls are another story, get the little extra str if you wish to equip one of these.
  • Posts: 1,969 Arc User
    edited October 2010

    ✰The Nostradamus of PWI ✰

    ★ A not so Retired Veteran of PWI ★

    ✰ ~SilverCleric~ ✰
  • Posts: 1,235 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    @ the sins: if you want to sticky this guide, or any guide, pm any of the mod/CM with title "Sticky request". They don't really patrolling these forums so they won't know unless you ask.
  • Posts: 3,469 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Demon_Troll: "takes on the appearance of an innocent archer but turns into a mindless idiot once you hear him speak"
  • Posts: 3,469 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Demon_Troll: "takes on the appearance of an innocent archer but turns into a mindless idiot once you hear him speak"
  • Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    III. Skills

    The Key for Yeeee

    * You wont need this.

    ** Only add spirit if you have extra.

    ***Necessary but dont spend all your spirit on it

    **** Get it if you think you can

    ***** Must have.

    MG - Mid Game
    EG - End Game

    Twin Strike*
    Range Melee
    Channel 0.1 seconds
    Cast 0.9 seconds
    Cool down 3.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Spiritual Initiate
    A stabbing thrust with both daggers.
    Deals base physical damage
    You wont really need this until later on at 60+ because of the amazing casting speed, you can imbed this attack between stuns to add extra damage if you like skill spamming. Other than that, not necessary. Leave it a level 1

    Slipstream Strike***
    Range Melee
    Channel 0.2 seconds
    Cast 1.9 seconds
    Cool down 6.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Spiritual Initiate
    A powerful strike with the full force of the arm.
    Deals base physical damage
    Does a good amount of damage. Very useful early game. Youll be using this a whole lot in yur combos during quests. But you might not keep it if you go interval later on. If you like to skill spam, then you'll be using this skill plenty in yur combos.(We will talk more about that later)

    Tide Form*
    Channel Instant
    Cool down15.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Spiritual Adept
    Transform into a fish.
    Increases your Defense Level
    and your Swim speed by 26%.

    Only available in water.
    I cant remember the last time I used this skill, rofl, considering there isnt much use of it underwater later mid to endgame. Dont level it unless you want to.

    Puncture Wound***
    Range 4.5 Meters
    Channel 0.2 seconds
    Cast 1.8 seconds
    Cool down 8.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Level 1

    Ravaging Slash*
    Range Melee
    Channel 0.1 seconds
    Cast 1.5 seconds
    Cool down 8.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Spiritual Adept
    Deals physical damage to opponent, and slows its movement speed for 5 seconds.
    I personally wouldnt get this skill because later on target control gets based on completely immobilizing/stunning/paralyzing the opponent (and for those veteran assassins... DONT YOU HATE how you completely buffed yourself with everythin ya got, attack outta stealth, and suddenly you have a running target??? ...lol rage more =] yes), so this skill isnt very useful anywhere early - mid - endgame. A running target is a target we cant really hit since we're a melee class. and trying to catch up with a movement buff will only prolong the fight and give the opponent time to retaliate. Level 1

    Channel Instant
    Cool down 60.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Spiritual Adept
    Increases own movement speed for 10 seconds.
    Fantastic skill, get it indefinitely. Great for running out of, as well as into, good/bad situations. Lol, or just plain wanting to run somewhere really fast, lol it has a fantasticly short cooldown. Especially in instances. a must for us assassins =] MAX

    Shadow Walk*****
    Channel 0.7 seconds
    Cast 2.8 seconds
    Cool down 6.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Spiritual Adept
    Enter stealth mode.
    Enemies with an Awareness Level lower than your Stealth Level cannot see you.
    Only usable when out of combat.
    Get this skill, this skill basically makes you what you are, an assassin. Good for scouting around and sneaking up on mobs/players (you can check peoples items while stealthed). You can even port around with shadow jump and still stay in stealth. When its at level 10, along with cleric buffs, it only ticks 4 mana a second. So you can be invisible for a very very long time. lol. MAX

    Wolf Emblem (MG: ** EG:*****)
    Channel Instant
    Cool down 60.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Spiritual Adept
    Increases your critical strike damage for 30 seconds.
    This is a critical strike buff that increases your critical damage by 30% when its level 10. This is great combined with your sparks and power dash skill (increases your critical chance by 40%), you do a ton of damage. Great thing to do is to buff this on yourself while stealthed to ensure you open stealth with the highest damage potential.
    MAX lv80+ leave at lv1 low and mid lvs

