BARBARIANS. we are being oppressed.
all im sayin is that we get less than the lot.
why do you need the first pick in TT when its even splits? GTFO
we get no darkness stamps, no dq mats ever we get not drops.
the barbs that are saying whatever... lets see what your real setup looks like. ive seen most of the lvl 8x-9x barbs.
they have gear thats from packs that they bought (you cant grind 30mil thanks)
with 50mil mounts and tomes and all this and that. there is no way you can have the 1+BILLION worth of coins by playing naturally.
i couldnt even get my TT70 axes till some sweet venos hooked me up.
50k repairs +50k in pots = you selling your TT spoils.
if youre not an active barb you have no say in the matter.
if youre not a barb now cause you rerolled you were fail anyway.
Random drops are just that RANDOM
i have 4 characters Barb (main), veno, cleric, bm
some runs i get nothing from the random split, some runs i get the majority of them. Its the same on all my characters.
I ran bh69 killed polearm out of 20-30 items i didnt get a single thing. Killed doorknob had drops and I got about half the items. Thats the thing with RANDOM. I have actually received more molds on my barb then i have on any of my other characters.0 -
averange: 2 mats per TT run
bad run - 1 mat (still more than u spent)
good - 3-4 mats
GAME IS DEAD wiki-article: -
Everyone might as well stop worrying about it. This guy's one of those you could show the exact chance of getting a random drop from the database and he'd still say you're wrong.
Basically, if you agree with him he'll believe you.
If you argue any point of his, you're a complete moron that knows absolutely nothing.
P.S.: Oh btw, did 3 TT runs in a row, picked up 1 mirage stone -.-. Oh wait... it's random ^^[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
handsomebwonderful wrote: »all im sayin is that we get less than the lot.
why do you need the first pick in TT when its even splits? GTFO
we get no darkness stamps, no dq mats ever we get not drops.
the barbs that are saying whatever... lets see what your real setup looks like. ive seen most of the lvl 8x-9x barbs.
they have gear thats from packs that they bought (you cant grind 30mil thanks)
with 50mil mounts and tomes and all this and that. there is no way you can have the 1+BILLION worth of coins by playing naturally.
i couldnt even get my TT70 axes till some sweet venos hooked me up.
50k repairs +50k in pots = you selling your TT spoils.
if youre not an active barb you have no say in the matter.
if youre not a barb now cause you rerolled you were fail anyway.
Having a hard time making coin? Learn to shop, sell, and farm. I farmed 10 mil in a week with high mats, and that was BEFORE the prices more than doubled with the Bounty Hunter quests. This is how MOST non-cash players get their money. Get to work or GTFO0 -
now good sir may i please ask what mount you are on?
cash shop mount? or (random)-pack mount?
puuuhlllez tell me.
you cant farm **** when ppl on +9283m/sec mounts are undercutting a barb fighting mobs.
and if someone would show me that the random drops were truely random ill quit the game.
im even willing to run some test runs to PROVE this **** aint random.
prove me wrong.
75 barb ThatGuyAgain Sanctuary server.0 -
Try lvl 2 tigerform in my 40's. That with some grinding, and by my 50's I got myself a nice little Elephant mount from auction house for under a mil. By my 60's I was able to farm out enough for a chieftan battlecat when they were first sold, it was (and still is)my pride and joy. By my 70's villa sent me looking for a faster air mount, so I farmed out enough to buy the most economical one, the skymanta shade. A few levels ago a got a good price on a full speed drake, so I took it. Yeah I farm TT some, and I merchant a bit, but mat farming is what brings in about 80-90% of my income. Is it work? Yeah, but what the F*** do you want, a f***ing hand out? You, good sir, will find that in game is just like real life in this aspect. If you are not willing to work either harder or smarter, you get to wear the ****. A perfect world is apparently not a socialist one. So as I stated before, get to work or GTFO0
Diskus - Sanctuary wrote: »Yes, you are oppressed, now go back to the kitchen. b:bye
The Kitchen you say.... Hmm can I's get an apple pie. b:chuckleWhen the flesh rots away
When the soul corrodes
And the mind and the heart fall to pieces
All that will remain is...
The lust, the craving, the desire for POWER!!0 -
Didn't feel like going through all this dribble.....
To OP:
Reroll a cleric.......have fun! b:irritated b:beatenup b:nosebleed b:spitWhen the going gets tough; Get a tank!
