The Return of Anniversary Pack Discussion Thread



  • kikirani
    kikirani Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Now, lets not forget the part:

    1. 1100 new people join the games since they read reviews that rated PWI the best F2P game out there, and one of the best MMOs overall.
    2. 1100 new people buy gold
    3. Cash Shoppers and PKers rejoice, new players means new buyers and new people to kill
    4. Tons of new people to do things with. Sooner or later they will be high level like the rest of the players (it took a TB 2 days to get to level 80+...)
    5. PWI stock goes up (as it has been going up since they went public a year ago), and they release more games into their portafolio, hiring new employees and helping the RL economy of California by providing jobs to more people.

    Rinse, lather, and repeat.
    Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. --- Helen Keller

    "For the people who love to complain, whine, cry, and moan over every little detail of their life. Build a bridge and get over it. Or I'll push you in the river you made."

    Epic Failure--To the Avatar that won't show.
  • _BaMbOo - Dreamweaver
    _BaMbOo - Dreamweaver Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I really like the tokens, as do many people that I talk to b:surrender

    I love the tokens. I'm in need of flawless shards on the cheap, do-all cards, skill pages, chips and gear sloting tokens etc. .

    Ani packs lower the prices on a lot of items we use/need in game but, I guess the adverse effect is higher gold prices. b:surrender
  • Echelon - Heavens Tear
    Echelon - Heavens Tear Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    kikirani wrote: »
    There are oracle's in the boutique. All people would have to do is buy them and spend 3-4 days to get to level 80.

    If that happens then this game will completely be P2P. People that don't use Cash shop can't get oracles, they can't lvl fast......they'll be unable to do TT's to make money cause of lack of players already. It really strangles everything, plus not all can pay so I'm pretty confident that not everyone will be oracling up to there. Plus old school Zhening is out of the picture....that requires Charms.
  • kikirani
    kikirani Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Uhm, most 80+ r either Cash shoppers or accepted how PWI works...
    If u get to that lvl without using cash shop, then ur not going to start complain now....If u do, why the hell did u even start lvling to 80 b:sad.
    PWI always did things like this, and thus won't quit doing it now.

    I need a hammer to bash some thick skulls here.

    A mallet would be better.
    Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. --- Helen Keller

    "For the people who love to complain, whine, cry, and moan over every little detail of their life. Build a bridge and get over it. Or I'll push you in the river you made."

    Epic Failure--To the Avatar that won't show.
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Actually, I am one of them who has said "you're welcome" because if we didn't exist you would be playing another game. This one actually has better customer service compared to other free mmo's. But yes, cash shoppers support this game so items do come easier to us because it's less expensive for us to obtain them. Several hours to earn a few hundred K vs 1 hour work from a "real life job" to earn a few mil to purchase the items we desire.
    You could have at least been honest and got my support for this statement of the fact that cash supports games (and I have spent a moderate amount myself, not on packs.. mounts/aerogear/tokens) if you didn't place a fairly asinine statement of it being "easier" or "less expensive". If gold is 400K and one can sell in a catshop 1-3m per hour, or even get the same in mats in a TT 3-1 run, it is the same thing. You are canceling out that hour of work, and for most of us, that hour of work in pay with real money couldn't all go into the game anyhow. To avoid looking silly, just admit the obvious, that you do it, like most of us, because you are impatient and want things instantly. It's a given that money and cash shoppers support this game so dangling that above people's heads and showing off in that manner will rightfully get people after you. I applaud them.

    Now, my honest opinion is mixed. I like the anni packs because I like cheaper shards, cheaper subs, cheaper pots, which is inherent with packs because of tokens. I have several characters to support so the cheaper these necessities are, the easier it becomes not to spend real money on the game for 99% of what I do. On the other hand, it's becoming a bit shady how they keep putting in and pulling packs and acting as if when the sale is over that it's done with. Can you guys just keep them in the friggen boutique? Also, when the packs come back this time, PLEASE DISABLE THE RED MESSAGES. If I have to endure this nonsensical spam, that I cannot ignore, for the umpteenth time, that occasional money I spend will disappear entirely and I'll just ride out the "free" aspect of things, if I even continue playing at all. There's a fine line between having something optional, and shoving that supposed option down people's throats.
  • kikirani
    kikirani Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I love the tokens. I'm in need of flawless shards on the cheap, do-all cards, skill pages, chips and gear sloting tokens etc. .