    Deep Sting***
    Range Melee
    Channel 0.4 seconds
    Cast 0.8 seconds
    Cool down 15.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Aware of Principle
    Deals great physical damage and has a chance to put target to sleep for 5 seconds.
    This skill has many uses. One big use is when fighting against magic mobs that channel magic attacks. If you open with this attack (consume 50 chi) you completely stop their channeling and sleep them (if it procs). If you follow up afterwards with tackling slash (immobilizes target for 9 seconds, gains 50 chi) it stops them from running away, AND get all the chi you used back. In PvP, you can use this skill to set up the next attack, or even force stealth and run away. Back when i was lvl 70 and below, i used to always open with this skill since i wasn't high enough lvl to stealth on most people. the beauty of this skill is that it gives you time to be uninterrupted when using your next skill. its great to have/use.

    Tidal Protection(MG:** EG:****)
    Channel 0.4 seconds
    Cast 1.6 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Aware of Principle
    Increases your chance to evade enemy skills

    Focused Mind shares a 90 second cool down with Tidal Protection.
    At level 10, its a 50% chance to evade enemy skills and lasts for 60 seconds. This is a great skill to throw on when youre fighting a mob/boss that casts effects. Especially in pvp, theres nothing more orgasmic than resisting that BM/Barb stun, or resisting that cleric sleep. This skill is great, must have for endgame.

    Focused Mind (MG:** EG:****)
    Channel 0.1 seconds
    Cast 1.6 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Transcendent
    Increases your chance to avoid negative status effects

    Tidal Protection shares a 90 second cool down with Focused Mind.
    At level 10, its a 25% chance to evade enemy skills and lasts for 60 seconds. This can be good for you if youre watching out for both physical and magical attacks on you. Personally Focused Mind has more use for me since the negative effects are what mainly cause us to die, rofl. But hey, if you like this, go ahead and train it. To me, "a low % chance is a chance you can't rely on." I try to avoid being lucky, because luck can't be controlled.

    Knife throw***
    Range 21.5 Meters
    Channel 0.1 seconds
    Cast 1.0 seconds
    Cool down 15.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Aware of Principle
    Throw your dagger at the target.
    Deals base physical damage and has a chance to interrupt channeling.
    This skill is a great all around skill for assassins. Its a great skill for pulling mobs, especially those flying ones. At level 10, its range changes to 35 meters and thats far as hell! In pvp it even can interrupt channeling at a 70% chance when level 10. It can even serve as that last hit for running near dead opponents. Get it to level 10 when you can.

    Sharp Observer***
    Passive Effect

    Requisite Cultivation Aware of Harmony
    Increases your Awareness Level
    Theres nothing better and more awesome than stopping another sin in his/her tracks, especially in a pvp server. Trust me, I know. (For you veterans) There was this one time a level 91 sin was terrorizing 4 of my guildies killing them while jumping in and out of stealth + bad mouthing them in common chat. I show up stealth of course, spark + buffs + stun him, tele stun his holy path (owned), smack smack dead. He never came back, rofl, he wouldnt even reply to my whispers. This skill is mainly for pvp reasons, so ONLY TRAIN THIS IF YOU HAVE EXTRA SPIRIT, FOLKS. Cuz Cat-like thread and Shadow Walk +30 lvs at MAX

    Cat-like tread*****
    Passive Effect

    Requisite Cultivation Aware of Harmony
    Increases your Stealth level
    This skill is another skill that makes you an assassin indefinitely. When level 10, it increases your stealth level by 20. In other/simpler words: 20 levels + level of your shadowwalk/shadowescape + your level = the level of other plays and below that CAN NOT see you.

    Im level 74.
    Level 10 catlike thread = levels 94 and below CAN NOT see me.
    Plus, level 10 shadowwalk/shadowescape = levels 104 and below CAN NOT see me.

