The Guilds Most Likely To Be Successful



  • t0yo
    t0yo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    ambie wrote: »
    Agrees with delux. But theres nothing we can do, whats done is done, and the title was most likely here to make people argue about their guilds constantly bumping it til this point.
    *claps my hands*

    Now i want ice cream :0

    Get me some plox ;D

    Oh Oh Oh and about the thread....Lollercakes bejb harunaru

    You think you can stand the awesome power of Team Rainbow

    You goin downnnnnnnnnnnnnnn g-dawgs~~~~~
    Nobody even heard of OMFG CAPS CONQURORZ
  • embl3m
    embl3m Posts: 494 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    mystic wrote: »
    Guild's a joke. Lol. Funny to watch 4 conqueror die to one level 34 priest. I can't wait until OB. This **** is funny.

    gonna make a vid of it?
    mystic wrote: »
    I had NO problem with your list, I simply asked how you built it, because Conqueror is a joke and nobody had seen anything decent from them. Then suddenly they're most likely to succeed.

    They have players from Oracle, I knew about them before I knew about RQ.

    mystic wrote: »

    But, as the edit says, I figured it out. It's your dumb **** posting for publicity. Your guild is a joke, to make a list like this and be as bias as you are is ****ing hilarious.

    Get serious about closed beta.
    mystic wrote: »
    Keep getting your parties soloed by a priest.

  • mystic
    mystic Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    embl3m wrote: »
    They have players from Oracle, I knew about them before I knew about RQ.

    embl3m wrote: »
    ave players from Oracle, I knew about them before I kn

    embl3m wrote: »
    players from Oracle, I knew about them

    embl3m wrote: »
    ers from Oracle, I knew abo

    embl3m wrote: »

    Point made.

    Guild sucks. Made themselves late, talked ****, asked for a fight, lost it.

    Tell me to get serious about closed beta, rofl, I've been level 21 since the first day. They're the ones who go "well come out fight us"

    Selfish blood runs through my veins. I gave up everything for fame.

    Pandora - 8X Mage - Lost City (PvP - The only server worth playing.)
  • t0yo
    t0yo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    OH Noesssss! You guize can keel us in CLOSED BETA THAT LAST FEW MOREH DAIZ D: Q_Q__Q_Q_Q_Q_Q_Q___Q_Q_Q_Q__QQ__QQ


    Like mystic clearly pointed out. You had us at Oracle.
  • shizo
    shizo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Sigh 3 stuff.

    First Guild were UnLimited.

    Second RageQuit.

    Where were Conqueror? Oh forgot took like 16hours for one of the "Oracle" Players to get 20? Wow then please put RageQuit under last ranking, we cant mess with you guys ;)

    Btw: Only like 10 Members intended to continue Leveling, but well we will see how things will work out.

    Anyways seems like this thread turned into an immature and kiddy thread, so i wont bother myself with this **** posting here anymore.

    Cya, have fun kthxbai.
    Shizo - Blademaster 9x - Conqueror

    Quitted trolling the forums. PM me ingame, if want something

    Sig by Sev.
  • faruxue
    faruxue Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Chill guys, this game isn't about who owns in CB with a level 34 toon, or who can get to level 21 fastest. It's about who can farm more 3-3 golds and CV golds after 99 and dish out more money.
    why is RQ all worked up about not listed as first? :eek:
    Just a harmless list to list out all the guild names, the order doesn't matter, as long as your guild name is up there.
    See 3 RQ get owned by 1 WB
    copy and paste onto your web link
  • bictor
    bictor Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    highly doubt RQ will stay around till they can farm 3-3
    79 WR - Oracle
  • faruxue
    faruxue Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Well they are the best pvpers on delphi, since people said they **** everyone when low level, then ran when people started to wear green stuff and put + on their gears. So technically they never got owned, by leaving early and never got owned they can proclaim to be the best pvpers :cool:

    i give them more credit this time around, i bet they'll touch 1-1 in this version, but highest they'll probably go is 1-3 and 2-1.
    See 3 RQ get owned by 1 WB
    copy and paste onto your web link
  • devotion
    devotion Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    This looks like a list of who you have seen the most in adc with a white name.. TBH you cant judge anything over a beta phase that ends in 5 days. What did you do when you heard it wasnt a month? I just ran fb's till I was 30 and started pking.
    I like to rub it in. Enjoying the game?
  • celes
    celes Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Obviously bad publicity stunt.

    and lol@get serious at Closed Beta.

    Just lol.
  • danubus37
    danubus37 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I read about 2 pages of this silly thread and gave up. RQ cracks me up. A wanna be guild playing f2p games who think their bad ****. You would get your asses handed to you if you were on a real game like WAR or WoW pvp.
  • trilient
    trilient Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Hate to bust your bubble there, but WoW is a joke. That's all I'm ganna say :D
    EmberGlades Vice Guild Master
    Server: Lost City
  • celes
    celes Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    danubus37 wrote: »
    I read about 2 pages of this silly thread and gave up. RQ cracks me up. A wanna be guild playing f2p games who think their bad ****. You would get your asses handed to you if you were on a real game like WAR or WoW pvp.

    Or you can name some actual PK games.

    Like Guild Wars.

    Lol @ WoW PvP.

    Just lol.
  • showharu
    showharu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    This is very sad, so much to quote but dont wanna waste time. Its obvious your mad but its ok do what you want I never said we did anything bad about your guild. All think I put CONQUEROR
    first beacause im in it. I put us up there beacuase we are more experienced we done everything. If you think we are trying in CB lol goodluck to you. If you think thread is dumb why answer matter fact why you care so much its just my own opinion noone else. Doesn't mean its gonna be true so dont sweat it. Since you think we are nobodys we will see in OB no need for talking trash. I never talk trash I just show you what I can do. What CONQUEROR does in CB lol we the only guild i seen step into PVP. Ask WuTang Vice he attack me with his WF friend, me and my fellow EP Xtacy beat them. We dont have problems with becuase its just CB but it looks like its very important to you. If CONQUERORis grabage just shut us up in OB dont talk trash lol.
    IF you think we suppose to be scared of you thats funny because we PVP with NewEra and WL everyday, we are jus more experience thats all.

