Next to fail
I dedicate this post to MT, the cleric who thinks he is way stronger than what he really is.
There are three main things to look here, and according to MT I'm the easy 2 shot kill.
#1 His amazing damage to me.
#2 My amazing defense that I was in as I grind on undines.
#3 My HP and you can see if I'm a two hit or not.
Just for a quick reference, look at my defense when I'm actually getting ready for PvP.
Please be able to back up your claims of two hitting me because if you can't do it while I'm in my grinding gear I can't wait till I meet you in TW.b:bye You really made me laugh when I saw how low your damage was.0 -
Haiz - Lost City wrote: »Your way we could probably say UL merged into BL as well if we want to go through this because you do have plenty of the higher level ULs.
dont want to start a flame war here,.. they are pointless but could you name the ul that merged into bloodlust?
atm i can recall a couple
and just because some ex-ul ppl left on their own and joined a different guild doesnt mean they merged.0 -
Haiz - Lost City wrote: »I dedicate this post to MT, the cleric who thinks he is way stronger than what he really is.
There are three main things to look here, and according to MT I'm the easy 2 shot kill.
#1 His amazing damage to me.
#2 My amazing defense that I was in as I grind on undines.
#3 My HP and you can see if I'm a two hit or not.
Just for a quick reference, look at my defense when I'm actually getting ready for PvP.
Please be able to back up your claims of two hitting me because if you can't do it while I'm in my grinding gear I can't wait till I meet you in TW.b:bye You really made me laugh when I saw how low your damage was.
1)I do not have blessing from the first day it had been removed.
2)I started reseting to light armor from 2 days so my int is TOO low now. My int now is even equal to half your int.
3)I have always 1-2 hit kill you before and you know that even in that picture I killed you.
4)I'm using Glaive so the damage difference between my highest and lowest attack is too big (2.2k difference) so it's random.
5)You are level 88 and I'm level 82 >.>
6)When we were attacking you in 1000 Stream today you didn't know we were attacking you? You must be kidding me lol
7)You must be kidding me if you think that I would believe that any MG robe user would get 4.4k phsical defence and even if it was true you are fully buffed in that picture but anyway I will still always kill you so stop making excuses.
8)I have seen your EQs last week when you was in tusk town preparing to enter TW and it's the same **** EQs you always use.
9)Have fun Haiz and stop QQing please.. . . . . .0 -
I really rather not bother addressing your points because you made too many silly ones and I'll just say this. I'm able to pull 4.3k physical defense out of my **** because I know how to play a mage. It's only going to get higher.b:bye
P.S: It's really sad to see people bragging about killing hieroless pure int mages. I also like how I dealt more damage to a 9x EP with full 90HH robes than you dealt to me.0 -
Haiz - Lost City wrote: »I really rather not bother addressing your points because you made too many silly ones and I'll just say this.Haiz - Lost City wrote: »I'm able to pull 4.3k physical defense out of my **** because I know how to play a mage. It's only going to get higher.b:bye.Haiz - Lost City wrote: »P.S: It's really sad to see people bragging about killing hieroless pure int mages.Haiz - Lost City wrote: »I also like how I dealt more damage to a 9x EP with full 90HH robes than you dealt to me.. . . . . .0
Mieze - Lost City wrote: »if you can call 2 8x from UL a merge then sure :P and only a few others are 7x xDD most ended up in GZ
and Lily they are kos because of polters big mouth and flamez kos on fizgig :P
let me correct thatthe kos started because some boys (shall remain nameless) from both sides just have too much online ego b:chuckle
8x Mage
LC server .0 -
Well, KOS is fun, if BLT want KOS, we give them KOS, lets all drop or use doll, we will see what happenDarkice - 8xArcher - Lost City - GuardianZ0
i'm okay with it
, just find it funny that the whole thing could've been solved by other ways if grim was more reasonable :P but noo,,,ego has no limits with some guys (no offense) no one is perfect :P we all have good or bad things and it depends on the prospective too, at least after yesterday (we had truce then grim kosed again with no reason this time)
i'm pretty sure that we were not at fault lol , thanks for pointing it out for me grim ^_^
half my friends are from bl tho T_T ,,so idk x.xWrathy
8x Mage
LC server .0 -
Darkice - Lost City wrote: »Well, KOS is fun, if BLT want KOS, we give them KOS, lets all drop or use doll, we will see what happen
Were no one's bish that's all there is to know.0 -
same here :PWrathy
8x Mage
LC server .0 -
i'm okay with it
, just find it funny that the whole thing could've been solved by other ways if grim was more reasonable :P but noo,,,ego has no limits with some guys (no offense) no one is perfect :P we all have good or bad things and it depends on the prospective too, at least after yesterday (we had truce then grim kosed again with no reason this time)
