OLD "Report a Bug" Thread -Being closed in a few days.



  • ragingwind
    ragingwind Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    steelgator wrote: »
    I absolutely hate the music.

    Its ok for a while but gets old quick.It may have been ok for a malaysian game but for the international/western version it stinks.

    Also it would benice to have a bit of a change up when you enter combat a little change of pace music.

    The text over characters is about as plain as you can get it would be nice to spice it up a little bit.

    The game actually isnt too bad especially for a free to play.

    The styles of the game do need improvement. The music is okay, but is that good enough? I just turn the volume down on the music and play my own. It would be nice to have a mute button so that I can guarantee that the music is not consuming processor resources. I agree that it would be nice for the music to change when in a battle. Really, any change of pace is good when you're grinding away on those monsters.
  • senovit
    senovit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    woix wrote: »
    when i try to add sum1 in FL it just keeps saying that the ppl dun exist eve tho they do...

    Friends list is case sensitive and you need them to be online.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    For the quest The Trainer's Summon: Loving Friend, the NPC identified in the quest, Pet Skill Trainer Hu, doesn't have any options that allow me to advance my quest when I talk to her. I think this is a bug.
  • hdwei
    hdwei Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    i Saw people running around with Chinese character name, is that a bug?
  • thom
    thom Posts: 387 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Fix the guild slogan.
    In My-En you could put _ between words, now even that doesnt work. No spaces no anything to separate words...

    ThommiX - Harvest Leader

    8x Barbarian

    -Lost city-
  • thom
    thom Posts: 387 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    hdwei wrote: »
    i Saw people running around with Chinese character name, is that a bug?

    Dont think its a bug, but GM's would do well to deny all such weird marks on players names, since not everyone can write those.

    Weird symbols can be a problem sometimes, specially if reporting for botting or anything illegal, how can you report if you cant write the players name... In game you can use the GM button but still.

    ThommiX - Harvest Leader

    8x Barbarian

    -Lost city-
  • ara
    ara Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I just remember and, since it will be hard to test in an OB that only lasts about a week:

    Do pets still disappear in "Swamp of Warth" (or whatever it is called here) when your avatar walks into the shallow water?

    If yes, that may need some fixing.
  • skykatay
    skykatay Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    i have problems connecting to the Lost City Server ... some friends of mine play at the same time and the same sv ... i cant enter, nor access to the site..
    plz help me ..

    (sorry for my english)
  • sahil
    sahil Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    well while swimming i got a bug

    i got stuck between the bank and the river (my character was in standing motion)

    i was able to get out of it by relogging
  • lain
    lain Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    ath wrote: »
    It is 100% optional if people wish to spend real money, to buy these items, yes it gives an advantage over a player that either can't, or refuses, but it's also how PW makes their money. I know people on PW MY that never spend one cent of IRL cash and still have good gear. I do agree that with a certain lvl of pharm we should at least be able to make bronze heirograms. The greedy players that sell item mall items are just unreal and it becomes WAY to $$ to buy.

    In PW MY it's very difficult to get a zhen party, for the fact (specially for Eps and DDs) it's too damn exspensive to buy 2 heiros (MP/HP) and we hardly get the drops to be honest. I am lucky if I go 5 rounds (1 round =1 xp scroll = 1hr) to make 500K, let a lone 1.7million people are selling them for, just because of a new patch.

    As for Pk, sorry but you don't have to buy straight from the item mall, everything from the Item Mall is player sellable and tradeable, so you can also save up ingame gold and buy it that way. Please don't start whining that others decide to spend their real money to have fun in a game that IS 100% free to play.

    You completely missed the point of my post, good job. I'm not complaining about the fact that there is a cash shop. Of course that's how they make money and are able to offer the servers to others for free.

    What my post was about is balance. Yeah, cash shop items should be enticing and give bonuses here and there and be empowering enough to make players want them to keep the cash flow coming. But effectively giving someone an extra 10k HP? Yeah, that's just nuts and sounds very IMBA.

    I didn't play MY or anything, so I don't know how it is endgame. If the hieros drop, great.. If they're craftable? great.. If there's some kind of repeatable way to obtain them ingame, then I have no complaints and ignore my post. But giving anyone that donates an extra 10k, while free players are unable to obtain them? That's giving people a temporary god mode compared to other players and just imba. I've already admitted and stated I have no idea how it is endgame, I'm just saying that for there to be an item of that caliber out there, then there definitely needs to be a way for free players to obtain them as well. And no, I don't count donators buying and reselling as a way to obtain them, unless they're only like 10 cents for 99 of them. (that was an exaggeration, incase someone took that seriously >_>) There's no guarantee that people would sell them, and as you said, even if they did, they'd probably be expensive as hell and unobtainable for the majority of the population, leaving them screwed.

