Treatment of Clerics



  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    well my guess is that RavinTink was talking about dungeon mobs (of which skill usage is nice and mana consuming too b:chuckle) while Elena believed RavinTink was speaking of skill spam on bosses and wondered what skills an archer could possibly be burning mana on during a boss. Elena definitely didn't go up from oracles, she been on archer forums for as long as i have b:chuckle

    then again....quite recently i was spamming Quickshots during bossfights for that quicken buff when i was sure i wouldn't take aggro, and some archers may spam fast take aims in order to gain chi faster so that they can spark more often. but all that is, again, related to maximizing damage through normal attacks. sparking is always good when you know you won't take aggro IE: herc tanks during TT boss or something

    (see your demon guide for details b:chuckle)
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Black_lce - Heavens Tear
    Black_lce - Heavens Tear Posts: 320 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    People got spoiled using easy mode CS items when gold was dirt cheap. As you have seen in this thread, lots of clerics claim they need a MP charm or they cannot do runs, and on top of that, that they burn 200k MP on a single TT run, which is amaizing....
    Being able to play without using the CS items as crutches is a lost art. Lots of people believe that barbs have to be charmed, and clerics need to be charmed to be able to play. Than, since they are spending a fortune in optional items, they expect special treatment from the rest of the players.

    i repeat, i do NOT like to use charms. it's just lazy. u can ask anyone i've ran w/, if i was charmed i wanted it to tick. and 200k mp is a min. it's more for PvP. but ur right, not using CS is a "lost art" as to everyone lvling off oracles, and spending their mom's CC on a "free" game.

    i can't wait to see how many oracle sin's there will be, and on one will know how to play them from lack of experience haha.
  • RavinTink - Sanctuary
    RavinTink - Sanctuary Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    well my guess is that RavinTink was talking about dungeon mobs (of which skill usage is nice and mana consuming too b:chuckle) while Elena believed RavinTink was speaking of skill spam on bosses and wondered what skills an archer could possibly be burning mana on during a boss. Elena definitely didn't go up from oracles, she been on archer forums for as long as i have b:chuckle

    then again....quite recently i was spamming Quickshots during bossfights for that quicken buff when i was sure i wouldn't take aggro, and some archers may spam fast take aims in order to gain chi faster so that they can spark more often. but all that is, again, related to maximizing damage through normal attacks. sparking is always good when you know you won't take aggro IE: herc tanks during TT boss or something

    (see your demon guide for details b:chuckle)

    First off...sorry it took so long to respond. RL can be a pain in the **** some times..lmao.

    And yes I am talking about dungeon mobs. My husband doesnt waste time with casting skills on outside mobs that can easily be killed with quickshot and regular shots. Nor does he use all of his skills on bosses which would definately take too much time when he can be doin more damage. He does however use short casting skills that build chi as well as the occasional DoT when and if he has the time to do so, but he does use some of his other skills on some bosses as well. He does NOT spam skills as it was put. He also does agro control when/if the tank at the time has any trouble keeping things under control. He also kites mobs and bosses when needed to give everyone time to regroup if something goes wrong.

    On one occasion he kited polearm damn near to the entrance room, because the barb tanking at the time did not get full agro first hit, I purified and guess what happened guessed it, he came for me. Luckily Skowt(my husband) was able to pull agro before I was dead and I res'd the barb. Needless to say we had to run for him because hubby had him so close to the entrance by But yes he uses mp almost as fast as I do. We both KNOW HOW TO GRIND...and yes we use charms, but they are mostly just an insurance, not something we NEED.

    As for asking a cleric about an archer...excuse me, this is my HUSBAND I am talking about here. I live with the man, I know how he runs his character. He has been teaching me on my young little lvl 26 archer as a matter of fact.

