Who thinks we need a new server and why?



  • Acheron_ - Dreamweaver
    Acheron_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    So you are wanting them to make a server to accommodate a specific time frame? That's a bit selfish no? This is Perfect World International. Not Perfect World European.

    i really don't see how this is selfish. I am sure the person spoke on behalf of all the European fellows who have a prob with this... i personally have a few European friends who have to wake up in the middle of the night to do TW not very fun for them. SO unless ur in the situation, just b quiet^^
    Bring your all your attacks against my armor b:pleased
  • laaaawl
    laaaawl Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    we were talking about the server times - which are screwed up for everyone around the world except americans. and since (i guess) the largest group of players (excluding americans) comes from europe, a server with european time would make much sense. you probably are american and wouldnt know it, but it actually sucks when your faction (majority european) loses land cause the ppl cant stand up at 2am, or just enjoy their weekend in another way, which would all be solved if the TW would take part a few hours earlier. to make it fair, there should be a GMT server or an asian cause only then it would be 100% international IMO. also the current situation once you hit 30 is, you get PKed by some 6x player, which makes it impossible for lowlvl pvp to take place. and lowlvl pvp is pretty funny.
    i really don't see how this is selfish. I am sure the person spoke on behalf of all the European fellows who have a prob with this... i personally have a few European friends who have to wake up in the middle of the night to do TW not very fun for them. SO unless ur in the situation, just b quiet^^

    ^ what he said

    /edit: the only troll here is you. i have no interest to get this topic closed.
    breit gebaut, braun gebrannt, 100 kilo hantelbank.
  • Featal - Heavens Tear
    Featal - Heavens Tear Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    So asking for something on behalf of ones own wanting, or the wanting of their fellows is not selfish? Okay, so I want a server that is set to my specific timeframe. Thats not selfish is it?

    TW is not a necessity, it is an option. They choose to get up at the specific time to participate. That is not PWI's problem nor is it mine or yours. It is their problem and theirs alone. If they can not participate in TW due to their timeframe then they can not participate, period.

    And how does this not concern me on a public forum? Interesting.

    Fail troll is fail.
  • Featal - Heavens Tear
    Featal - Heavens Tear Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    TW is broken. A new server will not solve this. This has been stated before. I agree, it would be nice to have servers to accommodate other nations but asking for it for one specific nation is indeed selfish, in and of itself.

    The timeframe is not the problem. If your lifestyle does not permit you to participate in TW then that is your problem. That's all there is to it.
  • Acheron_ - Dreamweaver
    Acheron_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    So asking for something on behalf of ones own wanting, or the wanting of their fellows is not selfish? Okay, so I want a server that is set to my specific timeframe. Thats not selfish is it?

    TW is not a necessity, it is an option. They choose to get up at the specific time to participate. That is not PWI's problem nor is it mine or yours. It is their problem and theirs alone. If they can not participate in TW due to their timeframe then they can not participate, period.

    And how does this not concern me on a public forum? Interesting.

    Fail troll is fail.

    wow, well we can see ur an **** :), TW is not a necessity, and so is PW :O, but it sure is fun, both of them. If u r living in USA at wherever u r in USA mayb the time doesn't SPECIFICALLY fit ur time frame but i'm sure that ur TWs or TWs in whatever time zone u live in don't start 2am. As it is an International game might as well have a server to fit another major time zone. One more thing, i beleive u r the selfish person here b:pleased
    Bring your all your attacks against my armor b:pleased
  • Featal - Heavens Tear
    Featal - Heavens Tear Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Half the time I am up until 5am+ EST so Time is not a concern. I work at home, I am bound only to my schedule. This is what I said about lifestyle. Just because 2am may be late for you does not mean it is for others.

    Less QQ please.