    Rib Strike*****
    Range Melee
    Channel 0.3 seconds
    Cast 1.9 seconds
    Cool down 8.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Aware of Harmony
    Stab up under the enemys ribs.
    Deals base physical damage and reduces the targets attack speed for 30 seconds.
    One of your strongest attack skills next to headhunt. The attack speed reduction helps a ton in PvE, especially during tanking times. Reducing attack speed on a boss by 50% (when its level 10) helps on the tanks repair costs as well as survivability for the tank by a great amount. MAX ASAP

    Shadow Escape*****
    Channel 0.7 seconds
    Cast 2.8 seconds
    Cool down 90.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Aware of Harmony
    Force yourself into stealth. Dispel all negative status.
    Enemies with an Awareness Level lower than your Stealth Level cannot see you.

    A successful cast will increase one Spark.
    This is an absolute MUST GET skill =] its another skill that makes you an assassin. It forces you into stealth even when youre in combat. That alone is going to save your SSA plenty a time whether youre in pve or pvp. Consider it your 2nd life, lol. And did I mention it gives you a spark every time you use it? Rofl. MAX

    Bloodpaint (MG:** EG:****)
    Channel 1.8 seconds
    Cast 2.4 seconds
    Cool down 15.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Aware of Harmony
    Make all friendly units within 10 Meters can absorb HP equals to
    2% of damage it dealt each physical melee attack.

    Only available for Blademaster, Barbarian, and Assassin.
    Early game: get it to level 1, you wont do enough damage for it to benefit you much til around level 60+, much less, leveling it up only increases its duration, and not its effect.
    For you interval assassins out there, consider this your potion. MUST HAVE because it basically heals you like one. The faster you attack, the more it will heal you over time. As for skill spamming sins, it doesnt heal you for much; because you rely on your target control and skill dmg more than its heal effect.

    Interval sin: max it.
    Skill spamming sin: get it to level 1 or higher to buff your party. (we love your buffs too BMs and Barbs!)

    Tackling Slash*****
    Range 4.5 Meters
    Channel 0.1 seconds
    Cast 1.5 seconds
    Cool down 15.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Aware of Harmony
    Deals a physical damage, mmobilizes target and increases own Chi by 50.
    Great against running mobs/opponents, awesome skill. Lasts so long that running mobs just stop running all together. In frost, its a great skill against those harpies. i use it all the time against them. Not to mention it gives you half a spark just for using it. Great opener skill. Youll be using this skill a whole lot early - mid - end. Must have.

    ACLucious - ''when fighting a melee mob, use this and step inside the mob. If done correctly, for 9 whole seconds, the mob won't beable to attack you since its too busy trying to reposition itself.''

    Lv1 for gaining Chi or MAX up to you

    Shadow Jump****
    Channel Instant
    Cool down 28.5 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Aware of Harmony
    Instantly move to the target's location.

    Costs 20 Chi
    Great skill for pve, even allows you to port through doors. When level 10, it allows you to port 30 meters away. You can port into your own squad members and pretty much anything you can target, during any situation in combat or out, even while stealthed (doesn't pop you out of stealth). Very good skill to have. For pvp, its great for positioning yourself during stealth, as well as porting at someone during flight since flying to them will take considerably longer. Great to have if you have the spirit for it. (Edited for Trawne)

    Rubber Banding: theres only certain spots in certain instances where you rubber band back, dunno why they do this, but just keep it in mind when trying to port to another mob in instances. It can potentially cause you to die, since you're stuck helpless with the server attempting to port you.

    Shadow Teleport (MG:** EG:****)
    Channel Instant
    Cooldown 180 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Transcendant
    Instantly move to the target's location.
    Stuns the target for 3 seconds.
    This skill is a great emergency skill to use anywhere. its great in both pve and pvp! You can use it to stop mob channeling, port through doors into mobs, as well as many many different stunning senarios in pvp (get creative and incorporate it into your combos! ^_^ haha). The only thing i'd want to warn about this skill is the incredibly long cool down time of a whopping 180 seconds! so just keep that in mind when using this skill: that it uses 1 spark then takes 180 seconds to cool down.

    Maze Steps***
    Channel Instant
    Cooldown 90.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Aware of Discord
    Increases own movement speed
    Immune to Stun and Immobilize. Lasts for 10 seconds.
    This skill is great even at lvl 1, because it already gives you 82% increased movement speed. although it uses 1 spark, its still a good secondary escape/moving skill. In pvp it works wonders against those stuns/immobilizes/paralyzes. also works great against those bishops in FCC.