    Back to the subject of this thread, I said it before I shall say it again. It does not matter who you are or what class you are, everyone gets criticized over something they have done and most often something they didnt do or couldnt do anything about. Most ppl like to blame others for their own ignorance instead of taking responsibility for their own actions. Learn to deal with it and just play the game. I think one person in particular here has proven how callus and judgemental ppl can be about a certain class.b:bye

    When life gives you lemons...dont make lemonade!!
    Find the fool who got vodka and have a party!!
  • Kagaro - Dreamweaver
    Kagaro - Dreamweaver Posts: 299 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    wen im in the wild and use Flesh Ream to steal aggro and save a strangers ****, not 1 thank you...
  • /Radar/ - Lost City
    /Radar/ - Lost City Posts: 358 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    oh my mistake, i didn't know a 21 bm from LC ment u were a 80+ archer from HT. lvl doesn't mean ****, it's how well ur experienced.

    and to hlp u figure it out, i've been here since before oracles, JJ and aniv packs, and i even took a 4 month break from the game and still know more than the whoracle nubs on the server, hell i've been in squads where i had to save a 90+ barbs **** cause the 90+ cleric couldn't heal him and the cleric ask "how'd u do that?"

    well considering she's been around for some time... i somehow get the feeling she'd be hella exp'd b:laugh

    i've been here since before the spam of oracles, annipacks, etc, and i took a few months break from the game as well. guess what? i probably have more experience than some of the most exp'd highlvls on ANY of the servers (sublvl60 that is. my experience beyond lvl60 is touch and go)

    yea, that is sad about the 90+ cleric who didn't know ****. guess what tho? sayin that doesn't mean **** in itself lol.

    try solo-healing TT1-x parties on squad mode at level 44 as an arcane build, charmless, and only having pots, life/focus powder, and chaos/jade powder

    try healing the 5x barb who's tanking jewel with only a couple newbie clerics (sub30s) as your support for the aoe damage at lvl 41/42 as an arcane build, charmless, and only having pots and life/focus powder (that one was nearly impossible... barb was thickheaded tho lol)

    try soloing fb19 at your early-mid30s as an arcane cleric, charmless and only having pots and life/focus powder

    try soloing krixxix at lvl 36 (again, arcane) with no outside support or outside buffs, charmless, and with only pots and life/focus powder

    then you can tell me about your ego-moments, because they'll actually mean something lol
    Thanks Ophida for the cute siggy :3

    - retired 11/06/09
  • Morganna - Lost City
    Morganna - Lost City Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    wen im in the wild and use Flesh Ream to steal aggro and save a strangers ****, not 1 thank you...

    Aweh. Come save me, puppy dog :< I promise I'll thank you, and even heal you, if I don't lose xp!!!
    "Your multi-tasking, Stephanie, is EPIC." --Aadi
    --DISCLAIMER--"the precceding post is only the opinion of Morganna and is not placing blame or accusation on anyone or anything" THANK YOU Xeian <3
  • TigerLily - Lost City
    TigerLily - Lost City Posts: 1,209 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I have to comment on this:

    My husband has a lvl 84 archer, he does not ONLY use normal attacks. He goes thru MP pots/charms almost as fast as I do. Any archer who knows his class and knows how to run it uses close to the same amount of MP as a caster.

    And just to let you know, that archer has saved my squishie **** on more than one occasion by taking agro from multiple mobs and bosses when the barb gets r'tarded and loses agro.

    Ok Im done with my rant..b:laughb:chuckle Had to defend the archers...I love themb:dirtyb:kiss

    OH btw, Archers pay just as much for arrows/charms/mp&hp a barb does in repairs. And STILL have to repair ontop of that.

    Lol what the hell is your hubby doing in HH.

    Any archer with half a brain uses ST on boss than goes afk and eats cookies/watches movie while auto shooting.

    Only time u should ever use mp in any HH as an archer is if you're zhenning on the npc in 3-1.

    I don't use charms at all in HH , arrows really don't cost anything, i don't need to use much more than a few hp pots and some geniefuel.
    Actually just the DQ drops and coins from mobs pays back my costs in HH if I'm just DD-ing - only time i have costs in HH is if I'm tanking 2-3 belial/wulord or 3-3 bosses.

    Archers and venos that claims their class costs money in HH are doing it terribly wrong <.<
  • Brael - Dreamweaver
    Brael - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,430 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    No, they're maxing out their damage. You aren't. Not that I blame you, the way people split loot encourages dps to play to far less than their potential.
  • IDaun - Dreamweaver
    IDaun - Dreamweaver Posts: 261 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I know the convo's kinda drifted away into something else, but, gonna comment on clerics.

    I have a lower level one (level 50) and I've had both good experiences and bad. And the amount of 'abuse' a cleric experiences depends on whether they run into the noobs and idiots or into the nicer people, of course. >>

    Anyways, some personal experiences on her. I had a gold mp/hp charm on her for the longest time (gift from friend), and you don't burn through mp that much from 33~47. Anyways, we were on Suzerix one day, about to do him for me, and another squad was there. I notice their barb (probably the one that needed him) was running around inside Suzie's AoE range and almost dead. I went and saved him, 'wasting' some of both my HP/MP charms to save this stupid charmless barb.

