Useless against Assassins?



  • DarkHam - Harshlands
    DarkHam - Harshlands Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I highly doubt they are going to nerf the Tideborns. Seriously, people have been ******** about the Nix bleed since their arrival and NOTHING has been done to rectify the situation.

    Blood Clot > Nix

    Smash the Squishy Venos
    Sizzle then smash the LA venos
    Electrify the Heavy Veno

    Or kill the nix

    The problem with killing an assassin isnt doing enough damage, its being able to hit a SINGLE HIT on them.
  • Trobneziuq - Dreamweaver
    Trobneziuq - Dreamweaver Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ive posted this on my archer but no one seems to listen.. please quit QQ and just use your heads.

    If assassin leads with Stun.. Badge of Courage-- then pick one: Elven alc.. Wings of grace... valc powder. then kill him.

    If assassin leads with Seal.. run and jump. then pick one: Elven alc.. Wings of grace... valc powder. then kill him.

    If assasin leads with Immobolize... 1000% evasion.. then pick one: Elven alc.. Wings of grace... valc powder. then kill him.

    Its like fighting a bm with less hp. 2-4 shots should kill.
  • Brigid - Harshlands
    Brigid - Harshlands Posts: 1,332 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ive posted this on my archer but no one seems to listen.. please quit QQ and just use your heads.

    If assassin leads with Stun.. Badge of Courage-- then pick one: Elven alc.. Wings of grace... valc powder. then kill him. If Badge fails, die.

    If assassin leads with Seal.. run and jump. then pick one: Elven alc.. Wings of grace... valc powder. then kill him. Why would they lead with Seal? Much better off leading with something that completely disables, unless you've used an anti-stun beforehand, in which case they should just wait it out.

    If assasin leads with Immobolize... 1000% evasion.. then pick one: Elven alc.. Wings of grace... valc powder. then kill him.When the evasion doesn't do a thing, die. Also, not sure why they'd lead with immobilize. An immobilized archer is still a dangerous archer. A stunned, slept, or otherwise disabled archer is a dead archer.

    If assassin leads with double sparked strong attack and crits, die.

    All of these assume you survive long enough to fight back. That simply isn't realistic until you get up into the high 7x and 8x range and start refining and sharding HP, and are consistently charmed. Prior to that, an assassin can kill an archer in two or three hits.

    Wings of Grace takes a full 3 seconds to cast. A smart assassin will simply use that time to go back into stealth, wait the 15 seconds for the anti-stun to wear off, and attack again.

    1000% evasion is useless. Evasion doesn't even work reliably on barbarians, let alone classes that actually have accuracy.
    Its like fighting a bm that starts out next to you, sparked, with infinite chi, better accuracy, more criticals, higher damage, a 25% chance to dodge any attack ON TOP of evasion, and with you starting out stunlocked with less hp. 2-4 shots should kill.

    There are counters that don't require a second mortgage. Most of them revolve around genie skills. Some are even effective, or at least seem to be. You've successfully posted a few that probably won't work 95% of the time. Congratulations?
  • Trobneziuq - Dreamweaver
    Trobneziuq - Dreamweaver Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I will agree at lower levels assassin will kill archer.. but in that case applies to most classes of lower level.

    I was speaking in terms of end game.

    In counter to some of your points.. Badge of Courage on my archer is 100%.. it never fails just requires a dex genie with high enought dex.

    Second they lead with immobolize beause it gains chi.. makes you stand there.. and doesnt cost sparks to cast. In order to kill in quick they only need a few shots and your reaction time is key.. so they play into that.

    I said seal.. just for the sake of saying it.. there are noobs out there.

    Them going back into stealth is a good thing.. it puts their steath on timer.. it runs the 2min timer on their extra life.. and lets the tidal protection wear off. So unless you just stand around there for a few minutes and wait on all his buffs to refresh.. when he comes out of steath this time it will be much easier to kill.

    1000% always works.. if it doesnt for you ..i dono what to tell you. i use it all the time on immobolize when bm has 5.0

    Lastly.. this set works end game i am not saying its 100% because there is balance and timing error but it does put the match on a fair playing field. My conclusions were tested vs 3 different lvl 100 assassins. all with full TT99 or Mixed Nirvinia and rank 8 all +6-+12.
  • Brigid - Harshlands
    Brigid - Harshlands Posts: 1,332 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    In counter to some of your points.. Badge of Courage on my archer is 100%.. it never fails just requires a dex genie with high enought dex. True. Ecatomb doesn't give the increase in success chance per level on their site, and my genie doesn't have the skill yet, so I didn't know whether getting 100% success was realistic or not.