    The topic is about servers, not America. If you have a problem with America put it on another thread and tell someone who cares.
  • laaaawl
    laaaawl Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    you are the one who QQs about the possibility of a new server.i never said i didnt go to tw. i went, but at the cost of time i could've spent with friends. i guess if you had some, you'd understand that too.

    ignoring the troll now. :p
    breit gebaut, braun gebrannt, 100 kilo hantelbank.
  • Acheron_ - Dreamweaver
    Acheron_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Half the time I am up until 5am+ EST so Time is not a concern. I work at home, I am bound only to my schedule. This is what I said about lifestyle. Just because 2am may be late for you does not mean it is for others.

    Less QQ please.

    The topic is about servers, not America. If you have a problem with America put it on another thread and tell someone who cares.

    the **** speaks again? :O b:chuckle no one really cares if one person (you, the ****) works at home. MANY of these players actually do find 2am to b quite late(not me tho) such as the kids who play these games and adults who actually have to go to their work( which is alot of them) and waking up 2am not very fun, but dissapointing their friends who have TW at a good time for them not very fun either
    Bring your all your attacks against my armor b:pleased
  • Acheron_ - Dreamweaver
    Acheron_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    laaaawl wrote: »
    you are the one who QQs about the possibility of a new server.i never said i didnt go to tw. i went, but at the cost of time i could've spent with friends. i guess if you had some, you'd understand that too.

    yup thats why i called him an **** or A.S.S. = Attention Seeking Syndrome, he has no friends... still seeking attention from would-be friends tho, hush little manb:chuckle
    Bring your all your attacks against my armor b:pleased
  • Featal - Heavens Tear
    Featal - Heavens Tear Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    So you all lower your standards and prove your ignorance through fail attempts at insults?

    If you read my posts above a little more thorough, and I apologize if you are not fluent enough in English to understand my words clearly, I am not opposed to the idea of a new server, no matter what the timeframe. I simply stated it is not a necessity at this point in time.

    Also, who's seeking attention? I replied to the topic then I replied to the response that was given to me. This is how forums work, or were you unaware?

    So you all are the ones who got upset and butthurt over what? Me saying that its selfish to ask for a server dedicated to one specific timeframe to better suit your lifestyle? Sorry to say but it is selfish. You state "Many" have this set schedule. Well many have the opposite type of schedule. Such is life. Deal with it. Sorry ladies but I am not the one crying over the situation here, you are.

    Yet you all continue to do what? Bash and insult me for what?

    Is ignorance truly bliss? It seems you two are the best to answer this question for me since you are displaying a profound amount of it. ^^
  • Acheron_ - Dreamweaver
    Acheron_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    So you all lower your standards and prove your ignorance through fail attempts at insults?

    If you read my posts above a little more thorough, and I apologize if you are not fluent enough in English to understand my words clearly, I am not opposed to the idea of a new server, no matter what the timeframe. I simply stated it is not a necessity at this point in time.

    Also, who's seeking attention? I replied to the topic then I replied to the response that was given to me. This is how forums work, or were you unaware?

    So you all are the ones who got upset and butthurt over what? Me saying that its selfish to ask for a server dedicated to one specific timeframe to better suit your lifestyle? Sorry to say but it is selfish. You state "Many" have this set schedule. Well many have the opposite type of schedule. Such is life. Deal with it. Sorry ladies but I am not the one crying over the situation here, you are.

    Yet you all continue to do what? Bash and insult me for what?

    Is ignorance truly bliss? It seems you two are the best to answer this question for me since you are displaying a profound amount of it. ^^

    OK, seems u have quite a few misconceptions, so lets get this straight u illiterate A.S.S. :). I am not upset or butthurt over anything you said. I am laughing right now about how hard u are trying to make urself seem intelligent. The Europeans make up about what? 30% or so of the entire PW population (based on where ppl say they come from when i have asked them, and thats alot of personsb:surrender). So i'm only trying to make a conjecture that pleasing 30% of ur population would in fact be a good thing would it not :)? Seeing as the other 70% or whatever is already relatively ok with the current Time frames on the other servers.
    Bring your all your attacks against my armor b:pleased
  • Featal - Heavens Tear
    Featal - Heavens Tear Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Lol. If I am seeking attention then you are as well. When you point a finger at someone keep in mind that you have 3 pointing back at you. Judge yourself 3 times as much before you judge another.