    Afterward? Silence. They finished up their kill, and were about to leave. My BM friend (the one that was gonna do Suzie), says, "Can you at least tell her thank you?" No response. He gets kinda disgusted and goes a bit to the south, to where Suzie's spawnpoint is. I follow, before getting outta white chat range, I go, "Wow, I shouldn't have healed at all." Response? "You're still here? GTFO."

    I've had several other experiences like this-- I wouldn't call it abuse, really, just, kind of off-putting. And people wonder why some Clerics refuse to help strangers?

    On my Cleric, it's more like help is expected. I don't really experience that problem on my Veno-- if I have time to help, that's great! I'm probably a lot more helpful on her than on my Cleric-- at least on my Veno if I do my job well (which I usually do-- I'm definitely not a failveno) I get appreciation.

    I'm even guilty of that occasionally. The BM, wizzie, tank, whatever gets thanked for helping, but, I'll sometimes forget to thank the cleric.

    As for charm ticking? Whoever yells at you for that needs to GTFO. Personally, I've never ran into it, even the level 70 BM I healed while on Wyvern didn't complain that his charm ticked every 30-ish seconds (ticked only once~twice on the other bosses-- level 45 Cleric ftw). He knew mine was ticking a whole lot more (both the HP and MP) and without me he would have never gotten through the FB.

    If he didn't complain, then there's no reason for others to.
  • hallsvaporaction
    hallsvaporaction Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I use to do the most I can in instance runs, spamming IH, purify, debuff, group heal, tank, DD, etc. Always working myself into a frenzy and exhausted by the end. I've finally realized that it's bad for business. Once they see the 4th IH beams on screen before the 1st disappears from a single cleric, the rest of the squad gets ideas. The barb starts to aggro more mobs per group "Rawr!", the archer finds himself an entirely different set of targets "boa man, boa", the wizzie goes zhen mode "lvl10 DB FTW", the veno runs ahead, turns the corner, disappears, with that poofy tail swishing and flower petals all aflutter, and the brave BM cloud sprints toward the boss "for king and country." Because they all think, "Hey the cleric has time to throw a few IH my way anywho." And lets not forget that "evil second cleric," who instantly realized her true calling in life as a pure DD or worse, a bum, and does absolutely nothing so as to save that mp charm.b:angry So now I slow down on the healing when I run with people I don't know, for a more cohesive group and saves me pots and powders a plenty. Give it a second before cast. BMs and Archers don't go "Geronimo!!" as often, Barbs get to know their limitations from how much their HP is dipping per mob, Venos get to pull, Wizzies nuke in moderation, and even the evil second cleric may help heal once in a while.b:victory

    Some of the Best Lines:
    Archer: 9 criticals in a row baby. ^^ No way <barb> was gonna keep aggro.

    Me: Stop running in alone, I have to rez you every time!
    Archer: What else have you got to do?

    Me: let's pull on the next group.
    Veno1: I can solo this FB
    Veno2: Yeah, we can solo everything.

    BM: I'm not tanking anymore, you made my charm tick.
    Me: I had to heal myself, you didn't grab all aggro.
    BM: If you are that fail, just BB.

    Random wizzie in swamp: REZ ME!!!
    <I actually rezzed -.->
    ...a few minutes later....
    Random wizzie in swamp: I'M DEAD AGAIN!!!

    <In TT>
    Me: Why did you punch the boss the whole time?
    Archer: Saving my arrows.

    <Barb PKs BM>
    Barb: Rez him.
    <I rez the BM, healing him.>
    Barb: Heal him.
    <Barb PKs BM again>
    Barb: Rez him.
  • RavinTink - Sanctuary
    RavinTink - Sanctuary Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Ok just to clear something up. My husband's archer is the biggest reason my cleric is lvl'd as high as she is. Since I was lvl 27 or so, he has been the main person to help me with quests, bosses, cultivation, etc. He has tanked many bosses for me, he has tanked many groups of mobs for me with me healing him. The reason he has done this is because most times when we ask for help its usually "well we cant right now, maybe tomorrow". Guess what, tomorrow never comes. So he does most of it for me.

