Arcane/Robe Veno guide

Tearvalerin - Sanctuary
Posts: 3,787 Arc User
Authors Notice: Imporant UPDATE- Some pictures have been fixed, some have not, bear with me as I find more new ones, the FB/Rebirth pics may be a bit difficult to retake, so if youd like credit in the guide for submission of aid, it would be appreciated.
ALSO: added sage/demon section
Tear's beginner guide to caster venomancers.
So as a noob, I was reading the "comprehensive venomancer guide," and it totally was confusing to me, used terms from the malaysian version of PW/outdated terms which youd have to have played MY to know, and was fairly misleading. So I thought to myself, Ill write down what experiences I have learned as a caster to aid my fellow noob :O. Here should be some valuable info thatll lead you to be a great veno.
Table of contents
1. Why make a veno?
2. Skills
3. Stats
4. Pets
5. Roles As a Venomancer
-Party lead
+Important boss notes (More Bosses added!)
-Party support
6. Closing statements
-Pet leveling
-Rebirth Gamma (70-85)[Removed Temporarily]
Sage/Demon Skill Section [NEW]
More to come!
Quick term guide- Pdef (Physical Defense) Mdef (Magic defense) Aggro (Aggresion, or attention of a monsters attacks) Pull (Lure monsters to you) FB (instance dungeon) TT (Twilight Temple 60+ instance dungeon)
1. Why make a Veno?
1. Makes more money than any other class
2. One of the fastest soloing classes/builds
3. Great support for allies in party
4. Only class that can solo Twilight Temple instance dungeon (with hercules pet)
5. Only class currently that can pull/lure ->
(note this has changed since the addition of genies, but we are the only ones who can do it on certain bosses/mobs)
2. Skills
Staple Skills-
I Venomous Scarab (Get to level 10)
Range: 25.5 meters
Mana: 68.8
Channel: 1.5 seconds
Cast: 1.0 seconds
Cooldown: 1.0 seconds
Weapon: Unarmed, Magic Instruments
Requisite Cultivation: Spiritual Initiate
Throw a virulent parasite at the enemy. Deals Wood damage equal to base magic damage plus 100% of weapon damage plus 966.0.
II Ironwood Scarab (level 10)
Range: 25.6 meters
Mana: 106.9
Channel: 1.5 seconds
Cast: 0.8 seconds
Cooldown: 8.0 seconds
Weapon: Unarmed, Magic Instruments
Requisite Cultivation: Spiritual Adept
Throw a splinted bug at the enemy inflicting Wood damage equal to base magic damage plus 300% of weapon damage plus 1327.7. Reduces enemy's physical defense by 30% for 10 seconds.
Requires 25 Chi.
III Lucky Scarab (Level 10)
Range: 25.5 meters
Mana: 275.8
Channel: 1.5 seconds
Cast: 0.8 seconds
Cooldown: 12.0 seconds
Weapon: Unarmed, Magic Instruments
Requisite Cultivation: Master of Coalescence[/COLOR]
Sling-shot a sharp stone covered with viral plauges at the enemy, inflicting Wood damage equal to base magic damage plus 100% of weapon damage plus 3416.9. Has a 95% chance to stun target for 2.0 seconds.
IV Noxious Gas (Level 10)
Range: 25.5 meters
Mana: 202.5
Channel: 2.5 seconds
Cast: 0.8 seconds
Cooldown: 6.0 seconds
Weapon: Unarmed, Magic Instruments
Requisite Cultivation: Aware of Discord
A large disease ridden toxic parasite attacks the target causing it and all enemies 9.0 meters around it to suffer Wood damage equal to base magic damage plus 200% of weapon damage plus 1501.4. Enemies will also suffer 1501.4 Wood damage over 9 seconds.
V Parasitic Nova (The other guide calls this useless, but its IMPORTANT for Rebirth orders)
Range: 25.5 meters
Mana: 464.4
Channel: 3.0 seconds
Cast: 1.2 seconds
Cooldown: 30.0 seconds
Weapon: Unarmed, Magic Instruments
Requisite Cultivation: Transcendant
Summon a toxic parasite array to attack the target and all enemies in a 12.0 meter radius around the target. Inflicts Wood damage equal to base magic damage plus 300% of weapon damage plus 4564.9. Has a 67% chance to make them chaotic for 8.0 seconds, in which they are unable to move or attack.
Requires 2 Spark.
Important Support Moves-
I Metabolic Boost (level 10)
Range: 25.5 m
Channel: 2.0 seconds
Cast: 1.0 seconds
Cooldown: 300.0 seconds
Weapon: Unarmed, Magic Instruments
Requisite Cultivation: Aware of Principle
Recovers 50% of maximum HP.
II Natures Grace (Level 10)
Range: 25.5 mChannel: 2.0 seconds
Cast: 1.0 seconds
Cooldown: 300.0 seconds
Weapon: Unarmed, Magic Instruments
Requisite Cultivation: Aware of Harmony
Recovers 50% of maximum MP.
III Bramble Guard
(Only useful for your party tank, just get as the prereq)
Range: 25.5 meters
Mana: 329.4
Channel: 1.0 seconds
Cast: 1.0 seconds
Cooldown: 1.0 seconds
Weapon: Unarmed, Magic Instruments
Requisite Cultivation: Spiritual Adept
Cast a bramble shield of protection on a friendly target. Returns 60% of melee damage to attackers. Lasts 10 minutes.
IV Bramble Hood (Level 1)
Mana: 360
Channel: 1.0 seconds
Cast: 1.0 seconds
Cooldown: 30.0 seconds
Weapon: Unarmed, Magic Instruments
Requisite Cultivation: Transcendant
Create an array of magical bramble to return 200% of melee damage and reduce damage taken by 75%. Lasts 15 seconds.
V Wood Mastery
Passive Skill
Requisite Cultivation: Aware of Harmony
Increases Wood magic damage by 20%.
VI Summer Sprint
Mana: 300
Channel: Instant
Cooldown: 60.0 seconds
Weapon: Unarmed, Magic Instruments
Requisite Cultivation: Aware of Harmony
