Rei's kinda-ok guide for Heavy/Robe Fox.



  • Reikara - Heavens Tear
    Reikara - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    cashka wrote: »

    Firstly,thanks Rei for such an awesome guide to H/A build :) It seems to be a worth trying build b:victory

    I'm lvl 87 at the moment and I want to try this build at 90. However at the 89 there's cultivation and you have to choose between sage and demon. Could you tell me something/advice which cultivation is better for this build? You're yourself a sage veno as I see, but I've seen some heavy build venos going into demon... what are the most important pros and cons? I really don't want to mess up with cultivation cause there's basically no way back heh ^^'

    Also, in Pk tactics you've said to wear heavy armor and arcane equipment towards certain classes, sometime to wear fully heavy or fully arcane. What's the optional equipment set towear? Like arcane wristguards and boots, rest heavy? Or perhaps it'd be good to grind mats and make both full HH90 sets and switch them depending on the enemy?

    Oh, and side-question (I want to bound my whole equipment on 90, in case I'd make these full sets hh90 (heavy and arcane) and bind them, if I wear full heavy and arcane set will be in backpack - not equipped, may I lose them, even if they're bounded?

    Thanks in advance for the answers :)

    Well first of all, there's no way you can really mess up on your spiritual cultivation so long as you're sure you know what you want from it. Demon and sage will give you slightly different playstyles from level 89+ so be sure you're fully aware of what they will do for you in terms of both human and fox skills.

    First of all you just want to consider what bonuses they'll give to your most important/most used skills.

    Fox form:
    Demon; Demon will give you a 60% speed increase for 6 seconds when you transform from fox to human, or human to fox. The fox form skill istelf also has a 6 second cool down, so if you spam it you can keep your 60% speed bonus constant.

    Sage; Sage fox form gives you a 150% physical defense increase and a 250% accuracy increase.

    The arguement:
    Since the introduction of genies and their skills, such as holy path, it makes the demon fox form seem a little redundant. Although it cannot be spammed as well, sage foxes don't completly lose out on speed boosts.

    A spammable 60% speed increase can get you out of many situations or even help you catch those annoying runaway mages and archers. 150% phys def increase actually only amounts to an extra +1000 physical defense points or, a -1% damage taken reduction.

    Melee and Wodd Masterys:
    Demon; Wood mastery will give you a 2% critical hit chance whilst using magic and Melee mastery will give you an extra 3% crit chance on physical attacks in fox form.

    Sage; Elemental wood damage will increase by 25% and the add-on attack damage from melee mastery will increase by 200%.

    The Arguement:
    Sage seems a better choice for fox uses, combined with the accuracy from fox form and the extra damage from sage melee mastery. Since fox users may have 200+ str; they still lack somewhat in physical attack due to not being able to use real melee weapons.

    The extra critical chances for demon on top of the 5, 6 or 7% you may already have will bring your crit chance up to around 7-13%. This may just be what you're looking for; hard-core damage and crits to one-shot everyone.

    You can find a list of all the skills at
    A couple of skills I recommend having a good look at are purge, summer sprint, burning scarab, noxious gas, amplify damage, ironwood, bramble.

    Also consider the sage and demon sparks and chi skills.

    Demon spark 700% magic attack and 650% physical damage, immune to damage for 15 seconds.

    ( Pwi name for it?) Daimon Provocation Instantly deplete a target of 50 chi. 1 minute cooldown.

    Sage spark 900% magic attack and 500% physical attack, immune to damage for 15 seconds.

    Master Li's technique. Instantly gain 50 chi. 1 minute cooldown.

    To be honest, i'm always going to have both full sets of heavy and arcane. I usually find I have to mix/match them in different ways to suit my opponent. You're not always fighting pure builds of other classes. I sometimes go from arcane boots +chest to arcane legs+wrists. It just all depends on my defense needs at the time.