    If you are not aware of YOUR actions and YOUR misconceptions then I am sorry for your ignorance and it does not seem you can be helped.

    As for the 30%/70% estimate. This is your educated guess through your miraculous scientific theories? Lol Sorry but you are just saying whatever you can. There is a saying for this, a fish out of water fighting for air.

    I say again, Fail troll is fail.

    Sorry but your childish and ignorant insults do not phase me.

    If that's all for the peanut gallery for today then I will take my leave.

    Enjoy your time QQing amongst yourself.

    Also, if you are laughing here is another saying for you. "Simple minds are easily amused."

    Have a good day. ^^

    One last thing. Before you try to insult someone its best to make them educated insults using that bit of grey matter stuffed in between that shell of a head.

    It seems you are not aware of the definition of illiterate. I suggest you do more research and brush up on your vocabulary, as I had stated earlier.

    You're too much of a simpleton to even try to have an intelligent discussion with. With that said I bid you children adieu.
  • Acheron_ - Dreamweaver
    Acheron_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Oh yes and selfish, as defined by the Oxford English Dictionary(Pocket Edition) means : Concerned mainly with your own needs or wishes. U not giving a rats hat and kinda not wanting for there not to be a server to b more suitable for the average European persons is kinda selfish would not 1 agree b:chuckle
    Bring your all your attacks against my armor b:pleased
  • Acheron_ - Dreamweaver
    Acheron_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Lol. If I am seeking attention then you are as well. When you point a finger at someone keep in mind that you have 3 pointing back at you. Judge yourself 3 times as much before you judge another.

    If you are not aware of YOUR actions and YOUR misconceptions then I am sorry for your ignorance and it does not seem you can be helped.

    As for the 30%/70% estimate. This is your educated guess through your miraculous scientific theories? Lol Sorry but you are just saying whatever you can. There is a saying for this, a fish out of water fighting for air.

    I say again, Fail troll is fail.

    Sorry but your childish and ignorant insults do not phase me.

    If that's all for the peanut gallery for today then I will take my leave.

    Enjoy your time QQing amongst yourself.

    Also, if you are laughing here is another saying for you. "Simple minds are easily amused."

    Have a good day. ^^

    hehe not a miraculous scientific theory of mine, i based this of the nearly 100 persons i asked where they came from. Most did say USA, the next largest group was Europeans, and about 7 iirc said elsewhere. And i laugh not because i am simple minded since i am not, i laugh because i like joy, and laughter is joy for me.
    Bring your all your attacks against my armor b:pleased
  • Featal - Heavens Tear
    Featal - Heavens Tear Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Oh yes and selfish, as defined by the Oxford English Dictionary(Pocket Edition) means : Concerned mainly with your own needs or wishes. U not giving a rats hat and kinda not wanting for there not to be a server to b more suitable for the average European persons is kinda selfish would not 1 agree b:chuckle

    Lol you had to look up the definition of selfish? I rest my case.

    I have stated 3 times already that I am FOR another server but it is NOT necessary. Wow man, start reading instead of being so ignorant and just typing without thinking about what the other person said. You are the A.S.S here. You are not even giving any concern for something someone else has written, you are only concerned for yourself. You are the selfish one in this.

    The one in question was concerned with their own needs and/or wishes I.E. A specific timeframe that best suits them for their purposes, as I understand it to be for TW. That is selfish indeed.

    My being unconcerned with ones selfishness is not selfish. My lacking of caring is not selfish at all. Just because you can find the definition for a word does not mean you understand it. As you have so blatantly proven.

    To say you are not simple minded, when you undoubtedly are, is arrogant and ignorant.

    100 people is not even close to 30% or 70% of the population. Start a poll. See where it goes.

    Now I am finished with your childish and moronic banter.

    Fail troll is fail ^^
  • Acheron_ - Dreamweaver
    Acheron_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Lol you had to look up the definition of selfish? I rest my case.

