Refugees of Rohan and Atlantica Online
I still dont know what class to be either wizard or venomancer do either have any healing powers even if weak ?0
what server are you guys joing im thinking PvE east or west im still debating on PvP or PvE they have there +s and -s. and i might go east because I live on the east but i play late at night like people on the west coast0
deadlypeanut wrote: »Stamina system = a very Dead atlantica try it urself it dosent feel like game more of a battle and time management not to fun
The game is new and I have played it. There's nothing in the game that would result in it's demise. I've played worse MMO's and they're quite populated.0 -
deadlypeanut wrote: »I still dont know what class to be either wizard or venomancer do either have any healing powers even if weak ?
Yes wizards have a heal. Its actually a pretty nice one, and you can be a backup healer. It's called Morning Dew in this version.
I strongly recommend you do not play wizard, unless you just love wizard class. I highly recommend venomancer if you are interested in that class. Venomancers are nothing less then overpowered.0 -
hey i came from rohan and too boring too quickly...atlantica is decent, cept the stamina, as its already been murdered0
In regards to Atlantica, I am certain that if they do not remove stamina and scrolls from pvp soon it will go the way of Rohan, to put it simply gamers are tired of being pushed around by the asian conversions which think that just because they have several long-running and successful games in their part of the world they can mod one out here and nerf everything down to barely playable and since we are all "rich americans, or european, or etc" that we will just pay whatever it takes to play a game made into garbage compared to what it was/is originally. So far in all the cases I have seen the original asian versions do excellent BECAUSE they are great games, however when nerfed as is being done on nearly all the conversions I have seen lately they become a whole new genre of game entirely. F2EP2P (free to enter, pay to play) which is a simple way of saying they nerf and gimp the game so much that it's basically unplayable without spending constantly and often in the cash shop. Argue if you want but I am convinced that is going on with the two games in question and now I am just praying it won't be the case here also. If this one shows similar signs of being nerfed far beyond what the MY version is I will be going back to the P2P genre permanently. Anyhow, rant over, that's my thoughts and opinion on it and I really don't care to think or talk about it further. Games are supposed to be fun, not stress builders or second jobs.
*deep breath* Ok then moving on to enjoyable topics. Mage is decent if you like to party often. Mage does tend to have a rather tough time of it solo they are great nukers and teamed with even a somewhat intelligent tank they do very well. If however you prefer to solo mostly then definately go fox (venomancer). I don't know if the basics from MY version will carry over to here, tho most likely they will. In MY it seemed that for the most part the mobs are weaker against magical attack than physical, with perhaps a few exceptions this appeared to be fairly accurate from my own experiences there. Which basically makes the fox a god among the available character types. Fox deals pure magic damage and has it's own personal tank which it can summon and dismiss at will. It is also the only class that can tame pets, which can be sold on market to other fox as battle pets, or also other non-fox as just cosmetic pets (only a few rare special types are the cosmetic ones however and in MY version they were heavy camped to be almost insanely rare to get) Lastly, fox is the only class that can effectively fight solo while flying. I say solo because the other classes can fight flying only if they are partied with a tank. If you are flying and hit a mob it will try to close range to you and if it cannot reach you it runs back to it's former spot and regens to full insanely fast. Unless your char is hugely twinked and excessively higher in lvl enough to one or two shot the mobs they won't go down if your flying and solo. However the fox, while flying and using a flying pet can attack a mob, the flying pet will fly down to attack it and prevent it from running back or resetting.
So in review, if you prefer solo go fox...if you like grouping more then either works nicely.
Oh, one last thing I forgot to mention regarding fox. Fox are often and almost always in big demand for dungeon runs as they are the best class for pulling mobs. A talented fox player knows how to use the pet attack/desummon/resummon to pull only one mob out of a linked group, which can be essential for small or underpowered groups in tough dungeons.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Thought I'd also post some links of my characters on PW/MY. I ended up changing servers going from Oracle to Delphi to hang with some friends I made on a fansite forum, so unfortunately these characters aren't of a high level but at least it gives you an idea how different you can make your characters. I also didn't mind changing servers as I wasn't too thrilled with how my characters looked on Oracle. What can I say, when it comes to my characters' aesthetics I can take hours upon hours before I finally am happy with my choice, and with the customization in this game it is so very easy to spend that amount of time if not longer when creating your character. ^^
Here is a full body shop along with my staff equipped and a closer facial view.