Accompanied by flowers, character's movement speed increases by 35% for 5 minutes.
VII Lending Hand
Range: 20 m
Channel: 2.0 seconds
Cast: 1.0 seconds
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Weapon: Unarmed, Magic Instruments
Requisite Cultivation: Aware of Discord
Transfer one Spark to target.
Fox Skill Moves I consider Important-
I Amplify Dmg
Range: 10 meters
Mana: 120
Channel: 1.5 seconds
Cast: 1.2 seconds
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Weapon: Unarmed, Magic Instruments
Requisite Cultivation: Aware of Principle
Curse the target, making it take 20% more damage for 20.0 seconds.
At any time an enemy may only be affected by one curse.
II Purge
Range: 10 meters
Mana: 200
Channel: 1.5 seconds
Cast: 1.2 seconds
Cooldown: 30.0 seconds
Weapon: Unarmed, Magic Instruments
Requisite Cultivation: Spiritual Adept
Remove all positive effects on the target.
NOTE: There are some skills not mentioned here, AKA Frost/Blazing scarab, level 79, level 100 skills, and most of the fox tree, most of those are either A.) Useless, or B.) not something you have to worry about for a -very- long time and arent really a major concern to a novice.
3. Stats
There a number of acceptable builds statwise for a caster, more specifically the full magic, and vit arcane.
For full mag you will have: Higher Matk, MP, Very good damage, faster MP regen
9 Mag 1 Str every 2 levels (Basically on numbers ending with even; 5 mag, odd; 4 mag 1 str)
For Vit mag you will have: way higher hp, survivability, slightly lower matk/mp regen, more pdef
for this you can go 6 mag 3 vit 1 str, or 7 mag 2 vit 1 str every 2 if you like uniform numbers...
or you can cap magic at requirements for the next gear, and just dump into vit and have an **** ton of HP
my recommendation: have atleast a minimum of 100 vit with bonuses, i love the extra HP, and not dying like a flimsy wet noodle.
Ultimate goal:
54 STR for robes/weapons
297 magic for weapons
These are for level 99/back in time gear.
Add more or less as you see fit.
4. Pets
Extremely Important section!!!!
PVE Pets:
The ultimate goal to attain for is the Hercules Legendary Pet. With the bragging rights of highest base hp (Phoenix has more buffed), Defense, Magic Defense, and the ability to reflect damage, one might call him the ultimate tank. For those who cannot afford him, there are plenty of alternatives, up to you to decide based off your playing style. In order to change their skills, visit Miss Zooligist in south east Archosaur. FleshReam, and Bash are always going to be your choices for holding aggresion.
Link for checking pets stats by 90
PVE's Best Choices:
Cyrstalline Magmite (Second Best by far):
Shaodu Cub:
For Pulling Purposes:
ElderGoth Marksmen:
PVPs Best Pets-
The godliest of pets stat wise is the Legendary Phoenix, but there are plenty of good subs for him if youre not rich yet.
Petite Sawfly:
Vericose Scorpion:
Kowlin again:
5. Roles as a venomancer
I. Solo
Soloing, you'll mostly be the back up gunner/support for your pet. You'll mostly do this when looking to make some money or level up after quests are done. Your aim is to kill the mob as fast as possible, yet not steal aggro and get smashed.
From experience, Ive learened there is a pretty monotonous way to drag a monster to a quick demise.
Ironwood -> Venomous -> Venomous -> Heal pet -> repeat
Its what youll do most levels until you learn lucky scarab/noxious gas which are very good for escaping aggression, killing groups, and filling chi. (Whereas I now Iron->Noxious->venomous-> heal.) Blazing can foot the bill as a chi builder for openers, but its damage requires 30s to be fully taken advantage of.. poor choice of a mob dmg skill.
The best places to solo are usually where your quests take you, unless its a crappy spot like swamp of the wraiths among other places that have tons of wood/metal mobs and can unsummon pets.
Heres a good reference guide on where to expirement for your leveling needs:
Map -
II. Party Lead
This will be for alot of FBs (Instance dungeon every x9 level with exception of 51 and 70.) and in Twilight Temple where venos can easily solo them for the party.
FB- For these, you'll want to bring along one of the aforementioned high pdef PVE pets, and a quick puller. Your job is strictly tanking mobs, and luring them away from large groups via pet attack->unsummon-resummon-> catch aggression. On bosses, if you have a pet with high enough defense, you'll be keeping the boss debuffed with Ironwood scarab (-30% armor defense) and amplify damage in fox form(+20% damage recieved from players curse)
Some bosses are strictly magic users from a range, and there you can take a tanking role as well, provide you have decent gear providing good magic defense.
TT-Nearly the same roles as mentioned above (except for the tanking magic LOL)
Important boss notes-
Linus the Woeful, Brigand Transient FB79
Lure these guys off their altar to avoid fighting the stupid zombies.
Theyre hiding on an altar with 3 'ruinous fungal beasts,' genie lure, or classic pull to get them to second pic's safety spot:
Vipenalt TT 1-1,2,3
Needs to be Centered in room to avoid her KISS OF DEATH move @ 50% hp
Pull spot