    I have stated 3 times already that I am FOR another server but it is NOT necessary. Wow man, start reading instead of being so ignorant and just typing without thinking about what the other person said. You are the A.S.S here. You are not even giving any concern for something someone else has written, you are only concerned for yourself. You are the selfish one in this.

    The one in question was concerned with their own needs and/or wishes I.E. A specific timeframe that best suits them for their purposes, as I understand it to be for TW. That is selfish indeed.

    My being unconcerned with ones selfishness is not selfish. My lacking of caring is not selfish at all. Just because you can find the definition for a word does not mean you understand it. As you have so blatantly proven.

    To say you are not simple minded, when you undoubtedly are, is arrogant and ignorant.

    100 people is not even close to 30% or 70% of the population. Start a poll. See where it goes.

    Now I am finished with your childish and moronic banter.

    Fail troll is fail ^^

    I looked up the word selfish because i wanted to be 100% sure of the complete definition before i typed nething. I wasn't speaking anything as to that you are for the idea of a new server. I was talking about having a server to accomodate the European time zone as most of the servers are accomodating USA time zone for whatever reason it may be such as TW. I really don't see why u and anyone would have a problem with a time zone fitting that area O.o. The person who talked about the European time zone server was not selfish as he only made a suggestion to make one to fit that time as Europeans and people around that area on general have problems with certain timings. He did not say "I WANT A SERVER TO FIT EUROPEAN TIME ZONE NAO" :P. Hmm who knows mayb i will take a poll b:pleased
    Bring your all your attacks against my armor b:pleased
  • laaaawl
    laaaawl Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    OK, seems u have quite a few misconceptions, so lets get this straight u illiterate A.S.S. :). I am not upset or butthurt over anything you said. I am laughing right now about how hard u are trying to make urself seem intelligent. The Europeans make up about what? 30% or so of the entire PW population (based on where ppl say they come from when i have asked them, and thats alot of personsb:surrender). So i'm only trying to make a conjecture that pleasing 30% of ur population would in fact be a good thing would it not :)? Seeing as the other 70% or whatever is already relatively ok with the current Time frames on the other servers.

    IMO it is not only about those who already play but those who will play.

    just btw, that there should be a GMT server was just something additional. and for anyone who plays this game cause he likes pk/pvp, a new server IS needed, simply because if you start now and pk someone, he'll simply log his 80+ mainchar and roll you.
    breit gebaut, braun gebrannt, 100 kilo hantelbank.
  • Acheron_ - Dreamweaver
    Acheron_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    laaaawl wrote: »
    IMO it is not only about those who already play but those who will play.

    exactly :P
    Bring your all your attacks against my armor b:pleased
  • Mizuoni - Dreamweaver
    Mizuoni - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,533 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    A bunch of childish drivel....
    Sins are Scissors. Psychics are Rocks.
    Archers, Venos, Barbs, Wizards, BMs, Mystics, Seekers are Paper.
    ...and Clerics are Mushrooms.
    Paper beats Rock. Scissors beats Paper. Scissors also happens to beat Rock...until Rock gets 50k+ soulforce at which point Rock becomes an unstoppable killing machine that beats Paper... and would beat Scissors but it can't find Scissors, because Scissors are invisible.
    So Scissors beat Paper and avoids Rock, and that is called BALANCE. -cheze
  • h4x0nq
    h4x0nq Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    i think that normal customer still should give sugestions to the complany if they ask for it, as far as i remember this section is named suggestion box, that should finish the trolling subject.

    Now about international thing that was mentioned let me try to explain:
    international = inter + national that shortly means that if u dont take usa states as a separated nations then u need to accept nations from other countries.

    Like i alredy wrote my idea is to make new server with +8-12 h forward (maybe even backward doesnt matter) to currently working servers.

    Well for some of u it may look strange but some of people here have jobs,studies,daily basics and they play for fun. Server time is taking huge part of fun from them like mentioned tw,dragon temple,other events. Ofc we dont have to take part in it but then why we should play in this game ?

