[official unofficial speculation thread]New Race?Rumor?



  • EthikaII - Heavens Tear
    EthikaII - Heavens Tear Posts: 664 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    b:shockedOMFG can u imagine the inbalance?....i cna already see water charms >_>(so theyre gona breathe outside water)

    b:angry STOP give them ideas, **** ! some tard is already trying to sell gold at 700k each like wtf?!!?
    Retired Sage.
    Moving to alts till they fix GBA boss ;(
  • Silver - Dreamweaver
    Silver - Dreamweaver Posts: 403 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    u had 2 bring it back up Eth XD
    Most Ironic phrase in the English language is Common Sense, its easiest concept to understand yet few people ever grasp it.

  • EthikaII - Heavens Tear
    EthikaII - Heavens Tear Posts: 664 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Whatever XD b:surrender

    just like charms to breath underwater -.-" + charm for hp + charm for mp= blaaaaaaaaaaaah

    i like the idea even though game will be unbalenced its something to draw in a new crowed but come on please ppl want gold to go down start selling it cheaper =x and someone tell the person selling 700k each he's insaneb:shutupb:surrender
    Retired Sage.
    Moving to alts till they fix GBA boss ;(
  • Silver - Dreamweaver
    Silver - Dreamweaver Posts: 403 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    if u think this is insane, from what i heard, PW MY Gold is THROUGH THE ROOF. its like 6 mil for 1 gold i think.....
    Most Ironic phrase in the English language is Common Sense, its easiest concept to understand yet few people ever grasp it.

  • EthikaII - Heavens Tear
    EthikaII - Heavens Tear Posts: 664 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    drop rate increase plz!b:cry
    Retired Sage.
    Moving to alts till they fix GBA boss ;(
  • Silver - Dreamweaver
    Silver - Dreamweaver Posts: 403 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Well the best way to "drop rates" is go to a different server. Every server is different price wise
    Most Ironic phrase in the English language is Common Sense, its easiest concept to understand yet few people ever grasp it.

  • Arshies - Sanctuary
    Arshies - Sanctuary Posts: 666 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I'm pretty excited to see what comes of this

    GM's are rather enjoying with our predictions......... We cant wait we want know now b:cry
    Arshies - Sanctuary
  • Miiko - Dreamweaver
    Miiko - Dreamweaver Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Photoshop fail down there much? b:chuckle

    Also, that's been around as long as PWI has, if not longer.

    Yep, no Photoshop on this computer. D: And about that second one, exactly why I was surprised no one else pointed that picture out. o.o;; That's the only one that does not look like one of the already existing races.

    Random speculation: what if the new mounts will be sea horsies + wings, or something? :o Can't really picture them flying, though.

    Can't wait for winter now. b:pleased

    While it's possible that they'll look like that, I don't think an underwater race will have the same features as the humans and elves do. Plus, she doesn't have gills or anything, which should be present in an underwater race, IMO.

    Yeah, that'd be a bit boring... But maybe they'd compensate with a fish tail underwater, or something. :/

    *goes back into lurking mode*
    Miiko: a Venomancer powered by coffee. c[_]

    Dynasty recruiting people level 75+ ^-^
  • Dark_Fate - Harshlands
    Dark_Fate - Harshlands Posts: 968 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Seriously this is nonsense to add another class... well i still think the game should be better done with the classes but not like this... we all know that untames are overpowered in this game... give a barb a charm and u need 2-3 people to kill him... give a noob veno a nix.. stun + bleed and tadaaa = dead...
    Seriously put some restriction to that bleed.. so if u are an elf or human... u die from 1 bleed... nice repartition of power... so basically if u are new to pwi.... GO FOR THE ULTIMATE RACE... THE UNTAMES FTW!!!!!! baka
  • Liushan - Heavens Tear
    Liushan - Heavens Tear Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    LoL... you need to be able to know all class have their own speciality dark ....
    LiuShan 8x HT TheEmpire (last stop)

    Fy, KrispyKreme, pandarilla, Gaheris, Pendekar
  • jokerxdude
    jokerxdude Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Surfboard mounts FTW!
    Why So Stupid?

    Want a darker race? A race fighting for their humanity?
    Go here
    > pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=656132 You know you want to.