Dimentora TT 1-2/3
Needs to be taken to the corner as well to avoid the big fatties in the pics. Requires bramble hood to avoid death.
Pulling Safety Zone-
SilverFrost Secret Passage (Wraith Ploy quest)
He needs to be taken to a corner to avoid Dismal Shade and other spawns in the room.

Soulripper TT2-2 squad
He'll need to be pulled to a corner of the room to avoid catching aggro from all the guards in this room

Cenequus Polearm/Damned Guarnob FB70
Need to be pulled from theeir figure 8 patrol to lake room to avoid Deadmarsh Generals

There may be others that require important attention, but Ill get to them later.
III.Party Support
This is where youre in a party and a barb or BM is tanking via cleric heals. Your job here is to keep that boss debuffed.
-Support pet
*Howl- Lowers Mdef by a %
*Threaten- Lowers Attack by a %
*Pierce- Lowers Pdef by a %
*Shriek- Cancels enemy channeling
Your skills-
Amplify damage- Increases damage recieved by 20% for 20 seconds
Ironwood Scarab- Lowers Physical Defense by 30%
Purge- Removes buffs from monsters
Lending hand- If you have spare sparks, give em to your cleric and or barb for bubble/aggro skills to avoid trouble.
Some of these skills may be rolled into lead as well, but are typically done when the barb has the baddies aggro.
-Pulling Tutorial Video:
-Pet leveling: Room 4
You know youre there when it loks liek dis:

For leveling land pets, there is a quick trick to catch them up in levels should you have to tame a new one. (Example: Herc, Shaodu Cubs etc) Inside the cube of fate, there is a room called Mice Bashing. Inside, are mobs that are level 150 that are fairly weak and die in 1 blow landing your pet 15 exp a kill.
In order to get in, you first find any Khatru Pup located in each of the major cities
-Lost City: West of the elder when you are facing him. Southeast of the central teleporter.
-Etherblade: East of the teleporter found south of the elder
-Plume: East of the Elder
-Archo: One in each district of town
-1k Streams: North patch of land on the area surrounding the castle
Youll need 1 mirage celestone to make a dice ticket (2 dice = 1 mirage.) Youll also need a duty badge which is free from said pup. Inside, talk to the Room 1 teleporter, trade the badge for a puzzle cube, start the quest and hope for a Rolled Dice: 3 item. From there, just **** monsters until you get desired pet level
-Sage/Demon Skills
continued in next post
So in any case hopefully someone finds this useful. Good luck making your veno.
legal note-If you wish to use this guide on any site other than this, PM me and ask permission, include credit where credit belongs. If its posted on any site other than here, and anyone sees it, please lets me know. Theres been alot of guide theft lately, and Id hate to have to make a big deal out of it :P. Thanks.
ALSO: added sage/demon section
Tear's beginner guide to caster venomancers.
So as a noob, I was reading the "comprehensive venomancer guide," and it totally was confusing to me, used terms from the malaysian version of PW/outdated terms which youd have to have played MY to know, and was fairly misleading. So I thought to myself, Ill write down what experiences I have learned as a caster to aid my fellow noob :O. Here should be some valuable info thatll lead you to be a great veno.
Table of contents
1. Why make a veno?
2. Skills
3. Stats
4. Pets
5. Roles As a Venomancer
-Party lead
+Important boss notes (More Bosses added!)
-Party support
6. Closing statements
-Pet leveling
-Rebirth Gamma (70-85)[Removed Temporarily]
Sage/Demon Skill Section [NEW]
More to come!
Quick term guide- Pdef (Physical Defense) Mdef (Magic defense) Aggro (Aggresion, or attention of a monsters attacks) Pull (Lure monsters to you) FB (instance dungeon) TT (Twilight Temple 60+ instance dungeon)
1. Why make a Veno?
1. Makes more money than any other class
2. One of the fastest soloing classes/builds
3. Great support for allies in party
4. Only class that can solo Twilight Temple instance dungeon (with hercules pet)
5. Only class currently that can pull/lure ->
(note this has changed since the addition of genies, but we are the only ones who can do it on certain bosses/mobs)
2. Skills
Staple Skills-
I Venomous Scarab (Get to level 10)
Range: 25.5 meters
Mana: 68.8
Channel: 1.5 seconds
Cast: 1.0 seconds
Cooldown: 1.0 seconds
Weapon: Unarmed, Magic Instruments
Requisite Cultivation: Spiritual Initiate
Throw a virulent parasite at the enemy. Deals Wood damage equal to base magic damage plus 100% of weapon damage plus 966.0.
II Ironwood Scarab (level 10)
Range: 25.6 meters
Mana: 106.9
Channel: 1.5 seconds
Cast: 0.8 seconds
Cooldown: 8.0 seconds
Weapon: Unarmed, Magic Instruments
Requisite Cultivation: Spiritual Adept
Throw a splinted bug at the enemy inflicting Wood damage equal to base magic damage plus 300% of weapon damage plus 1327.7. Reduces enemy's physical defense by 30% for 10 seconds.
Requires 25 Chi.
III Lucky Scarab (Level 10)
Range: 25.5 meters
Mana: 275.8
Channel: 1.5 seconds
Cast: 0.8 seconds
Cooldown: 12.0 seconds
Weapon: Unarmed, Magic Instruments
Requisite Cultivation: Master of Coalescence[/COLOR]
Sling-shot a sharp stone covered with viral plauges at the enemy, inflicting Wood damage equal to base magic damage plus 100% of weapon damage plus 3416.9. Has a 95% chance to stun target for 2.0 seconds.
IV Noxious Gas (Level 10)
Range: 25.5 meters
Mana: 202.5
Channel: 2.5 seconds
Cast: 0.8 seconds
Cooldown: 6.0 seconds
Weapon: Unarmed, Magic Instruments
Requisite Cultivation: Aware of Discord
A large disease ridden toxic parasite attacks the target causing it and all enemies 9.0 meters around it to suffer Wood damage equal to base magic damage plus 200% of weapon damage plus 1501.4. Enemies will also suffer 1501.4 Wood damage over 9 seconds.
V Parasitic Nova (The other guide calls this useless, but its IMPORTANT for Rebirth orders)
Range: 25.5 meters
Mana: 464.4
Channel: 3.0 seconds
Cast: 1.2 seconds
Cooldown: 30.0 seconds
Weapon: Unarmed, Magic Instruments
Requisite Cultivation: Transcendant
Summon a toxic parasite array to attack the target and all enemies in a 12.0 meter radius around the target. Inflicts Wood damage equal to base magic damage plus 300% of weapon damage plus 4564.9. Has a 67% chance to make them chaotic for 8.0 seconds, in which they are unable to move or attack.
Requires 2 Spark.
Important Support Moves-
I Metabolic Boost (level 10)
Range: 25.5 m
Channel: 2.0 seconds
Cast: 1.0 seconds
Cooldown: 300.0 seconds
Weapon: Unarmed, Magic Instruments
Requisite Cultivation: Aware of Principle
Recovers 50% of maximum HP.
II Natures Grace (Level 10)
Range: 25.5 mChannel: 2.0 seconds
Cast: 1.0 seconds
Cooldown: 300.0 seconds
Weapon: Unarmed, Magic Instruments
Requisite Cultivation: Aware of Harmony
Recovers 50% of maximum MP.
III Bramble Guard
(Only useful for your party tank, just get as the prereq)
Range: 25.5 meters
Mana: 329.4
Channel: 1.0 seconds
Cast: 1.0 seconds
Cooldown: 1.0 seconds
Weapon: Unarmed, Magic Instruments
Requisite Cultivation: Spiritual Adept
Cast a bramble shield of protection on a friendly target. Returns 60% of melee damage to attackers. Lasts 10 minutes.
IV Bramble Hood (Level 1)
Mana: 360
Channel: 1.0 seconds
Cast: 1.0 seconds
Cooldown: 30.0 seconds
Weapon: Unarmed, Magic Instruments
Requisite Cultivation: Transcendant
Create an array of magical bramble to return 200% of melee damage and reduce damage taken by 75%. Lasts 15 seconds.
V Wood Mastery
Passive Skill
Requisite Cultivation: Aware of Harmony
Increases Wood magic damage by 20%.
VI Summer Sprint
Mana: 300
Channel: Instant
Cooldown: 60.0 seconds
Weapon: Unarmed, Magic Instruments
Requisite Cultivation: Aware of Harmony
Accompanied by flowers, character's movement speed increases by 35% for 5 minutes.
VII Lending Hand
Range: 20 m
Channel: 2.0 seconds
Cast: 1.0 seconds
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Weapon: Unarmed, Magic Instruments
Requisite Cultivation: Aware of Discord
Transfer one Spark to target.
Fox Skill Moves I consider Important-
I Amplify Dmg
Range: 10 meters
Mana: 120
Channel: 1.5 seconds
Cast: 1.2 seconds
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Weapon: Unarmed, Magic Instruments
Requisite Cultivation: Aware of Principle
Curse the target, making it take 20% more damage for 20.0 seconds.
At any time an enemy may only be affected by one curse.
II Purge
Range: 10 meters
Mana: 200
Channel: 1.5 seconds
Cast: 1.2 seconds
Cooldown: 30.0 seconds
Weapon: Unarmed, Magic Instruments
Requisite Cultivation: Spiritual Adept
Remove all positive effects on the target.
NOTE: There are some skills not mentioned here, AKA Frost/Blazing scarab, level 79, level 100 skills, and most of the fox tree, most of those are either A.) Useless, or B.) not something you have to worry about for a -very- long time and arent really a major concern to a novice.
3. Stats
There a number of acceptable builds statwise for a caster, more specifically the full magic, and vit arcane.
For full mag you will have: Higher Matk, MP, Very good damage, faster MP regen
9 Mag 1 Str every 2 levels (Basically on numbers ending with even; 5 mag, odd; 4 mag 1 str)
For Vit mag you will have: way higher hp, survivability, slightly lower matk/mp regen, more pdef
for this you can go 6 mag 3 vit 1 str, or 7 mag 2 vit 1 str every 2 if you like uniform numbers...
or you can cap magic at requirements for the next gear, and just dump into vit and have an **** ton of HP
my recommendation: have atleast a minimum of 100 vit with bonuses, i love the extra HP, and not dying like a flimsy wet noodle.
Ultimate goal:
54 STR for robes/weapons
297 magic for weapons
These are for level 99/back in time gear.
Add more or less as you see fit.
4. Pets
Extremely Important section!!!!
PVE Pets:
The ultimate goal to attain for is the Hercules Legendary Pet. With the bragging rights of highest base hp (Phoenix has more buffed), Defense, Magic Defense, and the ability to reflect damage, one might call him the ultimate tank. For those who cannot afford him, there are plenty of alternatives, up to you to decide based off your playing style. In order to change their skills, visit Miss Zooligist in south east Archosaur. FleshReam, and Bash are always going to be your choices for holding aggresion.
Link for checking pets stats by 90
PVE's Best Choices:

Cyrstalline Magmite (Second Best by far):

Shaodu Cub:

For Pulling Purposes:

ElderGoth Marksmen:

PVPs Best Pets-
The godliest of pets stat wise is the Legendary Phoenix, but there are plenty of good subs for him if youre not rich yet.
Petite Sawfly:

Vericose Scorpion:

Kowlin again:

5. Roles as a venomancer
I. Solo
Soloing, you'll mostly be the back up gunner/support for your pet. You'll mostly do this when looking to make some money or level up after quests are done. Your aim is to kill the mob as fast as possible, yet not steal aggro and get smashed.
From experience, Ive learened there is a pretty monotonous way to drag a monster to a quick demise.
Ironwood -> Venomous -> Venomous -> Heal pet -> repeat
Its what youll do most levels until you learn lucky scarab/noxious gas which are very good for escaping aggression, killing groups, and filling chi. (Whereas I now Iron->Noxious->venomous-> heal.) Blazing can foot the bill as a chi builder for openers, but its damage requires 30s to be fully taken advantage of.. poor choice of a mob dmg skill.
The best places to solo are usually where your quests take you, unless its a crappy spot like swamp of the wraiths among other places that have tons of wood/metal mobs and can unsummon pets.
Heres a good reference guide on where to expirement for your leveling needs:
Map -

II. Party Lead
This will be for alot of FBs (Instance dungeon every x9 level with exception of 51 and 70.) and in Twilight Temple where venos can easily solo them for the party.
FB- For these, you'll want to bring along one of the aforementioned high pdef PVE pets, and a quick puller. Your job is strictly tanking mobs, and luring them away from large groups via pet attack->unsummon-resummon-> catch aggression. On bosses, if you have a pet with high enough defense, you'll be keeping the boss debuffed with Ironwood scarab (-30% armor defense) and amplify damage in fox form(+20% damage recieved from players curse)
Some bosses are strictly magic users from a range, and there you can take a tanking role as well, provide you have decent gear providing good magic defense.
TT-Nearly the same roles as mentioned above (except for the tanking magic LOL)
Important boss notes-
Linus the Woeful, Brigand Transient FB79
Lure these guys off their altar to avoid fighting the stupid zombies.
Theyre hiding on an altar with 3 'ruinous fungal beasts,' genie lure, or classic pull to get them to second pic's safety spot:


Vipenalt TT 1-1,2,3
Needs to be Centered in room to avoid her KISS OF DEATH move @ 50% hp
Pull spot


Dimentora TT 1-2/3
Needs to be taken to the corner as well to avoid the big fatties in the pics. Requires bramble hood to avoid death.
Pulling Safety Zone-

SilverFrost Secret Passage (Wraith Ploy quest)
He needs to be taken to a corner to avoid Dismal Shade and other spawns in the room.

Soulripper TT2-2 squad
He'll need to be pulled to a corner of the room to avoid catching aggro from all the guards in this room

Cenequus Polearm/Damned Guarnob FB70
Need to be pulled from theeir figure 8 patrol to lake room to avoid Deadmarsh Generals

There may be others that require important attention, but Ill get to them later.
III.Party Support
This is where youre in a party and a barb or BM is tanking via cleric heals. Your job here is to keep that boss debuffed.
-Support pet
*Howl- Lowers Mdef by a %
*Threaten- Lowers Attack by a %
*Pierce- Lowers Pdef by a %
*Shriek- Cancels enemy channeling
Your skills-
Amplify damage- Increases damage recieved by 20% for 20 seconds
Ironwood Scarab- Lowers Physical Defense by 30%
Purge- Removes buffs from monsters
Lending hand- If you have spare sparks, give em to your cleric and or barb for bubble/aggro skills to avoid trouble.
Some of these skills may be rolled into lead as well, but are typically done when the barb has the baddies aggro.
-Pulling Tutorial Video:
-Pet leveling: Room 4
You know youre there when it loks liek dis:

For leveling land pets, there is a quick trick to catch them up in levels should you have to tame a new one. (Example: Herc, Shaodu Cubs etc) Inside the cube of fate, there is a room called Mice Bashing. Inside, are mobs that are level 150 that are fairly weak and die in 1 blow landing your pet 15 exp a kill.
In order to get in, you first find any Khatru Pup located in each of the major cities
-Lost City: West of the elder when you are facing him. Southeast of the central teleporter.
-Etherblade: East of the teleporter found south of the elder
-Plume: East of the Elder
-Archo: One in each district of town
-1k Streams: North patch of land on the area surrounding the castle
Youll need 1 mirage celestone to make a dice ticket (2 dice = 1 mirage.) Youll also need a duty badge which is free from said pup. Inside, talk to the Room 1 teleporter, trade the badge for a puzzle cube, start the quest and hope for a Rolled Dice: 3 item. From there, just **** monsters until you get desired pet level
-Sage/Demon Skills
continued in next post
So in any case hopefully someone finds this useful. Good luck making your veno.
legal note-If you wish to use this guide on any site other than this, PM me and ask permission, include credit where credit belongs. If its posted on any site other than here, and anyone sees it, please lets me know. Theres been alot of guide theft lately, and Id hate to have to make a big deal out of it :P. Thanks.
Post edited by Tearvalerin - Sanctuary on
Addendum to appendix!
Credit: Damewort - Sanctuary since her guide didnt get a sticky
What's the difference between Sage/Demon generally?
Basic differences are different skills, effects of fairies and also different jobs
Sage has higher hit rates, has bigger chance to consume less chi/spark, longer and more effective debuff effects. Concentrates on more stable performance with well rounded offense. Fairy - lvl89, lvl99, lvl109
Demon has higher critical rates, shorter cooldowns, and powerful, yet random debuffing effects. Concentrates more on taking the offensive with a few side effects. Fairy - lvl89, lvl99, lvl109
Difference in skills
(you need to maximize skill’s level before you can learn Sage/Demon version. Also with upgrading the skill it’s stats (mp consumption, hit rate, damage) changes as well, but it is less affected by your choice of Sage/Demon)
[Tear's input: make note you can only learn these in your corresponding world]
Special skills, which are gained after finishing cultivation (0 spirit, 0 coins)
Master Li's technique - gives 50 chi instantly. Cooldown is 60 secs[/COLOR]
Mo Zun's Taunt - takes away 50chi from enemy (you don't get extra chi). Cooldown is 30 sec
Mage tree attack skills:
Venomous Scarab (lvl89, 1mil spirit, 1mil coins)
Sage version gives a 20% chance to gain 30 Chi if hit.
Demon version reduces target's Wood resistance by 30% for 6 seconds.
Ironwood Scarab (lvl89, 1mil spirit, 1mil coins)
Sage version increases physical defence reduction to 20 seconds.
Demon version has a 20% chance to reduce physical defence to zero.
Blazing Scarab (lvl89, 1mil spirit, 1mil coins)
Sage version has increases Fire damage by 15%.
Demon version reduces the duration of the damage to 24 seconds.
Frost Scarab (lvl92, 1.5mil spirit, 1.5mil coins)
Sage version always has a 95% chance to inflict frostbite.
Demon version lets frostbite freeze the enemy for 3 seconds.
Noxious Gas (lvl92, 1.5mil spirit, 1.5mil coins)
Sage version increases immediate damage and damage over time to 3054 each.
Demon version has cooldown reduced by one second.
Lucky Scarab (lvl92, 1.5mil spirit, 1.5mil coins)
Sage version increases stun duration by one second.
Demon version reduces cooldown by 2 seconds.
Parasitic Nova (lvl99, 2mil spirit, 2mil coins)
Sage version will cost only one Spark 50% of the time.
Demon version makes chaotic enemies take 30% more damage.
Wood Mastery (lvl92, 1.5mil spirit, 1.5mil coins)
Sage version always increases Wood damage by 25%.
Demon version increases critical hit rate by 2%.
Mage Tree Miscellaneous Skills:
Bramble Guard (lvl89, 1mil spirit, 1mil coins)
Sage version lasts twice as long.
Demon version always returns 75% of damage.
Metabolic Boost (lvl92, 1.5mil spirit, 1.5mil coins)
Sage version increases heal to 60% of maximum HP.
Demon version reduces cooldown by 90 seconds.
Nature's Grace (lvl92, 1.5mil spirit, 1.5mil coins)
Sage version increases Mana recovery to 60%.
Demon version reduces cooldown by 90 seconds.
Lending Hand (lvl99, 2mil spirit, 2mil coins)
Sage version has a 25% chance to cast without consuming Spark.
Demon version has a 20% chance to transfer two Spark.
Fox Tree Miscellaneous Skills:
Fox Form (lvl89, 1mil spirit, 1mil coins)
Sage version always grants a 150% physical defence increase and a 250% accuracy increase.
Demon version gives movement speed increase of 60% for 6 seconds after transforming.
Purge (lvl89, 1mil spirit, 1mil coins)
Sage version grants attack on enemies within 5 meters around target.
Demon version reduces cooldown by 25 seconds.
Amplify Damage (lvl89, 1mil spirit, 1mil coins)
Sage version always makes the target take 30% additional damage.
Demon version lasts 6 seconds longer.
Soul Degeneration (lvl92, 1.5mil spirit, 1.5mil coins)
Sage version reduces maximum HP by 20%.
Demon version cuts target's evasion in half for 20 seconds.
Crush Vigor (lvl99, 1.5mil spirit, 1.5mil coins)