    That said, he is usually the one doing the most damage when we are in squad doing instances and dungeons. Something he is use to....SAVING MY ****... when I end up with agro for one reason or another (usually cause barb dont have full agro when I heal, or bm goes off half cocked and cant take the mobs he agro's). This is how my husband uses his character and it works well for him. He DOES go thru mp almost as fast as I do and because of him I DONT go thru HP as fast as he

    When life gives you lemons...dont make lemonade!!
    Find the fool who got vodka and have a party!!
  • Fuyukoneko - Heavens Tear
    Fuyukoneko - Heavens Tear Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I use to do the most I can in instance runs, spamming IH, purify, debuff, group heal, tank, DD, etc. Always working myself into a frenzy and exhausted by the end. I've finally realized that it's bad for business. Once they see the 4th IH beams on screen before the 1st disappears from a single cleric, the rest of the squad gets ideas. The barb starts to aggro more mobs per group "Rawr!", the archer finds himself an entirely different set of targets "boa man, boa", the wizzie goes zhen mode "lvl10 DB FTW", the veno runs ahead, turns the corner, disappears, with that poofy tail swishing and flower petals all aflutter, and the brave BM cloud sprints toward the boss "for king and country." Because they all think, "Hey the cleric has time to throw a few IH my way anywho." And lets not forget that "evil second cleric," who instantly realized her true calling in life as a pure DD or worse, a bum, and does absolutely nothing so as to save that mp charm.b:angry So now I slow down on the healing when I run with people I don't know, for a more cohesive group and saves me pots and powders a plenty. Give it a second before cast. BMs and Archers don't go "Geronimo!!" as often, Barbs get to know their limitations from how much their HP is dipping per mob, Venos get to pull, Wizzies nuke in moderation, and even the evil second cleric may help heal once in a while.b:victory

    Some of the Best Lines:
    Archer: 9 criticals in a row baby. ^^ No way <barb> was gonna keep aggro.

    Me: Stop running in alone, I have to rez you every time!
    Archer: What else have you got to do?

    Me: let's pull on the next group.
    Veno1: I can solo this FB
    Veno2: Yeah, we can solo everything.

    BM: I'm not tanking anymore, you made my charm tick.
    Me: I had to heal myself, you didn't grab all aggro.
    BM: If you are that fail, just BB.

    Random wizzie in swamp: REZ ME!!!
    <I actually rezzed -.->
    ...a few minutes later....
    Random wizzie in swamp: I'M DEAD AGAIN!!!

    <In TT>
    Me: Why did you punch the boss the whole time?
    Archer: Saving my arrows.

    <Barb PKs BM>
    Barb: Rez him.
    <I rez the BM, healing him.>
    Barb: Heal him.
    <Barb PKs BM again>
    Barb: Rez him.

    Amen to all you just said and the finger to all the idiots in that story.
  • Favu - Heavens Tear
    Favu - Heavens Tear Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I expect exactly three things as "special treatment":

    1. Don't run off, aggro something, die, and then blame me for not being there when I'm still running to catch up. The skills on my genie have been chosen to keep ME alive in solo situations, and I see no reason to put Holy Path on it just because [ insert DD/Tank/whoever ] can't wait the few seconds it takes me to come within healing range.

    2. If you aggro something, for the love of whatever, don't run AWAY from me while screaming for help/heals, especially not when I'm healing the tank/whole squad. Don't run away from the healing range, don't run away from anyone else who could help you. Honestly, most party members WILL try to at least come to your aid.

    3. If my health bar goes down and nothing's throwing an AOE at the party, assume that I got an add. Get it off me. If you don't, I will start healing myself; a dead cleric helps no one.

    That said, I can honestly count on one hand the situations where I've not been treated with the same kind of respect every player of this game deserves; the few situations where it did happen, the offender in question was usually a complete moron to everyone in the squad in the first place.

    Kind of bumping a slightly-old thread but this post is so damn truthful that I hope at least 3 people bother to click this thread and read it.
    I use to do the most I can in instance runs, spamming IH, purify, debuff, group heal, tank, DD, etc. Always working myself into a frenzy and exhausted by the end. I've finally realized that it's bad for business.