  • faruxue
    faruxue Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Well it is his opinion, if people disagrees then they can actually go and mak a new thread and put their own list on it.
    See 3 RQ get owned by 1 WB
    copy and paste onto your web link
  • dayzd
    dayzd Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    This thread has a bunch of fail in it.

    And lol @ Koz for telling people they quit the games to early.

    You've quit every game I've seen you play so far before 2 months. And I don't blame you for it, Cabal wasn't great and Rohan was a over glorified pile of ****. But you go on telling other people they quit the game when you do it as well which concludes in you being a giant hypocrite.
  • trilient
    trilient Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    So a guild has to be a PVP guild to be successful you are saying?
    EmberGlades Vice Guild Master
    Server: Lost City
  • blublo
    blublo Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Argue Argue Argue Argue Argue Argue Over Teh Internetz
  • sealed
    sealed Posts: 781
    edited August 2008
    Succesful in what???

    could be anything >.>

  • senovit
    senovit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Man. This would have been such an awesome troll thread. I wish I had thought of it first.
  • tatakairyu
    tatakairyu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Can't believe I read through the whole thing. Sounds like pking is going to be lots of fun heh.
  • haiz
    haiz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    The guild that has me shall reign over everyone else.

    The guilds that don't go around in the forums are always the best, no offense to RQ you guys are good PvPers, but I doubt you'll be the best.
  • tatakairyu
    tatakairyu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    That's usually true but only time will tell.
  • mystic
    mystic Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    danubus37 wrote: »
    I read about 2 pages of this silly thread and gave up. RQ cracks me up. A wanna be guild playing f2p games who think their bad ****. You would get your asses handed to you if you were on a real game like WAR or WoW pvp.

    You're a dumbass. As 4 other people have said before me, WoW PVP is a joke and WAR sucks.

    We're a Lineage 2 guild, #1 PVP game on the internet atm. Gets old after 4 years, though.

    This thread's still hilarious. As the CONQUEROR noobs keep suggesting, it has nothing to do with the fact that we're not on top. I wasn't laughing at you guys when I first posted, check it, I just asked politely what you're basing it on. I burst out laughing when I realized it was the guild Showharu was from.

    Not to mention that they have no clue how to PVP at all.

    But they're from oracle, what do you expect?

    Selfish blood runs through my veins. I gave up everything for fame.

    Pandora - 8X Mage - Lost City (PvP - The only server worth playing.)
  • faruxue
    faruxue Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    mystic wrote: »
    But they're from oracle, what do you expect?

    What makes delphi so good? aside from the asspadas that KOS everyone that bid on their land. And their GMs banned for 1 month for wall hacking.

    Is your ego so big to say that everyone on oracle sucks? LOLOLOL

    Real PvP dont happen at lvl 30+ when your name just turn white.
    See 3 RQ get owned by 1 WB
    copy and paste onto your web link
  • mystic
    mystic Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    faruxue wrote: »
    Is your ego so big to say that everyone on oracle sucks? LOLOLOL

    Yes. Yes it is. That's like saying there's good PVPers on L2's Erica server. That's great and all, but it doesn't really matter if you're in a stale server.

    Selfish blood runs through my veins. I gave up everything for fame.

    Pandora - 8X Mage - Lost City (PvP - The only server worth playing.)
  • faruxue
    faruxue Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    How would you know if you never played oracle?

    8jun is no joke.

    And again, real pvp dont start at lvl 30 when your name turns white.
    See 3 RQ get owned by 1 WB
    copy and paste onto your web link
  • mystic
    mystic Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    faruxue wrote: »
    How would you know if you never played oracle?

    8jun is no joke.

    And again, real pvp dont start at lvl 30 when your name turns white.

    What makes you so sure I've never played Oracle? Rofl.

    I have so many accounts in my MY-EN PM folder of fans who have quit, I have a few 85+ Oracle characters.

    That was how we got Junk's account on Delphi, he was 65 at the time and that was the equivalent to about 95 now. When a lot of my fans quit, they send me their accounts, and while I appreciate the effort most of them just sit in my PM box and do nothing.

    I played Oracle for a bit, but the competition was really just completely moot compared to Delphi back when I played, and I lost interest very quickly.

    Selfish blood runs through my veins. I gave up everything for fame.

    Pandora - 8X Mage - Lost City (PvP - The only server worth playing.)
  • faruxue
    faruxue Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    you have accounts -_-" played the server from lvl 1 before?

    I have an account of a REAL level 95 EA on oracle(not level 65 equivalent to 95), but that doesnt make me pro at EA.
    See 3 RQ get owned by 1 WB
    copy and paste onto your web link
  • mystic
    mystic Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    faruxue wrote: »
    you have accounts -_-" played the server from lvl 1 before?

    I have an account of a REAL level 95 EA on oracle(not level 65 equivalent to 95), but that doesnt make me pro at EA.
    I have a few 85+ Oracle characters.

    How would playing the character from level 1 change the fact that Oracle's PVP is dead? Lol.

    And who said you were or weren't a pro EA? I didn't question your ability at playing your character, I just said Oracle's PVP is dead. You can be the best player in the world but if you're on Oracle, you're still worthless.

    Selfish blood runs through my veins. I gave up everything for fame.

    Pandora - 8X Mage - Lost City (PvP - The only server worth playing.)