Sage version increases Chi lost to 15 per hit.
Demon version has a 50% chance to gain one Spark.
Fox Tree Attack Skills:
Fox Wallop (lvl89, 1mil spirit, 1mil coins)
Sage version has a 50% chance to cast without consuming Chi.
Demon version gives a 20% chance to make all hits critical for 5 seconds.
Befuddling Mist (lvl89, 1mil spirit, 1mil coins)
Sage version gives extra 800 damage.
Demon version decreases enemy's speed by 30% for 3 seconds.
Stunning Blow (lvl92, 1.5mil spirit, 1.5mil coins)
Sage version has a 25% chance to cast without consuming Spark.
Demon version has a 50% chance to stun the enemy for 3 seconds.
Leech (lvl92, 1.5mil spirit, 1.5mil coins)
Sage version steals life 100% of the time.
Demon version steals 800 HP upon success.
Consume Spirit (lvl99, 1.5mil spirit, 1.5mil coins)
Sage version always hits.
Demon version reduces cooldown by three seconds.
Malefic Crush (lvl99, 2mil spirit, 2mil coins)
Sage version always burns 1800 mana over 3 seconds.
Demon version always burns 2400 Mana over 9 seconds.
Melee Mastery (lvl92, 1.5mil spirit, 1.5mil coins)
Sage version always gives 200% damage increase.
Demon version increases critical hit rate by 3%.
Summer Sprint (lvl92, 1.5mil spirit, 1.5mil coins)
Sage version removes negative effects.
Demon version gives immunity to movement impairing effects.
Spark Eruption (lvl89 0spirit, 0coins)
Celestial Eruption - Discharge 3 sparks to recover 20% of your maximum MP, aquire 900% extra magic attack and 500% weapon attack for 15 seconds. Become invincible for 3 secs after discharge.
Demonic Eruption - Discharge 3 sparks to recover 20% of your maximum MP, aquire 700% extra magic attack and 650% weapon attack for 15 seconds. Become invincible for 3 secs after discharge.0 -
I have a question though, what do you mean by "any class combined". Do you mean all classes combined or of any class?
Basically when comes down to pure money making, the venos ability to solo Twilight gets a couple mil a night via squad mode, thus making them the best money makers in game :P0
Tearvalerin - Sanctuary wrote: »Basically when comes down to pure money making, the venos ability to solo Twilight gets a couple mil a night via squad mode, thus making them the best money makers in game :P
Herc cost 20 mil though. We ought to be able to take out loans in this game, lol... I guess you need money to make money.b:chuckle0 -
lol have to keep this thing alive0
Excellent guide b:victory very blunt and to the point which I like.
Only thing I would add is Lending Hand when you have a barb tanking for the party. Transfers a spark, 60 second cooldown. Helps that barb keep spamming his aggro skills. Can also be useful if the cleric needs sparks to BB.0 -
Thanks for complements.
Added more pics, and another boss.0 -
That's if you can find 3 people that will get you the squad and not want to hang around. Not found that to be a easy task that's for sure.
kristiona0 -
Shouldn't you add Eldergoth Marksman as a pet to have, since it's one of the few pets that can attack at range ?0
Thanks for the guide - combined with the other one, I think it's pretty helpful.
The one thing I'd like to see in a discussion of a veno guide though...
The quests to increase your pet bag size (hay, cage - I don't know if there's others?)
Where do you get the hay and cage from? (other than buying off other players)
In the end, how many hatched pets can you actually have running?
Also - and I know you figure this out pretty quickly, another quick mention on pet management... reverting them to eggs and then hatching them later will wipe out all their built up loyalty.[Sanctuary]
Anjenica - Venomancer
Caeldan - Blademaster
Caeldir - Wizard0 -
Max pet bag is 10 as for cages only other way is to buy them from boutique shop. Hay drops from rhino's outside west arch, antelopes are one is can think off top of my head.
kristiona0 -
List of mobs that drop hay. -
Best mob that drops hay is abyssal mysteries south of archo in the waters south of that elite turtle mob0
bump only because this veno thread is good. Sticky it.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Yeah, can this be stickied!?0
Hi, great guide, the other one confuses me a little but this one is straight to point apart from one bit that I am unsure of, sorry if this a stupid question but the skills you mentioned in the guide, do you max all of them?0
Jasera - Dreamweaver wrote: »Hi, great guide, the other one confuses me a little but this one is straight to point apart from one bit that I am unsure of, sorry if this a stupid question but the skills you mentioned in the guide, do you max all of them?
Yes, though you the aoe's you can hold off on when spirit or coin gets tight.0 -
Extremely minor suggestion, but I'd say tweak the formatting for the skills a bit. Perhaps something like:
2. Ironwood Scarab (level 10)
Range: 25.5 meters
Mana: 106.9
Channel: 1.5 seconds
Cast: 0.8 seconds
Cooldown: 8.0 seconds
Weapon: Unarmed, Magic Instruments
Requisite Cultivation: Spiritual Adept
Throw a splinted bug at the enemy inflicting Wood damage equal to base magic damage plus 300% of weapon damage plus 1327.
Reduces enemy's physical defense by 30% for 10 seconds.
Requires 25 Chi.
Yellow seems too bright though. Just a thought.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