    We want to get same fun like players from usa do and in my opinion there are alredy 4 servers with usa time so making 1 with european for sure wouldnt be unfair since european players are over 30% of this community, ofc no1 says that usa players have to play on server with european time zone they have 4 other servers that they can choose in anytime, but if they want they can its up to them.

    So in general there is no point of playing games that doesnt give plasure, games where u feel bad because technical problems make u 2nd type of player because ur not no-life kid who dont have to do anything except playing games. Thats why i posted my suggestion to show pwi company what are their customers demandings its up to them if they decide to satisfy their customers or not, for me like i alredy mentioned its not important if i will be playing and spending my money here or somewhere else i just want to get fun for money that im spending.
    Huh ...
  • Satuki - Harshlands
    Satuki - Harshlands Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    i personally think there should be a new sever because with the new classes coming out. Really do not want to play the new class on an existing sever espically if its LC or HT where there is 10x. No chances for the new class to even have a chance for TW. Plus new weapons means new mold, and FBs are usually done by high lvl ppl so there goes those items.

    Just saying you know.
  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    h4x0nq wrote: »

    Now about international thing that was mentioned let me try to explain:
    international = inter + national that shortly means that if u dont take usa states as a separated nations then u need to accept nations from other countries.

    Like i alredy wrote my idea is to make new server with +8-12 h forward (maybe even backward doesnt matter) to currently working servers.

    The game is international. The term means more than one country. The US and Canada are 2 different countries. The servers are made to fit both of them, therefore, the word international fits just fine. Different time zones that are not in north america have nothing to do with them.
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • h4x0nq
    h4x0nq Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    The game is international. The term means more than one country. The US and Canada are 2 different countries. The servers are made to fit both of them, therefore, the word international fits just fine. Different time zones that are not in north america have nothing to do with them.

    well if thats onlz for canadian and usa people then pwi should mention about it on their homepage then for sure european players wouldnt "cause troubles with their demandings". They would find other company to spend their money.
    Huh ...
  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    h4x0nq wrote: »
    well if thats onlz for canadian and usa people then pwi should mention about it on their homepage then for sure european players wouldnt "cause troubles with their demandings". They would find other company to spend their money.

    They DO say that.

    Perfect World Entertainment, a subsidiary of Perfect World Co., Ltd. (NASDAQ: PWRD), publishes free-to-play, online games and provides online services in North America.

    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • Trista_Zel - Dreamweaver
    Trista_Zel - Dreamweaver Posts: 273 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    They DO say that.

    Perfect World Entertainment, a subsidiary of Perfect World Co., Ltd. (NASDAQ: PWRD), publishes free-to-play, online games and provides online services in North America.



    Also, there is a version in Europe if you're that unhappy with the PWI time zones.
    Courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality.
  • laaaawl
    laaaawl Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2009

    Also, there is a version in Europe if you're that unhappy with the PWI time zones.

    read all and stop trolling. then you'll get a real answer.
    breit gebaut, braun gebrannt, 100 kilo hantelbank.
  • h4x0nq
    h4x0nq Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    They DO say that.

    Perfect World Entertainment, a subsidiary of Perfect World Co., Ltd. (NASDAQ: PWRD), publishes free-to-play, online games and provides online services in North America.


    About page does NOT mean rules. Its the page that specify company goals.

    U should check
    international users section :]

    In general about page is does NOT say about any license,policy,terms of use its ONLY something that inform about company goals and basic company info

    Have Fun
    Huh ...
  • h4x0nq
    h4x0nq Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I would ask some staff member to clearly say if they have their services opened for european players or not because for some users it may be confusing.
    Huh ...
  • krejzi
    krejzi Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I think there should be a new sever. New classes is coming out so new server would be nice. I ll gonna come back when they add it xD ...
  • laaaawl
    laaaawl Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    another thing - you dont learn to play your class well if you are forced to pve till 80+ (mby even 90+) cause like i said - if you kill someone, some high lvl comes and crashes you over and over again
    breit gebaut, braun gebrannt, 100 kilo hantelbank.