    Also, this entire person's post is so true and it made me LMAO. For the love of god people. Do some research. Learn how clerics see you. These people speak the truth.
    heaven's tear ~ 100 cleric / 97 veno / 91 barb ~ soy lider de la faccion venganza
  • HieiCleric - Lost City
    HieiCleric - Lost City Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Is it ok if I just bump this?
    If you attack some random monster, then all of its friends will come over to attack you back. And if a Cleric throws a heal at you, all of those friends will then hate the cleric more than you, and so will rush over to kill the Cleric. Who will hate you forever.
  • Aadi - Lost City
    Aadi - Lost City Posts: 4,449 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Yesterday a friend (that I had never really before talked to, she had added me through a mutual friend) asked for a ress in FB39. I was in Burning Heart and said "Sorry, that's too far." She started ranting to me about how selfish I was. I was angry...until she started quoting Simple Plan and saying how "no one ever lied straight to your face and no one ever stabbed you in the back" b:surrender I was too busy laughing to be angry...
    "aadi is a forum ninja, always there, skirting thru the shadows... striking with quick posts while you are distracted by your own" -Alexeno(kin)
    "We talk about you because you're fab. b:cute" -Chillum
    "You live for forums. Like seriously."
  • Malego - Heavens Tear
    Malego - Heavens Tear Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I've seen badly treated clerics. Often from barbs or blademasters. "OMG my charm got hit you fail as a cleric you failing noob!" *leaves squad*

    What about the clerics charm? Is that not important at all?

    Mine got used for various reasons when I was tanking bosses. Oh well, that's what its there for. Stop being stupid and treat your clerics well.
    I am a barb that does not powerlevel, nor cash shop. I may not be the highest level, nor have the best gear. However unlike others, I know how to play.b:pleased
  • chelseacrafter
    chelseacrafter Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    OK I'm really fed up with this prima donna stuff from clerics & king of the hill routine from barbs.

    Want to know who gets treated badly in the game? Venos & archers.

    So get over it, princess.

    We already know how irreplaceable you are & most of all a mandatory addition to everything we do in a squad.

    BUT... I'm sick of clerics & barbs thinking they are better than everyone else. And I'm really tired of having to wait & plan my entire game around your every flakey whim only to be lectured about how I should try to have FUN in the game. How can I have fun when I'm dictated to by people who have ZERO consideration for MY TIME, MY GAME and MY RL.

    Oh let's all stop in the middle of the dungeon because the barb is changing a diaper or the cleric has to go get a glass of juice. But let me have a real need to step away a minute & I get left behind.

    Try living in our shoes for a change! Every time I try to squad up I get "you got a herc" and when I say no they say "CYA". Talk about abuse!

    And what's the nonsense you guys get to **** the TT drops & toss everyone else your leftovers? How is that fair? How is that being so abused?

    Seriously, it's your snobby elitist attitude that is EARNING you any treatment you are getting. Only you clerics & barbs can change that. Stop ordering people around. Stop running your mouths on runs when you should just be doing your jobs.

    Bring on the flames... tell me all your QQ stories about the few times things don't go just your way & someone was a meanie to you.

    Honey that's every day for me... EVERY SINGLE DAY. Get a tougher hide or find a new game.
  • chelseacrafter
    chelseacrafter Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    When I was playing, i would let that aggro-berserking crazed archer who thinks they can tank anything in sight just die....and lay there.....and miss the boss kills, while I heal the tank.

    I would let that veno who thinks they will be ok if they run blindly into the mobs ahead of everyone because for some reason, SHE HAS TO GET THERE NOW OR ELSE.

    You act like dumbasses, and then yell at me for your own noobish mistakes, you are gonna lose a few angels or exp as a reward for your attitude. b:bye

    This is nothing new really. Everyone knows barbs and clerics share the common interest of getting walked all over by every other class.

    SEE... this is prime example of an ignorant cleric thinking they are royalty.

    DUH... Venos are supposed to go ahead to PULL & we get told to do that.

    DUH... Of all classes Archers draw aggro EVERY SINGLE SHOT no matter what shot they take. That's how the class is made. Stop telling them not to shoot. They are great damage dealers & make things go much faster.


    And your petty acting out toward things you are ignorant about is just par for the course. THIS is the hostility we have to deal with from clerics CONSTANTLY then listen to them QQ about everything under the sun.