This is the back of my Fox character so you can see her cute bushy tail, oh and how cool the moon looks in this game. Very nice graphics indeed.
This is my warrior, she's still just a lil lowbie level.
And last but not least, this is my archer which again isn't a very high level.
So yah nothing flashy, would have liked to show you my other higher level Oracle characters, but my computer had to be wiped at one point and I forgot to backup certain things like my screenshots, and now all their gear is stripped and was given out to others prior to going to the Delphi Servers. I'll probably remake my Werefox on PW/I and it will most likey look like my other fox as in the pic or like my warrior..hmm not sure, oh the joy and curse is this going to be creating these characters again hehe. :P[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Kaiya...your name sounds familiar o:0 -
So yeah, what server will we all be playing?0
I think I remember that fox too...hehe. As for server choice. I just finished reading up on that, tho still have not seen where it tells which names are which ones. I know that there is a PvP and PvE server for each coast. I don't really care which coast since I am mostly near the middle and my connection should be fine for either side. After reading about the way the two types work I intend to play on the optional PvP (PvE) server of whichever coast we decide (east or west). The reasons for this are that this type of server allows you control of when you want to PvP and lets you enjoy the game fine otherwise if your just not in the mood to deal with it. For those who play MY, they know how sometimes the PK jerks just get out of hand. In addition, from the sound of the discussion, the eventual TW (guild fights to control an area) will be far more interesting and tactical on the PvE type due to it being more in the players control than the system. I will admit that frankly I hate games that take control away from the player (Atlantica is a huge example there). Anyhow, that is my plan, I am open to either east or west but plan to pick the PvE type for that coast once I figure out which names go with each.
Also, just as a side note, both servers for MY were the PvP type.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Sounds good to me. I live on the east coast, but wouldn't have a problem playing on any servers based in the western.0
Also, I will mention that if we decide to do a guild and later on want to PvP in the TW thing to try and take an area, that will be possible also on either type. Basically here is how they work. PvP type = players below 30 cannot be PK'd but after lvl 30 you can be freely PK'd anytime you are not in safe zone. PvE type = players can turn PvP on or off by choice (10 hour cooldown on changing), with option on you can freely PvP anyone else who also has it turned on. If you have it off they cannot touch you. More control to the player and for me personally I like to get a good feel for things before being involved in that stuff, and sometimes I am just simply not in the mood (bad day or whatever). So for me PvE type sounds like the best choice.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Thought I'd also post some links of my characters on PW/MY. I ended up changing servers going from Oracle to Delphi to hang with some friends I made on a fansite forum, so unfortunately these characters aren't of a high level but at least it gives you an idea how different you can make your characters look. I also didn't mind changing servers as I wasn't too thrilled with how my characters looked on Oracle. What can I say, when it comes to my characters' aesthetics I can take hours upon hours before I finally am happy with my choices, and with the customization in this game it is so very easy to spend that amount of time if not longer when creating your character. ^^
Here is a full body shot along with my staff equipped and a closer facial view.
This is the back of my Fox character so you can see her cute bushy tail, oh and how cool the moon looks in this game. Very nice graphics indeed.
This is my warrior, she's still just a lil lowbie level.
And last but not least, this is my archer which again isn't a very high level.