    Anime! Anime! Oh PW Anime!
    Coming Soon...
  • Alyyy - Sanctuary
    Alyyy - Sanctuary Posts: 3,165 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    looks like an elf to me

    we dotn have such strange feathers on our heads >_<

    O_o how would it not make sense? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chain_whip that is so an assassin weapon >_<

    rofl? the whip thing is more for insane pl who torture other ppl in dungeons >.<

    b:angry STOP give them ideas, **** ! some tard is already trying to sell gold at 700k each like wtf?!!?

    thats my point o,o lol....but water charms would be great if u ask me lol

    and example a class who doesntn have MP but has only chi and some sort of rage/anger which enables them to use combos but also requires highly trained players to use combos properly
    Clerics are like cops...they always seem to be around.....until you actually need one b:surrender - DeadRaven
  • Mavado - Harshlands
    Mavado - Harshlands Posts: 728 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    rofl? the whip thing is more for insane pl who torture other ppl in dungeons >.<

    ... no it's a viable weapon in combat >_> I would demonstrate but it takes extreme skill which i just don't have b:surrender

    >_< I'm a wizard in disguise... you know like the old cartoon... except with less robots and more fire/ice/rocks....
  • Alyyy - Sanctuary
    Alyyy - Sanctuary Posts: 3,165 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    ... no it's a viable weapon in combat >_> I would demonstrate but it takes extreme skill which i just don't have b:surrender


    this is no where near a good assasination

    a assasin has to do his job quickly quietly and stealthly......i dont see a chain whip being stealthy....>.<
    Clerics are like cops...they always seem to be around.....until you actually need one b:surrender - DeadRaven
  • Mavado - Harshlands
    Mavado - Harshlands Posts: 728 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    this is no where near a good assasination

    a assasin has to do his job quickly quietly and stealthly......i dont see a chain whip being stealthy....>.<

    So you're trying to confirm that one of the new classes is, without a doubt, definitely an assassin? That's great, thanks for the confirmation :P

    And i was just explaining what i would like within the bounds of what we have. The database shows whips.... so i would prefer these to typical whips....

    And if you're a good assassin you can use anything XD
    >_< I'm a wizard in disguise... you know like the old cartoon... except with less robots and more fire/ice/rocks....
  • Alyyy - Sanctuary
    Alyyy - Sanctuary Posts: 3,165 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    So you're trying to confirm that one of the new classes is, without a doubt, definitely an assassin? That's great, thanks for the confirmation :P

    And i was just explaining what i would like within the bounds of what we have. The database shows whips.... so i would prefer these to typical whips....

    And if you're a good assassin you can use anything XD

    lol that was dirty reverse psicologyb:shocked

    and i hope ecatomb will be early on the skills O.o

    i can do a genious master plan then.....oh why u say? nothing much just for world domination.....(makin a alt and getin cashb:cute)
    Clerics are like cops...they always seem to be around.....until you actually need one b:surrender - DeadRaven
  • Bagoly_ - Sanctuary
    Bagoly_ - Sanctuary Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited August 2009
  • Waterfal - Sanctuary
    Waterfal - Sanctuary Posts: 2,723 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    hea indeed! would be really cool if the new class would look like that! b:dirty
    first thought it might be a mob... but on the other hand... it looks to flashy for a mob XD
    Thanks Silvychar for the awesome sig :3

    waterfal - lvl 90 demon ferrari veno
    Hazumi_chan - lvl 9x sage seeker
  • Cerasus - Heavens Tear
    Cerasus - Heavens Tear Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2009

    You mean this?


    Looks like a whip to me. As for the character itself, doesn't it look like it has two... I dunno how to describe them... "waggly tentacles"? Those things, coming from it's head. Never seen hair have an animation like that, or an animation at all. =/
  • Bagoly_ - Sanctuary
    Bagoly_ - Sanctuary Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Looks like a whip to me. As for the character itself, doesn't it look like it has two... I dunno how to describe them... "waggly tentacles"? Those things, coming from it's head. Never seen hair have an animation like that, or an animation at all. =/

    Yup, the hair of player characters doesn't have an animation, but I'm pretty sure this is not a mob. PW trailers always contain a lot of unreleased stuff. ;)
  • Heartstone - Dreamweaver
    Heartstone - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,338 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    yea its very possible its one of the classes xD
    but also looking like Tainted succubus mob from Hell ( but picture is not form hell area though)
    I'm sorry for misspelling / mistyping and grammar b:surrender

    102 - Archer - Heartz
  • Inias - Heavens Tear
    Inias - Heavens Tear Posts: 440 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    You mean this?