    When YOU abuse others & get that judgemental attitude don't expect much sympathy about not being hand held & your backside worshipped like it's gold. You aren't in a squad to judge every tiny aspect of everyone's performance then dole out punishments to players based on your skewed perspectives. Your values need major adjustment. This is a GAME not your virtual concentration camp... so stop behaving like a cleric ****.
  • chelseacrafter
    chelseacrafter Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    No, they're maxing out their damage. You aren't. Not that I blame you, the way people split loot encourages dps to play to far less than their potential.


    Why should venos & archers 'play to their potential'? I see no incentive.

    Our reward is being treated like outcasts, spoken to like garbage, & thrown scraps at like dogs.


    Not to mention veno pullers RARELY get healed when they take aggro... all the clerics LOVE goes to barbs. So no... I'm not going to give a rats patooty.
  • Enzio - Heavens Tear
    Enzio - Heavens Tear Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    About the TT you are right the Archers and Venos do get **** form Drops. I always give what I get from a TT to someone that really needs it. I rarely run TTs and I get basically the cream of the crops which isn't right. So I find a Veno or Archer that needs the loot and I send it through mail. It's just items easily acquired for Barbs clerics and BMs. Only way a Veno or Archer gets something good is if they sub and half the time it's the Cleric or BM subbing. Barbs have 2nd pick so they don't have to. And Yes I ran with the barbs that always thought they were better than everyone else so I let them die and then I make sure the squad I am in doesn't take the shots that I know I can. So we leave the barb behind and we just go on. Clerics can be the same way don't get me wrong. I have worked with clerics that thought they were high and mighty because they keep you alive. Well when they go afk and not tell anyone, and that causes a party wipe and they QQ about it. Also if they let someone die they blame it on lag. I have watched a Cleric drop BB and start group healing on DRUM in 1-3 YOU CAN NOT DO THAT. That is a for sure party wipe. And she had the balls to say it was lag. We kicked her and got a new cleric that got the job done.

    BTW Archers I give you guys the props for time. I started an Archer and my god. That's all I can say
    Why is the Rum gone? TELL ME NOW OR I WILL EAT YOUb:angry
  • Yaxana - Sanctuary
    Yaxana - Sanctuary Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    The only cleric that ever got mad at me refused to even ressurect me. Reason? It was late, I was tired, I was asked to help with a BH. So the cleric was my friend's friend. The friend who asked for help with BH is a very reckless person, she dies often, runs into mobs, pulls aggro, gets herself killed, sometimes even someone else, but it's damn fun to be in a team with her. Anyway, I wanted to sneak past some mobs to get to the boss faster and go to sleep. So I do that, I pull aggro, oh well, I didn't really care if I died. But guess what? The BM attacks the mobs, then my friend, then the cleric tries to heal both, then he steals aggro and before I can summon my pet and kill the mobs he dies, and then I die too. Guess who he blames? Me, obviously, the veno, cause I was reckless in his opinion, and because I dared to try to sneak past some mobs, even though I've done that before and it worked. Funny thing is that I wasn't even mad that I died, I was mad that they died. Come on, seriously, if a higher lvl veno pulls aggro and dies, then let her die. If you know you can't take on the mobs yourself why the hell do you get involved? Then he starts saying how venos are useless at tanking, and so on, and we fight, well all I kept saying is that he shouldn't have tried to save anyone, because in my opinion a cleric's job's is to stay alive if the odds are against his/her survival, or die with the rest and stfu. So anyway, I asked another friend of mine to come from the other side of the map to ressurect me. Meanwhile he gets a barb, calls me a ***** for not passing lead to invite the barb, impossible while being dead, d'oh, unless the barb whispered me, and I ended up helping with the BH till the end, only because I didn't want to make my friend feel bad for what happened. It was funny how our common friend never got blamed for being reckless, and I was. Selective criticism much?
    Bottom line? My cleric is treated nicely, while my veno is treated like **** in 90% of the cases. I hardly even find a squad for BH, because they only need 1 veno to pull the bosses, or none.
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    OK I'm really fed up with this prima donna stuff from clerics & king of the hill routine from barbs.

    Want to know who gets treated badly in the game? Venos & archers.

    So get over it, princess.

    We already know how irreplaceable you are & most of all a mandatory addition to everything we do in a squad.

    BUT... I'm sick of clerics & barbs thinking they are better than everyone else. And I'm really tired of having to wait & plan my entire game around your every flakey whim only to be lectured about how I should try to have FUN in the game. How can I have fun when I'm dictated to by people who have ZERO consideration for MY TIME, MY GAME and MY RL.