Nocturne mature HT guild - we invite people, not levels. -
All I can say is if you don't like it that much try a different class... try the class that you think gets all the respect it seems your looking for and find out how wrong you are. Re-roll tideborn cause you just couldn't handle the original classes.0
ur a idiot x)
thats one of the downsides of barb's
the cost's
you know why that is?
cz we tank? maybe?
no? just me? b:beatup
we got good points too uknow
high hp
good def
tiger mode b:bye
edit: molds go random stupid0 -
Just tanked 2-2 last night, overall got 11 mats between 5 people, since 1 cleric left early, they all knew my charm was also ****, and gave me 3 drops while the rest got 2. If you tank and do a good job at it, you normally will get first picks in BH, TT, and other things. The 1 thing I know where tank/barb wont get drop, is during a tabbed fb, in which the tabber traditionally gets drops.0
So I started playing perfect world with some friends (one had been playing since it started and got us into it). After playing everyday with them our group composed of me as the Barb tank, my friend as an archer, my other friends as a cleric and wizard. We are all almost level 40 and can solo everything so far, but one of the things I mentioned to the was whenever I am doing things alone every cleric and their mother seems to show up and heal me. DD seem to invite me to their party's even if I am running through a zone and I get **** with faction invites. I have played MMO's before and while I find the barb to be kind of.. slow paced in terms of killing power, I'll be damned if I don't live through hell (flying around and accidentally aggro'ing 5 mobs in the air would kill any other class) I'm new, not a complete idiot but new. I was looking around for barb tips and guides, all I seem to find are people either ******** about being a barb, or ******** about the quality of barbs. I mean jesus christ I want some help learning if there are any glitches involving attacking, my skills, whatever. Not wade through post after post of people whining.
The rule of all MMO's is if you make a tank expect the leveling to be slow solo, people will ***** at you if your not paying attention, it is YOUR job to make sure the party progresses and moves where it needs to go that includes dealing with idiots who run into packs of mobs. If you don't want those responsibilities then reroll a healer or DPS.0 -
stop qqing. barbs are the easiest class to play by far. barbs = easy mode. i just go afk at every boss with a set up macro.
charm ****? lol? barbs are next to venos in riches. because they are always needed for TT. when you get your gear done, its 100% profit. no TT needs a charm. ive tanked EVERY tt without a charm, including 3-2/3-3.
ive even tanked belial, no charm, 1 level 89 cleric. no 2nd cleric.. no BB... just 1 cleric, me, a bm, and an archer
and... as tanks we get the highest hitting move in the game. stop qqing, barb = easy mode.Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks
"Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."
the lot of you talking are old heads.
cheiftain battlecats go for 14mil in sanctuary.
a gold charm is 1.8mil.
you cats are talkin about when gold was 100k and a charm was damn near free.
how am i supposed to get coin when TT mats have dropped to 100k cause people are desperate?
how can you farm when people on +11m/s ppl are runnin thru picking all the herbs and steel and coal?
reroll? i have a lvl 55 fist bm, a lvl 42 cleric and a lvl 40 archer.
i made them just to see whats up.
i like barb best. i dont wanna stop playing him.
all im saying is that its toughest for the barbs in the game right now.
high hp and all that stuff is fun, but when your skills cost 100k and you had to run a TT for 2 framework of drums that you can only sell for 100k each and you need repairs and pots. you do the math. you want me to come with screenshots?
i grind my **** off. do my quests, farm when i can, TT often. but its not easy when everyone thinks is so easy like you ****s and dont give us any breaks and treat us like ****.
**** all of you.0 -
handsomebwonderful wrote: »the lot of you talking are old heads.
cheiftain battlecats go for 14mil in sanctuary.
a gold charm is 1.8mil.
you cats are talkin about when gold was 100k and a charm was damn near free.
how am i supposed to get coin when TT mats have dropped to 100k cause people are desperate?
how can you farm when people on +11m/s ppl are runnin thru picking all the herbs and steel and coal?
reroll? i have a lvl 55 fist bm, a lvl 42 cleric and a lvl 40 archer.
i made them just to see whats up.
i like barb best. i dont wanna stop playing him.
all im saying is that its toughest for the barbs in the game right now.
high hp and all that stuff is fun, but when your skills cost 100k and you had to run a TT for 2 framework of drums that you can only sell for 100k each and you need repairs and pots. you do the math. you want me to come with screenshots?
i grind my **** off. do my quests, farm when i can, TT often. but its not easy when everyone thinks is so easy like you ****s and dont give us any breaks and treat us like ****.
**** all of you.
I find this kinda funny.
Instead of a battlecat you could just go with a panther b:bye
A tt run usually gives you 50k repair at max.