    Anyways yeah, if people are donating, I'm all for them getting bonuses that free players can't get, or adding cosmetic stuff at the very least. Bonuses in my mind don't give people a temporary god mode or an extra 10k hp though, that's just nuts. At the very least, atleast give free players a mini-version of it, f2p gets 8k hp and a 15 second cooldown through crafting while donators get 10k hp and 8 second cooldown, or whatever it was, for cash. Even something like that would be fine. Like I said, I have no idea how it is endgame, so I have no clue if they're obtainable through drops or higher level crafting of some sort. If they are, yeah I have no complaints, if they're not, that's what my post is about.

    I saw the potential for an imbalance in gameplay and brought it up as a tester. They need feedback and I'm giving it. I probably won't even play this game after launch, I'm just here to help test the game and provide feedback as a player. Next time, try to understand someone's post before you go around telling people that they're whining, cause I could care less if they want to intentionally imbalance their game.
  • ara
    ara Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    you can craft potions that instantly give you a few thousand hp back, doing basically the same thing a heriogram does (though you need to trigger it manually), they have 30sec cooldown if i remember correctly.

    Hieros work as following: your hp drop below 50%, hiero triggers and fills it back to 100%, 10sec cd until this can happen again

    10sec is a lot, basically heriograms give you 150-200% health, nothing you can`t reach with potions (in PvP at least, hieros just make grinding WAY easier, but again, you CAN craft masses of those potions to substitute a hiero)
  • jigokusaru
    jigokusaru Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    in the quest "Worrries of the banker-Gather the Materials", there r something wrong with it, when i have the ELEMENT DUST in my inventory, IT won't show that i had the ELEMENT DUST!
    Collect Element Dust (0/5) however, in my inventory, there are element dusts!
    Please fix this problem, or i will never finish the quest...
    Thank you:
  • odinthor
    odinthor Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Is there some way to tell when these servers are "up"" i can't patch and when the game loads it states that I have to install latest version. I have done that from several DL sites offering the client and still the same thing. The game looks like a good one but I am ready to give up on it cause it won't load.
  • ragingwind
    ragingwind Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    odinthor wrote: »
    Is there some way to tell when these servers are "up"" i can't patch and when the game loads it states that I have to install latest version. I have done that from several DL sites offering the client and still the same thing. The game looks like a good one but I am ready to give up on it cause it won't load.

    Did you download it from one of the sites listed on http://www.perfectworld.com? If so, then you might be experiencing the auto-update problem that many people have had. If not, then it might be the client for a different version of PW. Also, if your country has its own official version of Perfect World (other than this version), then it is IP banned (Europe is an exception). That means that people from that region cannot play this version. What is important is that the game is currently in closed beta phase. On September 2, it goes into open beta. You will be able to play it then. I hope you can solve your problem by that time.
  • bigballs
    bigballs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I'm finding the camera motion when trying to look around is unresponsive (Long lag time between mouse and camera movement) & choppy (camera does not pan smoothly but moves in big chunks, makes me a little seasick) & makes it harder to target opponents. I have optimized my system in settings with no joy.My system is OS:Windows XP Service pack 3, CPU: AMD Turion(tm) 64 X2 Mobile Technology TL-50, RAM:894 MB, Display Card: ATI Radeon Xpress 1150 (128 MB) Connection: Wireless 10M bps broadband. I would like any genuine suggestions to fix this problem.Thanks. (I did not have this problem with the Malaysian version)
  • ragingwind
    ragingwind Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    bigballs wrote: »
    I'm finding the camera motion when trying to look around is unresponsive (Long lag time between mouse and camera movement) & choppy (camera does not pan smoothly but moves in big chunks, makes me a little seasick) & makes it harder to target opponents. I have optimized my system in settings with no joy.My system is OS:Windows XP Service pack 3, CPU: AMD Turion(tm) 64 X2 Mobile Technology TL-50, RAM:894 MB, Display Card: ATI Radeon Xpress 1150 (128 MB) Connection: Wireless 10M bps broadband. I would like any genuine suggestions to fix this problem.Thanks. (I did not have this problem with the Malaysian version)
    That sounds odd. It might be your graphics card. That model was the bottom of its class. You should check into getting a better one, even from the same class. I've got the top of the line from the previous class and the game runs fine. Also, my processor is old, so that's not helping me any.
  • seveneyes
    seveneyes Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    hey again!