So yah nothing flashy, would have liked to show you my other higher level Oracle characters, but my computer had to be wiped at one point and I forgot to backup certain things like my screenshots, and all their gear was given out to others prior to going to the Delphi Server. I'll probably remake my Werefox on PW/I and it will most likey look like my other fox as in the pic or like my warrior..hmm not sure, oh the joy and curse is this going to be creating these characters again hehe. :P[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Nice pics, and yes, the customization in PW has always been one of the things I love best. Too few games truly give you the freedom to make your characters look almost exactly how you want. An example being all those with only 3 or 4 hair choices which cannot be edited except maybe color, 3 or 4 face choices, most of which look constipated, angry, or scared, and etc. I am sure you all know what I mean. In addition for those here not familiar with the system. It has an option to import an image and then the customizer adjusts the settings to try to as closely match the image as possible. Beyond that you can make your own tweaks as desired and even have the image there as reference while doing so. The amount of adjustments which can be made to nearly every aspect of your character are simply amazing and the only games I have seen do it anywhere close in comparison are GW (a bit higher quality and more "real/less cartoony" perhaps, but not a huge dif all told) and CoH/V (much more cartoony, however far greater choices for bizarre and unique looks. I have a pic of a huge black demon character I made in CoV which I am very proud of. People in game actually did doubletakes and backed away sometimes when they saw NyteShayde coming, he was just so huge (bigger than anything else I ever saw in there and menacing) Both of those examples are games by NCsoft btw, and thus I am expecting that Aion customization is just going to be the absolute best ever seen. Add to that the flying which I love here in PW and it's without any question my future home upon arrival.
Sorry, bit of a ramble there. Finally about customize here. Even after you finish your tweaks and save your design, you have up to 24 hours (if I remember right) to make any adjustments you like before they get locked in permanently. This is all provided they do it the same way here as was in MY.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Ok, just found this also, not sure how accurate or official it is, but is the best I have to go on so far.
Heavens Tears = PvE East
Lost City = PvP East
Plume City = PvE West
Etherblade = PvP West
I will be fine with either Heavens Tears or Plume City myself. I personally would pick Heavens Tears myself since it matches my whole star worship thing, but will be fine with either really. It does sound from what I saw that Heavens Tears might be more populated, tho that was just from a few posts so not a real determination as yet. Another thing to consider tho is that three of those are also the names of the capital cities for the 3 races. Heavens Tear is elf, Lost City is beast, and Etherblade is human. So Plume City is the least likely to be confusing if you are talking to people just coming to the game. Just another thought is all tho. I still favor Heavens Tears myself.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Thanks! oh and it's 48 hours to edit your character's looks which I think is wonderful especially for those like myself who can become so undecisive when it comes to their characters looks hehe.
Also character deletion takes 7 days, I think I mentioned this in an earlier post, but just thought to throw it in again if anyone missed it. However, while it can be irritating having to wait 7 days for a character to delete, you do have multiple character slots available, 10 I think if I'm not mistaken. But just make sure to really make use of the 48 hour time limit on your character as if you decide you wish to remake, you will have to wait a week to be able to use that same name again.
Oh about server names, I like the name of Heavens Tears but also will be fine with either server. I'm curious however how/what is the difference between the separated PVE and PVP servers. As on PW/MY there was only Delphi and Oracle, I was thinking it might be a set up similar to WoW, in the sense that for PVP server you can be pk'd in most areas throughout the game but on the PVE server, it was only in certain areas. Guess I will have to read up and get myself familiar with these things.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
guess you missed this up there ^^ will repost it again...
PvP type = players below 30 cannot be PK'd but after lvl 30 you can be freely PK'd anytime you are not in safe zone. PvE type = players can turn PvP on or off by choice (10 hour cooldown on changing), with option on you can freely PvP anyone else who also has it turned on. If you have it off they cannot touch you. More control to the player and for me personally I like to get a good feel for things before being involved in that stuff, and sometimes I am just simply not in the mood (bad day or whatever). So for me PvE type sounds like the best choice.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Sorry for going a bit off-topic here, but I was wondering if you or anyone else is having the same issue with these forums as I am.
It seems every time I reply to the thread, after I click the reply button, I keep getting sent back to a page where it says 'no thread specified, if you followed a valied link, please contact the administrator'. Then I have to either click the back button and refresh to see my reply or the only other option it provides me is the link to go to the main forums where I have to go into off-topic then find the thread etc..etc..
Usually after one replies in a thread it automatically takes you back to the thread and/or provides a link that will take you there directly if it hasn't done so automatically within a few seconds.
Just curious to know if anyone else is having this same issue.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
guess you missed this up there ^^ will repost it again...
