OLD "Report a Bug" Thread -Being closed in a few days.



  • warbeef
    warbeef Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I've read every page and I have no clue why there hasn't been a mention of this.

    Actually monitor the stupid people that use world chat. I'm sick of seeing stupid people get a broadcast saying "So and so, please watch your language" and then they start up 5 minutes later. I find it even more pathetic that it's usually the higher level players doing this.
    I would like an option to disable world chat while keeping my general chat up, as most of the time I want to ignore the **** that they spam. For a reference, here are a couple examples of what I've seen.

    Example #1 - Some poor guy actually using the world chat for what I think it should be used for gets his shout drowned out by an annoying player.

    Annoying guy: SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE
    Annoying guy: SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE
    Someone: actually selling something or asking for help or recruiting for a guild.
    Annoying guy: SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE
    Annoying guy: SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE
    Annoying guy: SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE
    Annoying guy: SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE

    Example #2 - A GM gives out a temporary ban to 2 players while he investigates a **** report.

    Dumb guy #1 - GM why you ban? So stupid, make game worse.
    Dumb guy #2 - F*** you GM, ban me also.
    GM Broadcast - Dumb Guy #2 please watch your language.
    Annoying guy: SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE
    Dumb guy #3 - Yay, thanks GM, now our guild is better than anyone elses.
    Dumb guy #4 - F*** you Dumb Guy #3
    GM Broadcast - Dumb Guy #4 please watch your language.

    Last one - Example #3 - A girl divorces a guy in-game.

    Random Guy - If anyone see's random girl please let me know, she's on my KOS list.
    Random Girl - Don't listen to him, he's just mad because I divorced him, grow up Random Guy.
    Random Guy - You cheated on me with my best imaginary friend! I hate you and I want you to die. I have no life.
    Random other people - Why don't you both shut up.
    Annoying guy: SHAKE :) SHAKE :) SHAKE
    Random Girl - I would shut up if Random Guy didn't say mean things to me.

    There you have it, 3 excellent reasons as to why World Chat needs to be monitored better. Instead of a slap on the wrist, maybe hand out some temporary bans. Or maybe even limit how often you can use World Chat. Like say, 1 every 5 minutes or something, that way there won't be stupid world chat fights.
  • elly
    elly Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    on the odd occasion on the MY client i'd come accross a monster of equal level and no matter what spells i'd cast on it or meele damage the health bar would not move which ends up in either player death or having to make a run for it. i'd imagine this to be a latency issue but thought it worth mentioning in case it pops up in this version.
  • warbeef
    warbeef Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    After reading that the servers were up, I went to log on and clicked on the link saying "Security Instructions" it brings you to a 403 forbidden page.
  • ranthe
    ranthe Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Trying to log in on PWI and i keep getting invalid username or password popping up, even though im using the EXACT spelling and capitalization i use to log in here.
  • esux
    esux Posts: 87 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    ranthe wrote: »
    Trying to log in on PWI and i keep getting invalid username or password popping up, even though im using the EXACT spelling and capitalization i use to log in here.


    Message too short.
  • aodh
    aodh Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    read other posts....jesus....the countdown on the webpage is incorrect because its set according to your time and not PDT.
  • miles
    miles Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    in previous game and also in this version you cant alt+tab out of the game and go back into the game. also found a new one with this version. when making your character if you select a preset and click done it doesnt keep the presets hair style
  • elly
    elly Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    i've noticed something that seems to have carried on to this version, when using the think emote the sound file is corrupt and plays a distroted sound rather than the sound it should do.
  • taters
    taters Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I have found that when using different emotions the model of the weapon that i am holding becomes invisible until i move
  • warbeef
    warbeef Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    aodh wrote: »
    read other posts....jesus....the countdown on the webpage is incorrect because its set according to your time and not PDT.

    Umm...I'd suggest you do likewise, the servers are up.
  • atiori
    atiori Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    There's a small typo in the "The Five Elements" help box.

    Sentence (bolded is typo);
    "The Five Elements
    Many monsters have Elemental Attributes. Every monster in Perfect World is labeled with Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth or Non if they have no elemental attribute. "

    Shouldn't 'Non' be 'None'.

