TurboTaxi's Complete Assassin Guide (For all Levels)



  • Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    thanks everyone for keeping my guide alive =] ill continue to try and update it for all of you!

    also, if there is anything else that shuold be added, please post! it will be reviewed and considered!

    see you all ingame!

    *...stealths* ^_^
    "Stay cool, be respectful, know your limits, and accept it when you've lost....

    ...then maybe i'll stick around a bit longer. b:victory" -Anonymous

    93 Barb (BattleBurger)
    100 Assassin (TurboTaxi)
  • Posts: 610 Arc User
    edited June 2010

    Also, I'm still curious Turbo on your opinion of 79 skills, so please do add them into your skills section as soon as you can.
    Didn't get the rest of it, but apparently I am the "destroyer of sin haters" as well.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Ahm... HI.
    I'm a weak lvl just 31 XD....haha
    I'm here to ask about stats skills and alot.
    OK What made your character 7k HP?...
    I know Vit gives alot but how come its 7k HP even though ur vit is only in 100+.
    Then how you got those Defence?. are u using Heavy Armor cos u put almost equal stats
    in your dex and str. b:victory
    I like it b:laughb:pleasedb:victory
  • Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Ahm... HI.
    I'm a weak lvl just 31 XD....haha
    I'm here to ask about stats skills and alot.
    OK What made your character 7k HP?...
    I know Vit gives alot but how come its 7k HP even though ur vit is only in 100+.
    Then how you got those Defence?. are u using Heavy Armor cos u put almost equal stats
    in your dex and str. b:victory
    I like it b:laughb:pleasedb:victory

    I was wondering about the vit stats this myself. I'm also still a very sad low lvl so I'm still able to change my build, I'm willing to give this pure dex build a try. But do you just charm and shard the hell out of your sin to make up for small amount of vit?
  • Posts: 610 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I was wondering about the vit stats this myself. I'm also still a very sad low lvl so I'm still able to change my build, I'm willing to give this pure dex build a try. But do you just charm and shard the hell out of your sin to make up for small amount of vit?

    For both of you, know that 100 Vit will give only 1300 HP, and it will not alone total up to 7k HP. Most of the HP will come from armor stats, armor refines, and shards. However, don't even worry too much about refines or sharding till late 6x, early 7x. Any shards you get for now, put them in your gear you have and don't worry too much about keeping any or buying any, as they just aren't worth it till 6x, and refining definitely isn't worth even thinking about till 7x, with the exception of any weapons you get from your Weapon Token quests.

    In terms of Vit Vs. Shards, factually you can't make up for the HP Vit gives you, 1300 at 105 Vit (including the 5 you started with). It also means that anyone who wants to shard for the Vit will use anywhere between 8-10 shards to make up for the HP Vit naturally gives you. However, just as well, damage the Dex gives you also cannot be made up for. A little hint though, if you decide to go with Vit or Hybrid builds, put element stones in your weapon, not Garnets. G12 elements give +200 attack in that element to your weapon, which is very good for fighting HA characters, and other classes are easy for us to kill anyways.

    My personal opinion is that I like Hybrid better than Dex or Vit builds, however a lot of people will disagree and say that Dex is the only way to go. Just remember there are many ways to build a character in terms of stats, and you can find proof of that with this thread. Now, I'm not saying do something as crazy as that with an Assassin, but still, it's proof enough you can be successful with many builds.

    @TurboTaxi: I'm still waiting for those 79 skills updates.
    Didn't get the rest of it, but apparently I am the "destroyer of sin haters" as well.
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2010

    (Optional Build) NUKE sin

    1. all gear with diamond of tigers: 24 attack levels (if they come out with +2 diamonds.... rofl, 48)
    2. genie skill "frenzy": 20 attack levels
    3. Chill of the Depths: 35 atk levels

    ~@~Total: 79 attack levels (potentially 103 attack levels, ffs lol)
    sage dagger mastery: 60% -> 90% increased damage

    Killer aoe combo:
    1. 3 spark (chi left: 99)
    2. wolf emblem (104)
    3. inner harmony (304)
    4. power dash (104)
    5. spark pot (304)
    6. subsea strike (104)
    (Thanks Trawne)

    Why: OK.. so alot of people might bash on this build due to it's lack of VIT... which is very important at end game, BUT as a NUKE sin you'll be flying around invisible anyway and popping out like an ATOMIC MISSLE from ****** NASA, ROFL... buuuuuut please try and take a look at the importance of the ATK LEVELS. that is 79% of your OVERALL damage is going to go STRAIGHT THROUGH..... i repeat, STRAIGHT THROUGH all of their defenses. even barbs with 16,000-20,000 phys def are going to take a whole lot of damage, ESPECIALLY if it crits... which it probrably will considering your 75-80% chance to crit with powerdash. =D OK so combine all this with the killer aoe (above) or skill spamming target controllage combos and man... both 1v1 AND aoe damage, straight through the dawm armor. lol yea, holy fruit cakes... ^_^ hope you sage sins get a kick outta that one.