i'm pretty sure that we were not at fault lol , thanks for pointing it out for me grim ^_^
The problem is 2/3 of the GZ members are from AG and Panic and seemed yesterday that no matter what happened they want the KoS to happen. You UL members either don't really know what happen around you or you pretend. After yesterday I'm 100% sure that you guys will not last long, you will disband in the first TW lose, as your leader is the weakest leader I have ever seen. No one even ask him about anything or even listen to him. Good luck all my UL friends in that stupid guild. b:bye. . . . . .0 -
I would have to disagree that Shinzoko is a weak leader, however he's listening to firends that are ruining his efforts (Polter especially). While I don't approve of the initial KOS (and I was right beside grim when he killed Polter the first time, so I know exactly what happened), the second time, he probably killed FizGig who pulls an emo enough to deserve a personal kos from most of his ex guild members, so I wouldn't blame Grim for killing him. Either way, Polter and Ashylin were the cause of the fail yesterday and really, Polter will end up causing the downfall of GZ like he caused the downfall of UL. I can only ask Shin to open his eyes and stop following him so blindly, tards should not be followed.0
lol , to explain things to you , if i was grim and someone that i didnot like join a guild..i wouldn't wc **** to boast my online ego , after his wc, if we did kick the guy everyone would know that we are your bish, no offense but we aren't rq, we can be allies ,,sure but we wont kiss ****. shinz said to grim that he can kos that guy and we wont help cuz it will be personal kos,,but noooo , grim wc'd and threatened forcing us not to kick the guy and stand against bl ,, btw what you just said now is a big lie because i was there yesterday and BL members all over the place told me what happened too,,basically war and the guild agreed on truce, grim logged and cancelled it,,so we got reports of people getting killed by bl, we attacked back,,sounds more believable eh?since i don't really believe that we will just "random" kill you guys after shin stricktly saying that we can't,,,since everyone follows his commands,,heck he even sometime told us to not fight back vs you because he was talking and we did.
about the panic AG thing, hun it's a new guild -_- the sooner you start dealing with US as GZ not Panic or AG or UL the smoother it will be to deal with us -_-, and about numbers , UL is about half the guild or a bit moreWrathy
8x Mage
LC server .0 -
I've been telling ppl GZ was mostly UL and no1 believed me. In fact, I specifically told people making enemies out of ppl that don't even hate us with the exception with a few bad apples like Polter is a bad idea, but no1 listened, now it's GZ+CQ at all the pk battles even though 70% of GZ hate CQ.
I didn't lie when I said the KOS was called off and it was GZ's fault that it got back on, because that's exactly how it happened. It was called off then war said it's back on because we crashed the ant zhen (when in fact some1 was atked, another person helped then the zhen pty got involved and told war that we were the one crashing the zhen). Unfortunately, Grim entered right then when ppl in bl were whining on gc about being pked STILL (that's like 30 mins after KOS was called off) and to appease everyone he went PKing. It was a mistake imo, but it was the result of Polter, Wasura and Ashelyn continuing to PK 30 mins after KOS was called off. So in fact, those guys thought they were above Shin's call and didn't listen to him when we called off KOS, despite numerous warnings (especially since I know polter was in shin's vent channel during that time).
Grim is a hothed cocky ****, and really he's not the only one in BL, but GZ sure has their share of those types and at least last night it was their fault that Grim had to retaliate after they didn't follow the KOS call off. Let me remind you again, that it wasn't just 5, even 10 minutes after it was called off it was 30+ minutes.
I guess Polter, Wasura and Ashelyn, along with the ant zhen pty failed to mention the fact that they atked first, and we had to run or fight back, and some people don't like to strategically retreat(aka ***** out of 3vs1) like myself.0 -
CQ never really hated UL in the past and we actually had a plan to leave you two lands in the corner and not completely wipe you out. The KOS kinda ruined that though. I think its rather sad that 70% of GZ hates CQ, where's the love.
I really think UL had a rich and funny history too. First UL starts out by declaring KOS on BL only to call it off in a day or two. Then BL sends people to UL to help in TW against CQ. UL loses to CQ still and then leader and few others quit and join BL. Under new leadership UL eventually gets into KOS with CQ. UL dies out and merges with a bunch of other guilds to create GZ. While being the big majority in GZ they get into KOS with BL again.
