Archer replaced by Assassin?



  • klizzard
    klizzard Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Archers can kill their target before it lands a hit on them: Same with Assassins(yes we can use bows too).

    Assassins take hits: LOL pretty sure every class can take hits

    Archers have longer range: Again, assassins can use bows.

    You obviously don't have a archer char, do you?

    You dont get Bow Mastery (inc all ranged damage by 60%) OR Winged Blessing(increases our range by 10 meters) OR Blazing Arrow (adds 40% in fire damage). When we use a bow its on a whole different lvl than you.

    And you should know that archers often switch to fists or daggers once mobs get to close. What you're doing is commonplace already. I keep a set of fists on my archer just for that. And we do sick damage with them too.

    But you will never take our place because we have the ftw Sharptooth. And our evasion speed buffs. And our BoA.

    Go learn before you make a thread. Good day to you.
  • Tapion_ - Dreamweaver
    Tapion_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 388 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Yeah, I admit I'm dead wrong. Sins far outclass Archers. Just beat one my level before he could even attack.
  • StretchIt - Harshlands
    StretchIt - Harshlands Posts: 327 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Yeah, I admit I'm dead wrong. Sins far outclass Archers. Just beat one my level before he could even attack.

    b:thanks atta boy. don't evaa let nobody beat your **** :D
  • Tapion_ - Dreamweaver
    Tapion_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 388 Arc User
    edited February 2010

    He thought the plume shell or whatever the hell its called would work but not after i force him to sleep that buff off. archers suck compared to assassins and have been replaced by us, we rule!
  • RADD_RATT - Harshlands
    RADD_RATT - Harshlands Posts: 349 Arc User
    edited February 2010

    He thought the plume shell or whatever the hell its called would work but not after i force him to sleep that buff off. archers suck compared to assassins and have been replaced by us, we rule!
    i wouldnt go that far. sins beat archers. but archers can stand a chance against BMs and barbs a hell of a lot better then we can. no one was replaced
  • klizzard
    klizzard Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Archers can use metal spells to kill BMs + Barbs easier

    good for them, there metal skills aren't that great and most archers will tell you they struggle to kill barbs even with there metal skills

    Metal skills aren't that good? Fyi, we can one shot an unsuspecting barb with a metal attack if we crit....I have a 8x archer and I've done it before when I was still using my HH70 piece of **** Unicorn too...and the barb was 7x...a good one too.

    THIS is why so many people don't like Tide at the mo. Maybe if you all stopped thinking (falsely) that somehow you're all better you'd get a better reception. I'll admit even I'm getting a grudge against Tide because of the sheer number of over-confident, noobish, uneducated, and plain RUDE Tide that think they're so pro.

    its sad because many Tide are good players who know their str and weakness. You're giving them a bad name they dont deserve. Stop it.

    EDIT: Whats funny is everybody is assuming an archer wont just snipe a sin and plow his **** into the ground. Ppl are acting like sins will ALWAYS be the ones sneaking up on archers, and never the other way around. Or that sins will ALWAYS be walking around fully buffed with all their skills out of cooldown with max sparks and hp and mp.
  • Tapion_ - Dreamweaver
    Tapion_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 388 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Good point again, I seem to be stepping in it tonight, typing before really thinking about it. Didn't consider for a second I can barely shake a dagger against a barb.
  • StretchIt - Harshlands
    StretchIt - Harshlands Posts: 327 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    klizzard wrote: »
    Metal skills aren't that good? Fyi, we can one shot an unsuspecting barb with a metal attack if we crit....I have a 8x archer and I've done it before when I was still using my HH70 piece of **** Unicorn too...and the barb was 7x...a good one too.

    THIS is why so many people don't like Tide at the mo. Maybe if you all stopped thinking (falsely) that somehow you're all better you'd get a better reception. I'll admit even I'm getting a grudge against Tide because of the sheer number of over-confident, noobish, uneducated, and plain RUDE Tide that think they're so pro.

    its sad because many Tide are good players who know their str and weakness. You're giving them a bad name they dont deserve. Stop it.