PvP type = players below 30 cannot be PK'd but after lvl 30 you can be freely PK'd anytime you are not in safe zone. PvE type = players can turn PvP on or off by choice (10 hour cooldown on changing), with option on you can freely PvP anyone else who also has it turned on. If you have it off they cannot touch you. More control to the player and for me personally I like to get a good feel for things before being involved in that stuff, and sometimes I am just simply not in the mood (bad day or whatever). So for me PvE type sounds like the best choice.
Ah I apologise Star, I regularily check this thread for updates and it seems that I missed a whole page of posts by accident, my bad!
Thankyou for taking the time to write that down and explain it to me, I appreciate it.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
That happens to me when I edit a post, but not when I use the quick reply button.
Hit quick reply (far right of the last post) Enter your text in the box at bottom then click the reply button below.
Also you are welcome to come post/talk with me here
you should be able to see and post fine even without a login there. It's a thread I made on my boards in general area and created just for we refugees.
Or if you have AIM we could talk on that too, my AIM messenger name is StellarStarElven[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Omg I am seriously jinxing myself I swear lol. Yesterday I kept trying to get my sig to work and doing exactly as what one had to do and I couldn't get it to work for the life of me. Then when I finally post asking about it here, low and behold the damn thing showed.
Ever since I have been posting on this forum I have had that issue that I stated in my post, and what happens? soon as I post the damn thing asking if anyone else has had this problem, now it's redirecting me back to the thread automatically after pressing reply, and again haven't done anything different for this to happen.
I am seriously thinking this forum needs like a 2 day period in between when it's various functions will choose to frustrate me and then all of a sudden work like a charm when I go the next step and seek some advice lol.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
check my edit above also[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Kaiya...your name sounds familiar o:
That doesn't surprise me as I have gone through multiple mmo's using that name usually on my main character going on 8 years now, so if you didn't see me on Rohan, Atlantica or PW/MY with Kaiya, maybe you were on some of my other games I played. The two longest one's were FFXI on the Titan Server which I also had a lil taru named Mysticxx I spent alot of time on, and on WoW on the Hyjal server with my mage. Both of those games I played since their beta/first day of release and stuck with for about 3 years.
Edit: Okies Star I will pop on the site shortly and save it to my Favourites soon as I've had something to eat. I don't really use a messenger as most the time I chat on Ventrillo or Skype. It became a habit using a voicechat program after playing endgame content in games like FFXI, WoW and Guild Wars etc.. to name a few. It's not like it's hard to get the messenger though, so I'll prolly download it at the same time when I create my account on that site you provided.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Sounds good. I figure if/when I make a guild I will be using that whole site for guild stuff so it's good to get setup with that if your planning to join
Also AIM is much easier to talk on. I cannot use voice chats myself (deaf) so those are entirely out for me.
Okies np at all, actually it's good if I do set up a messenger as they are handy and an easy means of communication should a voicechat not be used, plus I have had a few people lately asking for my messenger details as well. I'll do that and sign up on the site shortly. Oh and ofcourse I plan on joining the guild, it's the reason why I popped on this particular thread and started chatting with you all. Long as you don't mind having me around I'll definately be in the guild hehe.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Sounds great. I plan to use the same guild name from MY oracle server, so it will be called Starlight
and the site is Starlight Keep so all works out well.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Wish they had a character creation tool on this site. Would be nice to mess around with while waiting for this thing to open up on the 19th.0
Okies I wen't to the site you provided and created my account. Unfortunately, this time the name Kaiya was taken so I am using my ATO username Kiyari. I wish I was a bit fluent with graphic programs as I like my sig and find it useful to have for a non-specific game character rendered signature, but I don't know how to change the Kaiya to Kiyari, so that way should one username be taken on a particular site, I can use the other sig. Both being the exact same just with different names. Maybe a future guildy with some sig/avatar creation skills could have a dabble with it, or I could find a sig editing for dumbies tutorial somewhere hehe.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
No prob with the names, your welcome to use whichever, I am casual. As for the sig I am decent with editing existing stuff, so can take a poke at it. It's not animated so should be fairly simple.
@ Koronue: You could always d/l and make a quick free account on PW-MY and play with em there just to see how creation works if you don't want to wait a few more days for this one to open =P[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
I can wait. Would prefer not to DL and install more stuff i'll just plan on getting rid of. *Cough*Atlantica*Cough*
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