OLD "Report a Bug" Thread -Being closed in a few days.
Ok. I read through or scanned all the pages of this thread and figured I would add just a few observations, confirmations, and mentions to the lot.
1. Boss dragging/leading. While I can understand that instance bosses should pretty much chase attackers anywhere, I feel that there should be a chase limit for outdoor bosses. A set distance from spawnpoint that they will not exceed. As it was in MY, if you hit a boss (many of them if not all) it would just keep chasing you endlessly until it either killed you, you or someone else killed it, or it managed to get stuck on something. Obviously leading dangerous and powerful bosses into low-level areas (most especially those with AOE attacks) is quite disturbing.
2. Air pet sticking. Not only getting stuck on slopes but also other obsticles such as trees, rock extrusions, etc which the pet does not even try to get around.
3. Mobs attacking through solid walls rather than moving around them, especially bothersome with ranged elites in some instances.
4. Hoist/Crade. Ok, this one I know was nerfed or whatever in the asian versions because for whatever reason it was considered to be not "socially acceptable". Whereby a female player cannot hoist/cradle a male player. While I understood and accepted that was a decision regarding the asian community, I am hoping that in this American/European version that we can eliminate that nerf and allow any gender to hoist/cradle the opposite and same genders alike. If necessary for whatever outrages various groups might raise the "intimate" option of this could be disabled in whatever combinations seem appropriate I suppose. But I personally would like to see the ability for my female character to carry other female or male characters without restriction and vice/versa. As my own personal preference I would not mind leaving the intimate option open either however that may have more wide-reaching impact. Simply carrying (hoist) however is honestly something which both sexes should be able to do for anyone.
5. Many things could likely be attributed to lag issues, so on those I am keeping more of a wait and see attitude and will report them should they persist here on this version. ie. Mobs running away then back toward you (likely due to lag), various animation effects, etc.
6. Pet grass not usable if you went ahead and bought a CS upgrade. When I did finally gather enough of this I had already gone ahead and bought several of the CS items and found to my dismay that it would no longer allow me to use my collection for my own benefit after quite a goodly amount of effort put into collecting it. It would be nice if the Pet grass collection could still be completed and add another slot even if you already added a few by CS means. (I think I may also have encountered a similar issue with one of the bank upgrade quests having already used a CS item to upgrade and unable to turnin the items)
I would also like to just confirm some things. Getting stuck in some cases (not usually a big deal if you just keep moving/jumping til you get free, but sometims annoying if in combat at the time). Pets disappearing/too close/inside/covering the player (mostly just silly/annoying especially when trying to get a good screenshot). Quest translations in MY, some were almost entirely incomprehensible or nonesense, hopefully resolved by better translation into this version.
Finally I would like to agree with the following. Increased storage space, or as I mentioned fix some of the options of increasing it so that purchases in CS don't eliminate our ability of making use of the in-game variations also. More customization or adjustment options to the UI would be a good improvement also. I for one always wished that the hot key bar was a full 10 (1-0) keys rather than the 8 key from asian version. Also a toggle to switch easily between the 3 hotkey sets would be another great improvement IMO.
I likely forgot or missed alot that I may remember later on, but that seems decent for now. Hope this helps[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
* 2-3 sec delay when pressing skill key/clicking icon
* Skill lag -> press key again -> lag -> then all skills stacks up
* Lots of object not aligned properly (floating rocks, trees,etc...)
Too many to give location
* Armor clipping
Some armor like SanguineVigor Robe clips very badly around neck area.
* Pets breaking aggro
Like Frog suddenly breaking aggro and let you welcome angry mob
* Near Camp Sumor, 2 WindMills rotate opposite of all the others0 -
i download the game from gammerhell
and when i open with winrar and i have error data4.pck is damage
i cant install the game
i have the close beta code0 -
how so many people report bugs if the game only starts in 2 days ???0
These are bugs from the original asian versions, the admin wanted a heads up for stuff that might show up in this one so they can work on it right away[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
I played perfect world in closed beta and am now playing the final release wont specify region.
The main problems I have encountered in the game is that some of the quests fail to tell you what you need to do or where you need to do it may be because it is poorly translated as the devs in the version i play do not speak english as a primary language.
Secondly unless you activate pk status which is not supposed to be neccesary sometimes it wont let you attack the person trying to pk you if you hold down ctrl.