    Bound items cant drop, i've never bound equipment before but I had always thought when you did, you couldnt unequip them? In any case, if you do have items you're scared might drop you can protect them with guardian scrolls.
  • verse
    verse Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    @ cashka
    i went sage and am pretty happy with it. +50 chi skill useable every minute, extra chi from venomous scarab... demon ironwood is kinda fail lol, only 20% that your target gets the debuff. the only sage fox skill i have is fox form atm, but i'm also looking forward to sage purge and amplify (for TW reasons). if you'd go more 1v1 / PK then maybe demon is a good idea... don't really know since i haven't built my character with that in mind. only TW, debuffing bosses, supporting roles really.

    i have only heavy chest+pants, my sleeves and boots are arcane. then again i don't have the need to switch much or find myself in situations that it would come in handy like PK. efficiency and my game preferences didn't make me go farm for both full sets XD i think you'll have to estimate whether your opponent is going to do more phys or mag damage... and go from there. i guess that's just the case when your enemy is either archer or cleric.

    as to bound EQ... they should never drop. though i heard someone did lose an item while it was bound o_o filed a complaint thingy but "they" said "they" couldn't do anything about it >_>

    @ pewie
    i take it you're level 9? if you haven't given much thought on your build yet, just go arcane first. it's the easiest build and also the fastest to level before lvl 70 or so. 4 mag 1 str when you hit an even level (2, 4, 6, 8...) and 5 mag when you hit an odd level.

    it's also the cheapest to reskill later on in the game - you will only need to take out points from magic.
  • Reikara - Heavens Tear
    Reikara - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I got 40 Points. I don't know where i should add them

    • Vit
    • Mag
    • Str
    • Dex

    Anyone could help me?

    I really don't know. what kinda build this Venomancer should be.

    If you're unsure what build you want to be, this probably isn't the right thread for you. You should try asking in the actual venomancer forums. You also need to elaborate a little more on what you really need help with. Like tell us your current stats, what armours you use and what you want from your venomancer.
  • fuzzz
    fuzzz Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    i am thinking of trying this build... current robe and level 87 atm ..
    would you recommend that i first get a set of TT 90 HA ? or TT 90 Arcane ?
  • Reikara - Heavens Tear
    Reikara - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Well it's up to you, just base it on your needs. I went with TT90 heavy first. I'm still trying to get TT90 arcane, I came back after a month and i've got alot to do lol.

    I just went with heavy since to me it's my more important armour set. Most of the time I just go full heavy in TW with my clothes over the top and stick to the ground killing all the barbs and bms :D

    TT80 green heavy bracers are recommended with the TT90 green heavy set also. +str, dex and vit ;)
  • fuzzz
    fuzzz Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    yeah .. gathering the + stat ornaments is going 2 be a major challenge :s
    been trying to get some .. only stuff i can ever find has 9 stat points
  • LeirtA - Lost City
    LeirtA - Lost City Posts: 213 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    My heavy set

    My arcane set

    I have all the items in the hotkey bar so I switch around depending on the situations and the class of the pkers. Stats points will be easier at 90 since I have a Glorious Robe:Torment standing by b:pleased

    Any suggestions on how to improve will be greatly appreciated b:kiss
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]<- One of my best loved piece of trance track
  • Reikara - Heavens Tear
    Reikara - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Improve what exactly? lol.

    I reckon you could still find a belt, neck and cloak with more stats, (mogwai and mantle of the ghost lord later on?) but that's only really nessecary if you're lacking some c:
  • Kitsuneh - Lost City
    Kitsuneh - Lost City Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Should I focus on getting this:
    ☆Dying Spirit
    Physical attack 535-654
    Magical attack 646-1200

    Str required 56
    Int required 280
    Level Required: 95

    Physical Attack +91
    Strength +16~17
    Critical Hit Rate +2%
    (attack rate 1.00/sec)
    Saw it at PW Promotions Agent.. Perfect for heavy/battle fox eh?
  • Pewie - Dreamweaver
    Pewie - Dreamweaver Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited September 2009

    here. I really dont know. I wanna use that robe or something ;o
  • Reikara - Heavens Tear
    Reikara - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Here's the link for the thread you'll wanna ask questions for a robe build in then :P