    Ani packs lower the prices on a lot of items we use/need in game but, I guess the adverse effect is higher gold prices. b:surrender

    Love that Flawless shards drop in price b:chuckle
    Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. --- Helen Keller

    "For the people who love to complain, whine, cry, and moan over every little detail of their life. Build a bridge and get over it. Or I'll push you in the river you made."

    Epic Failure--To the Avatar that won't show.
  • Nicolaya - Heavens Tear
    Nicolaya - Heavens Tear Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I wouldn't worry too much about the players that use nothing but oracles to lvl their character.... their not going to have a clue how to play their class and just.... fail b:chuckle
  • kikirani
    kikirani Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    If that happens then this game will completely be P2P. People that don't use Cash shop can't get oracles, they can't lvl fast......they'll be unable to do TT's to make money cause of lack of players already. It really strangles everything, plus not all can pay so I'm pretty confident that not everyone will be oracling up to there. Plus old school Zhening is out of the picture....that requires Charms.

    It's usually the Cash Shopper's that sell either the gold or the oracle's to the non cash shoppers.
    Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. --- Helen Keller

    "For the people who love to complain, whine, cry, and moan over every little detail of their life. Build a bridge and get over it. Or I'll push you in the river you made."

    Epic Failure--To the Avatar that won't show.
  • somnium
    somnium Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I spent a lot of money on this game over the year I played.

    Now I want a refund, and I am dead serious.

    I am upset at the quality of service and the betrayal of player desires. I had a lot of hopes for this being a long term game, and am utterly disgusted with the way my trust has been abused. I personally refuse to drop another penny and am wondering about the possibilities of forcing you to give me a refund, somehow.

    This, to me, was an investment. Instead of putting money into a movie theater or gym or netflix account for entertainment I was putting my money here. You guys hooked me in with promises of fairness and a good game and then suddenly you raised the prices on everything. The game is no longer fun to play BECAUSE of the abuse of the sales team, which dropped the value of my investment to nil.

    In my honest opinion you have trashed the game, abused your players, and thrown away a great opportunity to set a good example for the rest of the F2P community.

    I hope whatever evil minion that lurks in the sales department for this company drops dead of selfishness. A cold heart wins no sympathy.

    There is at least ONE person in this company intentionally ruining it for the thousands of players here, and eventually for the company as well.

    Whomever that person is- I know you know what you're doing and you think you're a genius, but you're not. You're evil. You're a capitalist pig that deserves the full brunt of punishment and hate for your actions. If we had your name you'd no longer be affiliated with this company. You might be in a box tied up being shipped to Timbuktu.

    This reminds me of the Gas company ruining the world for everyone all for their own greed. Obviously this person is ruining a VIRTUAL world for their own greed, but is it truly any better?

    Eat a can of act right and SINCERELY do what you can to HELP.
  • kikirani
    kikirani Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I wouldn't worry too much about the players that use nothing but oracles to lvl their character.... their not going to have a clue how to play their class and just.... fail b:chuckle

    I usually call them Oracle noobs. And the Veteran's of the game usually get a huge headache after going through a FB89 with them LoL!!
    Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. --- Helen Keller

    "For the people who love to complain, whine, cry, and moan over every little detail of their life. Build a bridge and get over it. Or I'll push you in the river you made."

    Epic Failure--To the Avatar that won't show.
  • maocchi
    maocchi Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    It's 2 days until Christmas and people are sitting here QQing about how their lives have been ruined in a game thanks to Anni packs. Seriously, find better things to do people.