    Inner Harmony*****
    Channel Instant
    Cooldown 60.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Transcendent
    Instantly gain Chi.
    This skill is a must must muuuust have. It gives you, at lvl 10, 2 sparks instantly! and it works on the fly too. you can cast it while attacking something, running, flying, whatever since it doesnt have channeling time. it allows you to get creative with your spark + 2 spark skills. Get this soon as you can. MAX

    Deaden Nerves**
    Channel 1.5 seconds
    Cast 2.6 seconds
    Cooldown 288 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Aware of Discord
    Avoid one attack that would kill you within the next two minutes.
    Recovers 20% HP upon avoiding death.
    Works wonders in pvp or during situations where you think you might die. instead of dying (running out of hp at 0), you actually recover 20% hp and live. it gives you that extra time to either run, shadow escape, or let yur charm tick. i usually use this while stealthed and about to kill a kos. one thing for sure is to keep it at lvl 1 til you have spirit/coin to spare, since leveling it any higher will only reduce its cool down. Just lv 1

    Chill of the Depths*(Demon)/*****(Sage) Look at the Sage/Demon guide
    Channel 0.7 seconds
    Cast 1.3 seconds
    Cooldown 15.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Aware of Discord
    Reduces your attack speed by 55%.
    Increases your Attack Level
    Reduces your Attack Speed
    at lvl 10, it gives you a whopping 30 extra attack levels and lasts for a whopping 10 minutes. If you plan on being a skill spammer/AoEr/Sage, this is definately a skill you're going to wat to max out. If you plan to be an Interval Sin, i wouldn't get this because it reduces your attack speed. at lvl 10, it reduces by 100%... rofl. lv1 early and mid Don't use it at PvE as much

    Rising Dragon Strike****
    Range 4.5 Meters
    Channel 0.2 seconds
    Cast 1.8 seconds
    Cooldown 30.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Aware of Coalescence
    Deals a damage equals to your basic physical attack
    Increases own Chi by 150.
    Great skill to have since it gives you a spark and a half. combo it with skills and you'll be using many of yur hard hitting skills often. Use it on those town mobs when you log in. Use it on instance npcs (Ctrl + click the skill). Get it when you can.

    interval sins: helps you a ton when PERMA-Sparking.

    Throat Cut****
    Range Melee
    Channel 1.1 seconds
    Cast 1.3 seconds
    Cooldown 8.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Aware of Discord
    Deals a damage equals to your basic attack
    Has a chance to interrupt enemy channeling.
    Silence target for 4.0 seconds.
    I honestly believe that this skill has been underrated by many due to its long casting/channeling time. But imo its a fantastic skill to mix up with. expecially in pvp. comboed with Tackling Slash and you basically have a stun. not to mention its silence lasts for a whopping 4 seconds, rofl. not to mention its fabulously high damage. get it if you want to.

    Earthen Rift*****
    Range Melee
    Channel 0.7 seconds
    Cast 1.8 seconds
    Cooldown 8.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Aware of Coalescence
    Detonate the ground under the enemy. Deals base physical damage plus weapon damage to all enemy units within 8 meters.
    This skill is realy really good because it doesn't do a fixed amount of damage, but PERCENT instead. so even if you max it out the skill's damage continues to progress with your character's overall damage as you lvl up, get more dex, or get new weapons. combo this with subsea + tangling mire/frenzy/extremepoison and you might just be snared at for stealing zhen aggro ^_^ rofl. MAX at lv70+ for FCC

    Head Hunt*****
    Channel 0.5 seconds
    Cast 1.5 seconds
    Cooldown 30.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Transcendant
    Deals a damage equals to your basic attack, plus gear damage, plus extra damage added
    Stun enemy, rofl.
    Remember how i said that there was no other class in PWI that gives you that true feel of a ninja melee-ranged stealth fighter? Well this is the skill attack that does the trick. open with this attack out of stealth and your opponent will be smashed with its super high damage. in addition, your target is stunned for 5 seconds, ROFL. Combo this with your 3spark + inner harmony + wolf emblem -> head hunt.... wow thats one hell of an opening attack! Yea, get this. lol. MAX lv70+ FCC

    Power Dash*****
    Range 4.5 Meters
    Mana 240.8
    Channel 0.4 seconds
    Cast 0.8 seconds
    Cooldown 30.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Transcendant
    Deals a damage equals to your basic physical attack plus an extra amount of physical damage.
    Increases your Critical ChanceLasts for 8 seconds.
    This skill is absolutely fantastic. it doesnt matter if youre an interval sin or skill spammer. at lvl 10, for a whopping 8 seconds, this gives you 40% EXTRA CRITICAL CHANCE. yup, i said it. combine this with your damage buffs and AoE skills or your increase attack speed skills and you'll be hitting like a stampeding musculized football player with steel plated pads and helmet. Absolulte MUST at Endgame.