Sorry I left nonfactors out of the summary. (RQ)0 -
no one here knows about them attacking first ,,you maybe ran into aoe range or something ?or provoked them ?because i find it very weird that they would attack you just like that
p.s just noticed that part where u saying that someone one was attacked, so zhen party got involved,,who got attacked?maybe it was one of GZ so the party came after you o.o,,anyways imo the whole thing from the start could've been solved if grim wasn't so cocky with his wc's ,,about the UL history,,haiz you would be amazed the **** that UL had to go thru,,we had like 10000+ leaders lol ,,i consider it as a great achievement to survive thru all that ****lol
8x Mage
LC server .0 -
well grim talks alot need to SS that,,everyone sees it in wc .
and btw you guys are so confusing ,,tori just said that "we crashed the ant zhen (when in fact some1 was atked, another person helped then the zhen pty got involved and told war that we were the one crashing the zhen)"
can you explain that ?because it's really confusing =xWrathy
8x Mage
LC server .0 -
well grim talks alot need to SS that,,everyone sees it in wc .
and btw you guys are so confusing ,,tori just said that "we crashed the ant zhen (when in fact some1 was atked, another person helped then the zhen pty got involved and told war that we were the one crashing the zhen)"
can you explain that ?because it's really confusing =x
The guys that crashed the zhen parties were attacked by those people in the zhen party just before crashing it. To sum it up they crashed the zhen party because they were attacked 30 mins after the KOS was dropped from both sides. Hell I got chased by Shinz, GstormT, Darkice and someone else @ flagrant hill while was I was picking up mats after the KOS was supposed to be off. So when Inflamez logged on we decided to put the KOS back up because there was no point keeping it off if some people, one of them being crazypolter, were still doing their little thing... he even PMed MT to harass him and send him treats lol.0 -
This is exactly what happened at the ant zhen. Ashelyn atked Platypuss while he was passing by or w/e, then DeeJaay was nearby so he helped Platypuss (platy told the guild he was getting atked and that he is fighting back), then the ant zhen saw DeeJaay atking Ashelyn so they atked DeeJaay. Maybe Ashelyn was part of the zhen pty, but according to our ppl (and they don't lie about that kinda ****) the party wasn't even zhening and they were all going after DeeJaay and Platypuss, after Ashelyn died (due to retaliation).
So in fact, no1 crashed the ant zhen in the first place, the zhen wasn't even happening by the time our guys even fought back against your guys.
Apparently the zhen party falsely accused DeeJaay for crashing their zhen (which made me assume Ashelyn was indeed part of the pty and lied to them). Either way, our guild was getting pked left and right after the KOS was called off and it didn't even stop with 1 or 2 pks, it continued for long enough for Grim to get on and deliver some payback after hearing about people being atked.0 -
honestly i have no idea , i wasn't there and the game is down ,so i can't really ask polter or ash about what happened,,so instead of assuming something i'll just wait till i ask them and see how it goes,,
p.s: BL called kos on and off on us for like 3 times,,can't blame us for not trusting your word with anything,,i was actually talking about that with bl and hopefully it can be solved before the event half way or something,,cuz if the kos was still there in 2 days or so ,,chances are pretty high that the kos will last till one of the guilds disband .Wrathy
8x Mage
LC server .0 -
To tell you honestly, we might not level during the event, but we do have a bunch of lvl 90's that just got fully geared and are willing to sit there over all the leveling spots and make your lives living hell. Honestly, I know you have people that will do that to us, but if we are talking numbers and gears, our guys will easily send 2 ppl at butters and 3-4 ppl at fish/undines and probably not have a problem with wasting dolls to keep the parties below grinding for a whole week straight. Either way KOS hurts us both, and you having to ally with CQ must suck pretty badly for old UL members....
While Grim talks a lot on WC, you have to admit he's getting better at being the better man while others **** talk themselves into stereotipical tards, you will soon realize that he was only trying to save you from the emoness that FizGig brings with him, and it really would have been better for you in the long run to have him out of your guild. So i don't blame Grim for killing FizGig, even if it did restart the KOS. As to the first KOS, I will admit Grim just had a "my e-penor is bigger than Polter's" moment, but polter is such a hothead anyway, he prob would have actually killed Grim right after saying "You better be careful being red around us, you might just get killed".0 -
we both wont level that's for sure,,levels and gears my butt.. kos is a different story ,all we have to do is disrubt the party,,we don't have to "OMG WE PWNED THEM" stuff, and you guys should know by now that GZ has too many pk wh0res lol so you send people there ..weactually camp it >_< lol ,,anyways it's not about who's the biggest or any of this ****..i agree that kos will not be good for us both,,and the alliance with conq will defently be bad for you and for the old UL members ,,but we are kinda forced into it since you guys have no serious words in truce or whatever
i do agree that there are alot of worse wc'ers than grim,,but the thing is .. Deity or even polter or even pandora wc's do not affect anything ,,but when a GM of possibly the top guild wc it's something important =x so when polter wc something like -F U bl- he can be personally kosed,,problem solved,but when grim wc the same it's a different story and it's a guild vs guild issue,,i hope i got my message across =x
about kicking the guy,,,grim just did it the WROONG way, wc'ing about it and making a big fuzz litterly forced us NOT to kick the guy to keep our face,,what would everyone think if we kick a member of OUR guild cuz grim threatened on wc?