Pots? Wth max your apo skill and make em with herbs b:shutup0 -
handsomebwonderful wrote: »the lot of you talking are old heads.
cheiftain battlecats go for 14mil in sanctuary.
a gold charm is 1.8mil.
you cats are talkin about when gold was 100k and a charm was damn near free.
how am i supposed to get coin when TT mats have dropped to 100k cause people are desperate?
how can you farm when people on +11m/s ppl are runnin thru picking all the herbs and steel and coal?
reroll? i have a lvl 55 fist bm, a lvl 42 cleric and a lvl 40 archer.
i made them just to see whats up.
i like barb best. i dont wanna stop playing him.
all im saying is that its toughest for the barbs in the game right now.
high hp and all that stuff is fun, but when your skills cost 100k and you had to run a TT for 2 framework of drums that you can only sell for 100k each and you need repairs and pots. you do the math. you want me to come with screenshots?
i grind my **** off. do my quests, farm when i can, TT often. but its not easy when everyone thinks is so easy like you ****s and dont give us any breaks and treat us like ****.
**** all of you.
This is quite funny.
If you're grinding, pick a spot where mats spawn. Farm mats and fight mobs. Sell the mats in AH, or set up a cat shop.
I don't have enough time during the week to play, other than to log and do my dailies...I guess I could QQ about 2hrs it takes to do WQ. But hey, I farm mats en route from book to book. They usually sell before I log in the next day. That's an easy 200-400K/day.
Frameworks of Drum...100K? I give those to my faction mates if they need 'em. You don't need an entire team to do a 1-1 or 1-2. Cleric Barb and Veno (or another DD) can do that run...IF they know their roles and how to play their toons.
You were looking for someone to QQ along with you, about stuff that needn't be QQ'd about.
In the words of WarrenWolfy: "Suck it up buttercup."[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
lvl10XAssassin0 -
handsomebwonderful wrote: »the lot of you talking are old heads.
cheiftain battlecats go for 14mil in sanctuary.
a gold charm is 1.8mil.
you cats are talkin about when gold was 100k and a charm was damn near free.
how am i supposed to get coin when TT mats have dropped to 100k cause people are desperate?
how can you farm when people on +11m/s ppl are runnin thru picking all the herbs and steel and coal?
reroll? i have a lvl 55 fist bm, a lvl 42 cleric and a lvl 40 archer.
i made them just to see whats up.
i like barb best. i dont wanna stop playing him.
all im saying is that its toughest for the barbs in the game right now.
high hp and all that stuff is fun, but when your skills cost 100k and you had to run a TT for 2 framework of drums that you can only sell for 100k each and you need repairs and pots. you do the math. you want me to come with screenshots?
i grind my **** off. do my quests, farm when i can, TT often. but its not easy when everyone thinks is so easy like you ****s and dont give us any breaks and treat us like ****.
**** all of you.
first thing... lobster are damn near free now and are max speed lawl so dont be so picky if you are only looking for speed
also stop farming 1-X, that's why you arent getting what you want, unless you are a veno with a hurc and you can farm it with your eyes closed pretty much. fyi, herc is ~120mill now so your barb is sounding pretty **** cheap.
dont expect us to show you any respect if you cant even play your class; we've been here for ever a year and dont complain cause we can actually play our characters.
go play maplestory, it seem like its the only thing you're capable of0 -
Too much QQing. If you don't like being a Barb, GTFO. b:thanks0
NPH - Harshlands wrote: »Just tanked 2-2 last night, overall got 11 mats between 5 people, since 1 cleric left early, they all knew my charm was also ****, and gave me 3 drops while the rest got 2. If you tank and do a good job at it, you normally will get first picks in BH, TT, and other things.NPH - Harshlands wrote: »The 1 thing I know where tank/barb wont get drop, is during a tabbed fb, in which the tabber traditionally gets drops.
*On Topic*
To the O.P, being oppressed would mean we're being mistreated worse than the game intended, which isn't true IMO. I personally love playing a Barbarian, though the "high repair bills" thing didnt start till lvl 60+ for me. But even when under those circumstances, I never considered it being "unfair" 'cuz I learned how to to cope with that.
Being able to to Tank difficult obstacles and having a very high suvival rate (it took 4 normal shots from a lvl 10x dex build Archer to take me down unbuffed in human form xD) makes it worth being a Barb, along with helping my friends and faction members makes such negativities neglegibleAnd that's not even half the fun being a barb, just depends on how you use yours. Crying about it won't make you feel any better, trust me xD
●Barb - The "natural" leader. Cool and collected, slow to anger, and typically jovial. Swift to act when friends' lives are in danger, and prepared to lay down his life if the situation calls for it.