    Interval Sins Side Note: Many people dont know this, but this attack is one of our only skills that auto attacks after you cast it, which is perfect for us interval sins. combo it with any of these: 3spark, tangling mire, extreme poison, frenzy, any skills, etc. (get creative guys! ^_^)

    Subsea Strike*****
    Range 4.5 Meters
    Mana 240.8
    Channel 0.3 seconds
    Cast 1.3 seconds
    Cooldown 30.0 seconds
    Weapon Daggers

    Requisite Cultivation Transcendent
    Instantly strikes all nearby targets.
    Deals base physical damage.
    to all targets within 8 meters.
    Increases all damage taken by the target for 8 seconds.
    This skill works with the Heaven's Flame skill.
    This skill will cancel the Extreme Poison skill.
    This is your mini version of the blademasters dragons skill, except it only gives a 30% increase damage debuff on all mobs. Its a really good skill to use in parties. squads will love you for it. get creative and combine it with your 3 spark, power dash, and genie skill: bramble rage. you'll kill many people. ROFL just have fun with it ok? ^_^ bwahahaha MaX a great combo with Earthen Rift

    Dagger Devotion*****
    Passive Effect

    Requisite Cultivation Aware of Harmony
    Increases damage dealt by daggers
    Level this up every time you can. Must have. Period. MAX!!!

    If Turbo made the lil' modifications I made in skills it might be sticked. Since it doesn't help noobs his ** *** only the ***** that means max
  • Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    If Ty or Onz would like to apport in that section what to max or leave at 1 and Turbo modifies it then the mods might also stick it since this guide is better than Arktones.
  • Posts: 3,469 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    I'm not familiar with this word and Google is telling me nothing. Care to educate me, or was that a typo? lol

    If Ty or Onz would like to apport in that section what to max or leave at 1 and Turbo modifies it then the mods might also stick it since this guide is better than Arktones.
    My pleasure. Give me a few minutes.
    Demon_Troll: "takes on the appearance of an innocent archer but turns into a mindless idiot once you hear him speak"
  • Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited October 2010

    sorry b:infuriated a bit of spanglish went into my post

    aportar= contribute its a spanish word couldn't remember what it meant in english. Just googled it
  • Posts: 3,469 Arc User
    edited October 2010

    sorry b:infuriated a bit of spanglish went into my post

    aportar= contribute its a spanish word couldn't remember what it meant in english. Just googled it

    LOL ok.
    I'm working on my skill level suggestions now.
    Demon_Troll: "takes on the appearance of an innocent archer but turns into a mindless idiot once you hear him speak"
  • Posts: 3,469 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Twin Strike
    Quickly overpowered by all your other skills. Don't bother with this.
    However, I do know a PK sin my level who likes to **** people off by finishing them with the level 10 version of this skill. It's cheap to upgrade and may be worth the yucks at high levels.

    Slipstream Strike
    This will be your best friend for a long time.
    Level: 8-10.

    Tide Form
    Pointless really, but it is fun.
    Level it as you desire.

    Puncture Wound
    This one is great for low to mid levels, but eventually the DoT isn't worth the time it takes to use.
    Level: 8 to 10, but only if you are still fairly low (below 60 or 50)
    However, in PvP, this would be a good skill to use after you stunned your opponent.
    Though I don't PvP much. Anyone want to correct me?

    Raving Slash
    Pointless as Tackling Slash soon replaces this.
    Level: 1
    However, like Puncture Wound, this may have significant PvP uses.

    Both great for saving time and getting away in both PvE and PvP
    Level: 5-10

    Shadow Walk
    I'm sure you will use this ofter, especially if you PvP. Increasing it's level will increase both your stealth level when using it and decrease it's mane drain.
    Level: 10

    Wolf Emblem
    Personally, I rarely use this, but others swear by it.
    Level: Negligable

    Deep Sting
    Not really worth leveling for the minor damage increase. Used for the sleep effect.
    I'm going to agree with Taxi and say:
    Level: 1-4

    Tidal Protection
    My comment is the same as Wolf Emblem, however I will agree with Taxi again and say it's a must have for end game (especially PvP)
    Level: negligable

    Focused Mind
    Personally, I rarely use this, but others swear by it.
    Level: Negligable

    Knife throw
    Short cooldown, ranged damage without using a bow, semi-pulling abilities, and a chance to interrupt channeling (70% at level 10 and 100% at Demon)
    Level: 10

    Sharp Observer
    Level: 10 only if you PK a lot. otherwise, negligable.