about fizgig,,i never even see the guy talk in guild chat ,,so we didn't see any emoness at all ,and it is still OUR buisness and OUR member and OUR guild
not YOUR buisness or YOUR guild to tell us what to do ,you can advice us like what we did with Speedy ,,but we didn't go like *wc*kick him or we kos
and about the first KOS,,grim and polter,,,honestly they can go just kill the **** out of each other in personal kos,,i don't see why the it has to be gvg..just my opinionWrathy
8x Mage
LC server .0 -
we both wont level that's for sure,,levels and gears my butt.. kos is a different story ,all we have to do is disrubt the party,,we don't have to "OMG WE PWNED THEM" stuff, and you guys should know by now that GZ has too many pk wh0res lol so you send people there ..weactually camp it >_< lol ,,anyways it's not about who's the biggest or any of this ****..i agree that kos will not be good for us both,,and the alliance with conq will defently be bad for you and for the old UL members ,,but we are kinda forced into it since you guys have no serious words in truce or whatever
i do agree that there are alot of worse wc'ers than grim,,but the thing is .. Deity or even polter or even pandora wc's do not affect anything ,,but when a GM of possibly the top guild wc it's something important =x so when polter wc something like -F U bl- he can be personally kosed,,problem solved,but when grim wc the same it's a different story and it's a guild vs guild issue,,i hope i got my message across =x
about kicking the guy,,,grim just did it the WROONG way, wc'ing about it and making a big fuzz litterly forced us NOT to kick the guy to keep our face,,what would everyone think if we kick a member of OUR guild cuz grim threatened on wc?
about fizgig,,i never even see the guy talk in guild chat ,,so we didn't see any emoness at all ,and it is still OUR buisness and OUR member and OUR guild
not YOUR buisness or YOUR guild to tell us what to do ,you can advice us like what we did with Speedy ,,but we didn't go like *wc*kick him or we kos
and about the first KOS,,grim and polter,,,honestly they can go just kill the **** out of each other in personal kos,,i don't see why the it has to be gvg..just my opinion
Being forced to ally someone is that new? Speaking of business, let me remember you also that stuff started going wrong when your guild used the truce to start camping our leveling spots and even KSing some of our members at some point. Moreover when people from Guardianz were killing RQ in OUR leveling party it was fine, but when we did the same thing @ undines with CQ we got attacked a couple of time because we "ruined their exp".
About FizGig, it's about the same case as Medic. Just to show you how emo the little prick is because I didn't give him dolls + miji because he went into a fight with a guildi and then died he waited till the next week to get salary and bailed on us. Then he proceeded to PM me and inflamez to call us names and carebear **** and stuff like that, obviously inflamez was going to sit there and tell you, go guardianz recruit fizgig and we won't do anything about it. Did we force you to kick Danika because he also left? Nope. FizGig robbed us for a good amount of money just as Medic therefore both of their IDs are perma KOS of BloodLusT.0 -
Finally someone outside CQ said it. As far WC goes anyone non ranked on guild can say anything and it'll be almost worthless unlike it's done by ppl on top ranks.
So far the best things we have seen were Shinzoko's misspelling cuz probably types while he's raging. b:chuckle
And the 2 most funniest WC i have ever seen.
1st. Long ago someone said as a joke. I'll 1 shoot BL or Erase them form the map or something liek that. Grim said, "When pigs fly" lol which is quite funny at leats for me since there is a flying pig ingame.
2nd. And thisone i think wins all from what i have ever seem from anyone in the 2 active servers. I don't remember exact words but is what something about this lines.
Grims seems to be mistyped Mieze's name and turned it to mezzy. then mezzy WC thanks grim or something like that. Then Grim WCs back trying to cover it up as he actually did it on purpose :P i still l@ught a lot when i remember b:laugh.