    Con: The low endgame vitality will work against you a whole lot in TW and multiPVP, but hey, consider yourself an undetected stealth NUKE rofl and only come out stealth when you wanna hurt a ton of people. =]

    the "nuke sin" is interesting and all just needs more thought then imagination.

    full attack stones - obtainable.
    the genie has to be on steroids to pull it off pretty much.
    -Frenzy lvl 10 = 75 energy
    -Bramble Rage lvl 10 = alot of energy
    --(dono how much exactly but just lvl 1 is 140 energy)

    only way i can think about that is leaving bramble rage at lvl 1 and adding alot of vit to use it and Frenzy.

    Optionaly, judging the sage skills are remotly close to their descriptions, could sub frenzy w/ sage Raving Slash(omg there is a use for it =o). +10 attack lvl for 5 sec. Also seeing as you can't trip spark in stealth any more, the combo could go a little something like this;

    Gear'd full of DoT (armor and weapon)= 26 attack lvl
    Chill of the Deep = 35 attack lvl
    Raving Slash = 10 attack lvl

    attack lvl = 71 (still not too bad)

    1- Adv. spark [199 chi]
    2- Wolf Emblem [204 chi]
    3- Tackeling Slash [254 chi]
    hlp keep your target still ;)
    4- Power Dash [54 chi]
    5- Raving Slash [34 chi]
    6- Inner Harmony [234 chi]
    possably 334 w/ sage
    7- Subsea Strike [34 chi]
    8- Brabmle Rage

    incase your paranoid, theres always room to Maze Step and use a chi pot b4 you start the combo to prevent a stun in the middle (aka, while your still stealthed).

    1- adv. spark [199]
    2- Maze Steps [99]
    3- Wolf Emblem [104]
    5- spark pot [304]
    6- PowerDash [104]
    7- Raving Slash [84]
    8- Inner Harmony [284]
    9- Subsea Strike [84]
    10- Bramble Rage

    wouldn;t keep them still like tackeling slash, but the slow from raving slash would keep em in range long enough to finish the combo from the spd reduction.

    anyways, theres a stoned nubs $0.02 on the topic 8D
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Why Many Ppl Stop At Lvl 100?
  • Posts: 610 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Why Many Ppl Stop At Lvl 100?

    It's not that they stop, it is just extremely difficult to level after that. If I remember right, leveling from 100-101 requires the same amount of exp as it took to get from 1-100. So, imagine then entire time it would take to level from 1-100, and double the time. Besides, after 100, there isn't much if anything to look forward to, so I imagine most people just **** around after that.
    Didn't get the rest of it, but apparently I am the "destroyer of sin haters" as well.
  • Posts: 966 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    For both of you, know that 100 Vit will give only 1300 HP, and it will not alone total up to 7k HP. Most of the HP will come from armor stats, armor refines, and shards. However, don't even worry too much about refines or sharding till late 6x, early 7x. Any shards you get for now, put them in your gear you have and don't worry too much about keeping any or buying any, as they just aren't worth it till 6x, and refining definitely isn't worth even thinking about till 7x, with the exception of any weapons you get from your Weapon Token quests.

    In terms of Vit Vs. Shards, factually you can't make up for the HP Vit gives you, 1300 at 105 Vit (including the 5 you started with). It also means that anyone who wants to shard for the Vit will use anywhere between 8-10 shards to make up for the HP Vit naturally gives you. However, just as well, damage the Dex gives you also cannot be made up for. A little hint though, if you decide to go with Vit or Hybrid builds, put element stones in your weapon, not Garnets. G12 elements give +200 attack in that element to your weapon, which is very good for fighting HA characters, and other classes are easy for us to kill anyways.

    My personal opinion is that I like Hybrid better than Dex or Vit builds, however a lot of people will disagree and say that Dex is the only way to go. Just remember there are many ways to build a character in terms of stats, and you can find proof of that with this thread. Now, I'm not saying do something as crazy as that with an Assassin, but still, it's proof enough you can be successful with many builds.

    @TurboTaxi: I'm still waiting for those 79 skills updates.

    an added note to element gems in your weapon, element gems may give you better damage vs HA, but they do not give ANY damage when you use a skill NOR do they get factored into your damage when you spark. Garnet gems DO get factored in for BOTH.

    it is mainly because they dont factor into spark damage that i prefer garnets over elemental shards.
    I hope that I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of title, the character of an honest man. -George Washington
  • Posts: 610 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    an added note to element gems in your weapon, element gems may give you better damage vs HA, but they do not give ANY damage when you use a skill NOR do they get factored into your damage when you spark. Garnet gems DO get factored in for BOTH.

    it is mainly because they dont factor into spark damage that i prefer garnets over elemental shards.

    Thanks for the clarification, forgot to mention the skills do not include the damage. I did not know about them not factoring in spark as well though.