    I'd recommend robes at your level too, the stats you'll need for it are vit, magic and only enough str to wear your weapon/armour.
  • golferdude
    golferdude Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I was wondering. When in fox form, does the type ring you wear matter? I have both physical and magic attack rings. Is magic attack converted to
    physical attack if I hit a mob since damage in fox form is considered physical
  • Reikara - Heavens Tear
    Reikara - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    No, magic attack rings will not apply to your fox form damage and your physical attack rings will not apply to your human magic attack. So, if you wanted more physical attack, or were a fox only user, physical attack rings would be best ;)
  • rinuruc
    rinuruc Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    for gear,... is it oke to use some of the quest-reward gears that are light, till you can get enough str to wear heavy?
  • Reikara - Heavens Tear
    Reikara - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Yeah so long as you fit the str/dex requirements to wear them there's nothing stopping you o.o
  • rinuruc
    rinuruc Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Yeah so long as you fit the str/dex requirements to wear them there's nothing stopping you o.o

    yes,... a restat,... ;)
    atm my skills cost too much (just reached 59, and damn theres much to buy XD) and dont have money for skills, let alone for a restat later,... :S
    idk how it comes that venos r rich according to most ppl?
  • Reikara - Heavens Tear
    Reikara - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Meh, because if you're an arcane veno you apparently live and breathe TT mats.
  • verse
    verse Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    No, magic attack rings will not apply to your fox form damage and your physical attack rings will not apply to your human magic attack. So, if you wanted more physical attack, or were a fox only user, physical attack rings would be best ;)

    though for some reason, i never see phys atk rings with lots of bonus attribs... my 88 rings that give extra stats are magical >_>
  • Reikara - Heavens Tear
    Reikara - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Well with this kinda build it dosen't really matter which rings you have anyway since you deal both types of damage xD

    But I haven't come across any physical rings with good/decent +stats either.
  • Omega_Shift - Heavens Tear
    Omega_Shift - Heavens Tear Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I just got a Wing Trophy and right now I'm wondering if I should use it for the extra attributes and hp or get the Cloudcharger cape? I have both btw. I'm so confused. Please help.
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I just got a Wing Trophy and right now I'm wondering if I should use it for the extra attributes and hp or get the Cloudcharger cape? I have both btw. I'm so confused. Please help.

    Mail to me so I can test it.

    If it was me to have been that lucky, I would get the one with the double PDef bonuses.
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • Obsessed - Heavens Tear
    Obsessed - Heavens Tear Posts: 670 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I just got a Wing Trophy and right now I'm wondering if I should use it for the extra attributes and hp or get the Cloudcharger cape? I have both btw. I'm so confused. Please help.
    Hp cape, no question.

    @icejaz this is a HA veno thread... we've no need for extra pdef b:spit
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Hp cape, no question.

    @icejaz this is a HA veno thread... we've no need for extra pdef b:spit

    b:sad good point..... HP cape than ><
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    verse wrote: »
    though for some reason, i never see phys atk rings with lots of bonus attribs... my 88 rings that give extra stats are magical >_>
    Because I've been buying them up out of AH? b:chuckle

    The boss which drops 3-star L78 might rings (Ship Captain Smythe) is currently set to drop no loot. So there only 3-star L78 might rings on AH are player-crafted. The 2-star L78 might rings get turned into NPCs for the level 80 ornament craftsman quest. That means many L68 3-star might rings (drop off Pryo in BH69) have nearly as good stats as the one-star L78 rings you see on AH. So people are more likely to just sell any 1-star L78 might ring with good stats to an NPC.

    If you're on HT, send me a PM. I have a couple extra +4 str, +3/4 dex L78 might rings I think. Maybe a +8 mag one as well.
  • heyyourhot
    heyyourhot Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I put all my points into Int for 23 lvl, and i get killed very quick b:sad
    is there a way to restat?
  • IceJazmin - Heavens Tear
    IceJazmin - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,206 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    heyyourhot wrote: »
    I put all my points into Int for 23 lvl, and i get killed very quick b:sad
    is there a way to restat?

    Yes there is, but is very expensive.

    If you get killed very quickly you are doing something seriously wrong. If you let us know your level and stats and gear/pet and how you get killed very quickly we may be able to help. However, make a new regular thread with that question, not on this one.
    Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.
  • LeirtA - Lost City
    LeirtA - Lost City Posts: 213 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Hp cape, no question.