    This is an ENTERTAINMENT. It's not a ground for questions of morality. PWI brings Anni packs to gain money and players who have money are happy to give it to them, and people who do spend money deserve to get something in return. This is not up to anyone to decide. It's been the ground zero rule of humanity since the beginning of time. You give, you get. "Free to play" is just a catchy slogan to attract mental pre-schoolers who can't understand why people with money always have the upperhand, and might give PWI a shot at their parents' credit card. Not that I'm saying most people in this thread are exactly really.

    The real players who have the upperhand in this game are ones that come in with clear knowledge of how this insanely abstract rule works. They knew that although free to play, paying will grant them massive amount of win. Because PWI wouldn't last for a day if it didn't.

    You can, of course, choose to fight it by not paying a cent. If you decide to fight it, then stop crying or ragequit. However, those of you taking out anger on GMs, even Spoons who has been most democratic towards all the QQ comments made against him even though he didn't deserve it in the first place, deserve to be slapped across face. For god sakes you sound like 5 year olds. Do the world a favor and stop being Peter Pan.

    Also, I love how some people like to say they have no money. It's funny because when I decide I'm not going to be lazy and cook my own food instead of blowing $10 on lunch everyday, to my most solemn surprise I find $50 lying around by the end of the week. If I'm not going to watch any movie that week, I can spend it on entertainment of my choice because I would already have deposited my monthly savings. If this scenario doesn't sound familiar to you, either A) you are in a situation where you shouldn't be playing a game anyway or B) you need to get something called a job. People just like to blame the lack of money on downfall of economy because they can't figure out that they have poor money management skills and life planning skills.

    tl;dr version:
    Go find something better to do. Like meditate at a mountain. Or even take anger management class. I can't take anymore roflcopter. Thanks.
  • Echelon - Heavens Tear
    Echelon - Heavens Tear Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Uhm, most 80+ r either Cash shoppers or accepted how PWI works...
    If u get to that lvl without using cash shop, then ur not going to start complain now....If u do, why the hell did u even start lvling to 80 b:sad.
    PWI always did things like this, and thus won't quit doing it now.

    I need a hammer to bash some thick skulls here.

    I'm not a Cash Shopper, I've spent in total $80 since this game came out, and yes I've accepted that PWI has become Economy hell. It's really hard to get by on F2P at this lvl. It's unfair for people that can't pay. It used to be fair when Gold was 100k each. Ohh and I Emphasize the CAN'T, cause I know some country's don't offer to much for it being International....
  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I don't understand all the hatred towards anni packs.
    Probably most of the hatred is from people who are just jealous that others (mostly folks who can afford the packs) are getting good stuff that they're not.

    The real problem with the packs though is that they drive coin inflation. At its most basic level, the price of gold is determined by the ratio of coin for sale vs. the ratio of gold per sale. More gold for sale and the price of gold goes down. More coin for sale and the price of gold goes up. So if you were to suddenly double the amount of coin everyone has, the price of gold would double as well.

    Anniversary packs have a ~2% chance to yield a best luck token. Cashing that in creates 5 million coin out of nothing. That increases the amount of coin in the game, causing inflation and driving up the price of gold. Except the people who didn't get a best luck token still have the same amount of coin. So their wealth has actually decreased in terms of purchasing power.

    A lot of the other solutions suggested by people who've never taken a course in economics would just make the problem worse. More drops? More coin ==> more inflation. Lower the price of hammers so you can open those coin chests? more coin ==> more inflation. Make it easier to level? Higher level ==> more drops ==> more coin ==> more inflation. Player-to-player transactions involving coin, like gold sales, paradoxically have little effect on the price of gold because the vast majority of the coin never leaves the economy. It's simply transferred from one player to another.