    While you are around, what is your opinion on the 79 skills Trawne? I've basically heard they aren't even worth getting, but I'd rather take an opinion from a more reliable source.
    Didn't get the rest of it, but apparently I am the "destroyer of sin haters" as well.
  • Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    While you are around, what is your opinion on the 79 skills Trawne? I've basically heard they aren't even worth getting, but I'd rather take an opinion from a more reliable source.
    In my opinion the 79 skills are kind of a waste although the water damage one seems kind of cool and may be of some use to HA. Some people enjoy them some don't, it's really a personal preference though.
  • Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    In my opinion the 79 skills are kind of a waste although the water damage one seems kind of cool and may be of some use to HA. Some people enjoy them some don't, it's really a personal preference though.

    The heal one is awesome for uncharmed sins. just pop a mana pot use it. and now you have full hp and mp for going out again. AND its uses in cube are awesome too. just kill mobs and stand in corner and use the skill. The water buff one isn't worth it though. due to its short duration and you can juts ask a wizard to water buff you for a longer duration -.-.
  • Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I don't know the situation for using the heal skill in cube but I hardly see the need for it for normal PvE. Bloodpaint + normal attacks makes up for most of the damage I take when I fight mobs. When my HP gets low after a few mobs, I spark then attack a couple of mobs and I'm back to full health.
  • Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Yeah being charmed i find it pointless and I don't do cube either which is why in my opinion it's not worth my time. Oh and yeah blood paint works fine for me too as Okeano said.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    I thought it was well written and easy to follow. As a begginer I alotted my points 1 strength, 1 vit, 1 dex..hope I didn't mess her up to bad.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2010
    When you say "normal DD skills" which skills are those? which ones should/shouldnt i use for normal spamming DD skills.
    Please and thanks you :)
  • Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    I suppose by your ratings turbo

    * You wont need this. lv0 or 1

    ** Only add spirit if you have extra. extra

    ***Necessary but dont spend all your spirit on it lv5

    **** Get it if you think you can lv7-up

    ***** Must have. max
    if im wrong correct me
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Im planning on playing a Assassin together with a Friend, even though my Archer will be my Main Char. But whatever : I will focus only on PvE, will this Build work for a Beginner? I see a lot of "good" and "Must have" Skills here, which my Archer im not used of all those Skills...I use Frost Arrow, Knockback Arrow and thats it.

    Just askingb:chuckle
  • Posts: 908 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    learn to play better. rib strike has no effect on your ability to cancel. he debuffs after a set amount of time. if he swings slower obviously he will swing less before debuffing again. but it's still the same amount of time.

    Zip it back up, Son, and calm down.

    For barbs, it's much more *reliable* to sequence skills between alacritys to make sure the timing is exact, than to "fire it when you see the swirl". Try *seeing* that swirl when you have a BM or a cleric DD'ing in squad - HF will really blur it up, Cyclone will completely obscure the same effect.

    That said, I have a macro on my cleric that has a purify that clears that, inbetween IH's. A good cleric can keep up with it anyway.

    And on my 'sin alt, I'll be sure to warn any squad I'm in that I intend to use that skill. A good squad can handle it.

    A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
    Robert A. Heinlein
  • Posts: 618 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    With the number of views and discussion within this thread would it please be possible to just sticky this guide. I'm not saying it's the greatest over any other but after thumbing through it's more than adequate and apparent that people are using this guide.

    edit: though it does have a lot of objectivity and rofl, lol, and jk usage

    GM - Request to Sticky
    I can see what you see not,
    Vision milky, then eyes rot.
    When you turn, they will be gone,
    Whispering their hidden song.
    Then you see what cannot be,
    Shadows move where light should be.
    Out of darkness, out of mind,
    Cast down into the Halls of the Blind.
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Nice guide!
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Very awesome guide dude!

    ~IGN: Kryxis~
    ~Character: Human Warrior~
    ~Server: Beta~
  • Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    nice guide. stick it finaly
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    I love your guide, I'll be using it from now on thanks! b:pleased
  • Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Are the pve plus combos good from 39 to 56 or can anyone supply a better combo that doesn't wastes so much mp mostly the magic mob combo
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Very helpful guide - I will be restating my sin soon and the point alication you mentioned here really helps!
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    nice guide needs sticky
  • Posts: 2,897 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    id say this guide needs a little bit of clean up before its stickied. i noticed one huge critical error; its called twilight temple, not holy hall. also on a more serious note... the skills section takes up a huge chunk of the meat of the guide. is there a way you could possibly size it down a little, or link it into a seperate area? its kinda huge to scroll through and a pain in the *** to read. other than that, kudos to you.
    advice to fledgling archers:
    Going sage is like drunken sex, at first she may look good, but when you wake up the next morning; you'll look at her and go WHAT HAVE I DONE.
  • Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Whatstheskill called that makes the damageequal to 1? Tidal or Focus Mind.
  • Posts: 3,469 Arc User
    edited September 2010
    Sticky this already, Mods!
    Demon_Troll: "takes on the appearance of an innocent archer but turns into a mindless idiot once you hear him speak"
This discussion has been closed.