Another major problem i see alot in the game is cash shop items being tradable yes i know it is meant to be like that. The problem this causes is that players that want to spend a little cash on the game have to spend alot it hurts the casual customers. Reason being that everything in game is so overpriced and alot of accounts that do purchase large amounts of cubi which is theyre version of in game currency get ****. The main reason for **** accounts is someone trying to make real money off the game if you have alot of cash shop items or coin you are a likely target and hacking is a real issue in pw malaysia.
As for bugs in game most of them have been fixed occasionaly you will see someone bugged where it looks like the breast of a female character fell out of the shirt because the person is lagging resulting in that.
Another bug i have noticed in the lvl 19/29/39/49/59/69 fb quests is that at the end when you break the party the timer at the end of the dungeon quest does not always kick in.
Thats pretty much all i have caught that has not already been fixed there are a number of other things in the past but as they were fixed no point mentioning them here.
I look forward to playing this version of PW and hope that community is all I hope for as the PW malaysia community has really fallen apart and degraded.0 -
i download the game from gammerhell
and when i open with winrar and i have error data4.pck is damage
i cant install the game
i have the close beta code
yes I had the same issue its our computers you have to use they're downloader at the top of the download page or you wont get the full client it is a pain to download it multiple times but better to get it the second time than not at all.0 -
Ok so I skimmed through most of the problems and yes I've encountered them as well.
But truly besides the bugs are the quests at a higher level I've gotten a quest inside of an area which hasn't even been implemented in the game yet the quests have been placed in.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Thanks glad to know our input matters. Will keep an eye out for any in game problemsOur thoughts, deeds and words return to us sooner or later, with astounding accuracy.0
Other than what was mentioned here, I had played the MY version of PW for maybe 2 days and tossed the game over only 2 things. You might say wow thats all it took for you to ditch a game without giving it a real chance? Yes, because the 2 things I will mention is basically enough for anyone to toss a game easily and never return till its properly fixed. Those 2 things for me was....
Skill Delays:
I know this has been mentioned, but I want to add my perspective as so its not confused with others who might feel this problem is due to lag. I do believe it is a server synch problem causing 2-4 second skill delays. It didnt feel like lag at all. I would chalk this up as lag but to me this felt more like a bad synch problem from server to client! Other than this the game in areas of running, interacting with others,chat,and animations were spot on, except the skills! This is what made me think it could be a horrible synch problem, but this is only a theory and i do not know for sure. But having skills delayed for well over 2-4 seconds each is a real problem for anyone who plays MMOs very frequently.
Alt+Tabbing out of Game:
This is not not annoying as much as it is a broken game mechanic. When alting out and back in you lose your mouse completely with no way to get it back except a hard exit of the client and firing it back up again. This is method to get the mouse to work again in game can cause corruption of the install over time and could and can cause a player to possibly lose any XP,or items in some cases depending on the circumstances involved, maybe other things. This was a problem I was told by the players of the MY version for well over several months unfixed!
In a nutshell if players from other versions of PW who have not seen any fixes to the PW client in over several months makes me question whether this version, despite the promises made by a representative for PW Int that this client will be different, will get any fixes in a reasonable time frame. While I believe that Chinese developers are a little more careful with their products than Korean devs, Im hoping that this version will see results in a short span BEFORE the game is released to the public (and I dont mean Open Beta either!).
Any comments/reassurances/Interviews from the CMs/GMs/Reps will be saved for future reference to judge this companys integrity and to ensure they will put their money where their mouth is. I`m hoping this will start a new trend of quality gaming where people can actually play a game without it falling apart in their hands in a short time. Quality should be a reoccurring theme with any game developer, and being honest, no matter how bad it is, with the community will earn the company more respect/loyalty/support in the end.
Good Luck, and Im looking forward to seeing how the game will shape up before launch.0 -
You can get your mouse back by right-clicking.As a Guild,
Live as One, fight as One, win as One.
Strength in Unity,
Order through Chaos,
Victory united.0 -
Same problem with flying pets getting stuck in terrain and not moving/attacking anymore.
A big one and it happened twice: at FB 19 after talking to the NPC, no tablet. Quest appears in quest log, but no Iron tablet in inventory. Was solved upon logging off/logging back in.
For Elf priest - happens mostly at lower levels, but happened a few times at higher level too - when casting heal, it always first casts on yourself, even if you have selected another player. Really annoying, as the delay of recasting it may spell the death of your party member.