    Second they lead with immobolize beause it gains chi.. makes you stand there.. and doesnt cost sparks to cast. In order to kill in quick they only need a few shots and your reaction time is key.. so they play into that.
    But what's stopping them from just using that on a mob before coming after you? As far as I can tell, Assassins are never short on chi.

    I said seal.. just for the sake of saying it.. there are noobs out there.

    Them going back into stealth is a good thing.. it puts their steath on timer.. it runs the 2min timer on their extra life.. and lets the tidal protection wear off. So unless you just stand around there for a few minutes and wait on all his buffs to refresh.. when he comes out of steath this time it will be much easier to kill.
    The problem here is their stealth and other cooldowns are faster than our immune to stun cooldowns, genie cooldowns, and apoth powders, mostly. Also, we don't really get a chi skill until 89 (sage, ill-advised) or 100 (Awaken), so you'd be going into the second fight with less chi.

    1000% always works.. if it doesnt for you ..i dono what to tell you. i use it all the time on immobolize when bm has 5.0
    Oh the 1000% works fine. It's just that people can still hit you despite your sky-high evasion, so it's not really guaranteed safety.

    Lastly.. this set works end game i am not saying its 100% because there is balance and timing error but it does put the match on a fair playing field. My conclusions were tested vs 3 different lvl 100 assassins. all with full TT99 or Mixed Nirvinia and rank 8 all +6-+12.
    To me, Expel still seems like a more reliable and more effective means of dealing with an Assassin ambush. I can't really speak from experience though, not having built a genie for it yet.
  • Ussichu - Sanctuary
    Ussichu - Sanctuary Posts: 429 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    absolute domain > elven alacrity > safe zone

    expel silences you. So you can't fight back.. the sin can STAND there and wait for you without the stealth. if you meant using it on the sin o_o... i dunno, could use magic skills still so i dunno.. i need to try to out XD
    Navarre was your everyday veno, until she learned her true form. Now she's fox walloping and purging over and over again.. all for a deep stinging, head hunting, wind pushing Assassin. Will there be inner harmony and myriad rainbows? But of course! Yuri&Lemon Find it on Fanfiction XD "Discovering Sanctuary" Chapter 2 is up ^_^
  • Brigid - Harshlands
    Brigid - Harshlands Posts: 1,332 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    absolute domain > elven alacrity > safe zone
    LOL, that's my current anti-assassin tactic b:surrender
    expel silences you. So you can't fight back.. the sin can STAND there and wait for you without the stealth. if you meant using it on the sin o_o... i dunno, could use magic skills still so i dunno.. i need to try to out XD
    Apparently, it can be used on the assassin, thus leaving them helpless for something like 10 seconds or more while you zap them. I'm in the process of building a genie to try that with myself.
  • Trobneziuq - Dreamweaver
    Trobneziuq - Dreamweaver Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Correct currently expel is bugged to work on other classes. so you can own them with magic.
  • Mage_Fizban - Dreamweaver
    Mage_Fizban - Dreamweaver Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    It's not bugged. It's a buff. and in PK you can buff whoever the **** you feel like quiz. That's like me giving you frostblade.
  • Trobneziuq - Dreamweaver
    Trobneziuq - Dreamweaver Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I see your point maybe its just fine. I was just hung up on the word "friendly target" If its not a bug then I guess its time to get it on Quiz's Genie. Demon sparked lightning strikes for everyone !!!
  • Technotic - Sanctuary
    Technotic - Sanctuary Posts: 591 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    absolute domain > elven alacrity > safe zone

    expel silences you. So you can't fight back.. the sin can STAND there and wait for you without the stealth. if you meant using it on the sin o_o... i dunno, could use magic skills still so i dunno.. i need to try to out XD

    High LvL assassin + Invisible + Spark + Crit = 1Hit on most archers. If you have a fast enough reaction time to turn on Absolute Domain before it hits you, you really should stop playing video games. I've seen a level 70 assassin Crit someone at 4k+ before. Imagine a level 90 or higher.
    Say my name 3 times, I dare you.

  • Sint - Harshlands
    Sint - Harshlands Posts: 579 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    expell self - (apo pot to remove silence) - pwn?

    would it work?
  • Mage_Fizban - Dreamweaver
    Mage_Fizban - Dreamweaver Posts: 256 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    seeing as a certain cleric loves to randomly expel me then purify the seal off of me, i'm pretty sure it'll works. but you'll never know til you try
  • skykh
    skykh Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Archer in air>assassin since sin have not ranged atk (only tele stun and knive throw)
  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    seeing as a certain cleric loves to randomly expel me then purify the seal off of me, i'm pretty sure it'll works. but you'll never know til you try


    You aren't talking about Paramedic are you?
  • Furries - Dreamweaver
    Furries - Dreamweaver Posts: 966 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    It really depends on the encounter, i dont play pvp becuase of item loss and annoyances of trying to get around that issue. And TW i have only ever done on my barb.