    Cat-like tread
    Level: 10 only if you PK a lot. otherwise, negligable.

    Rib Strike
    Your absolute best PvE skill and best defense against high APS opponents in PvP.
    Level: 10

    Shadow Escape
    Level: 10

    Going to quite Taxi here:
    Interval sin: max it.
    Skill spamming sin: get it to level 1 or higher to buff your party. (we love your buffs too BMs and Barbs!)

    Tackling Slash
    There is currently a thread going on about whether this is worth leveling or not, so I shall say:
    Level: 1 (if just for chi)
    Level: 10 if used for it's stun

    Shadow Jump
    Mostly a PvP skill as the High rubberband effect is almost completely nurfing it in dungeons
    Each level increases its range by 1.5 meters (it has a range of 16.5 at lvl 1) and decreases its cooldown by 1.5 seconds (28.5 at level one)
    Level: as you please

    Shadow Teleport
    Essentially Shadow jump with a 3 second stun and uses 1 spark
    Level: as you please

    Maze Steps
    Quoting Taxi again:
    This skill is great even at lvl 1, because it already gives you 82% increased movement speed. although it uses 1 spark, its still a good secondary escape/moving skill. In pvp it works wonders against those stuns/immobilizes/paralyzes. also works great against those bishops in FCC.

    Inner Harmony
    1.5 sparks at level 1. 2 sparks at level 10. yet it takes a total of 3mil coins at 4mil spirit to get it to level 10. We already have Dragon Strike which gives 1.5 sparks and Tackling Slash which gives 1/2 a spark. By the time 2 sparks will be needed for Demon/Sage sparkburst, one should have 1.54 - 2.0 aps anyway, giving a great chi gain.
    Level: Negligable

    Deaden Nerves
    Expensive, but not as much a Inner Harmony. Leveling only decreases the cooldown; 4.8 minutes at level 1, 2 minutes at level 10.
    Mostly a PvP skill, but has a few uses in PvE, namely the balls in TT.
    Level: 1, but it could be worth it if you can afford it.

    Chill of the Deep
    There is A LOT of debate going on about this ones usefulness.
    It's great for skill spamming, one-shotting, and reducing your attack speed to keep from stealing aggro (the increased attack level does not make up for the lost APS for auto-attacking IMO).
    Level: 1-3 for agro control
    Level: Experiment and find out which you prefer if you use it for skill spamming

    Rising Dragon Strike
    Another chi building skill. Debate is doing on whether its worth leveling for the damage or not.
    Level: 1 just for chi
    [u[Level: 5-7 for damage

    Throat Cut
    I use this skill very rarely except in FCC as a follow up to Tackling Slash on the bishops for another stun.
    Going to quote taxi again as I know little of its use outside that:
    I honestly believe that this skill has been underrated by many due to its long casting/channeling time. But imo it's a fantastic skill to mix up with. expecially in pvp. comboed with Tackling Slash and you basically have a stun. not to mention its silence lasts for a whopping 4 seconds, rofl. not to mention its fabulously high damage. get it if you want to.

    Earthen Rift
    Optional skill until FCC as sins aren't designed for taking on multiple enemies. We are much more effective killing one at a time.
    Level 1-3 until FCC
    Level 6-10 for FCC

    Head Hunt
    Your most powerful attack and main stun skill. Mostly useful in PvP as it uses 2 sparks, but its essential in FCC.
    Level: 10 for PvP and FCC

    Power Dash
    Dont have this, so I'll quote Taxi once more:
    Deals a damage equals to your basic physical attack plus an extra amount of physical damage.
    Increases your Critical Chance lasts for 8 seconds.
    This skill is absolutely fantastic. it doesn't matter if youre an interval sin or skill spammer. At lvl 10, for a whopping 8 seconds, this gives you 40% EXTRA CRITICAL CHANCE. yup, I said it. combine this with your damage buffs and AoE skills or your increase attack speed skills and youll be hitting like a stampeding musculized football player with steel plated pads and helmet. Absolute MUST at Endgame.