One thing I don't understand, for venomancer's pets: if there is no need to select the pet, as the healing automatically goes on them and there is no buffing pet skill in this game, why are they selectable? It's really irritating, especially if you have a large pet (even the common - very goot pet otherwise - Molten rock/fiery lava golem), because they are so big and always get in the way, the area that is clickable extends far beyond the pet itself, and you find yourself dead in a matter of seconds just because you cannot select the attacker because your pet is in the way. Can the pets be made unselectable by their owners?0 -
anyandrell wrote: »For Elf priest - happens mostly at lower levels, but happened a few times at higher level too - when casting heal, it always first casts on yourself, even if you have selected another player. Really annoying, as the delay of recasting it may spell the death of your party member.
Likely due to lag.Frankieraye said : "we can promise that we will work to improve all facets of community, engineering, and customer service to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again."
(We are still waiting to see any improvements or changes beign implemented. More empty promises from PWI?)0 -
One of the biggest ones I've founded playing in MY is sometimes when you are jumping down against a cliff or wall it gets stuck in a loop while falling. It will fall all the way down then rubberband back up just a little ahead of where you started, inching its way down each time. Not that big a deal on the short falls, but I like to try and climb everything.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
3x WB Heaven's Tear0 -
Reduce the flying limit to 10 or 15, and 50% of the players that quit will stay when they first tested the game out.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
1perfectworld.com - Fansite0 -
Yep, that alt-tab is really annoying. I played a EP, and, after my mana ran out, i rested, ant alt-tabbed, to handle other problems, And after that, only ctrl-alt-del, and force closing the application would work. It would be nice to have it fixed here.0
It would be nice to get a Mod or Admin reply on the state of the countdown clock which is clearly BROKEN.
Wrong topic I know but how else am I going to get their attention? They're clearly not trying to be helpful. =[0 -
You can get your mouse back by right-clicking.
Wrong again. Nothing works and I had some say I need to install the chinese language pack to get it to work, but I have no need for chinese language on my PC so Im not wasting my time with that.
My mouse is a Microsoft Intellimouse Explorer 3.0 So I know its not that either.
Any more useful info there ark?0 -
Thats true, the only way to fix alt + tab problem is to install eastern asiatic languages package into your system.0
Thats true, the only way to fix alt + tab problem is to install eastern asiatic languages package into your system.0
Its not a perfect world if it has problems is it?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
its very annoying when ranged-attack monsters attack through walls. especially when they are aggresive.. you cant see the target and it leads to death if you are playing as a magician0
Mobs with ranged attacks at the edge of the map, running to where they can get you but you can't get them...
...though this could be considered fair-enough (we do it to them)
0 -
W00T, look who's here!
Are you going to stay up til midnight to be among the first ones starting to play? What char are you going to play? The way I know you, it's going to be a blademaster.... I was going to play a werefox, but now, knowing you are going to play too I'm almost of a mind to get a priest.... It's hard to play a priest if you don't have a solid group of friends to help leveling at lower levels.ambushmartyr wrote: »Yeah not gonna happen here seeing as I dont speak Chinese and I have no other use for that language pack. I never played the MY version very long, I think at best a week for those 2 reasons i posted early about here. Ive sorta had enough of these half-assed asian grindfests that are no where near complete and bugged to no end, Requiem comes to mind. If they would get their acts together most of these f2p games would be quite successful here in the states, but because of poor localization(As PWI has clearly stated it wouldnt be a problem here, I have to see that to believe it myself)and poor development with concerns to bugs and stable client, they generally fail in less than a year and then sold off to the highest bidder to be renamed as something else and then recycled back into the MMO community to once again suck the lifeforce and finances out of every gamer it traps. Rinse,Repeat.0 -
Why broken? It seems to me like it's set for Midnight by CDT... probably their headquarters are somewhere in the Central States. 19th of August starts at midnight, doesn't it?It would be nice to get a Mod or Admin reply on the state of the countdown clock which is clearly BROKEN.
Wrong topic I know but how else am I going to get their attention? They're clearly not trying to be helpful. =[0 -
:eek:lag :mad:0
Found a BIG bug... cant get into the game, the counters being counting up now for 25 mins and we still cant get in:(0
In the malaysian version there appeared to be a bug with the skills. In order for ur healing skills to effect ur teammate on time u had to cast it ahead of time.
this was quite troublesome. I would ask my teammates over talking progams like skype, ts, and vent if they were experiencing the same thing and they said yes.
please dont let this happen in this version of the game :eek: i beg of you0 -
The main problems I had with the other PW version I played were pretty much only problems you say have been taken care of already, and things that every mmo seems to get regardless. Scammers, hackers, botters etc.0
This discussion has been closed.
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