    Looks like a whip to me. As for the character itself, doesn't it look like it has two... I dunno how to describe them... "waggly tentacles"? Those things, coming from it's head. Never seen hair have an animation like that, or an animation at all. =/

    that's a normal mob , u have em in hell and in 3-1 TT runs

    nothing special here
    thanks to forsaken for this awesome sig b:victory[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
  • Bagoly_ - Sanctuary
    Bagoly_ - Sanctuary Posts: 252 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I'm dissapointed. A mob usually doesn't have nice skill-looking animations like this, so I thought......
  • Cerasus - Heavens Tear
    Cerasus - Heavens Tear Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    *shrugs* Ah well. Not all of us have been in the Hell FB or TT. =/

    Besides, speculating is fun.
  • Notbad - Heavens Tear
    Notbad - Heavens Tear Posts: 374 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    maybe assissans will be like these guys funny-pictures-mouse-is-possibly-an-assassin.jpg
    Baby theres no other super star you know that i'll be..Listening to lady gaga b:laugh
  • Drazo - Dreamweaver
    Drazo - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,187 Arc User
    edited August 2009

    Looks like a new race to me.

    That picture has been around since the beginning as far as I'm aware. It would be strange to put a drawing of a new and unknown class at such an early stage and no one had questioned about it until now.
    Non-mule characters:

    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]....and Drazomyst.
  • Gingerfoxx - Heavens Tear
    Gingerfoxx - Heavens Tear Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    I wonder what they might fly on? Any ideas?

    Maybe on flying fish? xD
  • Zhao_Yu - Heavens Tear
    Zhao_Yu - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    Well if they do make these classes, from my exprience in MMo games, i can expect

    Physic- The ultimate Mind controller/ debuffer class. This class has the power to debuff their enemies offense and defense as well as control their opponent for short periods of time (Veno) To making them sleep or making them lose motor skills (cleric) but though it is made primarily of these to classes, their debuffs and mind control are even more powerful then those of any other class. This class may not be the hardest hitting of the magic classes, but if you know how to use them right, together with debuffs and using your head, this class will be a force to be reckon with.

    Assasian- To the Best DD this side of the world. This class will have high dps also having high crit rate (archer) but rather low defense which it makes up for in evasion. This class will not have many Stuns like the bm or not the hp of a barb, but its Super High dps makes this class close to unstoppable. This class will be known as the Stealth killer, for it will probably have some either short invicniblity to short invisiblity, which gives it a upper hand in pk/pvp. This class will also be either using debuffs as the physic or using self buffs to give it an upper hand to its opponent. This class will be hard to learn, but once learned, it is hard 2 be stopped, watch out :).

    Now I have no clue if this is right, but i would think this would be a great overview if they make this class.

    Personally i would love if they made these new classes considering A. it will give a whole new outlook on this game which means a better storyline, and pretty much more people coming to this server. I know this would mean more people will rage quit because they didnt have a shot a this class when they were "Noobs" but this also brings in a new viewpoint of this game. These classes mean an all new tatic to the game, from the way people form parties, to the way people pvp in general. These classes are a sign of new oppurnities and new hope, and for veterans, a new found fun and hope for this game. So this is my unofficial class overview, hope you find it interesting. Till Next time


    I think this is a very interesting theory for the new classes, I cant w8!!! :)
  • Centetric - Lost City
    Centetric - Lost City Posts: 1,528 Arc User
    edited August 2009
    that's a normal mob , u have em in hell and in 3-1 TT runs

    nothing special here

    yea all special credit goes to ME for finding it b:laugh b:pleased

    TANK U FOR USIN MY INFO b:pleased

    jk /jk

    i did find it tho........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

    "Through the darkness light can always emerge, it is only when the unwilling come upon this light that fear takes over. Emerging from this darkness takes more then courage, it takes faith in ones own mind and more importantly in ones own heart. To deny the light is to deny yourself the feeling of true happiness and true peace within your own soul. Denying your own happiness and your own soul is denying all that one has to live for."
  • Eternalnub - Heavens Tear
    Eternalnub - Heavens Tear Posts: 393 Arc User
    edited August 2009
This discussion has been closed.