End of lvling, starting of the unimaginableb:laughb:victoryb:coolb:cool0 -
holy **** this Q.Q again?
ever seen a barb die 4 times on tt 2-2's first boss have the 71 bm tank em and then Q.Q for a rez? and ask for all the mats once he's booted?
ya try playing the most underated underloved class in game while surounded by the walking mounds of fail calling themselves "vit axe bm's"
getting last pick on each TT cause "bm's cant dd" (have you ever seen a fist axe go to work people?)
having to tank most bh's and fb's cause theres no barb around
and im not even going into clerics those guys get treated like everyones doormat and never a word of thanks cleric liberation... support it
so Q.Q more please i love it if your incapable of tanking tt or geting a good fac look mats mine em mobs kill em ah learn to merchant
(i give barbs and clerics 1st picks on tt drops btw and follow the DD pecking orderb:cute)Gifs are hard to make work here0 -
I haven't really been losing money on my barbarian. I have actually been making money and I do plan on taking loads of damages (thanks to hp charms and sharded equipment).[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
If I had a dime for every time I was wrong, I'd be broke.0 -
i hate charms. only reason i can see having one is for TW when a whole faction is trying to kill you. other than that - yeah I stay pretty broke if all I do is tank, tank, tank, etc..
No, I don't get drops very often. Just the other day I did a FB/BH 59 unwined - squad full of veno's getting all the darkness stamps. One of em got 3 in a row. What did I come away with? 1 darkness stamp and a couple DQ items. Not enough to pay my repairs and replace mana pots I burned to hold agro. Yeah it sucks to come away from instances at a loss every time - but thats the way the cookie crumbles. I make my money grinding and farming though.
I can (as a retired 70 veno) sympathise with those who feel shafted because barbs and clerics get priority on TT drop picks. 9 times out of 10, even if said barb and cleric (especially on pick up groups) already have their gear - they choose the most expensive mats off bat so they can sell it for repairs. Nevermind the fact that 3 DD's need that broken shard of gold armor for their gear. People only look out for number one. That's why my barb doesn't act sheisty like that. I give priority by level regardless of class. If someone needs a mat drop still - I'm not gonna take it just because its expensive and will cover my repair bills. That's just lame. I keep a log of what is needed to make what, and I check my party member's gear out. I always offer that if X person needs X mats still - they should get the lot of em.
anyhwo.. rambling aside.. Barbs are hardly the most expensive class in the game. Try being a cleric in TT. Charms are basically a must for them when they have to BB on AoE bosses. mana pots just don't cut it. Event pots - maybe. But thats still coinage we're talking about.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Retired..0 -
[handsomebwonderful wrote: »this game is set up against us.
repair costs are the highest in the game.
we do not get drops when squad is set on random drops.
this game favors the DDs and Healers.
when a mold drops, DO YOU GET IT?
if someone catches agro on a passable mob cause they suck, WHO GETS THE BLAME?
and we're supposed to be just as needed as the golden clerics right?
we should do something about it.
im just sayin.
oh you think you have it hard? you don't think that the clerics supporting your fail **** don't have it hard? or the other people who suffer from your stupidity? if im not mistaken, clerics have little to no chance of getting drops in a bh due to having to constantly heal you. so yeah , we are needed as much as barbs , maybe a little more than DDs but above all else, all classes have it hard, no more no less.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Nukesrus - Harshlands wrote: »I agree with all your green text except the "you get the most income" part. That's a blatant lie. I had a tank for 73 levels, and it was the most broke-**** character ever. If I EVER had over 100k coins, it was high-rolling for me.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
my keyboard is broken so if there are any wrong spellings then just try to understad them0 -
To tell the truth I have 12k hp and 15k phys def. Yes I am broke but not cause I don't get drops or anything but being a barb I am the front of the line and I am the one that is to survive no matter what so all of my money goes to making my equipment as best as possible. I do have high repair bills but that is cause I do my job. And for those that think the squad HAS to pay you for tanking, They don't have to at all. If you don't want to be the front line of a squad then pick another class and quit QQing.b:angryb:angryb:angry0
Fuyukoneko - Heavens Tear wrote: »Don't bother playing PWI if you're always so full of QQing about your char.
Just quit. Now.
Not like you're going to get anywhere with that self-indulging attitude anyway.
dang straight ^^ lvl 64 barb here XD i lvoe it0 -
I don't know about other servers, On Lost City, unless you have a friend or good guild it's hard to get tank for TTand fb runs. Even friends and guildies will refuse, especially at higher lvl after they have their gear. Too expensive, easier to sell zen or items in AH. I have even seen wolrd chat begging for tanks for fb's and frost run. I can only speak for myself, but repair cost don't hinder me doing what I want. I just don't want to tank TT or other instances.0
Didn't even bother reading much in this thread. Everyone has repair bills besides veno really....just stop being a little Emo kid. It's almost Christmas, so beg mommy and daddy to use CC or buy you some PWI gamecards and there, you got your repair money.
Merry Early Christmas, scrub.0
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