That's even bigger than when Deity + Flamez Wc spammed about the 50 mil dual for 30 min then GM said on red chat. "I bet this discussion will never end" and everyone went LoLeZ
On the serious side seriously. U wouldn't expect some ramdom member WCing trash talk to someone and then a ranked member offened calls for KOS on whoever guild that player was on. Instead, this has happened a lot and for me these "ranked" ppl are just the real carebears that couldn't handle situation on their own and have to get more ppl involved.Raven:"...Don't joke with my intelligence"b:laugh0 -
I have one more thing to say and it may be my last here. This thread is not about convincing you about our thoughts or ideas if you guys don't believe what we are saying here, you all can go to hell. I don't care about KoS, leveling or whatever. I actually LOVE this type of game play and that is why I joined the PvP server. Peace b:bye. . . . . .0
Clickhere - Lost City wrote: ». Instead, this has happened a lot and for me these "ranked" ppl are just the real carebears that couldn't handle situation on their own and have to get more ppl involved.
I think you need to review your definition of a carebear, no offence.0 -
Being forced to ally someone is that new? Speaking of business, let me remember you also that stuff started going wrong when your guild used the truce to start camping our leveling spots and even KSing some of our members at some point. Moreover when people from Guardianz were killing RQ in OUR leveling party it was fine, but when we did the same thing @ undines with CQ we got attacked a couple of time because we "ruined their exp".
About FizGig, it's about the same case as Medic. Just to show you how emo the little prick is because I didn't give him dolls + miji because he went into a fight with a guildi and then died he waited till the next week to get salary and bailed on us. Then he proceeded to PM me and inflamez to call us names and carebear **** and stuff like that, obviously inflamez was going to sit there and tell you, go guardianz recruit fizgig and we won't do anything about it. Did we force you to kick Danika because he also left? Nope. FizGig robbed us for a good amount of money just as Medic therefore both of their IDs are perma KOS of BloodLusT.
and that's why i said we need a set of rules if we going to work this up . so stuff like that wouldn't happen again,,about the leveling spots,,i clearly remember 1 incident ,,we came to fish and stayed for 6 hours + (freaks i know) ,then bl came and they were like (hey conq drove us off this place 6 hours ago,leave or kos) ,, harassment from both sides happened war ,so don't pretend to be an angel lol :P anyways Medic was something and figz was another,, Medic Stole a weapon ,and we were allies then, sadly that's not the case now ,besides ,,you give out salary every week ,,for example if 20 people here take the salary and bail out we wont do anything..and surely we wont ORDER another guild to kick them,,it's possible that anyone would leave after they take salary,,if we stopped and kosed everyone of them we wont have time to play lol
and it is still OUR guild.. we want the emo in ,it's our business not yours , we can handle emo in guild , it's our business not yours , you know?if grim was like ,-i will ask bl to personaly kos that member- and shinz said no ?then sure you guys can kos all you want and stuff,,we'd be at fault then,but that's not the case now is it ?Wrathy
8x Mage
LC server .0 -
and it is still OUR guild.. we want the emo in ,it's our business not yours , we can handle emo in guild , it's our business not yours , you know?if grim was like ,-i will ask bl to personaly kos that member- and shinz said no ?then sure you guys can kos all you want and stuff,,we'd be at fault then,but that's not the case now is it ?
I don't know where that personal KOS idea came up from but it's the first time I see this in any game and to be honest with you a Personal KOS cannot work. Because obviously everyone has friends in this game and if you see a friend getting attacked by someone KOS or not you will be tempted to defend so what if you attack someone from our guild because he is on your personal KOS and someone from BLT defend him, you will be pissed right? Like wise if we attacked fizgig under personal KOS. These things don't and cannot work it's not 1 person or nothing, It's everyone or nothing. Panic used to Personal KOS Angelika from our guild and we put a stop to it by threatening them to kill the full guild if they kept it on because obviously it was ****.
Medic stole a HH weapon right, well fizgig took about 1mil or so that's just about an HH weapon too. Not my business? my money, my business.0 -
your money ?so the money from tw is yours?okay,,your guild and i'm not interfering with how you run it
,,anyways,stealing a weapon and leaving guild after GIVING away the salary are two separate things,, lots of people leave guilds after getting salary,,trying to kos them is just useless,,it happens in everyguild about the KoS thing it worked in delphi and worked in the games that i played before,,basically if you figz so much kos him,it's very simple,,he has no friends here in the guild (because he is new) so logically he would be fed up and leave,,,that's how you get what you want done,,the . SMART way,,ofcourse grim's way is another story b:surrender anyways not meaning to flame or anything ,,if you need anything pm me ingame please i can't log on forums that often anymore ,,practical exams >_< i hate college lol
8x Mage
LC server .0
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