    The real solution is to add coin sinks which take away coin (like buying skills, or shards for crazy stone), and remove coin sources which create huge amounts of coin out of thin air (like those stupid best luck tokens and coin chests).
    It was about then I lost motivation. I made an alt, quit my TW faction, learned all the tricks to buy/selling and have been a F2P player who just plays to have fun with friends ever since.
    That's the best attitude you can have IMHO. Unless you're into PvP, who cares what uber equipment other people have? Find a good group of friends and play to have fun. Fundamentally, the game is just fighting mobs, improving your character a bit and moving on to fight other mobs which are a little harder and have a different skin, and improving your character some more so you can move on to fight other mobs... etc. Killing Qingzi at 35 with uber equipment is really no different from killing Qingzi at 45 with regular equipment. Being able to do it at 35 instead of 45 only matters if you're turning it into a competition between yourself and other players.

    Don't try to compete for the mostest leetest gear, because only one person per server can win that title. If that's your standard for having fun, everyone except that one person is a loser.
  • Astrelli - Sanctuary
    Astrelli - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Wow... so much anger D=

    Do some of you try to do the "earn zen" offers? x_x I got 40+ gold worth of zen through just doing those.. it takes some time, but hey. It's one more option.

    ...But now I'm regretting spending (almost) all of those on fashion =|
  • EternalSiege - Dreamweaver
    EternalSiege - Dreamweaver Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I love the tokens. I'm in need of flawless shards on the cheap, do-all cards, skill pages, chips and gear sloting tokens etc. .

    Ani packs lower the prices on a lot of items we use/need in game but, I guess the adverse effect is higher gold prices. b:surrender

    Lower prices on shards and the like, but what about crafting materials? Prices in those skyrocketed because of anni packs. Hell the prices on newbie materials are completely outrageous. When I was collecting materials for my tideborn I saw someone selling 15 pig iron and other newbie mats for 150k. Sad thing is, there are many others doing the same.
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Lower prices on shards and the like, but what about crafting materials? Prices in those skyrocketed because of anni packs. Hell the prices on newbie materials are completely outrageous. When I was collecting materials for my tideborn I saw someone selling 15 pig iron and other newbie mats for 150k. Sad thing is, there are many others doing the same.

    Yo do realize there is a difference between someone having the mats for sale at that price and people actualy buying them, right? Eitherway, people have the option to go farm the mats themselves if they do not want to pay for the mats, no matter what the price of the mats is at.
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • kikirani
    kikirani Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Lower prices on shards and the like, but what about crafting materials? Prices in those skyrocketed because of anni packs. Hell the prices on newbie materials are completely outrageous. When I was collecting materials for my tideborn I saw someone selling 15 pig iron and other newbie mats for 150k. Sad thing is, there are many others doing the same.

    It's a good thing Pig Iron is one of the easier mats to get. Maybe I should start doing that b:shutup
    You do realize there is a difference between someone having the mats for sale at that price and people actualy buying them, right? Eitherway, people have the option to go farm the mats themselves if they do not want to pay for the mats, no matter what the price of the mats is at.

    Exactly, prices are based on the amount of people buying. If you actually buy at that price, then that will be the new price for that mat.

    On an off note I think one of the reasons why Pig Iron and same level mats are shown at that price is because of the mold's Tideborns get for certain quests.
    Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. --- Helen Keller

    "For the people who love to complain, whine, cry, and moan over every little detail of their life. Build a bridge and get over it. Or I'll push you in the river you made."

    Epic Failure--To the Avatar that won't show.
  • Jennalicious - Sanctuary
    Jennalicious - Sanctuary Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    somnium wrote: »
    I spent a lot of money on this game over the year I played.

    Now I want a refund, and I am dead serious.

    I am upset at the quality of service and the betrayal of player desires. I had a lot of hopes for this being a long term game, and am utterly disgusted with the way my trust has been abused. I personally refuse to drop another penny and am wondering about the possibilities of forcing you to give me a refund, somehow.

    This, to me, was an investment. Instead of putting money into a movie theater or gym or netflix account for entertainment I was putting my money here. You guys hooked me in with promises of fairness and a good game and then suddenly you raised the prices on everything. The game is no longer fun to play BECAUSE of the abuse of the sales team, which dropped the value of my investment to nil.