    Oh let's all stop in the middle of the dungeon because the barb is changing a diaper or the cleric has to go get a glass of juice. But let me have a real need to step away a minute & I get left behind.

    Try living in our shoes for a change! Every time I try to squad up I get "you got a herc" and when I say no they say "CYA". Talk about abuse!

    And what's the nonsense you guys get to **** the TT drops & toss everyone else your leftovers? How is that fair? How is that being so abused?

    Seriously, it's your snobby elitist attitude that is EARNING you any treatment you are getting. Only you clerics & barbs can change that. Stop ordering people around. Stop running your mouths on runs when you should just be doing your jobs.

    Bring on the flames... tell me all your QQ stories about the few times things don't go just your way & someone was a meanie to you.

    Honey that's every day for me... EVERY SINGLE DAY. Get a tougher hide or find a new game.
    You might want to think about all of what you said here when you want a res.Venos and Archers don't get treated badly atleast no one one blames you for death in a squad.When a cleric dies by your mistake which has happened to me several times.I have to got town and fly back to the squad.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • Enzio - Heavens Tear
    Enzio - Heavens Tear Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    That is true. Clerics do a lot for people that we over look. How many of you actually thanked a cleric for giving you a res. How many have actually went out of your way to help a cleric that needed help with something? 4/10 will thank that Cleric for flying her butt all the way where you are just to res. Drop them a Res scroll every now and again. Buy them mana pots. They waste enough trying to save your **** at least say thank you.
    Why is the Rum gone? TELL ME NOW OR I WILL EAT YOUb:angry
  • tweakz
    tweakz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    How many of you actually tanked a cleric for giving you a res.

    If they res me, it's to their benefit. I do not request res.
    How many have actually went out of your way to help a cleric that needed help with something?

    When I knew the cleric and found them worth: np.
    4/10 will thank that Cleric for flying her butt all the way where you are just to res.

    Note to clerics: stop being slave monkeys: Let the worthless whinebutts sit dead.
    Drop them a Res scroll every now and again.

    No. They already get a priority in TT drops in most cases. Unless they otherwise deserve it: no.
    Buy them mana pots.

    And give archers your ammo, barbs your sage skills, etc etc. Lets make this game a charity event!
    They waste enough trying to save your **** at least say thank you.

    My best friends in this game are generally clerics. Lets see, do I generally get thanked when my Herc tanks so they don't need to use a charm? Do they thank venos for disposing of TT bosses faster than any other class, or for saving them MP costs?
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • Enzio - Heavens Tear
    Enzio - Heavens Tear Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    tweakz wrote: »
    If they res me, it's to their benefit. I do not request res.

    That's just thinking you are better than what you really are.
    tweakz wrote: »
    When I knew the cleric and found them worth: np.

    How about help someone you don't know?
    tweakz wrote: »
    Note to clerics: stop being slave monkeys: Let the worthless whinebutts sit dead.

    Not being slaves, it's being courteous to people. Which it seems you are only out for yourself. So they wine big deal, not like you don't wine over things.

    tweakz wrote: »
    No. They already get a priority in TT drops in most cases. Unless they otherwise deserve it: no.

    Just as I stated before you wine over TT drop split.

    tweakz wrote: »
    And give archers your ammo, barbs your sage skills, etc etc. Lets make this game a charity event!

    And I do give my archer ammo to archers. Most I don't even know I see them I drop it. I have no use for it.
    tweakz wrote: »
    Lets see, do I generally get thanked when my Herc tanks so they don't need to use a charm? Do they thank venos for disposing of TT bosses faster than any other class, or for saving them MP costs?

    Now if you Tank that is your choice. Not the clerics. So that is void.
    Why is the Rum gone? TELL ME NOW OR I WILL EAT YOUb:angry
  • Damewort - Sanctuary
    Damewort - Sanctuary Posts: 573 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    You might want to think about all of what you said here when you want a res.Venos and Archers don't get treated badly atleast no one one blames you for death in a squad.When a cleric dies by your mistake which has happened to me several times.I have to got town and fly back to the squad.

    Got to hate the part in bold. Now that is a diva talk!
    It is cleric part of job to keep squad healed and revive when it is needed. Like it is barb's task to tank and veno's part to lure. And now throwing a fist, just cause someone said something you didn't like. Wonder if I soon will see a barb who refuses to tank cause you pulled his tail or veno who refuses to pull cause you stepped on his/her foot.