    For the Wing Elf side quests, at level 17 you get a quest called: Mongoose King.

    When searching for this quest with the Find Quest button in the Quest menu the coordinates of the quest starter are missing: Blacksmith Chao San
  • ragingwind
    ragingwind Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    seveneyes wrote: »
    hey again!

    For the Wing Elf side quests, at level 17 you get a quest called: Mongoose King.

    When searching for this quest with the Find Quest button in the Quest menu the coordinates of the quest starter are missing: Blacksmith Chao San

    If I remember right, I think there was a quest like that on PW-MY, also. It might be the same one. Yeah, that should be fixed.
  • kuruno
    kuruno Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Experience wen monsters are killed needs a little tuning. I kill low level monsters and then high level monsters and they give about the same experience. And the battle system could use some tuning. Monsters hit you wen they die...that kind of crappy wen i kill a very difficult monster and wen he dies he hits me, causing me to die =[ I hope this will be fixed.

    Appart from that, this is a great game, beautifull ambience and grafics. People say the music is anoying but i think is kinda good, and u always the option to turn it off or lower the volume(so people dont cry)
  • friday
    friday Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Don't know if it's been mentioned, reading 24 pages ftl.

    Certain quest items are not automatically being placed in the "Quest" tab of my inventory when I pick them up. They also wont go in there when I try to manually place them there. They are definitely quest items as they register in the quest tracker as counting towards the quest and are removed from the quest tracker when I take them out of my inventory and place them in the bank. (So far this is for some items required for the Banker's quest).

  • ara
    ara Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    well, the banker quest items are also DragonQuest items, therefore they WILL stay in your inventory until you use them for one of the quests. Also they drop all the time, even if you don`t have a quest active that needs them:

    therefore: not a bug, works as intended
  • lyly
    lyly Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I don't know if this is a bug or not, but on the map, when you click haunted path, the name of the tower is spelled Vieled tower, yet when you enter the area, it's Veiled Tower. Just saaaayin.
  • lyly
    lyly Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Oh and, in the quest where you need to find the wolfmaster fur, it tells you to find them from frozen wolfkins, when in reality you find them from frozen wolfmasters..
  • sgt
    sgt Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I was just running around in the plume forrest and i jumped on the trunk of the webbed tree and it gave me a weird error and shut the whole program down.

  • lumine
    lumine Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Didn't have a chance to actually scan through it all, but honestly sometimes the quest text will come up with you needing a certain amount of an item, but in the actual quest tracker it's something /completely/ different. It has probably been mentioned, but it warrants another shout. (like the 'wheelchair' quest, for instance. Asks for five logs, and five pig iron or some such, then takes animal fur <I think>)

    I'll keep an eye out for anything else.
  • kuruno
    kuruno Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    lumine wrote: »
    Didn't have a chance to actually scan through it all, but honestly sometimes the quest text will come up with you needing a certain amount of an item, but in the actual quest tracker it's something /completely/ different. It has probably been mentioned, but it warrants another shout. (like the 'wheelchair' quest, for instance. Asks for five logs, and five pig iron or some such, then takes animal fur <I think>)

    I'll keep an eye out for anything else.

    actually there is noting wrong with this one. I just did that quest like 2 hours ago ;)
  • sakii
    sakii Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    i've noticed that the turtles outside of Etherblade tend to swim above the water. I saw one once go up anothers back and out of the water.
    Look me up, I'm on DA and Gaia .:D
    Username: Saki-Zombieslayer
  • sanscosm
    sanscosm Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    sakii wrote: »
    i've noticed that the turtles outside of Etherblade tend to swim above the water. I saw one once go up anothers back and out of the water.
    Yeah I've seen this aswell, one of the turtles was flying around underneath a bridge.
  • ragingwind
    ragingwind Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    The quest "First try to jump" has always been a pain in the butt. It's not fair that the elf quest "First try at flying" is really easy. Please make the quest easier.
    sakii wrote: »
    i've noticed that the turtles outside of Etherblade tend to swim above the water. I saw one once go up anothers back and out of the water.
    Are you talking about this? XD http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/9157/20080822012108ub9.png
  • blueparrot
    blueparrot Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    When I cast the starter damage spell as a cleric, the casting doesn't always work. Every now and then it stops midway through casting. I don't think this happens with other spells (I've tried werefox and her spells always go through).
This discussion has been closed.