    In my honest opinion you have trashed the game, abused your players, and thrown away a great opportunity to set a good example for the rest of the F2P community.

    I hope whatever evil minion that lurks in the sales department for this company drops dead of selfishness. A cold heart wins no sympathy.

    There is at least ONE person in this company intentionally ruining it for the thousands of players here, and eventually for the company as well.

    Whomever that person is- I know you know what you're doing and you think you're a genius, but you're not. You're evil. You're a capitalist pig that deserves the full brunt of punishment and hate for your actions. If we had your name you'd no longer be affiliated with this company. You might be in a box tied up being shipped to Timbuktu.

    This reminds me of the Gas company ruining the world for everyone all for their own greed. Obviously this person is ruining a VIRTUAL world for their own greed, but is it truly any better?

    Eat a can of act right and SINCERELY do what you can to HELP.


    I also, in the past when I was foolish, have spend real money in this game and would like a refund.
  • _BaMbOo - Dreamweaver
    _BaMbOo - Dreamweaver Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    somnium wrote: »
    I spent a lot of money on this game over the year I played.

    Now I want a refund, and I am dead serious.

    I am upset at the quality of service and the betrayal of player desires. I had a lot of hopes for this being a long term game, and am utterly disgusted with the way my trust has been abused. I personally refuse to drop another penny and am wondering about the possibilities of forcing you to give me a refund, somehow.

    This, to me, was an investment. Instead of putting money into a movie theater or gym or netflix account for entertainment I was putting my money here. You guys hooked me in with promises of fairness and a good game and then suddenly you raised the prices on everything. The game is no longer fun to play BECAUSE of the abuse of the sales team, which dropped the value of my investment to nil.

    In my honest opinion you have trashed the game, abused your players, and thrown away a great opportunity to set a good example for the rest of the F2P community.

    I hope whatever evil minion that lurks in the sales department for this company drops dead of selfishness. A cold heart wins no sympathy.

    There is at least ONE person in this company intentionally ruining it for the thousands of players here, and eventually for the company as well.

    Whomever that person is- I know you know what you're doing and you think you're a genius, but you're not. You're evil. You're a capitalist pig that deserves the full brunt of punishment and hate for your actions. If we had your name you'd no longer be affiliated with this company. You might be in a box tied up being shipped to Timbuktu.

    This reminds me of the Gas company ruining the world for everyone all for their own greed. Obviously this person is ruining a VIRTUAL world for their own greed, but is it truly any better?

    Eat a can of act right and SINCERELY do what you can to HELP.

    You need help, seriously! lol
  • Korsov - Heavens Tear
    Korsov - Heavens Tear Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Holy ****, this thread is on page 32 and no sign of that magic hamster b:shocked
  • _River - Heavens Tear
    _River - Heavens Tear Posts: 834 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Lower prices on shards and the like, but what about crafting materials? Prices in those skyrocketed because of anni packs. Hell the prices on newbie materials are completely outrageous. When I was collecting materials for my tideborn I saw someone selling 15 pig iron and other newbie mats for 150k. Sad thing is, there are many others doing the same.

    The majority of the mats for crafting and the like increased because of the Tideborn's release, the demand went up from the players themselves sadly. Its like the prices for the materials for wines for FB/BH... all of those go up in price simply because of the higher demand for them than there was.

    Its sad but true (unless I'm missing out on a point here, but correct me if I'm wrong). Though I do have to say its quite unusual to see people farming the lower grade mats while grinding for DQ's on my lower alts. (thank goodness for the 2 first safe extensions without cash shop xD I'd probably not fair well without them LOL).
    _Jaysun_'s Wife
    Heaven's Tear--

    For all those that told me Lunar Gold wasn't worth the hassle of farming... but now have the Nirvana versions... I laugh at you. Hypocrites.
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    somnium wrote: »
    I spent a lot of money on this game over the year I played.

    Now I want a refund, and I am dead serious.