    I agree - cleric should refuse to heal or revive if squad mates fail to keep mobs away or leeroys too much. Think first about keeping yourself alive and then about healing others. In 90% it is squads fault if there is a party wipe and in 10% it is really clerics fault, because not every cleric is perfect and there are some wonders which still think that ironheart is useless. Only cases when I have blamed cleric was when he/she didn't run away when it was clear that party wipe can't be avoided.

    Venos don't get treated baddly? We are the most flamed class in whole game!
    There are countless topics where venos gets flamed for being overpowered. We get left out of squads often if you don't have herc. We get cut on drops or put last in drop sharing list, because we are "rich".

    I guess you haven't heard about "Keep cleric and tank alive, let veno and archer die". It kinda says which classes gets rated higher and treated better...
    How many of you actually thanked a cleric for giving you a res. How many have actually went out of your way to help a cleric that needed help with something? 4/10 will thank that Cleric for flying her butt all the way where you are just to res. Drop them a Res scroll every now and again. Buy them mana pots. They waste enough trying to save your **** at least say thank you.

    I thank for revive and for random buffs/heals. But I would never call for a cleric to come and revive me unless he is in the same territory or in nearby area (5min away).
    I help cleric when he/she needs it, even if I don't need those mobs or have almost finished the quest.
    I have no revive scrolls to drop, but I give mp pots or mp food when cleric asks for them or when I think he/she needs them.
  • Enzio - Heavens Tear
    Enzio - Heavens Tear Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I guess you haven't heard about "Keep cleric and tank alive, let veno and archer die". It kinda says which classes gets rated higher and treated better...

    I have seen that before and this is how I am on that, I would rather die protecting all the members in the squad than let anyone other than myself die. That's just how I am.

    Archers, Everything you guys have make things go faster, that's why you are the DD the damage you provide is awesome.

    Venos, You pull mobs away from backs that's how the squads stay alive. So we don't just run in guns blazing.

    BMs, Another AoE DD, you are are the back up, you keep the mobs from reaching the cleric, with out you the cleric dies.

    Wizards, Some of the best supports I have ever worked with. DDing is grand also making it go faster. Also a support heal. Can throw an extra heal if needed and when needed.

    Tanks, You are the front line, you are given Flesh Ream for a reason. Use it. Archers take the aggro get it right back.

    Finally the Cleric, You guys are the most important of the squads healing everyone, making sure we have full health, keeping the tank alive. But with that said, keep an eye on the other members. It's not just the tank that takes hits, it's everyone.

    Sorry Magic I lost my self on that one.
    Why is the Rum gone? TELL ME NOW OR I WILL EAT YOUb:angry
  • Vitenka - Dreamweaver
    Vitenka - Dreamweaver Posts: 4,125 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    If the cleric dies, the squad wipes, no res.
    If the tank dies, the squad probably wipes.

    If a DD dies? The fight takes a bit longer is all.
  • MagicHamsta - Lost City
    MagicHamsta - Lost City Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I have seen that before and this is how I am on that, I would rather die protecting all the members in the squad than let anyone other than myself die. That's just how I am.

    Archers, Everything you guys have make things go faster, that's why you are the DD the damage you provide is awesome.

    Venos, You pull mobs away from backs that's how the squads stay alive. So we don't just run in guns blazing.

    BMs, Another AoE DD, you are are the back up, you keep the mobs from reaching the cleric, with out you the cleric dies.

    Tanks, You are the front line, you are given Flesh Ream for a reason. Use it. Archers take the aggro get it right back.

    Finally the Cleric, You guys are the most important of the squads healing everyone, making sure we have full health, keeping the tank alive. But with that said, keep an eye on the other members. It's not just the tank that takes hits, it's everyone.

    wheres the wizards? b:cry
    why we not mentioned? boo~

    huh o.O me blame the barb 90% of the time we get a party wipe. b:chuckle
    since 90% of party wipes caused by either barb not getting aggro correctly when clerics heal them. or barb poorly built/horribly equipped and can't tank right.
    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
    Hawk:Do this. closing thread
    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
  • Enzio - Heavens Tear
    Enzio - Heavens Tear Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    wheres the wizards? b:cry
    why we not mentioned? boo~

    I fixed it Sorry b:surrender
    Why is the Rum gone? TELL ME NOW OR I WILL EAT YOUb:angry