    Interval Sins Side Note: Many people dont know this, but this attack is one of our only skills that auto attacks after you cast it, which is perfect for us interval sins. combo it with any of these: 3spark, tangling mire, extreme poison, frenzy, any skills, etc. (get creative guys! ^_^)

    Subsea Strike
    Here's where we start to be able to some AoE
    Peronally, I use the following combination: Tangling Mire - Subsea - Earthen Rift
    If anything is left, follow with: Rising Dragon Strike - Sparkburst - auto all left standing.
    This is a must have for FCC, especially as its Deep Poison effect stacks with Heavens Flames effect.
    Level: 10 by 7x for FCC

    Dagger Devotion
    Level: 10
    Demon_Troll: "takes on the appearance of an innocent archer but turns into a mindless idiot once you hear him speak"
  • Posts: 3,469 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Removed by user
    Demon_Troll: "takes on the appearance of an innocent archer but turns into a mindless idiot once you hear him speak"
  • Posts: 768 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Inner harmony is for skill spammers. There is a combo that give you a decent amount of sparks.

    lvl 10 Tackling Slash is for PvP Used within the stunlock combo ... it's on this thread, all else fails ... google it.
    Venomancers/Clerics rock![SIGPIC]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs43/f/2009/110/1/5/Schrodinger_plz_by_McMonster_Ridgeback.gif[/SIGPIC]

    Alt main: Traydor_Styx - RT - 96
  • Posts: 3,469 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Inner harmony is for skill spammers.
    It can be, but it's also helpful for perma-sparking pre- 2aps and Demon spark.
    It's also good for building your chi as soon as you enter a dungeon.
    Demon_Troll: "takes on the appearance of an innocent archer but turns into a mindless idiot once you hear him speak"
  • Posts: 768 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Inner harmony is for skill spammers. There is a combo that give you a decent amount of sparks.

    lvl 10 Tackling Slash is for PvP Used within the stun-lock combo ... it's on this thread, all else fails ... Google it.

    lol the permanent spark comment.
    Venomancers/Clerics rock![SIGPIC]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs43/f/2009/110/1/5/Schrodinger_plz_by_McMonster_Ridgeback.gif[/SIGPIC]

    Alt main: Traydor_Styx - RT - 96
  • Posts: 3,469 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    lol the permanent spark comment.

    You have a problem with it?
    Demon_Troll: "takes on the appearance of an innocent archer but turns into a mindless idiot once you hear him speak"
  • Posts: 768 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    No just that I was referring to the same.
    Venomancers/Clerics rock![SIGPIC]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs43/f/2009/110/1/5/Schrodinger_plz_by_McMonster_Ridgeback.gif[/SIGPIC]

    Alt main: Traydor_Styx - RT - 96
  • Posts: 3,469 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    No just that I was referring to the same.
    There is a combo that give you a decent amount of sparks.
    So much easier to do it with only one skill.
    Demon_Troll: "takes on the appearance of an innocent archer but turns into a mindless idiot once you hear him speak"
  • Posts: 768 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    b:chuckle I must agree with you there.
    Venomancers/Clerics rock![SIGPIC]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs43/f/2009/110/1/5/Schrodinger_plz_by_McMonster_Ridgeback.gif[/SIGPIC]

    Alt main: Traydor_Styx - RT - 96
  • Posts: 3,469 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Anyone with Spell Cutter and/or Blood Frenzy care to give their two cents on these skills?
    Demon_Troll: "takes on the appearance of an innocent archer but turns into a mindless idiot once you hear him speak"
  • Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Ty since no one is gonna see your apport here i made a thread with everyones contribution greedly bump it if u like and check any flaws the quote guides i compiled there may have ok.
  • Posts: 3,469 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Ty since no one is gonna see your apport here i made a thread with everyones contribution greedly bump it if u like and check any flaws the quote guides i compiled there may have ok.
    Ok thank you.
    Demon_Troll: "takes on the appearance of an innocent archer but turns into a mindless idiot once you hear him speak"
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    so far i like ur guide its best ive seen so far for sins
    5 thumbs up :D
  • Posts: 506 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    And... another necro
    Rank 8 Wizard: 1% farm b:shutup
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