    I am upset at the quality of service and the betrayal of player desires. I had a lot of hopes for this being a long term game, and am utterly disgusted with the way my trust has been abused. I personally refuse to drop another penny and am wondering about the possibilities of forcing you to give me a refund, somehow.

    This, to me, was an investment. Instead of putting money into a movie theater or gym or netflix account for entertainment I was putting my money here. You guys hooked me in with promises of fairness and a good game and then suddenly you raised the prices on everything. The game is no longer fun to play BECAUSE of the abuse of the sales team, which dropped the value of my investment to nil.

    In my honest opinion you have trashed the game, abused your players, and thrown away a great opportunity to set a good example for the rest of the F2P community.

    I hope whatever evil minion that lurks in the sales department for this company drops dead of selfishness. A cold heart wins no sympathy.

    There is at least ONE person in this company intentionally ruining it for the thousands of players here, and eventually for the company as well.

    Whomever that person is- I know you know what you're doing and you think you're a genius, but you're not. You're evil. You're a capitalist pig that deserves the full brunt of punishment and hate for your actions. If we had your name you'd no longer be affiliated with this company. You might be in a box tied up being shipped to Timbuktu.

    This reminds me of the Gas company ruining the world for everyone all for their own greed. Obviously this person is ruining a VIRTUAL world for their own greed, but is it truly any better?

    Eat a can of act right and SINCERELY do what you can to HELP.
    Fail. You blame them for the gold prices (opposed to the people who want to, by their own actions, pay that much for an anni pack not required to play this game), then demand a refund because of your own ineptitude and anti-capitalist rants? Wow. Good thing is, there are a lot of people to make fun of who think this way.
  • Tidelord - Dreamweaver_1386746192
    edited December 2009
    Lower prices on shards and the like, but what about crafting materials? Prices in those skyrocketed because of anni packs. Hell the prices on newbie materials are completely outrageous. When I was collecting materials for my tideborn I saw someone selling 15 pig iron and other newbie mats for 150k. Sad thing is, there are many others doing the same.

    I would think thats becuz they sell those mats for a ridiculously high price in the boutiqua, and alot of ppl follow that price...Smth it's even better buying it in the boutique than off players. Like Purified Oil..Ppl tend to ask 20k each for them while u can buy 40 for 1gold in the boutique. (thought it was 40)
    Makes u think huh.
  • kikirani
    kikirani Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Fail. You blame them for the gold prices (opposed to the people who want to, by their own actions, pay that much for an anni pack not required to play this game), then demand a refund because of your own ineptitude and anti-capitalist rants? Wow. Good thing is, there are a lot of people to make fun of who think this way.

    I don't think they do a refund anyway
    Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. --- Helen Keller

    "For the people who love to complain, whine, cry, and moan over every little detail of their life. Build a bridge and get over it. Or I'll push you in the river you made."

    Epic Failure--To the Avatar that won't show.
  • kikirani
    kikirani Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I would think thats becuz they sell those mats for a ridiculously high price in the boutiqua, and alot of ppl follow that price...Smth it's even better buying it in the boutique than off players. Like Purified Oil..Ppl tend to ask 20k each for them while u can buy 40 for 1gold in the boutique. (thought it was 40)
    Makes u think huh.

    I wouldn't buy something from the boutique that is easily obtainable just by a few tedious hours.

    But I guess that's just me
    Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. --- Helen Keller

    "For the people who love to complain, whine, cry, and moan over every little detail of their life. Build a bridge and get over it. Or I'll push you in the river you made."

    Epic Failure--To the Avatar that won't show.
  • EternalSiege - Dreamweaver
    EternalSiege - Dreamweaver Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Yo do realize there is a difference between someone having the mats for sale at that price and people actualy buying them, right? Eitherway, people have the option to go farm the mats themselves if they do not want to pay for the mats, no matter what the price of the mats is at.