  • warbeef
    warbeef Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Maybe it means non like...Non-elemental. Just a guess. None does make more sense though.
  • shadowgh0st
    shadowgh0st Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    OMG... the game is keep saying invalid ID or password.... I WANNA PLAY!!!!
  • atiori
    atiori Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    mmh. You've got a good point there.
  • adelai
    adelai Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    My systems meets all the requirements and there's no lag... however my graphics appeared like this... http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll75/tragicwaltz1/2008-08-1904-56-12.jpg

    Any ideas why?
  • atiori
    atiori Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Try updating your drivers. Check the bottom of the download section.
  • adelai
    adelai Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008

    Thanks a lot! Graphics are good now.
  • ulfrun
    ulfrun Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    this might be a bug
    when was level 3 i got that icon to repair the weapon, when i did the icon didnt go away still says i need to fix the weapon but in my inv it says its fully repaired
  • tau
    tau Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I think this is a small bug. When you speak to the PW Boutique Agent in the City of the Plume, there are two quests caled Unavailable Function, and when I clicked one of them, it added a quest to my quest log, which I am guessing is either impossible to complete, or is slightly bugged.
  • soora
    soora Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Hi =)

    I just found a major bug that's been annoying me for a while.

    Since i sit on MSN, and also Perfect world, i have full screen on.

    When I alt tab, talk to someone, then tab back to the game,I can only use my keyboard.

    If i click with the mouse at any place, it tabs me out again, and that's where the bug is.

    It repedeatley bothers me =(

    Thank you

  • lynks
    lynks Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    After install and during initial load of the game, the Update Settings window pops up and i cannot click on anything inside of it. It is a window with options i cannot select or close. I cannot open the game because of it. D/l as a torrent, reinstalled twice each time verified, ran as administrator and XP compatibility mode, still does not work.

    8800gts g92
    e8500 @3.16
    Vista Home 32-bit
    4 gigs Ram

    UPDATE: i found that i can actively move the button selection between Confirm or Cancel using the arrow keys, however selecting either option results in a "Please Select Update Sever" error window. Tried to select the server and currently i am not able to. Will update if i find more.
  • red
    red Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    managed to get stuck...
  • atiori
    atiori Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I'm a Venomancer and just got my pet (Sharptooth Wolfing).

    When I'm leaving the city (City of the Lost) my Pet won't follow immediately me past the gate. Tried it at all the gates inside the city, but he won't follow me.
    It will pop besides you after you've walked quite a bit away from the city.
  • zoefox
    zoefox Posts: 225
    edited August 2008
    Well since the beta started I've noticed that in the help menu, many of the screenshots are not in english. Not exactly a bug but its a bit annoying. Also, a good deal of the text is simply not there in the help menu. I'm not sure if you simply didn't put it in yet or what.
  • monkeybone
    monkeybone Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    BUG: when you write something in the chat, the bubble above your head has line-breaks that split the words like the MY version. For example the word minute was broken in "min" and "ute" because there was no space anymore for the last three letters. Ans instead of putting the whole word in the next line, it got split the way i just described.
  • bobby123
    bobby123 Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    well i dont know if this is ingame or not, but this problem is so ****, everytime i log in i use my correct password and username right? but IT NEVER EVER LETS ME GO IN THE GAME, it just says incorrect id or pass, please help.
  • epiphanyboy
    epiphanyboy Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Well when im playing, dunno if it applies for windowed mode, but when i switch from the client to another application(like a webpage) and switch back to pw client, when i left or right click, it will minimize the client no matter how many times i keep retrying, i end up having to push cntrl alt del and ending the client and restarting it:(
  • ladymist
    ladymist Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I just found this problem in the CB:
    I have more than enough Element Dust for the quest but for some reason the quest is not showing I have the material.
    Could be a problem when I try to expand my storage.
  • preka
    preka Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I'm playing the game and i see 2 problems : 1. in City Of The Lost there is a cliff where when u want to jump you remain in air 2. If i put the game in taskbar and i reopen it ,when i click it goes back in taskbar.
    Just that , anyways this is a CB with very few bugs.
  • birdie
    birdie Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    after you have left the gates. i found out the hard way also but just step outside and call the pet out and he will be there.

    Things I found
    bankers quest asked for element dust and I have one in my pack but it does not register for the quest that I have one. I really think that it is calling for element powder ( think that is what the MY version called for was powder and not dust).

    Grammer/spelling error in Jump quest banker said to go up top and to retrieve the item and then to "take it to me" instead of "bring it to me".

    quest giver after completing a quest said here is your garments and then did not give me anything.
This discussion has been closed.