    b:chuckle well obviously every class has their good and bad players. too many sins rely on their stealth, and only have a fixed combo during pvp. and when the opponent counters the assault, they stand still and QQ about what went wrong lol. the assassin is a flexible class, and we need to adapt to our situation in ways that will benifit us. btw it's just hilarious that some sins think they're so badass rpk-ing 3x lowbies, when they're bloodred with lvl 1 cat like tread, and try to sneak up on you before realising their mistakes before it's too late b:thanks
  • Badazmofo - Dreamweaver
    Badazmofo - Dreamweaver Posts: 407 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    this may have been said earlyer but idk too many pages to read and my WQ isnt that long lol

    but a sin said they had Tstrom they used on barbs and blademasters well thats good and all but do you have the metal debuff to increase its dmg??... i do i also have a genie with lvl 10 Tstorm and 90+ dex with the metal debuff and Tstorm at close range i can take a barb to about half hp maybe more or less (and thats with -44% metal debuff) i dont see Tstrom being all that effective for someone without the debuff to go with it and i doubt many ppl use a genie based around Tstrom like i do XD
  • RADD_RATT - Harshlands
    RADD_RATT - Harshlands Posts: 349 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    this may have been said earlyer but idk too many pages to read and my WQ isnt that long lol

    but a sin said they had Tstrom they used on barbs and blademasters well thats good and all but do you have the metal debuff to increase its dmg??... i do i also have a genie with lvl 10 Tstorm and 90+ dex with the metal debuff and Tstorm at close range i can take a barb to about half hp maybe more or less (and thats with -44% metal debuff) i dont see Tstrom being all that effective for someone without the debuff to go with it and i doubt many ppl use a genie based around Tstrom like i do XD

    as an archer i completly agree
  • SorrentoSren - Dreamweaver
    SorrentoSren - Dreamweaver Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    And your obviously a **** to, an Assassin has mutli skills to instantly teleport to your spot, rip strike then you can't move. At the end of the day its down to player skill, an assassin has lot of skills and is very versitile in pvp. If archers get in first hit with any class thats there advantage.

    This thread fails, Archer and Assassin arr very a like, none replace each other so.

    u really dont knoow what are u talinkg about, u said the sin always ll recive damage no matter what, u better shut up, assassin can grind with mobs of the same lv and also elite mobs without recive any damage, if u always recive damage u re a big noobb:laugh

    if u dont know what are u talking about plz b:shutup
  • Somebody - Raging Tide
    Somebody - Raging Tide Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    u really dont knoow what are u talinkg about, u said the sin always ll recive damage no matter what, u better shut up, assassin can grind with mobs of the same lv and also elite mobs without recive any damage, if u always recive damage u re a big noobb:laugh

    if u dont know what are u talking about plz b:shutup

    it is true sins can run out of a fight with elite-mobs / mini-bosses with 100% HP
    but on normal mobs archer > sin cause of the range/knockback and the near 0 MP use

    i just did my 89 culti (up until the demon/sage choice) solo on my 89 sin with no healing/pots
    only 2/3 charm ticks at most.
    (new DD way.. spark --> inner harmony --> wolf emblem --> power dash --> maybe even debuff, see the 10k crits every 2/3 hits, i can't wait till demon-sparkb:dirty)
  • Archers_Soul - Lost City
    Archers_Soul - Lost City Posts: 746 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    it is true sins can run out of a fight with elite-mobs / mini-bosses with 100% HP
    but on normal mobs archer > sin cause of the range/knockback and the near 0 MP use

    i just did my 89 culti (up until the demon/sage choice) solo on my 89 sin with no healing/pots
    only 2/3 charm ticks at most.
    (new DD way.. spark --> inner harmony --> wolf emblem --> power dash --> maybe even debuff, see the 10k crits every 2/3 hits, i can't wait till demon-sparkb:dirty)

    your seriously choosing what you want to be already? the demon/sage tideborn skills arent even out yet right?
    I don't care how old or young you are, how small your **** is, how much of a nerd irl you are or how depressed you are that you never will get laid. There is no reason to act like an A-hole to everyone on an mmorpg. Its a shame that I have to take time out of my day to tell people "stop being an A-hole". So I end with this, if your acting like an A-hole, and some one tells you your being an A-hole chances are your being an A-hole.
  • ShadowTheif - Raging Tide
    ShadowTheif - Raging Tide Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    just to tell sin's can go in stealth mode and archers can't see depending the lvl same if archers are good a sin could be beside you and stun you while archer can't do a thing vs that and sin's have shadow teleport archers are done if a sin has that skill

    so wach what you sa b:laugh