    If people aren't buying them then why would there be other people going by the same pricing? Some players that just started out on Perfect World will have a hard time buying materials or have a hard time crafting because of those prices, which will not make Perfect World newbie friendly.

    True you can go out and farm the mats on your own, but what about other players that are doing the same thing because they can't afford the newbie materials in the cat shops? They're all just going to stand there at the spawn point and keep shift+clicking for it?
  • _River - Heavens Tear
    _River - Heavens Tear Posts: 834 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I would think thats becuz they sell those mats for a ridiculously high price in the boutiqua, and alot of ppl follow that price...Smth it's even better buying it in the boutique than off players. Like Purified Oil..Ppl tend to ask 20k each for them while u can buy 40 for 1gold in the boutique. (thought it was 40)
    Makes u think huh.

    Very much so. I made lower level alts to farm just for those reasons. Its easier to just farm them personally. I can't tell you how much Purified Oil I've made just in the past week by farming for DQs for bank extensions. Its rather nice though. But at the same time I dislike how expensive they are x.x; Thus what IceJazmin said about farming your own mats, is really really what I keep in mind here. If I can't farm it fast enough, then I wait to manufacture something. I don't do BH so I really have no need everyday for that amount of mats for wines, I farm when I see and that's about it.

    At least with me when I farm mats, I don't just stand around, I find something to do in the meantime. For example, I've been training up some of my lower level pets near areas of DWP. So if I see a mat spawn near me, I grab it when I can. If not, I let the time powered mat farmer have it. But if I don't get it its not really a bother to me as I don't use it right away. It just sits in my bank for weeks till I have need of it.
    _Jaysun_'s Wife
    Heaven's Tear--

    For all those that told me Lunar Gold wasn't worth the hassle of farming... but now have the Nirvana versions... I laugh at you. Hypocrites.
  • Tidelord - Dreamweaver_1386746192
    edited December 2009
    somnium wrote: »
    I spent a lot of money on this game over the year I played.

    Now I want a refund, and I am dead serious.

    I am upset at the quality of service and the betrayal of player desires. I had a lot of hopes for this being a long term game, and am utterly disgusted with the way my trust has been abused. I personally refuse to drop another penny and am wondering about the possibilities of forcing you to give me a refund, somehow.

    This, to me, was an investment. Instead of putting money into a movie theater or gym or netflix account for entertainment I was putting my money here. You guys hooked me in with promises of fairness and a good game and then suddenly you raised the prices on everything. The game is no longer fun to play BECAUSE of the abuse of the sales team, which dropped the value of my investment to nil.

    In my honest opinion you have trashed the game, abused your players, and thrown away a great opportunity to set a good example for the rest of the F2P community.

    I hope whatever evil minion that lurks in the sales department for this company drops dead of selfishness. A cold heart wins no sympathy.

    There is at least ONE person in this company intentionally ruining it for the thousands of players here, and eventually for the company as well.

    Whomever that person is- I know you know what you're doing and you think you're a genius, but you're not. You're evil. You're a capitalist pig that deserves the full brunt of punishment and hate for your actions. If we had your name you'd no longer be affiliated with this company. You might be in a box tied up being shipped to Timbuktu.

    This reminds me of the Gas company ruining the world for everyone all for their own greed. Obviously this person is ruining a VIRTUAL world for their own greed, but is it truly any better?

    Eat a can of act right and SINCERELY do what you can to HELP.

    U, my dear, are a fail to capitalism, which this game is based on thus, should quit right now because u are going to hurt urself b:bye
  • ulrejaz85
    ulrejaz85 Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    People buying gold at those sky high prices are idiots.

    If buyers all band together and set gold at a low buying price, gold sellers (people who are too lazy to grind or farm mats for their coins) will no choice but to sell gold at low price.

    Gold sellers need the coins, gold buyer have the coins... DO THE FREAKING MATH!!!


    that is all...b:bye
  • Korsov - Heavens Tear
    Korsov - Heavens Tear Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I love when stuff like this happens and suddenly everyone is an economist b:chuckle