    So those 2 things i really cant comment on.

    but duels... Assuming the sin's shadow teleport isn't in cooldown, your pretty much screwed.

    i have done this fight both as the assasin and as the archer. every time shadow teleport was the starting move the duel was over b4 the archer fires a shot. Again this is assuming 1v1 duel with the sin having shadow teleport.

    on that case.. archer will ALWAYS lose.
    Killing level 80's with a lvl 60 is a lot more fun than killing level 90's with a level 100.
  • Dark_Fate - Harshlands
    Dark_Fate - Harshlands Posts: 968 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    1 thing pk the land owners of Raging Tide city and hope they drop awareness pots.. i got 12 atm.. Ty zulub:cute
  • Regenbogen - Lost City
    Regenbogen - Lost City Posts: 1,559 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    own raging tide city...
    craft awareness potions...
    kill the "stealthed" sin...

    if you see a sin before he attacks...he's sushi...
    i am waiting for you my little flagcarriers b:kiss
  • Phel - Lost City
    Phel - Lost City Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    i have no trouble killed assassins, including those closely above my lvl
  • ElderSig - Dreamweaver
    ElderSig - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,247 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    own raging tide city...
    craft awareness potions...
    kill the "stealthed" sin...

    if you see a sin before he attacks...he's sushi...

    As magichamsta said, a sin with skills fully lvl'd gets +30 stealth points. Awareness pots give +20. So even with pots you have to be 11 lvls (or maybe 10?) higher than the sin to see them in stealth.
  • Swoosh - Sanctuary
    Swoosh - Sanctuary Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Typical 1v1 with a sin (From wizard view) :

    -Wait (Sin is prolly sparking, buffing up in Stealth...)
    -Wait more
    -I get stunned, Sin pops up , I use Absoulte Domain , Resist all damage for 3,8 Seconds.
    -3,8 Seconds later : Sin Seals + Freezes
    -I Spam Blink, oops , wait, cant, Im sealed x.x
    -Sin hits me to death

    If I am really lucky and manage to be out of stun/Sleep/Seal for a sec then Ill 3 spark... And guess what... Sin Goes stealth....

    And then, if Sin doesnt Hide and im not stunned/Slept/Sealed/Frozen in midair , i cast Wisper - EP - Sandstrom ... And guess what. 1 Damage due to Focused Mind. (Yes, I am aware this only happens in 25 % of the time but still, much to often in my opinion)

    Fun pvp.
  • Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear
    Kiyoshi - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,385 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    It really depends on the encounter, i dont play pvp becuase of item loss and annoyances of trying to get around that issue. And TW i have only ever done on my barb.

    So those 2 things i really cant comment on.

    but duels... Assuming the sin's shadow teleport isn't in cooldown, your pretty much screwed.

    i have done this fight both as the assasin and as the archer. every time shadow teleport was the starting move the duel was over b4 the archer fires a shot. Again this is assuming 1v1 duel with the sin having shadow teleport.

    on that case.. archer will ALWAYS lose.

    considering that archers will lose about 99.99% of their duels (against anyone with a quarter of a brain)... thats not saying much.

    i think pw player base has been divided into 2 groups. one that doesn't give a rat's **** about the sins and will take them on when needed. and the other group that craps in their pants whenever sin walk pass them.
    1. If I kill you; do something about it yourself, don't go complaining to my wife.
    2. If you have less kill counts then me, don't expect me to take pk advice from you.
    3. If you are hiding behind an alt, don't expect me to acknowledge your existence.

    Tokichiro - Heavy Armor Fish / Kiyoshi - Dual Blade Elf
  • Transcend - Lost City
    Transcend - Lost City Posts: 448 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Aside from the initial learning curve and seeing all the stun/sleep/paralyzes they throw at you, we can do quite well against them. Just gotta get used to fighting at close range and throw up your shields when you have the chance. The one skill that stands out is wingspan, which gives a nice shield upon hit.

    Also, I don't know if it's just me, but can sins tele out of a stun/paralyze? I stunned one after he double sparked and tele'd right to me (although he was hitting me air to ground).

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  • Psudeotrophe - Dreamweaver
    Psudeotrophe - Dreamweaver Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    If you can prevent an Assassin from cloaking, do you think you could beat them?
    Apparently its more difficult to milk a smurf than originally conceived..