So thanx for single handedly convincing me that a straight arcane build is the way to go! The other guides were a little confusing, and this one was straight to the point. It also lines up with what I see most venos doing in game (at least as far as gears go). Thanks alot! I think I caught it before I had to buy a reset scroll!!! b:laugh0
Question about hercs:
I'm in the process of getting one, and i heard that lots of people make the herc forget its stun skill, and replace it with something like bash or fleshream.
Is the herc's damage not good enough to keep aggro with stun only?0 -
His attack starts out getting pretty good gains per level, but starts to gimp out as he gets higher. A golem has slightly higher damage than herc, and scropion has near 800-900 more.
The reflection skill isnt enough to hold normal mobs aggros since they do hardly anything to herc, hence why an aggro skill is needed. Mine has a bash level 2 right now and keeps aggro on pretty much everything0 -
Tearvalerin - Sanctuary wrote: »His attack starts out getting pretty good gains per level, but starts to gimp out as he gets higher. A golem has slightly higher damage than herc, and scropion has near 800-900 more.
The reflection skill isnt enough to hold normal mobs aggros since they do hardly anything to herc, hence why an aggro skill is needed. Mine has a bash level 2 right now and keeps aggro on pretty much everything
Ok thx. So i guess the herc will cost me about 1 mil coins more than expected b:sad
Prices might be incorrect, but i think the "forget skill" scroll is 100k, bash is 300k and each level of bash is 200k. So if i'm not mistaken, it'll cost me 1.2 mil coins to get and max bash.0 -
just one thing; why do you say arcane venos are the only ones that can lure? I'm not playing a heavy veno, but I think they're able to do it too :P~~Inactive~~
Thanks to Torhn for coloring!0 -
Flauschkatze - Heavens Tear wrote: »just one thing; why do you say arcane venos are the only ones that can lure? I'm not playing a heavy veno, but I think they're able to do it too :P
Whatever build you're using, you can lure.
Whether you're arcane, light or heavy armor, luring still entails you sending your pet, letting it attack the boss/mob, recalling pet and letting the barb take aggro.
Heavy armor will probably help you survive the boss hits a little longer if the tank missed an attack or something, but other than that, it doesn't matter what build you have.0 -
XKIAx - Heavens Tear wrote: »Whatever build you're using, you can lure.
Whether you're arcane, light or heavy armor, luring still entails you sending your pet, letting it attack the boss/mob, recalling pet and letting the barb take aggro.
Heavy armor will probably help you survive the boss hits a little longer if the tank missed an attack or something, but other than that, it doesn't matter what build you have.
I know :P I meant this seems misleading to put the sentence "the only class that can lure" up in a thread that is especially about arcane venos.
sorry If you misunderstood me~~Inactive~~
Thanks to Torhn for coloring!0 -
Make some cosmetic changes so that it looks prettier and more interesting to read.0
Thanks for the guide. b:thanks This is exactly what I've been looking for. The others have been helpful thus far, but yours is so much better. b:chuckle. Very informative & to the point. I wasnt even going to use fox form skills tree, until I read this. I dont even have fox form skill (I hate fox form), but I'm going to get it now, along w/ amp dmg & purge. Keep up the good work b:victory"I'm bi-curious! And even that's okay, becase if I'm bi-curious and I'm somehow made from God, then I figure God might be a little bi-curious himself!" Words of wisdom from South Park. Letting everyone know its okay to be 'A Little Bi-Curious' b:mischievous
=^.^=ɷ I'm a lucky cat b:cute0 -
Tearvalerin - Sanctuary wrote: »For your first 40 levels.
3-Magic 1-Strength 1-Vitality
This will let you end up with enough str and magic for gears all the way up into your 80s' without having to fret.
Levels afterwards-
This is where your preference comes in, My build alternated 5 mag for 2 levels, the 3 mag 2 vit on the third. My recommendation is to get enough mag for the best weapon avaliable at your level, then dump the rest into vitality for better survivability.
Unless you plan to do heavy PvP, forget vitality. You don't need vitality. Your pets are there to take hits for you.
Put everything in magic, except enough points in strenght to wear armor/weapon for your level.
High magic will ensure you can heal your pet effectively and that you can deal enough damage to kill your target as quickly as possible. A dead mob is a mob that wont hit you.
Does it work? Look at my level... b:chuckle[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks Brit for the sig b:laugh0 -
Class and build are two different things! I never specifically said its the arcane that can do it only, it was reference that only veno can do it without getting **** lol.
I can word it differently so its easier for others to understand
I didnt like dying in 1-2 hits off of things that'd sneak up on me from behind while leveling. If its only for 40 levels, who would 45 vit hurt? Thats quite a bit of HP compared to what the other casters get per vit, and it allows maybe 1-2 more hits if you dont stack pdef on your armors.
To me Durability/Flexibility > Pure damage0
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