    @icejaz this is a HA veno thread... we've no need for extra pdef b:spit

    BLEH! I chose the Glorious Robe which adds 6-7 all stats and pdef b:sad
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]<- One of my best loved piece of trance track
  • fuzzz
    fuzzz Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    okies i need a bit of adviceb:cute
    total stats at 90 = 450
    mag - 264
    str 227
    dex 49

    additional stats needed 90
    tome love up and down (i am sooo luckyb:victory) - mag+13 str+13 dex+13 vit +12

    wep requime blade - dex +11

    ring of scorching - dex +8 mag +3

    ring of scorching - dex +13

    neck sky demon pearls - str +8

    arm(TT 80 green) +5 usable dex if im not mistaken (dont have it yet)

    mogwai belt str +5 dex +5 mag +5 (assuming i have the worst luck in the world)

    cape of ghost lord str +9 dex +9 mag +9(dont have it yet,but already have the 2 GBS)

    helm mag +5

    now all these are giving me a total stat boost of
    dex - 64~65
    str - 35~36
    mag - 27~29

    which is way more that i really need especially the dex lol
    what changes would you suggest i make to the addons ?
    and where should i dump extra stats?

    also i know going sage/demon is mostly about playing style
    but isnt demon ironwood gimmped ? i mean only 20% chance for 100%debuff b:shutup
    i wanted to go demon but i hear that ironwood is bad.. esp in pve since u prolly dont have more that 1 chance to ironwood anyways.. and if it dont hit .. kills will be slower.. advice ? b:puzzled

    thank you
  • Obsessed - Heavens Tear
    Obsessed - Heavens Tear Posts: 670 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    BLEH! I chose the Glorious Robe which adds 6-7 all stats and pdef b:sad
    It's still a good cape and will undoubtadly serve you well. 24-28stats + bonus, better overall than tt90 gold which I still use(didnt -win- anything out of this event, ended up buying a holy helm for 25mil though :P)

    Speaking of which I guess I have a 10stat(5str 5 dex I think) +5 3*rocking thunder helm(lvl 81) w/4beaut citrines for sale on HT for anyone interested ;)


    Rei edit for lvl 100 stats :3

    (Base stats, no EQ add ons)
    Vit: 28
    Str: 182
    Magic: 274
    Dex: 31

    (With EQ add ons)

    Vit: 102
    Str: 234
    Magic: 313
    Dex: 61
    Hit Points: 7847 (unbuffed yay, qq wanna break 8k)
  • Reikara - Heavens Tear
    Reikara - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    fuzzz wrote: »
    okies i need a bit of adviceb:cute
    total stats at 90 = 450
    mag - 264
    str 227
    dex 49

    additional stats needed 90
    tome love up and down (i am sooo luckyb:victory) - mag+13 str+13 dex+13 vit +12

    wep requime blade - dex +11

    ring of scorching - dex +8 mag +3

    ring of scorching - dex +13

    neck sky demon pearls - str +8

    arm(TT 80 green) +5 usable dex if im not mistaken (dont have it yet)

    mogwai belt str +5 dex +5 mag +5 (assuming i have the worst luck in the world)

    cape of ghost lord str +9 dex +9 mag +9(dont have it yet,but already have the 2 GBS)

    helm mag +5

    now all these are giving me a total stat boost of
    dex - 64~65
    str - 35~36
    mag - 27~29

    which is way more that i really need especially the dex lol
    what changes would you suggest i make to the addons ?
    and where should i dump extra stats?

    also i know going sage/demon is mostly about playing style
    but isnt demon ironwood gimmped ? i mean only 20% chance for 100%debuff b:shutup
    i wanted to go demon but i hear that ironwood is bad.. esp in pve since u prolly dont have more that 1 chance to ironwood anyways.. and if it dont hit .. kills will be slower.. advice ? b:puzzled

    thank you

    TT80 arm gives Str+6-7, Dex+6-7 and vit+5-6 xD
    By this stage if you felt like you had all these extra stat points floating around, you could always add on some more vit :0

    Make sure it wouldn't hurt the start requirements for the next armour you get like TT99 though o.o
    (If you went for it,)The 99 lionheart gear needs 250 str and 54 dex. And you'd be looking at around 297 magic for weapons :<

    Hmm.. Demon ironwood really threw me off too. I thought, it's kinda pointless seeing as I can still go sage and have a chance at armour break by using myriad rainbow. Not to mention the magic defense break, poison and bleed xD

    Edited Obsessed's stats xP